How to train a puppy - rules you must read. How to teach your dog commands at home? Dog Training Basics When to teach commands to a puppy

Every dog ​​needs training!

How to teach a dog to follow commands without ruining its psyche?

Every dog ​​needs training. Without it, the animal will be uncontrollable and will only cause you inconvenience, even if it is calm and friendly. Accustoming the dog to a certain schedule of walks, establishing taboos on certain actions (for example, barking at every guest or sleeping on the sofa), making it clear who is in charge and who needs to be listened to - all this is part of education.

It’s more difficult with teams. What to do if you don’t have time for canine training courses on your own? In theory, everything is simple, in practice, training will require a lot of time and effort.

Basic rules of training

You can train any dog ​​- both a purebred dog with an excellent pedigree, and a mongrel. It is important to start education with early age: The older the animal, the more difficult it is to get it to do something on command.

Consider the puppy's age. It is unlikely that you will teach a six-month-old child to go to the potty and eat on his own. It's the same with dogs. A small, three-month-old puppy will follow one or two commands every other time. A dog that is six months or a year old will understand you better and will be able to remember up to five commands. There is no need to demand more from the puppy than he can handle.

The most important rule is not to use the “whip” to teach commands. The dog is not obliged to understand and obey you. There is no need to scold her if she does not understand what you want or has forgotten the command, and, moreover, there is no need to use your hands. Otherwise, you will raise a downtrodden or aggressive and dangerous dog.

Please note: at first it is better to train the dog alone, without the help of other family members. This way the puppy will immediately understand who is in charge and who to listen to first. Subsequently, others can join in the training.

Many people ask how to teach a dog commands, and what to do if she doesn't understand. Some people believe that dog trainers have their own “secrets” that allow them to train any dog. This is wrong. The whole “secret” is in the time and attention you give to your pet. You can't raise an animal if you spend two to three hours a day on it. It takes hard, constant work.

Stages of training

In general, training is a very individual phenomenon. Much depends on the age, breed, gender of the dog, its temperament and your character. The procedure given in the article is approximate and may be subject to change.

So, first you need to convince your dog to obey. You cannot use the whip. What remains is the “gingerbread” - the puppy’s favorite treat. First, show the dog what needs to be done. For example, if he is learning the “down” command, you should sit down next to him and press your hand with the treat to the floor.

Repeat the command and as soon as the dog understands what needs to be done and lies down, give him a treat. Exercise every day. Gradually, the dog will remember the command and will obey you.

Remember one command? Start learning another one. When the dog performs it quickly, you can proceed to the next ones. When learning new commands, at the beginning of training, repeat those that you have already memorized. It is important that the dog performs them accurately and without delay.

Over time, you will be able to give up the treats. Reduce their number gradually, so that the dog gets used to following commands without reward. Replace treats kind words(“good dog”, “well done”) and affection.

What can you teach your dog yourself?

It's easier to say what you can't do. With a dog handler and only with a dog handler, you can learn complex and potentially dangerous commands. Such as “hold”, “fas”, “fu”. If you want to make a protector and fighter out of your dog, take a course. Only a professional has the protection and experience of working with large pets.

You can go to a dog trainer and learn the “face” or “hold” commands only after the dog has learned to sit or lie down at your first word. Not only the fact of following the command is important, but also contact with the owner. The dog needs to see you best friend and a leader, otherwise she will pose a danger.

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Raising a puppy: training in game form

You should start raising your pet from an early age. Thank you modern technologies, which allow inexperienced owners to properly care for puppies, and in the store they will help you choose for the puppy proper diet and toys.

How to choose the right collar for your dog

Every dog ​​without exception has a collar, be it a miniature one pomeranian spitz or the majestic Great Dane. Naturally, each breed and each size of a four-legged friend has its own collars and accessories, but there are also collars for various types dog training.


If the dog has recently come to you, do not rush into training, wait until some time has passed and it gets used to it, gets used to the house and begins to trust you. Start teaching commands only after contact has been established between you, be patient and love.

Explore modern techniques training that denies the use of a contrastive training method, when the dog receives a reward for a correctly executed command, and for not correct execution- punishment or even pain. Such methods involve the use strict collars and other instruments that cause pain to the animal. This leads to the fact that dog training involves constant stress for her.

Modern methods training is based on the “stimulus-response” principle, which follows from the teachings of I.P. Pavlov. It allows you to teach adult dog teams, developing conditioned reflex on the basis of innate, unconditioned reflexes: defensive, food, orienting. To develop a conditioned reflex in your pet, purchase a clicker from a pet store - a small metal or plastic box that produces a quiet click when pressed.

