How to make a full bath for a woman. Complete ablution (ghusl)

(ghusl), according to Shariah, is washing the whole body with running water with a specific intention, that is, a mandatory ritual bathing.

There are five circumstances after the occurrence of which it is necessary to perform bathing for prayer, etc. These five circumstances alone are not a reason to immediately bathe. That is, if a person is in a state of defilement (junub), he is not obliged to immediately do a full body ablution, although this is highly desirable. Mandatory bathing becomes with the onset of the time of prayer.

Imam al-Bukhariy narrated in his collection that Abu Salamah said: “I asked ‘Aisha if the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) fell asleep in a state of junub (as a result of sexual intercourse). ‘Aisha replied: “Yes, but before that he performed a partial ablution.” So the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) rarely acted so that people knew that this was not prohibited in Sharia.

Some ignorant people say that if a person in a state of defilement leaves the house without performing a full body bath, then every hair on his body curses him. This is a lie that is contrary to religion. The proof is the story of Abu Hurairah, transmitted in the collection of Imam al-Bukhari: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) met me, I was in a state of defilement, he took my hand, and we went together. When we sat down, I quietly went to my dwelling, did a full body ablution, and then returned to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). He was still sitting. When I approached, he asked: "Where were you about Abu Hurairah?" I told him that I was able to junub, so I left. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Subhanallah! O Abu Hurairah, verily, the believer does not become najasa.”.

Ritual bathing must be performed in the following cases:

1. After semen extraction. Its signs:

Pleasure in excretion;

The smell of fresh dough, if the sperm has not dried up yet;

Smell egg white if the sperm has dried up;

Jerky selection with pressure.

2. After intercourse even if there was no ejaculation. Sexual intercourse, according to Shariah, is the penetration of the head of the penis into the vagina.

3. After the death of a person.

4. After the cessation of menstruation- cyclic discharge of blood from the uterus in healthy girl, women.

5. Upon completion postpartum discharge (excretion of blood after the release of the uterus from the fetus).

6. Postpartum or miscarriage a, in view of the origin of the child from the mixing of male and female sperm. That is, even if the birth was dry and there was no discharge after them, it is still necessary to bathe.

A person who needs to bathe due to the first or second circumstance is called junub. And the state of one who is in one of these five circumstances is called "Big Hadath". Junub is forbidden to do everything that is forbidden to do in case of violation of partial ablution, as well as reading the Koran (even without touching it) and staying in the mosque.

Note: It should be noted that when doing complete ablution the same conditions (shuruts) that must be observed when performing a partial ablution (see on page 19) must be observed. Also, the undesirable (karaha) actions in both ablutions are basically identical (see p. 28).

Mandatory bathing activities

The obligatory actions of ritual bathing, without which it is considered invalid, are:

1. Intention. It distinguishes habit from worship ('ibada), its place is in the heart, and it is done mentally. However, it is desirable to pronounce it aloud. The intention is made simultaneously with the start of washing the body: “I intend to perform the obligatory full ablution for the sake of Allah” or "...remove a big hadath" etc. If a person made an intention only after having washed any part of the body, then it is necessary to wash it again along with the intention.

2. Washing all external parts of the body(skin and hair, regardless of their thickness) with clean and cleanable water. Water must flow around the entire body completely.

Note: A person who is sure that he has no reason to perform a full body ablution should in no case bathe with the intention of taking a big hadah.

Desirable bathing activities

Desirable actions when performing ritual bathing are:

1. facing towards Qibla;

2. pronunciation: "Isti'az", "Shahada" and "Basmaly" before bathing. Undesirable (makruh) do not pronounce these words before a full ablution;

3. performing a partial ablution before bathing. At the same time, washing the feet can be postponed until the end of the bath so as not to waste excess water;

4. start ablution with right side. Pre-moisten the hair three times, then wash the right half front and back, then the left half and repeat this three times;

5. rinsing the mouth and nose, even if you did it with a partial ablution;

6. body wash with rubbing;

7. wash next body before the previous one dries;

8. saving water (it is undesirable to spend it excessively);

9. reading "Shahada" and prayer after bathing (the same prayer that is read after partial ablution).

To the one who washes completely naked, when undressing, it is advisable to say:

بِسْمِ اللهِ الََّذي لا اِلهَ اِلاّ هُوَ

"Bismillahi-llah h and la ilaha illa huwa"

(With the name of Allah, except Whom there is nothing worthy of worship). These words protect a person from the eyes of the jinn.

From the book "Namaz -
pillar of religion"

Without a special ablution, it is impossible to perform a single prayer. After all, one can appear before Allah only when one is ritually cleansed. This procedure is important and raises many questions in women. Therefore, let's figure out how to properly perform a full and small ablution for women.

