Do British cats snore? Why does a cat wheeze when breathing?

Despite the fact that most people love cats, and many of us even have such pets at home, we still do not always understand the subtleties of their behavior, the nuances of character, as well as all sorts of issues related to certain actions that our pets perform . And today we want to understand one of the phenomena by answering the question of why a cat snores.

Why does a cat snore and wheeze in his sleep?

Cats are known to spend their time sleeping. most own life. To be precise, cats sleep 12-14 hours every day, and sometimes this figure can reach 16 hours. This is not so noticeable to people, since pets sleep in short periods of time, and not in a continuous interval of 14-16 hours. And sometimes such a dream is also accompanied by snoring.

Of course, when we accidentally find videos of snoring dogs and cats on the Internet, we watch them with joy and are touched, but when we ourselves come across similar problem, this begins to alarm and unnerve. Especially if your pet starts snoring at night when everyone is sleeping.

But what makes cats snore like people, why do cats snore in their sleep? The main reason may be blocking respiratory tract. Often, cats' breathing becomes difficult due to the presence of fluid in the nasopharynx. The liquid that fills the animal's nasopharynx is usually snot.

Why does the British cat snore?

If you have a “British” living at home and you are faced with the problem of his snoring, you shouldn’t worry too much. This breed also occasionally has a runny nose, and occasional snoring is not global problem. However, if you notice that your cat's snoring is beginning to become systematic, you need to think about it. And the best decision in this situation would be to refuse to independently search for the causes and solutions to the problem, as well as immediately contact a veterinarian.

Only experienced specialists are able to quickly diagnose and take everything necessary tests, and say exactly what the cause of a cat’s snoring is. After this, if any pathologies are detected, the doctor will immediately prescribe appropriate medications for further treatment.

Predisposition to snoring

Finally, let’s say that there are breeds of the cat family in which snoring is a genetic phenomenon that occurs due to the structural features of the muzzle. For example, the list of such breeds includes Persian cats, which have a specific muzzle structure that influences the fact that cats systematically snore during sleep.

Why do cats snore? IN various cases snoring may indicate serious problems with the pet’s health or may have no particular reason. Sometimes snoring occurs in completely healthy animals. And yet you shouldn’t let things take their course. Snoring not only causes inconvenience for the pet's owners, but can also be dangerous for the animal itself. So if the problem does not go away and continues to get worse, you should consult a veterinarian.

Do cats have a predisposition?

Actually cats not very prone to snoring, at least less than people or dogs. But some breeds are more prone to it than others. The reason lies in the face. If the animal’s ear is flattened or has an unusual appearance, then snoring will most likely be the norm for him. For all other cats, snoring is usually a symptom of serious abnormalities or some kind of illness. But you shouldn’t worry too much, almost everything known diseases Animals can be cured if you take action in time.

Types of snoring

There are several types of snoring; depending on the type, you can determine the disease or the cause of its occurrence.

  1. Wet, also called blister snoring. It can be heard at a fairly impressive distance; you don’t even need to stand next to the animal. A characteristic sound is heard both during inhalation and exhalation.
  2. Dry occurs due to narrowing of the bronchi or trachea. You can hear it during exhalation, but with the help of special equipment it can also be heard during inhalation.
  3. Crackling(crepitating) can only be heard during exhalation. The reason for its occurrence is the straightening of stuck together alveoli.
  4. Inspiratory or stridor occurs due to narrowing of the upper respiratory tract. But this is not ordinary snoring, but rather a noise. It is represented by a whistle, hissing during the inhalation and exhalation of the animal.

Possible reasons

Snoring is never seen as separate disease, but is often a symptom of a problem.

