Training according to the course for dogs. Protective guard and sentry service Training for protective guard service

Protective guard service (PSS).

Protective guard service, or ZKS for short, is one of the types of dog training aimed at developing security qualities and scent identification skills. Well-trained dogs according to the ZKS course can successfully protect their owner, his home and property. More recently, dogs service breeds those who did not pass the exam in the UDC and ZKS were not allowed to breed.

What are the conditions for admission to ZKS training for a dog and its owner?

A prerequisite for admission to training in the ZKS course is a successfully completed OKD course. The dog must respond adequately to the trainer’s commands and not be distracted by external irritating factors (strangers, animals, loud sounds). The final decision to start training together with the trainer (the dog's owner) is made by the trainer himself, since part of the responsibility for the dog's developed skills will always lie on his heart. It is very important to understand: from good dog you can almost always make something evil out of angry dog it is impossible to do good.

Overall, ZKS is a training system that is suitable for almost all dogs. The only exceptions are some breeds that, by their intended purpose, are not suitable for protection, as well as dogs with a weak nervous system, or too soft in character.

What skills does the ZKS course develop?

Training in the ZKS course develops the dog’s skills for even closer interaction with the trainer (owner). Develop skills:

1- Protection of property and the owner himself from a targeted attack by intruders or random street aggression.
2-Detention, counteraction in a situation of repeated aggression and escort of the attacker (person of interest)
3-Selection of a “foreign” item from those offered (identification by smell)

How are the training sessions going?

Training takes place under the strict guidance of a trainer, in a group or individually, both on a specially prepared site, and with a trip to unfamiliar terrain. To practice security skills, trained and trained assistants (persons involved) are invited to attend classes. Classes in a group are more effective, as dogs and their owners see the work of other students and correct their mistakes. Also a big advantage group training is to discuss various life situations, exchange experiences and develop the correct behavior in such situations.

How does the ZKS test work?

Dogs of all breeds that have reached the age of 15 months and have successfully passed the OKD test for any degree are allowed to be tested. The ZKS tests take place on a specially prepared site. It is first allowed to familiarize the dog with the testing site. The trainer controls the dog with gestures and commands established by the current rules of the RKF. In general, passing the PKS test is no different from the set of exercises practiced in training. It is important, when preparing to take the tests, to work well on all the exercises in the order in which they will be performed during the tests.

With due diligence on the part of the trainer, attention to the words of the trainer and proper interaction with the dog, preparing to pass the tests in the ZKS course is not a particularly difficult task. In any case, we should always remember that we love dogs not for their achievements, but for their selfless and most honest love for us, their one and only owners.

How much does a ZKS course cost and how can I sign up for classes?

In this article I will talk about protective guard service for dogs. I will explain what ZKS is, its benefits, and the skills that are instilled in dogs during training. I will describe the benefits and mistakes during training. I will give an example of a course on ZKS.

ZKS is a training system for dogs specially developed by military border guards. Aimed at training dogs to have protection skills and unquestioning obedience to the owner.

What is a ZKS for dogs?

ZKS is a training course during which the dog develops certain necessary skills. The technique is standardized and applicable to all animals, regardless of breed, age and size.

The main work of the service is aimed at the formation of a certain type of nervous system. Cultivating courage, unquestioning obedience to commands, orientation in emergency.

Skills of protective guard service

ZKS instills in pets the ability to protect their owner and property from strangers in any situation. In this case, the animal does not pose a threat to human health and does not cause bodily harm.

Skills imparted during the course:

  • identifying the owner’s and strangers’ things (finding necessary things by smell);
  • human protection (training a dog to rush at an intruder without a command while protecting the owner);
  • conscious refusal of food (which may be offered by an attacker);
  • guarding the owner’s belongings (training to keep strangers away from the owner’s belongings);
  • a certain attitude towards gun shots (does not show cowardice at the sound of a shot);
  • escort (learning to guard an intruder and stop him when he tries to escape);
  • delaying the attacker (developing skills to distinguish between situations when it is necessary to attack and when not);
  • execution of the command “FU” (must release the person on command in time).