Start practicing each command at home, when there are no distractions. After 2-3 days, move the lesson outside. Make sure that at the moment the dog gives the command, the dog's attention is focused on you. When giving a command, monitor the behavior of your “student”. Once the command is completed correctly, quickly click the clicker and immediately give the dog a reward. He develops a conditioned reflex: correct execution of the command - click of the clicker - a treat.

Once your dog has made some progress, add distractions during your sessions. If the dog gets distracted while executing a command, do not punish it - press the clicker to attract its attention. Then repeat the command and ensure it is completed by rewarding it with a treat. The dog will quickly understand that obedience is well stimulated. Once the reflex is developed, you will no longer need a clicker.

Conduct classes with your dog a couple of hours before feeding and 2-3 hours after it, in different time day. Practice and consolidate commands in a comprehensive manner - several at a time. Practicing commands should not last more than 10 minutes, so that the dog does not get too tired; repeat one technique no more than 3-5 times. Start your lesson with practice new team, then repeat with her those that are already familiar. A dog, even an adult, is quite capable of learning, but it will take a little more time to practice commands and assimilate them than a puppy.

Almost every dog ​​owner dreams of teaching their pet at least simple commands. Someone hires a trainer for this, although training is not a cheap pleasure.

And some owners, on the contrary, prefer to engage in training on their own, preferring to teams with their own hands. And let the pet, under your guidance, learn only the simplest commands - he will forever feel in you, and you will feel the feeling of victory when the puppy fulfills your command for the first time. In the debate about when is the best time to start learning, proponents of early learning are most likely right. This does not mean that you need to start teaching commands from . But already from 3 months, your friend is quite capable of learning commands. Naturally, every time the dog performs the desired action, it is necessary to praise it and treat it with a treat prepared in advance.

Each command is first spoken in a loud, clear voice and is complemented by a gesture corresponding to this command. It is advisable to conduct training in a protected, relatively quiet place where you can communicate with your pet one on one. For example, it is generally problematic to learn the command “Come to me” in the presence of other people and animals. The dog will inevitably be distracted, which means it simply won’t remember the command.

The “Face” command is generally not useful for every dog. For example, dogs that belong to peaceful, domestic breeds practically do not need its use. But “sit”, “lie down” and “fetch” are universal commands and are among the first to be learned. Experts advise observing your dog and trying to be the first to learn commands associated with your pet’s favorite actions. If a dog likes to bark, you need to start learning the “voice” command with it. If he happily runs after a stick and sometimes brings it to you, learn the “fetch” command. If at first the dog has difficulty understanding the “come to me” command, it is advisable to take a couple of steps towards it. And gradually your shaggy friend will learn all the components of dog literacy. And you will be proud that you managed to teach your dog commands. After all, there are two people involved in the learning process: the teacher and the student. And both also receive pleasure from the results achieved. Not only the dog rejoices at the owner’s praise, but the owner is always happy about his pet’s new successes.

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If you are planning to get a dog, try to prepare in advance for the presence of an animal in the house. Owning a dog is not an easy task, and in order for your four-legged friend felt good, you will have to learn the basics of cynology. It doesn’t matter whether you are planning to buy a purebred puppy in a kennel or pick up a stray dog ​​on the street - in any case, at the first stage you will need to tame the dog in order to raise it in the future.

  1. Remember that the first few days will take you to get used to your new habitat. Therefore, do not demand from her unquestioning obedience and strict adherence to the routine. A change of environment for an animal is severe stress, so first you will have to spend a certain amount of effort and time in order to establish friendly and trusting relationships with. This usually takes at least four to five days. All this time, try to pay maximum attention, feed her with your own hands - this will help establish contact. Come up with suitable name and see how he reacts to it. It’s good if the dog immediately begins to respond to the new name. But even if at this stage the animal does not respond to its name, do not be discouraged - over time, any name will take root, and the dog will get used to it.

  2. Even the most distrustful dog, one way or another, can be trained and trained. But you can start training your dog directly only after it begins to respond to given name. To help your dog get used to you faster and begin to perceive you as an owner, try to spend more time with it, for example, feeding it or playing with it. Both small and big dogs They love to play with balls, dice, and any rubber toys.