  • Brachycephalic syndrome observed in some species of cats, for example, Persians, Scots, Britons and others with a shortened (flattened) muzzle. For them, snoring is the norm and not a problem or symptom due to shortened sinuses. Therefore, there is no need to worry, but you will have to get used to it. It is important to closely monitor your pet. Indeed, in some cases, because of this syndrome, they require surgical intervention.
  • Inflammation It is usually treated with medication and is not very serious. But if you run it, the animal can become seriously ill.
  • Pneumonia or bronchitis- a problem known to everyone. Appears after the animal has sat in a draft or in the cold, perhaps even just on a window if it blows through the cracks. Snoring occurs due to breathing difficulties, but once the cat is cured, the loud symptom will disappear.
  • Heart failureserious illness, requiring careful handling and appropriate treatment. But with the proper approach to the problem, it can be eliminated in the bud.
  • Injury. If the issue is an injury, it must be treated diligently so that a complication does not arise. If cartilage or bone does not heal properly after a fracture, surgery may be required. So, after an injury, it is advisable to have it examined by a veterinarian and have an x-ray taken.
  • It happens that snoring appears due to a concussion in an animal. Cats jump a lot and can get hit hard if they fall from high altitude. At the same time, the owners may not even know about it. So if the animal is lethargic for several days, it is worth taking it to a specialist.
  • Obesity is another possible reason . This is an additional reason not to overfeed your pet. Excess weight For humans this is a problem, but for animals it can cause serious illness and even death. You should not torment your pet simply because of its beautiful face.
  • Foreign body in the throat or nasopharynx can cause snoring. And if he is not pulled out in time, they may follow serious consequences. A specialist will quickly deal with similar task, but it is not recommended to solve it at home, so as not to damage the animal’s respiratory organs.

In addition, snoring can cause an animal to develop worms, urolithiasis, soft palate hyperplasia, laryngeal paralysis, polyps, laryngeal edema, and so on. The list of diseases and causes is quite impressive, and therefore you should not try to figure it out yourself; it is better to entrust the matter to specialists.

Should I contact a veterinarian?

Snoring is not always a harbinger of trouble. But in some cases, postponing a trip to the veterinarian is not recommended. You should contact your veterinarian if:

  1. During sleep, the cat chokes or even suffocates.
  2. During the day the animal is dry, hot nose, there is lethargy, diarrhea, poor appetite.
  3. The pet's voice has changed, become lower or higher.
  4. The cat sneezes or coughs frequently.
  5. Some liquid is released from the animal's nostrils.
  6. There is swelling of the muzzle or nose.
  7. The cat tries to breathe through its mouth or stretches its neck.


IN veterinary clinic the doctor produces full inspection The animal, in particular the nasopharynx and throat, may require an x-ray or blood test. Of course, in order for the animal to allow such manipulations, it is given anesthesia.

After all the steps, the veterinarian will be able to determine the cause of snoring and prescribe appropriate treatment. Depending on the type of problem, treatment may vary. These can be special ear swabs that need to be used when the animal falls asleep, or medications, diet, sometimes surgery, and so on.

Snoring is directly related to the respiratory system. Many breeders are afraid to perform surgery on their animals, others simply put it off until later due to lack of time. But in some cases, snoring can lead to the death of an animal. Foreign objects, fractures, inflammation can simply block his access to oxygen. So treatment must be immediate and of high quality.

Why does a cat snore in her sleep, is it harmful for her and what should I do? Like all animals, a cat should feel completely safe when falling asleep. Being at rest, she completely relaxes the body. Rib cage, the head and neck occupy a completely different position. Therefore, even a tiny kitten can make some sounds in its sleep - cute snoring, and adult, seasoned cats snore heavily, and for more than one year. And in such a way that they disturb their owners’ sleep.

Sometimes snoring can be physiological reasons, which indicate some kind of health problem with the animal. And therefore such a situation must be investigated veterinarian. After all, snoring can be one of the symptoms of a serious illness or injury. The sooner you contact a specialist, the better, since the disease may progress to a more severe stage that will be difficult to treat.

Are cats prone to snoring?

Cats are much less susceptible to this phenomenon than dogs or even humans. However, certain breeds of cats with short, flat faces are prone to snoring. They may snore quite loudly in their sleep. These are Persian, British, Scottish, Himalayan, all kinds of exotics. For these breeds, snoring during sleep is normal phenomenon and it's called brachycephalic syndrome. It occurs due to short sinuses.

In some cases, brachycephalic syndrome can cause surgery when the cat becomes very difficult to breathe and snores. Beauty, as they say, requires sacrifice. Breed characteristics in domestic cats are sometimes too pronounced and prevent them from enjoying a full life.

Another thing is cats with normal form muzzle, especially in situations where snoring appears suddenly. However, you need to know that diseases, one of the symptoms of which is snoring, are highly treatable, so there is no need to panic. However, get rid of unpleasant phenomenon definitely necessary.

What are the types of cat snoring?

Depending on the type of physiological disorder, snoring in cats occurs different types. According to the sounds that a cat makes in its sleep, experienced doctor can make a diagnosis. Therefore, you definitely need to listen to exactly how the cat breathes and tell your veterinarian about it in detail. Using these symptoms, a specialist will determine why your cat snores in his sleep..

