Norms of estradiol in women and its biological role. Estradiol: the norm in women, causes of deviations, treatment

Hormones not only regulate the normal functioning of the body as a whole, they also affect the formation of secondary sexual characteristics and the ability of a woman to conceive and bear a child. Estradiol, the norm of which in women differs by age, is one of essential hormones affecting reproductive functions. However, it is important to monitor its level not only for those who are going to have children in the near future - deviations from the normal level can indicate serious problems with health.

What is estradiol responsible for?

This sex hormone is produced by several organs at once - the ovaries and adrenal glands. Also, a certain amount of estradiol is synthesized in the placenta. It is this substance that is responsible for the formation of the genital organs according to the female type. What else does the hormone affect?

  • formation subcutaneous fat in the region of the lower abdomen and thighs;
  • regulation of the psychophysical state of a woman and the work of the reproductive system;
  • the direction of blood flow to the uterus before the onset of ovulation;
  • aid in bone growth;
  • relieving stress and nervous tension;
  • a direct effect on breast growth and the formation of a rounded shape of the hips.

So, estradiol has big influence on the female body as a whole. And in order not to miss the beginning of the development of the disease or other changes, you need to know what the norms are.

Normal levels of estradiol

If in men the indicators are stable at any age, then in women the norms of estradiol change more than once during their lives. Here are the main indicators (pmol / l):

  • during menstruation - from 70 to 1270;
  • directly at the time of ovulation (10-13 days of the cycle) - from 130 to 1655;
  • menopause period - 73 pmol / l and below.

In pregnant women, the concentration of estradiol increases dramatically. But, if in the first trimester its amount rarely exceeds 4000 pmol / l, by the end of pregnancy the figure can reach a record high of 26600 pmol / l.

Estradiol in pregnant women

How to take an analysis

Since the concentration of sex hormones in the blood of women is constantly changing, tests must be taken at a certain time, when the results are more accurate. Estradiol, the norm of which is also different for women, is taken on day 3 menstrual cycle. However, this is not all, in order for the analysis results to be as accurate as possible, certain rules must be observed:

  • as already mentioned, blood for estradiol can be donated no earlier than day 3 and no later than day 5 of the cycle;
  • if a second study is required, it is carried out on the 21st day of the cycle;
  • a few days before the test, you can not smoke and drink alcohol;
  • two days before the procedure, you need to exclude any physical activity, including sex;
  • in for three days before blood sampling, you need to eat right and not overeat, especially for excessively fatty foods, fried, spicy and salty;
  • blood should be taken in the morning before 11 am on an empty stomach, you can only drink water.

Only subject to strict rules you can get the most accurate results. Otherwise, the analysis will have to be retaken.

Decreased value of estradiol

Low levels of estradiol are visible not only in the results of blood tests, they are also expressed in a number of symptoms:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle (in the case when there is no menstruation for several months in a row);
  • dry skin;
  • fragility of bones;
  • infertility;
  • reduction in the size of the mammary glands.

Reduced estradiol

If you have at least two of these symptoms, you should definitely consult a specialized doctor. If the tests confirm the fears, appropriate treatment will be prescribed:

  • well medicines;
  • a course of herbs (only under the supervision of a specialist and with the consent of the attending physician);
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • proper nutrition;
  • protein food.

Of course, lowering the level of estradiol is not always dangerous; in some cases, you can get by with taking hormonal contraceptives. They possess high efficiency in preventing pregnancy, however, estradiol-based products have one significant drawback - after the course is canceled, there may be difficulties with the onset of pregnancy due to atrophy of the endometrial layer of the uterus.

Elevated value of estradiol

Elevated values, in contrast to a low level of estradiol, may indicate much more serious diseases up to oncology. In addition, a high level of this hormone can be a harbinger of stroke, the risk of which is significantly increased in the presence of tumors in the organs of the reproductive system.

Norm and deviations

High level estradiol can also be a sign of the following diseases:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • obesity;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • ovarian cyst, etc.

What symptoms to look out for:

  • too much heavy menstruation(especially in cases where earlier allocations were more scarce);
  • too sensitive breasts;
  • mood swings;
  • irritability, anger;
  • spotting between periods.

If you have these symptoms, you should definitely consult a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Important! In some cases, estradiol can be increased due to the use of hormonal preparations based on it, as well as some anabolics.

