“What if it were your daughter?”: Is it possible to develop empathy. The Science of Self-Control: Is It Possible to Develop Willpower?

Thank you very much for your question.

For a person engaged in mental activity, be it a student, a yeshiva student, etc., it is very important to use his intellectual capabilities to the maximum. Constant mental activity has a positive effect on a person’s ability to think. There are also opportunities to develop this ability.

We are not talking about any psychological exercises, but about the unique experience that has been accumulated in the world of yeshivas in the process of thousands of years of constant work on self-improvement, experience that accumulates and is passed on from generation to generation. This is discussed in detail, for example, in the books of famous rabbis Rav Yisroel Salanter and Rav Shlomo Wolbe.

Of course, the Almighty has endowed people with different abilities, and what one person can easily achieve, another achieves only in the process of painstaking work on himself. In addition, there are various aspects of thinking that require separate “investments”, for example, depth of thinking, the ability to produce new ideas and, of course, concentration. Since in modern world the last aspect, concentration, is the most vulnerable due to the universal addiction to television, computer games and the Internet, let’s try to turn to him.

The human brain is a unique organ that does not stop working even for a moment. Regardless of whether a person is sleeping or awake, he is engaged physical exercise or resting, the brain is constantly at work. The problem is that there are two opposing forces that make the brain work. When a person tries to understand and realize something, the brain comes into action and begins to think. If a person does not bother himself with attempts to understand, then the brain begins to work in autonomous mode and the imagination “turns on.”

Imagination is “produced” by the human brain naturally from birth. And the ability to think consciously and purposefully is acquired at a later age.

Our sages figuratively call human thinking a king. The king ponders and develops a management plan to which the activities of his entire kingdom will be subordinated. And when a person thinks about something, all his organs and senses are subordinate to the mind.

What a person thinks about reflects his essence. The Talmud (Kiddushin 49 b) says that a man who dedicates a woman to be his wife on the condition that he is a complete righteous person commits a legal act of consecration, even if he is a complete evildoer. The Talmud explains: the woman is considered dedicated to him because he may have repented at that moment. In other words, we see that even with the help of one thought of repentance, a complete villain can turn into a complete righteous person. In the same vein is the Talmudic statement that thinking about a sin is worse than the sin itself (Yoma 29a). A person can break the law in a fit of passion, which is certainly unacceptable, but still does not reflect his essence. And thoughts about sin reflect this essence.

As mentioned above, thought, on the one hand, is the highest, and on the other hand, the most refined power of man. Thought is easily interrupted by extraneous stimuli, and even in those few moments when a person tries to think, his brain is often only 60-70 percent occupied with mental activity, leaving the rest to the imagination.

Therefore, we must try to accustom the thought to work in a directional manner, without jumping from one aspect to another, and to use the thinking ability of the brain as much as possible. First you need to find a quiet place and time to work on yourself. Every day for three minutes you should try to think about a topic without being distracted by anything else. The topic that you would like to reflect on must be determined in advance; it is very important that it is interesting to you. As you will see, it is difficult to think without distraction, even for one minute. But when daily work within about a month, with G‑d’s help, you will be able to bring the duration of this “exercise” to three minutes.

It should be remembered that, unlike work on building up muscle mass Where success depends on the degree of effort and tension, in concentrated thinking work it is impossible to achieve success through effort alone. Working on a thought is like playing the violin, so success here can only be achieved with light, enjoyable movements.

We'd love to hear about your successes.

Best regards, Yakov Shub

Sooner or later, every person begins to be interested in the supernatural, unusual things. Then he has a lot of questions. Does he have extrasensory abilities? And how can they be developed? Everyone has different goals - one needs to defeat competitors, the other needs to solve personal problems. The third one just wants fame and money. At the same time, it is important to know that when people begin the difficult path of spiritual improvement, their perception of themselves and the world changes.