  3. From the very first days of your dog’s stay in your home, try to walk it yourself (if the age and size of the animal allow this). Walking together helps to establish warm and trusting relationships with the animal, and also has a beneficial effect on the process of its socialization. If the dog is afraid of something, you need to calm it down - sit next to it, pet it and talk to it. If you show sufficient quantity patience, you can tame a dog in a matter of days - these animals quickly reciprocate good attitude towards them.

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An intelligent and well-mannered dog is an ideal companion for humans. In order for your pet to graduate from dog school with honors, you must begin its training from the first day a puppy appears in your home.


First of all, the dog must learn “everyday life”: respond to its name, know where to go, understand the commands “Place” and “Quiet”. It is easier to teach to respond to a name when feeding: place the bowl on the floor and call the animal several times. Then, in between feedings, call your baby over and treat him to something tasty, after which you can replace the treat with affection or play. This way the dog will quickly get used to its name. Accustoming to is the most troublesome stage. First, you can teach the puppy to go to the litter tray, then after vaccination you can move on to. Praise your pet for every puddle and pile made in the right place. Team "Place". Take the baby to his bedding, hold him gently, repeating “Place,” and treat him with a treat. If the puppy sits quietly for a while, praise him loudly. Gradually begin to move away, ensuring that your pet remains in place. The next stage is to teach the dog to go to the bedding itself at the first request of the owner. The "Quiet" command is needed to prevent unnecessary noise. If your pet barks, strictly command him “Quiet!” and gently close the mouth with your hand. Praise. Gradually you should achieve that when you say “Quiet!” The dog immediately becomes silent and does not attempt to resume barking.

The next block of commands needs to be mastered. The main command is “Come to me!” Your dog must perform it perfectly - the safety of the people around him and the animal itself depends on it. Start training at home. Periodically call the puppy with the word “Come to me,” give him a treat, and play with him. This command should be associated with something pleasant; the dog should approach the owner with pleasure. Then the same should be repeated outside. As a result, the dog should come to you when called. The next command is “Ugh!” You should also start practicing it from your apartment. As soon as you notice that the puppy is trying to take something illegal into its mouth, sharply shout “Ugh!” You can also spank the naughty one with a newspaper - the loud bang will be unpleasant for the baby. But not more! Remember that you cannot hit the dog with either your hand or the leash! Through cruelty you will never achieve trust and true obedience.

You should also teach your dog the commands “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Stand”, “Nearby”. It is best to do this after studying special literature or under the supervision of a dog handler. Take your pet to a local kennel club or join a dog training group. Training a dog together with other relatives has a beneficial effect on its psyche. If something doesn’t work out, you can always work out individually. In order to get well-mannered dog, must pass general course training (OKD), if you are the owner large dog, then dog handlers advise after OKD to go protective course training (ZKS). There, your dog will be trained to protect its owner and his property.

You can go further and master agility with your dog (the dog quickly overcomes obstacles under the guidance of the owner), canicross (a person and a dog run together), skijoring (a dog and a person run a certain distance on skis) and much, much more! The most important thing is that joint training brings you and your pet pleasure!

Helpful advice

When training your dog, be strict, but not cruel. Firmness and patience are your best helpers.

Do not skimp on praise - if the dog does what is required of it correctly, treat it with a treat or reward it with affection.

Before starting training, read specialized literature. The more you understand about training, the easier it will be to get what you want from your pet.

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Many owners only think that they are in charge of their pets. But in fact, it is often dogs who control people. The main goal of training a dog is to prevent it from becoming a manipulator.

You will need

  • First of all - love, trust and patience.


Repeat the action. Repetition is key when teaching your dog commands. They need consistency to understand what action they are being asked to perform, and repetition so that the action becomes reinforced in the animal's behavior.

Working with a dog every day. Training must be done on a regular basis so that commands become reflexes and rules for the dog. Practice, at a specific time and every day, will ensure that commands that have been learned in the past become ingrained in the dog's memory.

Use a clicker. Food - a good choice, but since dogs process information with their hearing and smell more than humans, use a clicker to train your dog. Clickers can be purchased at any pet store. Use the clicker properly to teach your dog to become familiar with the sound and follow the command. You can use treats as rewards, but the clicker can be the main training tool.

Use verbal and physical commands. Dogs can associate a word and hand movement with various actions. When you tell your dog to roll over and show with your hands, he will be able to better understand and remember the command.


  • List of basic training commands and how to teach them to a dog

Dog training is a broad concept. This includes training, that is, teaching the dog commands, and basic education. It is through training that a dog becomes a truly faithful and devoted friend and helper to a person.