How to bring the level of estradiol back to normal?

There are only two ways to do this - medication and "natural". Treatment with drugs is carried out only as directed by a doctor after studying the results of the analysis and diagnosis of the disease. What is important to know:

The treatment of diseases associated with disorders in the balance of estradiol is handled by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

During menopause, treatment is somewhat different. In this case, the patient is prescribed drugs based on estradiol, the course of admission lasts up to three months and is carried out according to the same scheme as when receiving OK.

In some cases, estrogen-based drugs may be prescribed. They are issued in different forms from ointments and suppositories to tablets. The choice of the form of the drug is at the discretion of the attending physician.

If the ovaries have been removed, drugs are prescribed that regulate the hormonal background, in particular the content of estrogens and progestogens.

Reasons for testing for estradiol

In case of delayed puberty or low estrogen levels, a course of estradiol lasting 6 months is required. The drug is taken for three weeks in a row, then a week break is made and everything repeats again.

Surgical intervention is required in extreme cases, when the diagnosis showed the presence of oncology. If the deviation from the norm is small and not caused by specific diseases, you can restore the balance by changing habits and nutrition:

  • Consume more products With high content phytoestrogens. These are all legumes, nuts, seeds, milk and meat.
  • Can't get carried away strict diets or eliminate fats and carbohydrates from the diet. This will not only not bring benefits, but it will also spoil your health.
  • Active sex life stimulates the production of estradiol.
  • Sports and moderate physical activity also increase the amount of estradiol in the blood.

Preparations with estradiol

If, on the contrary, there is a need for a slight decrease in the level of estradiol, it is worth reconsidering your diet and household habits. Give up cigarettes and alcohol, and if necessary, lose weight. It will not be superfluous to check the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and, if there are problems, eliminate them.

So, estradiol is a hormone, the norm of which in women regularly changes not only depending on age, but also on the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Support normal level this hormone is very important, any significant deviations from the norm can lead to health problems, or be symptoms serious illnesses up to oncology. For your own peace of mind, it is recommended to regularly take tests for estradiol and be observed by a gynecologist, this will allow you to notice deviations in time and start treatment.

Estradiol refers to steroid hormones (full name - 17β-estradiol), which has the greatest activity. Encoding e2 means that estradiol formula contains two hydroxyl groups, which is why it is sometimes labeled estradiol in analysis transcripts.

The remaining estrogens - and estrone - are designated e3 and e1, respectively. They have a significantly lesser effect on the functioning of the body, therefore they are practically not used in diagnostics.

What is estradiol responsible for?

The hormone estradiol per female type already, the menstrual cycle and the course of pregnancy.

It is produced by follicles corpus luteum and the placenta, and significant regulation is due to the hormones of the pituitary gland of the brain.

In a small amount, produced in the seminiferous canals of the testicles, partially regulating the level of testosterone.

Both sexes have a small amount produced by the adrenal cortex. Therefore, with tumors or hyperfunction of these organs, the balance in the production of sex hormones can be disturbed.


During the menstrual cycle, estradiol is responsible for the following aspects:

  • Forms the follicle and prepares it for ovulation. Therefore, in case of violation of the cycle or problems with fertilization, it is measured on different days of the month.
  • Stimulates rupture of the follicle - ovulation.
  • Prepares the epithelium of the uterus for the attachment of the embryo and its retention in it during pregnancy.
  • Participates in setting up the exchange of other hormones (progesterone, prostaglandins, pituitary hormones).

At the stage of pregnancy:

  • Allows the fetus to attach normally to the wall of the uterus and stay there.
  • Stimulates blood circulation and nutrition through the placenta to the fetus.
  • Before childbirth, prepares the pelvic bones for the passage of the child.
  • Increases the sensitivity of the body to the hormones necessary for delivery (for example, oxytocin).
  • Prepares the breast for lactation, together with progesterone, keeps the production of milk until childbirth.

In children in the prepubertal stage the normal level of the hormone is less than 30 pgmol / l. Changes begin during puberty and for the most part concerns girls. Visible changes under the influence of estradiol occur at the age of 8-14 years.

Estradiol is slightly physical activity, because excessive exercise in girls can reduce the hormone in the blood and delay sexual development.

