Prayers for the beauty of St. Irene. Orthodox faith - life of Great Martyr Irina

On May 18 we celebrate the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Irene of Macedonia. How did it happen that young Slavic girl became not only a follower of Christ, but also the patroness of missionaries?

Penelope, that was the girl's name, was born in the first century after the Nativity of Christ. The disciples and apostles of the Son of God were still alive then.

She lived and was raised in a country palace. Far from the entertainment of city life, under the guidance of the venerable mentor and elder Apelian.

Irina's father, a pagan, did not know that her teacher professed the Christian faith. And Penelope, not being a Christian, under the influence of Apelian grew in all the virtues characteristic of true Christians. Thus, the soil of her soul was completely prepared for the reception of good enlightenment. The time has come, and the light of Christ shone in her soul, brought up under Christian influence.

The external reason for the girl’s enlightenment was a miraculous event that happened according to God’s dispensation.

One day, a dove flew into the room where Penelope and her mentor were and dropped an olive branch on the table. Following this, an eagle flew in, from whose beak a wreath of flowers fell in front of Penelope.

Suddenly a raven flew into another window and released a snake from its beak onto the floor.

Struck by the unusual phenomenon, Penelope and her mentor, when teacher Apelian came to them, told about what had happened.

The elder, after some reflection, said, turning to Penelope:

- The dove means your meekness and purity. The Maslenitsa branch expresses the grace of God, which will be communicated to you through Holy Baptism.

The royal bird - the eagle - means that you will reign over your passions and will rise above all earthly things with your desire for God. A crown of flowers means the reward with which the Lord will crown your deeds.

A raven with a snake represents an evil force. An enemy who will try to turn you away from good, hurting and tempting you with sorrows and persecution. But take heart! Know that the Lord will strengthen you, and you will stand unshakable in sorrows for Christ, the King of Heaven.

What should I have thought and felt at all? young girl after these words?

-Who is this Christ, the King of Heaven? - Penelope, who was born in paganism, began to question the elder with curiosity. And as Apelian told her for the first time about Christ, the girl’s heart was inflamed with love for the Savior of the human race. And she insatiably wanted to learn more and more about Him.

At the same time he preached Holy Gospel in that area - Illyricum, Apostle Timothy, disciple of the holy Apostle Paul.

He administered Baptism to a girl who miraculously knew Christ. He gave her the name Irina, which means Peace. Instructed in Christian teaching. He predicted her suffering for the name of Christ and inspired her to stand firmly on the path of salvation on which the Lord had raised her.

Having accepted the holy truth from the Apostle, Irina became a faithful follower of Divine teaching. She spread it in Serbia and other places. She converted not only her parents, but also many thousands of pagan people to Christ.

What was so powerful about her sermon? Courage during the suffering to which the persecutors of the faith of Christ repeatedly subjected her, and which were accompanied by numerous signs and wonders. The sermon with which she went around many Thracian cities, teaching the inhabitants the truths of the Gospel and, by the power of God, performing many miracles.

When she was in the city of Ephesus, she felt death approaching. Her mentor Apelian was also there. Saint Irina, taking him and several other pious men with her, left with them out of the city. There she entered one cave, asking her companions to block the entrance with a stone after her death. In that cave, Irina gave up her soul to God. This was during the reign of the emperors Domitian or Trajan (81-117)

Irina was called first in the host of great martyrs.

In Byzantium, and then in Russia, many girls were given the name Irina. In the Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in the Donskoy Monastery, in the Epiphany Cathedral and in many other churches there are large icons of the Great Martyr Irina.

The Church of the Great Martyr Irina is located not far from the Yelokhovsky Cathedral. There is now the Patriarchal Metochion, a representative office of the Belarusian Exarchate.

The life of the Holy Great Martyr Irene teaches us that Christian parents must choose a pious mentor for their children. Only thanks to the pious teacher, Elder Apelian, was Irina’s soul perfectly prepared to accept the faith of Christ.

How little do some parents care these days about finding truly godly mentors for their children! Most parents don't think at all about who they entrust their children to. They allow them to be taught godlessness and wickedness.

They fully deserve to listen to those reproaches with which St. John Chrysostom once reproached his contemporaries.

“Nowadays,” he said then, they care more about horses (and now, we see, about cars) than about children. Because when choosing a charioteer (driver), they carefully look: is he stupid, is he a drunkard, is he a thief?

And when their children need a leader, they accept whoever comes along. And they do not at all notice whether there is a godless view in him. Will he not infect the young soul with spiritual drunkenness? Will the vows given to God at Holy Baptism and the right to eternal bliss be stolen from children?

No matter how pious the parents themselves are, and no matter how hard they try to sanctify the hearts of their children in their infancy; but if they are then handed over to the leadership of a wicked teacher, temptation and destruction are inevitable.

