Where should the icon hang in the apartment? Correct placement of icons

An icon is the most important amulet of the house. In this article you will learn which icons you should keep at home.

An icon is not just a lucky amulet. An icon is an image through which a person turns to God. And only if the prayer was read sincerely, will it be able to help, bring prosperity to the family, and protect the home.

Mandatory icons in the house: list

Each icon is considered a prototype of the Saint depicted. Previously, in houses, icons were located in the eastern corners; even in the temple itself, icons are always located in the eastern part. However, today for many believers in apartments and houses the eastern corner may not be in the right place. Therefore, you should choose the most convenient place where you will feel most comfortable praying.

Place at least one icon in your home. We offer you a list of those icons that you can also place in your home:

  • Icon with the image of Jesus Christ. As a rule, it heals serious diseases and illnesses. The icon, which depicts the crucified Jesus, calms, protects from disasters, puts you on the right path, and supports you in difficult times. It is necessary to place the icon in a place of honor in the house, to give it the dominant part in the house.
  • Icon with the face of the Holy Mother of God. Mary is considered the image of pure love, she forgives, gives patience and humility. There are a huge number of similar icons. You can ask the Mother of God for health, a good spouse, children. The Mother of God is the patroness of every woman. Consequently, the icon with the face of Jesus is very often taken by brides to get married, and after that they are kept in the house as a family amulet.
  • An icon depicting Nicholas the Pleasant. People turn to him if they want to solve a difficult problem or leave a hopeless situation. They also ask Saint Nicholas to heal a serious illness.

The listed icons are considered mandatory; they protect the family, bring prosperity, and are symbols of harmony. For these icons, highlight a corner or distribute them nearby on the wall. It is advisable that they be in a quiet, cozy place. In order for each family member to have the opportunity in a secluded place to betray his soul before God and the Saints.

  • In addition, an icon depicting Seven Shore Mother of God. It can be placed opposite the entrance or above the door leading to the main room of the house. This image is capable of protecting all household members from scandals, gossip, ill-wishers, and housing from thieves.
  • The face on which the image is depicted will be important. The Holy Trinity. The face will bring love and peace to the house. The image also helps in difficult times, resolves numerous problems, cleanses from sins, and removes negative states. It is advisable to place the icon in the eastern corner, as well as at the head, so that it provides some kind of protection.
  • Image “Fading Color”. An icon can give you strength and put you on the right path. It also preserves beauty, youth, love, eliminates various temptations, fills the family with confidence, and gives hope for a good future. It is mainly placed in the most comfortable corner where you can pray.

  • Image of a Guardian Angel. This image is considered the most popular. He protects a certain person and can respond to every help. Capable of healing, giving love, saving from sins, if a person asks his protector. You can place it in any convenient place at home or in the room of the person whose Angel is depicted on the icon.
  • The next obligatory icon is the image of Orthodox holidays. For example, icon of Baptism or depicting the “Nativity of Christ”.
  • An icon depicting Last Supper. Removes heaviness from the soul, blesses cooked food, and bestows peace during severe falls. It doesn't matter where it will be placed. But the best places are the kitchen and dining room.

What icons should be in the kitchen?

The kitchen is the room where all family members most often gather. In every Orthodox family, first before eating and at the end of the meal, people read a short prayer that blesses. Therefore, you can place a small number of icons in the kitchen:

  • An icon depicting Christ the Savior
  • Image of the Virgin Mary
  • Icon depicting the Holy Trinity

You can select one of these icons or all of them at the same time. You can also hang an image of the Last Supper. A real assistant who helps in preparing dishes - Euphrosynus of Palestine. This saint served completely unselfishly, visited heaven alive, and then returned to earth. In churches, the monks honored the gifts of Euphrosynus, kept them, and distributed them to those who needed help.

Just imagine how much healthier and good your food will become if you hang this particular icon in your kitchen. It is advisable that it be located above the table, so that before eating you can say a prayer to the Saint for blessing.

What icons should be in the living room?

The living room is the main room of every home. Here you can hang the following icons:

  • An icon depicting the Savior. The best among them is the icon depicting the Lord Pantocrator
  • An icon depicting the Mother of God. In this case, give preference to the Kazan Mother of God

Kazan Mother of God for the living room

Place the face with the Lord on the right, and the Most Holy Theotokos on the left. If everyone in your family believes, then place the icon in the believer’s room. If you can’t do this, then buy a folding icon. It can only be installed during prayer.

What icons should be in the hallway?

Leaving home every day, going into the world of temptations and deception, you need to pray to your heavenly patron, ask him to make the path safe and guide you to good people. It is important that you teach this to your own children, who trust all people. It is necessary to thank the Saint for his intercession and for returning home.

You can protect your own home from bad people if you hang the following icons in the hallway:

  • Icon of the Iveron Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Image of the Intercession
  • An icon depicting the Holy Trinity

Choose one icon and attach it above the entrance doors. You can also hang in the hallway the image that is revered by all household members.

What icons should be in the bedroom?

Only certain icons are allowed in this room. However, under the following condition - if the husband and wife legalized their own marriage and got married, it is recommended to hang the following icons in the bedroom:

  • Icons depicting the Virgin Mary
  • Face of the Savior Christ
  • Image of Peter and Fevronia. They are considered the patrons of family happiness
  • Image of the healer Panteleimon
  • Image of Nikolai Ugodnik
  • Icon depicting Spyridon of Trimythous
  • Personal image of the Saint

Place the icons above the bed or on the bedside table. You can also select a corner for prayer in the window, where you place not only icons, but also a lamp for a church candle.

What icons should be in the nursery?

Children who are born into an Orthodox family should learn to pray and turn to the Saints from childhood. In addition, each icon will protect the peace and health of children. Therefore, the nursery should contain its own images.

Such icons are placed at the head of the room. You can choose a personalized or dimensional icon. The name should include a Saint who has the same name as your child. The measured icon is ordered when the child is born and is selected according to the height of the newborn.

The following icons would be appropriate in a nursery:

  • Face of the Savior
  • Face of the Virgin Mary
  • Icon depicting the Guardian Angel

May God protect your child

You can also hang other faces that provide health and well-being for your child. Remember that God loves children very much, we are all his children. Therefore, teach your children to pray from a young age.

What icons should be in the office for work?

If certain difficulties arise that directly relate to work, inspiration disappears, envious people overcome, you need to turn to the Saint. The icon should be placed at home in your office or directly at work.

Choose an image based on your own life activities. If your profession does not have its own patron, then put a face with the image of the Patriarch.

We offer you a small list of professions and their patrons:

  • Student. An icon depicting the Martyr Tatiana is suitable. It helps in studies and gives intelligence.
  • Sales worker. The Face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is ideal. Brings good luck in trading.
  • A profession that involves working on the Internet. The best image is the one that depicts the Mother of God, Gracious Heaven. Makes your career successful, everyday affairs successful, brings well-being in material terms.
  • Sailor, motorist, tourism worker. The image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Sovereign Mother of God, is suitable. They bring health, make things more successful, and improve their financial situation.
  • Medical worker. Icon with Luke of Crimea. Protects at work, brings good health.

  • Diplomat, postal worker. The best icon depicting the Archangel Gabriel. Protects you at work.
  • Orphanage teacher, nursing home worker. The ideal icon is one that depicts the Baby of Bethlehem. Gives patience and mercy. Gives children physical health.
  • Teacher, researcher. Icon of the Mother of God of Kaluga. Allows you to constantly strive for knowledge and study new sciences.
  • Civil servant. It is better to choose an icon with the image of the Mother of God Economissa. Makes government wise and just.