During puberty, the hormone provides:

  • Development of the reproductive organs and mammary glands. Common cause referral to an endocrinologist childhood- formerly thelarche. This is the formation (swelling) of the breast before 8 years.
  • Development of the skeleton and hair growth according to the female type. And also influencing the distribution of adipose tissue, ensures the proportionality of the waist and hips for normal gestation child in the future.
  • Accelerates the formation of the body and skeleton, because girls, in more early period, are rapidly "stretched" compared to boys.

Additionally, estradiol performs such functions as:

  • A number of other hormones, somatotropin, aldosterone, corticotropin.
  • Improves exchange substances in bone tissue and reduces their weakening. This explains why a disease such as osteoporosis develops in old age, after estradiol begins to be produced in smaller numbers.
  • Stimulates the deposition of fat. A diet high in carbohydrates and low in fat reduces estradiol, according to the principle feedback which can lead to the cessation of menstruation.
  • Reduces appetite and cholesterol levels.
  • Retains water and calcium in the body. Its increase leads to edema.
  • Prevents development in women coronary disease heart by improving metabolism on the walls of blood vessels.
  • It has a depressing effect on erythropoiesis (a type of hematopoiesis), reducing its intensity. Therefore, after puberty, women have more low values red blood cells and hemoglobin than men.
  • Has an immunostimulating effect.
  • Plays a role in the oncoprotective function against colon cancer.
  • The hormone estradiol is involved in the protection nervous tissue in Alzheimer's disease, brain injury and ischemic damage in stroke.
  • Participates in the formation of memory.
  • It is also considered a good mood in women.

Estrogen influences the mood rather harmonizing, soft-hearted, than combatively optimistic, like testosterone. Therefore, its effect is different, depending on the amount in the blood.

The best condition lasts from the end of menstruation to ovulation - mood swings are rare, normal sexual appetite. During the ovulatory period of the increase, there may be some anxiety, and at low numbers, before and during menstruation, irritability and excitability increase.

During menopause, against the background of a decrease in estradiol, dissatisfaction may grow, mood swings and worsening well-being - hot flashes, pressure fluctuations, weakness. When the body gets used to the new values ​​​​of the hormone in the blood, well-being and the condition normalizes and becomes more uniform.

Norm and analysis for estradiol

Norm hormone changes in different periods. Within the framework of the menstrual cycle, fluctuations occur from 12.5-166 pgmol / l at the beginning of the cycle, to 85-498 pgmol / l during the period of preovulation, and by the end of the cycle it decreases to 43-211 pgmol / l.

In postmenopause, it keeps within 19-80 pgmol / l.

The secretion of estradiol is increased during pregnancy, especially if the fetus is large or there are several. Estradiol in the blood ranges from 215-4300 pgmol / l in 1 trimester up to 1810.0-13900 pgmol / l in the last trimester and before childbirth.

Or the normal concentration of the hormone at different periods of the cycle signals possible violations.

Basically, estradiol is checked in different days the first half of the cycle, to monitor the success of ovulation. But it can also be checked for a breast cyst, the diagnosis of tumors of the ovaries and uterus, and a problematic pregnancy.

Sex hormones are responsible for the formation characteristic features male and female organisms. The source of these substances are the gonads (testicles or ovaries) and the adrenal glands. Women produce predominantly estrogens, while men produce androgens. These hormones are closely related chemical structure, but their action is diametrically opposed.

female hormones

Estrogens in humans are represented by three hormones: estradiol, estrone, estriol. The first of them demonstrates high biological activity. Estrone and estriol are minor estrogens. They come to the fore only in the period after the extinction of the functional activity of the ovaries (after menopause).

Synthesis of estradiol

The hormone is produced in the granulosa tissue of the ovarian follicular apparatus. It is synthesized by a complex enzymatic reaction from the androgen precursor (testosterone).

In adult women, before pregnancy, gonadotropins (folliculotropin and luteotropin) affect the level of blood estradiol. These stimulating factors are produced in the pituitary gland on a feedback basis.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, gonadotropins increase the synthesis of estradiol in the ovaries. The concentration of the hormone becomes maximum by the time the mature egg leaves the follicle.

In the second phase of the reproductive cycle, the level of estradiol progressively falls. The minimum values ​​are fixed on the days of menstruation.

If pregnancy occurs, then the synthesis of estradiol and other estrogens rises sharply. During the entire gestation period, the concentration of these hormones is ten times higher than the average figures. The level of estradiol increases from the first weeks before the onset of labor.