The Holy Great Martyr Irene lived in the 1st century and before her baptism she bore the name Penelope. She was the daughter of the pagan Licinius, ruler of the city of Mygdonia (Macedonia, or Thrace). Licinius built a separate luxurious palace for his daughter, where she lived with her teacher Caria, surrounded by peers and servants. Every day a mentor named Apelian came to Penelope, who taught her the sciences. Apelian was a Christian; during the teaching, he spoke to the girl about Christ the Savior and instructed her in Christian teaching and Christian virtues. When Penelope grew up, her parents began to think about her marriage. During this period of her life, the Lord enlightened her in a miraculous way: three birds flew into her window one after another - a dove with an olive branch, an eagle with a wreath, and a raven with a snake. Penelope's teacher Apelian explained to her the meaning of this sign: the dove, signifying the virgin's virtues - humility, meekness and chastity - brought an olive branch - the grace of God received in baptism; the eagle - a sign of the height of spirit achieved through God-thinking - brought a wreath for victory over an invisible enemy as a reward from the Lord. The raven brought the snake as a sign that the devil would take up arms against her and would cause sorrow, sorrow and persecution. At the end of the conversation, Apelian said that the Lord wanted to betroth her to Himself and that Penelope would endure many sufferings for her Heavenly Bridegroom. After this, Penelope renounced marriage, received baptism at the hand of the Apostle Timothy, a disciple of the holy Apostle Paul, and was named Irene. She began to convince her parents to accept the Christian faith. The mother rejoiced at her daughter’s conversion to Christ; At first, the father did not interfere with his daughter, but then began to demand that she worship pagan deities. When Saint Irene firmly and resolutely refused, the angry Licinius ordered his daughter to be tied up and thrown under the hooves of fierce horses. But the horses remained motionless, only one of them broke away from the leash, rushed at Licinius, grabbed him by the right hand, tore it from his shoulder, and knocked down Licinius himself and began to trample him. Then the holy virgin was untied, and at her prayer, Licinius stood up unharmed in the presence of eyewitnesses, with a healthy arm. Seeing such a miracle, Licinius with his wife and a multitude of people, numbering about 3,000 people, believed in Christ and renounced the pagan gods. Leaving control of the city, Licinius settled in the palace of his daughter, intending to devote himself to serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Saint Irina began to preach the teachings of Christ among the pagans and turned them to the path of salvation. She lived in the house of her teacher Apelian. Upon learning of this, Zedekiah, the new ruler of the city, called Apelian and asked about Irene's lifestyle. Apelian answered that Irina, like other Christians, lives in strict abstinence, in unceasing prayer and reading Divine books. Zedekiah called the saint to him and began to convince her to stop preaching about Christ and make a sacrifice to the gods. Saint Irene fearlessly confessed her faith before the ruler, not being afraid of his threats and preparing to endure suffering for Christ with dignity. By order of Zedekiah, she was thrown into a ditch filled with snakes and vermin. The saint remained in the ditch for 10 days and remained unharmed, for the Angel of the Lord preserved her and brought her food. Zedekiah attributed this miracle to magic and betrayed the saint to terrible torture: ordered to saw it with an iron saw. But the saws broke one after another and did not harm the body of the holy virgin. Finally, the fourth saw stained the body of the martyr with blood. Zedekiah laughingly said to the martyr: “Where is your God? If He has power, let Him help you.” Suddenly a whirlwind arose, dazzling lightning flashed, striking many of the tormentors, thunder rang out, and heavy rain poured down. Seeing such a sign from Heaven, many believed in Christ the Savior. Zedekiah did not understand the obvious manifestation of the power of God and betrayed the saint to new tortures, but the Lord preserved her unharmed. Finally, the people became indignant, looking at the suffering of the innocent maiden, rebelled against Sedela and expelled him from the city. The rulers who replaced Zedekiah also subjected Saint Irene to various cruel torments, during which, by the power of God, she continued to remain unharmed, and the people, under the influence of her preaching and the miracles performed, continued to more turned to Christ, leaving the worship of soulless idols. In total, over 10,000 pagans were converted by Saint Irene. From my hometown The saint of Mygdonia moved to the city of Kallipolis and there continued to preach about Christ. The ruler of the city named Vavadon subjected the martyr to new executions, but, seeing that the saint remained unharmed, he came to his senses and believed in Christ. Believed with him big number pagans who accepted everything holy baptism from the Apostle Timothy. After this, Saint Irene visited other cities of Thrace - Constantine, Mesemvria, preaching about Christ, working miracles, healing the sick and enduring suffering for Christ. In the city of Ephesus, the Lord revealed to her that the time of her death was approaching. Then Saint Irene, accompanied by her teacher Elder Apelian and other Christians, retired outside the city to a mountain cave and, making the sign of the cross, entered it, instructing her companions to close the entrance to the cave with a large stone, which was done. When on the fourth day after this the Christians visited the cave, they did not find the saint’s body in it. This is how the Holy Great Martyr Irina reposed.

