Black stealer through the thing of a woman's happy lot. What is a stealer and how to use such witchcraft for your benefit

Kradnik is considered the most in an accessible way magical theft, which can take away both wealth and health. There are several ways to protect yourself from negative impact and get back what was stolen.

Kradnik - what is it?

Kradnik is an insidious and powerful magical effect on a person that can deprive him of luck, happiness, love, money, health, in fact, “steal” him. There are many legends about witches who stole beauty and youth from girls, wealth from the rich, and luck from merchants. Successful people suddenly began to get sick, lose their acquired property, and fail in previously profitable businesses.

If you are planning to borrow someone’s luck, then making a kradnik yourself will not be difficult. And a person with strong energy will hardly feel that he was taken away vitality. But you may not be able to direct someone else’s luck to your benefit.

You may also meet a person with strong defense, which will somehow have to be removed, and this is not always easy and accessible. Or your stealer simply won’t work.

It is also important right choice victims. These may be ill-wishers and envious people who poison your life; successful and rich people from whom it is possible to borrow luck; young and beautiful, if you suddenly want to turn back time and shine again. If you want wealth, make sure of the victim's financial well-being. There is no need to know the name at all.

Stealing money and luck

There are a lot of conspiracies that are not difficult to reproduce. Here, for example, is how luck and financial wealth are “lured” out of a victim.

Put a nickel in your pocket and follow the person, saying:

Go, go, good one, and follow the trail like a dog. Yes, along the edge as a wolf, across the field as a reaper. Through life with a cross, and as a merchant. The bargaining is fast, but the bargaining is black. Not a word said, but paid in a nickel. Yes, I point to him, but I pull everything I want onto myself, bite it like a wolf. I cut with a knife, I mow with a scythe. Yes, I take all the good things for myself. We walked one way, but they divided yours. Amen.

It is important that the object of the conspiracy does not see or hear you. After they were spoken last words, stop and throw a coin over your shoulder with the words: “Paid. Amen".

Turn around after the fallen coin. You should walk all the way to the house in silence, without engaging in conversations or looking around.

Kradnik runes

Another way to take away what you need is runes. You should approach the outline of symbols wisely, because a careless attitude towards writing can negatively affect your energy and health.

Runes or staves are ritual signs used by Scandinavian warriors to attract good luck in battle and to avert the eyes of death, which awaited valiant warriors at every step.

The meaning of the rune stealer is that the writing is applied directly to the image of the victim. For these purposes, a regular photograph will do. You should be careful with this use of runes: incorrectly drawing the symbols can reverse your plot, and instead of the desired result, you yourself will take the place of the victim and become a donor for her.

Stealers with runes are popular because they do not require magical rituals and spells, the efficiency of work increases, but an error in the outline can lead to undesirable consequences for you.

It is best to “introduce” a photograph with a runic mark in similar conditions: if you are borrowing money, carry it in your wallet; If you want to be attractive and beautiful, try to wear it closer to your body; If you want to ensure your health and longevity, find a way to bring it as close to your heart as possible.

How to remove a stealer

The properties of the stealer are such that the victim does not immediately notice its effects. The component for which the conspiracy was made disappears drop by drop. If you have strong energy, the effect will be the same as when draining the sea with a bucket. As time passes, the victim begins to notice that her life has deteriorated, her luck has turned away, and a series of failures has followed.

If something in your life has changed upside down, failures and frequent illnesses are chasing you, think about whether you have a magical effect?

For those who suspect something is wrong, there are ways to remove the seal at home. Tune in to a positive outcome of events and develop a behavior strategy.

To perform the ritual, you should choose pre-dawn time. Try to take into account that the plot should end at sunrise, when it appears in the sky.

Check out one of the proposed rituals for removing damage, which you can carry out yourself. Be sure to be optimistic and believe that everything will work out.

You will need the following components:

  • table or its substitute;
  • 4 regular candles;
  • juniper or aroma lamp with juniper oil;
  • a glass of vodka.
  • The altar can be a flat stone or board the size of 2 men's palms. Before starting the ritual, cleanse the room with burning juniper or light an aroma lamp. Apply the sign of Veles on the altar with chalk, place an offering on top (it can be a glass of vodka), also drop a few drops of vodka on the altar itself and ask them to accept your sacrifice. Formulate your request in your own words, eloquently describing the virtues of the deity.

