How to determine the meaning of life. What to do if life is meaningless

Have you found your true purpose in life? I'm not talking now about your work, not about daily responsibilities, and not even about long-term tasks. I mean exactly the real reason why you are here, and why you even exist.

You may have a rather nihilistic view of the world and you don't believe that you have any purpose or that life has any meaning at all. Doesn't matter. Not believing in the fact that life has meaning will not prevent you from discovering it, just as not believing in the laws of gravity will not save you from falling. All such disbelief can do is delay the moment of discovery, so if you belong to such people, simply replace the number 20 in the title of the article with 40 (or 60, if you are very stubborn). Although most likely if you don’t believe that you still have a goal, then you probably don’t believe in what I’m talking about now. But even if that's the case, what's the risk in taking an hour to read it, just to be on the safe side?

Before this little exercise, I want to tell a story about Bruce Lee. One day a martial artist asked Bruce to teach him everything Bruce knew about martial arts. Bruce held up two cups, both filled with liquid.

The first cup, said Bruce, represents all your martial arts knowledge. The second cup symbolizes everything I know about martial arts. If you want to fill your cup with my knowledge, you must first empty the cup of your knowledge.

If you want to discover your true purpose in life, you will first need to free your brain of the false goals you have been taught (including the idea that there may be no goal at all).

So how do you discover your purpose in life? There are many ways to do this, some of them quite complex; but here is one of the simplest ones that anyone can do. The more you open yourself to the process and the more you expect it to work, the faster it will work for you. But even if you don’t open up, or doubt, or think that this is a completely stupid and pointless waste of time, it still won’t stop it from working, unless you quit before reaching the end. It will just take more time for the process to come together.

Do this:

  1. Take Blank sheet paper or launch a text editor in which you can type (I prefer the second, as it is faster).
  2. Write at the top: “What is my true purpose in life?”
  3. Write the answer (any answer) that comes to your mind. It doesn’t have to be a whole sentence; a short phrase will do.
  4. Repeat step 3 until the answer you write makes you cry. This is your goal.

That's all. It doesn't matter if you are a lawyer, an engineer or a bodybuilder. For some people this exercise will make perfect sense. Others will find it extremely stupid. It usually takes 15-20 minutes to clear the chaos in your head and clear it of social prejudices about what you think is your goal. Your mind and memories will suggest false answers. But when the correct answer finally appears, you will have the feeling that it came from a completely different source.

Those who have never thought about the meaning of life and are too entrenched in their views will need much more time to filter out all the false answers, perhaps more than an hour. But if you persist, after 100, 200 or perhaps even 500 answers, you will be amazed by an answer that will cause a storm of emotions in you; this answer will break you. If you've never done this before, it will probably sound stupid to you. It may seem stupid, but do it anyway.

During the exercise, some of your answers will be very similar to others. A number of answers may simply be repeated. In this case, you can try to look from a different angle and generate 10-20 answers to some new topic. And that is great. You can list any answers that come to mind as long as you continue to write.

At some point (usually after about 50-100 responses) you may want to finish writing without noticing that the process is “converging”. You may feel the urge to get up and find a reason to do something else. This is fine. Get over that resistance and just keep writing. The feeling of resistance will gradually pass.

You may also find a few answers that will give you a mini-outburst of emotion, but they won't make you cry - they're just a little out of the way. Underline these answers as you go so you can return to them later and create new combinations. Each of them reflects part of your goal, but individually they do not make up the complete picture. When you start getting such answers, it simply means that you are close to the goal. Warmer! Continue.

It is important to do this exercise alone and without interruption. If you are a nihilist, then you can easily start with answers like “I have no goal”, “Life is meaningless” and the like. If you continue, the process will eventually come together.

When I did this exercise, it took me about 25 minutes and I found my final answer at step 106. Partial pieces of the answer (mini-spikes) appeared at steps 17, 39 and 53, and then most of them fell into place and were finally formed at steps 100-106. I felt resistance (I wanted to get up and do something else, it seemed like nothing would work, I felt impatience and even irritation) at about steps 55-60. At step 80, I took a two-minute pause to close my eyes, relax, clear my thoughts, and focus on the fact that the answer was coming to me. This helped because the answers I started writing after the pause became much clearer.