There are two types: small ablution and full ablution.

How to do a complete ablution

A full ablution in Islamic culture is called ghusl. For women, it is performed after sexual contact with a man, postpartum hemorrhage, completion critical days, as well as before prayers on Fridays and for holiday prayers.

Let's write down how to do a full ablution for women according to the points:

  • First you need to have an intention in your heart and say that you intend to perform a full bath for the pleasure and blessings of Allah.
  • Before undressing, say: "Bismillah" to begin your action with the name of the Gracious and Merciful.
  • Wash your hands three times.
  • Wash thoroughly, clean the genitals from traces intimacy, monthly, etc.
  • Perform a minor ablution.
  • Pour water over the whole body three times: start from the head, then go to the shoulders: first the right, then the left; wash the entire body and only at the very end wash the legs.

If a woman's hair is tied up during a full ablution, it is not necessary to loosen it on purpose. The main thing is that during the dousing, the roots of the hair get wet. It is also necessary to remember that a full ablution is considered completed if a Muslim woman washed her entire body, cleared her nose and rinsed her mouth.

How to do a small ablution

A small ablution is called wudu. When is ablution necessary for a woman? For example, after a full bath, you visited the restroom, fell asleep, fainted, you bled, pus began, you vomited, or alcohol intoxication or any other kind of clouding of mind occurred. Touching the genitals also obliges to perform wudu.

How can a woman properly perform a small ablution?

  • It is necessary to start a small ablution with the words about the intention to perform the ritual for the sake of Allah's pleasure.
  • Next, you need to say: “Bismillah” in order to proceed with a small ablution with the name of the compassionate protector.
  • Wash your hands up to the wrists.
  • Rinse your mouth three times.
  • Clear your nose three times.
  • Wash your face three times.
  • Wash your hands again, but up to the elbows (also three times).
  • Wipe your head and clean auricles: index fingers wipe inside, and with the first fingers - the outside. All these manipulations are repeated only once.
  • At the end of wudu, wash your feet three times. The first time you need to rinse between the fingers.

Wudu is important, but not complex process before appearing before Allah Almighty. If you know all the nuances and perform them in the required sequence, this will ensure the ritual purity of a Muslim woman before

Full ablution is called ghusl. This is the process of pouring water over the entire surface of the body. A woman is required to perform a full ablution after the cessation or postpartum bleeding, as well as after intimacy.

The procedure for performing a full ablution:

  • Make (niyat) the intention with the words: "I intend to make a complete ablution for the pleasure of Allah Almighty."

  • Before undressing, one must say the words: "Bismillah" (With the name of Allah). Since it is impossible to say a prayer to a naked person and it is undesirable to talk.

  • First of all, you need to wash your hands.

  • Wash yourself, wash shameful places, remove everything impure from the body.

  • Perform a small ablution without washing only the feet.

  • Pour water over the body three times, starting from the head and moving to the right shoulder, then to the left, wash the whole body, last of all the legs.

In the case when the hair is braided, the woman is not obliged to unravel it, if nothing prevents the access of water to the roots of the hair. That is, you do not need to loosen your hair, the water should get to the roots of the hair, but not necessarily the hair.

A full ablution is considered valid if a person has rinsed his mouth, washed his nose and washed his whole body. That is, it is necessary to perform three mandatory steps.

Small ablution

A small ablution is called wudu.

The procedure for performing a small ablution:

  • Intention: "I intend to perform a small ablution for the pleasure of Allah Almighty."

  • The pronunciation of the word: "Bismillah" (With the name of Allah).

  • Washing the hands up to the wrists.

  • Rinse your mouth three times.

  • Washing the nose three times (drawing in water through the nose and blowing your nose).

  • Washing the face three times.

  • Washing hands up to the elbows, three times.

  • Wiping the head, wetting only once the hands, wiping the ears, not re-wetting the hands and neck back side brushes. Should be rubbed with index fingers inside ears, large - outer (all this is done only once).

  • Washing feet three times. First, once, rinsing between the fingers.

A small wudu spoils any discharge from the genitals and anus(feces, urine, gases, etc.), discharge of blood, pus from the body, vomiting, loss of consciousness, sleep.

Without a full ablution, a small ablution is considered invalid. After a complete ablution, it is not necessary to take a small ablution again.

Many new Muslims are concerned about the question of how ablution is done before performing prayer. This is very important procedure, which cannot be omitted, since prayerful standing before God is possible only in a state of ritual purity. Below we will talk about how this ablution is performed.

Types of ablution

In Islam, there are two types of ritual ablution: small and full. In the minor version, only the hands, mouth, and nose are washed, while the full version requires the washing of the entire body. The result of both procedures is purity, called in Arabic taharat.