The concept of extrasensory perception

There are many methods on how to develop psychic abilities. To start developing in this direction, it is important to answer the following questions: main question- What is extrasensory perception? This term most often refers to a type of perception that is inaccessible ordinary organs feelings, and goes far beyond ordinary human capabilities.

Modern scientists conducting experiments on the brain have found that a person uses only 10% of his potential. But where does the remaining 90% go then? It turns out that many centuries ago people had special knowledge that allowed them to develop the potential inherent in the human mind. From ancient treatises, knowledge has reached our days that the ability to concentrate attention on a specific subject is important in human development.

Concentration on a point

How to develop psychic abilities? The answer to this question has been known for a long time, and one of the proven exercises is “Concentration on a point.” It has several levels of difficulty.

  • In the center of the white sheet you need to draw a black dot. Hang it on the wall, and the distance to the eyes should be at least one meter. Next, you need to sit in front of the drawing and start looking carefully at this point. You can't think about anything but her. There is only a meditating person, period. The main thing in the task is to try to drown out the voice of the fussy mind, to stop thinking about anything other than the object of the exercise. With regular practice, you can master this exercise in a month.
  • The next stage is meditation using the point blue color. As soon as you manage to master this exercise, you should move on to the next one.
  • On a white sheet of paper, 2 black dots are drawn, which are located at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. This is the next stage, which will answer the question of how to develop psychic abilities. You should concentrate on both points at the same time. Since human consciousness cannot focus on two objects at once, it must fade into the background and give freedom to the subconscious. Concentrating on two points at once allows you to enter a magical mode of perception and develop unusual abilities.

Preparing to develop abilities

How to develop psychic abilities in yourself for more short term? It is quite possible to do this. Let's look at a few tips for preparing for short-term exercise.

  • First you need to cleanse your thoughts and emotions. We need to get rid of the negative burden that prevents the subconscious from opening up and achieving inner harmony. Meditation can be very helpful for this.
  • You should not tell anyone what type of training you are doing. This must remain secret from outsiders.

  • Every day you should do special exercises. Since developing psychic abilities on your own is a rather painstaking process, you cannot do without self-discipline. If this is not done regularly, good result you can't expect it.
  • You should use the talents you receive only for good purposes. Otherwise these abilities will disappear.
  • You should also study Additional information on extrasensory perception. After all, theory is no less important in this matter than practice.

Exercises with photos

Now let's look at a few practical exercises. They will be useful to anyone who is looking for an answer to the question of how to develop psychic abilities at home.

  • A technique that allows you to learn to feel the human aura. You need to sit straight in a chair and relax. Spread your arms to the sides, place your palms parallel to each other at a distance of about 30 cm, then slowly bring your palms together and spread them apart. There should be a feeling of elasticity and warmth.
  • Next, two photographs are taken, which depict a deceased person and a living one. You should close your eyes and get rid of extraneous experiences and thoughts. Place one hand on the photo and feel the energy emanating from it. Then you should repeat the exercise on another photo.
  • To develop intuition on the days when you do the exercise, you should begin to learn to write with the opposite hand.

Basic rules for success

How to quickly develop psychic abilities? The main thing is to really strive for this, to persistently pursue your goal. To achieve success faster, you should follow a few simple recommendations.

  • Be positive. It is hardly possible to develop psychic abilities if you do not believe in the end result. Therefore, anyone who wants to become a real medium will need confidence, positive attitude. Doubts will only distract, slowing down the entire process.
  • You should be especially careful about your experiences and feelings during training. You need to keep an eye on every little thing happening around you. After all, this could be a supernatural signal.
  • Record your dreams and visions on paper. It is useful to have a special notebook for this. This way you can track how quickly progress is happening.
  • Imagine various events in your mind's eye as often as possible. Photographs can be used for this purpose. After looking at one picture for a few seconds, you should then close your eyes and try to reproduce it in your imagination.