The biological role of estradiol

The hormone estradiol has an indirect effect on the entire body in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Most Influenced target organs are affected.

Receptors for estradiol found:

  • in the uterus;
  • in the fallopian tubes;
  • in the ovaries;
  • in the mammary glands;
  • in the structures of the vulva and vagina;
  • in the central nervous system;
  • in the liver, etc.

The cells of these organs respond even to small fluctuations in the concentration of estradiol.

The role of estradiol in pregnant women:

  • preparation of the endometrium for egg implantation;
  • prevention of spontaneous abortions;
  • increased uterine blood flow;
  • prevention of heavy blood loss in childbirth.

The role of estradiol in non-pregnant women:

  • development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics;
  • regular menstrual cycle;
  • sexual attraction;
  • distribution of adipose tissue according to the female type;
  • decrease in atherogenic properties of blood;
  • increase in bone mineral density.

Estradiol is responsible for fluid retention in tissues, increased clotting blood, mood changes. Excess or low level hormone provokes various disorders.

Norm of estradiol blood

Among women childbearing age Normally, the concentration of estradiol depends on the day of the cycle. In the first (follicular) phase, the hormone values ​​fall within the range of 55 to 225 pg/ml. By ovulation, the concentration of estradiol increases and ranges from 125 to 475 pg / ml. In the second (luteinizing) phase, the hormone level decreases again to 75-225 pg / ml.

In pregnant women, the rate of estradiol depends on the gestational age. In the first trimester, good hormone levels range from 210 to 3120 pg / ml. In the second trimester, the target level of estradiol is in the range from 2700 to 14000 pg / ml. In the last months before the birth of the border normal values according to this indicator, they correspond to a level from 10,000 to 27,000 pg / ml.

In women after menopause, there is a natural decrease in the concentration of estradiol in the blood. The norm for analysis depends on the age of the woman. Usually, the target value is considered to be estradiol from 19.5 to 82 pg / ml.

For men, the rate of the hormone changes with age. Usually in adults, values ​​​​from 15 to 70 pg / ml are considered reference values.

Causes of deviations from the norm

Estradiol may be elevated for a number of functional or pathological reasons.

The main factors that increase the concentration of the hormone:

estrogen-secreting tumors of the reproductive system;
· functional cyst ovaries;
· liver failure;
diseases thyroid gland;
· overweight body.

The level of the hormone in the blood also responds to medicinal effects. The concentration of estradiol is increased by carbamazepine, clomiphene, anabolic steroid, combined birth control pills and other means.

A decrease in estradiol is often observed in women of childbearing age.

Reasons for a decrease in hormone levels:

  • smoking;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • alcoholism;
  • emotional stress;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • prolactinoma;
  • hypogonadism hypogonadotropic;
  • delayed sexual development.

Of the drugs, the concentration of estradiol is reduced by dexamethasone, octreotide, buserelin, nandrolone and others.

Signs of adverse changes

The fact that the level of estrogen in the blood is reduced or excessively high can be guessed by certain symptoms. If these signs appear, then you need to contact medical care And to go inspection at the endocrinologist and the gynecologist.

Symptoms of violations:

  • pathology of the placenta according to ultrasound;
  • the threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • gynecomastia in adolescents and adults;
  • delayed puberty;
  • premature sexual development;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • suspicion of a tumor of the uterus or ovaries;
  • osteoporosis;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • severe climacteric syndrome;
  • violations of the regularity of the cycle.

When answering the question, what is estradiol, it should be noted that this is a female hormone, but it is present in the body not only of women, but also of men. If speak about female body and about what he is responsible for, then in this case he is directly involved in the formation of the reproductive system, and is responsible for the normal physical and mental condition person. The role of this hormone in male work reproductive system has not yet been fully explored.

The hormone estradiol in a woman's body is produced depending on what phase the menstrual cycle is in. In its first phase, the hormone is produced by the cells of the follicles, which begin to grow, and the ovaries, but they do this in small quantities. In addition, the hormone estradiol begins to actively produce and adipose tissue As a result of the work of these organs, by the beginning of ovulation in a woman, the level of this hormone increases by 3 times.