During the training process, the sense of smell, endurance, courage, attention, and distrust of strangers develop.

Animals are trained by certified instructors at a specialized training ground.


After completing the ZKS course, the animal knows how to behave in an emergency situation and quickly gets its bearings on the spot. Becomes an excellent defender of his owner and his property.

During training, dogs are trained to unquestioningly carry out human commands, protect him and stop intruders.

Course on protective guard service

The training system is designed specifically for training service and working breed dogs.

Only healthy animals are allowed to take the course: mentally and physically. The animal must first pass basic course training. The lesson is conducted by experienced instructors at a specially adapted training ground.

The animal must be at least 18 months old at the time of testing.

Errors during training

Improper training in most cases does not bring the expected results. In the course of incorrect training, you can ruin the dog’s character: make it nervous, cowardly, and disobedient.

Training dogs in closed, familiar habitats does not produce visible results. An animal feels comfortable in a familiar place and is more likely to remember commands, but when going into another space, the pet may become confused and not show the qualities that were brought up in it.

The dog should be trained by an experienced specialist who is well versed in the theory of training and has great experience on practice.

Mistakes made by inexperienced dog handlers are divided into two types:

  1. Technical. Incorrect use of incentives and irritants (leash, hand pressure, treats).
  2. Methodical. Untimely development of certain skills (early transition to more complex exercises, when the dog’s habits in tasks of the previous level are not formed).

Some reasons why trainers make mistakes:

  • dog training without accounting individual characteristics , template, according to a proven methodology. It appears in the case of evaluating the results of training at the end of the test, without taking into account the degree of preparation of a particular dog before undergoing training;
  • retraining. A tired dog cannot follow commands and learn correctly.
  • subjective(the trainer misinterprets the dog's behavior). It is often associated with the humanization of the dog, when the animal is perceived as thinking and understanding human speech. At the same time, the dog handler begins to rush to get the result and gives the dog inaccurate commands, accompanied by unnecessary gestures and movements. Or contradictions arise and commands are reinforced negatively.

For example, the command “come to me” should be rewarded with a treat or praise. In a situation where the dog runs away, the dog handler gets angry and demands the “come to me” command, and then punishes the running animal for disobedience. Instead of reward, the dog receives punishment (for which the punished does not understand) and next time refuses to carry out the command.

There are many reasons. In order to avoid them, you need to contact only reputable dog handlers and trainers.

In the article I talked about the protective guard service. She explained what ZKS is, its benefits, and the skills that dogs are taught during training. Described the benefits and mistakes during training. She gave an example of a course on ZKS.

ZKS (protective guard service) is a national type of training. ZKS, like OKD, began to take shape at the beginning of the 20th century, as a standard for the needs of the army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB of the USSR. In the second half of the 20th century a large number of trainers train according to this standard, successfully pass tests and compete in competitions. ZKS is becoming not only a military standard, but also a sports standard. Dogs that have fulfilled all the requirements of the standard receive admission to the working class at breeding shows. In the mid-90s, a very controversial change took place in the ZKS, in the “Detention” section - exercises are performed not in a protective suit (as was originally the case), but in a protective sleeve. IN national sports training begins the period of imitation IPO ( International rules training). Nowadays, more and more trainers doubt the correctness of such decisions. ZKS is a complex standard.

It is impossible to prepare your dog for the test on your own. All PCL exercises require assistance. qualified specialists(selection of the thing, protection of the thing and detention). You can study ZKS both in a group and individually. It is better to train a dog at large training grounds, where tests are regularly carried out according to the ZKS, and there are dogs that successfully compete in competitions according to this standard (for example, the Sokolniki CC).

The highest score for the ZKS is 100 points, the lowest is 60 points.

  • 1st degree 100-90 points.
  • 2nd degree 89-70 points.
  • 3rd degree 79-60 points.

