What does the tooth fairy look like? Do you know where the tooth fairy lives?

Our baby teeth began to fall out, and when a tooth falls out, my daughter puts it under the pillow so that tooth Fairy I took it, and in return it was a gift!!! So she asked about the fairy, where she lives, I found it on the internet. such a fairy tale!!! Maybe your children will be interested too!!!

The Legend of the Fairy

High, high above the earth, above the clouds, in a fairyland, in a white castle, a little Fairy lived with her mother, the Fairy Queen and two sisters. The little Fairy's sisters were adults and learned the art of magic from the Queen, and the little Fairy at that time had fun, imagining and inventing new games for herself. One day the Queen came to the little Fairy at night and saw that she was looking at the stars and dreaming.

What do you dream about, little Fairy, - asked the Queen, - your sisters are making great strides in magical science, and what do you want to do? Until now you only fly and have fun, and you are also invisible to people, but that’s all you know how to do.

“I don’t want to upset you, mother,” answered the little Fairy, “but what I like most is flying invisibly among the children on earth, I see how much fun they have, they play, sing, listen to fairy tales.” Every time they sing songs, I want to dance, every time they laugh, my wings tremble with joy, every time they cry, I want to kiss them and tell them that everything will be okay. Yesterday I was in a distant country and was flying among children and suddenly I saw how one girl’s baby tooth fell out when she went to bed. This scared the girl and she began to cry, but I flew up to her and kissed her on the cheek. Although the girl did not see me, the pain went away and she felt better.

So, instead of studying with your sisters, you fly to your children in distant lands?

Yes,” whispered the little Fairy, “I’m sorry if I disappointed you, mother...

The Queen kissed the little Fairy and told her, “You will never disappoint me, I will think about how to use your skills.” And now sweet dreams, my dear.


The next day, the Queen Mother called the three sisters to her place and told them, “You have studied magic for a long time and each of you must choose what she will do in our fairy lands.

The elder sister said, “I am the oldest and most experienced of you.” I will rearrange the stars and hold the planets moving in the solar system, that will be my job.
This is very important work,” said the Queen.

The middle sister said, “I will fly all over the world and if I see that two people want to be close, I will cover them with an invisible scattering of stars, which I call love, so that they live happily ever after.”

“This is a very important job,” said the Queen, “what do you want to do, little Fairy?”

The Little Fairy was very upset, she did not have the same skills as her sisters and she looked at them, almost crying. But the Queen smiled and said, “I know that the little Fairy has already found her job, she told me about it yesterday.” Everyone looked in surprise at the stunned little Fairy, and the Queen continued, “The eldest sister will watch the stars and planets, the middle sister will give love, and the youngest will do the most important matter, she will fly among boys and girls. And when they grow and lose their baby teeth, the little Fairy will collect them and give them joy, laughter and gifts in return. She will bring the lost teeth to our magical land, where they will become stars for her older sister. This means that it doesn't most of all children born from the love that the middle sister will give will forever be present in our fairy-tale country. That is why this work will be the most important of all.

Some creatures in English mythology do not have a clear description of their appearance. What a tooth fairy looks like can only be determined by the class to which the creature belongs. These creatures have thin bodies, flexible dragonfly wings and small in size. The nature of the creatures is dual: they reward obedient children with coins, and punish unscrupulous children with lost teeth and pain.

general characteristics

The modern image of the tooth fairy was formed relatively recently, but references to the creatures date back to pagan periods. Initially, the creatures that took the incisors at night did not leave coins for them, but over time, clean children began to receive such a reward. No official confirmations existence of tooth fairies, their role is usually played by parents.

Lost incisors, according to legend, should be left under a pillow or in a glass of water. You can lure a fairy on any day of the year except Christmas. A tooth left behind on this holiday will kill a pagan creature.

It is unknown what the fairy does with the milk incisors. It is believed that the creature feeds on these teeth to strengthen its bones. Also, according to legends, part of the wearer’s soul remains in the incisors, which is absorbed by fairies.

The tooth fairy lives in forests and caves. The creature puts its milk teeth in neat rows so that it always has access to the right incisor.


