Eastern wisdom: quotes, aphorisms, sayings. Parables about love are beautiful and wise

The East has always been famous for its wisdom and self-knowledge. Read and watch videos about oriental parables about the meaning of life and love.

The student asked the Sage:
- Teacher, is the world hostile? Or does it bring good to a person?
“I’ll tell you a parable about how the world treats a person,” said the teacher.

“Once upon a time there lived a great Shah. He ordered the construction of a beautiful palace. There were many wonderful things there. Among other wonders in the palace there was a hall where all the walls, ceiling, doors and even the floor were mirrored. The mirrors were unusually clear, and the visitor did not immediately understand that it was a mirror in front of him - they reflected objects so accurately.

In addition, the walls of this hall were arranged in such a way as to create an echo. You ask: “Who are you?” - and you will hear in response with different sides: "Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?"

One day a dog ran into this hall and froze in amazement in the middle - a whole pack of dogs surrounded it from all sides, above and below. The dog bared its teeth just in case, and all the reflections responded in kind. Seriously frightened, she barked desperately. The echo repeated her bark.

The dog barked louder. Echo did not lag behind. The dog rushed here and there, biting the air, and its reflection also rushed around, snapping its teeth. The next morning, the servants found the unfortunate dog lifeless, surrounded by millions of reflections of dead dogs. There was no one in the room who could cause her any harm. The dog died fighting his own reflections.”

Eastern parables about life

Eastern parables about life

“Now you see,” the Sage finished, “other people bring neither good nor evil on their own.” Everything that happens around us is just a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, desires, and actions. The world is a big mirror.

Just as a reflection in water reflects faces, so another person’s heart reflects your heart.

One day, several herons standing in the middle of the swamp saw a swan not far from them. They had never seen a swan before, and it interested them.

“Why are your eyes, beak and paws so red?” – one of the herons asked the swan.
"Because I'm a swan."
“Okay, where did you come from?”
"From Lake Manasa Sarovara."
“What does it look like?”

“The water in the lake is clear as crystal and tastes like nectar. There are many golden lotuses growing in it. There are islands everywhere that are decorated precious stones and the beautiful trees, plants, fruits and flowers growing on them.”

The heron then asked: “But are there any big snails there?”
“No,” answered the swan.

Smiling, the herons looked at each other meaningfully. And the heron that was talking arrogantly said to the swan: “If there are no snails on this lake, it can hardly be called a normal lake. It looks like it's not

a suitable place for intelligent beings like us.”

Likewise, we, attached to our snails, do not yet really understand the beauty of spiritual reality, but if we listen carefully to those who have a taste for talking about spiritual reality

Eastern parables about love

Eastern parables about love

If we can cope with at least them, then the happiness that stands right in front of us will open up to us. Our happiness is just a stone's throw away, but this, although thin, barrier of our own bad qualities of character does not allow us to see it

Parables are short and entertaining stories that express the experiences of many generations of lives. Parables about love have always been especially popular. And no wonder - these meaningful stories can teach you a lot. AND right relationship with a partner too.

After all, love is a great power. She is able to create and destroy, inspire and deprive of strength, give insight and deprive of reason, believe and be jealous, perform feats and push to betrayal, give and take, forgive and take revenge, idolize and hate. So you need to be able to handle love. AND instructive parables about love will help with this.

Where else can one find wisdom if not in time-tested stories? We hope that short stories about love will answer many of your questions and teach harmony. After all, we are all born to love and be loved.

A parable about love, wealth and health

A parable about love and happiness

-Where does love go? - Little happiness asked his father. “She’s dying,” answered the father. People, son, don't take care of what they have. They just don't know how to love!
Little happiness thought: I’ll grow up big and start helping people! Years passed. Happiness has grown and become greater.
It remembered its promise and tried its best to help people, but people did not hear it.
And gradually Happiness began to turn from big into small and stunted. It was very afraid that it might disappear completely, and it set off on a long journey to find a cure for its illness.
How long did Happiness walk for a short time, not meeting anyone on his way, only he became completely ill.
And it stopped to rest. He chose a spreading tree and lay down. I had just dozed off when I heard footsteps approaching.
He opened his eyes and saw: a decrepit old woman was walking through the forest, all in rags, barefoot and with a staff. Happiness rushed to her: - Take a seat. You're probably tired. You need to rest and refresh yourself.
The old woman’s legs gave way and she literally collapsed into the grass. Having rested a little, the wanderer told Happiness her story:
- It’s a shame when you are considered so decrepit, but I’m still so young, and my name is Love!
- So you are Lyubov?! Happiness was amazed. But they told me that love is the most beautiful thing in the world!
Love looked at him carefully and asked:
- And what is your name?
- Happiness.
- Is that so? I was also told that Happiness should be beautiful. And with these words she took out a mirror from her rags.
Happiness, looking at her reflection, began to cry loudly. Love sat down next to him and gently hugged him with her hand. - What did these guys do to us? evil people and fate? - Happiness sobbed.
“Nothing,” said Love, “If we stay together and take care of each other, we will quickly become young and beautiful.”
And under that spreading tree, Love and Happiness entered into their alliance to never be separated.
Since then, if Love leaves someone’s life, Happiness goes with it; they cannot be separated.
And people still can't understand this...