Here is my final answer: live consciously and courageously, resonate with love and compassion, awaken fortitude and character in other people, and leave this world at peace.

When you find your own unique answer to the question “Why am I here?”, you will feel how deeply it resonates with you. It seems that these words have some special energy, and you will feel this energy every time you read them.

Finding your purpose is just the easy part. The hard part is keeping it to yourself every day and working on yourself until you become that goal yourself.

If you are going to ask why this little exercise is so effective, then simply postpone this question until you have successfully completed the process. Having gone through it to the end, you will most likely get your own answer to the question of why it works. Probably if you ask 10 different people completed the exercise, you will receive 10 different answers. They will all be filtered through individual beliefs, and each will have its own reflection of the truth.

Obviously, this process will not work if you finish it before it "comes together." I estimate that 80-90% of people should achieve convergence in less than an hour. If you have extremely strengthened your beliefs and are resisting the process, then you may need 5 sessions and 3 hours, but I suspect that such people will simply quickly give up (after 15 minutes) or not try at all. But if you are drawn to read this article, then I doubt that you fall into this category of people.

Exercise Defining Your Mission

Exercise Defining Your Mission is very important, since many are now doing something other than their job, simply killing time for the sake of a salary. Find your Mission, decide to prepare yourself for change, and a lot will change in your life.

The exercise is not easy, it takes several days.

It seems that you only need to complete 7 points of the exercise, but high-quality completion is possible only 1-3 points per day.

Still, try to do this exercise well, and you will receive mini-enlightenment.

And, in the near future, you will be surprised to see how your life changes for the better.

"Defining Your Mission"
  1. Set three goals for yourself that you want to achieve in the next year.

    For each of these goals, figure out, “If I get this, what even more important thing will it be a part of?” Find a goal that combines all three of your goals.

  2. Identify three people for yourself different people, whose life path and whose activities admire you. Take a close look at their accomplishments and see what higher purpose those accomplishments serve. What do the goals of the people you choose have in common?
  3. Find three different types activities that give you pleasure and indulging in which you “forget about yourself.” In order to engage in such an activity, you would not spare any money. What do these types of activities have in common? Write down everything you discover.
  4. Review everything you have written down carefully. Describe your mission using the words from the lists you created. Start like this: “My Mission is...”
  5. What does your mission look, sound, and feel like? How does your mission relate to your family, friends, work, society, planet?
  6. Imagine three people, each of whom can serve as an example for you in one way or another in realizing your mission. What advice could these people give you if you decided to discuss your plans for the coming year with them? Take their advice to heart. Choose only one goal, the achievement of which will contribute to the implementation of your mission. Write this goal down.
  7. What will you do next week to achieve this goal and realize your mission? What will you do today? Write down your tips.

Translation: Balezin Dmitry

How can you find your true meaning in life? I mean the reason why you are here at all - the reason for your existence.
It is possible that you consider yourself a nihilist and do not believe that your life has any meaning at all.

It doesn't matter. Just because you don't believe there is a goal won't stop you from discovering it, any more than not believing in gravity will stop you from falling if you stumble. Lack of faith that there is a purpose in life will only lead to this exercise will take you longer. If the above description applies to you, simply change the number 20 to 40 (or 60 if you're really stubborn).

If you don't believe that you have a purpose in life, then you probably won't believe what I'm saying. But even if this is the case, what are you risking if you spend one hour just in case?

I would like to give a short story about Bruce Lee that would create the right atmosphere for the exercise. The martial artist approached Bruce Lee with a request to teach him everything he knew about martial arts. In response, Bruce Lee picked up two mugs filled with water.

“The first mug,” said Bruce Lee, “represents all your knowledge of martial arts. The second is a symbol of my knowledge of martial arts. If you want to fill your mug with my knowledge, you must first empty yours of your knowledge.”