There is no clear description of the tooth fairy. However, in English mythology it is classified as a type of fairy, whose appearance has the following features:

  1. The height of these creatures does not exceed 60 cm.
  2. Fairies are often depicted with sharp ears, small fangs and thin, flexible fingers without nails.
  3. The creatures have small dragonfly wings on their bodies.

According to legends, any iron leaves a burn on the fairy’s body, so the tooth should be placed in a glass container. The pollen of the creatures has an intoxicating effect, and it also helps relieve toothache.

Nature of creation

By nature, the tooth fairy is a kind and affectionate creature. Its functions include encouraging personal hygiene in children.

The creature is described as a gentle winged creature that brings money as a reward for a lost tooth. The number of coins depends on the quality of the cutters:

  1. For white, clean tooth the fairy leaves 2 gold coins.
  2. If the child had caries or crumbled enamel, the number of coins was reduced to one.
  3. The creature refused to take away the bad teeth.

Despite the good nature in modern culture, in early periods The tooth fairy not only gave coins to obedient children, but also punished unscrupulous children with toothache. Origin from fairies gives this creature a tough disposition: according to legend, it takes pleasure in tearing out the incisors of a naughty child.

Analogues in other mythologies

Appearance mythical creatures varies depending on the people in whose culture the creation was mentioned. Some countries have their own understanding of what the tooth fairy usually looks like.


An ancient version of the tooth fairy in Norse mythology. The creature belongs to the class of small trolls. Him wide nose, small, close-set eyes and patches of fur all over the body.

Hammaspeiko has a dual character. In addition to encouragement good care behind him, the troll is busy punishing those children who refuse to follow the rules of hygiene. The creature also monitors how much sweets the child eats and whether he listens to his parents.

The troll carries a thin drill with which he punches holes in the teeth of naughty children. Like all members of its class, the creature is vulnerable to the sun and comes only at night.

Rodents as fang stealers

Mice and beavers different nations revered for their strong jaws and sharp incisors. They were often prayed to to strengthen their own teeth.

The role of the tooth fairy among the Spaniards and French is played by a mouse named Fares (Perez). This name refers to the Hebrew scriptures. In the Bible, Perez was the child of Judah, and literal translation his name means "to pull out."

Outwardly, this creature resembles an anthropomorphic rodent. It goes on two hind legs, can speak, and has a small wallet on his belt. In it, Perez keeps gold coins of unknown mintage. Unlike a real fairy, this creature is a buyer and can even begin to bargain with a child in a dream for a low-quality tooth.

In Asian countries, rodents also performed the function of protecting children's teeth. In China and Japan, there is a tradition of placing children's fallen incisors in barns. If the tooth was in the top row, then it was left on the roof of the storage facility; if it was in the bottom row, it was placed in the underground.

The child should also say:

“I’ll give you my fang in exchange for a mouse’s!”

In Asia there was no tradition of giving coins for the loss of incisors. Externally, Chinese tooth keepers do not differ from ordinary rodents.

Slavic culture

As in most countries, mice played the role of patrons of children's teeth among the Slavs. The fallen incisor was thrown into the oven or underground so that the rodent would take it and leave his own in return.

Also in mythology of Eastern Europe There are references to tooth thieves. Shishimoras and evil brownies did similar things. The victims were unscrupulous house owners.

These creatures are found in the mythology of India, China and Japan. According to legends, demons became proud and rebelled against the Gods, for which they were expelled to earth.

The Ashuras mainly harm the peasants with their evil jokes. According to legends, demons pull out the teeth of unwashed people. The creatures have the appearance characteristic of demons:

  1. Red skin and powerful physique.
  2. Golden horns and powerful fangs protruding beyond the mouth.
  3. Six arms and three faces.