The Parable of the Best Wife

One day, two sailors set off on a journey around the world to find their destiny. They sailed to an island where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. The eldest is beautiful, but the youngest is not so much.
One of the sailors said to his friend:
- That’s it, I found my happiness, I’m staying here and marrying the leader’s daughter.
- Yes, you’re right, the leader’s eldest daughter is beautiful and smart. You did right choice- get married.
- You didn’t understand me, friend! I will marry the chief's youngest daughter.
- Are you crazy? She's so... not really.
- This is my decision, and I will do it.
The friend sailed further in search of his happiness, and the groom went to get married. It must be said that it was customary in the tribe to give a ransom for the bride in cows. A good bride cost ten cows.
He drove ten cows and approached the leader.
- Leader, I want to marry your daughter and I’ll give ten cows for her!
- This a good choice. My eldest daughter is beautiful, smart, and worth ten cows. I agree.
- No, leader, you don’t understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
- Are you joking? Don't you see, she's so... not very good.
- I want to marry her.
- Okay, but as an honest person I can’t take ten cows, she’s not worth it. I'll take three cows for her, no more.
- No, I want to pay exactly ten cows.
They merried.
Several years passed, and the wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit his remaining comrade and find out how his life was. He arrived, walked along the shore, and was met by a woman of unearthly beauty.
He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. He comes and sees: his friend is sitting, kids are running around.
- How are you?
- I'm happy.
The same one comes in here beautiful woman.
- Here, meet me. This is my wife.
- How? Did you get married again?
- No, it's still the same woman.
- But how did it happen that she changed so much?
- And you ask her yourself.
A friend approached the woman and asked:
- Sorry for the tactlessness, but I remember what you were like... not very much. What happened to make you so beautiful?
- It’s just that one day I realized that I was worth ten cows.

Parable about the best husband

One day a woman came to the priest and said:
- You married me and my husband two years ago. Now separate us. I don't want to live with him anymore.
“What is the reason for your desire to get a divorce?” asked the priest.
The woman explained this:
“Everyone’s husband returns home on time, but my husband is constantly delayed. Because of this, there are scandals at home every day.
The priest, surprised, asks:
- Is this the only reason?
“Yes, I don’t want to live with a person who has such a disadvantage,” the woman answered.
- I will divorce you, but on one condition. Come home, bake some big delicious bread and bring it to me. But when you bake bread, don’t take anything from the house; ask your neighbors for salt, water, and flour. And be sure to explain to them the reason for your request,” said the priest.
This woman went home and, without delay, got down to business.
I went to my neighbor and said:
- Oh, Maria, lend me a glass of water.
- Have you run out of water? Isn't there a well dug in the yard?
“There is water, but I went to the priest to complain about my husband and asked him to divorce us,” that woman explained, and as soon as she finished, the neighbor sighed:
- Oh, if you only knew what kind of husband I have! - and began to complain about her husband. Afterwards the woman went to her neighbor Asya to ask for salt.
-You’ve run out of salt, are you asking for just one spoon?
“There is salt, but I complained to the priest about my husband and asked for a divorce,” says that woman, and before she had time to finish, the neighbor exclaimed:
- Oh, if you only knew what kind of husband I have! - and began to complain about her husband.
So, no matter who this woman went to to ask, she heard complaints from everyone about their husbands.
Finally, she baked a large delicious bread, brought it to the priest and gave it to him with the words:
- Thank you, taste my work with your family. Just don’t think about divorcing me and my husband.
- Why, what happened, daughter? - asked the priest.
“My husband, it turns out, is the best,” the woman answered him.

A parable about true love

Once the Teacher asked his students:
- Why, when people quarrel, do they shout?
“Because they are losing their calm,” said one.
- But why shout if another person is next to you? – asked the Teacher. – Can’t you talk to him quietly? Why shout if you're angry?
The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher.
Finally he explained: “When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts grow distant.” In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The angrier they get, the further they move away and the louder they scream.
- What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak quietly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? – continued the Teacher. “They don’t speak, they just whisper and become even closer in their love.” - In the end, they don’t even need to whisper. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.