If you truly want to understand the meaning of your life, then you first need to empty your mind of all the false purposes and meanings that you have been taught (including the idea that life has no meaning at all).

How to discover the meaning of your life? There are many ways to do this, some of them quite confusing. I would like to introduce you to the most in a simple way, accessible to everyone. The more open you are to the process, the more you believe that it will work, the faster you will get results. But even if you are completely closed and have many doubts that this method will work, or you think that the method was invented for idiots and is nothing more than a waste of time, all this will not prevent you from getting results.

All you need to do is continue to do the exercise no matter what. Let me remind you once again that your lack of faith in this method will only increase the time required to complete the exercise.

Here's what to do:

1. Take a blank piece of paper or open a word processor on your computer (I prefer the latter as it's faster).
2. At the top of the sheet write: “What is the real meaning of my life?”
3. Write the answer (any answer) that comes to your mind. It is not necessary to use in complete sentences. You can get by with a short phrase.
4. Repeat step 3 until the answer you receive makes you cry. This answer is the meaning of your life.

(from Dmitry Balezin - by the way, my training “Successful Personality 2.0” will help you turn the found meaning of life into reality - this practical guide to realize your goals, it will help you become successful and wealthy)

That's basically it. It doesn’t matter who you are: consultant, engineer, weightlifter. Some people will see a lot of meaning in this exercise, others will find it completely stupid. Usually, it takes 15-20 minutes to clear your brain of garbage and life goals imposed on you by society (the people around you).

False answers will come from your consciousness and memory. But the moment the true answer comes into your head, you will feel, as it were, a completely different source of its origin.

People who live semi-conscious lives will take much longer to get rid of false answers, perhaps more than an hour. But if you are persistent, then after 100, 200 or maybe even 500 answers, you will suddenly stumble upon an answer that will cause a surge of emotion in you, this answer will amaze you. If you've never done anything like this before, you might think it's stupid. So be it, do this exercise anyway.

As you complete this exercise, some of your answers will be very similar to each other. You can even go through the previous answers and re-read them. Then, perhaps you'll push off in a new direction and write another 10-20 responses covering a different area. And that's completely normal. Just keep writing all the answers that come to your mind.

At some point (when you have already written 50 – 100 answers) you may want to stop the exercise, since you will not see results, as if the answers are leading nowhere. You may want to get up and do something else. This is fine. Overcome this resistance and keep writing. The feeling of resistance will gradually pass.

You'll probably come across a few answers that make you feel emotional, but don't make you cry with a sense of purpose—they're just pieces of your meaning. Underline these answers and continue, you can refer to them again later and change them a little. Each of these answers reflects part of the meaning, but individually they do not create something whole.
When you start coming across such answers, it means you are getting closer to your goal. Continue.

It is important to do this exercise alone, where there are no distractions. If you are a nihilist, you can start with the answer - “I have no goal” or “Life is meaningless”, and start with them. If you persist, you will eventually find your meaning.

I spent 25 minutes doing this exercise and reached the final answer in step 106. Parts of the correct answer (emotional mini-waves) occurred in steps 17, 39 and 53, and then, most of The final answers fell on 100-106. I felt a sense of resistance (the desire to get up and do something else; the feeling that this exercise is pointless; the appearance of impatience and even irritation) in the region of answers 55-60. After the 80th answer, I paused for 2 minutes, closed my eyes, relaxed, let go of my thoughts, and focused on the thought that the answers would definitely come to me - this helped, because after that, the answers that I began to receive contributed more and more and greater clarity.

Here's my final one meaning of life: Live consciously and bravely (courageously), resonate with love and compassion, awaken the great spirit in other people, and leave this world in peace (rest).

Once you discover your unique answer to why you are here, you will feel that it resonates with you on a deep level. It will seem to you that the words of your answer seem to have special energy for you. You will feel an influx of energy every time you run your eyes along the lines of your meaning in life.

Finding your meaning in life is the easy part. The difficult part is to adhere to this meaning constantly, every day, to work on yourself in order to embody this meaning.