How to develop psychic abilities: exercise “Through Vision”

This is one of the oldest methods that have come down to our time from our ancestors. It was used to “examine” what is hidden from human sight. To perform this technique, you should sit on a chair so that at a distance arm's length there was a wall. Your gaze will be directed at her during the exercise. You should relax and focus on any point on the wall above eye level. A person has the so-called “third eye” at this level.

Then you need to look at the wall vaguely, without concentrating on anything for about 20 minutes. You should try not to blink. After that, you should try to “see” the same point, but from the opposite side of the wall, looking at it as if through it. You should also spend about 20 minutes on this. The exercise should be performed every day.

Technique “Vision of the Aura”

Advice on how to develop psychic abilities is easy for anyone to follow. To independently train these skills, it is useful to train in closely examining your own eyelids, as well as the contours of objects.

To do this, relax your body, close your eyes and relax. Then you should begin to carefully examine the blurry outlines on the “black screen” of your eyelids for about 10 minutes. It is best to perform this technique in the morning, immediately after sleep, or before going to bed.

How can you develop your psychic abilities even more? 9 days after this workout, you can complicate it by starting the second part. As in the first case, you should relax, closing your eyelids a little. Start looking closely at the contours of any object in the room. It is useful to carry out this exercise in semi-darkness. Bright light will interfere with the vision of the aura. After such training, you can develop your ability to see the human aura, determine the properties of a person’s character, his thoughts.

Methodology for the development of extrasensory hearing

This exercise allows you to develop a sensitive ear. Almost all people, before going to bed, try to protect themselves from extraneous sounds. The point of the exercise is that you should concentrate on a sound for several minutes in order to determine its source. For example, it could be the barking of a dog, or the meowing of a cat. Having heard such sounds, you should try to determine the sex of the animal and its color. If people's voices are heard, their gender, appearance, and clothing should be determined. Performing this exercise allows you to gain control over the world of sounds that penetrate the unconscious.

Development of the sense of smell

This exercise is aimed at developing olfactory abilities, which should also be well developed in a psychic. To perform the technique, you should sit down, relax, and try to identify the surrounding odors. Then think about what is their source, mentally try to imagine them. If you train constantly, the results can be truly shocking. The technique allows you to detect odors that were previously ignored.

Using these exercises to develop supernatural abilities, you can not only expand your perception, but also learn to find a way out of the most difficult situations. The main thing is to remember that unusual abilities should be used only for the benefit of people. They cannot be used for the sake of enrichment or harm.

- Doctor, am I going to die?

- Necessarily!

This dark joke contains the answer to all questions, he believes Head of the Department of the Research Institute of Human Morphology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sergei Savelyev.

Fact of mortality

Inside each of our cells there are special structures-additives - telomeres, which encourage this cell to divide. There should be 50 such telomeres, a maximum of 55. With each division, there remains one less of them (they are detached by a special enzyme): 49, 48... - and so on downwards. And it doesn’t matter whether you meditate in the Tibetan mountains or kiss crosses in Rome: when the ability of cells to divide ends, that is, the supply of telomeres is depleted, natural biological death occurs.

50-55 divisions is our limit. On average, this is a ton of cells - this is how much our body produces in a lifetime. In principle, these resources allow you to live for 150 years - but far from civilization, in the most favorable ecological situation and, as a rule, the life of an earthworm. At active life The body's capabilities are seriously reduced. The limit is 80-90 years, then it just goes on slow dying. We have noticed: in old people, the skin becomes parchment-like, and strange dark spots in places of former burns, blows... These cells are produced less and less.

So human physiological resources are very modest.

In search of an eternal cell

We also have a non-renewable system - the nervous system. All theories that brain cells multiply and up to a million new neurons appear in our skull almost every day are based on incorrect experiments on animals.

It is also false that the number of neurons can be increased using stem cells. As a rule, psychologists and physiologists and, of course, medical speculators who make business on the suffering and aspirations of patients are keen on this idea.