Parable about a happy family

In one small town two families live next door. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all troubles and trying to figure out which one is right. And others live amicably, they have no quarrels, no scandals.
The obstinate housewife marvels at her neighbor’s happiness and, of course, is jealous. Says to her husband:
- Go and see how they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.
He came to the neighbor's house and hid under open window and listens.
And the hostess is just putting things in order in the house. He wipes the dust off an expensive vase. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman got distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so that it was about to fall. But then her husband needed something in the room. He caught a vase, it fell and broke.
- Oh, what will happen now! - the neighbor thinks. He immediately imagined what a scandal there would be in his family.
The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband:
- Sorry honey.
- What are you doing, honey? It's my fault. I was in a hurry and didn’t notice the vase.
- I am guilty. She placed the vase so carelessly.
- No, it's my fault. Anyway. We could not have had greater misfortune.
The neighbor's heart sank painfully. He came home upset. Wife to him:
- You're doing something fast. Well, what did you look at?
- Yes!
- Well, how are they doing?
- It's all their fault. That's why they don't quarrel. But with us everyone is always right...

A beautiful legend about the importance of love in life

It so happened that on one island lived different feelings: Happiness, Sadness, Skill... And Love was among them.
One day, Premonition informed everyone that the island would soon disappear under water. Haste and Haste were the first to leave the island by boat. Soon everyone left, only Love remained. She wanted to stay until the last second. When the island was about to go under water, Lyubov decided to call for help.
Wealth sailed on a magnificent ship. Love says to him: “Wealth, can you take me away?” - “No, I have a lot of money and gold on my ship. I don’t have room for you!”
Happiness sailed past the island, but it was so happy that it did not even hear Love calling it.
...and yet Lyubov was saved. After her rescue, she asked Knowledge who it was.
- Time. Because only Time can understand how important Love is!

A story about true love

In one village there lived a girl of incomparable beauty, but none of the boys approached her, no one sought her hand. The fact is that one day a sage who lived next door predicted:
- Anyone who dares to kiss the beauty will die!
Everyone knew that this sage was never wrong, so dozens of brave horsemen looked at the girl from afar, not daring to even approach her. But then one fine day a young man appeared in the village, who at first sight, like everyone else, fell in love with the beauty. Without thinking for a minute, he climbed over the fence, walked up and kissed the girl.
- Ah! - the inhabitants of the village cried out. - Now he will die!
But the young man kissed the girl again, and again. And she immediately agreed to marry him. The rest of the horsemen turned to the sage in bewilderment:
- How so? You, sage, predicted that the one who kissed the beauty would die!
- I don’t go back on my words. - answered the sage. - But I didn’t say exactly when this would happen. He will die someday later - after many years of a happy life.

A story about a long family life

An elderly couple who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary were asked how they managed to live together for so long.
After all, there was everything - difficult times, quarrels, and misunderstandings.
Probably their marriage was on the verge of collapse more than once.
“It’s just that in our time, broken things were repaired, not thrown away,” the old man smiled in response.

A parable about the fragility of love

Once an old man came to one village and stayed to live. a wise man. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also loved to give them gifts, but only gave them fragile things.
No matter how hard the children tried to be careful, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and cried bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile.
One day his parents couldn’t stand it anymore and came to him:
- You are wise and wish only the best for our children. But why do you give them such gifts? They try their best, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it’s impossible not to play with them.
“Very few years will pass,” the elder smiled, “and someone will give them his heart.” Maybe this will teach them to handle this priceless gift a little more carefully?

And the moral of all these parables is very simple: love and appreciate each other.

Once upon a time there lived a rich man who never thought about God. He was always busy with his worldly business - collecting money. He made his living by lending money, and took such great interest in it that he became very rich without doing anything.

One day he went with his account books to a neighboring village to visit his debtors. After finishing his business, he discovered that it was dark and he had to walk 3-4 miles to get home. He asked if there was...

One day Khoja Nasreddin went to the bazaar and walked back and forth along the stalls for a long time, asking the price, but not buying anything. The market guard watched from afar for a while, but finally addressed him with a warning:

Dear, I see you have no money, you are only in vain pestering the trading people. Give you this and that, change the style and size, weigh and cut, and the benefit to the merchant will not be a penny. If I didn’t know that you were Khoja Nasreddin, I would have thought that there was a thief in the market: he was waiting for the merchant...