If you are inclined to question why this method works, then simply postpone this question until you have successfully achieved the goal of the exercise. Once you've finished this exercise, you may have your answer to why this method works. Most likely, if you ask 10 people who have successfully used this technique, you will get 10 different answers. Each answer will be filtered through their belief system, each containing its own reflection of the truth.

Obviously, this method will not work if you complete the exercise before you get the final answer in which all the little bits of meaning come together. My guess is that 80-90% of people will have their final answers within an hour. If you have a deep-rooted belief that life has no meaning, then you may need to do 5 sets of 3 hours, although I imagine such people will likely give up after 15 minutes, or even altogether. will not attempt to implement it.

Although if you are still reading this blog and are inclined to continue, then I doubt that you will fall into this group of people.

Try it! By at least, you will learn a couple of things: your purpose in life, or that you need to stop reading such articles.

Material taken from the website (blog)
Copyright © 2006 by Pavlina LLC. All Rights Reserved

My comments: The technique really works, although I can't boast that I was able to find my target in just 20 minutes. I had to spend 3 evenings and about 6-7 hours on this exercise. By the end of the second day, I was almost sure that this technique was not working, and I was ready to give up, but I continued to do the exercise because I felt that I had to overcome the resistance. Also, I tend to trust Steve because he has a very good track record. I have been reading his articles for a long time and much of what he writes about has helped me change my life for the better.

During the execution, I expected an emotional response to appear, and indeed there was one. But I never expected from myself that I would really be moved enough to cry... These tears were like the tears of a person who discovers something true. It’s as if some kind of energy flow of goodness, courage and strength is pouring into you.

After a couple of days or hours, you may no longer feel such a surge of emotion from reading the words of your meaning in life. But just try to keep these feelings vivid in your memory, so that you can return to them as a source of strength and faith.

Copyright © 2008 Balezin Dmitry

Everyone has thought at least once about the meaning of life. What it is? Does he exist? How to find it? The point is that no one can give a definite answer to these questions. Nobody but yourself! The duration of the search varies, but be prepared for the fact that you can search for it for years, the main thing is not to stop. Today I will help you get on the right path and find your meaning in life on your own.

The meaning of life is understanding own path, destinations. You realize why you wake up in the morning and where you are going in life. People who have meaning in life do not simply waste time, but invest it wisely in the right things.

Why look for meaning in life?

People who analyze their reality often fall into apathy due to the awareness of their own worthlessness, when the soul wants one thing, and they confidently do something else. The result is the same - the years fly by, but the feeling that you are on the right way No. This suggests that you live without meaning in life, hence such emotions.

People without meaning in life:

  • They often fall into apathy. Motivation and goals have a short-term effect. As long as you achieve your goal, there is meaning in life. When the plan is achieved, the emptiness in the soul remains, and apathy comes to the fore.
  • They waste time on unnecessary activities. They wander through life, committing a lot of ridiculous and thoughtless actions. They don't understand what they need in life.

People with meaning in life do not need motivation, since they know exactly what they want and confidently move through life.

Let's look at what you need to do step by step to determine your meaning in life.

Analyze your life

Namely, analyze situations that often happened to you. For example, everything was going well and everything should have worked out for you, but at the last moment something suddenly went wrong. Remember all such situations, these are tips from the Universe. Also, recall situations in your memory when everything seemed to be against you, but in the end everything went better. This is also a hint from the Universe.

Let me make a reservation right away that if, for example, you wanted to win the speed skating marathon, but were too lazy to train for the allotted time, then the loss can be explained here. It's about about situations in which you invested enough effort, or did not invest at all, but won.

Closing doors in front of us, the Universe leads us to the desired goal. Try to look at situations where everything went great for no apparent reason. What were you doing then? Who did you talk to? With what intentions did you do this? Next, try to direct your energies to similar activities.

For example, your sister got sick and didn’t have time to prepare a party for her child’s birthday and asked you to do it. You literally had a few days to prepare everything, but you managed to do everything and the children were happy. At the end of the day you felt pleasantly tired and happy. You were happy to give a holiday to the children, your soul sang, but you have been working as an accountant all your life. Think about your activities.