Holy Great Martyr Irene lived in the 1st century and before baptism bore the name Penelope. She was the daughter of the pagan Licinius, ruler of the city of Mygdonia (Macedonia, or Thrace). Licinius built a separate luxurious palace for his daughter, where she lived with her teacher Caria, surrounded by peers and servants. Every day a mentor named Apelian came to Penelope, who taught her the sciences. Apelian was a Christian; During the teaching, he spoke to the girl about Christ the Savior and instructed her in Christian teaching and Christian virtues. When Penelope grew up, her parents began to think about her marriage. During this period of her life, the Lord enlightened her in a miraculous way: three birds flew into her window one after another - a dove with an olive branch, an eagle with a wreath, and a raven with a snake. Penelope's teacher Apelian explained to her the meaning of this sign: the dove, signifying the virgin's virtues - humility, meekness and chastity - brought an olive branch - the grace of God received in baptism; the eagle - a sign of the height of spirit achieved through God-thinking - brought a wreath for victory over an invisible enemy as a reward from the Lord. The raven brought the snake as a sign that the devil would take up arms against her and would cause sorrow, sorrow and persecution. At the end of the conversation, Apelian said that the Lord wanted to betroth her to Himself and that Penelope would endure many sufferings for her Heavenly Bridegroom. After this, Penelope renounced marriage, received baptism at the hands of a disciple of the holy Apostle Paul, and was named Irina. She began to convince her parents to accept the Christian faith. The mother rejoiced at her daughter’s conversion to Christ; At first, the father did not interfere with his daughter, but then began to demand that she worship pagan deities. When Saint Irene firmly and resolutely refused, the angry Licinius ordered his daughter to be tied up and thrown under the hooves of fierce horses. But the horses remained motionless, only one of them broke away from the leash, rushed at Licinius, grabbed his right arm, tore it out of his shoulder, and knocked down Licinius himself and began to trample him. Then the holy virgin was untied, and at her prayer, Licinius stood up unharmed in the presence of eyewitnesses, with a healthy arm. Seeing such a miracle, Licinius with his wife and a multitude of people, numbering about 3,000 people, believed in Christ and renounced the pagan gods. Leaving control of the city, Licinius settled in the palace of his daughter, intending to devote himself to serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Saint Irina began to preach the teachings of Christ among the pagans and turned them to the path of salvation. She lived in the house of her teacher Apelian. Upon learning of this, Zedekiah, the new ruler of the city, called Apelian and asked about Irene's lifestyle. Apelian replied that Irina, like other Christians, lives in strict abstinence, in unceasing prayer and reading Divine books. Zedekiah called the saint to him and began to convince her to stop preaching about Christ and make a sacrifice to the gods. Saint Irene fearlessly confessed her faith before the ruler, not being afraid of his threats and preparing to worthily endure suffering for Christ. By order of Zedekiah, she was thrown into a ditch filled with snakes and vermin. The saint remained in the ditch for 10 days and remained unharmed, for the Angel of the Lord preserved her and brought her food. Zedekiah attributed this miracle to magic and handed over the saint to terrible torture: he ordered her to be sawed off with an iron saw. But the saws broke one after another and did not harm the body of the holy virgin. Finally, the fourth saw stained the body of the martyr with blood. Zedekiah laughingly said to the martyr: “Where is your God? If He has power, let Him help you.” Suddenly a whirlwind arose, dazzling lightning flashed, striking many of the tormentors, thunder rang out, and heavy rain poured down. Seeing such a sign from Heaven, many believed in Christ the Savior. Zedekiah did not understand the obvious manifestation of the power of God and betrayed the saint to new tortures, but the Lord preserved her unharmed. Finally, the people became indignant, looking at the suffering of the innocent virgin, rebelled against Zedekiah and expelled him from the city. The rulers who replaced Zedekiah also subjected Saint Irene to various cruel torments, during which by the power of God she continued to remain unharmed, and the people, under the influence of her preaching and the miracles performed, turned to Christ in increasing numbers, abandoning the worship of soulless idols. In total, over 10,000 pagans were converted by Saint Irene. From her hometown of Mygdonia, the saint moved to the city of Kallipolis and there she continued to preach about Christ. The ruler of the city named Vavadon subjected the martyr to new executions, but, seeing that the saint remained unharmed, he came to his senses and believed in Christ. Together with him, a large number of pagans believed, who all accepted holy baptism from the Apostle Timothy. After this, Saint Irene visited other cities of Thrace - Constantine, Mesemvria, preaching about Christ, working miracles, healing the sick and enduring suffering for Christ. In the city of Ephesus, the Lord revealed to her that the time of her death was approaching. Then Saint Irene, accompanied by her teacher Elder Apelian and other Christians, retired outside the city to a mountain cave and, making the sign of the cross, entered it, instructing her companions to close the entrance to the cave with a large stone, which was done. When on the fourth day after this the Christians visited the cave, they did not find the saint’s body in it. This is how the Holy Great Martyr Irina reposed.

Saint Irene, a family of Slavic origins, lived in the second century of the 1st century and was until the age of Li-ki-niya, the ruler -te-la city of Ma-ged-do-na in Ma-ke-do-nii. Even in her youth, Irina understood the essence of paganism and faith in Christ. According to the pre-yes, she was baptized by the apostle Ti-mo-fey, a disciple of the apostle Paul. Desiring to dedicate her life to God, Saint Irina gave up marriage.

Knowing the ever-deeper Christian faith, Saint Iri began to convince and ro-di-te-lei to become Christians . Li-ki-niy, Irina’s father, was so inclined to listen to her words, then he didn’t complain about her, and -when she seemed to bow to the idols, he threw her under the feet of wild horses. Without touching the mu-che-ni-tsy, lo-sha-di rushed at Li-ki-niy and beat him to death. When, through the prayer of the saint, he was brought back to life, he and his entire family believed in Christ, and with him faith -va-lo 3,000 people.

After this, Saint Iri-na boldly proclaimed Christ among the inhabitants of Ma-ke-do-nii, for which many once again I was subjected to the same situation and suffering. According to the right of Se-de-kiya, Saint Iri-well was thrown into a ditch with snakes, then she became disgraced - pour the saw, then tie it to the stranded co-le-su. Irina's mu-che-niya co-led the miracles of knowing me, attracting many to the faith in Christ. So, the snakes didn’t bother the mu-che-tsy, they didn’t harm her body, and don’t trust the mill -elk. The mu-chi-tel Va-vo-don himself believed in Christ and was baptized. In total, Irina gathered more than 10,000 pagans. When the Lord showed Irina the day of her death, she retreated to a mountain cave near the city of Ephesus, the entrance to -the swarm, at her request, was surrounded by stones. On the fourth day, her acquaintances returned to the cave and, opening it, did not find the body of Saint Irene in it. Everyone knows that she was taken by the Lord to Heaven.

The memory of Saint Irene was highly revered in ancient Byzantium. In Tsar-Grad, in memory of St. Irene, there were several great stucco temples.

The Complete Life of the Great Martyr Irene of Macedonia

The holy ve-to-mu-che-ni-tsa Iri-na lived in the 1st century and before the Baptism she had the name Pe-ne-lo-pa. She was the daughter of Li-ki-niya, the ruler of the region of Mi-gdo-niya Ma-ke-do-niya. Li-ki-niy built for the do-che-ri a separate luxurious palace, where she lived with her vo-pi-ta-tel-no-cey Ka-ri-ey, surrounded by sur-ni-tsa-mi and servants. Every day a mentor named Ape-li-an came to Pe-ne-lo-pe, who taught her the language. Ape-li-an was chri-sti-a-ni-nom; during the teaching, he spoke to the girl about Christ the Savior and inculcated her in the Christian teaching and -sti-an-skim do-ro-de-te-lyam. When Pe-ne-lo-pa grew up, her mother began to think about her marriage. During this period of her life, the Lord immediately showed mercy to her in a miraculous way: to her at the window one after the other three birds - a dove with an olive branch, an eagle with a wreath and a raven with a snake. Teacher Pe-ne-lo-pa Ape-li-an explained to her the meaning of this sign: a dove, signifying goodness. those girls - humility, meekness and whole-wiseness, brought a mas-personal branch - the blessing of God, I cha-e-mu in Baptism; eagle - knowing you are the spirit, reaching through God's thoughts, - brought a wreath for victory over the invisible di-my enemy as on-gra-du from the State; The raven brought the snake as a sign that the devil would attack her and would cause sorrow, sorrow and persecution. In the end, be-se-dy Ape-li-an said that the Lord wants to give her to Himself and that Pe-ne-lo-pa is pre-ter-pit many sufferings for his Heavenly Woman. After this, Pe-ne-lo-pa gave up marriage, received Baptism from the hand of Apo-sto-la Ti- mo-fairy, teacher of the holy apostle Paul, and was on Irina. She began to convince her family to accept the Christian faith. The mother was rejoiced at the daughter’s conversion to Christ; the father at first did not interfere with her, but then began to demand from her that she not worship pagan deities. When Saint Iri-na firmly and decidedly refused, the angry Li-ki-niy ordered his daughter to be tied up and throw under the ko-py-ta svi-re-puffing k-her. But they remained motionless, only one of them broke away from the tie, rushed at Li-kiniy, grabbed the tooth- grabbed him by the right hand, tore it out of his shoulder, and knocked down Li-ki-niy himself and began to stomp. That's when the holy girl once left, and according to her prayer, Li-ki-niy, in the presence of eye-witnesses, stood up unharmed and healthy -ro-howl hand. Seeing such a miracle, Li-ki-niy with his wife and many people, numbering about 3,000 people, was convinced in Christ and renounced the pagan gods.

