Discernment: How to develop this sense.

Insight is a personality quality, the ability to observe, the ability to keenly notice, foresee, guess a lot, comprehend something based on personal competence and deep knowledge and beliefs. Insight is the result of observation, life experience, and a deep knowledge of a person's core values ​​and the meaning of life.

A person with insight into interpersonal relationships, has developed attention, active listening, good memory, analytical mind and critical thinking. Insight is the master of the brain's thought processes and logic. Comparison, analysis, conclusions, comparison, classification, selection common features and their correlation with behavioral patterns and emotional reactions typical of certain groups of people or one person.

This gives a fairly complete picture of previous actions or a forecast of the next ones. Insight, as a rule, is associated with the ability to diagnose personality traits, motivations for actions, and emotional reactions of others. Insight helps you see not only the stupidity of others, but your own stupidity. It gives experience. Honesty is a very expensive gift, don’t expect it from cheap people!

Only a person with pure consciousness can see the qualities of other people. Only a good, honest person can be insightful. A perceptive person clearly sees the virtues and vices of those around him.

He recognizes himself in the virtues, and easily distinguishes the vices of another person. A perceptive person knows how to ask the right questions and immediately senses the falsehood and deception in the words of a rogue.

Immanuel Kant wrote: “The ability to ask the right questions is already an important and necessary sign of intelligence and insight.”

Reflection means the ability to see the personality traits of your counterpart. If a person is a thief and a swindler, he sees thieves and swindlers in everyone around him. He sees only the bad. Good people pass by his business. He doesn't notice them. And if he notices, he sees in them exclusively vicious personality traits.

A swindler and a narrow-minded person in business can conclude a profitable contract, but he will always worry and be nervous about whether he will be “thrown away” or swindled this time.

Philosopher of our days O.G. Torsunov says: “I had one friend, a bank director. He told me the secret of his success in business:

“Do you know how I make my deals? When a person talks to me on the phone about his business proposal, I smell his voice. If he smells bad, if he smells bad, I don’t deal with him.”

“This man is insightful and very honest. Honesty means the ability to see other people's character traits. Discernment is very important in concluding deals and relationships. When can a person be insightful? Only when he himself is a very good person!”

Insight is the property of a pure soul and mind, expressed in the ability to understand the needs and interests of another person. A person under the control of the energy of ignorance or passion is unable to be insightful.

Terry egoism permeates the feelings and mind, blocks the mind. An egoist thinks only of himself. Where can he get the skills to read other people's desires or thoughts?

This requires the energy of goodness with its selflessness, respect, caring and compassion for people. Insight is purity of consciousness, expressed in clarity of mind and muscularity of the brain. Insight is in demand in all areas of life and must be achieved through personal growth and reading basic concepts.

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Each of us has noticed that some people can provide for any little detail in every life situation, while others can only make mistakes in making decisions; Some people have no difficulty distinguishing falsehood from truth, while others constantly find themselves deceived. These differences are based on the presence of insight or lack thereof.

Insight is a special ability

An insightful person is one who is able to foresee upcoming events, has the ability to make the right conclusions in a certain situation and make the only correct decision at the appropriate moment.

Human insight is a unique ability that all inhabitants of our planet would like to have. This is an opportunity to see the real state of things, hidden behind many subjective factors human life. We can say that insight is an objective attitude to the situation, which makes it possible to accurately predict future events, based only on your knowledge of what is happening.

But what does it mean to be a "discerning person"? This is a person who can easily determine the hidden essence of things, actions, events and people.

The important thing is that this is a calm individual who does not pay attention to external signs and the behavior of other people. For him, it is not at all important whether a person has wealth or lack thereof. Only thanks to his inner instinct, based on his impressions, relying only on his inner self, he can achieve success in almost any area of ​​life, finding the only correct action in any situation. This is what it means to be an insightful person!

A look into the soul

You can often hear the phrase “discerning eye.” And immediately there is a feeling that a slight trembling is passing through the body. We feel like we are being scanned, studied, examined without asking our permission. We understand that a penetrating gaze is an “X-ray”, a special sensitive “organ” of a person that helps him see through others, recognize the smallest details, nuances that would be hidden for ordinary people.

It is these abilities that make one wary of the owner of such capabilities. He is considered special, even having superpowers. Is it so?

How to develop insight

It should be noted that insight is not given to a person by nature as a gift. This is scrupulous work, daily work on yourself.

  1. Insight comes from years of experience. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that an insightful person is an old man of advanced age who wants to leave behind a legacy for his descendants. This may be a fairly young person, capable of analyzing and learning from other people’s mistakes, without missing the smallest details, and absorbing other people’s experience for his own life.
  2. Focusing thoughts on the main thing is the basis right decisions. You cannot focus your attention and hope that the situation will resolve itself. It is necessary to take into account all the points related to the desired issue, without missing even the smallest details.
  3. Clarification of all the nuances. Very often we feel there is a problem, but we are afraid to ask an extra question. Only the curious, those who are interested, clarify, get rid of unnecessary doubts.

Do you want to become discerning? Become one!

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to outline a basic plan of action that will lead to success.

  • Discernment is mindfulness. An astute person is one who is able to work in the search. He does not miss anything that ordinary people would not pay any attention to. For him this is the norm of behavior.
  • Systematization of knowledge is the basis for stability of thinking. Our brain can work like a clock only when all the mechanisms in it are working properly. This means that all information must be systematized and structured, only in this way will thoughts be built into logical chains, which will help bring any matter to its logical conclusion.
  • Communication with people is an opportunity to gain experience. By carefully studying what the interlocutor said, it is possible to understand the correctness or error of his actions, mentally recreating the basis of actions in a similar situation. During dialogue, it is also important to pay attention to the movements and gestures of the interlocutor. They are the ones who can largely reveal the falsity of the speaker’s words.

But the main thing is that an insightful person is a thinking person, and in order to become insightful, it is important not to make hasty decisions!

What is a piercing gaze and what does it mean?

At all times, people have attached great importance to looks. The power of the beloved’s attractive eyes was sung in poetry, and a gaze clouded by heavy thoughts or burning with rage can be seen in many male portraits.

The influence of people with piercing eyes

We often wonder why some people have a strong influence on others. If they are endowed with power, wealth or strength, then everything is clear - they rely on things that are obvious to everyone.
But often people listen to the opinions of those on whom absolutely no one and nothing depends on the issue under discussion. Sometimes even those who have the right to make decisions fall under their influence. But if you take a closer look at everyone who attracts the attention of others, you will see that they all have one thing in common - a piercing gaze. A person’s eyes are the first thing the interlocutor pays attention to; they inspire trust or hostility, and nothing can change this impression.