Thousands of articles have been written about the search for the “eternal” cell. There are researchers in the USA who claim that they have been able to isolate either blood or subcutaneous fat“ever-living” cells that can be placed in different chemical conditions and thus obtain different types cells - heart, lungs, liver - and even different types of tissue!

How do they manage to fool everyone? Yes, very simple. Let's say they get one hundred from one cell and freeze it. Then, when the first one is dying and is about to stop dividing, the same second and third are taken out of the refrigerator... And to prove that the cell is slowly turning into, say, a heart cell, it is placed in an extract of cardiomyocytes (chopped and filtered heart tissue ), where it naturally “eats” and accumulates the corresponding metabolites, characteristic proteins. Then this “eternal” cell is transplanted into a clean environment, shown to the public and said that this is a future cardiomyocyte. Is it true, muscle tissue there is no heart yet, but it will definitely be there, because you see specific antibodies characteristic of cardiac tissue. And the cage simply ate what was around.

To date, there is not a single work proving that the 50-fold fission cycle has been overcome. If this happened, pharmaceutical companies would celebrate a victory: after all, it is necessary to develop drugs for the same AIDS not in cancerous, truly immortal cells, but in healthy cells. But many years of experience by German scientists have shown that not a single somatic tissue in cell culture lives for more than 4.5 years.

The hype around cloning

For the same reason, you cannot clone anyone. If the nucleus of a somatic cell is transplanted into an egg, the embryo will simply die of old age, because the somatic cell has already used up a significant part of its division resource. Therefore, the issue of cloning is a matter of business and hoax, not medicine. By the way, whether Dolly the sheep was a clone has not been genetically proven. Serious work they only say that it is possible to achieve a nuclear transplant: in this case, the embryo divides for some time and then dies. This fact was known to scientists already a quarter of a century ago...

But why, one wonders, does the journalistic and veterinary hype about cats, dogs, and pigs supposedly cloned here and there not subside? Alas, this clean water policy. At one time, the English government, swayed by the story of Dolly, allocated huge amounts of money for research. When it became clear that all this, to put it mildly, was a scam, a struggle began to save face, to defend not so much scientific interests as their own sandwich. It was then that they came up with the miracle of stem cell therapy, growing organs with their help...

And by and large, the Human Genome program is a purely American show. In fact, only 10% of the protein-coding genes in the genome have been studied. The remaining 90% is terra incognita, although the end of the program has already been announced. And those 10% of genes have been studied in only one - one! – a person that for some reason everyone “forgets” to talk about.

So we have to admit: our brain, being a biological product, is finite. And no new resources can be created - well, brain cells don’t multiply!

Brain work is a very energy-consuming process. Even if we quietly doze off in front of the TV, the brain absorbs up to 10% of everything we drank and ate during the day. And with an active life, consumption increases at least twice. It is no coincidence that under unfavorable conditions the brain is the first to shut down.

No matter how much you accelerate the Zaporozhets...

There is an opinion that we use 10% of our brains. In fact, it always works all the time! Even when you are reading a newspaper and it would seem that only the areas responsible for vision, memory and logic are activated, other neurons are also working at the same time, for example those responsible for maintaining your posture. True, they are less active, but they also transmit signals and are ready to perform a new task at any moment. Did your doorbell ring? And now the neurons responsible for hearing, walking, and recognition have started to buzz.

And here we are faced with another misconception: that it is possible to develop human abilities. No! They can only be realized. The brain of each person has its own structural and morphological organization, which determines character, sensory, motor, and other capabilities and limitations. There are no absolutely identical convolutions. All mental and physical resources of the brain are determined from birth: both by the genes of the parents and by what kind of materials - proteins, fats, carbohydrates - were brought to the construction of a new nervous system future mom. If at this time she was engaged in a raw food diet or fasting, the child’s brain will most likely not be ideally developed.

Figuratively speaking, no matter how much you accelerate the Zaporozhets, it will not drive like a Mercedes. And there is no point in pushing into a language or mathematics school someone whose brains delight in plumbing. In every specific case you need to deal not with the problem of developing functions that do not exist, but with the implementation of what you definitely inherited from mom and dad.