  • Athlete. The ideal image is the Mother of God. Bestows good luck and success in achievements.
  • Aviation worker. The face of the Savior Not Made by Hands is suitable for this profession. Allows you to complete your flight safely and protects you from evil ill-wishers.

Where should you not keep icons at home?

There are no specific rules for having a particular icon in the house. Proper placement simply requires common sense.

  • Place the icon in absolutely any room. But in the bathroom or toilet, the icon, of course, will be inappropriate.
  • You cannot place the image near a TV, tape recorder, personal computer or other similar equipment. This is because to perform the ritual of prayer you need to concentrate, and such elements, even if they do not work, will, out of habit, attract your attention and begin to distract you.
  • Also, do not place your face where there are cosmetics, inappropriate books, toys, or various figurines. Posters of singers, actors, and famous personalities should not be placed near the faces.
  • It is also not advisable to place paintings or reproductions near icons, even if they have religious content.

And most importantly, never place icons near any photographs. And it doesn't matter who is in these pictures. The priests categorically forbid doing this.

Video: Where should icons be located in the house?

A home altar is installed in many homes today. This is understandable: people are gradually returning to God, seeking His protection and help in earthly life. But not everyone knows - where to put icons in the house and apartment, what rules and traditions exist in this regard? Questions often arise among those who come to the Temple: which icons should they light candles for, for example, for health or for repose?

Where to put icons, in which corner

Since ancient times in Rus', every home had a Red Corner, in which the faces of saints were located. The home iconostasis has always been located on the eastern wall - in the Christian tradition, the East has a special role, because it was in the east that the Star of Bethlehem appeared. This custom continues today.

There should be enough space in front of the iconostasis: when all household members are praying together, they should not interfere with each other. Secular posters, paintings, calendars or decorations should not be placed near the shrine. And it looks absolutely wild if there is a TV, computer or other household appliance next to the faces of the saints.

Often believers, when deciding where to place icons, do not limit themselves to the main room, but place holy faces in all rooms. And it is absolutely impossible to do without icons where family and guests sit down to eat.

Where to put icons?

It is best if you arrange your home altar on a special shelf. After all, icons should not just hang on the wall - next to them there should be a place for a lamp or candle, for willow branches and flowers, for a bottle of holy water and myrrh. Many people, when thinking about where to put icons, choose a bookshelf. But then you need to devote the entire space of the shelf only to the iconostasis - do not place secular books or other items not related to the Orthodox cult on it. It is unacceptable to place icons in a “wall” or “hill” - this structure performs exclusively secular functions.

How to place the icons correctly, in what order?

According to Orthodox traditions, an icon of the Savior is placed in the center, and to the left of it is an icon of the Virgin Mary and Child. These are two icons that should be in every home. In addition to them, there may be wedding, personal, and family icons. Above the Faces of the Savior and the Virgin Mary you can place a Crucifix or an image of the Trinity.

Candles or a lamp should burn in front of the holy faces. The fire here is lit during prayer, as well as on Sundays and during church holidays.

Which icons should we light candles for health?

When you come to church, you need to know exactly which icons to light candles and what to ask the Lord for. Candles “for health” can be lit for a variety of reasons - in gratitude, before making a difficult decision or a long trip, to help the sick. At the same time, the most important thing is to have good thoughts and love in your heart, then you can light a candle in front of any icon - your prayer will be heard.

If you are worried about a loved one suffering from an illness, place a candle in front of the face of the Mother of God - there is an icon called “Healer”. The “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon will help if you need to save a person who has taken the path of alcoholism.

Candles are often lit in front of personalized icons - in a church or in front of a home iconostasis.

Which icon should I light a candle for its repose?

The church has a special memorial table, on which it is customary to place candles “for the repose”; this is done to honor the good memory of the person who has left us.

When you come to church to pray and calm down, you don’t need to be embarrassed and lost - if you don’t know something, for example, which icons are lit with candles and when exactly, just quietly ask a church employee, and they will kindly explain it to you.


Icons do not have to be hung on the walls. They can be placed on a shelf specially designed for this purpose. But if there are a lot of icons, then it would be better to hang them on the wall, following some simple rules. If your room is hung asymmetrically, haphazardly and without any thought, this will certainly cause a feeling of inconvenience and dissatisfaction with the placement of icons, and a desire to change it. And this is very disturbing and distracts from prayer.

Icons can and even should be placed in other rooms. It's also worth hanging in the kitchen. It is imperative to place an icon of the Angel or Heavenly Patron in the children's room. It was customary to hang an icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos above the entrance to an apartment or house. But now it can be replaced with any other icon or cross.

By the way, when placing icons in your apartment or house, pay attention to the fact that they should not stand or hang together with other paintings (even on biblical themes) or household items. Icons are inappropriate in bookcases, next to toys, cosmetics, photographs of family members, and figurines. Also, do not place icons next to posters of politicians, show business stars, and other celebrities.

It’s not often, but you still see photographs of fathers and elders among the icons on the walls or shelves. This is canonically unacceptable, since photography captures a specific moment in the earthly life of a person, even if he was a member of the Church or even later canonized. The icon represents him precisely in the image of a saint, in his transfigured, glorified state. Naturally, the presence of such photographs in the house is not canceled. But you need to put or hang photographs separately from icons.


  • where to hang icons in an apartment

According to your faith you will be rewarded. It is necessary to remember the traditions of our ancestors and learn to properly treat icons and their placement in home. Follow some tips and you'll be fine.


The most important thing is that there is enough free space in front of the “red corner” for the whole family to pray together. It is advisable to allocate a spacious shelf for the iconostasis. If it doesn't fit everyone icons, then the rest can be hung on any wall. It would be incorrect to place icons in bookcases or other cabinets, since there should be no foreign objects near them. Icons cannot serve as interior decoration.

Naturally, in every home must be icons Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Place the icon of the Savior on the right, and on the left – the Mother of God. Here it is also important to respect the principle of hierarchy. Any revered icon should not be located above the icons of the Trinity, our savior, the Mother of God and the apostles. It is desirable that the iconostasis be crowned with a Christian cross.

You can have icons where household members dine, so that before the meal you can pray to the Almighty for your daily bread, and after dinner you can give thanks. The Protection of the Holy Virgin is traditionally hung above the entrance to the house.

Among the icons there should not be art and engravings with biblical scenes, which a priori are not canonical icons. Accordingly, there is no place for images of elders and even those canonized by the church as Saints. They can be placed elsewhere.

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Icons in the house. Since ancient times, decorating a house with icons has been one of the main customs of the Russian people. Today faith is returning to people, and with it a reverent attitude towards the icon. There is an unspoken list of icons that you must have at home. First of all, we are talking about the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God.

Helpful advice

In the temple, a person prays in front of holy icons. It’s worth doing this at home too. Previously, in every Russian home there were icons in the red corner. But in the era of the “red corners” people tried to erase even the very memory of the Church; little was preserved of the memory of what icons should be in the house and how they should be placed. Where to place icons in the house? In a free and accessible place.

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This question sooner or later arises for everyone who purchases an icon or receives it as a gift. And indeed, how to properly place it in the house in order to offer prayer to the Lord and not violate any sacred laws? After all, prayer is a kind of sacrament, and any sacrament should be performed in the appropriate place, and not just anywhere. How to properly hang icons in city or private houses?


The best place for it in the house is the red corner. It is here, according to tradition, that the spiritual or icon lamp is located. The red corner of the house is opposite the entrance to the room. This location is no coincidence; everyone who enters can bow to the images without looking for them for a long time in all corners. It is better that the space near the iconostasis is free and allows all family members and guests to stand for prayer at the same time.