What does “piercing gaze” mean?

Throughout human history Special attention always focused on the eyes, vision and everything connected with them. All world religions have the idea that higher powers are always watching every person throughout his life. The sun was often called the "Eye of God." All great people - rulers, scientists and cultural figures - have a piercing gaze in their images, be it a statue or a portrait. But the artists gave them different facial expressions: forward striving, wise awareness, anger or immeasurable kindness, depending on their character and type of activity. This means that a piercing gaze carries with it powerful energy for different purposes - it can attract, repel, cause fear or delight.

Innate “magic” or acquired skill?

There is a type of person about whom they say: “he has charisma”, “she is so charming”, “he is a born leader” and so on. Some people are certainly lucky to be born with such a gift. A striking example is the memorable face of an unknown girl with a piercing gaze. The photo above leaves a lasting impression on the viewer. But often people specifically work on themselves and make a lot of effort to highlight their strengths and hide their weaknesses. In particular, politicians and famous speakers take lessons acting, improve diction and posture. They have a special culture of movement; many of them develop a strong, confident handshake and a sincere, endearing smile with the help of special exercises. The same can be said about developing the power of gaze.

How to learn a piercing gaze?

This look is often called “central” because it is important to direct it to the center of the person’s face, the top of the bridge of the nose, where the eyebrows meet and the nose begins. It is here that we have one powerful nerve center that perceives the energy directed at it. This place is called the “third eye” in various spiritual practices. And when the gaze is directed to this point on the interlocutor’s face, mental orders or suggestions of certain emotions and desires will lead to the goal - will cause an appropriate reaction. An important condition is that you need to not just look at the bridge of a person’s nose, but rather direct a magnetic “central gaze.” Of course, not everyone has such a skill; this requires certain skills. To develop them, you need to perform simple exercises every day.

How to make your eyes piercing?

In the morning, after all daily procedures, you need to stand in front of the mirror and look at the central part of your face in the reflection. Then you should focus on your feelings and sincerely, mentally directing a ray of light into the “third eye,” wish you a good day, success, or achieving some specific results during the day. Then “switch places” with the reflection and mentally accept this ray, expressing your gratitude with a reciprocal glance. To complete the second exercise, you will need a candle; any candle, tea or even a souvenir candle, will do to decorate the cake. It is necessary to look at the candle flame in a quiet, calm atmosphere, mentally exchanging energy with it, and carefully examining the fire. You can start with one minute, gradually increasing the time. These exercises will allow you to develop a piercing gaze and teach you to focus on the flow of outgoing energy to achieve results. The third exercise is aimed at developing the ability to hold your gaze at one point for a long time without blinking. You need to draw a circle with a diameter of about 1 cm on a sheet of A4 paper, fix the sheet at face level and look at this circle from a distance of 2 m. It is important to imagine how energy emanates from the eyes. You cannot blink or look away from the circle for a minute, gradually increasing the time.

In what cases can a piercing gaze be used?

The ability to control your gaze will be useful in all areas of life. The seller can win over the buyer, attract his attention to his product and, finally, convince him to make a purchasing decision. You can instill a desire to possess something by experiencing pleasure from it. Of course, this technique will only be effective in conjunction with competent body language and a properly structured conversation. Parents, using a piercing gaze, can convey their emotions to the child: delight, admiration for his successes or, conversely, dissatisfaction, even anger in case of bad behavior. This method in a family works the better, the stronger the emotional ties. And there is no way to express feelings in words or actions as often as the child needs. For example, a baby is worried at a matinee in the garden, his mother cannot take him by the hand and suggest words that he forgot - but he feels a piercing loving gaze and calms down. Or a schoolboy shouts too loudly while playing with friends, and reprimanding him means undermining his authority in the company. One dissatisfied glance - and the child behaves more quietly. Often the power of a piercing gaze is used unconsciously in important life situations.

The magic of the gaze in the relationship between a man and a woman

Popular wisdom says: “the eyes are the mirror of the soul.” They reflect the true feelings of people, which is why they have been given such importance for a long time. In ancient times, it was considered indecent to look directly into the eyes of elders or strangers, and as a sign of respect they “kept their eyes down.” Girls were forbidden to look at men; many nations still have a tradition of covering a woman’s face outside the home. This is due to the enormous attractiveness of women's eyes. At all times, a girl’s piercing gaze meant sympathy, interest and an offer of acquaintance. There are entire rituals, “games with the eyes,” that every daughter of Eve knows and uses from birth. For example, by looking sideways, she intrigues a man, and a “shooting” gaze sparks his curiosity.

What does a man's gaze mean?

Often, what means interest for a woman is viewed by representatives of the stronger sex as a challenge. They are used to evaluating the world from the point of view of danger, and a man’s direct, piercing gaze has often been a manifestation of aggression since cave times.
But that doesn't mean they don't use it to attract attention. Vice versa! A man is a hunter by nature, and a gaze directed at a woman is a kind of “declaration of intent.”

In order to effectively use the power of your gaze, you need to learn to control your emotions. If a person experiences positive emotions, then there is nothing wrong with sharing them with others when his eyes radiate joy and warmth. But it is impossible to calm someone down with a look when experiencing anger, irritation or fear.

What is discernment? How to define the concept of insight?


Insight- this is the ability to see deeper, beyond the obvious. If a person understands the essence of things or a question, this is not yet insight, but it is close to it. The perceptive is able to see the deep essence.

To illustrate: someone asked a person a question. Many people have an understanding of how to answer. But the discerning will see why the question was asked and answer with that in mind. Or he will understand that the person who asked the question was motivated by the wrong motives. Then he may not answer, but encourage the person to correct his thinking or explore the question on his own.


Insight is the ability to see and feel the hidden essence of phenomena, to foresee the development and outcome of future events, as well as the ability to see hidden reasons events and phenomena that are hidden behind outside what's happening. An astute person is able to identify the hidden motives and true inner motivations of another person. A perceptive person is very difficult to deceive.

What is discernment?

Discernment is the ability to discern, discern good from bad, and act with wisdom (Heb. 5:14). Discernment is also defined as the ability to make sound decisions in spiritual matters

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PERSPECTIVENESS - the psychological ability to quickly and adequately recognize people and the relationships that develop between them in a certain situation, to predict the behavior of a communication partner. Insight is holistic structural education, functional system, consisting of elements of various levels of psychological reflection. At the level of sensory-perceptual reflection, insight is characterized by: selectivity of perception, developed to deep observation of people; the ability to correctly understand the thoughts and feelings of others conveyed by voice and expressive movements; emotional responsiveness, etc. At the level of ideas - figurative memory, mastery of signs and sign systems (language, gestures, facial expressions, etc.). At the level of verbal-logical, conceptual thinking - thinking activity with developed analysis and synthesis, flexibility, good command of speech, generalized experience of communicating with different people.

