Laparoscopic sterilization of cats oophorectomy. Optimal age for sterilization

Laparoscopic sterilization is surgical removal ovaries or ovaries and uterus with a minimally invasive approach (through two small punctures in abdominal wall 3-5 mm in diameter). Wherein necessary condition is the use of endoscopic equipment: a laparoscope with an illuminator, an endovideo system, an electronic CO2 insufflator and special instruments.

When sterilized the classic way a 3-5 cm long incision is made in the skin and abdominal wall. In this case, surgical manipulations are carried out with standard open-access instruments, after which sutures are applied to the skin and abdominal wall. There is also a method of so-called "sparing" or "low-traumatic" sterilization through "lateral access". In some clinics, it is called laparoscopic, while misleading pet owners. This method was developed to sterilize stray animals for their subsequent return to their original habitat. With this method, you can really get by with a smaller access 1-1.5 cm long (in cats) and, subject to the use of a special slowly absorbable material, you can not remove the sutures, but everything else happens exactly the same as with the usual "classic" method.

Laparoscopic sterilization of cats and dogs

With laparoscopic sterilization, unlike classical, all manipulations are carried out inside abdominal cavity using special instruments under the video control of the laparoscope. The already removed ovaries are removed outside. The absence of contact with the "open" abdominal cavity and less tissue trauma significantly reduce the risk of infectious complications - this is the main advantage of the minimally invasive laparoscopic method. After laparoscopic sterilization no stitches are applied. The punctures are closed with special glue, so no processing and subsequent removal of the seams is required. Another important advantage of this method is that during the operation all the main organs of the abdominal cavity are visually examined, which sometimes helps to detect hidden pathologies.

The disadvantages of laparoscopic sterilization include a more complex algorithm and technique for performing such operations, which requires high qualification and specialized training of the doctor. It should also be noted the high cost of endoscopic equipment and instruments.

In our clinic, we can offer our clients all three methods of sterilization, including the most advanced laparoscopic. The most modern equipment and highly qualified specialists are at your service.

Laparoscopy is widely used for surgical intervention both in humans and animals. If we consider general concept laparoscopy, this term refers to a surgical process in which an operation on the internal organs is performed through small holes with a diameter of from half to one and a half centimeters. Laparoscopy is used for surgical interventions in the abdominal and pelvic cavities.

All manipulations are performed using specialized equipment - a laparoscope. This instrument is equipped with a telescopic tube with a set of lenses and a video camera. Complemented by a "cold" light source.

What it is?

Laparoscopic spaying of a cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat is the process of removing your pet's ovaries through two small punctures in the abdominal wall (there is also a single port laparoscopy). On average, the diameter of such a puncture reaches 4 millimeters. In some cases, a little more is possible. It depends on the age of the cat. The recommended age is 5-12 months.

Operating process

Initially it is recommended to medical checkup cats by a veterinarian. This is followed by preparation for surgery. A few hours before the operation, you can not feed. Time is specified by the operating specialist. On average it is 6-8 hours. Next comes the premedication of the animal: the introduction of drugs to prepare the body for surgery and subsequent anesthesia. After that, the area where the punctures will be made is prepared and processed, and the animal is put to sleep. Laparoscopic sterilization, like classical sterilization, is performed under general anesthesia. Surgical manipulations to remove the ovaries and tighten the organs take about 30 minutes.

Benefits of Laparoscopic Sterilization

* The operation is practically painless.

* Absolutely sterile.

* No visible seams.

* The punctures are sealed with special medical glue or a small stitch or stapler.

* There is no need to wear blankets.

* During the operation, the condition is also diagnosed internal organs abdominal cavity of a cat.

After the end of the operation, it will take only a few hours for the animal to come out of anesthesia. Veterinarians recommend leaving the cat at this point under observation in the clinic. Then you take your pet home, and she continues to lead a normal life.

In conclusion, it should be added that laparoscopy is an effective alternative to classical surgical intervention.