Having left the management of the region, Li-ki-niy sat down in the palace of his home, on-me-re-va-ya dedicate yourself to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. Saint Irene began to teach the teachings of Christ among the pagans and turned them onto the path of salvation. se-niya. She lived in the house of her teacher Ape-li-a-na. Having learned about this, Se-de-kiya, the new governor of the region, called Ape-li-a-na and asked about Irina’s life. . Ape-li-an said that Irina, like other Christians, lives in strict abstinence, in a constant state of literature and reading divine books. Se-de-kiya called the saint to him and began to convince her to stop preaching about Christ and make a sacrifice to the gods. Saint Irene was in awe, but she gave her faith before her lord, not being afraid of his threats and going... standing up to endure suffering for Christ. According to Se-de-kiya's order, she was thrown into a ditch full of snakes and ga-da-mi. The saint remained in the ditch for ten days and remained unharmed, for the Angel of God preserved her from day to day and gave her food. Se-de-kiya attributed this miracle to magic and gave the saint over to terrible torture: he ordered her to be re-piped with iron. noy p-loy. But they drank one after the other and did no harm to the holy maiden’s body. Finally, the fourth pi-la obag-ri-la te-lo mu-che-ni-tsy blood. Se-de-kiya laughingly said to mu-che-ni-tse: “Where is your God? If He has power, may He help you.” Suddenly, a whirlwind arose, a flash of donkey-like lightning, which created many mu-chi-te-leys, scattered There was thunder and heavy rain poured down. Seeing such a sign from heaven, many believed in Christ the Savior. Se-de-kiya was not at all pleased with the obvious manifestation of the power of God and handed over the saint to new tortures, but the State let me keep her safe. Finally, the people became agitated, looking at the suffering of the innocent maiden, rebelled against Se-de-kiya and drove him out. Those who replaced Se-de-kiya's great-vi-te-e also subjected Saint Irene to various same torments during -then by the power of God she continued to remain unharmed, and the people were under the influence of her pro-ve- After all the miracles that happened, more and more people turned to Christ, abandoning the worship of idols. In total, Saint Irene gathered over 10,000 pagans. From her hometown Mi-gdo-nii the saint moved to the city of Kal-li-pol and there she continued -know about Christ. The governor of the city named Va-va-don subjected much-che-ni-tsu to new executions, but, seeing that the saint remained- I am ignorant, sweethearted and confident in Christ. Together with him, a large number of pagans believed, all of whom accepted Holy Baptism from the Apostle Ti -mo-fairy.

After this, Saint Iri-na po-se-ti-la and other cities - Kon-stan-ti-nu, Me-sem-vriu - with pro-po-ve- I think about Christ, do miracles, heal the sick and endure suffering for Christ. In the city of Ephesus, the Lord revealed to her that the time of her death was approaching. Then Saint Irene, in co-pro-leadership, taught the elder Ape-li-a-na and other Christians to succeed she ran out of town to a mountain cave and, making the sign of the cross, entered it, pointing to her path -to close the entrance to the cave with a large stone, which was not used. When, on the fourth day after this, Christ-sti-ana s-s-s-che-ru, then the body of the saint was not found in her. This is how holy Irina behaved.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to the Great Martyr Irene of Macedonia

Your lamb, Jesus, Irina,/ calls with a great voice:/ I love You, my Bridegroom,/ and, seeking You, I suffer,/ and I crucify myself, and I bury myself in Your Baptism,/ and I suffer for You. for my sake/ so that I may reign in You, and I die for You, / yes, and I live with You, / but as a blameless sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love. / By your prayers, / / ​​For You are merciful, save our souls.

Translation: Yours, Jesus, Irina, calls out with a loud voice: “I love You, my Bridegroom, and in search of You I endure suffering, and I am crucified with You, and I am buried in Your Baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, in order to reign with You, and I die for You, to live with You, but, as immaculate, accept me with love, having sacrificed myself to You.” Through her prayers, as the Merciful One, save our souls.

Kontakion to the Great Martyr Irene of Macedonia

Virginity is replete with kindnesses, maiden,/ you were the most red of suffering, Irino,/ you were stained with your flowing blood,/ the beauty that overthrew atheism.// For this sake, you received honor over by the hand of your Creator.