Gui Zi always speaks in riddles,” one of the courtiers once complained to Prince Liang. - Lord, if you forbid him to use allegories, believe me, he will not be able to intelligently formulate a single thought.

The prince agreed with the petitioner. The next day he met Gui Zi.

From now on, please leave your allegories and speak directly,” said the prince.

In response he heard:
- Imagine a person who doesn’t know what a catapult is. He asks what it is, and you...

One man named Ali worked a lot and hard. He mined salt and took it to the city to sell. But since childhood he had a dream - Ali wanted to save money and buy a white Arabian horse with it, so that he could travel on horseback to Samarkand. And then one day, having saved a sufficient amount of money, Ali went with a passing caravan to a large camel market, where the best camels and horses were sold. Early in the morning, at dawn, he arrived at the place. Ali's eyes widened at the sight of so many selected...

Chuang Tzu was born in poor family, and there was often not enough food in the house. And then one day his parents sent him to borrow some rice from a rich man. He replied:

Of course I can help. Soon I will collect taxes from my village and then I will be able to lend you three hundred silver coins. Is this enough?

Chuang Tzu looked at him angrily and said:

Yesterday I was walking along the road and suddenly someone called out to me. I looked back and saw a minnow in a roadside ditch. “I am the ruler of the waters of the Eastern Ocean,” said the gudgeon. - Not...

The old father, before a long journey, gave the last instructions to his young son:

Fear, like rust, slowly and constantly eats away at the soul and turns a man into a jackal!

Therefore, be sinless! Sinless in everything! And then no one will ever disgrace you.

And then there will be no vile fear in you. Then natural nobility will sprout in you, and you will become worthy of your name and Family.

Be smart to become rich. Puffy people lose their dignity, and with it their wealth...

One day a caravan was walking through the desert.
Night fell and the caravan stopped for the night.
The camel boy asked the caravan guide:

There are twenty camels, but only nineteen ropes, what to do?

He replied:
- A camel is a stupid animal, go up to the last one and pretend that you are tying it, it will believe and behave calmly.

The boy did as the guide ordered, and the camel really stood still calmly.

The next morning the boy counted...

at Nasreddin's at Khoja's
there were two buckets:
in one - everything was “glitter and chic”
in the other there was a hole

He walked on water with them

To the nearby stream,
one thing - he brought it full,
other - no fuss

And first, being proud of myself,
Laughed at the second one...
the second cried, ashamed
your bad hole...

And here is a bucket with a hole
said Hodja:
“Well, why are you rushing around with me?
What year is it already?
you better throw me out
away, I pray
I'm the only one who disgraces you
and I’m pouring water for nothing!”

The beauty of a rose is in the flower, the dignity of a word is in its brevity.

For a long time it was believed that there were sayings, proverbs and sayings collected in the biblical Book of Proverbs. With written decoding Ancient Egypt Egyptian proverbs and sayings that were several thousand years older than the Hebrew ones were also discovered. And that's not it. Already in one of ancient states East - Sumer, people were perfectly able to use witty expressions, which, in essence, differed little from modern ones. In this civilization, for the first time in the history of existence ancient world, Eastern wisdom - proverbs, sayings, sayings, was put into written form.

Eastern wisdom about life

And again Ancient Sumer. Thousands of years ago, the Sumerians were tormented by the same thought about the frailty of existence as modern Europeans:

– Life goes by quickly. Why save, let's spend it all.

– Still, you still have a long time to live. Let's save up.

Centuries passed, civilizations changed, the minarets of the Arab East rose to the sky, marvelous temples of India and pagodas of China and Korea were built. And throughout the populous East, people composed fables, parables, aphorisms, proverbs and sayings. Different different nations, and at the same time having many common features. Below are examples of proverbs, sayings, and sayings characteristic of different nations.

China. A completely unusual civilization for a European. On the one hand, the cruelty of the Chinese rulers has become the talk of the town. On the other hand, the conscience of the nation was Confucius and Lao Tzu, whose apt statements have lived for more than a millennium.

  1. When friendship is based only on profit, they sow hostility and anger. (Confucius)
  2. Be as strict as possible with yourself, as gentle as possible with others. This way, human hostility will not arise. (Confucius)
  3. There will certainly be many difficulties along the way if you hope for an easy road. (Lao Tzu)
  4. The human heart is like a snake - always full of poison. (Lao Tzu)

What's interesting is that Chinese, just like in Russian, there are set expressions called proverbs. And they are talking about concepts familiar to us:

  1. About friendship: “The sea, sun and friendship have no price.”
  2. About the experience: “The old horse will find his way home.”
  3. About betrayal and ingratitude: “I raised a tiger from a tiger cub - I received suffering and destruction.”
  4. About immoderate greed: “The rich man, having received Long, wanted to get Sichuan.”