Imagine the modern entertainment industry without a smiling big guy Dwayne Johnson no longer seems possible. The charming wrestler, who became one of the most popular fighters in the American WWE League, was essentially the first person from theatrical sports who was able to build a full-fledged Hollywood career. Johnson began vying with each other to be invited to expensive blockbusters. And thanks to his impressive dimensions, he even began to be considered the rightful successor of Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, who temporarily left big cinema for politics. The creative paths of the two celebrities are really similar. Both Dwayne and Arnold began their path to fame through sports and continued it triumphantly on the big screen. After a series of spectacular action films, Schwarzenegger tried his hand at family cinema, starring in a number of good films for viewers of all ages. Johnson followed the same path. Having shown that smashing enemies is a piece of cake for him, he decided to test himself in those stories where fists and the ability to shoot are far from the main thing. One of the attempts to change the established role was the main role in a cute, slightly silly, but at the same time funny and incredibly charming fantasy comedy "Tooth Fairy". The completely optional film was not to the taste of critics, although viewers received it quite favorably. There is an assumption that without Johnson, “The Tooth Fairy” would have gone almost unnoticed, but he thought that he could properly amuse the audience and was right.

So, plot The film introduces us to professional hockey player Derek Thompson (Johnson), who once shone in the NHL Major League. They predicted a bright future for the hero, because he was not only a skilled wrestler, sweeping away opponents from the opposite team like a bowling pin, but also possessed a confident dribbling technique and an aimed strike. And then in an instant all his places collapsed due to an unfortunate shoulder injury. Unable to continue the equal fight in the elite division, Thompson was sent to the second league for a while so that he could fully return to form. But as the years passed, Thompson became stuck with his new team, losing faith that he was destined to become a champion. The once promising hockey player in the eyes of fans gradually turned into the “Tooth Fairy”, since only he could knock out his opponents’ teeth without any problems The long-term stagnation in the hero’s life changes at the moment when he begins a warm romantic relationship with the charming Carly (Ashley Judd), single mother. Cynical, having lost faith in himself and those around him, Derek warmed to his beloved and her family with all his heart. But his life still cannot be avoided without annoying flaws. One day, without thinking, he almost killed his young daughter Carly's faith in tooth fairies. Believing that fairy tales and dreams are stupid, Derek never expected that he would be urgently teleported to the Kingdom of Magical Creatures and forced to perform the duties of the Tooth Fairy for several weeks!

Ribbon Michael Lembeck belongs to the category of the cutest family comedies, intended for relaxed pastime, which simply entails great mood. You shouldn’t judge “The Tooth Fairy” with all the severity of highbrow critics, since this movie initially did not pretend to be anything sublime. This is an attraction clean water, who tries to amuse you, and not fill your head with unnecessary reasoning. Of course, much of the production's charm rests on Dwayne Johnson. It is worth admitting that in some places he overacts quite a lot, trying his best to show diverse emotions. It turns out that he doesn’t do it professionally, but it’s terribly attractive. Lacking the talents of a serious dramatic actor, Johnson gets his way thanks to his all-conquering charm, which makes him even more similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger. The main character, Derek Thompson, looks very natural in the company of children. Personally, I had no doubt that such a guy could become a true friend of children, responsive and understanding. When you watch how Dwayne Johnson interacts with little Tess (Destiny Watlock), you really feel his concern for her, even though the girl is not his own daughter. In many ways, the image of hockey player Derek Thompson is reminiscent of the best roles of the famous comedian Adam Sandler. It's likely that he could have replaced Johnson in this film without losing quality, but it's still much more fun to watch a former wrestler fool around rather than a full-time comedian.

The strength of the film can be considered to be the excellent supporting cast. And if Ashley Judd looks somewhat traditional with children, then the Tooth Fairy team is beyond praise. The producers are leading the future of the entire horror genre, Jason Bloom , enlisted the support of many celebrities who agreed to play along with Dwayne Johnson in a difficult task for him. So the inimitable Julie Andrews , who needed to play a tough leader, although in reality she played the sweetest fairy, capable of not only firm decisions, but also empathy. An attentive viewer will notice in the frame and Seth MacFarlane , the well-known creator of “Family Guy” and “Ted” in a small comic role as a winged scoundrel. Well, who surprised the most is funny Billy Crystal , who embodied the image of the inventor of various magical gadgets. He can be described as Agent Q from Bond, only with an excessive amount of developed sense humor, manifested through hilarious jokes aimed at others.

