Arnica homeopathy is an effective remedy for mechanical damage. ARNICA Arnica montana Arnica instructions for use homeopathy

Lamb grass. The tincture is prepared from the whole plant, collected during flowering (July to August). Characteristic 1. A feeling of pain, weakness, bruise - these are the main symptoms of arnica. 2. Excessive sensitivity throughout the body: the bed seems too hard; It is impossible to wear clothes that tightly tighten the chest and abdomen due to circulatory disorders. 3. Putrid odor: breath, belching, gas, vomit, stool, sweat. 4. Rush of blood to the head with heat, while the rest of the body remains cold. 5. Bruising that appears at the slightest touch. The pain with arnica is exactly similar to that which occurs after a blow. “The whole body seems to ache, as if it had been bruised. This sensation can be present in all parts of the body, but it is especially often observed in the area of ​​the uterus, where the feeling of a bruise and wound makes it difficult to stand upright when walking.” Arnica pain worsens in the evening and at night. Chair. Dark brown, accompanied by colic due to bloating and gas with the smell of rotten eggs (sulfur). With arnica there is involuntary stool at night during sleep, or rather during deep stupor, a real typhoid state. Involuntary stool is usually accompanied by involuntary urination. Menses. Much ahead of schedule, abundant, bright red, with clots. During menstruation, the head is hot, but the body and limbs are cold. Summary Arnica is a valuable remedy for trauma and all its more or less long-term consequences. Its main characteristic is a feeling of pain and bruises, as if from a beating. She is also very useful remedy for diseases due to overstrain and fatigue of organs, in particular, for heart diseases in athletes. Let us also remember about putrefactive discharge during typhoid fevers.

indications for use

Main indications Always connect arnica with trauma in your mind. Trauma, recent or old, and even its very long-term consequences: it was in this way that migraines were cured with the help of arnica due to a head injury, dyspeptic disorders after being hit by a horse, urinary incontinence, after surgical intervention or falling. The following diseases, for which arnica quickly helps, are also nothing more than isolated cases of injury. HEMOPTYSIS after severe cough. Hoarseness due to overwork of the vocal cords, in teachers, artists, commanders, etc. MYALGIA: pain from intense exercise of healthy or weakened muscles. GASTRALGIA after a hasty meal, often nothing more than simple myalgia. PAIN IN THE SIDE, a consequence of muscle fatigue. HEART HYPERTROPHY from physical exercise; heart enlargement in athletes. TRAUMATIC HEMORRHAGIES naturally require the use of arnica, but it is also useful for arbitrary hemorrhages: purpura; random hemorrhages in certain nervous diseases. IN TYFOID CONDITION, arnica is often indicated in the presence of numbness, involuntary release of urine and feces, great weakness, and the appearance of petechiae. The area of ​​action of arnica is interesting: the big toe swells and turns red, becomes hot and shiny, extremely sensitive to the slightest touch: the patient cannot bear to be touched or even tried to be touched, the pain is unbearable, as in a gouty attack. BOOLS: especially when they are small, numerous and accompanied by heat and itching. HEADACHE. Sensation of pressure, as after a brain contusion, with dizziness, comatose sleep, as with apoplexy. COUGH followed by overexertion of the voice, with expectoration of bright, foamy blood with clots. FEVER with redness of the face and heat in the head, and the rest of the body is cold; chills as soon as the blanket is opened a little. Great thirst even before chill. Feeling as if the body is drenched cold water. Surgical fever.

effect on the body

Physiological action Depending on the individual's predisposition, arnica poisoning is of three types: 1. Gastrointestinal form: with stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting and cholera-like diarrhea, which may be accompanied by nervous symptoms, especially drowsiness, dizziness, trembling and even convulsions. 2. Nervous form, characterized by the following phenomena: convulsions, especially tonic ones, expressed mainly in fibrillary twitches; paralysis, mainly in the form of paraplegia. In some cases, coma with complete loss of consciousness was observed. 3. Heart shape. It is expressed in painful pressure behind the chest bone with a feeling of melancholy, shortness of breath, cardiac arrest, small and irregular pulse. In weaker, but nonetheless significant doses, arnica exerts its effect. 1. First of all, on blood vessels and in particular on capillaries, causing their expansion and promoting the formation of hemorrhages, which externally manifest themselves in the form of ecchymosis. 2. On the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which it affects only superficially, causing the appearance of bruises, hemorrhages, small acne of a furunculous nature, extremely painful: at the same time, a sensitivity disorder can be noted: it is expressed especially in the area of ​​​​the joints and patients feel as if they were mercilessly beaten. 3. Arnica is a “muscle” remedy, and it is necessary to note its effect on the heart - this hollow muscle. It causes cardiac excitement: palpitations, cardiac anguish and shortness of breath. Peculiarities Worse: at the slightest touch. Improvement: stretched out, with head lying low.