When the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle begins, the hormone estradiol decreases, and by the beginning of menstruation, its amount reaches its original value. In addition, the hormone estradiol is constantly converted into estriol and estrone.

If we talk about this hormone and what it is and what effect it has, then it should be noted: it affects the menstrual rhythm, regulates secretion in the cervix, takes part in preparing the endometrium of the uterus for receiving the embryo.

When a woman becomes pregnant, the level of this hormone in her body gradually increases and after a while, which takes several weeks, the placenta begins to produce the hormone estradiol.

By the time of childbirth, the concentration of estradiol reaches its maximum, and after the woman gives birth, it gradually decreases and reaches the norm. When a woman begins menopause, the level of the hormone begins to decline, and when it comes, it becomes minimal.

This hormone has a great influence on the formation of secondary female sexual characteristics and under its influence the following changes occur in the body of a woman:

  • the voice becomes higher;
  • the shape of the figure becomes feminine, the buttocks and hips become more rounded, breasts appear; All this happens due to the fact that subcutaneous tissue fatty deposits appear;
  • in armpits and hair begins to appear in the groin;
  • women have sex drive to the opposite sex;
  • the skin becomes softer and more tender;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood changes and its coagulability increases;
  • in bone tissue, metabolic processes begin to occur faster and growth accelerates;
  • sodium and water are retained in the body;
  • mood improves.

Holding laboratory research, in which the concentration of estradiol is determined in women, is prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

  • if a woman has menstrual irregularities;
  • if a woman does not ovulate;
  • with a decrease in fertility;
  • during the suspicion and development of tumors of the adrenal glands and ovaries;
  • with the development of female infertility;
  • with osteoporosis and polycystic ovaries;
  • during the preparation for IVF;
  • with the development of pituitary insufficiency;
  • if hypofunction of the gonads is noted;
  • with the development of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

During the laboratory tests in women it is considered normal if during follicular phase will be in the range of 57-227 pg / ml, during ovulation it reaches 127-476 pg / ml, and in the luteal phase it decreases to 77-227 pg / ml.

When a woman has menopause, the level of estradiol in the amount of 19.7-82 pg / ml is considered normal. And during pregnancy, the level of this hormone can be in the range of 210-26960 pg / ml. Depending on the period of pregnancy a woman is in, the norm will change and reach its maximum before childbirth.

The effect of estradiol on men

If we talk about the male body, then in this case the specified hormone is produced in a smaller amount than in women, and this is done by the testicles or testes. In addition, this hormone is still produced by the adrenal cortex, but it does so in a small amount.

In men, the production of this hormone contributes to the following processes:

  • calcium deposits increase in bone tissue;
  • oxygen exchange in cells is activated;
  • takes part in the regulation of the nervous system;
  • leads to increased blood clotting;
  • promotes proper spermatogenesis;
  • metabolic processes are improved;
  • the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases.

A study of the concentration of this hormone in the body of men is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with the development of infertility, including if it is caused by oligospermia and azoospermia;
  • if the functions of the gonads are reduced;
  • if signs of feminization begin to develop.

For men, the concentration of this hormone in the range of 15-71 pg / ml is considered normal.

You need to know that during the day the level of this hormone in the body will change, it reaches its minimum value from midnight to 02:00 at night, and its maximum will be at 15:00-18:00.

Decrease and increase the level

There are a number of factors that will affect the decrease or increase in the level of this hormone in both women and men.

A decrease in estradiol will be with great physical exertion, smoking, subject to vegetarian diet. This will also lead to the wrong diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates when there has been a sharp weight loss.

Influence on the decrease in the level of estradiol malfunctions of the pituitary gland, the development of chronic inflammatory processes if it rises significantly.

Early pregnancy, the threat of its termination, disruption of the production of sex hormones, the development of the body and the intake of certain drugs can also lead to the fact that the level of this hormone will decrease.

There are a number of factors that lead to the fact that the level of estradiol in the body will increase. This results in failures in normal operation thyroid gland, the development of endometriosis and tumors of the uterus or ovaries in women, as well as testicles in men.

In addition, the development of cirrhosis of the liver, if the ovary did not burst during ovulation, obesity and taking certain medications, can affect.

Before taking the tests, you need to properly prepare. To do this, one day before the study, do not play sports, do not smoke. It is better for women to take a blood test on the 6-7th day of the cycle, but the doctor can change this period depending on the diagnostic need. Men can donate blood for such an analysis any day.