  • Dry snoring - it can only be heard with the naked ear when exhaling. The cat seems to be wheezing. When listening with special equipment, you can hear characteristic wheezing even when you inhale. This type of snoring occurs if the trachea and bronchi are significantly narrowed.
  • Wet snoring – veterinarians call it blister snoring. These are sounds with characteristic “overflows”, as if bubbles are rolling and bursting in the animal’s respiratory tract. This sound is heard both during inhalation and exhalation. It can be heard at a fairly large distance from the animal.
  • Stridor or inspiratory snoring - resembles a kind of hissing and whistling, just noises that are clearly audible during inhalation and exhalation. It occurs because the upper respiratory tract narrows.
  • Crackling snoring – experts call it crepitating snoring. It can only be heard at the moment of exhalation. Accordingly, crackling sounds are heard. It occurs due to the fact that the stuck together alvioli straighten out.

You need to listen carefully to your cat’s snoring and tell a specialist about it in detail.

What diseases can cause a cat to snore?

Cat snoring is not an independent disease, but a symptom of another disease that is completely treatable. Here are the most common reasons:

  1. Colds, bronchitis and pneumonia– the cat caught a cold, was in the cold for too long, walked in the cold rain, in the cold in winter, sat in a draft near open window in cold weather. Snoring can occur not only during sleep, but also during breathing in general. The animal needs urgent treatment. Eliminate the disease and snoring will disappear.
  2. Heart failure is a disease that cannot be left to chance; it requires constant attention and monitoring, especially if the cat is elderly. You need to contact a veterinarian and undergo appropriate treatment.
  3. Injuries– cats love to play and jump high, so they easily get injured. Snoring can be a symptom of a concussion, rib fracture, cartilage or tissue damage respiratory system. You need to contact a veterinarian immediately, especially when there is lethargy, apathy, refusal to eat, and the animal is in pain when you pick it up or feel its body.
  4. Foreign body– may get into the throat or nasopharynx foreign body, because cats, especially young ones, love to actively play with small objects. A bone or piece of food may get stuck in your cat's throat. It is urgent to get rid of the stuck object. Since it can block the respiratory tract at any moment, and also it can fester and the animal will die.
  5. Obesity- This serious problem, if the owner cannot resist the sweet face of his pet, begging for another treat. Food from a human table is not always suitable for a cat. Fatty and sugary treats are harmful and cause diabetes and obesity. The extra one provokes the most various diseases, the cat's life is significantly shortened.
  6. Helminths– they can settle in the respiratory tract. A large number of helminths causes wheezing when breathing, snoring during sleep, coughing.
  7. Laryngeal edemaallergic reactions on plant pollen, food, strong odors, some medicines.

There are many other diseases that can cause snoring as a symptom. Eg, urolithiasis disease, polyps, paralysis and many other reasons. The reasons why a cat snores in its sleep are varied. The list is very large, so figure it out yourself, without special help. veterinary education and experience, the cat owner simply cannot. Therefore, you must definitely show your cat to a specialist, so as not to later regret the wasted time.

When is urgent veterinary intervention necessary?

Signs that indicate you need to see a doctor immediately:

  • The animal suffocates while sleeping.
  • Dry and hot nose, apathy, the cat does not eat well, is apathetic, diarrhea, vomiting.
  • The cat sneezes and coughs all the time.
  • There is mucus or fluid coming out of your cat's nose.
  • The voice became hoarse, low or, on the contrary, too high.
  • Swelling appeared on the face, especially near the nose.
  • The cat tries to breathe through its mouth, stretches its neck as if something is bothering it.

What treatment can a veterinarian prescribe?

First, the veterinarian must conduct a complete examination of the cat, including the throat and nasopharynx. If the reason is not so obvious or it is necessary to clarify in more detail the extent of the damage, an x-ray will be prescribed. In some cases, a blood test will be required. IN difficult cases When a special examination is required, the animal may be given anesthesia.

Once the reason why the cat snores in its sleep is determined, then treatment will be prescribed. These are pills and injections, IVs, diet. Sometimes it is necessary to use special ear swabs. They are used at the moment when the cat begins to fall asleep. In some cases, surgery will be required. Treatments and procedures must be supervised by a veterinarian.

Do not delay visiting a specialist if your cat begins to snore in its sleep. Cat health is peace of mind the owner, his good mood and joy for all family members, especially the little ones. Therefore, you need to take care of the well-being of your family first of all.

