Reflex massage. Reflex-segmental massage is a unique way of treatment and rehabilitation

The human body is a complex multifunctional system. That is why pathological changes in one of its organs can affect our entire health. In order to eliminate such changes, there is a reflex-segmental massage. Sometimes during this procedure, projection occurs pain on those parts of the body that are removed from the affected organ. These zones are called segmented. They can be seen as hypersensitivity and soreness, and, conversely, loss of pain sensitivity of tissues.

What is referred to as reflex-segmental massage?

It is worth noting that this species manipulation is included in the field of restorative medicine, occupying a special place there. What is the difference between classical massage and segmental massage? It is simpler and less efficient. In addition, segmental massage includes classical, and besides it, also connective, acupressure and periosteal. Also, during this complex impact on the human body, special techniques are used. Moreover, the massage therapist uses all the necessary equipment with high intensity.

The basis of such a procedure is the impact on the autonomic nervous system of the patient. At the same time, segmental massage allows not only to successfully deal with many chronic ailments. He is also preventive measure to prevent the occurrence pathological changes in the field of tissues.

Reflex-segmental massage is a very common type of such procedures. When it is carried out, there is a physical effect on reflex zones located on the surface of the skin, which are associated with internal organs. Already several sessions of segmental massage can improve the condition of the body. At the same time, pain sensations are reduced, blood circulation processes are improved, the activity of the endocrine and vegetative systems, and the functions of all internal organs.

Segmental structure of the human body

At the earliest stages of its development, the human body consists of identical metameres. These are segments, each of which is equipped with spinal nerve applied to a specific area of ​​the skin. Such areas are called dermatomes. These are areas of the skin that look like stripes or belts covering the body from behind. middle line passing to the midline located in front. Only the sacral dermatomes pass to the opposite side. At the same time, the connection between and the dermatome is constant.

The entire human body is divided into certain segments that correspond to the output of the nerves. At the same time, they distinguish:

5 sacral;
- 5 lumbar;
- 12 chest;
- 8 neck.

In the presence of pathological process in this or that internal organ there is a violation of the blood supply to the segment corresponding to it. Such a connection speaks of the unity of the functioning of these parts. So, in violation of the sensitivity of the skin near the spine, as well as in other pathological changes, it is believed that inflammatory processes take place in the spine. The main area of ​​segmental massage for cholecystitis is the abdominal area. In this case, the emphasis is on the right hypochondrium. A segmental massage of the cervicothoracic is performed with thoracic osteochondrosis.

Similar procedures are prescribed during the rehabilitation period after an illness and in medicinal purposes. At the same time, segmental massage is able to stop the development of ailments in the body.

Preliminary diagnostics

Segmental massage is carried out in order to find reflex changes in the skin and a positive effect on them. The mechanism of action during such a procedure is to increase blood circulation in a particular segment.

How are such areas defined? This happens when using one or another method:

1. The masseur presses his fingers on the skin, while observing the appearance of pain.
2. The specialist grabs the skin, gathering it into a fold. If inside the resulting thickenings appeared pain or a restriction of their mobility was revealed, then this will be evidence of reflex changes in this segment.
3. The massage therapist stretches the skin. The appearance of pain in a particular area will indicate reflex changes in the connective tissue.

Thus, segmental massage is carried out only after the diagnosis of all areas and zones of the patient's body and when problem areas are found in the tissues.

In addition, to detect reflex changes, you can:

It is easy and without pressure to hold the blunt tip of the needle over the skin. In the zone of hyperalgesia (increased pain), such a touch will be perceived as stabbing and sharp.
- Tickle the patient. There will be no sensations in the zone of reflex changes.
- Lightly touch the skin using the sharp end of the needle. The zone of hyperalgesia with such exposure will respond with pain.

In addition, certain pathologies of internal organs are detected:

When visually examining the skin, on which there may be soft or rough swelling, as well as indentations;
- when measuring with an elastomer;
- with point percussion, when the difference in tissue tension is determined after a series of light and short strokes on the skin with the palmar surface of the finger.

Indications for carrying out

What are the reasons for segmental massage? This type of impact on the patient's body is recommended for the same indications as the classic one.

However, the peculiarity of this procedure, which consists in its reflex effect on tissues, greatly expands the scope of its use. So, pathologies or causes of segmental massage:

Functional or chronic ailments internal organs;
- violations in the functioning of the autonomic and endocrine systems;
- functional and chronic rheumatic pathologies of the joints and spine;
- violation of the blood supply.