You will need

  • Treats, newspaper.


As soon as you appear in the house, encourage correct actions and do not allow actions that you consider undesirable. So, if the puppy went to the toilet in the right place, then you need to praise him and give him a treat, and if the dog tears your slipper, shout at him and threaten him with a newspaper.

Immediately stop the dog from whining when you are sleeping, or when you have locked yourself away from him in another room, do not run towards him under any circumstances, so he will understand that he can achieve what he wants in this way, and next time he will whine even more actively. Ignore the puppy, and after a while he will calm down, realizing that no one will come to him. If the dog does not calm down, go out and scold him loudly, throw something noisy in the direction of the dog, such as a bunch of keys. Such techniques will discourage your friend from waking everyone up in the middle of the night.

Once your dog has understood the basic rules of behavior, you can begin training. And the first command you teach your puppy should be the “come” command. To do this, take a treat in your hand, raise your hand vertically up and say “come to me!”, adding the dog’s name. After the dog remembers the command, you can not use a treat, but limit yourself to praise only.

It’s very easy to just hand the dog a treat and say “give me your paw!” The puppy will stretch out its paw to your fist in the hope of taking away something tasty. After the puppy remembers the command, the treat can also be removed, but do not forget to reward the dog every time after a correctly executed command so that it does not lose interest in learning.

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  • training and education of dogs

Every owner dreams of learning and raising a well-mannered and obedient dog. To ensure that your pet follows all your commands with great desire and joy, make the learning process exciting and interesting for him.

You will need

  • treat for pet


Training should begin with the command “Come to me.” She is the most important. An approach to the owner should always be perceived only with positive feelings. The “Come to me” command is very easy to teach a puppy. When you call your puppy to you, say this command, for example: “Jack, come to me!” To make the puppy come faster, attract his attention, for this you can clap your hands or knock on the floor.

A puppy should be accustomed to and taken for walks after a course of all necessary vaccinations. Choose a soft leather collar, its width should be 2-2.5 cm. A long leash made of leather is better. First, put a collar on the puppy and leave it until the evening. Then you can fasten the leash and go for a walk. Go in the direction the puppy wants, not you. Never tug or pull on the leash, as this may cause negative perception of the collar and leash and may result in injury. Over time, the pet will get used to the leash and will perceive it as a signal to go for a walk.

Now start learning the “Nearby” command. It is very difficult to accustom it, especially for inexperienced dog owners. On a walk, when the puppy runs around, take him by the leash. Lead him to your left. In your right hand, hold a treat or his favorite toy. Start the movement, while holding the treat at the level at which the puppy should walk, and repeat the command “Nearby”. Do not pull the leash under any circumstances; the pet must walk on its own. If the dog walks at least a few meters correctly, then praise him and give him a treat. Trying not to overtire the puppy, repeat everything from the beginning. After a few days, start going without the treat. Don't forget to praise him if he does everything right. Never get angry or scold your pet if it doesn’t work out. After a few days of training, he will learn.

After the puppy has completely mastered the “Near” command, proceed to teaching the “Sit” command. After you give your pet the “Near” command, walk a few meters and stop. Show the puppy a treat and hold it above your head so that it sits, while saying the command “Sit”. As soon as he sits, praise him and give him a treat. Repeat these steps 3-4 more times. During the next lessons, do without treats. After mastering this command while walking, start practicing it without the “Near” command. To do this, call the puppy to you and say the command “Sit.” Perhaps the dog will sit down right away, if this does not happen, help him by raising the treat above his head. Repeat several times with a treat, and then without it. Over time, the pet will learn this command and will carry it out in any case.

To teach your puppy the “down” command, take a treat to right hand, and place the left one on the pet’s shoulder blades, and release the treat down so that the puppy lies down, while saying the command “Lie down”. The dog should be on your left. Do not put pressure on your puppy's back or force him to lie down. When your pet lies down, hold him in this position for a few seconds without unclenching your hand with the treat. Then give the treat and praise the puppy. To consolidate the result, repeat these steps several times.

When teaching the "Stay" command, the puppy should be in a lying or sitting position to your left. Take the treat in your right hand, and place your left hand under your pet’s belly. Bring a treat to the dog's nose, say the command "Stay" and lift the treat up and forward so that the puppy stands up. Repeat these steps until you achieve results.

If you have a dog in your home, then you should seriously think about training it, no matter what age your dog is. new pet. Teaching a dog to follow commands means teaching it to speak the same language as you. But remember that the animal will not develop skills by itself; intensive daily training is ahead.