IN this kind paintings where main character must undergo rebirth and believe that miracles never end, but accompany a person throughout his life, he simply must have an absurd partner who helps in all endeavors. "The Tooth Fairy" is no exception. In order for Derek Thompson to be able to carry out spoiled tasks, he is assigned a loser curator named Tracy, played by Stephen Merchant . At first, a somewhat annoying character, as the action progresses, he turns into faithful ally Thompson. And if at first only Tracy mentored Derek, then later the hockey player himself became the coach of the careless fairy, forcing him to believe in himself and become a full-fledged collector of children's teeth, and not sit down headlong with paperwork.

In the end I want to say that "Tooth Fairy" carries a magical charm of life-affirming power. The film boasts a lot of colorful characters, each of which is memorable for something special. Dwayne Johnson undoubtedly passed the test and was not at all annoying in a brightly comedic image, proving that it is not for nothing that he is now considered one of the most sought-after actors of our time who do not have a dramatic diploma. I was also pleased with the pleasant humor in “The Tooth Fairy”, in which there is absolutely no unnecessary vulgarity. Yes and musical accompaniment beyond all praise. Yes, director Michael Lembeck created entertainment for the whole family first and foremost. There are no special moral dilemmas here. And this is not necessary at all. The Tooth Fairy brings joy and that's the main thing!

Probably all children, when they lost their first tooth, were told the story of the tooth fairy. Parents said that if you put a tooth under your pillow, a magical creature will certainly come and put a coin or a gift in its place. Everyone described in their own way what the tooth fairy looked like, without ever seeing her. The thing is that adults rarely believe in, much less, invisible creatures. For them, the story is just a trick so that the baby knows that the pain and suffering caused by the loss of a tooth will certainly be appreciated. This cannot be said about the children who believed and expected that at night a little girl with wings would certainly come and reward them.

What does a real tooth fairy look like?

According to the magical reference book, this creature is small in stature, from 8 to 10 cm. Outwardly, it looks like a little girl, but has small wings reminiscent of dragonflies. They are needed to travel long distances. Thanks to her white teeth, the fairy was assigned to this job. Her favorite outfit is White dress, sparkling in the light and small shoes made of shiny white silk.

There is information there that the fairy’s main task is to look after the children, or rather their teeth. For the beautiful and healthy teeth, left under the pillow, the fairy would certainly put some kind of gift. She keeps all her finds at home and makes various jewelry out of them, by the way, the most beautiful beads on her neck. She always carries with her a bag containing magic powder. She sprinkles it on the children if, during her visit, the kids begin to move or wake up. Legend has it that the fairy has elf helpers who search during the day for babies who have lost their first child.

These creatures have the only day off of the year - Christmas. On this day they are prohibited from taking teeth. One of the horror stories about the tooth fairy is associated with this holiday. According to legend, if a magical creature disobeys and takes a tooth on Christmas Day, it will die. Trouble awaits not only the fairy, but also the child who wishes to receive a reward on this holiday. Legend says that his whole life will be tragic and unhappy, and it will all end in suicide.

The Spanish author Luis Coloma was the first to write about the tooth fairy in a fairy tale where the little prince lost his baby tooth. After that it appeared great amount stories, stories, and Lately and films featuring a magical creature. Some of them are horror and feature a scary tooth fairy who tortures children to take their teeth.

According to tradition, a child who has lost a baby tooth (especially if this tooth is the first) puts it under the pillow or in a glass on the nightstand next to the bed in the evening. In the morning, a coin or a small gift is found in place of the tooth.

During the day, when the fairy sleeps sweetly, tiny air elves fly around the world. looking for children whose teeth are loose. Their names are entered in a special journal. Waking up, the fairy reads the magazine and develops a plan for the night's journey.

It is believed that teeth can be given to a fairy on any day except Christmas. If the tooth is nevertheless given as a gift at Christmas, the fairy will die, and the life of the person responsible for her death will turn into a nightmare. which will end in slavery or suicide.