Translation: Adorned with perfection, O maiden, in martyrdom you were stained with your bleeding blood, Irina, who overthrew atheism. That is why you accepted the honors of victory from the hands of your Creator.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Irene of Macedonia

Oh, long-suffering and glorious Irino, the all-praised bride of Christ, the saint of God! You stand at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity and enjoy indescribable bliss. Look mercifully upon us, who bring you this song of praise, ask us for mercy, remission of sins from the Most Good Lord, for we know, truly we know, for all that you desire, ask You can be with Him. Moreover, we humbly fall to you and ask: propitiate the Lord of Heaven and earth, may He give us the spirit of your zeal for keeping His holy commandments, so that we may have an earthly career in the virtuous lead a life, inherit the villages of paradise and there with you and all the saints glorify the Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Irene

Kontakion 1

Chosen by God from an idolatrous race for the enlightenment of tongues, God-wise and most glorious bride of Christ Irina, let us sing a song of thanksgiving and praise to your prayer books, holy and long-suffering Great Martyr Irino. But you, who have boldness towards the Lord, free us from all troubles and sorrows, and let us call to you: Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Ikos 1

You have preserved your angelic honest and all-loving purity, the holy martyr Irino, immaculately, with the Angels you have been vouchsafed to sing the thrice-holy hymn to God in heaven, hear us singing faithfully to you on earth: Rejoice, O maiden, ordained by God the Father to be conformed in suffering to the image of His Son; Rejoice, called by the Son of God from darkness into the blessed light. Rejoice, for having received the Holy Spirit in adolescence, you rejected idolatry; Rejoice, you did not desire an earthly betrothed more than the heavenly nobility. Rejoice, you who made your garments white in the blood of Lambs on earth; Rejoice, in the Heavenly Chertosis you reign in Heaven with Christ; Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 2

Seeing, the holy martyr Irene was placed on a majestic pillar by the Father, thinking to herself, thinking about the Providence of God, about the creative creation of heaven and earth and soulless idols, in her mind ascending from darkness to light, from idolatry to the true God, to Him faithfully they sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You were the receptacle of God's Wisdom, an immaculate maiden, from youth out of love for the world and rejected everything in the world. You loved Christ the Bridegroom with all your soul, and you served Him equally to the apostles, preaching to them the True God among the infidels. For this reason, marveling at your reason, we say: Rejoice, all-wise Virgin of the Gospel, filled with the right faith and good deeds; Rejoice, more intelligent than the wise men of this world. Rejoice, blessed lips of the apostles for preaching the faith; Rejoice, decoration of Christian virgins. Rejoice, you who drive away demons with the weapon of the Cross of Christ; Rejoice, prayer book faithful to the Lord for our salvation. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 3

The power of God was given to you, holy Great Martyr Irino, in holy Baptism, when Presbyter Timothy, having enlightened you, gave you the message of the holy apostles, thereby calling you to great apostolic service. But you, filled with the Spirit of Wisdom, before the face of the king, your father Licinius, you fearlessly crushed all the golden idols and, as the servant of the Lord, you confessed the one Orthodox faith in God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, calling to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having, Saint Irino, the wisdom and power given to you from above, you were often urged by Licinius, your father, to worship an idol, calling you Penelopeia, but you told him: “Do not pervert my name, I am Irina, called an Angel in a vision, and so named in Holy Baptism. I do not worship the demons whom you worship, but I worship the One God, my Creator, and I love my Bridegroom.” For such boldness, accept this praise from us: Rejoice, pillar of faith, confirmation of Christian life; Rejoice, child, enlightened by God in holy Baptism. Rejoice, O eagle of the Heavenly King, bestowed by God for the enlightenment of languages; Rejoice, in the land of Your Father's reign of idolatry, the exterminator. Rejoice, for your long-suffering feat was foreshadowed by a dove, a kokosh and a corvid, bringing you an olive tree, a crown and a serpent; Rejoice, as the teacher Apelian predicted to you: the olive is your good character, the crown is the crown of glory, and the serpent is your enemy, says suffering. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 4

The enemy of the soul of salvation raised storms of grave temptations against you, when your father ordered you to be executed, damaging the fierce horses for mockery and destruction. But when you prayed, the fiercest horse, giving up, tore off Licinius’s hand and trampled him. With a human voice I called you a glorious martyr. You were unharmed and raised your father in the name of Christ the Son of God. He and the multitude of people believed and praised God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing from you, the evil king Zedekiah, wise words about the faith of Christ, he burst into anger at you; Moreover, she always told him: “I will not sit with the vain multitude and I will not go in with lawbreakers; I am ready for all kinds of torture and will not spare my flesh for Christ my Lord.” And throw you into the depths of the ditch, where the reptiles are poisonous. And there you remained for ten days unharmed with the Angel who guarded you. Seeing all this miracles you have worked, you cry out: Rejoice, young passion-bearer, who suffered much for her courageous confession of faith; Rejoice, meek lamb, vain flattery of idols, accuser. Rejoice, for the evil enemy has been put to shame by you, seeing himself defeated; Rejoice, for all the heavenly powers rejoice in you, seeing you conquer the fierce tormentors. Rejoice, through your exploits you brought many blasphemous rulers to God; Rejoice, long-suffering daughter of the unmerciful King Licinius. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 5

You, the Great Martyr Irino, were like a God-bright star, leading many tribes and languages ​​to salvation. You enlightened three idolatrous countries with dioceses and minions. You endured severe suffering from the tormentors Zedekiah and Shebaha, you were sawed through with an iron saw three times and crushed on a mill wheel. O great martyr! The elements of heaven, thunder and lightning, could not bear your suffering and struck down the wicked. The people believed, glorifying God with trembling and singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

King Sheba saw that the power of God, working miracles in you, overcomes and puts to shame his insane commands, having enlisted one hundred thousand soldiers against Mageddon, the city where you prayed to the Lord about defeating those who were coming with blindness, and after they were blinded, you again begged the Almighty to grant them sight. We are filled with this joy, we say to you: Rejoice, Saint Irino, for through you the light of Christ has risen in pagan countries; Rejoice, wondrous admonition for godless kings and warriors. Rejoice, glorious defense of the city of Mageddon; Rejoice, confession of the Orthodox faith and the radiance of the Gospel. Rejoice, faithful guardian of the law of God; Rejoice, long-suffering Bride of God, who was burned many times by the cruel Zedekiah. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 6