Kozma prutkov

Insight from the word to penetrate, to penetrate inside is the ability to comprehend the essence of events and foresee the consequences - through careful observation.
The insight of a believer helps to distinguish good from bad, truth from lies, correctly assess the situation, foresee the consequences of one’s actions and act wisely depending on the circumstances, making sound decisions in spiritual matters.
All of this is learned by believers through studying God's word and applying Bible principles to their lives, exercising their skill in discerning between good and evil (Heb. 5:14).

How did discernment help Jesus Christ throughout his ministry?
He introduced many to the word of God, applying different approaches to different people - depending on who he saw in front of him and treating everyone with understanding: he encouraged a woman sinner with praise, told parables to the people, wanted to come to the house of a rich chief tax collector , and answered the Pharisees with a question or answered nothing at all (Luke 19:5-9; 7:37-48; Matt. 13:10,11; 21:27-30; Mark 14:61) He did not use the same prepared templates for presentations to everyone you met along the way.
Thanks to his insight, Jesus was able to hold out for three and a half years in dangerous territory for his life - the period that was prepared for him (John 7: 3-6,8; 8:59; 10:39).
This same quality helped him understand how to strengthen all his disciples, and some - even individually - after his death and resurrection (John 20:15-17; 19,20; 26-29).
Discernment also helped Jesus not only to discern the motives of those seeking to catch him in word or behavior (Luke 4:2-13; Matt. 22:15-22), but also to respond wisely to Scripture according to this understanding. She also helped Jesus not to expect or demand more from his disciples than they could; give everyone assignments in accordance with their abilities and capabilities; give different visual examples to different people so that those listening can better understand his thoughts, etc., etc.
In a word, thanks to discernment, Jesus always knew to whom, how, what and how much to say or do, so that people could perceive the good news and choose the right way life.

Some people are able to foresee all possible nuances and foresee the outcome of a situation, others are not able to see further than their own nose.

Why does one person easily fall for all sorts of tricks of a liar, while another reacts skeptically even to quite convincing arguments? It's all about the presence or absence of insight.

Insight is the ability to predict the outcome of a future situation, taking into account the characteristics of the current situation.
Insight is a kind of talent to understand the real background of affairs, which is hidden under the outer shell of phenomena and events, as well as behind the external actions of people. A perceptive person knows how to identify those hidden motives and true motives that guide a person in his actions or words.
A discerning person will not be satisfied with the trivial explanations that others present to him, so outwitting a discerning person is a difficult task.

Insight can be one of the main contributors to success. It gives you the ability to understand people, see their unseemly character traits, and read hidden intentions. If you - business man, then with the help of insight you will be able to influence your subordinates, make a career, build profitable business. Such a quality as insight will make you a true professional in any field of activity, will make you a leader, will allow you to feel the mood of those people who surround you, captivate them with your ideas, and control their actions.

Insight- this is not a gift from above and not an innate talent; it can be learned. Here are a few techniques and rules that will help you develop this quality.

  • Insight Techniques

For any external phenomenon there are many reasons that need to be known.

As a rule, the everyday train of thought leads to only one conclusion, usually the most common and familiar. Having certain experience and knowledge, a reasonable person realizes that the first thought that comes to his mind is not always the only correct one. Just like the reason for a human action may not be the only one.
Let's analyze the situation when everyone is busy in transport during busy hours free places, and the young guy sits calmly, despite the presence of an elderly man standing in front of him. The first thing that may come to your mind is that the young man is a callous and ill-mannered person; he was not instilled in childhood with the skills of cultural behavior in a public place. However, there may be several reasons for this behavior. For example, a guy is too immersed in personal experiences and simply does not notice the old man standing next to him. Another reason could be an injury that does not allow the guy to stand for a long time, for example, his leg hurts. Perhaps he is after a heavy physical work very tired and is now sitting, fighting sleep.
Therefore, learn to analyze various life situations, learn to identify as many possible (and diverse) causes of each phenomenon as possible. You should accumulate your conclusions in your memory; this may be useful to you in later life.

Fix as much as possible large quantity external manifestations.

Let's analyze a different situation. For example, a girl entering a vehicle slowly squats down, as if sliding down the wall. The surrounding passengers do not pay attention to her; they believe that the girl attracts attention to herself in a very unusual way. But, upon a careful look at the girl’s face, signs of suffering are striking, a pale complexion, beads of sweat on upper lip, frightened facial expression. One of the passengers guessed that it was heart attack. People around you begin to become interested in what is happening. The rest of the passengers responded to the request for help, and now someone had validol in their purse.
Conclusion: the more external manifestations you record, the closer and clearer the true cause of their occurrence will become.

  • Clarify your doubts

If, when analyzing a situation, you have a somewhat ambivalent feeling, several versions are born at once, try to hedge your bets by checking. Here are a few ways to best do this:
- Wait for new manifestations that will confirm, and possibly refute, your doubts.
- Ask the person himself about the reasons for his actions. If in response you hear a lie, you can recognize it by its content or by the tone in which it is said - this will be new evidence of external manifestations.
- The same questions can be clarified with those people who are familiar with the person or are well informed about this event.
- Any external manifestation becomes clearly visible in extreme situation. This situation can either be expected or artificially simulated.
You can add to this list yourself by coming up with new techniques to clarify the situation.

  • Rules of Insight

These are general rules that, when studied, will help you master the art of discernment.

1. Consider all the minor details.

There are always such nuances that at first, superficial glance seem small and insignificant. A person endowed with insight always sees what others do not notice. Insight is the ability to tune your senses to capture any little thing or detail that, for various reasons, other people do not notice. By cultivating such powers of observation, you gradually acquire the skills of a first-class detective.

2. Systematize and remember the details received.

It happens that you cannot always explain the reason for small events or subtle actions, but you should remember those facts that caused you doubts.
It may happen that when talking with an interlocutor, some detail of a person’s behavior or a phrase accidentally dropped by him will emerge in your memory. A natural question arises: “What guides the words or actions of this person?” You may not immediately find the answer to your question, but over time the situation may become clearer. Keeping in mind details that cannot easily be explained and being able to classify them into situations is an important step towards developing permeability.

3. When communicating with a person, try to consider any detail, using it to determine the person’s level of development and his train of thoughts.