The ZKS standard is divided into two levels according to the degree of complexity:

  • tests
  • competitions

ZKS tests

ZKS tests are carried out on a training ground with natural surface. The dimensions of the site should allow everything to be placed necessary equipment. Dogs of all breeds that have reached the age of 15 months and have a diploma in OKD (any degree) are allowed for testing. There must be an interval of at least 1 month between tests for OKD and ZKS in one dog.

You are allowed to familiarize yourself with the testing site.

The trainer controls the dog in accordance with these rules established by the RKF using voice and gesture commands. Tests always begin with a report. The trainer with the dog approaches the judge, stops at a distance of 2-3 meters from him, introduces himself and clearly reports his readiness for the test. When taking tests, the behavioral characteristics characteristic of each breed must be taken into account.

During the ZKS tests, the dog's skills are tested in the following order:

1. Sampling someone else's thing. Maximum score 25. Minimum – 18.

Voice commands: “Sniff”, “Seek”, “Give”, and a gesture with the right hand.
The sampling time - 2 minutes - is counted from the moment the sampling command is given.
It is made from 4 items of the same shape and size, located on an area of ​​2m x 2m in a row at a distance of 20-30 cm from one another. The fifth object for familiarization (sniffing) with the smell is placed at a distance of 3 m on either side of the sampling area. The command to the dog is “Sniff.”
Any method of sniffing. Sniffing time is 1 minute.

When the dog has sniffed the object, the trainer (while remaining in place) with the command “Look” or “Sniff” and with a directing gesture sends the dog to the sample. The dog must, at the first command from the trainer, go to the sampling area, intensively sniff the objects and confidently take the object with the desired smell into its mouth, bring it to the trainer and, on the command “Give,” give it to the hands. Repeated commands in the sampling area should not be used. Two starts are allowed, each time is 2 minutes.

If the dog chooses the item incorrectly on the second run, the exercise is considered unsuccessful.

2. Security of things. The maximum score is 15. The minimum is 7.

At the judge’s signal, the trainer places the dog on the length of the stretched leash (the “Lie Down” command), places a household item at the dog’s elbow on either side, gives the “Guard” command, moves behind the dog and hides in a shelter located at least 10 meters from the base of the leash. . Controlling a dog from a shelter is not permitted.

At the judge's command, the assistant calmly walks past the dog 2 times at a distance of 2-3 meters from the thing. Then, in turn, on one side and the other, he makes attempts to steal the thing and, throwing a treat into the security zone, goes to a place determined in advance. Throwing food into the dog's mouth is not allowed. At the judge's signal, the trainer leaves the shelter and removes the dog from guard.

The dog must vigilantly guard the thing and confidently defend it. It is not advisable to move away from the thing and move it to another place, as well as change the original position before starting active actions assistant

The exercise is considered failed if the dog does not respond to the assistant’s actions, or behaves unconfidently, allowing him to steal the item. Dogs that eat the treat are excluded from testing.

3. Detention of the assistant, frontal attack, protection of the trainer, attitude to the shot, escort.
The maximum score is 60. The minimum is 35.

The trainer with the dog is at the starting line. Holding the dog by the collar is permitted. An assistant wearing a protective sleeve and armed with a stack comes out of a shelter located no closer than 25 m from the starting line. After making several threatening movements, he runs away in the opposite direction from the dog. After running about 10 steps, the assistant turns around and moves threateningly towards the dog, raising the stack above his head.

At the judge's signal, the trainer releases the dog into detention. The dog must actively move towards the helper in a straight line and immediately attack him, while he must grab the sleeve with his full mouth. The trainer remains at the starting point.

The helper actively presses the dog and inflicts 2 blows to the body with a stack. At this time, the trainer, at the judge’s signal, moves towards the dog and, approaching a distance of at least 3 meters from the assistant, stops him with the command “Stop”, and the dog’s work with a short command to stop the grip. It is allowed to recall the dog with the command “Come to me!”, or to take it away from the assistant with the command “Nearby”.