You were jealous of the preacher of the God-bearing apostle, before the tormentors you fearlessly preached Christ God, for whose sake you suffered a grievous wound, bonds and prison; You were burned at the stake in the copper caves, but the Angel of the Lord preserved you for the glory of God, and we cry out to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of God's understanding, the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, has shone in your hearts. He, like your beloved Bridegroom, strengthened you as a suffering participant in His suffering, when they drove sharp nails into your heels and bridled you like a donkey, forcibly leading you through five races, but in your terrible suffering, praying to God, you enlightened thousands of people, and the open earth opened up the lawless tormentors. swallowed up, we cry out to you: Rejoice, Irino, servant of the Lord and our prayer book; Rejoice, meek dove, who bore ulcers for the Lord’s sake. Rejoice, healed by an angel from wounds bleeding from cloves; Rejoice, for the Lord has given you the strength and wisdom to overcome those who oppose the truth. Rejoice, for through you those who repent are healed from many wounds and illnesses; Rejoice, for through your prayer demons are driven away and lepers are cleansed. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 7

The insane tormentor, Saint Irino, wanted to bend you to idolatry, exhorting you to devour the sacrifice with an idol, but you, protecting yourself with the Cross, exclaimed: “I offer sacrifice to the Most High God, Who possesses the life and death of all people. Come to your senses, O king, you who have been deceived by Satan!” The enraged tormentor, gnashing his teeth, ordered to burn you three times in the copper caves, but the Angel of the Lord, having cooled the flame, preserved you harmlessly for the glory of those glorifying God with the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The evil Vavadon showed a new rage of inhumanity, when he commanded you, holy martyr Irino, to be tied with iron chains to a red-hot glass, to pour oil and resin on you. But you, God’s sufferer, were in a burning flame, with the Angel who separated you from the Reshota and cooled you, glorified God. Amazed by such a miracle, the tormentor fell at your feet, asking for forgiveness and holy prayers for the entire country that had turned to the Lord. We appeal to you with love: Rejoice, long-suffering martyr, for Christ's Church suffered a lot; Rejoice, holy maiden, burning for Christ’s sake in the caves and at the stake. Rejoice, for the salvation of people on the hot fire! Rejoice, great passion-bearer, grievously tormented for Christ's sake. Rejoice, for through your suffering you led many people to the recognition of the true God; Rejoice, conqueror of the Church's enemies and quick helper in our troubles. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 8

Having seen the strange and terrible sufferings of the holy martyr, I was truly amazed at how the young girl, existing in a young body, courageously endures torment for Christ, and we, too, filled with tenderness, gratefully cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the sweetest Jesus was sweetness to you, martyr Irino, but you endured bitter torment and severe torture for Christ and the salvation of people from seven tormentations, and like a lamb from the wicked Savaria you were beheaded with a sword and buried, and after that you rose from the dead with a branch of paradise in her hands, and in Mesemvria she appeared to the king to admonish and shame the blasphemers. With fear, the murdering king fell at your feet, crying out: “Great is the Christian God.” Enlighten us too, Saint Irino, and let us call to you: Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Irino, enlightener of pagan countries; Rejoice, full of the grace of God. Rejoice, God-beloved gusset, called out from among the inhabitants of heaven to save the blasphemous and outcast; Rejoice, glorious martyr, who enlightened many who were against God. Rejoice, for by the power of God you have abolished the demonstration of deceit; Rejoice, blessed passion-bearer, who received a branch of paradise from Christ. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 9

All the heavenly powers rejoiced, praising God, who gave you such courage and unshakable firmness to defeat the soul-destroying asps in the battle. For you, strengthened by the power of God, enlightening the tongues of thousands, rejoiced, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vet's multiplying rhetorical tongues will not be able to utter your painful sufferings and martyrdoms, which you endured for Christ. Who can exhaust your countless sufferings, which tremble us as we sing to you: Rejoice, miraculous spectacle of Angel and man; Rejoice, for with your patience you surprised the tormentors. Rejoice, you shed your blood for Christ your Bridegroom; Rejoice, praise to the disciples and joy to the faithful. Rejoice, fruitful vine of the garden of Jesus; Rejoice, fruitful branch of the vine of Christ. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 10

Having desired to save souls perishing in the darkness of idolatry, the God-loving martyr Irino, zealous for the Lord, like Elijah, by the power of God you crushed idols, drove away demons, denounced and put to shame the tormentors. She constantly sang the victory song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a strong and unshakable wall in the confession of the Orthodox faith; You did not spare your sweet blooming youth, you despised all the royal property of your father. She desired, through martyrdom, to be married to Christ and to be with Him in the angelic state. We, remembering your exploits and sufferings, please you: Rejoice, you who ended your martyr’s path well; Rejoice, having served the Lord with your life equal to the apostles. Rejoice, girded with power from above to fight against the enemy; Rejoice, strong intercession of faithful Christians. Rejoice, helpless intercessor, patroness of orphans; Rejoice, joy to the martyrs, glory to the virgins. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 11

Our minds are perplexed by our singing of praise for the heritage of chanting, holy martyr Irino, for you imitated the crucified Lamb - Christ. You laid down your soul for your friends, for there is no one to have greater love than this. Both of us, thank all beings, sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

You appear as a luminous lamp of the true light to those on earth, God’s chosen maiden, enlightening the hearts of the faithful, healing the sick and lepers who come to you with love, giving health to the weakened and born blind, thanking you like this: Rejoice, strong intercessor for the salvation of sinners; Rejoice, intercessor of the offended, combatant of the wicked. Rejoice, vessel of heavenly blessings; Rejoice, golden censer, bringing incense to God in prayer for us. Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of God's gifts; Rejoice, for the Lord has given you His Kingdom. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 12

Grace has been given to you, as an apostle, to broadcast the word of God to the sinful world, to turn away those darkened by idolatry and to help everyone in their earthly labors. O illustrious servant of the Lord, who has labored much for the Christian race, pray for us to the All-Merciful God, our Savior, that He may grant us in this and in the future to glorify God in the Trinity: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing of your glorious deeds, we honor your suffering, we praise your patience, we bless your holy death, we glorify your invincible courage in your weak body, with which you trampled all the wisdom of this world. In memory of your exploits and sufferings, receive from us a song of praise: Rejoice, brought into the heavenly chamber from the virgin faces; Rejoice, escorted from the martyr regiments to the crown of glory with a voice of joy. Rejoice, you who received the most wonderful kiss from the inhabitants of heaven in the Lord; Rejoice, for your reward is eternal joy in the lordship of the saints. Rejoice, for through you we hope to be saved from unexpected death; Rejoice, through your intercession the Kingdom of God has been granted tea. Rejoice, Irino, glorious bride of Christ.