The altar is located on the eastern side, and the icons in the house are also placed so that the worshiper faces the East. However, if you do not have a suitable place for the images in the eastern part of the apartment, you can hang them in any other place. It is important that this is not a remote corner where sunlight does not reach, but a wall that will be decorated and made even brighter. You can hang it either on a regular nail or place it on a special shelf next to other icons. If there are a lot of icons in the house, you can make a special iconostasis for them. The main thing is that the process of collecting images does not turn into ordinary collecting. After all, their purpose is completely different, and there is no connection between the number of icons in a house and the piety of its inhabitants.

You should not install icons among books on shelves, as well as in closet shelves mixed with cosmetics, figurines and relatives. You should also not hang icons next to the toilet or in a row with paintings and other works of art. Remember that an icon is not beautiful and not just an image. The purpose of the icon in the house is to preserve reverence and faith, as well as sacred protection. It is possible to place icons in the bedroom of spouses, despite the misconception of many that this is sinful.


Many people believe that a marital bedroom and an icon are incompatible things. And they even cover the iconostasis with cloth at night. This is fundamentally wrong. Intimacy between spouses in marriage is not considered a sin at all. In addition, of course, it is impossible to hide from the gaze of the Lord with any cloth.

Helpful advice

First of all, you need to have an icon of Jesus and the Mother of God in your home. They are installed on the common iconostasis in the Red Corner. You can also install icons of the patrons of all family members or any other icons that are valuable to you.


  • how to place an icon in the house

Mirror- not a simple item for interior decoration; it has always been endowed with magical properties. Not every place in the house is suitable for placing mirrors. To make this decorative item useful with its presence, listen to the advice Feng Shui.

You will need

  • - mirror.


Buy a large one in which all family members are fully reflected. No one should have their head cut off, otherwise the person will suffer from headaches. Having a large mirror is necessary so that the energetic, physical and mental potential of each family member is fully realized.

Place the mirror in a place so that it reflects only pleasant and beautiful objects, such as a vase, painting, decor and much more. You can specially place a thing next to the reflective surface that symbolizes wealth, success, etc. Mirrors have the ability to enhance the object reflected in them.

The best places for a mirror, from the point of view, are the kitchen, living room and dining room. Hang it in front of the dining table, then there will always be enough money and delicious food in your home. If the stove is located opposite the door, hang a mirror above it; in this place it will help create a pleasant psychological environment.

Try not to hang or place a mirror in the bedroom. This room is a place for the release of all negative emotions, the mirror will reflect them back. Better put other symbols Feng Shui. If you cannot remove the mirror from the bedroom, hang it so that sleeping people are not reflected in it, or cover it with a screen or cloth. Otherwise, there is a risk of adultery.

All your mirrors should be framed so that their energy is always positive and directed to the right place and not dissipated. Keeping your mirrors clean will also help maintain positive energy. Never hang a reflective surface opposite the windows or front door, otherwise your well-being will not stay with you, but will return back to the outside world.

Pay attention to the suddenly cracked mirror - it took trouble away from you. Such a mirror contains only negative energy, try to throw it away quickly. Do not use mirror tiles, they crush the reflection and can ruin your life. Do not look at the fragments, thereby you will attract failures to yourself.

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Tip 5: What is the significance of the icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most beloved Orthodox holidays, which is celebrated on October 14. Many icons are dedicated to him. They depict the Virgin Mary extending her veil as a sign of special protection. This is exactly how this holiday was interpreted in Rus'.

History of the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Orthodox holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is based on an event that, according to legend, took place in Constantinople in the first half of the 10th century (in 910).

The life of Blessed Andrei the Fool tells about the appearance of the Mother of God in the Blachernae Church, which was witnessed by Andrei himself and his disciple Epiphanius. At that time, the capital of Byzantium was besieged by the Saracens. Sacred relics were kept in the Blachernae Church - the robe of the Most Pure Virgin, part of her belt and omorph (headdress).

Fleeing from enemies, many residents of the city took refuge in the temple in the hope of the mercy and intercession of the Queen of Heaven. During the all-night vigil, blessed Andrew and his disciple had a vision. Accompanied by the angels, John the Baptist and John the Theologian, the Virgin Mary approached the altar, prayed for the people, and then took off her maforium (cloak) and, holding it, spread it over all those gathered in the temple. As if she wanted to intercede for them before the Savior and protect them from possible troubles. This miracle marked the beginning of a special church service in honor of the Mother of God.

The Russian Orthodox Church has been celebrating the Feast of the Intercession since 1164. And in 1165, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky built a temple on the Nerl River, consecrated in honor of the Intercession.

The meaning of the icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In Byzantium, there was a custom to cover the image of the Blessed Virgin with a curtain, and, according to legend, once a week this curtain was miraculously lifted for several hours, revealing the icon.

However, in Byzantium there was no holiday of the Intercession. Accordingly, there were no canons for depicting this event on icons. Such images appeared only in Rus' in the 13th century.

One of the earliest Intercession icons is the image on the western gate of the Suzdal Cathedral. By the beginning of the next century, 2 variants of the image of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos had taken shape: either the Virgin Mary holds the veil in her hands, or it is stretched over the Mother of God.

On these icons, Mary is often depicted in the oranta pose with her hands raised in prayer. The veil seems to float in front of the Mother of God, touching her upraised hands.

On a 14th-century Novgorod icon, angels support the floating cover of the Virgin Mary, and above it, with arms outstretched in a blessing gesture, the figure of the Savior shines.

As a rule, both versions of the Intercession icons are multi-figured. Framed by arches and domes, artists depict the people gathered in the church, Blessed Andrew and his disciple, as well as saints, apostles and John the Baptist. On both sides, angels rush to Mary, as to the motionless center of the world.

The strict symmetry in the arrangement of figures and architectural details, inherent in the Intercession icons, serves to express internal unity and festive conciliarity. All faces are turned to the Mother of God in a single bright impulse. She is a wonderful cover, whose protection is granted to the entire human race. This is the main meaning of the icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the heart of every European city there is a bridge with a thousand locks. The thing is that only twenty years ago a tradition appeared to “strengthen” feelings in this way. He believes that if lovers, having hung a lock on the railing of a bridge, throw the key into the water, nothing will ever be able to destroy the union of their hearts.

The emergence of a tradition

Despite the fact that this tradition seems very romantic and ancient, it appeared only in the nineties. The Italian writer Federico Moccia for one of his novels could not invent how his characters in love would take an oath of fidelity and love to each other. Since his novel took place in Rome, he wanted to find some special romantic place in the Eternal City, but there was none. Therefore, the author invented his own tradition. He appointed the Milvio Bridge as such a place for all the lovers of Rome, where his heroes took vows to each other, hung up the lock and threw away the key.

Since the publication of the novel, the Milvio Bridge has been covered with locks, so that it has become difficult to distinguish him under them. One day, a lamppost on this bridge fell under the weight of the locks. The Roman authorities tried for a very long time to intervene, to somehow structure this tradition, but to no avail. The Italian lovers did not give up their refuge and continued to hang locks on the Milvio Bridge.

Over time, this tradition spread throughout Europe. Moreover, any couple in love can take an oath in this way, but in our country, castles are primarily associated. In Moscow, for example, Luzhkovsky Bridge has become a place of pilgrimage for half of all newlyweds in the capital. True, in the case of the Luzhkovsky Bridge, the city authorities acted very smartly. Next to the bridge itself, a Tree of Love was installed, the branches of which can withstand thousands of these castle vows without harming anyone. After a very short time, the Tree of Love had several more relatives, since all the locks could not fit on the branches of one structure. Now, next to the Trees of Love on the Luzhkovsky Bridge, there are also benches for quarreling lovers. Their design assumes that any person sitting at the very edge will still slide towards the center.