For example, if you were confused by something in a person’s facial expressions or in a phrase he said, intonation, or a person’s appearance, think about what processes in his psyche or consciousness can lead to such external manifestations. With some training, you will conduct such an analysis automatically, this will help you subtly feel and understand the course of thought processes occurring in the head of your interlocutor. In this unique way, an experienced doctor feels a patient, a teacher feels his audience, etc. This is the basis of deep insight.

4. In any situation (social, natural or technical), look at any fact as an external manifestation of hidden processes.

Train yourself to look for a reason, to find explanations for those hidden processes that happen in nature or in society. For example, natural phenomena - tsunamis, landslides, earthquakes - are only an external manifestation of hidden processes occurring deep in the bowels of the earth. So in social sphere try to deeply comprehend the ongoing processes, look for their underlying causes, especially in professional activities.

5. If you have found the reason for the external manifestation of an event, try to formulate a dependence.

If you have felt the entire secret essence of the phenomenon, comprehended the ongoing process, found out and were convinced of the correctness of your conclusions, it is time to determine the dependence. Let's take a popular saying: if swallows fly low, it will rain, this is an example of a well-known dependence. Or another example of addiction - any symptom in medicine is a reflection of a specific (physiological or pathological) process occurring in human body. Also, try to formulate the relationship between the external situation and the underlying cause of the phenomenon.

6. Try to understand the course of a person’s mental operations or the essence of deep processes by comparing them with phenomena or processes already familiar to you.
If you encounter a phenomenon that is not entirely familiar to you, or you were unable to formulate an exact relationship, draw an analogy. Remember similar phenomena and their dependencies that you have already encountered in life, transfer your knowledge to an unknown process. This train of thought can be polished and made automatic. Expand your knowledge base various phenomena and try not to forget about this technique. It will accelerate the development of your insight.

7. When making an analogy, consider possible differences and make appropriate adjustments.
If the similarity between different phenomena is not very significant, then your conclusions may turn out to be erroneous. Be careful in your judgment, determine the magnitude of the difference. Taking into account the amendments made to the analogy, formulate a conclusion about the reasons and essence of the process. Refine your findings as needed.

8. A certain amount of doubt should always be present; do not make hasty and categorical conclusions based on small external manifestations.
People around you may deliberately mislead you and impose an artificially created idea on you. Therefore, excessive self-confidence is dangerous due to the appearance of erroneous judgments. Everyone is familiar with overly self-confident people who base their judgments on the basis of incorrect ideas about the essence of processes. Such people punish themselves by getting zero or incorrect results. Strive to overcome excessive self-confidence, find the right conclusions, and retain a small amount of doubt. Only in this way can you achieve the highest level of development of insight.

9. After a certain period of time, find additional confirmation of your initial conclusions, feelings or assessments.
You should not cultivate unnecessary doubts in yourself; they can give rise to uncertainty and reduce the desire to act. You need to find your own line between confidence in the correctness of your conclusions and the need to have some reasonable doubts. Consistently get rid of your doubts, identify and invent new evidence that confirms the correctness of your first assessments, judgments, and conclusions. Find confirmation in communicative communication and in the practical field of activity.

10. Strive to continually develop your insight and trust your judgment.
Reflect on the steps you have taken towards developing your insight and build confidence and trust in it. Gradually, step by step, you will become an insightful person. Consider the mistakes you have made and praise yourself for your achievements, strive to constantly improve the insight you have developed.

Over time, insight will increasingly develop and improve, and the accuracy of your conclusions will increase significantly. This will allow you in the best possible way navigate the situations you may encounter in Everyday life. Of course, you will not immediately achieve a high level of insight development; it will take some time and effort. But the result is worth it! Confidence in your own abilities and in your ability to correctly guess the true course of things - these wonderful qualities will be brought to you by developed insight.

Insight develops such a quality as intuition. The difference between the two is that insight is a conscious and controlled process, while intuition occurs on a subconscious level.

Hello, dear readers! What does it mean to be a discerning person? What qualities does he have and can they be developed? Today I would like to talk to you about intuition, prediction, how insight can help in everyday life and in love relationships. After all, this is an extremely useful skill - to be able to see one step ahead.

Required qualities

Let's try to understand what qualities you need to have to be considered insightful. Undoubtedly, one of the main qualities is observation. Such a person notices details that are hidden from others.

It is possible to develop mindfulness. If you are an absent-minded person, don't worry. I bring to your attention the article “”. Just a few exercises and practices and you will become the most observant person.

But in addition to attentiveness and observation, an insightful person is distinguished by the ability to foresee. Now I’m not talking about clairvoyants and predictors of the future. Foresighted - what is this? One who analyzes a situation and speculates on the possible outcome.

The simplest example. The husband stays late at work in a bar with colleagues. If he is perceptive, he will most likely predict his wife's reaction. Therefore, he will either warn her in advance so that she does not worry. Or he will give her a small gift upon returning home to distract her attention and talk calmly.

Thus, you and I understand that foresight is a complex analysis of numerous factors.

The ability to see possible consequences will be useful to you not only in your personal life, but also at work, in school, and in everyday life. I suggest you first read the work of Vladimir Zazykin “ Fundamentals of Insight Psychology».

External manifestation

Very often you can come across phrases such as “a penetrating look or voice.” What does it mean? How can a voice or a look be insightful? Let's start with the look.

Have you ever experienced a gaze that seems to penetrate into the deepest places of your soul? This is exactly the kind of look I call insightful.

When a person not only looks at you, but also notices the slightest changes in facial expressions, gestures, and mood. You just have to think about something, and he already expresses this thought.

Is it possible to learn such a view? Yes, if you really begin to notice details in the changes in the behavior of your interlocutor, learn to distinguish his facial expressions, and carefully monitor his gestures. Just don’t look too closely and suspiciously at the person. It's intimidating.

What is an insightful voice? For me it is always a calm, confident tone, even intonation. A voice like that can hypnotize you. You listen carefully to every word and try to understand the meaning of what was said.
And you can easily learn such a voice.

I advise you to contact your school for help. oratory, if you want to develop a similar skill in yourself. In addition, tongue twisters will always help you, which perfectly train diction, which plays an important role.

What and how to develop

To be insightful, you need to have logic. In this matter, you will find the book by Charles Phillips very useful. Logic and tactical thinking" Of course, often people do not use logic. But it is she who helps to understand what can happen in a particular case.

After all, our world obeys the laws of physics. Likewise, human actions are subject to the laws of logic. In addition, it will help you constantly develop your mind, thinking, and prudence.

You will not stand still, and this is already a big step forward. Moreover, an astute person understands which partner he should contact logical thinking, and with which one not. Practice.

