About the qualities of a leader in the aphorisms of famous people. Aphorisms about the leader

A lot is said and written about leaders and leadership. When trying on the “yellow jersey of a leader”, it is worth assessing how developed you are of the qualities that researchers consider characteristic of a person who “leads.”

In order for these qualities to sound most expressive to you, we will illustrate them with aphorisms from famous writers, thinkers, entrepreneurs, public figures, politicians, experts who spoke about leaders, leadership and human character.

1. Vision of the future

Not everyone knows how to dance to the music of the future.
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, Polish satirist, poet, aphorist.

Before the past, bow your head, before the future, roll up your sleeves.
Henry Louis Mencken, American journalist, essayist, satirist.

The future comes much faster if you meet it halfway.
Boris Krutier, Russian aphorist.

Nothing helps create the future like bold dreams. Today it’s a utopia, tomorrow it’s flesh and blood.
Victor Hugo, French poet, novelist, playwright.

2. Passion

M. Stepanova, methodologist, TA “Master Class”

Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Sandberg, Sam Walton... What does true leadership look like in the eyes of the leaders themselves? 21 quotes from successful and witty personalities for your motivation and inspiration.

Nobody says being a leader is easy. Leadership can be herculean, exhausting, and even frightening. But it can be easier if you know how real leaders reason.

The Most Powerful Quotes About Leadership

1. The key to successful leadership today is influence, not power.
Ken Blanchard

2. The most effective method do something - do it.
Amelia Earhart

3. No person will become a good leader if he wants to do everything himself or be rewarded for everything.
Andrew Carnegie

4. Done is better than perfect.
Sheryl Sandberg

5. Your actions matter much more than your words.
Steven Covey

6. Keep your fears for yourself, and share your courage with others.
Robert Louis Stevenson

7. The test of leadership is to be strong but not rude; kind, but not weak; brave, but not arrogant; prudent, but not lazy; modest, but not timid; proud, but not arrogant; humorous, but without stupidity.
Jim Rohn

8. Stop fussing. If you want to succeed, put all your effort into what you truly love to do.
Oprah Winfrey

9. Productivity means doing things right. Effectiveness means doing the right things.
Peter Drucker

10. There are two ways to emit light - it is to be a candle or a mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton

11. Think about people and they will think about your business.
John Maxwell

12. The question is not who will allow me, the question is who will forbid me.
Ayn Rand

13. A great leader can step off his pedestal and boost the self-esteem of his staff. If people believe in themselves, they can achieve incredible heights.
Sam Walton

14. My job is not to be easy for people. My job is to take the great people we have and push them and make them even better.
Steve Jobs

15.As a leader, I am very demanding of myself and others. However, I care about people being successful at what they do. This inspires them to become like me in the future.
Indra Nooyi

16. Leadership is the art of empowering people to bring their ideas to life.
Seth Godin

17. The first responsibility of a leader is to set a task. The last one is to say “Thank you.” Between them, the leader is the servant.
Max DePree

18. In order to cope with yourself, you need a head; In order to cope with others, you need a heart.
Eleanor Roosevelt

19. Leadership is the ability to turn dreams into reality.
Warren Bennis

20. You control the situation - people follow you.
Admiral Grace Murray Hopper

21. The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay

A lot is said and written about leaders and leadership. When trying on the “yellow jersey of a leader”, it is worth assessing how developed you are of the qualities that researchers consider characteristic of a person who “leads.”

In order for these qualities to sound most expressive to you, we will illustrate them with aphorisms from famous writers, thinkers, entrepreneurs, public figures, politicians, experts who spoke about leaders, leadership and the properties of human character.

1. Vision of the future

Not everyone knows how to dance to the music of the future.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, Polish satirist, poet, aphorist.

Before the past, bow your head, before the future, roll up your sleeves.

Henry Louis Mencken, American journalist, essayist, satirist.

The future comes much faster if you meet it halfway.

Boris Krutier, Russian aphorist.

Nothing helps create the future like bold dreams. Today it’s a utopia, tomorrow it’s flesh and blood.

2. Passion

Lead me, follow me or get out of the way!

3. Willingness to take risks

The element of adventure should not be so great as to expose the whole business to unjustified risk, but also not so small that it would be embarrassing to take on the matter.

R. Waterman.

4. Interpersonal skills

Leaders must be tough enough to fight, soft enough to cry, humane enough to make mistakes, humble enough to admit them, strong enough to absorb pain, and resilient enough to bounce back and move on...

Jaycee Jackson, American public figure, human rights activist.

The challenge of leadership is to be strong without being rude; kind, but not weak; assertive, but not cocky; thoughtful, but not lazy; cautious, but not cowardly; proud, but not arrogant; have a sense of humor, but without sarcasm.

Jim Rohn, American speaker, business coach, writer.