Donate blood on an empty stomach and do it between 8 and 11 am. You can’t eat and drink 8-14 hours before the tests, and to make them more accurate, you can’t overeat the day before.

Consequences of hormonal imbalance

If we talk about what consequences for men will be with, then this is the development of various heart diseases, osteoporosis. In addition, a person becomes irritable, and his reproductive ability decreases.

For women low maintenance estradiol leads to the fact that the skin and mucous membranes become dry, menstruation disappears, pain occurs during sexual intercourse and problems with conception, the uterus and breasts may begin to decrease.

If its level is increased, then in men it causes a change in the shape of the figure. It acquires a female type, the muscles become weak and their volume decreases, there is less hair on the face and chest, and the chest becomes painful.

In women, this pathology leads to the development acne. They get tired quickly, their feet and hands become cold, swelling appears and hair begins to fall out. The menstrual cycle gets off, chest pains, indigestion appear. They become irritable, convulsions appear and normal sleep is disturbed.

During pregnancy, this hormone will be elevated. This is due to the fact that he prepares the uterus for bearing the fetus. If the increase in the hormone passes against the background of development diabetes, it increases the risk of developing senile dementia.

The main functions of estradiol will be as follows:

  • forms the body structure according to the female type;
  • responsible for secondary female sexual characteristics;
  • takes an active part in the regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • determines the sexual desire of women and the characteristics of her sexual behavior.

It affects the maturation of the egg, the enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy, and the activation metabolic processes contributes to the growth of bones in length. Due to the fact that it provokes water and sodium retention in the body, edema appears in women during pregnancy, and an increase in blood clotting reduces the risk of large blood loss during childbirth. The fact that during pregnancy a woman becomes more irritable is a great merit of this hormone.

Based on this hormone, there are many hormonal drugs that are prescribed for menopause, osteoporosis, and reproductive dysfunction. It is also included in many combined oral contraceptives. Assign hormonal preparations only a doctor should; self-administration is prohibited.

Estradiol (E2) refers to female hormones- estrogen. He plays important role in the implementation of the reproductive function, affects the work of many organs and affects the metabolism.

Determining the concentration of estradiol is used to assess the state of the reproductive system. When interpreting the results of the study, it must be taken into account that the level of the hormone depends on the day of the menstrual cycle and the age of the woman.

Characteristics of the hormone

Estradiol is the most active estrogen. It is formed from male hormone testosterone under the influence of the aromatase enzyme. The source for its production, as for all other steroid compounds, is cholesterol. Estradiolproduced in the gonads and on the periphery. In the female body, its synthesis is carried out in following bodies and fabrics:

  • ovarian granulosa cells;
  • adrenal cortex;
  • adipose tissue.

The newly formed estrogen is secreted into the blood, where it binds to transport proteins or circulates in a free, biologically active state. Its metabolism is carried out in the liver. The hormone is excreted in the urine in the form of estriol, a substance that does not have significant physiological effects.

The regulation of estrogen production is carried out by the higher levels of the reproductive system:

  • the cerebral cortex - with the help of neurotransmitters;
  • hypothalamus - through the production of gonadotropin-releasing factor, which stimulates the production of tropic hormones;
  • pituitary - with the participation of gonadotropins - follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones, which enhance the synthesis of estradiol and prolactin.

The organs that control the work of the ovaries respond to changes in the concentration of estrogen in the blood - with its increase, the secretion of stimulating substances decreases, and with a decrease, it increases. This mechanism is called negative feedback. There are also positive interactions between structures. An increase in the synthesis of estradiol in the preovulatory follicle leads to a sharp release of LH and FSH and the onset of ovulation.

The role of estrogen in the body

The biological role of the hormone is to regulate the functioning of the reproductive system. He is responsible for the formation of a normal menstrual cycle, the ability to conceive and bear a fetus. In addition to influencing reproductive function, estrogen has an effect on other target organs and tissues: nervous system, heart, blood vessels, skin, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, muscles, bones, large intestine, urinary system.

Target Organs for Estrogens

To realize the biological effect, estradiol forms a complex with specific receptors located in the cell nucleus or on its membrane. In the first case, the genomic action of the steroid is carried out, associated with a change in the synthesis of protein molecules, and in the second, a rapid response develops, which is often opposite to the nuclear one.