No one has yet come up with a better way to anticipate one step ahead than chess. If you don't know how to play this game at all board game, then don't despair. It's never too late to learn.

If it seems boring to you, too heavy, then start with something simpler. Checkers, dominoes, preference, any game where you need to use your brain.

Insight develops with experience. When a person has a huge baggage of life situations behind him, he more likely predicts the outcome of the current story. Therefore, do not be discouraged if you cannot immediately guess the result.

Try, try and don't stop. Only then will you understand how to become an insightful person.
Is it difficult to take the first step towards change? Don't know where to start? Then you should read the article "". In it you will find a large number of useful and practical tips.

Relationship Insight

As you may have guessed, being discerning with your loved one is an extremely useful skill. Not only can you anticipate his wishes, but you also avoid a lot of unnecessary quarrels.

Insight in relationships will be useful for both women and men. It is not necessary that both partners have this quality. One insightful person in a pair will be enough.

An astute girl knows when it is better not to approach her man with unimportant questions, she knows when he is busy, when he does not have time, and is not offended if he does not immediately answer a message or call.

She is great at choosing gifts for her partner because she is well aware of his interests and hobbies. She carefully monitors his reactions, notes, draws conclusions and behaves in the future taking into account his possible reaction.

Dear men, remember one simple truth - a woman needs attention. It can manifest itself verbally (compliments, praise, approval), materially (minor or significant gifts).

Often attention is required in small things. For example, my pregnant friend sleeps very poorly, because she is extremely uncomfortable. She talks about it all the time. At some point, her husband noticed this and gave her a special pillow for pregnant women.

An astute spouse would have acquired such a pillow in advance, having sat on a forum of pregnant women and read about their desires and problems.

Remember, nothing happens with a magic click. To become insightful you need to work hard, develop your attentiveness, train your memory, study, try not to lose sight of details and little things. You can easily learn all this, you just have to put in the effort.

Do you know someone who is insightful? What is he like? How is it different from the rest?

When a psychologist speaks in front of an audience, everyone expects something from him " small miracle", capable of capturing the imagination, justifying the aura of exclusivity surrounding the wonderful science of psychology. This "miracle" is usually the guessing of personal characteristics strangers, prediction of typical forms of their behavior and relationships. At the same time, assessments and judgments must not only be accurate and justified (the psychologist will definitely be required to tell “how he found out”), but also. most importantly, in to a certain extent unexpected, focusing attention on what is hidden from “mere mortals”, but what is actually essential and decisive. Approximately the same is expected from those who are entrusted with power or responsible management functions, with whom expectations and hopes for positive changes are associated. Of course, they are first of all required to take urgent and effective actions that give quick results according to the principle: “Everything, everyone, at once.” But no less important are the manifestations of psychologically strong personality traits inherent in “engineers.” human souls", the ability to quickly and accurately understand people, determine who is right and who is wrong, accurately guess who can be entrusted with responsible tasks, the ability to select personnel, manage them, etc. Moreover, in any hierarchically organized dyad or system , for example, “doctor-patient”, “teacher-student”, “superior-subordinate”, etc., the expectations of these strong psychological aspects of the individual, special psychological qualities and skills in relation to those who occupy a leading position are noted. that they are “good at reading people.” These highly valued qualities and skills are essentially manifestations of insight.

Insight is not inherent to everyone, and therefore everything related to it is surrounded by an aura of unusualness and mystery. Discerning people can, almost at first glance, make an almost unmistakable judgment about a person they have just met, his character, style of activity, characteristics of relationships and even hidden intentions. They feel confident when difficult situations arise.

New situations related to human relations are very resistant to intrigue and insinuation, since they easily predict the possible actions of their opponents, they are difficult to mislead, deceive or embarrass. Insightful people, especially those who work in communication and interaction, rarely make mistakes, and therefore act extremely effectively. They are usually successful in profession and life. In addition, thanks to such unique qualities and skills, they are able to exert a strong influence on people, so among them there are many leaders who evoke a special, respectful attitude.

However, insight does more than just make a strong impression. It is with its help that a wide range of complex professional problems are successfully solved. This is most clearly manifested in such types of activities as “person-person” and “person-team”, where business conversation and interaction play a special role. It would be more accurate to say that their effectiveness largely depends on insight. It is not for nothing that insight is called a professionally important psychological quality, although it is not only a personality quality, but primarily a system of effective skills and abilities. Indeed, how can one successfully engage in politics, fight crime, or carry out business contacts without having insight? But does success only in these areas of human activity depend on insight? What about teachers, doctors, personnel service workers (after all, personnel still “decides everything”), journalists, lawyers? It is insight that is often the basis of their professional achievements.

But leaders or managers at almost any level of the management hierarchy especially need insight. The well-known saying that “all management is, first of all, management of people” has become popular. Is it possible to do without insight here? In addition, any manager spends approximately three-quarters of his working time on business communication with very different people: meetings, meetings, negotiations, receiving visitors, reports, numerous telephone conversations, and at a high level - interviews and press conferences. And everywhere you need to quickly understand the essence of the problem, and always taking into account psychological characteristics partners and their interests, which are often hidden, make the right and timely decision, and anticipate possible failures in its implementation due to the psychological characteristics of those directly involved. Insight

is especially necessary when establishing business contacts, because it is no secret that many representatives of the “new class of owners” very easily relate to such valuable human qualities and fundamental values ​​as honesty and decency, loyalty to their word, commitment, although at the same time they are very inventive and decisive and purposeful. They often make proposals that are extremely tempting at first glance, but which can subsequently only bring losses. Therefore, without insight, a modern leader, entrepreneur or manager is unlikely to be able to work successfully.

The role of insight is also great in such a new and extremely delicate area of ​​​​professional activity as the work of employment service specialists. Our new “social conquest” - unemployment - appeared rapidly. The state, as usual, turned out to be unprepared for this, although everyone predicted unemployment. To be fair, it must be said that employment services were created quite quickly, but the efficiency of their work is not high enough, primarily because the work in them is very complex, requiring special training, development of personal and professional qualities and skills practical psychologist, especially insight. The specialists of these services deal with people who find themselves in crisis situations, who are in complex negative mental states (severe stress, depression, frustration). But, paradoxically, this is natural, since for most people the loss of a job is the strongest extreme factor, placing the individual in exceptional difficult conditions, often to the brink of survival. The unemployed feel like second-class citizens, they lose faith in their abilities, they feel that they are not needed, that they have been rejected. They react painfully to everything. Their relationships with loved ones and former work colleagues change, and neuroses often arise. About a third of them are socially maladjusted; from 25 to 40% of the unemployed have various mental disorders. Communication and interaction with them require special psychological skills, the use of which should be based on accurate knowledge of their personal characteristics and states, and insight will help with this. But there is another category of unemployed. They are focused on only one thing - receiving unemployment benefits. Therefore, employment service workers must be very astute in order to properly build relationships with any wards.