Segmental massage is unacceptable to use when:

Purulent-inflammatory and acute processes, the elimination of which requires urgent surgical intervention;
- infectious diseases general, which are accompanied by high temperature;
- venereal diseases;
- severe injuries and fractures of the musculoskeletal system;
- oncological diseases.

Varieties of segmental massage

The procedure for influencing the patient's autonomic nervous system through certain areas of the tissue can be carried out using certain methods of exposure. In this regard, allocate the following types segmental massage:

1. Periosteal. This massage is carried out by exerting a physical effect directly on the painful points on the skin, which have a reflex connection with one or another organ. human body. helps to increase blood circulation and speeds up metabolic processes. It is recommended for pathologies of internal organs, as well as for problems with skeletal system and musculoskeletal system.

2. Segmental. This massage is performed using special physical ways exposure and is an effective method to eliminate reflex changes in tissues. the main objective carrying out such a procedure is to reduce negative impact pathological phenomena that have arisen in the human body.

3. Shiatsu. This massage came to us from Japan. This procedure is carried out with the help of finger pressure on Shiatsu, ideal for restoring the energy balance of the patient and improving his overall well-being. Japanese massage provides not only therapeutic effect. It provides various types of prevention mental disorders and stimulated defensive forces organism. Such a procedure is within the power of every person. Indeed, by pressing on that part of the body in which discomfort is experienced, one can solve various problems with health without special efforts and within a short time. With the help of this type of segmental massage, a person is able to eliminate toothache, cope with fatigue, reduce blood pressure and get rid of discomfort arising in the lower back and shoulders.

4. Connecting. This massage was created in 1929 by Elisabeth Dicke, an instructor in physiotherapy exercises. During such a procedure, by tightening the pads of 3 and 4 fingers, the nerve endings located in the connective tissue are affected.

As a result, the blood supply to organs and tissues is normalized, the speed of scar regeneration processes increases and negative reactions CNS of the patient.

5. Spot. This massage is a physical effect on the active points of the skin, which is carried out with the help of fingers. Through these zones it turns out positive influence on the CNS. First of all, the massage therapist must find out the problems of the patient. After that, he determines those active points that are associated with the diseased organ, and performs rubbing, stroking, vibration, grasping and pressure techniques. Initially, acupressure causes pain, which subsequently disappears. Similar procedure recommended for violations of posture and arthrosis, osteochondrosis, as well as for intervertebral hernias.

Reflex-segmental massage techniques

As mentioned above, the procedure that affects the human nervous system through the tissues of his skin is a kind of classical one. That is why the techniques of segmental massage largely repeat those that exist with traditional exposure. The most common of these are rubbing and vibration, kneading and stroking. All this is a technique of segmental massage, which is worth considering in more detail.

During such a technique as chopping, or "saw", the specialist places the index and thumbs of his hands on both sides of the patient's spine in such a way that a skin roller appears between them. Conducting reflex-segmental, he performs sawing movements with his hands in different directions.

The second method is drilling. During its implementation, the specialist should be on the left hand of the patient. At the same time, the masseur places his right hand on the area of ​​​​the sacrum of the patient, clasping the spine with his fingers. Next, circular movements are made with 1-4 fingers, with emphasis on the thumb.

Carrying out segmental massage of the sacro- lumbar performed with movement from bottom to top along the line along the spine. Further, the functions of the fingers change. The masseur performs circular movements with the thumbs while focusing on all the others. The specialist can stand right side from the patient. But at the same time, the direction of the massage should not change. The movement of the hands in this case is carried out from the bottom up.

The next step is stroking. It is carried out with one-sided impact on the patient's body with two or one hand. The specialist performs this technique from the middle of the chest. Then he moves on to segmental massage of the spine. This technique is performed with the help of the palms, the pressure force of which gradually increases.

Reception stroking can be planar segmental. It is performed with both hands, the hands of which are parallel and directed to the cervical spine, and starts slightly below the problem area. With the help of such stroking, a segmental massage of the back, as well as the chest and limbs, is performed.

The next technique is called "Shifting away from you." Consider three types of this technique:

1. The specialist performs a segmental massage of the spine, placing the palms on both sides of it. At the same time, a fold of skin should remain between the thumb and all other fingers. She is being massaged. The specialist moves this surface from the bottom up, either on the right or on the left side of the spine.

2. With the second method of “Shifting away from you”, the massage therapist positions his hands in the same way as in the first case. Only in this case, the skin fold includes the region of three vertebrae. This area must be moved from the bottom up from the lumbar spine to the cervical.
3. Having formed a fold of skin, the massage therapist begins to move one hand forward, and the other back. In this case, the direction of influence remains the same - from the bottom up.