After this, the trainer takes a position for escort at a distance of 5 steps behind the assistant, escorts him, moving behind, maintaining the initial distance. The assistant, having walked at least 10 steps, turns sharply and attacks the trainer with a raised stack. The dog must stop the attack as quickly as possible by grabbing the protective sleeve. The assistant pushes the dog without hitting it, the trainer remains in place. During the fight between the helper and the dog, a shot is fired at a distance of at least 10 meters from the dog from the starting pistol.

Next, the trainer moves towards the assistant and gives him the command “Stop”, and the dog a short command to stop fighting, after which the dog is allowed to be recalled with the command “Come to me”, or withdrawn with the command “Nearby”.

Then, having fixed the dog with the command “Sit” and giving the command “Guard”, the trainer searches the assistant and takes the stack from him. Having completed the search, the trainer approaches the dog, with the command “Nearby” he transfers the dog for side escort (allowed on a slack leash) and escorts the assistant, giving him the command “March to the judge.”

Having brought the assistant to the judge, the trainer stops him with the command “Stay”, fixes the dog with the command “Sit”, passes the stack to the judge and takes the dog away. Judging ends from this moment.

Dogs that are uncontrollable during the “Retention” exercise, or are removed from the sleeve by mechanical force, who do not grab the sleeve, do not grab, are frightened by the swing of the stack, or avoid fighting with the helper, are removed from the “Retention” exercise.

Dogs that successfully pass the tests are awarded diplomas and tokens of the first, second and third degrees (depending on the points scored).

ZKS competitions:

Dogs that have successfully passed the ZKS tests are allowed to compete. The requirements for the training area where the competitions take place are the same as for the trials. The trainer controls the dog in accordance with these rules established by the RKF using voice and gesture commands, but his actions are assessed more strictly than in tests.
Competitions always begin with a report. The trainer with the dog approaches the judge, stops at a distance of 2-3 meters from him, introduces himself and clearly reports his readiness for the competition.

At ZKS competitions, the dog's skills are tested in the same order as in the tests:

  1. A selection of someone else's thing.
  2. It is performed in the same way as in the tests, only with 5 objects and the exercise time is 1 minute.

  3. Security of things.
  4. Unlike tests, 2 assistants work. They try to take turns stealing the item from the dog. The shelter into which the trainer goes is located at a greater distance than in tests.

  5. Detention.
  6. At competitions, the dog performs the following exercises:

  • frontal attack
  • arrest of the fleeing assistant and counterattack
  • repelling an attack after escort
  • lateral escort of assistant

The shelter is located at a distance of at least 40 steps from the starting line.
The assistant works in the same manner as in the tests, but more rigidly.
While apprehending the fleeing helper, after the dog has grabbed the sleeve, a shot is fired from the starting pistol.
Stack blows to the dog's body are applied during a frontal attack and a counterattack after an escape.

Dogs that successfully complete the competition are awarded diplomas and tokens of the first, second and third degrees (depending on the points scored), and those who take prizes are awarded cups and medals. At ZKS competitions, trainers can compete in individual and team competitions.

More detailed information you can get it on the official website of the RKF.

As part of the training course for protective guard service, the dog masters the skills of protection and submission. ZKS of dogs is sports education, which in no case develops aggression against humans. It is aimed at developing unquestioning obedience to the owner in dangerous situations. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that according to statistics, none of the tragic incidents involved a dog, completed the course ZKS.

The goal of a protective training course is a dog with a strong nervous system, which will be able to stop an attacker in the event of an attack on the owner or his property, then, on command, release him without delay.

From birth, the puppy learns from its mother to live in a pack. This instinct is used as part of the training of the ZKS. Some people mistakenly think that a dog is taught to bite a person... In reality, a protective training course teaches the dog to “correctly” express its natural instinct at the right time. The dog's innate qualities are decisive for this discipline. Physical characteristics, health, balance, strong nervous system and self-confidence are absolutely necessary if a dog is to successfully combine physical combat with unquestioning obedience to its owner.

The ability to react at lightning speed in a fight, high activity, self-confidence, and self-control are qualities that a dog can be given by nature. A professional trainer reveals them and directs them in the right direction.