First of all, you should prepare for learning commands. Remember that only one person must train, and not all family members in turn, because only one leader must be known. Be prepared for the fact that not everything will work out the first time. You must learn to calmly respond to your pet's failures. You will not be able to teach your dog commands by swearing and screaming.

Have your dog's favorite treats available as praise. Remember that any action performed correctly should be rewarded. The pet tries to please you by performing The answer is to please him with something tasty.

The easiest way to teach a dog commands is to active actions. The simplest of them is: “Come to me!”
The main advantage of this team is that it can be trained anywhere and in any environment. Choose a moment when your pet is busy with something of his own and attract his attention by loudly saying or shouting: “Come to me!” If the dog does not immediately run to your call, do not be upset, but continue to repeat the command until the animal does what you want from it. As soon as the dog finally comes running to you, begin to actively and exaggeratedly praise him: pet him, treat him a treat. After this, release the dog to go about its business again.
Repeat the procedure several times. Every day, increase the amount of training until the dog begins to follow the command without expecting a treat for compliance.

In the same way and even simultaneously with the previous command, you can teach your pet the “Walk!” command. When the pet is near you or after the pet has run up to you on the command “Come!”, you must release it by loudly and clearly saying “Walk!” If you regularly repeat this procedure, the dog will remember that such a command means the possibility of free actions.

When you are sure that your dog has perfectly learned active commands, move on to inhibitory commands: “Sit!”, “Lie down!” and “Place!”. From the listed commands “Sit!” - the simplest one, because if you bring a treat to the dog’s head and begin to move it slightly behind the animal’s back, the dog will sit down automatically. For which you will praise her.
If your pet is overly active and does not want to sit down, but only moves back, then sit it down yourself by gently pressing on the body. Don't forget to praise your pet, even if he completed the required action with your help.

When learning to perform the other two commands, you will need to know the character of your pet well in order to choose the optimal training regimen and their form. Usually dogs carry out commands that limit actions without much enthusiasm, so don’t worry that your pet isn’t doing something right. Just keep training.

There are five important commands that every dog ​​should know: “sit”, “place”, “down”, “come” and “next”. These commands will allow you to convey your wishes to the dog, greatly facilitating the process of communicating with your pet. If you teach your dog basic commands well, you will lay the foundation for future more advanced training and will also help build a conflict-free relationship with your furry best friend.


Teaching your dog the "sit" command

    Start training by learning the "sit" command. Sitting in dogs is considered a form of politeness. This is a natural action. It demonstrates a lack of aggression and a desire to wait.

    When your dog sits, praise him. As soon as your pet accepts sitting position, say "Well done!" and give him the treat. The goal is for the dog to form a connection between the command, the action, the praise and the treat.

    Replace treats with hand signals. Once your dog has learned the vocal command, stop assisting him with the action and introduce an accompanying gesture. Typically, the “sit” command uses an arm bent at the elbow with the palm horizontally facing upward. When pronouncing the “sit” command, first make a free fist with your hand, lift it by bending at the elbow and open your palm horizontally, facing up.

    Repeat until the dog begins to consistently obey your command. This may take some time, especially if you are training an older or stubborn dog. However, you shouldn't give up. It is important for your relationship with your dog that the dog remains under your leadership. This will make your life together and it will be safer for the dog itself.

    Repeat the sequence of actions several times. Repetition is key in teaching your dog commands and reinforcing them. The goal of training is to get your dog to follow commands no matter what he is doing at the time he hears the command from you. This way you can always stop quickly and effectively unwanted behavior dogs.

    • As with learning any other commands, if the dog does not follow the command or makes mistakes, start over from the beginning. Re-seat the dog and begin the required sequence of actions.

Teaching your dog the "come to me" command

  1. Train your dog to come when you call. To train a dog to come when called, the command “come” is used. As with other basic commands, start by placing your dog in a sitting position.

    Gently pull the dog towards you while saying the phrase "(dog's name), come to me!"You should use a more encouraging tone of voice than other commands because you want the dog to want to come to you. Follow up with a gesture to show the dog what you want him to do.

    Lure your dog towards you with a treat. After showing your dog what you want him to do and giving him a vocal command, place a piece of dry food at your feet and point to it. After a short time, just a gesture pointing to your feet will be enough. Then you can start using just a voice command or just a gesture.

    Reinforce your dog's actions with praise. When the dog approaches you, praise the dog with the phrase “Well done!” Pet her on the head, showing your satisfaction with what the dog just did for you.