Every owner of a pet - a cat or a dog - knows how much trouble the period of sexual hunting brings. The cat persistently asks to go outside, screams loudly day and night, becomes aggressive, the cat begins to “mark” all corners. And since the liquid that he sprays contains a whole bunch of foul-smelling substances (urine, pheromones, hormones, seminal fluid), it’s hard to endure such a smell. Some individuals refuse food, lose their hair, and due to the increased release of hormones, they may develop various diseases.

Pills that reduce the release of hormones give a temporary effect, and their use is far from harmless to the health of the pet. The most reliable method of solving the problem is to deprive the animal of the ability to bear children by surgical operation. Depending on the type of surgery, your pet will either not be able to have offspring, while retaining the instinct of procreation, or completely lose interest in the opposite sex.

In the first case, you will not get rid of cat concerts, since the animal's body will continue to produce sex hormones. During the period of sexual hunting, the cat will still "mark" your furniture and shoes. And since the liquid that he sprays contains a whole bunch of foul-smelling substances (urine, pheromones, hormones, seminal fluid), it’s hard to endure such a smell. Some individuals refuse food, lose their hair, and due to the increased release of hormones, they may develop diseases. genitourinary system. Therefore, from any point of view, it is better to choose a radical version of the cooling of the animal.

According to the medical classification, an operation in which all internal genital organs are removed is called castration, sterilization (from the Latin "sterilis" - barren) is a dressing fallopian tubes or the vas deferens (vasectomy). However, in veterinary medicine, the term "sterilization" is often used as alternative title castration, surgery to remove the ovaries (ovariectomy) or ovaries and uterus (ovariohysterectomy) in cats, or resection of the testicles in cats.

Such an operation can be performed in several ways, which differ in access to the abdominal cavity:

  • through an incision along the white line of the abdomen;
  • through a side incision;
  • through incisions in the abdominal wall (laparoscopy).

Which is better - laparoscopic cat sterilization or ordinary? Veterinarians believe that the first option, which involves the removal of reproductive organs using special equipment through several punctures in the peritoneum. The advantages of the laparoscopic method are:

  • minimal tissue damage (the size of the incisions does not exceed 5-6 mm);
  • elevated level sterility, which makes it possible to exclude postoperative period the appointment of antibiotics (contact of the intra-abdominal cavity with the surrounding atmosphere is practically reduced to zero);
  • no risk of rejection suture material or the formation of fistulas (the skin is not sutured, but sealed);
  • the possibility of visual control of the progress of the operation and the elimination of even minor internal bleeding;
  • the ability to simultaneously assess the state of internal organs and detect their diseases;
  • very short period rehabilitation (within a few hours after the sterilization of the operation, the animal can lead a normal life).

Good to know. Animals that have undergone radical sterilization are more good health, since cats are not at risk of developing polycystic ovaries, inflammation of the uterus or tumors of the mammary glands, and neutered cats are much less likely to develop diseases urinary system. Spayed animals live longer than their non-bare cousins, and the notion that they inevitably become fat and lazy is a mistake. Your pet will not gain excess weight, if he create conditions for movement and reasonably feed.

Preparing your cat for laparoscopy

Holding any planned operation requires some preparation. Steps to take before a cat is spayed by laparoscopy include:

  • deworming;
  • treatment for fleas, ticks and lice;
  • cutting of claws (so that the animal does not injure itself in the postoperative period);
  • routine vaccination at least 3 weeks before surgery.

12 hours before the start of laparoscopy, the cat is not fed, it should not be watered for 2-3 hours before sterilization.

Operation description

Laparoscopic sterilization, both partial, when only the ovaries are removed from the cat or the fallopian tubes are ligated, and complete, during which the resection of all reproductive organs is performed, is usually performed under local anesthesia. Anesthesia is performed by conductive or infiltration injection of 0.25-0.5% lidocaine solution. In the first case, the anesthetic blocks the transmission of an impulse to the trunk of a large pelvic nerve, in the second case, it “freezes” all nerve endings in the area of ​​surgical intervention.

The incision area is shaved and disinfected. Then 2-3 small incisions are made on the peritoneum, through which the laparoscope is inserted - surgical instrument with mini camcorder. The image from it is transmitted to the monitor screen, allowing the operation to be carried out under visual control. To create an operative space, the abdominal cavity is filled carbon dioxide, under its action the wall of the peritoneum rises. The removed organs are removed through punctures, which, after the end of the operation, are sealed with medical glue. The whole procedure takes from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the volume of the operation.