Kontakion 13

O most glorious and all-praiseworthy saint, Great Martyr Irino! Accept from us this little song of praise and do not stop praying for us to the Lord God, that He may deliver us from enemies, visible and invisible, and through your intercession make us worthy of the eternal Kingdom, where, together with you and all the saints, we may sing to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to the Great Martyr Irina

O long-suffering and glorious Irino, the all-praised bride of Christ, the saint of God! You stand at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity and enjoy indescribable bliss. Look mercifully upon us, who bring you this song of praise, ask us for mercy, remission of sins from the Most Blessed Lord, for we know, truly we know, for all that you desire, you can ask Him. Therefore, we humbly fall to you and ask: propitiate the Lord of heaven and earth, may He give us the spirit of your zeal for keeping His holy commandments, so that we may be able to lead our earthly career in a virtuous life, inherit the villages of paradise and there with you and all the saints glorify the Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Canon to the Great Martyr Irene

Song 1

Irmos: I will sing to You, O Lord my God, for You brought the people out of the work of Egypt, and You covered the chariots of Pharaoh and the power.

This crown of the passion-bearer, sowing, O Christ, through prayers, grant peace to the world and unfading glory to those who sing Thee.

The dawn of shining virginity, adorned with the kindness of your torment, the great Irino, standing before your Bridegroom.

Pray to the Bridegroom to be merciful to your Churches, O God-Wise Irina, and forgive sins to those who honor you.

Theotokos: The flesh of the former God of the Word and being, like us, Holy Virgin, ineffably gave birth to you, more than words and reason.

Song 3

Irmos: The bow of the mighty is weak, and the weak are girded with strength; for this cause may my heart be strengthened in the Lord.

Having received the peace that poured out feeling and the universe fragrant with grace, I ascended to this desire, glorious.

You had God as an assistant in your struggles, and you were protective, all-wise, and for this reason, having gotten married, you defeated the tormentor.

The pillar of virtues is unyielding, and a home for piety, and a companion for courage, and chastity, all-validated.

Theotokos: Flowing before You, death a hundred, having descended from You, the All-Immaculate One, for this reason we call the firstfruits of You for the sake of immortality.


Peace has greatly come to you, martyr, having been resolved from the flesh through many illnesses: rejoicing, for the Bridegroom in Heaven has welcomed you to grief, I am all-enlightened, and I am overcome by suffering, and I am led into the Divine palace, rejoicing.

Song 4

Irmos: Your appearance on earth, O Christ God, when the prophet preached your coming, he cried out with joy: Glory to Your power, O Lord.

Give you peace, O world-famous one, for the sake of peace, seeing you as a martyr, with a masculine mind, and with strength, fill you with strength.

With strong zeal, having overcome the weakness of women, the most blessed one, firmly exposed you, O martyr, as a servant of flattery.

Having shown divine patience, you have overthrown the tormentors of insolence, calling to your Bridegroom: glory to your power, Lord.

With silent hymns and prayers, you sang songs to the Lord, O God-wise One, and, having ascended to Him, beheld the ineffable glory.

Theotokos: Joyful to You, joyful voices, Most Pure One, for You, for the sake of being saved, we cry: Rejoice, All-Honorable Virgin, Rejoice, All-Singing Mother of God.

Song 5

Irmos: Thy Enlightenment, O Lord, send down upon us, and remove us from the darkness of sins, O Blessed One, grant us Thy peace.

With courage, glorious, with the mind of Christ, you clearly confessed God to everyone, but with a strong word you put to shame the opponent, the passion-bearer.

You desired to follow the passion of Christ and you followed the likeness of warmth, eagerly suffering for the Lady, abundantly rich.

Martyr regiments, glorious one, you brought to Christ with your wisdom and theology, this truly taught the secrets by the word of faith.

Theotokos: Having learned the mystery of Thy conception and Thy ineffable and Divine Nativity, O Virgin, now with all piety we sing hymns to Thee, the All-Singing Mother of God.

Song 6

Irmos: The prophet Jonah cried out, prefiguring the three-day burial, praying in the whale: deliver me from aphids, O Jesus, King of hosts.

You corrected the fall of the foremother Eve, the passion-bearer, by overthrowing the enemy and defeating her vacillation with Divine grace.

Having acquired the fortress, Irino, of reason, you resisted the tormentor of the soul with valor and you were crowned with a victorious crown from Christ God.

To the blood of suffering, to the martyr, to the brightest, you have done natural kindness, pure, valiant deeds, having risen firmly, good maiden.

Theotokos: Reveal the mystery of Your Nativity, O God-seer, having seen the burning bush, and the unburnt one, to the Pure Mother of God of the Ever-Virgin.

Kontakion, tone 4

Virginity is replete with kindnesses, virgin, you were the most beautiful with suffering, Irino, stained with your flowing blood, and you have overthrown godlessness with charm. For this reason, you accepted the honors of victory by the hand of your Creator.

Song 7

Irmos: Abraham, sometimes in Babylon, the youths quenched the flames of the caves, crying out in songs: Our father, God, blessed art thou.

Crowned, martyr, standing before the throne of your Master, keep those who call with faith: Father of our God, blessed art thou.

In the Heavenly villages, O martyr, you have been honored with rejoicing, the venerable Irino, calling: our father, God, blessed are you.

Desiring to improve your kindness, you have endured the torment of illness, Irino, calling: our father, God, blessed are you.

Theotokos: With the following verb of Thy lips, by faith, O Mother of God, we please Thee, crying out to Thy Nativity: Our father, God, blessed art thou.