The 6th dilution should be preferred in brain diseases, except for fear of space, where the 1st decimal should be prescribed. At gastrointestinal diseases The 3rd dilution is useful, for heart diseases the doses are different.

Belongs to the Asteraceae family of plants (Aster genus). Outwardly, these flowers look like miniature sunflowers, and almost everyone has encountered them in the wild. But few people knew that this plant can work wonders if used as a medicine.

Homeopathic arnica blooms almost all summer in meadows, plains and fields. A distinctive feature is three teeth on the edges of the petals.

The inflorescences are collected immediately after the basket is fully opened and dried at gentle temperatures of no more than 50 degrees. Store dry preparations in a cool place with low humidity. Only if the collection, preparation and storage are followed will the plant have healing properties. How is arnica used in folk and conventional medicine? Instructions for using tincture and ointment will be discussed in this article.

It should be noted right away that you should not self-medicate; it is better to contact a specialist who will help you choose the necessary course of therapy in accordance with the diagnosis and concomitant diseases.

Active ingredient of the plant

What elements does arnica contain? Homeopathy is a whole science, but scientists still have not established a complete list of chemical compounds in its composition. of this plant. Here are procyanides and flavonoids, so necessary for the heart and blood circulation, disinfectant, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory essential oils and many other useful microelements.

Plant properties

What are the benefits of arnica? Homeopathy has long been practiced in the fight against various diseases, and sometimes plant therapy is independent, and not just included in complex treatment along with medications. And among many plants, arnica has a wide spectrum of action. Reviews from those who have experienced the effects of this herb say that it natural medicine copes well with pain, resolves hemorrhages, helps quickly restore torn muscles and tendons, and effectively copes with phenomena such as dislocation or sprain. Arnica is an excellent remedy for treating poorly healing dirty wounds.

What are the benefits of a tincture based on the arnica plant? Homeopathy has long practiced the use of compresses and lotions. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently by pouring live inflorescences with 70% alcohol 1:10. The tincture must stand for at least two weeks, after which it is ready for straining and use.

The composition is used to prepare compresses: 1 tablespoon is diluted with a glass of water, gauze or bandage is moistened in this liquid and applied to the sore spot. The tincture is also taken orally, a few drops diluted with water, to normalize heart rhythm and for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can make tea from the plant and wash wounds with it or make lotions and rinses. Taking a diluted drink orally will help cope with chronic fatigue of the heart muscle and insomnia. Quite often, experts recommend arnica for recovery period after heart attack and stroke.

A diluted tincture can be used to treat insect bites and inflammatory halos on the chest. The healing properties of this plant will help with concussions, gout and rheumatism.

Arnica decoction rinses

Few people can boast of excellent health these days. And along with many serious chronic diseases, the body is increasingly exposed to colds and virus attacks. And here it is very important to provide your body with timely help in the form of useful substances and microelements that can quickly restore strength.

For example, the arnica plant will cope with the first signs of cough, sore throat and dry throat. The beauty of homeopathy is that herbs can be used in absolutely all areas.

Side effects

How can arnica be dangerous? The instructions for use only speak about individual intolerance. Of course, the rich composition can cause an allergic reaction! When using arnica-based products externally, itching and burning with the formation of blisters, as with burns, are possible. In such cases, it is recommended to refuse further use of the product.

The whole paradox is that in the presence of positive dynamics, there are cases of significant deterioration in the health of patients after taking tinctures and tea. Therefore, you should not use this remedy without a doctor’s recommendation.

Arnica - an ointment for all occasions

Traditional medicine is practically based on homeopathy, since all medicinal recipes consist of herbal components. However, the properties of these flowers have also been noted in conventional medicine. Today, an ointment is made from a plant such as arnica. Homeopathy (the instructions for this remedy confirm this) is very effective for muscle sprains and tears. Arnica based ointment is used for fast regeneration skin and eliminate bruises. This is an excellent remedy that will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks, scars and congestion in skin tissue.

The ointment, which contains arnica plant extract and petroleum jelly, is used for bruises, abrasions, deep scratches, ruptured blood vessels, rheumatism, joint and muscle pain and hematomas.