The next technique is "Shifting on yourself." This technique is similar to the previous one except for the direction of exposure.

When performing this technique, the massage therapist is near the patient's head, performing movements on himself, giving most load on forefinger.

The next way to perform a segmental impact on the human body is called "Fork". The specialist performs a segmental massage of the lumbosacral region. At the same time, his hands move from bottom to top, reaching the 7th cervical vertebra. This technique is performed with the pads of the index and middle fingers. In this case, the hands of a specialist are located on both sides of the spinal column. The movements of the fingers during the execution of such a technique should be sliding with weights.

Another way to conduct a segmental impact on the patient's body is called "Movement". During this reception, the massage therapist with his right hand grabs the patient's body in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right buttock. In this case, the palm of the left hand performs spiral movements in the direction from top to bottom towards the spine, and the right hand - in the opposite direction.

The next technique is called "Press". It is performed thumb right hand, burdening the movements of the left hand or the pads of all other fingers. At the end of the procedure, the pressure force must certainly weaken when the brushes are located along the spine.

Another method of segmental massage is Stretching. When it is carried out, the specialist covers the muscle with his hands, located at a distance of four to five centimeters from each other. After that, there are movements to gradually stretch the tissues by moving the brushes back and forth. Then the position of the hands is changed, and the technique is repeated again.

During the segmental massage, a special technique is used when exposed to the periscapular region. The specialist should stand on the right side of the patient and put his left hand on his forearm. After that, a series of small rubbing is carried out. Such movements are carried out with the help of four fingers of the right hand (without the thumb). The reception begins from the widest muscle of the back and ends with the outer edge of the scapula. Further rubbing continues. For this, it is applied thumb right hand, which moves from the inner edge of the shoulder blade, reaching the level of the shoulder. The massage ends with kneading and rubbing the upper zone (up to the back of the head). After the specialist goes to the area right scapula. At the end of this part, the massage shifts slightly lower. It moves to the subscapular zone.

With segmental massage, a technique called “Pelvic shaking” is also used. In this case, the specialist works with two hands. He places them on the iliac crests of the pelvis. Then, with the help of short lateral oscillatory movements, the hands move to the spine. Such movements produce a concussion of the pelvis.

In segmental massage, there is also a method of stretching the chest. It begins with classic stroking, as well as rubbing the zones of the intercostal spaces. Next, the patient takes a deep breath, during which the massage therapist must forcefully squeeze the patient's chest. The direction of the hands of a specialist during the execution of this technique is different. When exhaling, they slide to the sternum, and when inhaling - to the spine. The main condition for the patient is not to hold his breath. To this end, it is better for the massage therapist to give the “Inhale” and “Exhale” commands. It is worth saying that such a technique perfectly activates the patient's breathing.

On overly tense areas of tissue and muscles of the neck, it is recommended to perform a double tong-like ring technique. In this case, the execution technique will completely coincide with the one that exists in classical massage.

Sentimental massage requires certain rules to be followed:

1. Each of the techniques should be carried out gently, rhythmically and without any sudden movements.
2. When prescribing a course of segmental massage, the stage of the pathological process existing in the patient should be taken into account.
3. During the procedure, it is forbidden to use lubricants, as they will reduce tissue sensitivity.
4. The procedure can be done only after studying the physiology and anatomy of a person.
5. In terms of its duration, a session of segmental massage should not be less than twenty minutes.
6. Before starting manipulations, the patient should be informed about the sensations that await him during and after the session.
7. The initial impact must be carried out on those areas that lie close to the affected segments.
8. The efforts of the massage therapist during the session should increase in the direction from the surface to the deep layers of the tissue.
9. Properly performed segmental massage causes warming and redness of the skin, a feeling of relaxation and lightness, and also relieves pain.

The sequence of receptions

With segmental massage, it is important to observe a certain order of exposure.

The sequence of the procedure is as follows:
- ;
- massage of the most painful areas of the pelvis and limbs, head and chest cage, as well as the head;
- massage of tissues lying in the surface layers;
- massage of deeper zones;
- massage from the periphery to the spinal column in the area of ​​​​the exit of the roots of the nervous system.

Scientists have found that by doing it you can get rid of many diseases. After all, they are, without any exaggeration, called the anatomical map of the human body. It is on the feet that there are reflex points of all systems and organs.

Experts also believe that facial massage has a beneficial effect on human health. After all, it also presents all the points that have a connection with the internal organs. So, massage of the cheeks facilitates the work of the lungs.