Full ablution

This variant is called ghusl in Arabic. Below we will tell you how to do a full ablution, but first you need to say about the cases in which it is necessary. So if we are talking about a woman, then she is prescribed to do ghusl after the end of the period of monthly days and postpartum bleeding. In addition, sexual intimacy is considered the reason for complete ablution. If we are talking about a man, then for him such a reason is also sexual contact and the fact of ejaculation in general. If a person has just converted to Islam or for some reason has not practiced namaz, then he is also ordered to perform a ghusl, since the likelihood that in a previous life he did not have such moments when the rules of Islam required a full ablution is close to zero.

Full Body Washing Rules

The rules of Sharia tell about how to do ablution before prayer. According to them, the nose, mouth and whole body should be washed. But, before doing ablution, you need to get rid of everything that can prevent the penetration of water. It can be wax, paraffin, cosmetics, paint, nail polish and more. During washing, it is especially necessary to wash the parts of the body into which water can hardly get. For example, auricles, navel, areas behind the ears, holes from earrings. The skin on the head should also be washed with water along with the hair. Regarding how to perform ablution for women with long braided hair, they explain that if they, being braided, do not prevent the penetration of water, then they can be left as they are. But if water cannot get on the scalp because of them, then the hair needs to be untangled. Another recommendation on how to do ablution for women concerns their female genitals. Them outer part it is also required to wash, preferably while squatting.

mouth rinse

As for rinsing the mouth, this procedure must be performed three times. At the same time, everything that prevents the penetration of water to the surface should be removed from the teeth and from the oral cavity, if possible. When asked how to properly perform ablution if there are fillings, dentures or crowns in the teeth, the rules of the ghusl answer that these things should not be touched. Also, you do not need to remove various devices, such as corrective plates and braces, which only a doctor can safely remove. For the time of bathing, it is necessary to get rid of only those things that are easily removed and easily inserted back. Regarding how to do ablution correctly, it must be said that certain sunnats and adabs are attached to this action, that is, some ritual actions that are generally not required. But if they are fulfilled, then the reward from Allah, as Muslims believe, will be increased. But since these are optional things, we will not touch on them in this article.

What is forbidden without full ablution other than prayer?

There are things that are forbidden for Muslims who have not performed a full ablution. In addition to actually praying, these include bowing to the ground while reading certain lines of the Koran and bowing to the ground out of gratitude to Allah. In addition, it is forbidden to touch the Koran or its individual parts printed in other books. While still in a state of impurity, it is forbidden to read the Quran, even if you do not touch it. You are only allowed to read individual words, the totality of which is less than one verse, that is, a verse. This rule, however, has an exception. So, suras, which are prayers, are allowed to be read. Without a ritual full ablution, it is forbidden to go to the mosque and go around the Kaaba during the Hajj.

There is one subtlety - the state without ritual washing is classified into three levels. In one of them, it is allowed to fast Ramadan, while in others it is not. But this is another topic, and we will not touch on this issue.

Small ablution

Now let's talk about how to do a small ablution. First, it must be said that this method of washing is called on Arabic voodoo. It is also important to note that it does not replace a full ablution - the ghusl.

When is wudu done?

In order to understand how to properly perform ablution before prayer in accordance with the rules of wudu, one must learn when it is necessary. Let's say you did a full bath, but then, before prayer, you visited the toilet. In this case, you should do a little washing. It is also necessary if you fall asleep or faint, as the state of unconsciousness leads to a partial loss of ritual purity. A voodoo ceremony is also required when a person has blood, mucus or pus. Similarly, the situation is with the situation when there was an attack of nausea, and the person vomited. heavy bleeding in oral cavity(if there is more blood than saliva) is also considered a reason for passing a small ablution. Well, this list ends with the situation alcohol intoxication or other mental confusion.

When not to do wudu?

There are things in respect of which it is not entirely clear whether it is necessary to do ablution after them or not. And, probably, the most common question among them is expectoration. The rules of ritual cleanliness in Islam say that expectoration of mucus does not lead to the need to perform ablution. The same applies to cases where small parts of the flesh are separated from the body - hair, pieces of skin, and so on. But only if it didn't cause bleeding. Touching the genitals (it doesn’t matter if it’s your own or someone else’s) does not lead to the fact that repeated washing is required. Touching a person of the opposite sex, if he is not in the category of mahrams, is also not considered a reason to repeat wudu.

Voodoo procedure

Now let's talk directly about how to do ablution before prayer according to the order of wudu. In accordance with Sharia law, it includes four obligatory clause- washing of the face, hands, feet and nose.