    Practice executing the command at different times and in different places. When communicating with your pet, use various opportunities to call him from the other side of the room, saying his name and the command “come to me,” and also remembering to praise your pet when he comes to you. This will allow your dog to learn the command better.

Teaching your dog the "here" command

    Teach your dog the “near” command. This team is often the most difficult to train. However, most dogs can learn it if you are consistent in your actions. Teaching your dog to walk next to you will save stress on your dog's back, shoulders, and neck, as well as both of your self-esteem (although this is not so important for the dog).

    • Your dog will probably naturally want to run around and sniff around, pulling you in different directions as he does so. You should show your pet that there are certain times to explore and times when it is not necessary.
  1. Sit the dog down. After attaching a leash to your dog's collar, have him sit in a normal sitting position next to your left leg, with both of you facing in the same direction. This is the dog's usual location near you.

    • Always place your dog left side from myself, so as not to confuse her.
  2. Give the command "near". Say the phrase “(dog’s name), next!” while simultaneously stepping forward with your left leg. Your dog will either start to resist or rush after you. In any case, gently pull her leash and repeat the command "here."

    Encourage your dog to stay close to you. If the dog leans too far to the side, pat the leg and repeat the command "here." Always use the same command.

    Correct incorrect behavior. If the dog pulls forward, say in a calm voice, “no, (dog’s name), nearby.” If necessary, tug on your dog's leash. When stopping, always stop on your left foot and say "(dog's name), sit." If your dog tries to move forward again, gently pull him on the leash and force him to sit next to your left leg with the command “sit.”

    • If the dog gets a little out of control, stop and have the dog sit next to you, praise him and start again. You should always adjust the dog to your position rather than adjusting to the dog. If you adapt to the dog, then in the end it will have a well-trained owner who obeys it.
    • You must train your dog to behave in such a way that he does not feel pressure from the leash, except when correcting his position, otherwise your pet will constantly pull on your leash. Correct with your voice and gestures, and use the leash only if the dog does not obey.
  3. Praise your dog when he walks around successfully. You can give your dog a little praise when he walks next to you, but use a low tone of voice so as not to distract the dog. As soon as the dog begins to constantly respond to voice commands, begin to remain silent longer and repeat the command only to correct the pet.

    • The length of time it takes to study a team varies from person to person, so don’t try to rush things.
  4. Teach your dog to sit at every stop. When you are ready to stop, stop on your left foot and say the phrase "(dog's name), sit." After a few repetitions, you will no longer need to use the sit command. Your dog will learn that stopping with his left leg is a signal for him to stop and sit.

  5. Practice following the command using body language only. When the dog consistently obeys the voice command "here", suddenly start moving and stopping on the left leg without a voice or sign command. Also, at the moment when the dog sits at your left leg, periodically start moving with right leg And. The dog will want to follow you, but in this case you need to give him the command “place” and walk around him to the starting position when the dog is on your left.

    • Alternate starting the movement with the left foot and simultaneously giving the command “near” with starting the movement with the right foot and giving the command “place”. After a while, you may begin to randomly alternate between moving your left and right legs, reinforcing the appropriate command with “near” or “place.” When you study these commands well, you will be able to act harmoniously in pairs, regardless of the place in which you find yourself.
  • Do not show your dog that you are upset or irritated while training. This will just confuse and scare her, making it difficult to train. negative experience for both of you. If you start to get frustrated, back off and move on to a command that your dog knows best and end the lesson on a positive note.
  • Never, under any circumstances, yell at your dog or punish him for not following commands correctly when calling him to you. Even if your dog refused to obey you before he came to you on command, your punishment will be associated in his mind only with the last command he executed. By doing this you will simply confuse her!
  • Don't let your dog off leash until he can follow basic commands correctly 100% of the time. A dog only needs to disobey you once and manage to sneak out of your reach to learn that you can't force him to do anything until you catch him. You need to initially establish your strong authority before you can successfully begin working with an off-leash dog.

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This article was co-authored by ไทย: ฝึกสุนัขให้ทำตามคำสั่งพื้นฐาน , 한국어: 애완견 기본 명령 훈련하는 법

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Puppies are cute creatures, but in addition to manifestations of affection, tenderness and love, they also need proper upbringing and proper training.

We'll talk about how to teach your dog commands at home below.

Age to start training. The puppy is raised and accustomed to the rules of behavior in the house from the first moment it arrives in the home. The actual training begins at three months, following the recommended training order.