5. Hard work

Leaders don't have office hours.

James Gibbons, cardinal, leader of the Roman Catholic Church in the USA.

6. Track progress/measure results

Innovation distinguishes the leader from the catcher.

Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur and inventor.

7. Persistence

History shows that the most famous winners usually faced intolerable difficulties before they achieved their triumph. They won because they refused to be defeated.

Bertie Charles Forbes, founder of Forbes magazine, journalist.

Victor Hugo, French poet, novelist, playwright.

The main task of a leader is not to let hope die.

Joe Batten, English writer.

8. Ability to set goals

A leader will appear where there are aspirations in life.

Georgy Alexandrov.

9. Believe in yourself

With serious preparation and an unwavering desire for something, you can create a big business, a huge empire, out of nothing, new world. Others have it, and they don't have a monopoly on it.

Claude Bristol, French journalist and writer.

The right to leadership and success is given to you from birth.

Robin Sharma, Canadian writer.

Leaders are not born or made by anyone - they make themselves!

Stephen Covey, American writer, teacher, expert on leadership and life management.

10. Desire to achieve success

If someone tells you: “You can’t do this!”, then with just one finger he points at you and three at himself, he can’t do it, but you can!

Robert Kiyosaki, American entrepreneur, investor, writer and teacher.

11. Ability to meet and communicate with the right people

If you value your own reputation, associate with people High Quality, because it is better to be alone than to be in bad company.

George Washington, American statesman, first President of the United States.

Each person is looking for a leader to enthusiastically follow him to the fortress that he wishes to attack.

Jack McDevitt, American science fiction writer.

12. Ability to trust intuition

The ability to do what is needed exactly when needed is the trait of a leader at all times. Do it even if there is no answer to the question “why?”

Managers act according to the rules, the leader acts correctly.

Warren Bennis, American academic, corporate consultant and author.

13. Confidence

If you think that everything will work out for you, then it will be so. If it seems to you that nothing will work out for you, it will happen. In both cases, you are right.

He who is afraid of failure limits his activities.

Henry Ford, American industrialist, owner of automobile factories around the world, inventor.

A true leader must not only act effectively in situations of uncertainty, but also promote to the masses the idea that everything is clear and understandable to him.

Radislav Gandapas, Russian business coach.

14. Courage

A leader is ordinary person with extraordinary determination.

From the book "14,000 phrases..." by E. Mackenzie

15. Ability to keep promises

It is better to do more than you planned, rather than less than you promised.

N. Gribachev

16. Honesty and openness

People ask what is the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader works openly - the boss works secretly. The leader leads and the boss steers.

17. Initiative and responsibility

Leadership is a lifestyle whose motto is: “If not me, then who?”

Responsibility is what people fear most. However, this is exactly what helps us grow in this world.

Frank Crane.

18. Ability to motivate and inspire others

If your actions inspire other people to dream more, learn more, do more and become better, then you are a leader.

Thomas Fuller, English theologian, historian and biographer.

A leader's job is to have more leaders, not to have more people who follow the leader.

Theodore Roosevelt, American politician, 26th President of the United States.

A leader's job is to move people from where they are to where they haven't been.

Henry Kissinger, American statesman.

The leader’s task is to set everyone on common goals, put everyone in their place, and help them believe in their own strengths.

Nikolai Leskov, Russian writer.

The best leaders are those that people don't know exist. They turn to each other and say, “We did it ourselves.”

Zen saying.

19. The ability to respect other people's achievements

The best leaders are those who surround themselves with people smarter than themselves. They honestly admit it and are willing to pay for it.

Amos Parrish, American expert in the field of production and sales planning.

It is not possible for someone who wants to do everything themselves or take all the credit for what they do to become a great leader.

Andrew Carnegie, American entrepreneur, major steel industrialist, philanthropist.

20. Endurance and durability

People don't have a lack of strength, they have a lack of will.

Victor Hugo, French poet, novelist, playwright.

Never give up, failure is luck turned inside out.

21. Ability to work under pressure

The paradox of leadership is that no matter what you do, there will be hundreds of people behind you convinced that their decision would have been healthier, and that your decision is only by-effect from a randomly fired arrow.

If they spit in your back, it means you are ahead...

Confucius, ancient Chinese thinker.

Whether you want to add some new sayings to your repertoire or just want to while away the last hour of your day at the office, these inspirational quotes will help you. They gathered for more than one day, so believe me: these are truly “impactful” sayings. Words famous people, which will be given below, have inspired many people in past years. I sincerely hope that they will help you in your quest to become a leader.

Block 1

“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way” (General George Patton).

“A leader is a merchant of hope” (Napoleon Bonaparte).

“You don't have to have a title to be a leader” (Mark Sanborn).

“To command is to serve, no less and no more” (André Malraux).