How to determine this? It’s very simple – present your brain with many options. Let me try different things. The person himself will grab hold of “his own.” If the auditory and vocal areas of the brain are better expressed, he will sing. Analytical - you can’t tear yourself away from chess and exact sciences.

But there is a limit to everything: even a Mercedes can stall due to overwhelming tasks and end up on the sidelines. And the “Zaporozhets”, who does not puff up, but lives in harmony with himself, will slowly but surely realize his talents.

And you can’t force everyone to think and live the same way. How to reach the same heights.

From the editor. In one of the next issues in the “Discussion Club” section we will talk about the pros and cons of a long life. Send your comments to us at: 107996, Moscow, st. Elektrozavodskaya, 27, building 4, “AiF. Health”, marked “Discussion Club”, or by e-mail med@site

By the way

Our skin (the upper layer of epithelium) is renewed:

>> in your arms – every day,

>> on the face and head – once every three days,

>> on the body – once a week.

Blood cells are replaced:

>> y ordinary person– every 80 days,

>> for an athlete – every 40 days.

The heart can only beat 800 million times in a lifetime.

Is it possible to develop psychic abilities?

Many of us would like to have psychic abilities. Predict the future, have search abilities, heal people, etc., but not many have been awarded these abilities. Some people have such abilities from childhood, while others awaken them already in childhood. mature age, so how does a person discover extrasensory abilities? Is it possible to develop them yourself?

Since ancient times, it has been generally accepted that psychic abilities are exclusively a gift that is directly transmitted only by inheritance and begins to manifest itself in childhood. In fact, every person has psychic abilities, only some people are much more sensitive and have more developed intuition. First of all, before you begin to develop your extrasensory abilities, you need to take a close look at your intuition, how well it is developed for you. Do you know how to predict events, how insightful you are.

Everyone has probably noticed that young children have quite developed intuition. For example, children can determine whether an uncle is “good” or “bad” just by looking at a person, in some cases they can even predict who will come to visit today. Growing up, in kindergarten, then at school, at the institute, we get acquainted with the world in which logic rules, we learn to think logically, rationally. At this time, the left hemisphere of the brain develops most, which is directly responsible for logic, while ahead of the right, which is directly responsible for originality, creativity, hypersensitivity, etc.

But even despite the fact that we are controlled more by the mind, the sixth sense still makes itself felt from time to time. Perhaps similar situations have happened in your life when:

It happens that you find yourself in right time in the right place, for example, you need to pick up or borrow some thing from your friend, and you suddenly meet him on the street or in a minibus...
You are overcome with a feeling of excitement, a premonition that something is about to happen, that the phone is about to ring, and even before you pick up the phone, you can already guess who it might be...
not so long ago you met a person whom you understand perfectly, and it seems that you have known him for quite a long time...

This happens to many people all the time.

Every person has an intuitive gift, you can learn to control it, just like you can learn to play any musical instrument or some game. In order to make your inner voice manifest itself much more often, it is necessary to do a kind of exercise for the right hemisphere of the brain.

Next, an example of an exercise will be presented that will help you figure out which of your senses is more developed, and you will also be able to create your extrasensory profile. Next, you need to read the text that will be written below. After reading it, you need to close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax, try to imagine everything that you read.

“You are on a sandy river beach on a cloudless summer day. You hear the seagulls screaming. You are sitting on the shore, feeling like sun rays Your skin warms up. You take off your shoes and feel the warm crumbly sand with your feet. You can hear a child splashing in the water, loudly calling his sister to play ball. You feel that the heat has completely overwhelmed you and you are thirsty. You get up and lazily make your way to a nearby ice cream kiosk that smells cool. You buy popsicles and feel the pleasant smell of strawberries, feel their taste in your mouth and how sticky streams of melted ice cream flow down your fingers..."