Song 8

Irmos: The pious youths in the cave saved the Nativity of the Theotokos, then the formed, now active, raises up the entire universe to sing to You: Sing to the Lord, O deeds, and exalt Him to all ages.

You have suffered, O blessed Irene, you have overthrown the valor and the tormentor, having an invincible benefit, the power of your Lord to assist you, and, sing to the Lord, you cried, and exalt Him forever.

Vulnered by youthful love, you followed in the footsteps of your Bridegroom, this suffering, martyr, bearing wounds on your body and crying out: Sing to the Lord, O deeds, and exalt Him forever.

Yours, hedgehog in torment, patience, crowned Irina, laughing at the vanity and atheism of those who hope, glorious, but girded with faith: sing praises to the Lord, deeds, and exalt Him forever.

Theotokos: The Wisdom of God, the Cunning One of all, has entered Your womb, the Mother of God, having created a temple, intelligent and animated, for Himself and saved the world, calling: sing praises to the Lord, deeds, and exalt Him forever.

Song 9

Irmos: Eve, through the illness of disobedience, instilled an oath; But you, Virgin Mother of God, through the vegetation of womb-bearing and the blessing of the world, you have flourished. This is why we magnify you all.

Around your Guardian, rejoicing in the highest, good maiden, ask for peace for the world, Irino, and forgiveness of sins by faith for those who create your luminous and sacred memory.

Christ, like a martyr and a virgin, has entered into your palace, where you rejoice with the virgins and the armies of the martyrs, Irene, the crowned crown bearer of all praise, with the same we all please you.

He opened the doors of Heaven, He alone received your all-immaculate soul, reigning over all, and the Builder of truth, Irino, the same-named of the Divine world, In the same way we please you all.

Theotokos: Having unashamed boldness towards Your Son, Most Immaculate, implore Him to send down a peaceful dispensation to the world and unity of mind to all the Churches, so that we may all magnify You.

The Great Martyr Irina was born in the 1st century AD into a pagan family, and before her baptism she bore the name Penelope. Her father ruled one of the cities of Byzantium. The family was of noble birth and rich. Licinius, Penelope's father, even built a separate luxurious palace for her, where the girl lived with a teacher. Apelian, who was her teacher, visited the girl, but in addition to science, Penelope also studied the Christian faith from him.

Life of the Holy Great Martyr Irene

When Penelope grew up, her parents thought about their daughter's marriage. But the Lord returned her to the righteous path by sending her three birds. The first was a dove, he carried an olive branch as a symbol of grace and purity. The second to arrive was an eagle with a wreath - this was a sign of the strength of spirit achieved through worship. The third bird, a black crow carrying a snake, was a sign of temptation and unclean thoughts. Therefore, Irina is often depicted on icons with three birds. Apelian told Penelope the interpretation of these signs, which finally convinced the girl to choose the path of serving the Lord.

Penelope was baptized by the Apostle Timothy, a disciple of one of the twelve apostles, namely Peter. After baptism, the girl received the name Irina. At first, Irina’s parents did not interfere with her beliefs. But soon, the father began to demand that the girl worship pagan gods. For disobedience, Licinius imprisoned the martyr in a pit with snakes for 10 days. At the end of the period, Irina was unharmed; the guardian angel did not leave the girl. The angry father ordered his daughter to be executed by setting horses on her. On the day of the execution, not a single horse moved in the direction of the girl, but one of the horses rushed at Licinius, tearing out his hand. Having freed herself, Irina began to pray for her father, after which he turned out to be safe and sound. Everything that happened helped Irina’s parents and 3,000 other eyewitnesses to believe in the Lord.

More than once the Great Martyr was subjected to torture and torment, but the Almighty never abandoned Irina in difficult times. One day the saint was sentenced to be sawed. Three saws broke without causing her any harm. The fourth saw touched the body of the martyr, then the ruler, who was observing the execution, exclaimed: “Where is your Savior? Why won't he protect you? After these words, thunder erupted and heavy rain poured down. The people watching the torture fell into a daze from such a spectacle, knowing the power of the Lord. The ruler was expelled from the city.

Irina lived in many cities, everywhere she carried faith in the Lord and converted people to it. During her life, Irina helped more than 10,000 people gain faith in the Lord. And the saint lived a long time. It is known that in the 97th year of her life in Ephesus, the martyr learned from God about her imminent death. Taking with her several faithful students, Irina went to the mountains. There, she was left alone in the cave, ordering her disciples to close the entrance with a large stone. After four days, the disciples decided to visit Irina, but when they opened the entrance to the cave, they saw that the saint’s body was not there. The Holy Great Martyr Irina took her place next to God.

How does the icon of St. Irene help?

Irina was beautiful and kind, but she also had incredible fortitude and steadfastness of faith. Her life occurred at the very beginning of Christianity, when persecution was cruel and merciless, and the pagan faith reigned everywhere. Therefore, people turn to the icon of the Holy Great Martyr Irina to strengthen faith in themselves and the Lord. Prayer to the saint helps you find the right path and make an important decision.

Saint Irene is the patroness; her name day is celebrated on May 18th. But you should not think that only those who are named Irina can turn to her icon. Saints help, protect and protect everyone. Since the saint endured much torment and suffering that was not intended for female share, has devoted her entire life to serving the Lord and continuing his teachings, you need to approach her humbly and with pure thoughts. The icon of the Great Martyr Irina will help you find something meaningful - family happiness, well-being and self-confidence. They ask the saint to save her from misfortunes and conflicts.

Prayer before the icon of St. Irene

O long-suffering and glorious Irino, the all-praised bride of Christ, the saint of God! You stand at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity and enjoy indescribable bliss. Look mercifully upon us, who bring you this song of praise, ask us for mercy, remission of sins from the Most Blessed Lord, for we know, truly we know, for all that you desire, you can ask Him. Therefore, we humbly fall to you and ask: propitiate the Lord of heaven and earth, may He give us the spirit of your zeal for keeping His holy commandments, so that we may be able to lead our earthly career in a virtuous life, inherit the villages of paradise and there with you and all the saints glorify the Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.