The teeth collected by the fairy are stored in a large warehouse. which is located in her palace, and the fairy’s numerous assistants enter the names of their former owners into the card index. A variety of fairies fly there, wanting to buy teeth or beautiful jewelry made from them by the elves.

IN magical world fairies The tooth fairy is one of the most beautiful. She usually wears a sparkly white dress and gorgeous sparkling jewelry made from baby teeth. The fairy's tiny shoes are made of iridescent snow-white silk, her small wings flicker with golden sparks, and her hair emanates such a shine, as if silk and pearl threads are woven into it.

The tooth fairy always carries with her a small bag filled with magic powder. If the child begins to move in his sleep when she flies in to collect the tooth, the fairy sprinkles him with a pinch of powder, and the baby falls asleep sweetly.

The creators of the animated film “The Guardians of Dreams” presented a slightly different image of the tooth fairy to young viewers. In it, she looks more like a tiny bird in iridescent yellow-green-blue plumage. Another one distinguishing feature This fairy has amazingly beautiful violet eyes.

True, no matter how strange it may seem, most cinematic stories of the tooth fairy are filmed in the horror film genre. There are also comic versions where the fairy often appears in the form of a man.

Although the tooth fairy is not a traditional folklore character, it has long gained the same popularity as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. And this is not bad at all: after all, thanks to it, children understand that the pain and suffering associated with tooth loss will certainly be followed by a reward.

Fairies are beautiful creatures from fairy tales. They are both good and evil. One thing is certain - fairies are always extremely beautiful. Disney's idea of ​​fairies with wings is far from traditional ideas about this magical creature.

There is a misconception that fairies can only be short stature(up to half a meter). In fact, fairies can be as tall as humans, or even taller. In European fairy tales, fairies often change their height at will. However, if we focus on traditional fairy houses, we can conclude that the most comfortable height for these creatures is from fifty to eighty centimeters.

Most often, fairies' skin is very light, it can even have a bluish tint. Fairies are very beautiful at least, in places where people live who can see them.
In the legends about King Arthur, fairies are the name given to the most beautiful sorceresses, including some who are not at all kind.

Fairies certainly fly, but they do it with magic, not wings. Wings were first painted on fairies only in the nineteenth century to emphasize their ability to fly. And a little later, moralists demanded that bird wings (that is, those associated with angels) be replaced with insect wings. This is how one of the most clichéd images arose - a cute creature with dragonfly wings.

At the same time, male fairies are often not at all beautiful and graceful. They are more like old goblins - squat, stocky with dark skin and goat beards. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that fairies are able to change their appearance, which means that such an unassuming appearance may be the fruit of conscious efforts in this area.

One way or another, fairies usually interact with people female. Apparently, for them an attractive appearance is still more natural, which means it is easier for them to win over trusting human creatures.

Numerous eyewitnesses, however, have repeatedly said and written that fairies may be completely different from humans in appearance. Vague features, an animal muzzle, a strange gray face - all this was allegedly seen by people during their meetings with fairies.

It should be noted that almost always a meeting with fairies does not end well for a person. The Irish believe that fairies steal their babies for procreation, and then bewitch them and turn them into fairies, and so that parents do not immediately worry, do not start fussing and looking for the loss, fairies leave one of “theirs” in the cradle. Fearful people avoided clusters of flowers, mushrooms and other plants that formed a regular circle; it was believed that fairies often danced in such circles at night.

At the same time, in many Irish and Scottish fairy tales, fairies do not limit themselves to kidnapping babies; they often take in fully grown people. In such cases, fairy guests usually return to their home from the Magic Realm after decades or centuries.

Previously, it was completely impossible to treat a decaying pulp - the tooth was pulled out and a crown was placed on top. Modern dentistry is able to completely save the tooth by only removing the dental nerve.

Elimination of the dental nerve is called depulpation. After this procedure, the tooth completely stops hurting, and the appearance of periodontitis and various complications is also prevented. dental diseases. Another advantage of depulpation is that there is no need to install artificial teeth.