Japan. A country of amazing mixture of Buddhism and ancient beliefs. A country of samurai honor, talented calligraphers and poets who described the whole world and all human experiences in three or five lines of haiku and tanka. Japanese- the language of metaphors, allegories, figurative comparisons, many of which have become proverbs and sayings. And the themes and images of the proverbs of the Japanese, so distant from us, are familiar and understandable:

  1. On irresistible injustice: “Right is powerless where power rules.”
  2. About perseverance and patience: “An ant hole will destroy a stone dam.”
  3. On the ability to rejoice in the happiness of others: “If others are happy, be happy too.”
  4. About tolerance: “there is no arguing about the customs established in the house.”

Arab East. Bukhara, Baghdad, the sultry deserts of Yemen and the green gardens of Agra - all this is the Arab East. A world of deceit, flattery, nobility and courage. The world of great politicians, scientists, poets and folk wits. The East is the world of Omar Khayyam, Nizami Ganjavi, Hamid Mohmand. And these are also folk thieves' stories - "maqams" - a complete collection of fables, parables, proverbs and sayings. Here, by the way, is one of them - a short excerpt from the novella:

“Once upon a time there was an old donkey. And one day he fell into a well. The owner thought and thought, but still couldn’t figure out how to help the trouble. And he decided to bury both the donkey and the well. I called my neighbors for help, and they began to fill up the well. The donkey screamed and cried, and then began to stand with its feet on each thrown lump of earth. The donkey rose higher and higher until it jumped out of the well.”

And there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of proverbs and sayings. About courage, courage, deceit, friendship, work - about everything in the world. Here are some of them:

  1. Hyenas celebrate when a lion dies. (Afghan proverb)
  2. He who said and did not do it is a donkey, he who did and said it is a man, he who did not say it and did it is a lion.
  3. You can consult with at least a thousand people, but don’t reveal your secret. (Persian proverb)
  4. Two people can know about the secret, provided that one of them is in the grave. (Persian proverb)
  5. The future of the lazy bull is to be sold to butchers. (Arabic proverb)
  6. Anything done hastily will bring disaster. (Kurdish proverb)

Eastern wisdom about family and marriage

The uniqueness of the East lies in its “dual” attitude towards women. On the one hand, her position is subordinate to a man, on the other: “I’m ready to give both Samarkand and Bukhara for one of your moles.”

The attitude towards marriage is equally ambivalent. A long time ago, in Sumer they said: “One happiness is in marriage, and if you think about it, the second is in divorce.” They are supported by the Iranians in the saying: “Marriage is happiness for a month, marriage is sadness for all the remaining years.” But the Kazakh proverb says: “Happiness is the first son, half of happiness is good wife" In Laos there is an expression: “In a good family, the husband and wife are like chopsticks - always a pair, always together.” In general, a good wife is very important, otherwise there may be the same troubles as in the Jewish proverb: “What could be worse than rain? Bad wife. At least the rain will drive into the house, and the bad wife will drive him out of it.” The only thing worse than rain, according to Pashtun tribes, is tight shoes, well, a bad wife, respectively: “A bad wife is like uncomfortable shoes, and it pinches and presses.” And always, happiness is children: “A yurt without children is like a hearth without fire,” the Kazakhs said.

In the East they also said: “The first month after the wedding is like a pink flower, the second is like wormwood.” But love's eyes are blind, and when it is: "Wounds from smallpox are as beautiful as dimples on the cheeks."

It often happens like this: a girl fell in love with a poor guy. Years have lived together, and prosperity, and even wealth, has come to the house. The old wife seems ugly and boring. A Japanese proverb says: “Love the wife who loved you as a poor man.”

Eastern wisdom about love says:

  • Three things are not subject to reason: the wind blowing from the mountains, the sun running across the sky, love settled in the heart of a person.
  • The khan has advisers, the emir has advisers, love does not need advisers.
  • Love brings. Anger is a disgrace.
  • In the name of love, it is not a sin to wear rags.

In conclusion, we can cite the statement of an unknown Chinese author: “This is sadness, this is sadness. Both my wife and my mistress love me at the same time. Do I feel like God? Oh no. I feel like I’m both a resident of heaven and a resident of hell.”

There is a lot in Eastern philosophy that is incomprehensible to us; the West and the East are too different in their worldview. And yet, Eastern wisdom: quotes, aphorisms, sayings are quite applicable to today's European realities.

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