Recovery period

Some veterinary clinics offer to leave animals after sterilization by laparoscopy for several hours under medical supervision. Upon arrival home, the cat should be put on the floor, on a soft bedding and covered with something warm. For several hours after surgery, your pet may be lethargic and sleepy. Food and water should not be given to her for half a day.

As a rule, after laparoscopic sterilization, cats recover quickly, within a few days. The first 2-3 days the animals are injected with painkillers, this can be done by a veterinarian or by yourself. Cat care during the rehabilitation period consists in timely feeding (semi-liquid crushed food should prevail in the diet) and rest: for several days, the pet should avoid too active games.

Important! To avoid damaging the healing stitches, do not let your cat lick or scratch them. If necessary, you can put a special blanket on the animal, which does not allow you to reach the wound.

Prices for laparoscopic sterilization

Cost of conventional spaying of cats through an incision in the peritoneum and spaying laparoscopic method, differ slightly. So, in the regions of Russia, the price of such an operation is 2500-4000 rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 3200 to 5000 rubles. The amount usually includes the cost of consumables, and in some veterinary clinics- and keeping the animal in the hospital for several hours under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Laparoscopic sterilization of cats is the newest and most advanced type of surgical intervention in veterinary medicine. The operation is performed through very small openings in the abdominal cavity and practically does not injure the animal. This procedure requires special expensive equipment, which significantly affects the cost of the service.

Sterilization and its types

Neutering is called intervention in the body of a cat in order to deprive her of the opportunity to have offspring. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the health of the animal, increases life expectancy, and also relieves the owners of many problems and inconveniences associated with sex life pet.

Modern veterinary medicine carries out several types of sterilization:

  1. Ovariectomy. surgical procedure for removal of the ovaries. It is made through a three-centimeter incision in the abdominal cavity. After the procedure, the individual ceases to produce sex hormones. It is used for young nulliparous animals.
  2. Ovariohysterectomy Suitable for giving birth cats older than 1 year. The operation consists in removing the uterus along with the ovaries. This intervention is also called castration.
  3. Tubal ligation prevents pregnancy, but does not affect the production of hormones. During estrus, the pet will behave restlessly, and even mark the territory.
  4. Hysterectomy is to remove the uterus. The ovaries remain and continue to produce their hormones, which affects the cat's sexual behavior. In general, the effect of this operation is the same as tubal ligation.
  5. Cat laparoscopy- sterilization using a special endoscopic instrument, which is inserted through a small (no more than 1 cm) puncture on the side of the animal.

How and what are the risks of the operation "Soft paws" in cats

When starting a pussy at home, you need to think in advance that it will bring offspring. For those who are not going to breed kittens, it is better to immediately resolve the issue of sterilization - this will save the owners and the animal from unnecessary problems and suffering.

Castration of a cat by laparoscopic method is carried out under general anesthesia and last no more than 45 minutes. This type of intervention is considered humane and least traumatic.

Procedure steps:

  1. Laparoscopy. First, the animal is examined and selected optimal location for a puncture. After that, the pneumoperitoneum is applied and a puncture is made using a stylet. A tube with a video camera is inserted into the abdominal cavity, which transmits the image to the monitor. Internal organs are carefully examined.
  2. Surgery. A second puncture is made to introduce instruments. With the help of a special clamp, the ovarian ligament is captured and cut off with the help of current. Both ovaries and all cut-off tissues are removed one by one. On the final stage excess gas is evacuated from the abdominal cavity and an adhesive bandage is applied.

Getting out of anesthesia is quite long time. rehabilitation period short due to low traumatism and lack of seams.

The operation is carried out by specialists high level on modern equipment, which reduces the risk postoperative complications to a minimum. The price of laparoscopic cat sterilization ranges from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Pros cons and contraindications

When choosing a sterilization method for domestic cat need to carefully consider the advantages, disadvantages and possible risk this procedure. Choose a clinic with a good reputation and consult with a veterinarian.