Start meditating

Meditation teaches you to relax and concentrate on your internal sensations. This spiritual practice can be mastered by a beginner without a teacher. Knowing how to relax and “turn off” thoughts, you will be able to hear your soul - what you really want.

Go on a trip

So suddenly and leaving everything. Go to a new country, book a hotel there and live for at least 2 weeks.

Firstly, you will give up your usual way of life and will be able to look at it from the outside. Secondly, it is easier and more objective to solve internal problems, looking at them “from afar.”

When you sit in one place, it is difficult to find meaning in life and understand yourself and your true desires. Habitual life and bustle cloud the mind.

Get rid of toxic people from your life

The most difficult stage for many, but it gives more free space and positivity. If there is a person nearby who constantly criticizes, does not believe in you and drives you into complexes, then try to talk to him first, setting personal boundaries. If a person does not understand, stop communicating with him or at least minimize meetings. By throwing toxic people out of your life, you will breathe easier and gain confidence in yourself.

Create a strong foundation in life

For life to be happy and meaningful, it is important to have your own strong support. She will protect you from adversity and give you confidence in the future. A person’s life support consists of 6 components: body, relationships, profession, environment, necessary qualities and skills, spirituality. So do the following:

  • Take a piece of paper and write down whether you are satisfied with your body (health, appearance). If not, what exactly does not suit you? Perhaps you need to get treatment, start eating right, lose excess weight, change your clothing style, etc. The body is the temple of the soul and it should be healthy, energetic and beautiful. Start with it, the body quickly lends itself to change and, watching how it gets better, you will have more confidence that you can change your whole life for the better.
  • Then move on to relationships. Write if you are satisfied with them. If not, then you need to work on them: find common interests with your beloved man, spend more time together, communicate, and maybe even leave the person who does not value you.
  • Analyze your profession in the same way. Does it bring you joy? What can be improved? Or should I change it?
  • We have already talked about the environment. You need to get rid of toxic people and surround yourself with friendly and positive people.
  • Look at your qualities and skills. Are you satisfied with them? Or you should learn something, develop some quality. For example, become more confident, loving, positive, learn foreign language, learn to drive a car and so on.
  • Spirituality is our main support. Do you believe in God? Have you found spiritual principles for yourself that you can rely on?

Say yes to everyone and everything

Of course, within reasonable limits. It's about new activities, trips and opportunities. You will never find meaning in life by sitting in one place. The more spontaneous meetings and trips there are, the better you will begin to hear yourself, and also understand the magnitude of your potential.

Answer yourself these questions:

  1. What do you want? Of course, household little things immediately come to mind: painting the walls, changing the ceilings, etc. But the brain wants it, and the soul doesn’t want it. To answer this question for yourself, try to retire, preferably go to a quiet place. Then relax and dream. Don't be afraid to think about something big and difficult to accomplish at the moment.
  2. What brings you pleasure? Take a piece of paper or buy a notepad. WITH today, you will write down everything that brings you pleasure there. For example, you spent time with the children and were happy, we write it down, we decorated the house and received a wave of positive emotions from this, we also write about this in a notebook. The key to understanding the meaning of your life lies in what brings you happiness. The meaning of life cannot look like a “terrible burden”, in which case it is not what you are looking for.
  3. When do you feel inspired? When does your soul sing? When you are overwhelmed with emotions and the energy surges with such force as if you drank 3 liters of energy drink? Keep a separate notebook for this and record your states. It is important to prescribe the activity and write specifically about the emotions received.

Powerful technology (video)

There is one simple and efficient technique, which will help you find your meaning in life.