But, as in most procedures, this one has one big drawback - after the operation, the tooth becomes dead, because along with the dental nerve, blood vessels are also removed, as a result of which blood access to the tooth is stopped. It stops hitting him required amount minerals and begins accelerated process tooth decay. leading to its darkening.

Often, after removing a dental nerve and before starting to fill a tooth, dentists show the extracted nerve to their patient. The nerve of the tooth is a thin white-pink thread, 1 to 1.5 cm long. Before removal, it stretches from the periodontium through the roots of the tooth directly to the surface of the pulp. After the dental nerve is extracted, it curls slightly, taking the shape of the instrument on which it was wound.

After removal, there is natural pain that goes away within a few days. It is very important not to confuse it with painful sensations, which are caused by an inflammatory process that begins due to various complications.

Complications after removal of the dental nerve can arise due to the curvature of the structure of the dental canals and the poor quality of the procedure itself for removing the dental nerve. For example, if the dental canals are difficult to access, it may be difficult for the dentist to clean them completely. As a result, decay begins in the pulp remaining after the procedure, leading to the onset of inflammatory process.

If after removal of the nerve there is swelling of the gums, increasing painful sensations and appearance unpleasant odor in the mouth, it is necessary to consult a dentist as soon as possible to eliminate this inflammatory process. In this case, the doctor will most likely recommend taking an x-ray to determine the cleanliness of the dental canal.

In order to avoid removal of the dental nerve, it is necessary to promptly treat caries and regularly (twice a year) visit the dentist for an oral examination.

Tartar is calcareous deposits of light or Brown, which most often form on the lingual surface of the teeth. Dentists recommend removing tartar every year.

Dental calculus can be classified as acquired mineralized deposits that form on a person’s teeth throughout his life. There are two types of dental calculus – supragingival and subgingival calculus.

Tartar deposits varying degrees can be traced in more than eighty percent of people with healthy periodontium. Tartar may appear as early as adolescence, and the mass of these deposits will increase with a person’s age.

Supragingival calculus can occur in 40-60% of children from nine to fifteen years of age, in 50-90% of young people from sixteen to twenty-two years of age, and in almost 100% of adults over forty years of age. Subgingival calculus is found much less frequently than supragingival calculus, but almost always occurs in people over forty years of age.

Supragingival calculus is usually found on the surface of the teeth parallel to the gingival margin. This stone is usually yellowish or white, clay-like or hard consistency. The color of supragingival stone is influenced by food coloring and tobacco. The color of tartar determines the hardness and judges the speed of its formation. The lighter the tartar, the less hard it is and the faster it forms, being deposited in quite large quantities. As for dark tartar, it is harder, but is deposited more slowly and in smaller quantities.

Supragingival tartar is classified as the salivary type, since it has been scientifically proven that the minerals and substances involved in the formation of this type of tartar come from saliva. IN the greatest number deposits of supragingival tartar are found on the buccal surfaces of the upper chewing teeth opposite the large duct salivary gland and on the lingual surfaces of the anterior teeth lower jaw opposite the duct of the mandibular salivary gland.

Subgingival tartar is located in special gingival pockets and is not detected during a visual examination of the oral cavity. To determine its location and extent, the dentist performs a probing procedure. It should also be noted that subgingival tartar is always denser than supragingival tartar, and most often has dark brown color. This deposit is always tightly attached to the surface of the tooth.

Subgingival stone is classified as the so-called serum type, since the gingival fluid, which resembles the consistency of blood serum, serves as a source of mineralization of this type of stone.

The most common cause of toothache is nerve irritation. This happens due to infection, destruction of the enamel and dentin of the tooth to soft tissue - the pulp. This is where the nerves are located.

Externally, the tooth is divided into three parts: crown, neck and root. The crown is the visible part of the tooth that protrudes above the gum. The neck separates the root and crown and is located under the edge of the gum; the root, accordingly, is located in the alveolus and attaches the tooth to the jaw.

The surface of the tooth is enamel, which protects it from external influence. Under the enamel there is dentin - the mineralized base of the tooth, under dentin - the pulp - soft fabric, in which they are located blood vessels and nerves. There are as many nerves in a tooth as there are root processes, and they are located in the root canals.