Locks from the most popular bridges are regularly cut off to make way for new ones. Therefore, it makes sense to hang your lock away from popular places so that it lasts longer.

Slavic traditions

In Slavic traditions, both bridges and castles were actively used. After the wedding, when the bride entered her husband's house, there was always an open lock next to the threshold. When the young people went inside, the lock was locked and the key was thrown into a deep well. Sometimes the castle, which metaphorically closed the marriage, was also drowned.
Until now, many grooms cross seven bridges before their wedding because it promises happiness.

Bridges in the Slavic tradition have always been considered a symbol of transition. Therefore, grooms often carried their brides across bridges to ensure a happy marriage. So the new European tradition of castle vows has taken root well on Russian soil.

Oncological diseases pose a serious threat to the health of the nation, because they annually claim the lives of many people, young and old. Surgery and radiation therapy are far from a 100% panacea for cancer, so patients often turn to God for salvation. Many icons help to cope with the disease, but the most powerful among them is the “Vsetsaritsa”.


The icon, also called by the Greek word “Pantoness,” is located in the Vatopedi monastery, located on one of the shrines of Greece - Mount Athos. It dates back to the 17th century and depicts the seated Virgin Mary in a red robe and Jesus on the knees of the Blessed Virgin. In one hand the Savior holds a paper scroll, the fingers of the other are crossed in a blessing gesture. Behind them are two angels protecting them from adversity. This “All-Tsarina” is the original image from which several copies were made, three of them are kept in churches in Russia.

Manifestations of miraculous power began with a legend about how a certain man with dark thoughts approached and began to whisper something inaudibly. The face lit up with a bright light, and the warlock was literally thrown back. He himself admitted that he tried to conjure, and from then on he swore off practicing magic. Later it was noticed that the “Tsarina of All” helps people bowing before her in prayer, asking for relief from tumors. Healing is necessarily preceded by the ardent conversion of the sufferers and their strong faith in a miracle. After news spread about Pantoness as a panacea for cancer, people started making lists of it.

The first copy, which became available to Russians, was made with the blessing of Archimandrite Ephraim, who in August 1995 arrived from the distant Vatopedi Monastery as an accompanying one of the miraculous lists. It was written in compliance with all canons to the glory of the Mother of God for the treatment of cancer patients. When “The Tsaritsa” was completed, inexplicable miracles began: the condition of the patients at the children's oncology center improved significantly. During holy holidays, the icon streamed myrrh several times and radiated fragrance around itself. And after the drug-addicted young man was cured, parents began to flock to her, praying for the healing of their child.

The first list is located in the Church of All Saints and is periodically delivered to the medical institution that gave rise to it. Every Monday a prayer service is held, during which an akathist to the Mother of God is read and cancer patients are anointed. There are two more copies of the miraculous icon in Russia. One of them is located in the Novospassky Monastery - it is hung with gold items, with the offering of which recovered people thank the Mother of God. The third “Tsaritsa” can be found in the Vladychny Convent, which has already recorded several dozen facts of her myrrh-streaming, as well as cases of healing from cancer.

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The Holy Trinity is one of the fundamental concepts of the Christian faith. It distinguishes Christianity from other Abrahamic religions: faith in One God is found in both Islam and Judaism, but the concept of the Trinity is inherent only in Christianity. It is not surprising that such an important concept is reflected in iconography.

The Trinity is not only one of the most important concepts in Christianity, but also one of the most mysterious. “One in three persons” - this cannot be understood, fully comprehended, comprehended with the mind, it can only be accepted as a given, sincerely believed. It is even more difficult to imagine the Holy Trinity in the form of a concrete visible image, but painting an icon requires precisely this, and icon painters found a way out of the situation, relying on the Holy Scriptures.

The Old Testament tells how God appeared to Abraham and Sarah in the form of three strangers. The couple warmly received them, not immediately realizing that before them was the Triune God. This episode is one of the foundations of the Christian teaching about the Holy Trinity, and it is it that is often used to depict the Trinity on icons.

The Trinity is depicted as three angels sitting under a tree or at a table with refreshments, sometimes Abraham and Sarah are present next to them.

The most famous of this kind is “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev. The icon is notable for its laconicism - there is not a single superfluous detail in it: neither Abraham and Sarah next to the angels, nor a “still life” on the table - only a cup that echoes the “cup of suffering” that God the Son has to drink. The figures of angels are perceived as a vicious circle, correlated with the concept of eternity.

New Testament Trinity and Fatherland

In another version of the image of the Trinity, God the Father appears in the form of an old man. The peculiarity of this image is that the head of the Elder is surrounded not by a round halo, as usual, but by a triangular one. On the halo of God the Father are placed , meaning “the Existing One,” as on the halo of the Savior, thereby emphasizing the unity of God the Father and God the Son.

Next to God the Father sits God the Son - Jesus Christ in the same form as He is depicted on other icons. In His hands He holds a cross and an open Gospel. The third face of the Holy Trinity is God the Holy Spirit. He is represented by a white dove hovering over the Father and the Son - it is in this image that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus Christ at His baptism in the Jordan.

Option of the New Testament Trinity - Fatherland: God the Son in the form of a child sits on the lap of an old man - God the Father, the Holy Spirit, as in the previous version, is presented in the form of a dove.

In 1667, the Great Moscow Council condemned any images of God the Father (with the exception of images of the apocalypse). Thus, at present, only the “Old Testament Trinity” is the canonical image of the Holy Trinity.


  • About the Trinity icon

Often, when visiting an unfamiliar temple, it can be difficult to find your way around. There are many icons in the temple, but is there among them the image that you wanted to pray in front of? Contact temple employees or parishioners for help. But if there is no one to tell you, you can take a closer look at the type of image and independently determine what kind of image it is.

Honor the event being celebrated

If on this day an event from the life of the Savior or the Mother of God, or a saint whose icon you want to approach, is celebrated, then this image is usually laid out on a lectern in the center of the temple. This icon is considered festive. If there is no separate icon of the event or saint commemorated on this day in the temple, then a menaion is placed on the lectern, i.e. monthly icon. This saint or event will be depicted on it among all the saints and events of a given month. On Sunday, the image of the Resurrection of Christ is always placed on the lectern.

Find the icon of the Virgin Mary

There are many options for depicting the Mother of God. Types of iconography of the image of the Mother of God are divided into several groups.

Type "Tenderness" - in Greek icon painting this type is called "Sweet kiss". The Virgin Mary and the baby cling to each other's faces, Christ hugs the Mother's neck with his hand. This type also includes icons where the Mother of God is depicted alone. These are the icons of the Mother of God - Tenderness (Diveevskaya), Vladimirskaya, Donskaya, Pochaevskaya, Seek the Dead, Feodorovskaya.

Type "Hodegetria" - from Greek "Guide". The Virgin Mary is depicted frontally and points with her hand at the baby sitting on her other hand. At the same time, he blesses with his hand. These are the icons of the Mother of God - Iveron, Kazan, Smolensk, Three-Handed.

Type "Sign" - from Greek "Praying" - the Virgin Mary with raised arms, the half-figure of Christ in a youthful appearance is located in a sphere at the chest level of the Virgin Mary. These are the icons - the Sign of Novgorod, Korchemnaya, Kursk-Root, Tsarskoye Selo.

Find an icon of a saint

To do this, you need to know who he is: venerable, martyr, healer, apostle, saint, etc. Each rank of saint has its own mandatory iconographic attributes. One of the identifying marks is clothing. The color of the martyrs' clothes is usually red, while the monks' clothes are dark shades.