There is no need to prove that insight is especially important for representatives of many professions; it is the basis of their professional achievements - there are as many examples as you like. The problem is how to develop this quality and the skills associated with it, what methods of developing insight exist, and can you master them on your own?

It has been repeatedly noted that insight is acquired through experience, in the process labor activity, the specificity of which is constant interaction and communication with people in various and sometimes typical situations. The development of insight as a personal and professional quality and the skills associated with it, as psychological studies have shown, is based on typical mental actions - comparison, juxtaposition, classification, identification of common features, their correlation with behavioral characteristics and emotional reactions typical of certain groups of people. Usually this process is quite long and subjectively difficult. The mistakes made in this case have a high psychological “price”: correcting them can sometimes be very difficult. At the same time, there is reason to believe that the development of insight is subject to uniform laws, the knowledge of which can significantly speed up this process. In addition, there are natural personal prerequisites that can be considered as insight abilities. These include good memory, developed attention (almost all its forms), an analytical mind, critical thinking, observation, etc. These properties can also be considered as certain criteria that allow for the psychological professional selection of applicants for specialties that require high insight.

So what is insight in psychological terms? How to develop it by going to high level skills and abilities? Let's try to understand this problem, identifying its essential characteristics and justifying relatively simple and constructive methods for developing insight. But first, let’s turn to generally accepted concepts and definitions in order to more accurately navigate the problem and better understand how to solve it.

Insight It is customary to call a personality quality that depends on the ability to observe, notice a lot, guess, and most importantly, predict. Exactly this general definition, however, even from it it is clear how

Certain areas of study and development of insight are a priority. So, insight is a complex personality trait, manifested in certain and rather rare personal and business qualities and special skills.

The manifestation of insight is usually associated with the ability to determine or guess personal traits, character traits, motives of behavior, and to anticipate emotional reactions, actions and deeds of another person. Let us note that everything that is subject to this definition refers to fundamental psychological phenomena that are studied in psychology by various scientific schools. Therefore, to understand the psychological essence of insight, it is necessary to understand what these personality traits, characterological characteristics and emotional states. These are the ones we will talk about first.

In domestic psychology personality They call a person the carrier of consciousness. In foreign psychology there is a different interpretation of the essence of personality, or rather, there are several of them. Personality is described in terms of the self - as a subjectively perceiving entity (C. Rogers), an internal “something” of the individual that determines his interaction with the world (G. Allport), a function of the results of life crises (E. Erikson), unique way awareness of life experience (J. Kelly), a set of certain qualities (R. Cattell), a complex pattern of mutual influence, behavior (A. Bandura), etc. Personality was studied from the standpoint of humanistic theory (A. Maslow), psychodynamic (S. Freud), individual psychology (A. Adler), behavioral theory (B. Skinner), ego psychology (E. Fromm), dispositional theory (G. Eysenck), etc.

In Russian personality psychology, the undoubted achievements are the research of A.F. Lazursky on the psychology of character, the personality theory of D.N. Uznadze (in the context psychological attitudes), philosophical and psychological concept of personality by S.L. Rubinstein (from the standpoint of identifying internal conditions), theory of personality relationships by V.N. Myasishchev, constructive psychological concepts of personality by K.K. Platonov, A.G. Kovalev, A.N. Leontyev etc. However, regardless of theoretical views and approaches to personality, essentially the same thing was studied: the structure of personality, its orientation, abilities, character, relationships, mental processes and properties, manifestations in activity, creativity, etc. Now the category “personality” seems to be pushed back to second plan,

is replaced by another category - “subject”. According to researchers, the subject is the bearer of an active and independent individual principle, and the personality is “more oriented towards social relations” accepted or imposed on it. This point of view certainly has a right to exist. However, in our opinion, the category “personality” is more general in its content, and the subject is considered in the context of something: “subject of activity”, “subject of relationships”, etc.

It is believed that a person is not born, but becomes in the process of being and working, when, communicating and interacting, a person compares himself with others and distinguishes his “I”. Psychological properties (traits) of a person are fully and vividly revealed in a person’s activity, behavior, communication, relationships, and even in a person’s appearance. The range of personality traits and manifestations is very wide. For example, in the Russian language there are more than one and a half thousand words that characterize a person. Enormous information about personal manifestations is summarized and structured, often at the level of everyday assessments. We often and quite reasonably give definitions such as “ascetic,” “strong,” or “weak” personality, implying not only actions and relationships, but also lifestyle, manners, and appearance.

Indeed, there are different personalities - harmoniously developed and one-sided, progressive and reactionary, highly moral and vile, etc., but at the same time, each personality is unique. Sometimes this property - uniqueness - is called individuality - a manifestation of the individual, inherent only to a given person. Although each personality is unique, at the same time, similarities can be identified in different people, i.e. manifestations of something special in a person. This is reflected in the characteristic features appearance, in behavior, relationships, which allow us to identify certain personality types by grouping them. Everyone knows this well from personal experience. Such integrative personality properties as morality, harmony, pathology, etc. are known, on the basis of which personality typologies were compiled. If we highlight other reasons, for example, some characterological deviations, we can further deepen our understanding of personality types. For example, from personal experience we know that there are “exalted personalities”, “pedantic”, “anxious-fearful”, “artistic”, etc., i.e. for various reasons, the basis for classification is the stable emotional reactions of people, typical forms of behavior and characteristics characteristic of them

methods of activity, etc. The more objective reasons, the more multifaceted the personality is described. Systematization of personality data based on a chosen basis allows you to create personality typologies, with the help of which you can determine the true characteristics of a person, anticipate her behavior, actions and emotional reactions.

In psychology and other human sciences, attempts to develop such predictive classifications of personality have been made repeatedly. Some of them were speculative, rather far from reality, others were constructive, helping to solve a wide range of practical problems. Let's look at some of them.

The famous German-American philosopher and psychologist E. Fromm, one of the authors of the humanistic theory of personality (his works on the psychology of A. Hitler are remembered by a wide range of readers), identified the five most characteristic, in his opinion, personality types based on the characteristics of activity and relationships:

Receptive personality (for her, the sources of all blessings and misfortunes lie
outside, and not in the personality itself); Such people are typically receptive
arrogance, sensitivity, warmth and dependence;

Exploitative (such a person, as a rule, does not create, but
taken away by force or cunning);

Acquisitive (characterized by the desire to possess and economically

Market (in life such a person is mainly guided by
wears such as “beneficial-unprofitable”, “more-less” and “how much?”,
the rest is unimportant);

fruitful (for her, the main thing is creation, the rest is in the background).