At the beginning of a dog's KC, the trainer acts as the best play partner. Already at this stage, fundamental models of reactions are laid down that the dog can use in action.

Protective guard service is the highest achievement in the life of an animal on human territory. A dog can be something more significant than just a funny dog, and become not only a representative of the animal world living next to a person. Service dogs- these are family members who have the will and ability to make their own judgment.

When the protective training course is completed, exams are held during which the following are checked:
1. Selection of someone else's thing
2.Securing things
3.Detention of the assistant, protection of the trainer, attitude towards the shot and escort (checked simultaneously)

ZKS Caucasian Shepherd Dogs

Working on a leash is a very important exercise in preparing a dog for defense.

Domestic dog training system ZKS (protective guard service) is unique, since it is aimed at developing protective instincts in the animal and in the unique education of developing identification by smell.

The development of the ZKS began with the development of military trends in dog training. This course is more comprehensive than general course training (OKD). In ZKS, the training program is more extensive. In Russia, thanks to the protective guard service, security, guard, guard and search dogs are trained in law enforcement agencies.

Protective guard service course was specially adapted for those who just keep a dog in the house, but want to take care that it does not lose its natural instincts and abilities, depending on the breed of the dog. IN Soviet times without passing the ZKS standards and OKD dogs were not allowed for breeding; the requirements for males were much more severe than for females. Thanks to this, the protective guard service program became a necessary part of joining kennel clubs throughout the Soviet Union.

Dogs that have completed a course of protective guard training and graduated with excellent recommendations from the trainer in the future are excellent bodyguards for the owner and members of his family. In addition, they can guard the house and all property, and therefore, in terms of competition, they are not only not inferior, but often superior to European bodyguard dogs. Such indicators became possible only due to the fact that during training all the dogs’ actions were aimed at life situations, and not for spectacular and demonstrative purposes.

Of course, throughout time, ZKS methods have sometimes changed, but they have always been aimed at achieving more powerful results.
The canine services of the FSB, the Armed Forces, the Federal Penitentiary Service, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs often use dogs that have been trained using the ZKS method when there is a threat of terrorist attacks to detect explosives, to escort detainees or to protect them. Dogs can easily find drugs.

The protective guard service includes developing the following skills in dogs:

1. Selection of an alien item:
This training method is needed so that the dog can find the person to whom it belongs by the smell of the thing. Sampling helps dogs develop a dog's sense of smell to perfection, so that in the future it can differentiate the odors that will be necessary to find people.

2. Security of things:
The special skill of guarding things helps the dog develop special abilities to protect not only things, but also home and garden plots from unauthorized entry by unauthorized persons. In addition, the dog needs the skill of things so that it can guard luggage or any thing in the absence of the owner, when it is not possible to entrust the safety to a stranger or hand it over to a storage room.
This skill is developed in dogs on the basis of an active-defensive reaction.

3. Detention with escort and guard abilities of the person involved (assistant):
This skill is specially developed in dogs to detain a person, fight him and use methods to guard him until reinforcements arrive. All this is necessary in order to be able to stop the dog during an attack on the owner and members of his family, trainer or person involved. This method helps to detain a thief after he has entered the house. The method of developing these skills is developed specifically to develop other necessary skills in the dog.
This skill is developed in a dog after the dog is induced to become angry and distrustful of strangers.

4. Search the area:
The skill to search the area is needed so that the dog can find not only a certain object hidden in the area, but in order to find a person. This skill is specially developed on the basis of active-defensive, olfactory-search, food reactions, as well as using retrieval

A huge advantage of calling a ZKS training specialist from the Instinct center to your home:

  • For our regular customers, club cards and cumulative discounts are provided, in addition, from the first lesson, discounts will be about 30%!
  • Our trainers have more than 12 years of experience.
  • For the convenience of the client, our specialists will visit you at an agreed time that is convenient for you (we work 7 days a week from 10 am to 9 pm)!
  • Departures are possible not only in Moscow districts, but throughout the Moscow region
  • Our methods will not leave all dog owners indifferent, and the animal will be obedient!