    When correct implementation During the ritual, you will feel warmth and a certain sense of detachment or trance. The spell works quite quickly, and within a few days you will be convinced of the effectiveness of your ritual.

    You can also familiarize yourself with other rituals for removing damage and the evil eye, which will help you return peace of mind, self-confidence and will take troubles and misfortunes away from you and your loved ones.

    Remember that weaning someone else’s food is always a reversible process, and no one knows how it will affect your health and well-being. Don't take risks and don't anger fate. Refer to spells for good luck and prosperity. Wish you all the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

What's happened stealers, and how do they work? It turns out that our body is a well-functioning energy system, the elements of which are in continuous interaction. Energy is distributed through certain channels and works according to natural laws.

Stealers interfere with a person’s biofield with outside. In this case, the directions of energy flows change.

Thanks to magic, you can exchange destinies with another person. It is difficult to return stolen property - this is only available to professional healers. In such situations, regular cleaning is not enough; it requires strong ritual, which involves many factors.

What are stealers?

Since ancient times, kradnik has often been used in magical circles. This is a strong witchcraft attribute, the action of which is aimed at taking something away from a specific object. Usually it is charged with health, energy, money, beauty.

These are the so-called stealers of money and luck, youth and energy.

Among the ancient legends there are many examples when strong witches they took away their innocent appearance from young and pretty girls. As a result, the witch remained beautiful, and the victim short term turned into a wrinkled old woman.

Also a shining example There are stories about how a poor man who could not make ends meet suddenly turned into a rich man. And a wealthy man living nearby suddenly lost his entire fortune for unknown reasons.

Making a powerful kradnik is not so difficult - our ancestors left a lot of advice and recommendations. Thanks to him, you can lure luck to your side.

But remember: if you decide to use this magical attribute, choose a person with great energy potential. Over time, he will be able to recover what was lost.

There is one caveat - stealers do not work with sorcerers and magicians. Their biofield repels such interference. This means that he will not help you if you want to take away witchcraft abilities from someone. Such attempts can only cause you harm.

Not only magicians can be protected, so sometimes before using a stealth you need to remove it.

Types of stealers in magic

There are a few effective ways causing damage using a stealer:

The enchanted object is left in the chosen place. It draws out the necessary energy and fetters it for a while. Most often, this method is used to take away money potential.

  • Runic staves

Magic symbols give very powerful results. Using a rune stealer you can get decent results.

  • Impact on photography

Used to influence a specific person.

Rune stealers

Rune symbols have long been used by warriors and ordinary people to achieve certain goals. Unusual stealers often helped in everyday matters.

Not much information on this topic has reached us. Even the most experienced runologists are sometimes completely unsure of their own conclusions.

However, rune magic and correctly applied staves can achieve impressive results. main feature This magic lies in the fact that it combines ancient traditions and completely new techniques.

The stealer rune is drawn on a photograph of the selected victim. But remember that you must know exactly the meaning of the symbol. Otherwise, its use may cause harm to the performer of the ritual. Some rune staves work in reverse direction and attract failures to the creator of the formula. They are called anti-theft agents.

Stav Kradnik

The most commonly used is the following: OdalFehuLaguzGebo .

At the very bottom is the Odal rune, which is associated with home comfort and regularity. And above there are other symbols. Fehu is responsible for monetary energy, Laguz – for appearance, Gebo - for romance, love and intimate connections.

Damage Kradnik

To cancel the effect of a magical attribute, it is necessary to accurately diagnose it. At this stage, minor difficulties may arise, so if you are unsure of your abilities, immediately contact a specialist.

If the stealer was applied by an experienced magician, it is very difficult to remove it yourself. This is due to the fact that in such cases all channels are initially closed - trying to find access to them, you will encounter a lot of problems. If the channel remains open, then you are lucky. You can without outside help remove damage.

The effect of the magic tool is immediate - you will feel the first results in just a couple of days.

The correct choice of victim is probably the most important aspect in this matter. Almost all of us have people around us with whom conflicts and quarrels constantly arise. These are envious people and ill-wishers.

Now focus on what exactly you want to get. If your goal is money, choose among the rich. If you are lucky, take what you want only from the darlings of fate. Speaking in simple language: The object in question must actually have what you want.

Anti-theft protection

To protect yourself from the effects of a thief, you must always remember the main rule - never take anything from a stranger.