The main effects of the hormone in the body:

Organs and systems The action of the hormone
reproductive organs
  • development of sexual characteristics, growth of genital organs in puberty;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • secretion of mucus by the cells of the cervical canal;
  • increased sensitivity of progesterone receptors
The cardiovascular system
  • reducing the risk of coronary heart disease;
  • lowering the level of low density lipoproteins;
  • increase in the concentration of high density lipoproteins;
  • decrease in the content of homocysteine ​​in the blood;
  • influence on clotting factors
central nervous system
  • natural antidepressant;
  • regulation of the effects of brain neurotransmitters - serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, dopamine;
  • improving memory and motivation;
  • participation in the development of logic, new concepts, the formation of fine motor skills
Metabolism and general effect on the body
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • decrease in the rate of destruction of bone tissue;
  • maintaining the normal structure of the skin and hair;
  • decrease in the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • deposition of subcutaneous fat in the thighs and mammary glands;
  • fluid and sodium retention in the body;
  • decrease in intestinal motility;
  • stimulation of the formation of transport proteins for steroid hormones, thyroxine

During pregnancy, estradiol promotes the growth of the uterus, improves blood supply to organs and tissues. The hormone also takes part in the preparation of the mammary glands for the release of milk.

Blood test for estradiol

A blood test for hormone levels is a method laboratory diagnostics gynecological pathology. The level of estradiol is assessed in the followingcases:

  • in violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • in the absence or cessation of menstruation;
  • with anovulation;
  • when it is impossible to conceive a child;
  • with the development of dyscirculatory uterine bleeding.

A blood test is taken on an empty stomach on the 3rd, 4th or 5th day of the menstrual cycle. If necessary, the doctor prescribes another time for the examination. Before the procedure, you must follow the generally accepted rules of preparation, which include the refusal to eat for 8-14 hours, the absence of severe physical activity maintaining emotional peace. After consultation with the attending physician, they are temporarily canceled medical preparations, which can distort the results of laboratory testing. Do not smoke or drink alcohol before the procedure.

Indirectly, the amount of estradiol can be judged by the thickness of the endometrium on the 12–14th day of the cycle (calculated by ultrasound) and the nature cervical mucus upon inspection. Valuable status information hormonal background gives carrying out pharmacological tests with the use of tableted gestagens.

Laboratory norms

The concentration of the hormone depends on the age of the woman, her physiological state, days of the menstrual cycle. Activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries system occurs during sexual development. With regular menstruation, an increase in the level of estradiol is observed in the follicular phase. The indicator reaches its maximum value shortly before ovulation, and then the estrogen content in the blood decreases sharply. After the break dominant follicle a tendency to increase the amount of the hormone is again recorded, especially towards the middle of the luteal phase.

The level of estradiol in different phases menstrual cycle

On the early dates pregnancy, the content of the substance in the blood increases. The high level of the indicator persists throughout the entire period of bearing a child and returns to its previous value a few weeks after childbirth. In menopause, estrogen synthesis gradually decreases, and testosterone in adipose tissue becomes the main source of its production.

The table shows the norms of estradiol in women by age and days of the menstrual cycle:

After receiving the form with the result, you must familiarize yourself with the norms indicated in it. When conducting research in different laboratories, they may differ. The analysis is interpreted by a doctor who, in addition to the E2 level, takes into account other indicators that characterize women's health.

Causes of changes in estradiol levels

A change in the concentration of the hormone is observed when the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries are affected. Its deviation from normal values ​​may occur in diseases endocrine system, obesity, liver disease.

Low estrogen levels are recorded in the following conditions:

  • Organic or functional hyperprolactinemia.
  • Malformations (dysgenesis) of the ovaries.
  • Resistant ovary syndrome.
  • Depleted ovary syndrome.
  • Postpartum hypopituitarism.
  • Syndrome of the "empty" Turkish saddle.
  • Starvation, sudden weight loss.
  • Stress.
  • Kallman syndrome.

Interpretation of the results of a comprehensive laboratory examination:

The high concentration of the hormone in non-pregnant women is associated with its excessive secretion by hormonally active tumors:

  • functional ovarian cysts;
  • granulosa cell formations of the gonads;
  • teratomas and teratocarcinomas;
  • pituitary adenomas.