The product should not be applied to an open wound without prior treatment with an antiseptic. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on the use of the drug.

Formula, chemical name: no data.
Pharmacological group:homeopathic remedies.
Pharmachologic effect: anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic, wound healing, local irritant, tonic, anticonvulsant, sedative, choleretic, antisclerotic.

Pharmacological properties

It is a product of plant origin. Arnica contains essential oil, tannins, arnicin (a bitter non-glycosidic substance), cynarin, trimethylamine, choline, betaine, essential oily fats, carotid colors (arnidiol, lutein, faradiol), vitamin C, resins, sugars, mucus, formic, angelic and isobutyric acids . When used externally, it has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic, and wound-healing effect. Anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties can be partly explained by the combination of carotene and the microelement manganese. Thanks to the content of faradiol, it promotes the resorption of hemorrhages and has a local irritating effect. As a result of the resorptive effect of arnicine, coronary vessels dilate, the amplitude of heart contractions increases, myocardial trophism improves, and a hemostatic effect is noted in case of diapedetic bleeding. In small doses, preparations from arnica flowers have a tonic effect on the central nervous system; in large doses they can have anticonvulsant and sedative effect. Choleretic effect arnica is associated with the presence of plant oils and resins. Due to the presence of cynarin in the plant, arnica has anti-sclerotic properties and reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.


For oral administration: as part of complex treatment for cholangitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach, rheumatism, gout, bronchitis, influenza, traumatic brain injury, neuralgia, epilepsy, migraine, edema syndrome, coronary disease heart disease, arterial hypertension, myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, heavy bleeding and menstruation, which are associated with gynecological diseases; poor contractility of the uterus in the postpartum period.
For outdoor use: abrasions, bruises, hematomas, pustular skin diseases, trophic ulcers, superficial phlebitis, minor burns and frostbite, inflammation at the sites of insect bites, swelling associated with bone fractures; joint and muscle pain of rheumatic origin.

Method of use of arnica and dosage

The drug is taken orally and used externally; the dose is set individually, depending on the used dosage form and testimony.
Dosage forms that are intended for external use should not be taken orally.

Contraindications for use


Restrictions on use

No data.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

No data.

Side effects of arnica

Digestive system: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea.
Dermatological reactions: increased sweating, dermatitis, eczema, the appearance of areas of necrosis, skin lesions with the formation of blisters.
Others: chills, polyuria, shortness of breath, allergic reactions.

Interaction of arnica with other substances

No data.


When used in high doses, convulsive muscle twitching is possible, aching pain in the extremities, inhibition of the functions of the circulatory system.

Trade names of drugs with the active ingredient arnica

Combined drugs:
Calamus rhizomes + arnica grass + oak bark + mint pepper leaves+ daisies pharmacy flowers+ thyme common grass+ Salvia officinalis leaves: Stomatophyte;
Calamus rhizomes + arnica herb + oak bark + peppermint leaves + chamomile flowers + common thyme herb + sage leaves + benzocaine: Stomatophyte A.

Arnica is a fairly common aster plant. Many of us often encounter it, completely unaware of its healing properties. From dried and freshly picked flowers and rhizomes of the plant, tinctures, decoctions, ointments, and creams are made. Homeopathic preparations based on arnica help cope with skin problems, severe pain in joints and muscles, and the consequences of injuries, including thermal ones. Experts in the field of homeopathy and traditional medicine claim that the healing properties of this plant have not been fully studied, and do not recommend preparing potions from it yourself. The fact is that arnica contains not only beneficial substances, but also toxic ones.

Medicinal properties of arnica

Currently, biologists have studied about 30 species of this plant. Only a few of them are used in homeopathy - mountain, middle, densely leafy, Sakhalin, Unalaksha. The leaves, flowers and rhizomes of the plant contain a large number of chemical and mineral elements:

  • active essential oils,
  • arnicin,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • carotenoids,
  • tannins,
  • flavonoids,
  • organic acids.

It is necessary to use homeopathic and cosmetic products based on arnica of any kind very carefully, since it contains toxins that, if used uncontrolled, can cause not only poisoning, but also provoke depression of the central nervous system (central nervous system), causing heart rhythm disturbances.

The spectrum of action of arnica preparations is very wide - they successfully fight viruses and bacteria that cause colds, have hemostatic and healing properties, antiseptic effect, remove pain syndrome of any etiology, restore the structure of the skin, mucous membranes, and even normalize hormonal levels.