“Great men like Dylan, Picasso and Newton were very often on the verge of failure. If we want to be great, then we shouldn't be afraid of taking risks either" (Steve Jobs).

“A ruler should not be hasty in punishing, but must be quick to reward” (Ovid).

“Leadership is influence” (John S. Maxwell).

“Doing great things is difficult. But it is much more difficult to command the accomplishment of great things” (Friedrich Nietzsche).

“Leadership is about unlocking the potential to make people better” (Bill Bradley).

“Earn the right to be called a leader every day” (Michael Jordan).

Block 2

“Leadership and learning are things that cannot exist without each other” (John Kennedy).

“To govern yourself, use your head; to control other people, use your heart" (Eleanor Roosevelt).

“He who cannot be a true follower cannot be a true leader” (Aristotle).

“Leadership is the ability to put priorities to the fore. Effective management“is the science of becoming a leader” (Stephen Covey).

“The one who strives to do everything himself and wants the reward to go only to himself will never become a true leader” (Andrew Carnegie).

“If you are ready to go over other people’s heads, then this can no longer be called leadership. Rather, it is an attack” (Dwight D. Eisenhower).

“Don't follow the crowd. Make the crowd follow you" (Margaret Thatcher).

“You cannot trust control over other people to a man who cannot even control himself” (Robert Lee).

"Some leaders were born ordinary women"(Geraldine Ferraro).

“There will be no women leaders in the future. There will just be leaders” (Sheryl Sandberg).

Block 3

“Follow a leader when he is absolutely right, stay with him when he is still right, but leave him when he is wrong” (Abraham Lincoln).

“We all come into this world with certain goals. I think one of the goals is to light a torch and lead people through the darkness." (Whoopi Goldberg)

“Being a true leader means being able to say “no” rather than “yes.” Saying “yes” is much easier” (Tory Blair).

“When we are together, we become better people” (John Paul Warren).

“The job of a leader is to take people from where they are and bring them to where they need to be” (Henry Kissinger).

“I must follow the will of the people, because I am their leader” (Benjamin Disraeli).

“Every great leader is able to return to the moment when he decided to become one” (John Paul Warren).

“When you decide to become a leader, you accept full responsibility for your actions towards other people” (Kelly Armstrong).

“Sheep always start looking for a shepherd when the terrain gets rocky” (Karen Mary Moning).

“I would not want to be the Moses who would lead you to the Promised Land, because if I could lead you there, then there would certainly be someone who would take you away from there” (Eugene Debs).

Block 4

"Too much a large number of military leaders will lead the army to defeat" (Homer).

“There are two types of leaders: cowboys and cowherds. Cowboys drive and shepherds lead" (John Paul Warren).

“When the eagles fall silent, the parrots begin their chatter” (Winston Churchill).

"Stories are the most powerful weapon in the leader's arsenal" (Howard Gardner).

“Leadership is a two-way street: loyalty goes there, loyalty goes back” (Grace Murray Hopper).

“The ability to lead is the ability to deceive, and the ability to deceive is the ability to destroy” (Thomas Monson).

"It's not about you. It's about them" (Clint Eastwood).

“Leadership is the ability to give people space to spread ideas that actually work” (Seth Godin).

“Leadership is a combination of character and strategy. But if you have to choose what to give up, then it’s better to give up the strategy” (Norman Schwarzkopf).

“True leaders see opportunity in every challenge, rather than challenge in every opportunity” (Reed Markham).

Block 5

“If you want to make people think, give them a goal, not an instruction” (David Market).

“If you answer “good” when asked how your day was, then I don’t think you spent it as a leader.” (Seth Godin)

“Dominate your field. You can do it!” (Yachinma Agu).

“Our limitations are not what guides us through life. It is the spirit within us" (John MacArthur).

“Winners see a goal and make plans to achieve it, while others only see obstacles and make excuses for why they cannot overcome them” (Orrin Woodward).

“According to one good police officer, his greatest asset was his ability to make quick decisions. So much the better if those decisions turned out to be correct” (Larry Niven).

“Some are born leaders, some achieve leadership positions through their work, and some are simply forced into leadership. What type of people would you consider yourself to be? Or maybe you would prefer not to be a leader at all? (Maurice Flanagan).

“Any man who has ever led an army, an expedition or a group of Boy Scouts is at heart a sadist” (Tahir Shah).

“Lure the enemy closer to you” (Charles Faddis).

“One of the most important aspects of leadership is the ability to instill confidence in others at a time when you yourself are feeling very uneasy” (Howard Schultz).

“What the president ended up saying was that Americans are inherently idealists, but they want their leaders to be realists...” (Bob Woodward).

“There are no superheroes, but together we can make the world move in a new direction” (Biz Stone).

I hope the above quotes provide you with great guidance and help you achieve new successes!