Some owners think that their dog does not need to be trained unless they attend shows or participate in competitions.

This is a misconception. Training is needed, first of all, in order to discipline the dog and subsequently not experience problems with the pet’s behavior during a walk.

How to train an adult dog at home? If the moment is missed - the dog has matured, but does not follow the basic set of commands, classes should also be organized taking into account the pet’s level of development.

Remember Any breed of dog can be trained, regardless of age. Yes, it will take longer to train an adult pet. Before you start training your pet unlearn old habits.

Here basic rules to follow.

  1. The entire training course is divided into stages.
  2. The pet must be encouraged.
  3. The owner shows strength of character during training, under no circumstances resorting to aggressive behavior!
  4. The owner understands the pet’s character and finds an individual approach to it.

One lesson with a pet lasts no longer than an hour.

It is better to divide the allotted time into intervals with short breaks. They gave a command - the dog complied - let him run and get distracted. In one lesson, the pet performs all the necessary commands.

Preparing for training

Necessary items. At the first lesson, the owner will need a collar, leash and treats.

Choosing a training location. A deserted area that is already familiar to the dog is a good place for training. During training, the owner remains alone with the pet so that there are no distractions. If the owner chose unfamiliar place, first the pet must sniff the surrounding area thoroughly to make sure there is no danger.

Choice of treats. Be sure to stock up on your pet's favorite treat. The opportunity to receive a treat motivates your pet to obey and follow commands well. They take dry food with them, it is comfortable to carry and does not stain clothes. If your pet is not interested in food as a treat, you can purchase special dog biscuits at the store.

If you don't have store-bought treats, you can make your own cookies.

Time for training select according to their plans. It is not recommended to conduct classes in the middle of the day in the summer. But, if this is the only free period of time the owner has, he must stock up on water. Before starting the class, it is advised to give your pet a good walk and run several laps around the stadium with him.


The commands that form the basis of the training course include the following:

  • "To me" They learn first of all together with the skill of responding to a nickname. The pet is called using its nickname, tempted with a treat and praised after completing the command;
  • "Ugh"- an important command that stops the dog from doing the wrong thing;
  • "Near". Skill is necessary for the pet to walk next to the owner’s feet;
  • "Sit"- a common command, the basis for other skills;
  • "Lie". This skill is learned only after successfully learning the “sit” command;
  • "Stand". The command is used frequently, but is a little more difficult to teach than the “down” command;
  • "Give"- effectively prevents the dog from picking up any nasty things from the ground. This is important in the realities of our country, where dog hunters act with impunity, scattering deadly baits;
  • "Aport." At this command, the pet brings the object thrown by the owner;
  • "Walk"- used to change activities;
  • "Place"- a command important for the pet to learn its place in the house;
  • "Face"- a defensive skill that is taught only after mastering all previous commands.

In addition to this list small dogs They teach the commands “fu” and “near” and develop their self-control.

The development of self-control constantly accompanies the education process.

This is one of the main skills, because The dog must be able to control emotions to follow the owner's orders and obey. Read on to learn how to train a dog at home.

Features of training

How to train small dogs? Pets small breeds, it’s easier to train, because for them full set service commands are optional. They love to run around headlong, so First of all, you should master the “come to me” command. The command will prevent the pet from escaping over a long distance.

Tiny pets, for example, are especially loved, which allows them to behave incorrectly, for example, running on beds and clean sheets. For this reason, the next required skill will be execution of the "place" command.

Hunting dog training. Training with hunting dogs has its own specifics. The owner will have to suppress some of the pet's character traits. He must carefully raise and conscientiously train the dog. Between six and nine months of age hunting dog They teach the basics, and from ten months they begin to master special commands.

If the dog doesn't listen. There are situations when a pet does not want to obey and start training, not responding to the owner’s demands and even refusing treats. In this case, the owner should either pat the pet by the scruff of the neck, or sternly pull the collar.

The dog must understand that the owner is the leader. This is not always easy with breeds as serious as or

Do not forget that aggression towards a pet is contraindicated.

Perseverance, consistency and following correct recommendations will help the owner teach the dog all the necessary commands. If you invest a lot of time, attention and love into your pet and go through a general training course with him, you can get an ideal four-legged friend who is properly raised and devoted to his owner to the tip of his tail.

Additionally, we suggest you watch a video on how to properly train a dog at home:

So, a long-awaited four-legged friend appeared in the house, and with it many questions, including about his upbringing.