Few people can stop laughing at a YouTube video of a cat snoring in its sleep. But it's not funny at all when your cat snores, especially if it happens at 4 am. Snoring in cats is not as common as in dogs. It is usually caused by upper airway obstruction. The cause of snoring may be the presence of fluid in the nasopharynx, which interferes with the normal passage of air. In animals, as in people, snoring can be harmless, but sometimes it indicates the presence of health problems.

Are certain cats predisposed to snoring?

Those with a flattened muzzle (for example) are predisposed to a condition called brachycephalic airway syndrome, which can cause snoring. By and large, any breed of cat that has an unusually shaped muzzle is prone to snoring. The thing is that in such animals, deformation of the muzzle leads to the development of narrower nostrils and the presence of a softer and elongated palate. Most often, snoring is absolutely harmless, but in some cases even surgical intervention may be necessary, without which the animal will not be able to breathe normally. Obesity can also contribute to snoring in your pet. Therefore, there is another reason to keep the animal on a diet.

When should you seek help?

If snoring does not create a real problem for the cat, then, in principle, nothing needs to be done. But if your animal has difficulty breathing, tries to breathe through its mouth, or stretches its neck while breathing, you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Other indicators of problems may include nasal discharge (from one or both nostrils), swelling on the face, sneezing, coughing, or a change in voice. The veterinarian will perform a thorough examination and, in some cases, may prescribe an x-ray. For precise definition Problems may require a thorough examination of the throat and nasopharynx. This procedure is performed using anesthesia.

Causes of snoring in cats

In addition to brachycephalic airway syndrome, snoring can be caused by for the following reasons: foreign body in the throat or nasopharynx, polyps, inflammation, trauma, paralysis of the larynx.

Methods for treating snoring in cats

Method treating snoring in cats will largely depend on its root cause. That is why it is impossible to say exactly how a particular animal will be treated. Everything will depend on the results of preliminary diagnostics. Fortunately, snoring is not dangerous in most cases. Sometimes it is enough to use special ear swabs. But this problem should not be neglected; if you suspect any illness, consult a doctor.

Why does a cat snore in its sleep: the main reasons, what breeds of cats snore more often than others, whether it needs treatment.

Cats are famous for... Like people, they can snore. For some cats snoring is normal a phenomenon due to the characteristics of their body, while for others it can become a symptom of the development of an unpleasant or dangerous disease.

Just like people, cats go through a phase REM sleep when you can see how they twitch their whiskers, open their eyes slightly, wrinkle their muzzle and “run” with their paws, and stage deep sleep , during which they completely relax and some of them begin to snore.

What is snoring

Snoring called noisy breathing during sleep. It is caused by something that prevents the movement of air past the uvula and soft palate in oral cavity and throat. This obstruction causes vibration in the surrounding soft tissue, which sounds like snoring. varying degrees volume.

Which cats snore the most?

Snore more often than others cats of those breeds that are distinguished by a short, flattened (brachycephalic) muzzle. For example, many Persian, Himalayan, and even british cats with short noses, for which it is considered normal. However, before taking such a kitten home, it is worth taking it to the veterinarian and checking to see if the short muzzle is interfering with normal breathing, or if it is leading to problems that can only be solved with surgery.

Also, sedentary cats often snore. With overweight people who are unable to breathe normally because of the fat around their neck. In this case, snoring is not dangerous, however, to make the animal’s life easier, owners should think about restoring its healthy weight.

Cats of all other breeds, sizes and ages can also snore. In most cases, this is simply a characteristic of the animal, but sometimes snoring can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Snoring red cat


The most common causes of snoring are:
— obesity (see above);
— allergies to pollen, spores, etc.;
- cold (passes without intervention);
- sleep in uncomfortable position(in this case, snoring does not recur);
- upper respiratory tract infections (in this case, the cat may sneeze and have visible discharge from the nose and eyes);
foreign body, stuck in the throat (for example, grass or stuck Christmas tree tinsel). This is the most common cause of sudden onset of snoring;
- a polyp or tumor growing in the nasal passage or throat;
- asthma;
- narrowing of the airways;
- dental disease;
- heart problems.

Is it necessary to treat

It depends on the reason that causes snoring. It is especially important to determine it if your cat snores suddenly, without visible reasons. Only a veterinarian will be able to understand what happened to her, whether it is necessary and possible to treat.

Normal snoring is considered to be infrequent and light snoring that does not become more frequent or louder, and does not cause problems for the cat (although this can also be a symptom of allergies or asthma).