Even animals like soft touches on the skin. So, whales can stick their heads out of the water and allow a person to stroke them for several hours.

Reflex-segmental massage is a mechanical effect of various techniques on certain parts of the human body that have a reflex connection with internal organs and functional systems. This is based on the conditional division of the human body into segments, which is associated with the characteristics of innervation. This technique is widely used in the treatment various diseases and successfully complements the main treatment.

Action on the body

Influenced by massage nerve fibers excitation spreads to the spinal cord, which causes various responses from the relevant organs. This is the so-called segmental reaction. In addition, impulses reach the brain, while developing more general reaction aimed at normalizing the functioning of various organs and systems. The impact is not on the affected organ, but on the zones innervated by the same segments spinal cord. With various pathological processes in the corresponding segment, changes in blood circulation, sensitivity, and muscle tone occur. These changes can further exacerbate the process. Their elimination leads to an improvement in the patient's condition and an acceleration of recovery.


  1. Diseases of the respiratory system.
  2. Pathology of the digestive tract.
  3. Cardiovascular pathology.
  4. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  5. Traumatic injuries, diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system.


  1. Fever.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Purulent inflammatory processes.
  4. Active .
  5. Venereal diseases.
  6. Inflammation of the lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels.
  7. Bleeding.
  8. Severe mental illness.
  9. Acute period after injury.

Stages of segmental massage

  1. Preparatory.

This part of the procedure is aimed at improving the lymphatic and blood circulation of the massaged area, it affects the receptor apparatus of the skin. At the same time, stroking, kneading, rubbing the back muscles are carried out.

  1. Basic.

Used to affect deep tissues various tricks conventional massage (stretching, rubbing, kneading, pressure, vibration), but modified according to the existing reflex changes.

  1. Final.

At this stage, the intensity of the special effect is gradually reduced, ending with stroking it.

Special massage techniques

  1. Trituration.
  1. Kneading.

This is a technique in which the capture, push-ups, pressure, stretching or rubbing of tissues is carried out.

  1. Drilling reception.

The masseur places the pads of the first fingers on both sides of the spine and performs helical movements towards the spinal column.

  1. Impact on the spaces between the spinous processes of the vertebrae.

The masseur places his fingers in such a way that the spinous process is between them, and performs rotational movements in opposite directions.

  1. Movement acceptance.

To perform this technique, you need to put one hand on the pelvic area, and with the other hand move from the bottom up, making helical movements.

  1. Receiving a concussion of the pelvis.
  1. Reception of stretching the chest (performed in the exhalation phase).

Massage technique

The procedure begins with a massage of the back, neck, then massaged rib cage, stomach and at the end - upper and lower limbs.

  1. Impact on the back.

It is performed in the supine position in the direction from top to bottom, drilling, sawing, and action on the zone between the spinous processes of the spine are used. The most commonly used for treatment is the effect on the cervical and lumbosacral reflexogenic zones.

  1. Massage of the pelvic area.

It can be carried out in the supine and sitting position. The masseur performs stroking, rubbing the area of ​​the sacrum, then drilling and sawing. Sitting, the iliac crests are massaged.

  1. Chest massage.

It is done in a sitting position. Rubbing starts from the xiphoid process of the sternum, then along the intercostal space - to the spine.

  1. Impact on the abdomen.

It is performed lying on the back with bent legs, first stroking is done clockwise, then kneading and vibration are applied.

  1. Massaging limbs.

It starts from the proximal sections, is carried out by stroking, rubbing, kneading.

Features of the massage

  1. Massage oils, creams, powders are not used for this type of massage.
  2. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, it increases with cardiac pathology, diseases of the digestive system.
  3. Massage is carried out daily (with good tolerance) or a couple of times a week.
  4. The course of treatment ranges from 6 to 12 sessions.
  5. The strength of the impact depends on age: in children it should be weak, in the elderly of medium intensity and in people from 15 to 30 years of age the most intense.
  6. Persons asthenic physique massage should be longer and more intense; normosthenics should not exceed the threshold of pain.

Side effects

When performing segmental-reflex massage, the so-called displacement of reflexes is possible. That is why such a massage should be performed by a professional who knows how to correct these problems. Consider the main adverse reactions with segmental massage.