For example, a mother is walking down the street with her baby. And then an unknown old woman hands the child a small caramel. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this, but, in fact, it is not. The candy may be seriously damaged, which will spread to your entire family.

Pregnant women should be careful - their biofield is responsible for two, and therefore is especially vulnerable. It is advisable for them to always carry with them protective talisman with a mirror effect.

How to remove the guard yourself?

First, put things in order – both around and inside yourself. Do a general cleaning of the house, throw away everything unnecessary. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts - this is necessary to get rid of negative energy, which tends to accumulate.

And then take a bath with essential oils and say at the same time:

« The salt of the earth, and fresh water, and sea water, and earth herbs, and underwater plants, washes away all the pain, all the illness, all the troubles from me, dissolves it in itself, returns it to the offenders! My goodness is returned to me, all the evil done to my enemies is returned to me, dirty water My misfortunes come to their heads - blessings and good luck flow to me like a river. Truly!

Spend as much time in the water as you want. And imagine how all the dirt, all the mental garbage leaves you. You are completely cleansed of negativity and the spoils of the thief.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


Is there protection against theft? Firstly, as was written above, you cannot take anything from strangers. Stealers of luck, health, wealth, etc. You can pick up and throw some thing to a person by simply giving it away or giving it as a gift. This is especially true when an unfamiliar old grandmother of a strange appearance tries to give your child candy or something else. It is not recommended to take it. Pregnant women should be especially careful (since they are carrying a child and it is his life that can be taken away for the sake of someone’s youth), protect infants and children until they reach puberty, as well as virgins (both pilaf). It is no coincidence that for a long time all of them were most carefully protected by the family.

In order to remove the guard you will need it accurate diagnosis, preferably from a person who knows how to do it. The difficulty here is that experienced black magicians do not leave open the channel through which they commit the theft, and each time they choose a new victim. If there is a channel left, then it’s simple - you need to destroy it, then the stolen goods will return to you, and the hunter for it will get what he deserves. It is also necessary to put protection on that most vulnerable area of ​​your life. To do this, they use special staves that protect a person with the help of runes, canceling the negative magical effects.


In the end, I would like to say that any negative energy impact on a person does not at all guarantee a change in the life of a hunter in positive side. Along with the theft of something needed, something unnecessary may also come. In addition, every black magic action is a dragging into the abyss, where the degradation of one’s own soul occurs. Remember this when you want to harm someone!

Kradniki - a separate section black magic devotes itself to these rituals. Their strength is great. Called stealers select:

  • wealth;
  • good luck;
  • well-being;
  • beauty;
  • youth.

The impact of black magic rituals on a person is always unpreventable and extremely strong. That is why these rituals are not intended for one-time use. Black rituals must be lived and breathed.

Kradniks - black theft

As already mentioned, stealers are used by black sorcerers to steal whatever the performer desires. The surprising thing is that you can steal from any victim and familiarity with her does not play any role. These rituals do not use bindings. There are no kickbacks here. However, a one-time lesson carries a severe penalty. There is no point in talking about stealers, because everything about them is already clear. That is why from words directly to action.

Universal Kradnik

This thief is able to take away everything you need. To bring it to life, the sorcerer needs to go out into a crowded place and find the future victim:

  • businessman;
  • handsome/beautiful;
  • healthy guy/girl;
  • happy person.

After that, the black magician follows his victim. However, it doesn’t just follow, but completely copies his gait, as if merging with it into one whole. Fixing the victim's gaze between the shoulder blades, a certain conspiracy is read out to them:

“A woman was walking, a man was walking,

Yes, they walked with a bag, but with an empty pot.

the bag of goodness is full, but there is a hole in the bag,

and behind them (him) the little devil goes.

Goodness falls into the hole,

and the devil picks everything up.

The devil's bag is full, but the man's/woman's pot is empty.

So I’m the damn brother behind you,

Name your damn yes knows, I'm coming.

I take yours (the purpose of theft) for myself.

I start from step one, pick up from step two,

and with the third step I lock everything.

Step by step, by pinch by pinch.

I (the name of the sorcerer) (the purpose of the theft) bag,

For you, your name God knows, the pot is empty.

As from now on, so forever and ever.

And the devil was my witness to this,

He sealed this agreement.