Forms of release of preparations based on arnica

Most homeopathic and cosmetic preparations based on arnica are intended for external use only. Before including such drugs in a treatment complex, it is necessary to obtain the approval of a medical specialist. The intake of arnica tinctures and decoctions should be monitored by the attending physician, and the dosage should not be increased independently under any circumstances.

At home and in the laboratory, the following is prepared from arnica:

  • alcohol and water tinctures,
  • decoctions and teas,
  • ointments and creams,
  • extracts,
  • essential oils,
  • decorative cosmetics.

Flowers and rhizomes of the plant are used to prepare aqueous and alcoholic tinctures and decoctions. You can prepare such products at home, but it is better to give preference to products created by professionals. It is impossible to correctly calculate the proportions on your own, and if they are not followed, the product can be dangerous.

Essential oils, ointments and creams based on arnica are sold in specialized retail outlets. In addition, they can be purchased from homeopaths, but you should give preference to trusted specialists with extensive experience and positive patient reviews. If cream, ointment, oil or decorative cosmetics from arnica raises doubts in terms of quality or origin, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Therapeutic effect of arnica

All homeopathic remedies containing arnica are accompanied by instructions for use. Basics active substance in the description of the composition of original, proven and safe drugs, it is indicated Latin- arnica. It is important to understand that homeopathic remedies are not medicine and can only be used as aids in complex therapy.

Indications for the use of arnica-based drugs are:

  • mechanical injuries of soft tissues - to stop bleeding, relieve pain and eliminate swelling,
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system - tachycardia, vascular spasms, accompanied by dizziness and numbness of the extremities,
  • disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system after injuries, shocks, concussions,
  • long-term sleep disturbances, anxiety,
  • gynecological problems accompanied by bleeding, cramps,
  • skin diseases - eczema, bedsores, frostbite, furunculosis, burns.

A high therapeutic effect of arnica-based drugs is also noted in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, infectious diseases of the throat and oral cavity, and visual impairment. Homeopaths recommend arnica tinctures and decoctions for those who often experience retinal hemorrhages accompanied by pain.

Arnica in cosmetology

The phytochemical composition of arnica is widely used in cosmetology, to solve aesthetic skin problems, and in the fight against hair loss and slow hair growth. Creams and gels with arnicine isolated from this plant have a powerful anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. The cosmetic market offers oils, granules and even tablets from arnica, which allow you to get rid of age-related acne, acne, and solve the problem of decreased skin tone after 45 years.

Triterpene acids, recently discovered by scientists in arnica flowers, have a brightening effect and can cope even with pronounced age spots. This ability of the plant is confirmed by the reviews of those who have already evaluated masks, creams and serums in this direction.

But children's cosmetics based on substances derived from arnica have not received the approval of medical experts. The skin of newborns and children under 1 year of age should not come into contact with the aggressive components of this plant. Pediatricians recommend avoiding baby shampoos, conditioners, lotions and creams containing arnica. Their use is possible only after the child turns 5-6 years old, the structure of his hair and epidermis will become denser and more resistant to irritants.

Contraindications to the use of arnica

Taking medications, tinctures and decoctions, and using arnica-based cosmetics is possible only after approval medical specialist or a dermatologist. It is important to understand that the plant is not only useful, but also toxic, as it contains dangerous chemical compounds and substances. Arnica is contraindicated in any form

  • pregnant and lactating women,
  • people who have increased blood clotting,
  • preschool children,
  • those who are prone to allergic reactions to plant components.

An overdose or an allergic reaction to arnica is also dangerous. The first symptoms of exceeding the dose are a sharp deterioration in health, accompanied by chills, sticky sweat all over the body, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, repeated bouts of diarrhea, disturbances in the heart rhythm - increased or slowed pulsation. If the dose of a cosmetic product is exceeded (for external use), a rash, redness, and burn symptoms appear on the skin.

In case of overdose of a drug containing arnica components, you should immediately consult a doctor or call ambulance at home if the symptoms are life-threatening. While waiting for medical help, you must take Activated carbon and try to empty your stomach. At negative reaction If you use cosmetics with arnica, you should immediately wash off the product and see a dermatologist.

In botanical reference books this plant is described as poisonous. Therefore, you should not trust dubious homeopaths and purchase preparations containing arnica components from retail outlets that are not responsible for their products. Licensed drugs and cosmetics - proven and safe - are sold only in pharmacy chains. Before using herbal preparations, alcoholic tinctures with arnica and cosmetics based on it, it is better to consult a medical specialist and obtain his approval.