  1. Pain in the right hypochondrium, increased muscle tone of the upper chest when massaging the back.
  2. Headache in occipital region during sacral massage.
  3. Dull pain and pressure in the lower abdomen when exposed to the lumbar region.
  4. Pain in the region of the heart during massage of the intercostal muscles and interscapular region.
  5. Numbness of the hand when massaging the shoulder blade area.
  6. Suffocation, vomiting, thirst as a result of exposure to the sternum and rib attachment sites.
  7. Nausea, vomiting when massaging the 7th cervical vertebra.
  8. Renal colic after massage of the 10th thoracic vertebra.


This is a type of segmental massage, in which the impact is on biologically active points. Nowadays, about a thousand of them are described, about 150 are used for massage. The location of these points is determined by anatomical landmarks and topographic lines. Choice biologically active points depends on the nature and stage of the disease, the severity of the process, etc. The correct determination of the point is indicated by pain, sensations of numbness, fullness.

The first procedures should be short-term, with their help, the patient's response to this therapeutic effect is determined. For acupressure, various massage techniques are used: stroking, pressure, vibration, rubbing, etc. Acupressure may have a stimulating or sedative effect. It is impossible to carry out massage in the locations of large vessels, nerves, lymph nodes, on the mammary glands.


Segmentally reflex massage combines well with other therapeutic methods and increases the effectiveness of treatment. It's affordable and relatively safe method. But given the difficult technique, the peculiarities of its implementation and possible side reactions, such a massage should be carried out by a specialist who knows the structure of the human body and owns the technique of massage exposure.

The specialist talks about segmental-reflex massage and shows the technique of its implementation:

Igor Smirnov, a teacher at the Alternativa + massage school, talks about segmental reflex massage:

Segmental massage refers to one of the varieties therapeutic massage, because this procedure is able to restore normal condition human body, after suffering attacks, severe stages of diseases, operations, chronic diseases.

In order for the effect of massage to be more pronounced, it is necessary to undergo massage courses regularly - once every few months.

What is characteristic of this procedure for improving health, varieties of massage techniques, contraindications and much more, you will learn from this article.

Segmental massage is therapeutic method relaxation of the body after severe mental, emotional or physical activity. Used as a remedy as well as for prevention purposes.

Segmental-reflex massage projects pain sensations to segments remote from the diseased area. In them, a complete loss of pain sensitivity is possible or, conversely, elevated level soreness

The segmental technique allows you to avoid a tedious massage of the whole body, allowing you to work on a specific area. The procedure is especially useful if there is a problem in a specific area of ​​the body., it may be a shooting pain in the lower back or a feeling of fatigue in the legs.

In a short period of time, which takes a session of segmental massage, the patient feels the effect of the massage therapist. Fatigue disappears almost instantly, the body is filled with new forces, tension in certain parts body falls.


Segmental massage can be a lifesaver for many, but this technique is not available to people with the following diseases:

  • acute infections;
  • mental disorders;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • skin diseases, swelling, redness, itching;
  • fever, fever, heat body;
  • serious problems in the work of the musculoskeletal system, fractures, severe sprains;
  • cancerous tumors, oncological problems (due to the risk of their growth);
  • benign formations (due to the risk of their development).

You can consult your doctor about the presence of contraindications.

Execution technique

Mastering the technique of performing segmental massage is not as easy as it seems at first glance. There are a number of tricks that cannot be done without skills and experience. Beginners should not perform this procedure on their own.

Segmental massage techniques are performed on the following areas of the body:

  • shoulders and lower back;
  • head in the area of ​​hair growth;
  • lower and upper limbs;
  • stomach;
  • side surfaces cervical.

During the procedure, there are characteristic sensations of relaxation and light spreading warmth throughout the body.

The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes or more. Exact time depends on individual characteristics person.

Segmental massage of the cervicothoracic spine

This type of segmental massage is prescribed for chronic bronchitis, with neurotic disorders accompanied by pain in the heart, with heart defects, as well as during the recovery period after myocardial infarction.

Indications for segmental massage cervicothoracic spine are considered tracheitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the trachea, thoracic osteochondrosis, emphysema, asthma, ischemic heart disease and cardiosclerosis.

Massage helps to prevent the development of these diseases and cure them even on chronic stage . The procedure is carried out by a qualified massage therapist.

The procedure begins with the lower thoracic spine. Gently, the massage therapist moves to the segments above this area. Next, work on the area. For patients with heart disease Special attention give the left subscapular region. Next, the specialist goes to the neck and the front of the sternum.

The session lasts about 25 minutes, the course consists of 10-15 procedures. Several courses of therapeutic segmental massage of the neck and chest are recommended per year.. Total procedures depends on their effectiveness.

The goal of the massage therapist is to eliminate all reflex changes. The result obtained must be strengthened with the help of breathing exercises and a number of special exercises which will be advised by the attending physician.