To wash your face, you need to understand what is considered a face in Islam, that is, where its boundaries lie. So, if in width, then the border of the face will run from one earlobe to the other. And along the length - from the tip of the chin to the point from which hair growth begins. Sharia law also teaches how to wash hands: hands must be washed up to the elbows, including the last. Similarly, the legs are washed up to the ankle. On how to do ablution before prayer, if there is something on the surface of the skin that can prevent the penetration of water, the rules clearly say that such things must be removed. If a water will get in not on the entire area of ​​the indicated parts of the body, then ablution cannot be considered valid. Therefore, it is necessary to remove all paints, decorations, etc. However, henna drawings do not interfere with ablution, since it does not interfere with the penetration of water. After all parts of the body are washed, it is necessary to wash the head. How to do the washing of the head according to a small rank, again, the rules suggest. In fact, a simple wiping of a quarter of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head will be considered ablution. wet hand. But at the same time, you need to be careful, since rubbing the hair not on the head, but on the forehead, back of the head, or rubbing the hair twisted on the head, will not be considered valid.

It should also be noted that without a small ablution (unless, of course, you have just completed a full one), some ritual actions are prohibited. Their list is identical to those that are prohibited in the absence of a performed ghusl. There are also adabs and sunnats for small ablution, which we do not consider in this article. Another important point- when making wudu, you do not need to take it out contact lenses out of the eyes, as it is not required by Sharia law.

All Praise be to Allah. Bismillah.

A small reminder for women on how to perform a full bath (ghusl) after sexual intercourse, menstruation, postpartum bleeding, as well as for Friday prayers and prayers of two holidays. In fact, Praise be to Allah, the question is simple.

First, read a few hadiths from Sahih al-Bukhari.

Sahih al-Bukhari (Mukhtasar)

Book 5: The Book of Ablution
179. (248). It is narrated from the words of the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), 'Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that, making a full ablution after defilement, (the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), began with washing the hands, then performed such the same ablution, as before prayer, then immersed his fingers in water and combed the roots of his hair with them, then poured three handfuls of water on his head, and then poured water over his entire body.

180. (249). It is reported that the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Maimuna (may Allah be pleased with her) said:
“(First) the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, performed the same ablution as he performed before prayer, except for washing his feet, then he washed his genitals, washing away all the secretions, then doused himself with water, and then rearranged his legs and washed them. This was his complete ablution after defilement.

The comments indicate that this hadeeth lists all the necessary actions performed by a person during a full ablution, but they are not listed in order of priority, since the genitals should be washed first, and then everything else should be done.

It means that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) moved to another place.

190. (272). Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, reported:
“Performing a full ablution after defilement / janaba /, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (first) washed his hands and performed the same ablution as before prayer, then washed the body completely, and then combed his hair with his hand; feeling that the skin (of the head) was moistened, he doused (the head) with water three times, after which he washed the other (parts) of the body.

206. (314). Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, reported:
“A woman asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) the question of complete ablution after menstruation, and he explained to her how to do this, saying: “Take a piece of wool soaked in musk and cleanse yourself with it.” She asked: “How can I be purified (by this)?” He said, "Cleanse it." She (again) asked: “How?” - and then (the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) exclaimed: “Glory be to Allah! Cleanse!"
(‘Aisha said):
“Then I drew her to me and said: “Wipe this (those places where left) traces of blood.”

You can use cotton or something similar.

How a woman performs ghusl (full ablution)

For simplicity, we will write down one of the common options for performing ghusl according to reliable hadiths:
      1. Have the intention in the heart to perform the appropriate ghusl (i.e. if after menstruation, then intend to do a full ablution to cleanse from menstruation, etc.)
      2. Say Bismillah (optional)
      3. Wash your hands three times.
      4. Wash the genitals, thoroughly cleaning them from traces of menstruation, fluid residues after intercourse, etc. After that, it is forbidden to touch the genitals, so as not to spoil the ablution.
      5. Wash what is washed in the process of ablution (hands, nose-mouth, face, hands from fingertips to elbows, wipe head and ears, wash legs from feet to ankles).
      6. Pour and wash your head three times so that the water touches the scalp.
      7. wash your ears.
      8. Thoroughly wash the right half of the body (including the right leg)
      9. Thoroughly wash the left half of the body (including the left leg)
      10. The ablution is completed.

Insha Allah, it's simple.

I want to note that breaking the sequence by mistake does not spoil the full ablution, unless you touch the genitals in the middle of ablution.

Scholars believe that a full ablution will be valid if a person, with due intention, is completely immersed in water (whether it be the sea or a bath) and the clothes do not prevent the water from touching the skin on the entire surface of the body.

And Allah knows best.


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