Then the black sorcerer spits in front of him, but after the man and stamps his left foot. Then he turns around and, without looking back, goes home. During this period, it is prohibited to start a conversation with anyone or answer anyone’s question.

This thief, since the work involves demons, requires a payoff from the performer. Therefore, before performing the ritual, well after midnight, you need to go to the crossroads of four roads and bring to it:

  • money;
  • vodka;
  • meat;
  • something else that is considered necessary.

“Devil-damn, I’m calling you for an exchange and a dashing exchange. If you are my witness, whatever I ask you to do, you will judge everything.”

After this, the coins are thrown away and the vodka is poured. Then, without talking or turning around, the black performer goes home.

A few words about choosing a victim

Kradnik, by its nature, is a kind of ritual and must be carried out in accordance with the rules set forth by black magic. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the choice of the future victim. A prerequisite for a thief to work is a victim of the same sex as the perpetrator. It is desirable that she be much younger than the black sorcerer and have an attractive appearance. Stealers do not use them for harm, but for the purpose of acquiring personal gain.

Experienced warlocks always choose their enemies scrupulously and very carefully. Since its existence, black magic has become very modern and therefore today enjoys some of the achievements of society. For example, to create a beauty stealer, it is advisable to use photo cards posted in in social networks. You can also resort to them in the event of the theft of luck, wealth, love, success, happiness. A photograph will tell more than your closest friend and neighbor.

Kradniks in a variety of choice

The next steal is performed with the participation of a mirror, but no one claims that it is recommended only for the female part of the “black” population. It can also be used with great success.

Mirror stealer

This ritual is performed by a black magician during the waning of the moon. You don't have to wait until midnight. The main thing is that the sun goes down and the world is enveloped in night. Among the components necessary for the ceremony are:

  • mirror (new);
  • two wax candles;
  • V full height a clear photograph of the enemy;
  • black threads;
  • cold spring water (necessarily in a bowl).

Regarding water, there is a strict note: water must be taken from a source in which it moves: a river, stream, but not a reservoir with standing water.

Having installed a mirror, the black magician places candles on both sides of it. WITH right side puts a bowl filled with water. A photograph of the victim is placed in front of the mirror and only in such a way that it is reflected in the mirror itself, as if looking into it. Next, the black performer lights the candles and pronounces a spell of this nature nine times:

“The river is black and the surface is mirror-like,

spread her waters through souls

took away youth and beauty from people,

I washed it and took it on myself.

I give you quick waters,

slave (name) into the icy waters.

How will slave (name) become?

to beat on your shores

Yes, he's spinning in a black pool

let it be like a mirror

beauty will leave him.

Yes, fast water,

floats towards me.

All his power comes to me.

Everything that came down passed to me.

I take away beauty and youth

I return a share of dashing and crumpled ones

slave (name).

What is said is given,

transmitted through the mirror surface by water.”

After the words are spoken over the bowl, the surface of the mirror is washed off with water from the bowl. The flowing water is collected by a black sorcerer in a container. This operation is repeated exactly nine times, and during rinsing the following speeches are spoken:

“I’ll wash the mirror surface with water

From now on I will be a fine falcon,

From now on I will be a beautiful peacock.”

After the ninth rinse, the black sorcerer applies the appropriate fixation to the water:

“Spoken by nine and discussed by them

There are nine locks and nine keys.

Hidden from outside eyes.

My work is molded, but my spoken word is strong.”

Then the black sorcerer washes himself with the resulting water exactly nine times. It is forbidden to wipe your face after this. The water on it should dry on its own. The water that remains after the ritual must be poured under a young birch tree. Next comes the turn of the photo card, which is placed on the mirror with the image facing its reflective part. All this is rewound with black thread crosswise and tied with nine knots.

The black magician places the structure obtained in this way with the photo card down between two burning candles and gives them the opportunity to completely “melt”. In the morning, everything that remains from the ritual must be thrown away in the same place from where the water was taken for the ritual. After all this, throw away nine copper coins.

Not only do they work on the same principle beauty stealers, but also the so-called universal ones. However, there are significant differences between them.

Kradnik to be taken away

Carrying out this theft will require the black sorcerer to have a personal acquaintance with his victim, as well as the following components:

  • photo of the victim;
  • black natural fabric;
  • chalk;
  • rowan stick;
  • needle or knife;
  • cup;
  • milk;
  • six candles.