Thinking type (such people are system-oriented, law-oriented
and order, they love to analyze, prove they are right, prefer
melt away from discussing problems in their personal lives, as it is very difficult for them to speak
talk about your feelings and experiences);

Emotional type (these are people of feelings, they are usually good
understand people and their moods, are able to influence others
gih, often arouse the sympathy of others, but at the same time they are touchy, more often
tend to act based on their sympathies and moods):

Sensing type (such people quickly and well navigate
any situation, they live as if “here and now”, self-confident, practical
tic, active, like to do a lot of things with their own hands, tend to lead
full-blooded physical life, psychologically protected);

Intuitive type (they tend to think about what happened and
what will happen, and often show concern about their future; All
new things arouse their keen interest; in general, they like to solve new and
non-standard tasks; are afraid of monotony, work unstably, with
ups and downs; prone to doubt and anxiety).

As practice shows, people belonging to one of the noted types are not very common. Rather, we are dealing with people who combine two or more types in their personal characteristics. But nevertheless, these psychological typologies make it possible in some cases to make a fairly accurate forecast of people’s behavior and relationships. Which scientist is right? Yes, both, because they chose different bases for typologies.

In psychological studies of personality, there are many works in which attempts were made to create some generalized concept of personality structure, which would include existing typologies. The most interesting and constructive in this regard are the works of major domestic psychologist K.K. Platonov, in particular his concept of the functional-dynamic structure of personality, which is widely used in practice, especially when solving problems of professional selection, personnel issues, certification and professional career planning. According to this concept, the psychological structure of personality consists of four substructures:

The first is the social conditioning of the individual, its orientation
(ideals, interests, worldview, aspirations, moral
quality); this substructure is formed in the process of education and in
as a result of socio-psychological influences on the individual;

The second is the stock of knowledge, skills and abilities available to a person,
those. his experience; experience characterizes the level of readiness of an individual to practice
ical activity, determines its effectiveness and the formation of the
topics of training and self-study; knowledge and experience can be developed in a wide range

Third - features of mental processes and functions, properties
variables of a given individual (attention, thinking, will, emotions, memory);

most mental functions can be developed with the help of special psychological methods and training;

Fourth - biologically determined personality characteristics, inclinations, type of higher nervous activity, manifested in temperament and gender and age characteristics; It is almost impossible to change this substructure: developed self-control is able to compensate for manifestations of temperament in behavior, activity and communication - and that’s probably all.

Psychological research within the framework of this concept has made it possible to supplement the personality structure with another substructure of “character”, which can also include very important personal “parameters” - psychological accentuations, i.e. traits that go beyond the conventional norm, but have not yet become pathological. Often it is accentuations that have a decisive influence on the behavior, style of activity and characteristics of an individual’s relationships. Let us dwell on this issue specifically.

In psychological research, the question is often discussed about what is more in a person - biological, naturally conditioned, inherited, or social (in a broad sense - as an indicator of the socialization of a person - “a measure of the social in a person”)? Representatives of different scientific schools give preference to one or another side of this relationship. In our opinion, much depends on the conditions under which personality traits manifest themselves. If they are normal, then most people’s behavior, communication and relationships are most likely dominated by socially determined factors. If the conditions are special or extreme, biologically determined factors, for example, the type of nervous system, can play a leading role in regulation.

Now let's look at another important concept related to personality psychology - character. Character - This is a kind of “framework” of the personality, a set of qualities that are most stable, clearly expressed and play a decisive role in regulating the behavior, activities and relationships of the individual. For example, when they say that a person has a strong character, this is evidence of the expression of strong-willed qualities, the tendency to act, overcoming difficulties, and not avoiding them. In addition to character, the term “characterological features” is often used. They are close in content, i.e. distinguish a specific person in stable forms of his behavior and relationships. Character is a more specific manifestation of stable personality traits, and characteristics are

Knowledge of character makes it possible to predict the behavior of an individual with a high degree of probability. For example, if a person has a soft character, then in situations of conflict of interests he will most likely be compliant, even to the detriment of his own interests, because it is very difficult for him to resist the pressure put on him. A person with a strong character will act completely differently. In psychology, it is generally accepted that character is a manifestation of the individual-typical, i.e. it clearly shows how individual characteristics, and individual, characteristic of typical groups. The decisive role in characterological manifestations is played by biological rather than socially determined factors. Character is most clearly manifested in the attitude of the individual to the surrounding reality and to other people. Character plays a special role in the formation life path personality. No wonder they say: “... if you sow character, you will reap destiny.”

Finally, personal relationships are always emotionally charged, and the character of any person implies the dominance of certain emotions, so the next concept is associated precisely with this personality characteristic.

Emotional states - These are stable emotional reactions that manifest themselves in behavior, affecting the quality of performance of activities and reflecting a person’s attitude to the situation and other people. Their stability is determined by the duration of action. Emotional states are often distinguished by the type of dominant emotions - joy, fear, anger, sadness, etc. They can also be classified on other grounds, for example, by direction and forms of manifestation. By direction they are:

Stenic, increasing a person’s vitality;

Asthenic, on the contrary, reduce it.
According to the strength of manifestation they distinguish:

- mood(as short-term emotional states),
they give a unique color to behavior and communication characteristics;

- affects(strongly flowing, stormy and relatively short
temporary emotional experiences), the following are common:
rage, delight, despair, horror;

- passions(strong, persistent and deep feelings), they subjugate the main direction of a person’s thoughts, actions and relationships.

A feature of emotional states is the presence of specific “shifts” in physiological functions that seriously affect mental processes and, as a result, the regulation, quality and efficiency of activity, behavior and communication. Emotional states can be internally and externally observable. In the light of the problem under discussion, what is important, first of all, is what is externally observable, read by characteristic vegetative and behavioral reactions, including those that are being tried to be hidden. Due to the versatility, but stable specificity of manifestations, it is often emotional states that are the main psychological key to understanding the intentions, motives and goals of human behavior.

Now let's turn to another important psychological component of insight - observation. Observation- this is a person’s ability to notice significant, characteristic (including subtle) properties of people, objects and phenomena. Observation presupposes curiosity, inquisitiveness and is usually acquired through life experience or professional activity. Observation also depends on the natural characteristics of a person, influencing the development of his attention. However, it would be wrong to reduce observation only to attention. In the studies of I.V. Kulkova, it was shown that observation depends on the intellectual qualities of the individual, the level of his reflexive organization, the ability to empathize, as well as the strength of motivation.