Now close your eyes and imagine the above picture.

Open your eyes and answer the following questions honestly:

Did you manage to see the river and the ice cream kiosk?
Have you heard the cry of seagulls and a child's voice?
Did you manage to feel the sand, the coolness of the kiosk and the flow of ice cream?
Did you catch the smell of strawberries?
Did you taste the ice cream?
What feelings did you experience when you were sitting on the shore?

Based on your answers, try to understand which sensation was the most vivid. Since from now on it is precisely this feeling that you will be able to rely on, having learned to capture intuitive predictions.

It should be noted that one of the main ways to develop extrasensory abilities is to master the methods of auto-training, develop figurative imagination, self-hypnosis, develop the ability to accumulate bioenergy in your body and directly control it, and the ability to concentrate your attention.

What is typical for white magicians and psychics is that they, in turn, treat a person’s soul or his energy, and it directly treats the biological structure of the human body. If the evil eye, slander, fear are not removed from a person in time, or his bioenergetic framework is not corrected, then in this case the transformation of energetic disturbances into biological disturbances occurs.

White magicians are engaged in restoring the broken harmony of man with nature, while eliminating all violations at the energetic level.

When a psychic influences people through energy, he himself is discharged, therefore, he needs periodic replenishment of expended bioenergy resources, since if they are not replenished, then an energy imbalance may arise in the psychic’s body, and this in turn will damage him own health.

Psychics can charge different ways: from space, from the sun, trees, water and directly from other energy systems, it all depends on what the individual abilities and personal preferences are.

If you do not have the ability to restore your bioenergy, you are strictly prohibited from treating other people.

As for directly conjure, and various kinds prayers, then the magician needs them for self-tuning, which directly allows him to concentrate on his thoughts. Only by concentrating one’s own thoughts is bioenergy released, which in turn allows one to work miracles.

It should be remembered that a person accumulates energy well when he nervous system balanced and absolutely calm. When a person is irritated, he loses quite a lot of energy. In the case when a person experiences quite powerful emotions fear or envy, this also weakens his energy. In order for your energy to be in order, you should develop only kindness in yourself.

It is worth considering the fact that when gaining energy, one of the most important components With any method of energy accumulation, the body is precisely a figurative representation of the process of energy accumulation.

As you gain energy, you should feel how it will flow into the body, into every organ, into every cell of the body. The brighter and more imaginative this idea is, the more effective its recruitment will be.

As for the development of your intuition and, accordingly, your sixth sense, you can use some tuning exercises for this.

To develop the sixth sense, you need to conduct physical training sessions as often as possible; they won’t take much time, but it is necessary to do it. You should ask yourself a task to do deep breath and focus on your inner self. Each psychic adjusts differently, but as for beginners, they are recommended to mentally concentrate on the point in the middle of the forehead, above the eyes, exactly there, according to eastern wisdom and the third eye is located. It is also recommended that when developing your intuition, it is very important to enjoy it.

When you are waiting at a bus or minibus stop, guess which number will arrive first.
Hearing phone call, try to guess who it could be.
Before looking at the clock, try to determine the exact time yourself.
When you wake up, try to grasp what the news will be. First, you should feel their mood: whether the news will be positive or negative.

With little training and the like, you can develop your abilities.

According to psychics, each week of training will bring more success, you will be able to guess more and more daily little things. The main thing in these exercises is that you will learn to distinguish extrasensory information from logical thinking.

In order to feel the power of intuition and feel confident in your own abilities, it is quite important to keep a diary. To do this, you can keep a notebook, which will not cause you much difficulty if you carry it with you. In this diary you should record all the results of your training, noted cases of coincidence, etc. When writing down in this way, you should not comprehend and edit the information received. You should write automatically, you can sketch pictures, etc. Most of all, people learn from their mistakes, and only with time will you be able to understand how right you were. It may even happen that the information that will be recorded with you as nonsense will somehow intersect with real life, since you still do not know how to accurately and correctly decipher the signals of the sixth sense. You should also write down dreams and pictures that you just wanted to depict in your diary. And don’t forget that each new entry should be dated.