The ritual is performed by a black performer during sunset. To do this, the warlock spreads a cloth on the floor and draws a straight pentagram on it with chalk. He places candles in its corners. The latter is located in the center. Then, the black sorcerer stands facing west, entering the pentagram. Taking the victim’s photo in his hands, he sets it on fire from the flame of the central candle and says the following words as many times as possible until the photo print is completely burned:

“Your time is running out, your sun is setting, and everything that’s yours is coming to me.”

In the case of “...all is yours...” you can specify what exactly should go. The desire in this ritual is key point, since the performance of this ritual in a positive direction will depend on its strength.

As soon as the photo card burns out completely, the ashes left by it are added to a cup filled with milk. It is also necessary to add one drop of the blood of the black sorcerer himself.

Extremely important point is putting out the candles. This process should take place using the tip of a ritual knife and in a counterclockwise direction. The last candle to be extinguished is the one in the center of the pentagram. It is stewed in a different way: in a bowl. Its contents are stirred with a rowan stick and then drunk in one gulp. The black sorcerer wraps the candles remaining from the ritual in the cloth on which they stood and buries them under a poplar or aspen tree.

In the practice of black sorcerers they are widely used money stealers. Rituals in the church are especially good, where you can easily find a truly rich person.

Church money stealer

The black sorcerer goes to the church and looks after the rich man there. Having waited for the moment when he lights a candle for health, the warlock approaches the altar and puts it out with his left hand and with the same hand, on himself, takes it with him. In its place he puts his own, but with the wick down. Without looking back or talking he goes home.

In a quiet environment, a ball is rolled out of candle wax. While he is riding, the black sorcerer casts a certain spell:

“Just as wax rolls in my hands, so let silver and gold come off from the merchant to me. Yes, it doesn’t just come off, but it folds into my chests and pockets. Therefore I say because I speak the truth.”

The warlock always carries a ball rolled in this way with him.

Runic kradniks

Of such kind rituals There are also runic ones. Their action is aimed at achieving a similar end result - stealing prosperity, luck and financial stability. However, the beauty of rune stealers lies in the fact that the spell is cast in absolute secrecy from the victim. As before, they are used in runic stealers conspiracies, but they are somewhat different than in the old faithful version, but they are fully functional.

Usually, luck stealers or well-being rely more on “talismans” or “amulets” in the form of runes in their strict accordance with a specific situation. Runic stealers are not as common as traditional ones. Their essence is to create a certain image and pronounce words over it, reminiscent of a spell in meaning.

However, during the ritual, this image must be thrown to the victim in such a way that she does not notice it. One more, more difficult condition, is the constant presence of a thrown object with the victim. Otherwise, the witchcraft will simply stop working.

Finally, about money thieves

Rune spells are also not bad. However, professional warlocks, to the extent necessary, always use one stealer, magic which is the most powerful and effective. This is exactly the kind of steal that I would like to provide to readers at the end of the topic.

With the help of this stealer, you cannot rob the victim of her money, but you can make a great profit at her expense. For example, a warlock liked someone’s car, and such a model may turn out to be his.

Mirror stealer for a specific desire

To perform this ritual you will need a round mirror. small size, which would have a thick frame and could be closed. The use of a double mirror is not permitted. The ritual should take place exclusively during the waning moon. All this time the black performer carries the mirror with him. The black sorcerer catches the thing he likes in the mirror and pronounces the following spell three times:

“I liked

the devil has been spotted!

My devil is my brother

come out of the mirror

take what I'll point out

Yes, take it with you.

Keep everything you took away for me.

Take the devil (indicate what exactly)

through the mirror surface

drag you into the pool

keep it in it."

During one period of the waning moon, a warlock is able to collect only one-dimensional desires:

  • youth;
  • cars;
  • money;
  • beauty;
  • wealth.

Acquiring what you need is done over the course of three lunar days. Then it is necessary to carry out a secondary ritual to select the heaped items from the devils. The ceremony takes place at midnight. The warlock places two black candles on the altar, and places a mirror between them so that it is convenient for him to look into it. When everything is ready, the performer reads the following words thirteen times:

“Damn the devil come out of the mirror,

Yes, bring what you managed to collect.

Give me what you managed to collect.

Until the last crumb.

Let everything come to me and stick to me,

only with me will it merge and grow together

yes for centuries yes for eternity

(if wealth, then “to the house”; if beauty, then to the “face”)

let me beat it.