Observation is a quality that can be constantly developed without any restrictions; it is very important from a practical point of view. The development of observation usually occurs in the following way: a person develops a need (this may be related to his professional activity) to understand the psychology of the people around him or those with whom he acts together. This need eventually turns into a sustained interest in others, which activates and focuses all the processes of perception, attention, memory and thinking associated with cognition and understanding of others. This interest can turn into a professional important property personality, developing which one can achieve mastery. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that observation - the ability to notice the most essential, decisive - is just a necessary condition development of insight. No less

What is important is the ability to process the noted information, evaluate its content, causes, consequences, significance, and this is connected with another component of insight - the ability to analyze.

Skill analyze, perhaps one of the most valuable skills associated with insight. There are a lot of determinants of human behavior - these are factors of upbringing, gender, age, heredity, interests, social roles, moral standards, principles, national characteristics and much more. Among this many factors, it is necessary to find out which of them are the main ones and which are secondary, what are the connections between them, etc., this is the essence of the ability to analyze. In order for the analysis to be accurate and justified, one should rely on sound, practice-tested theoretical schemes and concepts. They will be discussed below.

Solving problems of insight given the abundance of factors influencing human behavior is quite difficult. At the same time, in psychology there is reliable way solutions to this problem, based on the fundamental psychological principle according to which human behavior, as well as his reactions to external influences, manifests itself as if refracted through a prism internal conditions. It is called the principle of psychological determinism. Internal conditions are individual characteristics of higher nervous activity, motives of behavior, feelings, attitudes, a system of skills and abilities, and much more. All of them are necessarily and most likely unambiguously manifested in human behavior, his communication and relationships, therefore, if you know them, you can solve the inverse problem - based on external parties behavior, communication and relationships to judge these “internal conditions”, including those related to personal characteristics and character. This is what it's all about the psychological essence of insight. In other words, by carefully noticing and recording many external manifestations of a person (in behavior, activity, communication, relationships, etc.), knowing the psychological mechanism and patterns of stable connections, one can use them to accurately determine a person’s personal characteristics, character, and predict his behavior and relationships.

Thus, if we summarize everything that has been said about insight, we can derive the following relationship:

insight = observation + ability to analyze.

Based on the structure and content of insight, it can be argued that it allows for the so-called non-instrumental

new psychodiagnostics, those. analyze the character and personality traits of a person, his condition, the direction of activity, etc., without the use of traditional psychodiagnostic methods and procedures - tests and tasks. At the same time, its diagnostic value is in no way inferior to its instrumental value, and sometimes even surpasses it. Much depends, of course, on the psychological qualifications of the person carrying out the observation. But the main thing is that the observation process can be combined with targeted communication, clarification, obtaining the necessary additional information, which is difficult during testing. This is a big advantage.

True, when using non-instrumental diagnostics, ignorant people may have doubts: are the analysis and generalizations themselves too subjective? Can such data be trusted? After all, for example, psychological tests are theoretically justified, and their application uses proven algorithms for data processing and analysis. Let us assure you based on our experience: in non-instrumental psychodiagnostics everything is subject to the same laws, only they are not embedded in the computer, but are carried out as a result of mental operations. In addition, a specialist psychologist who carries out such psychodiagnostics is unlikely to allow himself to falsify data. Professionalism, which, as is known, is a strict moral regulator of activity and behavior, will not allow him to do this. By the way, in instrumental psychodiagnostics there are tests such as, for example, “Rorschach color spots”, in which the data processing algorithm is practically not formalized, there is a lot in it that depends only on the professionalism of the psychologist using it, the scientific school, so it is akin to ours method. But the Rorschach test is considered very valid and accurate.

This generalized relationship between the structure and function of insight can be further detailed. For clarity, it can be presented in the form functional diagram(see p.22). which reflects the system of interactions in the process of cognition (formation and functioning of the image) of another person - the main task of insight, presents the components of insight, the psychological mechanism of its action.

The proposed scheme well illustrates the problem under discussion, but the very fact of deriving this dependence and describing the connections is not its solution, because it is still necessary to answer many questions: how

Which signs in human behavior are main and which are secondary? What should you pay attention to first when communicating with a stranger? What methods, techniques and rules of analysis exist? Which typical mistakes allowed in the process of people getting to know each other? And many others. This is the main thing in discernment. Some answers to these questions will be presented in the following sections of the book.

Scheme 1. The mechanism of action of the components of insight

Insight is often identified with psychological competence personality. This is not entirely true, although there are certainly some similarities. Competence in psychology is defined very broadly, but mainly as the possession of knowledge that allows one to competently judge something, express a weighty, authoritative opinion, awareness, authority in a certain field or area of ​​expertise. There is another interpretation of competence - the legally accepted ability of a generally accepted authority (a person with authority, and not the leader of the criminal world) to perform certain acts or actions in specific conditions, the terms of reference. In other words, competent - I know -

a person who is knowledgeable, knowledgeable in a certain area, who has the right, thanks to his knowledge and authority, to do or decide something, to judge something, to resolve subordinate issues.

Psychological competence is “a structured system of knowledge about a person as an individual, an individual, a subject of labor and a personality involved in individual and joint activities, carrying out professional and other interactions” 1 . On the basis of this knowledge, special skills and qualities are formed and developed. The structure of psychological competence is usually presented in the form of a certain system consisting of interconnected components - its special types:

Social-perceptual competence (essentially it is “knowledge
knowledge of people" it is directly related to observation and insight

Socio-psychological competence (knowledge of the law
characteristics of behavior, activities and relationships of people included in the program
professional and social groups);

Autopsychological competence (self-knowledge, self-esteem,
self-control, self-regulation, self-efficacy);

Communication competence(knowledge of various strategies,
techniques and methods effective communication);

Psychological and pedagogical competence (knowledge of techniques and methods
methods of influence and education).

So, the main thing in psychological competence is the system of knowledge about a person. In this sense, insight is certainly close to socio-perceptual competence. Although in the structure of insight, knowledge, skills and qualities are equal components, skills and qualities are still given preference, since intuition, the “inner voice”, the “sixth sense”, which is difficult to reduce to a formalized system of special knowledge, play a huge role in the perception of a person. those. something that is functionally connected is almost impossible to record and describe. This is the significant difference between insight and social-perceptual competence, although insight can and should be developed based on a system of knowledge accumulated in the most interesting direction of psychology - social perception.

Kuzmina N.V. Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and master of industrial training. M, 1990.