Segmental spinal massage

Any reception in this type of massage is carried out rhythmically, but easily and without jerks. If the intensity is too high, or the procedure is performed incorrectly, then the patient experiences negative, painful sensations.

No oil, cream or other lubricant is used during therapeutic massage. Such drugs reduce the sensitivity of soft tissues.

The procedure is characterized by a slow increase in the intensity of pressure: the force increases from the surface of the skin to deeper layers of soft tissues. A well-conducted session makes itself felt with a slight reddening and the appearance of heat on the worked area of ​​the body. A person relaxes, forgets about everyday problems.

If, after the massage, the patient has goosebumps, the skin has acquired a bluish tint, the pain has not disappeared, but only intensified, then the procedure was carried out incorrectly.

Segmental massage of the spine is shown:

  • in violation of the activity of the musculoskeletal system;
  • with, myositis, spondylarthrosis;
  • at the first stages of development of intervertebral hernia;
  • with radiculitis;
  • at the diagnosis;
  • if there are small scars on the back, small scars that appeared a long time ago;
  • muscle hypertonicity or hypotonicity;
  • with back pain;
  • after ;
  • after sprains, fractures;
  • if a person suffers from a curvature of the spine.

Segmental lumbar massage

The procedure removes muscle tension improves blood circulation and warms up the muscles. Massage cannot be done traumatic injuries. The lower back is worked out in the following sequence:

  1. First, it is necessary to carry out a series of kneading techniques (zigzag, alternate, direct and combined stroking, kneading, surviving movements and vibration);
  2. The pain zone is determined with the help of longitudinal stroking;
  3. In the buttocks area, stroking and kneading is carried out;
  4. Spot study of reflexogenic points on;
  5. Gently massaging the painful area.

Segmental lumbar massage gives good results, but it must be done correctly so as not to harm.

How to do segmental massage - video

The illustrations show the sections (segments) of the spine responsible for various bodies of the human body and methods of influencing these areas.

Segmental massage consists of classic movements that are combined with unified techniques to improve the result of reflex action:

  • drilling. The palm rests on the region of the sacrum, the spinal column is located between the thumb and forefinger. The thumb is motionless, the rest move in a circle to the spine, and then up. Then the same movements are repeated by the thumb, while all the others are motionless.
  • Saw. The hands lie on either side of the spinal column. The masseur saws the skin roller with thumbs and forefingers.
  • Fork. With the tips of the middle finger and forefinger, the master makes rectilinear movements up towards the seventh cervical vertebra. The nature of the movements is sliding, but with a slight burden.
  • Hatching with a fork.
  • Circular reception with a fork.
  • Move away from yourself.
  • Shift towards yourself.
  • Stretching.
  • pressure.
  • Move.

These are just some of the segmental massage techniques that are necessarily included in the procedure. You can see the technique in more detail in the following video:

The benefits of massage and the result

Sessions of segmental massage are extremely beneficial for the body.

Benefits they provide:

  • quick session of reflexology;
  • instant effect;
  • used in the treatment of musculoskeletal functions and sports injuries;
  • strong stimulation of a certain diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body or organ;
  • getting rid of chronic ailments;
  • normalization of vegetative function;
  • acceleration of blood flow and absorption processes;
  • relief of pain attacks;
  • activation of internal systems.

This technique has a positive effect not only on the condition of the diseased organ, but also on the work of the circulatory and of cardio-vascular system. In addition, massage of individual segments improves nutrition in all organs.

After the procedure, the skin temperature rises, breathing is released, volume increases. motor activity in the affected joints of the hands and feet. The body starts the processes of self-regeneration, energy costs are saved.

Segmental massage is prescribed by the attending physician. The stage of the pathological process and the sensitivity of the patient must be taken into account.

Massage for respiratory diseases Svetlana (Snezhana) Nikolaevna Chabanenko

Segmental reflex massage

The entire human body can be conditionally divided into segments (see Fig. 3). Massaging individual segments gives good effect in the treatment of many pulmonary diseases.

You should be aware that segmental-reflex massage is performed only on certain, most painful areas of the body. It is used for pleurisy, pneumonia, acute bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary dystonia, when acute stage disease has passed, and in chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma between seizures.

Segmental reflex massage is a variation of the classical one, so many of the techniques are very similar.

Massaging should begin in the same way as in classical massage, with stroking. First, the massage therapist selects the desired segment to be massaged. Then he positions his hands so that they are below the zone where there are any violations. After that, an appropriate reception is carried out.