The dental nerve looks like a white translucent thin thread of varying lengths. Through the root canal, ending in the apical foramen, it exits to the mandibular or maxillary nerve.

The cause of inflammation of the dental nerve (and the entire pulp) is infection in inner fabrics tooth This may happen due to deep caries, tooth trauma (for example, a piece broke off), bad treatment, use of low-quality materials for filling, infection through blood, damage to the tooth root when the crown is intact.

Pain from inflammation of the nerve is tearing, as the pulp swells and puts pressure on the nerve. When chewing, eating spicy or salty foods, drinking cold or hot water becomes even stronger. This disease cannot be ignored by relieving symptoms with pills without consulting a doctor. First, the nerve may die, but the infection can spread to the tissue around it. Secondly, pulpitis can cause inflammation trigeminal nerve, and the pain will spread to the entire jaw.

Treatment of nerve inflammation is determined by the “neglect” of the disease. If the pulp is not dead, you can save the nerve, because after its removal the tooth usually darkens. After removing the affected tissue, the dentist usually places a various medications, strengthening and restoring the pulp and root. During the treatment period, he places a temporary filling, and only at the very end - a photopolymer permanent one.

If the pulp is partially or completely dead, the nerve is removed after “killing” it with arsenic- or paraformaldehyde-based paste. Then the canals are cleaned and sealed, an x-ray is ordered to check the quality of the procedure, a temporary filling is placed and later a permanent one is placed. You may feel pain in your jaw for some time after treatment, but most often it is caused by irritation of the soft tissue around the tooth.

The time when baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones can be quite an exciting period in the lives of many children and their parents. The tooth fairy helps make it a little more fun and a little more magical.

Briefly about the fairy

The tooth fairy is a fictional character. In some ways she is similar to Father Frost or Santa. This little girl just has to work all year round. Its main purpose is to take baby teeth from children, leaving a coin or a small gift in return. The fairy has assistants - elves, who during the day look for children with loose teeth for her. The fairy herself sleeps during the day. After all, at night she will have to fly around all the children and leave them gifts. The fairy stores all the milk teeth collected from children in a special pantry. The storage space is not unlimited. It’s just that teeth periodically disappear from it. The elf helpers use them to make magnificent, elegant jewelry that the tooth fairy gives to her friends - other fairies.

Not much is known about the fairy's appearance. She is depicted as very beautiful, often wearing shimmering white robes. She always has a bag of magic dust with her, which she sprinkles on a child who is ready to wake up and disturb her. According to some reports, the tooth fairy's eyes are violet. Most likely, like all fairies, the tooth fairy can fly.

History of the character

Unlike many popular fairy tale characters, the author who gave the tooth fairy to children is famous. This is the Spanish writer Luis Coloma. In 1902, his book about the tooth fairy was first published. Interestingly, the work was created to order at the request of the Queen of Spain. At the time, her son, King Alfonso XIII, was only 8 years old and had lost his first baby tooth. Little Alfonso himself, the tooth fairy and the mouse Perez became the characters in the fairy tale. The fairy tale was so successful that its characters, especially the tooth fairy, became almost folklore characters.

It is most often practiced when the very first baby tooth falls out, but if the child is too restless, there is nothing wrong with exchanging each tooth for a gift.

The child must place the lost tooth under the pillow with his own hands the night after the event. In the morning he will find a gift or money in this place. It is no longer known when one of the parents, who was almost caught during the operation of replacing a tooth with a gift, came up with another option for transferring the tooth to the fairy. You can put it in a glass of water and leave it on your bedside table. It’s much easier to remove a tooth this way than from under a pillow.

Why do we need the tooth fairy?

Child psychologists and educators generally have a positive view of the tooth fairy. After all, it is well known how much children love various mysterious rituals, and even more so, gifts. Dropping out baby tooth for a child, something connected with unpleasant new experiences, sometimes it can be painful. View of even a drop own blood, can plunge the baby into a state of shock. A story about a magical tooth fairy, the expectation of a miracle and a gift will most likely distract the child from unpleasant experiences and make changing teeth a magical adventure.