Everything that has been said is sealed by the devil himself.”

That same night, the warlock carries a pre-prepared ransom to the crossroads of four roads. It is given with these words:

“The devil-devil helped me, collected things for me, and accept this gift for my work.”

Meanwhile, the mirror remains on the altar until the morning. In the morning everything is cleared away, and the warlock places the mirror on the side that reflects upward for another three days. Next, it must be cleaned with salt and running water, after which it can be used again for the same stealing rituals.

That's how black magic is able to satisfy her follower, and the reward for devotion will always come from Lucifer himself.

Kradnik is considered the most accessible method of magical theft, which can take away both wealth and health.

There are several ways to protect yourself from negative influences and get back what was stolen.

Kradnik - what is it?

Kradnik is an insidious and powerful magical effect on a person that can deprive him of luck, happiness, love, money, health, in fact, “steal” him.

There are many legends about witches who stole beauty and youth from girls, wealth from the rich, and luck from merchants. Successful people suddenly began to get sick, lose their acquired property, and fail in previously profitable businesses.

If you are planning to borrow someone’s luck, then making a kradnik yourself will not be difficult. And a person with strong energy will hardly feel that his life force has been taken away from him. But you may not be able to direct someone else’s luck to your benefit.

You may also meet a person with strong protection, who will somehow have to be removed, and this is not always easy or accessible. Or your stealer simply won’t work.

The correct choice of victim is also important. These may be ill-wishers and envious people who poison your life; successful and rich people from whom it is possible to borrow luck; young and beautiful, if you suddenly want to turn back time and shine again. If you want wealth, make sure of the victim's financial well-being. There is no need to know the name at all.

Stealing money and luck

There are a lot of conspiracies that are not difficult to reproduce.

Here, for example, is how luck and financial wealth are “lured” out of a victim.

Put a nickel in your pocket and follow the person, saying:

Go, go, good one, and follow the trail like a dog.

Yes, along the edge as a wolf, across the field as a reaper.

Through life with a cross, and as a merchant.

The bargaining is fast, but the bargaining is black.

Not a word said, but paid in a nickel.

Yes, I point to him, but I pull everything I want onto myself, bite it like a wolf.

I cut with a knife, I mow with a scythe.

Yes, I take all the good things for myself.

We walked one way, but they divided yours.

Let it be so.

It is important that the object of the conspiracy does not see or hear you. After the last words have been spoken, stop and throw a coin over your shoulder with the words:


Turn around after the fallen coin. You should walk all the way to the house in silence, without engaging in conversations or looking around.

Kradnik runes

Another way to take away what you need is runes. You should approach the outline of symbols wisely, because a careless attitude towards writing can negatively affect your energy and health.

Runes or staves are ritual signs used by Scandinavian warriors to attract good luck in battle and to avert the eyes of death, which awaited valiant warriors at every step.

The meaning of the rune stealer is that the writing is applied directly to the image of the victim.

For these purposes, a regular photograph will do. You should be careful with this use of runes: incorrectly drawing the symbols can reverse your plot, and instead of the desired result, you yourself will take the place of the victim and become a donor for her.

Stealers with runes are popular because they do not require magical rituals and spells, the efficiency of work increases, but an error in the outline can lead to undesirable consequences for you.

It is best to “introduce” a photograph with a runic mark in similar conditions: if you are borrowing money, carry it in your wallet; If you want to be attractive and beautiful, try to wear it closer to your body; If you want to ensure your health and longevity, find a way to bring it as close to your heart as possible.

How to remove a stealer

The properties of the stealer are such that the victim does not immediately notice its effects. The component for which the conspiracy was made disappears drop by drop. If you have strong energy, the effect will be the same as when draining the sea with a bucket. As time passes, the victim begins to notice that her life has deteriorated, her luck has turned away, and a series of failures has followed.

If something in your life has changed upside down, failures and frequent illnesses are haunting you, think about whether a magical effect has been exerted on you?

For those who suspect something is wrong, there are ways to remove the seal at home. Tune in to a positive outcome of events and develop a behavior strategy.

To perform the ritual, you should choose pre-dawn time. Try to take into account that the plot should end at sunrise, when it appears in the sky.

Check out one of the proposed rituals for removing damage, which you can carry out yourself. Be sure to be optimistic and believe that everything will work out.