Mistakes that lead to disappointment

  • Putting meaning into specific person or people. Essentially this is manipulation. You shift responsibility for your life onto others. When another person is your meaning in life, you will definitely be disappointed, since people tend to leave or die.
  • Make quick decisions. Awareness of purpose either comes naturally, or you have to look for it yourself. If you have never realized this, but after reading the article you suddenly decided that some activity is your meaning in life, then most likely you will quickly be disabused of this. Be prepared for a long search!
  • Don't cut from the shoulder. There is no need to immediately throw people out of your life or quit your job. In this mindset, you will most quickly make money breakdown than you will find something. For everything you need to prepare the ground. Of course, spontaneity is a good trait that helps in soul searching, but everything should be in moderation. It’s one thing to spontaneously agree to try something that hasn’t been done before, it’s another thing to start abruptly breaking everything in life that you’ve built before.

Remember that you need to arm yourself with patience, meditate more and not wait quick results, because mental work is Long procces with its obstacles and victories.

You will not find the meaning of life if:

  1. Not ready to change their usual lifestyle. There is no need for radical action, but it is a fact that your usual image will change. You will have to figure out what you like and move in that direction. Life from the “work-home-work” series will smoothly end and a new one will begin.
  2. They are not ready to change themselves. Many adults have strict parents in their heads, who throughout their childhood taught them to eat porridge, even if it tastes bad. Be prepared for internal changes.
  3. Not ready to act. You will be forced to get out of bed and work on yourself, try something new and constantly be on the move. If you are lazy and want to find meaning in life while watching TV on the couch, then you will definitely not get anywhere.
  4. Afraid to leave your comfort zone. You will have to try something new and in some aspects abandon the usual way of everyday life.

Finding the meaning of life is a real job that promises harmony and happiness, because you will be in your place and this feeling cannot be replaced by anything in this world. Believe in yourself and you will definitely find your purpose at any age. There is no such thing as “too early” or “too late” for improvement. Self-improvement is always on time!

-”How to find the meaning of life person?” I asked a question to my friend, a psychologist with many years of experience.

To the question posed, he replied that I was seriously ill. And our conversation took place as usual - in a cozy cafe, where we went to Once again chitchat.
We ordered mineral water for ourselves and began to remember our past years of studying at the university. When we got pretty drunk, we were drawn to philosophical topics. More precisely, not us, but me)

Artem Sergeevich is a busy man, so when we manage to “cross paths,” I try to learn from the conversation useful material for future articles.

So, enough of the lyrics, let's first try to think about why a person at a certain stage of his life finds himself in the so-called existential vacuum. This concept stands for “emptiness of existence.”

There is a category of people who are accustomed to the so-called principle of evidence. If you play sports, you strive for a specific goal - to build muscle or lose overweight. After some time, you step on the scale and look at the result. Then take a special tape and measure your waist size. If these parameters suit you, then in this case we can say that the result is obvious. This category of people has a tendency towards materialism and achieves their goals through hard work. But at a certain stage, such people ask themselves a question related to the global purpose of their existence. Here the meter will not help, since the end result human life not obvious.

According to Artem Sergeevich, this state is called “stuck”. The search begins for that “meter” that can show long kilometers the meaning of a particular person's life. Such people, as a rule, try to ensure that they leave behind the fruits of their creativity, thereby “pulling” themselves out of serious condition. They are looking for recognition, and in most cases they find not only it, but also an answer to the question we pose. Thus, their meaning in life is to embody themselves in something after their death.

Another category of people believes that the meaning of life is beyond its boundaries, because they believe that death cannot be the final result of their existence. In most cases, these are believers who try to live in accordance with Christian canons, where such concepts as heaven and hell exist. They go to church, try to keep fasts and are afraid of committing a sin against their neighbor. Thus, to some extent they are protected from the loss of the meaning of life. The Church is a wonderful healer human psyche, and confession can free a believer from the “stuckness” that I have already spoken about. These people also see the meaning of life in life itself, teaching themselves to receive satisfaction from doing good deeds and enjoying the fact that they are endowed with the ability to sense the world around them.

The third category of people are representatives of philosophical thinking who believe that they are called upon to improve throughout their lives. Let me give you an example. A person was born who has problems associated with the inability to control himself, often lashing out at others. Such people try to get rid of this quality by doing yoga and self-hypnosis, reading books and believing in horoscopes. I personally know many of them, so I can say with confidence that they take steps every day that bring them closer to their cherished goals and meaning in life, which may also be lost for some time. As a rule, people from the already listed categories are mostly lonely, so their meaning in life is inextricably linked with their search for it within themselves.