Many people discover their psychic abilities after incidents such as clinical death, electric shock, lightning, etc. Most likely, this happens due to the fact that after the stress the body has experienced, it begins to work much better right hemisphere, they listen to their sixth sense and continue to develop it. It is easier for the body to rebuild, it seems to start working again, a reboot process occurs, and at this moment it is important to make a choice, rely on logic or intuition.

Every person has hidden abilities, it’s just that some are engaged in their direct development, while others simply live according to the program of the majority, logically looking at various events, thereby dulling their intuition and sixth sense. If you want to develop psychic abilities or simply develop your intuition, then in this case, engage in self-development and you will succeed, the main thing is to believe in it and strive to achieve your goal.

Many people want to become well-rounded and well-educated in all areas of life. The concept of such development originated during the Renaissance (Renaissance), therefore it is comprehensively educated person called "Renaissance Man", and as the most a shining example Leonardo da Vinci is cited. Becoming a truly multifaceted person is not easy, but it is possible. To do this, you need to actively follow your hobbies and interests, get a variety of experiences and constantly work on your education.


Part 1

Get a variety of experiences

    Explore the world around you. Satisfying your curiosity by discovering the world around you is one of the best ways to become a more well-rounded person. Traveling, new dishes, new interests and hobbies will expand your horizons and help you look at many things in a new way.

    Try new activities. If you are interested in some activity or a friend invites you to join him, take it and try it: you will get new impressions and expand your horizons. Even if you don't end up liking the new activity, you'll still be more knowledgeable in the area and overall well-rounded than if you had decided not to try it at all.

    Join hobby clubs in your city, area or school. Communication among them will give you the opportunity to meet the most different people and opinions. In such clubs you can learn different points of view, and this will help you become more developed.

    Travel as often as possible. You can learn a lot of new and interesting things about different places, countries and cultures. When traveling, you will have the opportunity to meet new people, stories and opinions, which, of course, will affect your self-development.

    Try new foods. Don't be afraid to try unfamiliar cuisine if you have the opportunity. New foods, combinations and flavors can help you learn and appreciate another culture and can even have a positive effect on your health.

    • If you live in big city, it will be quite easy for you to try new dishes of any cuisine. You can probably find restaurants from most cultures: just search for what you're looking for.
    • If you live away from a major city, consider cooking your own meals different nations. In books or on the Internet you will find recipes for dishes that you can easily prepare at home.
    • You can even set the table in the appropriate style by choosing the appropriate dishes and napkins.
  1. Meet new people. Each person has his own opinion and his own view of things, which is formed on the basis of his personal experience. Meet new people from whom you can learn something new to become more developed person in different areas.

    Become a volunteer or just help others. Simple acts of kindness and helping people will have a wonderful impact and enrich your life. Volunteering will help you learn a lot of new things and become a more developed person.

    Part 2

    Learn and learn again
    1. Educate yourself. Important factor development of a versatile personality is self-education, which is based on self-study materials from different sources. Without new knowledge, you will not be able to develop, therefore, to expand your horizons, first of all, you need education.

      • There are many different sources you can use to educate yourself. You can take lessons, read textbooks, watch educational and documentaries or even just communicate on some topic with another person - all this will give you new information and expand your horizons.
    2. Visit training courses and other activities. You can continue your education throughout your life, attend seminars and lectures, receive additional professional education or undergo advanced training. Developing your intelligence and skills will help you look at things from a different perspective, as well as become an interesting and well-rounded person.

      Read different sources and media. Reading a variety of publications will help you understand opinions and views that differ from your own. This The best way become more developed and expand your horizons.

      Develop your own opinion and point of view. Use new information and experience to form your own views on certain issues. A truly multifaceted personality is distinguished by the ability not only to acquire knowledge, but also to use it in his life.