The apostle-evangelists are depicted writing the Gospel, in the hands of the martyrs there is usually a cross or instruments of torment are depicted - a wheel, a sword, etc., non-silver doctors hold a vessel with medicine or a spoon, the stylites are depicted standing on a pillar.

It is advisable to know the portrait features of famous saints: thus, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, Panteleimon the Healer, St. George the Victorious, and the Royal Family are almost always recognizable.

You can pray and light a candle to your saint and/or several saints in front of the “All Saints” icon.

Tip 10: Why are three stars depicted on the icons of the Virgin Mary?

In the Orthodox tradition, the iconography of images of the Blessed Virgin Mary is widely displayed. This is no coincidence, because the Virgin Mary is the main intercessor and intercessor for humanity before her son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Currently, there are many different icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Each of the images is deeply symbolic. The iconography of the Virgin Mary, as well as the depiction of God or saints, has its own distinctive features. In particular, almost all icons of the Most Holy Theotokos depict the Virgin Mary on her clothing. The arrangement of the stars on the maforia (otherwise known as the omophorion) is as follows: two stars are located on the shoulders and one on the head. This is the most common location of these stars. One might ask: “Why exactly three stars?” Does this have its own symbolism, and if so, what?

The answer to this question is as follows. The three stars on the icons of the Virgin Mary signify a great miracle. The Most Holy Theotokos is revered by the Church as the Ever-Virgin, that is, in ordinary language, the eternal, constant Virgin. This means that the Mother of God retained her virginity both before the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and at the birth of the Savior, as well as after the birth of the Messiah.

Orthodox doctrine says that the Most Holy Theotokos conceived Christ from the Holy Spirit. This immutable truth is reflected in the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament. The Archangel Gabriel himself announced to the virgin that what would be born in her would be from the Holy Spirit. Likewise, the symbol of faith (a prayerful confession of the foundations of Orthodox doctrine, which is still heard in Orthodox churches during the Divine Liturgy) says that Christ was born “of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary.”

The Holy Fathers of the first centuries also wrote, in accordance with the Gospel, about the virgin birth of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The ever-virginity of the Mother of God acquired special dogmatic significance during the time of disputes about the natures of Christ (5th century). The Nestorian heretics called the Mother of God Christ Mother of God, instead of the usual term “Theotokos”. However, the holy fathers defended the Orthodox confession, declaring that Mary literally gave birth to God - the incarnate second Person of the Holy Trinity. And already in 553, at the next Ecumenical Council, held in Constantinople, it was officially approved that the Most Holy Theotokos is the Ever-Virgin - a virgin before, during and after the birth of Christ.

In the last article we wrote about what icons you should have at home, let's figure out today how and where to place icons correctly. Let us immediately note that there are no strict rules in this matter, but there is a good tradition.

In what part of the house should there be icons?

Orthodox people in Rus' believed that the house was a small church, therefore, in every Orthodox family, both peasant and urban, there was a shelf with icons in the most prominent place of the home. At the same time, the quantity and richness of the decoration of the icons indicated the wealth and position of the owner of the house in society. The place where the icons were placed was called differently: front corner, red corner, holy corner, shrine . All the decoration of the upper room was done from the red holy corner.

V.I. Surikov Village goddess

In the old days, in village huts, the entrance door was always located opposite the red corner, and the lintel (beam above the doorway) was placed quite low, because of this, a person, entering the upper room, seemed to involuntarily bow to the holy icons. The red corner (like the altar in an Orthodox church) was always located on the eastern side. The Monk John of Damascus in his writings explained the meaning of this custom as follows: in the Holy Scriptures Christ is called "Sun of Truth" (Mal. 4, 2) "East from Above" (Luke 1:78) ( “The East from above has visited us to enlighten those sitting in darkness”). Hence the worship of Him and the offering of prayers - to the eastern side of the world.

Of course, this rule is just as relevant today, but since we all live in different conditions, sometimes it is difficult to place icons on the east side. Then you can place the icons where it is convenient for you to pray in front of them, because being in every corner of our home, we must maintain a prayerful mood and be protected.

What icons should be placed in the rooms?

For example, in the hall They often hang an icon above the front door to protect the house and everyone living in it, and also so that household members have the opportunity to pray before leaving. Usually these are icons of the Mother of God: , . They are also often placed above the door.

In the nursery It would also be nice to place icons. The child, seeing the image from an early age, learns to pray and is under reliable protection. or, in whose honor the child is baptized, can be placed at the head of the crib or above it.

Don’t forget about the place where household members eat food. That's why in the dining room or kitchen it would also be correct to have icons. It is better to say a prayer before a meal and after eating food, turning your gaze to the image.

What should a holy corner look like?

A few words about how to create a sacred corner at home. We have already figured out where to place it, but what should it look like?

1.Usually there is a separate shelf for icons on the wall or in a closet. The shelf should be higher than the level of a person’s chest, so our gaze will be directed towards the icons from bottom to top.

2. Images should be located above all icons Savior(left), Mother of God(right) and icon Holy Trinity(it can be located above everyone else or to the left of the Savior). The remaining icons should stand slightly lower or to the side.

3. There should not be any unnecessary objects in front of the icons: souvenirs, photographs, personal belongings. It is better to place a lamp or a cross with blessed candles in front of the icons. Under the icons in the holy corner it is appropriate to place the Gospel, prayer book, and other shrines.

Let there be an icon in every room of our house, so that at any moment we remember the Lord, offer prayers and be protected from enemies visible and invisible.

Everyone has their own path to God. Icons help you feel divine grace and pray to the Almighty. Many people rightfully have a question about where icons can be placed in the house in order to be under divine protection every minute and not offend the holiness of the images. The Apostle Paul in his first letter to Timothy (1 Tim. 2:8) teaches: “Therefore I desire that men in every place say their prayers, lifting up clean hands without anger or doubt.” Following the holy words, we begin the morning with a prayer called the morning rule. When starting a meal, each time we ask God to bless the meal, and after eating we thank Him for His mercy. Before going to bed, we turn to the Lord with evening prayer. An Orthodox believer begins any business with a request for God's blessing.

Most often, for convenience, the main iconostasis is placed in the bedroom, greeting and spending the day with the thought of the triune God, omnipresent, omnipotent, one. The presence of icons in the marital bedroom should not interfere with normal marital relations, since there is nothing sinful in the relationship between a legal husband and wife: God created us to live as a couple.

Saint images are hung in the children's room, but in such a way that it is safe for the child. The icon should not fall and injure the child. The baby will be under her cover and protection from the first days of life. Taught by his mother, he will turn to her for the first time with a request, with her image in his heart he will follow the righteous path.

Place several icons in the kitchen, and this will also be correct, since it will be convenient for family members to pray together before and after the meal that the Almighty sent us.

It is appropriate to hang an icon above the door: when leaving the house, we can cross ourselves and turn to God. As you can see, the icon will not be superfluous anywhere, reminding us with the light of its face of the Lord and eternal truth.

When choosing a place for holy images, you need to know some simple rules based on the writings of saints and theologians. In the words of St. John of Damascus, “since God is spiritual light, and Christ in Scripture is called the Sun of righteousness and the East, the East should be dedicated to His worship.” Go to any temple and you will see that the iconostasis is located precisely in the east. It has long been the custom among Christians to choose the eastern side of the house for the “red corner” - the iconostasis. In a modern apartment it is not always possible to adhere to the canons in this matter, so it is allowed to hang the iconostasis in another place.