Many dog ​​owners ask the question: Is it possible without resorting to the services of an experienced dog handler?

Of course yes, but this will require a certain patience and maximum endurance.

Before you start training, you need to learn a few not difficult, but very important rules:

Best age to start training, as a rule, is considered 4-6 months. It is possible later, but this will complicate the process.

You need to exercise once or twice a day, no more than 15-20 minutes.

You should not exercise late in the evening or on a full stomach.

After every correct execution of the command to encourage the dog.

Do not change gestures and commands during the learning process.

The dog must be trained by one person.

Do not shout under any circumstances, and also limit the use of physical force.

It is very important to pay attention to detail. In many ways, the result of training depends on the mood of the trainer.

Enjoy your workout should not only the pet, but also the trainer. Praising food or attention awakens the dog's interest in activities.

Don't feed your puppy, a small piece will be enough for encouragement.

Also, don’t forget about praise. This should be done as emotionally as possible. You need to reward only at the moment the command is executed (without delay), then the dog will develop a positive association with completing the task.

Training should begin with comprehension of the simplest, but at the same time fundamental commands.

These, in particular, include: “to me”, “sit”, “lie”, “near”, “wait”, “fu” and “voice”. Each of them should be examined in more detail.

How to teach your dog commands at home

How to teach a dog the “come to me” command.

– is rightfully one of the most important commands, which in some cases, without exaggeration, can save your pet’s life.

This command is one of the first to be taught, and it must be brought to perfection.

This team better learn while walking on the street. The place should be calm, the dog should not be distracted by anything.

You need to call the dog by name, while luring him with a treat and saying the command “come to me.”

This command must be executed in any situation the first time. Otherwise, letting your dog off leash will be risky.

How to teach your dog the “sit” command.

The next, no less important command is “sit.” This command will be useful when practicing endurance and the “nearby” command.

On initial stage training, this command is pronounced at the moment when the puppy begins to sit down.

Then the dog is called and the hand with the treat is extended in front.

The moment the dog sits down, you need to praise it and give it a treat. If you need to sit the dog up from a lying position, give a slight upward jerk with the leash.

How to teach your dog the “down” command.

Start learning the “down” command, necessary after the student has mastered the command "sit".

When executing it The puppy should be at the left leg. You should take a treat in your hand and put it down, saying the command “lie down”.

When trying to reach the treat, your pet will have to lie down.

How to teach your dog the “here” command.

To master the command“First of all, you need to accustom your pet to a collar and leash.

After this, you can begin directly training the team.

The dog must be attached to a leash, give the command “sit” and then start moving with the pronunciation of the command “near”.

The dog must move on the left side, and the leash should not be taut.

If the dog pulls forward, you should pull the leash towards you and give the command again.

Praise should follow every correct execution of a command.

How to teach your dog the “wait” command.

"Wait" command used to teach the dog to endure.

It is advisable to start training this command at the age of 9 months.

When voicing this command, the dog must remain in place, no matter how far the owner moves away.

How to teach a dog the “fu” command.

Command "fu" is necessary so that at a certain moment the pet stops performing any forbidden action, for example, picking up food, biting, etc.

You need to train a dog precisely at the moment of committing an action that is impermissible for him.

For example, if the pet tries to pick up a bone on the street, in this case it is necessary to take it away, sternly say the command “fu” and sharply pull back the leash.

For the dog this command must become universal when she wants to do something forbidden.

How to teach your dog the “voice” command.

It can be no less useful, and if the dog is in the guard or search service, it is simply vital.

By barking, a dog warns of the approach of a stranger or the discovery of a missing person.

How to teach your dog the “Give me your paw” command.

For example, when visiting a veterinarian, you may need the command “give me your paw.”

It will also come in handy if you need to wash your pet’s paws or trim your pet’s nails. This command is very easy to teach.

First you need to sit your pet down, and then say the command and raise the puppy’s paw with your hand.

Don’t forget to give treats and praise.

How to teach your dog the “fetch the slippers” command.

Comical, at first glance, but no less useful, is the command “Bring me the slippers.”

The bad habit of playing with slippers can be turned into a good one.

You should seize the moment when the fidget has Once again the desire to pull on the slippers will awaken, you need to give the command “give me the slippers” and take them out of the mouth.

Be sure to praise and treat him with something tasty. Probably, every owner will be pleased when his four-legged friend returns home and brings him slippers.

Follow the basic rules, and training will turn into a fun and completely uncomplicated process, and the reward for your effort and patience will be an obedient and devoted friend.