Flat stroking is one of the most common techniques. The masseur places his hands parallel to each other on both sides of the spinal column (Fig. 44, a). The reception is performed either with one or the other hand, that is, alternately.

Each hand performs stroking, first superficial, then deeper, with pressure. In chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, the intake is carried out with weights. It can be done in two ways. In the first case, the left hand is placed on the right hand lengthwise, that is, the fingers of the left and right hands coincide, and in the second case - across, that is inner side the palm of the left hand is placed on the wrist of the right hand. Thus massaged lower segments on the upper back and chest.

In addition to planar stroking, the saw technique is used. To perform it, the massage therapist places his hands on both sides of the spinal column. With a straight stroke, the thumbs are strongly retracted, and the remaining four fingers are straightened. At correct execution reception, a skin roller is formed, which moves forward as the hands move (Fig. 44, b). In the longitudinal direction, reception is made from the bottom up. For greater impact, the massage therapist's hands do not slide over the skin, but move with it.

Fork stroking can be done with one or two hands. Reception is carried out with widely spaced index and middle fingers. Most often, massage therapists perform a technique with weights. If you stroke with two hands, then they are placed on both sides of the spinal column. The movements are made longitudinally and rectilinearly, the fingertips massage the areas from the bottom up along the spinal column. Fork-shaped massaging is sometimes carried out in the form of hatching. To do this, the hands are spread slightly to the sides and placed at an angle. Movements are made from the bottom up with the displacement of the skin. Often masseurs perform this technique with weights.

With a circular fork-shaped massaging, the hands are placed on both sides of the spinal column and make circular movements towards the little finger (Fig. 45). The thumbs play the role of support.

Movements are performed from the bottom up and stop near the occipital zone. After that, the hands return to the starting point. Often this technique is performed with weights.

Rubbing during segmental massage has several types of execution: zigzag, spiral, circular, S-shaped. All types of rubbing are performed both with one and two hands. When massaging with one hand, weights are almost always used.

After rubbing, kneading can be carried out. Most often, masseurs begin a series of kneading with pressure. They are held with pillows thumbs that move along the spinal column. Pressure is carried out in several ways: ordinary with the right or left hand, with two hands, with weights. Reception is performed with the pads of the thumbs or fingers clenched into a fist.

When massaging the cervical region, it is best to use a double ring forceps kneading. When performing it, special attention is paid to the correct grip of the neck. The thumb and forefinger grab areas of the skin and begin to move. They can be performed from top to bottom - from the occipital region to the base of the neck, and from bottom to top - from the interscapular space to the upper part of the occipital region.

After performing this technique, you can proceed to massaging the shoulder blades. Massaging is done with four fingers, the thumb is not involved in this. Then the reception is performed with the thumb, which knead the desired zones.

The area under the shoulder blades is massaged with the index and middle fingers, tightly pressed against each other. To perform the reception, the massage therapist places his left hand on the shoulder of the person being massaged, and with the right hand begins kneading the zone of the lower edge of the shoulder blade. In this case, the muscles and skin of the person being massaged will move towards the shoulder (Fig. 46).

After kneading, the massage therapist proceeds to stretching. The patient should lie on his back, the masseur places his hands on both sides of his chest. He commands the patient: "Inhale" - and at the same time makes a pushing movement on the chest area. At the command "Exhale", he squeezes the chest. This technique helps to activate breathing. When performing this technique, the patient may experience sharp attack coughing and sputum begins to move away. After coughing, the patient should take several deep breaths, after which you can continue massaging. The segmental-reflex massage ends with a light quick stroking of the massaged areas.

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Reflexology aimed at treatment internal diseases by affecting certain parts of the body, skin surface or periosteum, is today considered one of the most effective approaches to treatment and rehabilitation.

One of the methods is segmental massage.

During the procedure, the master works with zones(segments) skin, which are invented by the same parts of the spinal cord as the organ requiring treatment.

The purpose of the procedure is getting rid of pathological changes of a reflex nature, the cause of which was a specific pathology.

For this, both techniques used in classical massage (stroking, rubbing) and special, used only in segmental massage, techniques.

The master acts purposefully for specific segments, which are responsible for a separate body. Each segment is located on the skin in the form of a strip running in a semicircle from the center of the body in front to the central axis of the spine at back side body. There are 30 possible massage zones in total, and they are located in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral areas.

Traditionally massage treatments start with work superficial tissues. Sequence of impact: from the lower zones with a gradual movement to higher segments. Each technique begins with segmental roots located near the spine.