But in any case, it is important to comply with some requirements. Here they are:

Standing in front of the icon and saying prayers with the sign of the cross and bows, you must do this freely, nothing should hinder your movement or interrupt the sacrament of comprehending the truth in communion with the Almighty;

Respect your family members who are not involved in this moment in prayer, choose a place where you will not disturb anyone;

Do not place icons in a closet or sideboard (which is very common). It is best to place them on shelves, corner or simple, purchased from a church store. Conveniently nail the shelf onto the wall surface at approximately eye level so that the image is clearly visible. Under the shelf you can put a bedside table and put a prayer book, the Gospel, other holy books dear to you, candles, a lamp. Here, near the icons, there is a place for holy oil and water, prosphora;

Handle a candle or lamp with care so as not to cause a fire. Do not place them on low shelves or near objects that are easily flammable;

When setting up a place for icons, remove any secular entertainment paraphernalia standing or hanging nearby: art books, posters, TV, paintings. Photos of relatives or friends will also look inappropriate next to holy images. Remember that icons are not decorations, but a source of connection with the spiritual world, where there is no place for vanity and vanity.

Having finally chosen and equipped a place for the shrine, place the icons correctly, according to the hierarchy. In the center there should be an image of Jesus Christ - “Orthodox believers often place icons of this saint in the shrine to the left of Jesus Christ (also called the home iconostasis or “red corner”). There are many icons of saints, healers, blessed ones, Guardian Angels, Archangels, who are also often approached with sincere prayer for healing, help in business, study, travel, and good luck in personal life. They are placed or hung both on the left and on the right in the icon case. The only immutable requirement is: above the face of Jesus Christ there can only be or.

At baptism, the godparents present the child with icons. All of them will become a life-giving source of divine grace for a growing person. Under their auspices, he will make his first experience of prayers and spiritual communication with God; he will take them with him into adulthood, full of temptations, not without mistakes. It will always be easier to walk with faith in your soul. And it began in the parental home under bright Christian images.

When eating food, believers never forget to offer prayer. For such a case, you can turn to the icon of Jesus Christ, and the Mother of God, and any other image. The main thing is that everything is done from the heart and, ideally, in common prayer with the whole family.

Among Orthodox Christians, it is a common custom to place an icon above the door in order to ask for intercession from evil forces when leaving the house, so that a person who comes to the door with evil thoughts does not harm the family. It has long been believed that the icons of the Mother of God “,” “,” “The Unbreakable Wall,” and other holy images, if addressed with sincere prayer, will ward off trouble and protect from deceit and evil will.

When you visit churches, you, of course, have seen how reverently the premises and places where icons are placed are kept clean. There are fresh fresh flowers all year round. It so happened that the flowers of the Blessed Virgin Mary were always considered to be a white lily and a rose. They can most often be seen decorating icons, as well as the entire temple. The so-called “veil” is carefully laid under the icons. Skillful holy images with convex elements and velvet fabric are cleaned from dust with brushes and wiped with napkins specially designed for this purpose. This is how clean the iconostasis should be kept at home. Both the tassel and the veil can be purchased at the church store. Craftswomen and needlewomen can show their imagination and make a veil with their own hands, with thoughts of God.

As you can see, it is not very important how many icons there will be in the house. You just need to remember the Savior, the New Testament, keep the 10 commandments, live in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Let prayer in front of the holy Christian icons, which have proven their miraculous power over the centuries, help everyone in this.

In all historical times, faith was necessary for the Christian people like air. With her, the Orthodox experienced hard times and illnesses.

She helped to survive hunger and survive on the battlefield. With faith and hope, for centuries people have gone to God's temples for help, protection and blessing.

What icons should you have in your home?

It has been a custom in Rus' since ancient times to attend divine services on Sundays and holy holidays. Temple paintings on biblical themes and a rich iconostasis created a unique aura of holiness in great cathedrals and small churches.

Christian traditions through the prism of modernity

Modern realities are such that not every conscious person can easily observe the traditions of Christianity that have developed over centuries. Spending many hours attending prayer services in churches and participating in religious processions does not fit into a busy, eventful life. A believer has no time at all to stop, think and realize what is happening.

Sometimes, due to overwork, there is an urgent need to open up and pour out your soul. Business laws do not recommend resorting to this. But the tormented ego is looking for a way out and help. It is like a bird in a narrow cage in need of care and guidance. Turning to the sources of true faith helps to restore lost strength and make the right decisions, both in business and in family life.

Are icons needed in the house?

It is possible to be under the constant constant protection of the Almighty and to be guided by the instructions of the saints thanks to icons correctly placed in a person’s own home. But you should not mistakenly believe that the more images of holy faces in the house, the better for the owners.

Size and quantity do not play any role in this matter. The unreasonable use of a large number of icons, paintings of relevant themes and church wall calendars can sometimes have the opposite adverse effect on others.

However, every home should use the necessary icons. For a true believer, an icon is the embodiment of saints in

material images. The creation of icon painting is strikingly different from portrait images.

They capture holiness, purity and chastity in every stroke and in every line. Icons in the house are used for private prayers and repentance. In many families that preserve the traditions of true Christianity, holy images are carefully passed on from fathers to children. Bright faces can unite different generations. Soften the hearts of the embittered, revive the generous.

What to Avoid When Placing Icons

Increasingly, in the modern world, the place of shrines in the house is taken by television and computer. In recent years, the importance of spirituality and family traditions has sharply declined. And yet, young people often have questions about the value of home prayer, the significance of holy images, and how to properly hang icons in the house.

Priests recommend placing icons on the eastern side of the house in the “red corner”. There should be a large free space in front of the iconostasis in order to facilitate access to the shrine. Icons are installed on the iconostasis in accordance with the church hierarchy on a separate shelf. Decorate the place of worship with fresh flowers, embroidered towels and openwork napkins. During the annual church holiday “Palm Sunday”, branches of consecrated willow are placed.

To avoid troubles, you should not place the attributes of the modern hungry world nearby: TV, game consoles, stereo system, computer. It is prohibited to place telephones, money and house keys on the shelf with icons. Posters with images of sports and show business idols, calendars with photographs of models and politicians are not hung on the walls adjacent to the “front corner”.

Placing idols of cruel reality on the same level as holy icons will not go unnoticed. Formation on bookshelves is not allowed. It is not uncommon that the content of the books on display sharply contradicts the centuries-old Christian idea of ​​love and mercy. You should not mix ritual attributes with such interior items as wall tapestries, graffiti, and sculptures.

Which saints should you have in your home?

For any Orthodox family, the main icon in the house is this image

Jesus Christ. For home conversion, it is enough to install a half-length image of the Savior. An important feature of such icon painting is the recreation of the image of the blessing hand of the Lord. On many icons, Jesus appears as the arbiter of human destinies. Therefore, the image of the Lord Pantocrator is given one of the main places in any iconostasis - on the right.

It is customary to place the icon of the Mother of God to the left of the main image. A special feature of the iconography of this theme is the contact of the bright faces of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus. The inspired drawing of the Mother of God, filled with endless love, symbolizes the continuous connection between heaven and earth, and evokes a feeling of inner reverent reverence. Among the icons of the “Tenderness” type, the most famous is the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. On icons painted according to the “Hodegetria” (“Guide”) type, the mother points to the Savior with a gesture of her free right hand. The most revered among such images is the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

The icon of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) dominates the main part of the “red corner”. This image serves as the most famous symbol of unbreakable unity. Reflecting the highest degree of piety, this triple image has earned endless love and veneration in Orthodoxy.

If you have enough “usable space”, you can organize a home altar on 2 levels. Observing the church hierarchy, the image of the holy prophet Elijah, the supreme apostles Peter and Paul, and the archangels Gabriel and Michael are often placed below. The image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant is sure to complement every Orthodox iconostasis. Among the common people, Saint Nicholas was revered as a miracle worker.

A properly composed family iconostasis should be installed in the front corner of the dining room or on the frontal place in the hall. Daily gratitude for the food and shelter provided during family lunches and dinners will serve to revive Christian traditions and spiritual values. It makes sense to place the well-known image of “The Last Supper” directly in the kitchen. Free access to the face of the Mentor and Patron will contribute to the formation in young people of the need for personal communication.

A holy face for everyone

They say when in the family

many children are a blessing from God. Holy icons with separate contents are intended for young boys of different sexes.

Luckily for the girls

In the girl’s room there must certainly be an image of Xenia of Petersburg. They place their aspirations and hopes on her in determining a better life. In due time, she comes to the aid of desperate girls and women. Helps them get married safely.

Lately In Rus', the peasant tradition of annually celebrating Valentine's Day - the holiday of Peter and Fevronya - is being revived. The icon of lovers is a reliable patroness of legal marriage and warm family relationships. Their indestructible union serves as an example of eternal values ​​- mutual love and respect, great wisdom and patience.

The number of worshipers of the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow is growing every year. For those who suffer, she is the wisest guardian of basic sacred values ​​and the merciful patroness of numerous lonely hearts. For those who turn to her with deep faith and pure thoughts, she helps to form a strong family and rewards the desperate with the long-awaited happiness of motherhood.

For boys for prudence

In the boys' room there is usually an icon of the famous holy great martyr George the Victorious, who is considered the patron saint of the army. It acts as a kind of shield, both for the house and for its inhabitants. Her aura is indispensable for guys preparing for military service. This image is presented as a gift to the baby during the sacrament of baptism.

For the purpose of instruction, children are often given an image of St. Andrew the First-Called. He is the generally recognized patron of the Russian land. Turning to it helps to increase the thirst for knowledge, instills a love of work, and fosters a sense of respect for older generations.

The icon with the face of the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky equally patronizes both generals and privates. Strengthens mental strength, promotes physical development and increased self-esteem. Serves as a compelling historical figure for modern emulation.

A holy place should not be empty

For simplicity and

accessibility to images, they can be installed on a separate shelf in the front corner of the children's room or placed on a free wall in accordance with the recommendations described earlier.

It is customary to place the image of the child’s Guardian Angel at the head of the bed. A reliable patron and protector is given to every person at birth. People turn to him at times of imminent danger and in times of doubt. It’s not uncommon to place personalized children’s icons on special stands indoors.

They are intended for each tomboy personally, as they correspond to the owner’s name. Adults hope that such defenders and patrons will help in the proper upbringing of the younger generation and protect them from many troubles and misfortunes.

Joy for the sick and weak

Often in large families a separate room is allocated for aging parents. There, wise old people who have lived long, sometimes difficult lives, arrange their things that are close and dear to them. In the first place among them are always pious and often ancient icons.

Confirming their loyalty to Christian traditions with their actions and thoughts, the fathers decided the destinies of their children and grandchildren in accordance with the requirements of faith. But now the time has come to give parents a canonized image of the holy great martyr and worldly healer Panteleimon.

The free Christian holy healer does not leave people’s requests for healing without due attention. It cures not only bodily ailments, but also revives the soul. Since time immemorial, he has been a well-known patron of all true doctors and suffering patients. You can install an icon with the face of a saint in the eastern corner of the room, surrounding it with appropriate church attributes.

Where can you buy true icons?

In order not to make a mistake when purchasing items that are so necessary for the home, purchases should be made in church shops at churches, at often organized Orthodox exhibitions and fairs. In such places there is a wide selection of relevant products.

The rich church decoration of the premises is conducive to calm and tranquility. Color embossing is most often used in the design of holy images. To create a status attribute included in the large iconostasis, expensive gold stamping is used. Here you can

buy icon cases - special boxes with glass for careful storage and use of icons.

In attribute shops, specialists who know Orthodoxy well will be happy to give detailed advice. They will help you make a justified choice in accordance with your life situation. When purchasing an icon, you must check for a special stamp indicating that this icon has received illumination. It is worth paying attention to whether the text of the offered prayer is included in the kit. It is very convenient for home use.

It is easy to communicate with God if you have the necessary icons in your home, placed in accordance with Christian principles. By offering daily gratitude to the Almighty, every believer has the right to count on love, care and guidance on the true path.

Is it possible to put icons in the bedroom?

This is a question many people ask themselves. Each person's home iconostasis is individual.

A believer chooses icons for his home independently, listening only to the voice of his heart, only it decides to which Saint to direct daily prayers. But when choosing icons, you should ensure that they match the manner of execution and style of the room. The article will tell you how to do it yourself.

Features of the location of icons in the house

The veneration of icons represents the veneration of a prototype. Looking at the icon, a person sees in it the Savior Himself, the Mother of God or saints.

These sacred images should be given the veneration appropriate to the shrine. In the church, Orthodox people lay candles and lamps in front of the icons, and kiss the sacred images.

When worshiping in front of icons:

  • Incense or incense is burned.
  • They pray.
  • Prayers are sung.
  • Religious processions are performed with them.

In the home of an Orthodox Christian there should be an appropriate attitude towards icons.

The place where the images are placed is called:

  • Red corner.
  • Front corner.
  • Holy corner.
  • Kyoto.
  • Goddess.
  • Icon.

In the house, first of all, you should have such icons as:

  • Savior.
  • Mother of God.
  • Particularly revered shrines.
  • Personalized icons, which include the heavenly patron saints of all family members and holidays. The image of the Savior should be placed to the right of the one standing, and the face of the Virgin Mary should be placed to the left.

Icons should be placed in a place separate from other things.

You cannot install them:

  • In bookcases that house books of a secular nature that contradict Christianity and have nothing in common with Orthodox truths.
  • On the shelves where there are photographs of loved ones, especially the deceased.
  • Where toys and figurines are located, icons should not be mixed with decorative elements.
  • Next to posters of pop singers, athletes, politicians and other idols of the current century.
  • There should be no artistic paintings here, even those painted on biblical subjects, such as:
  1. “The Appearance of Christ to the People”;
  2. "Sistine Madonna".

Advice: It is not allowed to see photos of priests, monks, elders, or people who lead a righteous life among the icons.

How to choose the right place for icons

In the house, icons can be placed in any room, not excluding the bedroom.

In the nursery it is advisable to arrange:

  • A measured icon, the height of which corresponds to the height of the child at birth.
  • Personal.
  • Image of the Savior.
  • Guardian Angel.

Instructions for placing icons suggest:

  • Install them on the east side of the room. This could be a corner or a wall.

Advice: When praying, a person should face east, just like the altar in an Orthodox church. Icons should also be placed on the eastern wall of the room.

How are the holy scriptures placed?

After determining the location of the icons, you must:

  • Install a shelf-case there, which is a special cabinet or glass shelf designed to protect icons from accidental mechanical damage, dust or dirt. The icon case allows you to store the face of the saint in more gentle conditions, where the icons are less susceptible to the negative consequences of changes in temperature and humidity of the surrounding air.
  • It is better to place the shelf a little higher above eye level or directly at eye level.
  • Images of saints are placed on a shelf or hung on the wall if there are quite a lot of them.
  • It is better to cover the bottom of the shelf with embroidery or put a beautiful white canvas or shroud.
  • On the left there should be an Icon of the Mother of God, and on the right - the image of the Savior, which is provided for by the classical iconostasis.
  • The following options are also allowed:
  1. place the image of the Savior above all others in the center;
  2. on the left you can put the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of John the Baptist;
  3. on the right is the face of the Mother of God.

You can combine all these icons in one, which is called Jesus Christ the King of Glory.

  • Only the Crucifix or the icon of the Holy Trinity can be placed above the composition of images.
  • Near the face of John the Baptist is the Archangel Gabriel. And near the image of the Mother of God is the Archangel Michael.

There may be other saints in the iconostasis:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Panteleimon.
  • Peter Pavel.

Advice: You should always remember the principle of hierarchy: no saint should be placed above the icon of the Savior, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God and the Apostles.

  • On the sides and slightly below you can place images related to personal, family or hereditary.
  • It is advisable to crown the home iconostasis with an Orthodox cross.
  • Before starting the prayer, it is advisable to light a candle or lamp, and then hang it and place it in front of the faces of the saints. A burning candle symbolizes a person’s burning towards God, his prayer.
  • It is customary to decorate the holy corner with embroidery or place fresh flowers in it. You can do the embroidery for decoration yourself.

Many believe that icons should not be placed in the bedchamber - this is the most intimate room in the home. But this is absolutely not true.

Intimacy between spouses is not considered a sin, so you can safely place holy scriptures in the bedroom. But you should know that the images are placed only at the head of the bed. The video in this article will show you how to do this.

If the bedroom is of an unmarried couple, this is considered a sin that cannot be hidden from God even without placing icons in the room. God is omnipresent, he sees everything always, and not through images. Feel free to place images of saints in your bedroom and pray!

Church traditions are passed down from century to century, despite some of them being lost in time, and today, as before, the world is empty and unthinkable without communion with God. For many of us, visiting temple has long become a custom and is a great blessing and peace. During the service, people receive unity with God through prayer and visible spiritual contact with the Shrines and the faces of miracle workers. Prayer cleanses the heart, heals the soul, inspiring faith and giving good joy.

A house where there is a corner with icons will always be clean and protected from all evil spirits and evil. But how and where is it better to place the faces of the Saints in an ordinary apartment and what place would be the most suitable for reading prayers? Answers to questions of such a sensitive nature have been perfected over the centuries. It turns out that there are Orthodox canons that require strict adherence to traditions and a careful approach to detail.

Red corner in the house

The icon is still an important, valuable, family heirloom that is reverently protected and revered. Every true believer has a “clean” place in his home - the Red Corner. Other names for the sacredly protected place are Beautiful Corner, Goddess, Front or Holy Corner - this is usually the name for a secluded place where you can kneel and turn to the Saints in prayer in the morning and evening hours.

From time immemorial, during the construction of temples, the altar was installed where the sun rises. It is the eastern side that symbolically brings us closer to the spiritual personification, that is, to God. But in city apartments it is not always possible to install icons in accordance with all Orthodox rules, so they take a different direction as a basis, abandoning the traditional theory. In most cases, the place of honor for the iconostasis is determined by a vector diagonal from the entrance room door towards the far corner of the room. The space where the Red Corner was created must be free so that the whole family can turn in prayer to the Almighty and express their reverence before the faces of the Savior and his helpers.

What icons decorate the iconostasis?

You should not strive to fill the main iconostasis in the apartment with many Holy images. In the central area of ​​the house: the living room or hall, it is better to leave three main significant and revered icons: Savior, Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity.

It is important to respect the trend of religious hierarchy. According to established canons, the face of the Savior is always placed on the right, and the Mother of God on the left. Only the icon of the Holy Trinity can be installed one step higher.

The arrangement of icons should look neat and harmonious. It’s good if all the icons are the same size and follow the same style. The crown of the iconostasis must be consecrated with an Orthodox cross. The number of religious persons present in the house is not limited, but

the main thing in this matter is sincerity, since a selfless prayer will always be heard. The iconostasis can be supplemented with other images of saints. They like to place heavenly images in the Goddess
namesake patrons, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon.

In addition to the general Goddess, it is quite acceptable to place icons in another living area: bedroom, kitchen, nursery or hallway. In the dining room or kitchen, believers usually venerate the icon of the Savior to ask for blessings on their lunch meal and to give thanks for their daily bread. Many Orthodox Christians hang icons above the front door so that trouble does not come to the house. In the bedroom, the faces of the Saints, located at the head of the bed, protect the peace and sleep of those sleeping.

In order to protect the unsullied soul of a child from dark forces and illnesses, icons of Guardian Angels often give away their power in children’s rooms. In general, finding the necessary corner for home worship in the arrangement of an apartment is not difficult: the main thing is to approach this process with great faith and love. The only area where icons have no place is the bathroom and toilet.

Another, no less significant condition in relation to the location of icons in the house is the ban on their proximity to decorative and household elements. Icons love solitude and the absence of any defilement. The Church condemns it if toys, personal photographs, modern books, postcards, jewelry, household utensils and pagan figurines are placed next to the iconostasis. On the contrary, decorating the iconostasis with fresh flowers, an icon book (a special embroidered towel), censer, candles, willow and birch branches, and rosary beads will enhance the religious aura. In addition to images of holy faces, the icon case (wooden cabinet) contains a prayer book, the Gospel, the Psalter and objects consecrated in the temple and Holy Water.

The fundamental stage in the arrangement and formation of a home iconostasis will be the maintenance of icons in regular cleanliness and special careful preservation, and this should be expressed, first of all, in the elimination of dust, excessive moisture and excessive dryness, which can spoil the icons and distort the images of the faces of saints.

Every home where an Orthodox family lives must have icons. They are necessary to protect the apartment. Also, with an image before your eyes it is much easier to concentrate for prayer. However, now not everyone knows where to hang icons in the house. But there is nothing complicated in this science.

Where and how to hang icons?

A home is not a temple in which everything is strictly regulated and where it cannot be otherwise. Here you can give free rein to your imagination - naturally, within the framework of traditions and canons. The canonical opinion is that an icon should be in every room of the house, with rare exceptions.

The most important rule in this case is that there should be enough space in front of the image. This is necessary so that the believer can pray in front of the icon without inconvenience, because that is what it is intended for. Everything else - again, with rare exceptions - is advisory in nature.

So, it’s worth thinking about placing icons in the following rooms:

· Be sure to hang the image above the dining table (in the dining room or kitchen). Before eating you need to pray. As a rule, this place is occupied by the icon of the Savior or the Last Supper.

· The image of a “Guardian Angel” is very often placed in the nursery. The best location is at the head of the crib.

· A common misconception is that there should be no icons in the bedroom. But that's not true. You just need to know how to hang an icon in the bedroom. If spouses sleep in it, it’s okay, because intercourse in marriage is not considered a sin. It is advisable to hang it at the head of a properly positioned bed.

It is important that, if possible, the image hangs on the eastern side, because of the tradition of turning to face the east for prayer. But if this is impossible, what can you do? It is also recommended to take into account the hierarchy when placing them - that is, you cannot hang the images of the Mother of God or the Savior below all the others.

Where should you not hang icons?

There are places where you absolutely should not hang icons in the house. There are also some prohibitive traditions.

It is important to remember: in which corner the icons are hung, there should not be other photographs, posters or drawings there. Only canonical images, and nothing more. The same applies to walls. Because you can only pray on them, but not on a poster, for example, of Michael Jackson or a portrait of your great-grandmother.

There is often a question about what kind of icon is hung above the front door. The answer is that you shouldn’t do that. As a rule, an Orthodox cross or its sticker is placed there. You can also hang a horseshoe. Although, if you wish, you can place the “Goalkeeper” or the Mother of God “Seven Shooters” above the door.

And, of course, under no circumstances should you place the image in the toilet. This is blasphemous. Also, do not hang it on window frames. Only on walls, in corners, can be placed on shelves. But not behind some things - only on a free shelf.

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