The fourth category of people are those who are convinced that the meaning of life lies in procreation and raising a new generation. Such people are rarely subject to doubts related to the emptiness of existence. The thing is that they don’t have free time for this. They believe that their new essence will be embedded in their daughter or son, therefore, unlike the previous category of people, they are looking for themselves in another life. If it happens that the offspring did not live up to their hopes, then emptiness sets in due to the fact that all efforts were in vain.

It is very difficult for such people to “switch” and learn to live for themselves. They will blame themselves to the last for the fact that at some stage of their life they “missed” the heir. But despite this, their meaning in life will remain those for whom they gave themselves completely - these are children.
In conclusion, I would like to say that this article is, of course, incomplete, because we stopped with you only on the main categories of people and gave several answers to the question, how to find the meaning of life to a person.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that first of all, it is necessary to learn to live for the sake of life itself, making new discoveries related to the fact that the meaning of life is to simply feel it beautifully, thanking God for the fact that the eyes see a beautiful world, and the ears can hear what many call the magical sounds of nature.

I express my deep gratitude to my friend and psychologist Artem Sergeevich for the useful material that formed the basis for writing this article.

The article was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

Another interesting article.

Find out how inquisitive and trusting you are. Many people find religious systems beliefs that are more than sufficient to fill your life with meaning. However, “belief” will only lead to oblivion self for the sake of identity with the collective. Conflicts and midlife crises will inevitably arise when the adopted concept of one's personality contradicts one's true personality. If you are curious and trust your own intelligence, then the first step is to find your true self. Discovering yourself is not for the faint of heart. Let go of social and personal preconceptions, allowing your personality to surface beyond concepts.

Don't get hung up on the language. The universe existed before the existence of people and, of course, before the existence of language, and it does not require any pedantic explanation. Words are not things or actions. These are vibrations of air molecules and squiggles on paper. The mistaken perception of words as reality is the mistake that brings politicians into offices and spreads all the products, religions and systems of government across our planet. To perceive reality as it is, you need to accept the fact that words are a tool for conveying our perception of reality, and not reality itself.

To make your life meaningful, you must be able to perceive it without language. Weakness of language will undermine your search.

Search without intentions. The universe will open up and become clear to you when you seek knowledge without prejudice. Knowledge is not a destination, but the journey itself. Moreover, human knowledge is imperfect. But don't despair, we know enough to come to firm conclusions. “Fact” can only mean “established to such an extent that it would be wrong to abandon the preliminary concept.” I believe that the apples will begin to rise tomorrow, but such an opportunity does not deserve an equal amount of time spent in the physics classroom. Work with what you can know, not what you can imagine.

Know that the Universe does not have to live up to your expectations. It will remain the same whether you exist or not.

Know that your life in civilization is a design, not a law of nature. Our way of life is a human construction of what we believe the best way for life. It is littered with more than 6,000 years of myths, superstitions and dogmas. Don't confuse the truth with what you do to survive. Society in most cases will not make sense.

With an understanding of yourself, the universe, and your place in society, it will be easy for you to find meaning because you will define what is meaningful. You will be able to separate the noise of language and society from the true sound of your soul. Determine for yourself what gives meaning to your existence. Your meaning will be different from other people's. You will know that your life has meaning because you will not be afraid of death, aging, or the various torments that each of us faces. Your purpose, your reason for being here, will be obvious to you every waking moment. Contentment and bliss will come.

Determine how you fit into this life. You are a piece of the puzzle, most people live an imaginary life and when they face reality, they become disillusioned and lose the meaning of life. Start seeing the bigger picture of life, and know that the little things you already know fit into that bigger picture. For example, if you want to save a certain amount of money, you just need to distribute how much money you need to save per day, day by day, after a few years you will have saved the amount you wanted to save.