Indications for carrying out

Methods of segmental influence will be effective in the same cases as the classic massage. However, due to the reflex nature of the impact, the possibility of such a procedure is even wider.

Segmental massage shown at:

  • sharp and chronic diseases internal organs;
  • rheumatic diseases affecting the joints and spine;
  • failures in the work of the vegetative and hormonal systems organism;
  • circulatory disorders and vascular diseases.

Reflex-segmental massage allows you to activate the work of internal organs and their blood supply, improve absorption processes and prevent the formation of adhesions, get rid of pain, restore motor and other functions.


Procedure should not be carried out at:

  • any infectious diseases that caused an increase in body temperature;
  • presence in the body inflammatory processes purulent character;
  • skin damage.

Specific techniques of reflex-segmental massage

. The hands of the massage therapist are located on both sides of the spine, and the pads of the thumbs perform helical movements towards the spine in the direction from the bottom up.

The movement can be performed with one hand, but in any case, have helical shape.

Sawing. The hands of the master are located on 2 sides of the spine, and between the hands a roller of skin is formed. Massage is performed with sawing movements that have the opposite direction. The massage therapist's fingers move simultaneously with the skin, and do not slide over it.

moving. The palm of the right hand grasps the pelvic region of the massaged in the area of ​​the right buttock and performs light spiral movements in the direction from the spinal column.

Second hand at this time moving in a spiral towards the spine. Further, in mirror image, the same movement is performed for the left buttock.

pelvic concussion. On both iliac crests of the massaged are slightly bent hands of the master. Then, with short oscillatory movements, the hands move towards the spine, and the pelvic region is directly shaken.

Chest stretch. Before performing this technique, the chest area is pre-stroked and rubbed.

Further, the hands of the massage therapist move depending on respiratory cycle of the patient: while inhaling, they gently move towards the spinal column, and while exhaling, they strongly compress the chest area. During the procedure, it is important that the patient's breath is not held.

Impact on the periscapular region. Massage is performed in turn for each forearm. First, all the fingers of the right hand, with the exception of the thumb, make rubbing movements from the spine to the outer lower part of the scapula.

Impact on the spaces between the spinous processes of the vertebrae. During the technique, the patient can sit or lie down. The masseur uses both hands in such a way that the pads of medium and index fingers form a cruciform fold around the spinous process of the spine. From the bottom up, the fingers perform circular movements, massaging each process for 5 seconds.

The occurrence of side effects and their elimination

During the session, you may experience adverse reactions, which are eliminated by a competent effect on some segments of the skin:

  • To take off increased tone in the area of ​​the trapezius muscle and upper chest, the chest is massaged from the front.
  • The nausea that arose when working with the coccyx area is eliminated by massaging the lumbar region.
  • When exposed to the sacral zone, it is possible sharp pain in the region of the gallbladder. To get rid of it, a massage of the lower part of the chest is used.
  • Massage of the sacrum can also provoke pain in the back of the head, for which it is recommended to massage the abdomen and the iliac crests.
  • When exposed to the lumbar region, pain in the bladder or lower abdomen may occur. You can neutralize it by massaging the lower abdomen.
  • If the massage of the lower back caused pain in the legs, a massage of the area between the ischium and the trochanter is recommended.
  • Massage of some thoracic and lumbar segments can provoke disturbances in work Bladder that needs to be compensated by massage of the abductor muscles.
  • When exposed to intercostal muscles possible pain in the heart. To eliminate them, the chest is massaged on the left. In the same way, you can eliminate the pain caused by massage of the sternoclavicular zone, the impact on the area between the left shoulder blade and the spine, massage of the armpit.
  • Massage of the seventh cervical vertebra helps to get rid of such unpleasant phenomena as nausea, feeling of suffocation, strong thirst.
  • If during the massage of the scapula and the periscapular region, numbness of the arm or tingling is observed, you can get rid of such phenomena by influencing the axillary region.
  • When exposed to the 10th cervical vertebra the patient may feel pain in the kidneys. You can get rid of it due to the intense impact on the 3rd and 4th vertebrae.

Frequency and duration of the course


One procedure usually takes from 20 to 30 minutes, while the segmental impact technique can be combined with other types of massage. A course of treatment usually includes about 10 sessions, which are recommended 2 per week.

Redness of the skin, the appearance of a feeling of warmth and relaxation, a decrease in pain are evidence correct procedure. Blue skin, the appearance of chills or increased pain after the session indicate that the massage was performed incorrectly.

See the video for a master class on segmental massage techniques:

See the video below for other options for reflex-segmental massage techniques: