Where did the expression “Seven nannies have a child without an eye” come from? Proverbs: direct and figurative meaning. “Seven nannies have a child without an eye”: the meaning of the saying Synonymous proverbs when “eye” is used in the meaning of “look”

This, of course, was not the most difficult teenager, here we were lied to. Even in that golden time of the thaw, there were enough real difficult teenagers, compared to whom Afanasy was just an angel. The point, of course, is not that the team will be able to educate anyone, although the film bears this propaganda banner, as well as a couple more. To have something to brush off censorship.

But there is such humor here. Soft, rustic, kind. Probably the funniest scene is the hospitality of the Jewish family and, of course, Gerdt shines in it. “Sh-shamsky says. Shamsky. Yes. Shi-Iroka is my country Shamsky. You are disturbing me! No, not you, this is one of my loved ones (about the cat). There is not so much of Moscow in the film (of the director’s discoveries, “ morning work-out» cities), but there is something to admire.

And there is someone to blame. Almost every hero is told as much as necessary. It’s very difficult when there are more than three main characters, and Bykov handled it almost perfectly.

Afanasy is the pearl of this film. A little grace, a little irony, a spoonful of artistry, for sharpness, rudeness and cunning, for balance, childishness. Morozov turned out to be a wonderful young man. Handsome it’s strange that none of the girls fell in love with him. Well, of course, that would be unpedagogical. He lies, of course, recklessly - but at the same time everything is sewn with white thread, a completely innocent liar, because he does not consider it necessary or does not know how to calculate the consequences of lying beyond two moves. How sweetly he consoled Lena, who was crying from yet another rudeness from Victor an excellent comrade, no, no joke. The ability to console a lady is a rare skill in a man.

Pavel and Victor are two no less interesting images. It seems that “Uncle Pasha” is more pleasant - a simple one, all correct, handsome. But it was he who ultimately turned away from the “traitor” Afanasy. Shallow because, simple, alien to empathy he doesn’t think in slogans to the same extent as the unpleasant Maya, but almost the same. And Victor, from the very beginning, of course, is still a maximalist. Criminals, they say, are not people, throw them in a landfill and then warms up to Afanasy. Because he himself does not live calmly and directly, but is looking for something, is dissatisfied with something, his character is complex, bilious.

He, of course, is wrong when he asks Afanasy: why do I love you? Yes, no way, I would answer him, just like that, but this is not given at will. Parents love him for nothing, but Afanasy did not have this, and of course, he longs for it, but he understands that it is almost hopeless.

Lena is the strongest of the girls. Victor, a fool, considered her quiet and unresponsive, but she was one of those humanists who would fight for a person to the last, even with the system, even with the person himself. “But I feel sorry for him,” she says almost with a threat, and thus Athanasia still saves. And she also has “Greek eyes and even a Greek profile.” Although for me it’s more like an oriental beauty. I never thought, however, that men at night, when discussing girls, stop at comparing their eyes here, of course, the “Soviet innocence” mode turns on again.

It’s strange that among the classics of Soviet comedy this film was somehow lost. It’s no worse than Gaidaev’s tapes. But for some reason they remember him less. Don't know. I love.

seven nannies have a child without him

Alternative descriptions

Which organ can be callused only for fun?

Cat... found only in the Urals and Sri Lanka

He's the only one with the Cyclops

Organ of vision

Which organ can you please?

Squinted organ

One of the names of this organ in the Russian language came from Western European languages, where this word meant something shiny in the light, which reflected the properties of not only the organ itself, but also its prostheses, which began to be imported from Europe under Peter I

. “a glass... inserted into the door peephole will scare away thieves from your apartment” (joke)

What can you put on your favorite product?

. “round, humpbacked, near furry, trouble will come - water will flow” (riddle)

If not in the eyebrow, then in him

The mineral cymophane is known as cat's...

The organ on which the thorn jumps up

What did Odysseus inflict on the Cyclops Polyphemus?

. “Take care of your eyebrow, ... you will be safe” (proverb)

Ours is a diamond, someone else's is glass

What a child lacks with seven nannies


. "diamond" part of the face

His raven won't peck out the crow

. “Whoever remembers the old, let him ... go” (last)

. “at least... poke me out”

Diamond human organ

Kutuzov's injured area


Envious body

Place for a log

Half a mirror of the soul

Organ with retina

. “Oh, you fishy...!”

Organ with lens

Trained organ

Which organ has a lens and a retina?

Sniper's marksmanship

. “Take care of your eyebrow,... it will be safe”

. "blinker"

Rhyme to diamond

The organ of love for men (generally accepted)

Modern eye

The missing organ of the child of seven nannies

Facial light receiver

Eye at the present stage

Whoever remembers the old, let it go

Paris or Raven...

. "diamond" of a marksman

Trauma of the ward of seven nannies

What did Hercules steal from the Moiras in the cartoon?

Hiding under the eyelid

Organ with pupil

Seven nannies missing

. "sensor" of one of the five senses

Organ of vision

Cyclops has one

Supervision, supervision

. "Diamond" of a marksman

. "Diamond" part of the face

. "Take care of your eyebrow,... it will be safe"

. "Sensor" of one of the five senses

. "Blinker"

. "I have...a diamond"

. "At least... poke me out"

. "Oh, you fishy...!"

. “Take care of your eyebrow, ... you will be safe” (proverb)

. “round, humpbacked, about hairy, trouble will come - water will flow” (riddle)

. “Whoever remembers the old, let him ... go” (last)

. "a glass... inserted into the door peephole will scare away thieves from your apartment" (joke)

The raven won't peck the crow out

Which organ can be “calloused”

Which organ can you please?

M. instrument of sensory vision, eye; eyeball; Sib balls tally vyat. muttered; bathhouses south stared, stared, stared; pl. eyes, eyes; olon. eyes; collect eye; eye, eyes enlarged little eye, little eye, little eye. little eye, little eye, etc. will belittle. Sight, vision, as feeling; vision as action, looking, looking; look, look; keeping an eye on, keeping an eye on, keeping an eye on. The eye of man and higher animals, a ball, a bubble of thick hymen, skin; this is a dark horny white, the white of which is occupied in front, as if by an inserted watch glass, transparent or glass horny; behind her is the iris membrane, a ring hugging the pupil, the apple (emptiness); between the glassy horn and the iris there is a watery liquid, behind the iris the whole eye is filled with a glassy liquid, thick and sticky, and opposite the pupil sits a crystalline lens, like a magnifying glass; thick optic nerve, having entered from the brain from behind into the eye, it covers the entire interior of the walls of the ball. enclosing the glassy one on which they draw visible objects. The eye is unclean, bad, black. Even if you poke your eyes out, it’s dark. An evil eye looked (don’t look) at us, about damage, the evil eye. One eye is on Kesovo, the other is on (in) Razmesovo (Razlisovo?). One eye on the stove, the other on Galich. One eye on us, the other on Arzamas, of old, about Mordovians. We keep one eye on Arzamas. With braid eyes and straight soul. By eye, by eye. Go by eye (or by sight, by level). Eyes and measure, then direct faith. The eye of the measure. Whoever remembers the old things, look out. Choose your wife not with your eyes, but with your ears, that is, by fame. Look with your eyes, don’t give in to your hands. his eyes are in the back of his head. Rub your eyes. Not an eye in the forehead, not a tooth in the mouth. The eyes are like bowls, but they don’t see a crumb. The eye sees, but the hand does not touch. What you can’t see with your eyes, you’ll pay extra with your money. Sleep with one eye and watch with the other (blink). one eye, but keen, you don’t need forty. I don’t put witnesses in my own eyes. Your eye is better sibling . Your eye is worth more than praise. Don't trust your own brother, trust your crooked eye. Your money, yours and your eyes, watch what you buy. I’ve never seen (such a diva) with my own eyes, let alone with my eyes, it’s a joke. Herd geese with your eyes, sing songs with your voice, spin yarn with your hands, rock a child with your feet, talk. in the song, a woman came out of the Tatar full. Yegory and Vlas (patrons of herds) to all the wealth of eyes. Right in the face of fear. You can’t look at death like the sun with all your eyes. You can’t look at the truth, or at death, or at the sun with all your eyes. Where you look, it’s a pity to leave. Where it hurts, there is a hand; where it is nice, there are eyes. Eyebrow to eyebrow and eye to eye are similar. There are no eyes on the back of the head. The eyes do not live above the forehead. Two eyes, and even those behind the nose, do not see. There are no eyes for money: they don’t see what they give it for. Your own eye is a dear friend, but someone else’s is a thief. The master's eye is more valuable than anything else. Which eye will he look at? To whom they nod with a finger, but to us and the whole eye (in both eyes) they blink. blinks his eyes and spreads his hands, but to no avail. Everything is eaten, everything is bitten: the big boyars roll their eyes, they want the same thing, that is, to sleep. Spit on the thin eyes and rip out the others. Dashing (shameless) eyes and children are numb. The cat is darting in the eyes. Old and stupid: no strength, but it gets into your eyes. Boil mash, light your eyes. good girl neither ears nor eyes. Take a look, do it for the holiday (give it in rubles). caresses the eyes, and barks behind the eyes. sweet in the eyes, hateful for the eyes. They talk behind your back and about the Tsar. Don’t flatter your eyes, and don’t scold for your eyes (but for your eyes, as you know). eyes, and fears God, and fears people, but fears no one for his eyes. She cries with her eyes, but laughs with her heart. Eyes speak, eyes listen. I don't dare show my face. They poke their eyes with a stake, envious. The eyes are envious, and the hands are raking. You can't fool your eyes if you miss it. The eyes of a man are enemies. gluttony. The eyes are ashamed, but the soul is happy. his priestly eyes. The eyes are pits, and the hands are rakes. Pig eyes are not afraid of dirt. Your eyes will fill with tears. My eyes are teary, my sleeves are so worn. The eyes are scary. and the hands do it. Look with your eyes, but don't touch with your hands. fear eyes are large. For fear, my eyes are like bowls, but I can’t see a crumb. Whoever takes it without us will have no eyes, the inscription on the book. The right eye itches to rejoice, the left to cry. Look with your eyes. Take your eyes in your hands (in your teeth). He served time, or something. eyes? It is not the eyes that see, but the person, not the ear that hears, but the soul. This requires an eye and supervision. Your eye is more valuable than anything else. Your (master's) eye is a diamond, someone else's is glass. Your eye is sharp, you don’t need forty. Look through your own eyes. I saw it with my own eyes, myself. Take care of it like your eyes. He is dearer to me than my eyes. The royal eye sees far. Don't trust someone else's eye. He doesn’t believe his eyes, seeing something unexpected, or out of disbelief. I missed it, missed it. Before my eyes, in my eyes, before me, I saw. Stole from under my eyes. did not warn. Gone from sight, disappeared or disappeared, out of sight. The village burned down between my eyes, I missed it. I'll tell him this to his face. He lies to his face. The child is always in front of my eyes or under my eyes. Don't take it out of your sight, keep it before your eyes. How can I get it out of sight? Get out of sight! Don't show yourself to me! I’ve never even seen him, I don’t even know him. Why are you staring at me? I won’t blink an eye. You won't have time to blink an eye. Look around the place, measure it with your eye. Close to my eye. In my opinion it's ok. Go by eye, at a glance, according to the level. It won't come to the eye, it's just a matter of taste. Why are you staring, why are your eyes widening? I would eat it with my eyes, I'm angry. The eyes that stared at the spear were menacing. Give free rein to your eyes, look with shameless eyes. There are no well-fed eyes in the world. There are no eyes in the back of my head, you can see her from behind. His eyes move and see everything. Why are you rolling your eyes? embarrassed. He lowered his eyes, embarrassed. He blinks his eyes, his eyes are dumbfounded, embarrassed, taken aback. You can tell this and that by the eyes. Open your eyes, yawn. My eyes ran wide, I was confused, I didn’t know where to look. I looked through all my eyes, tired of looking. He doesn’t even show his eyes, you can’t see him, he doesn’t walk. Lose, lose your eyes, go blind. The eyes became dull, the eyes became bad. The whole night my eyes did not move, move or close. Close your eyes in shame, or die. his eyes grew sleepy, rolled under his forehead, he froze, he was dying. Open someone's eyes, point out the truth. Rub someone's eyes, make it clear, point out; rub your eyes with money, squander it. To throw dust in the eyes, to fog the eyes, to faint someone; dangle for show. Give someone golden or silver eyes, bribe them, give them gifts. You are an eyesore for me, you bore me with yourself. Spit in his eyes, he's lying. He doesn't understand the basics. Pour your eyes, get drunk drunk. he had lanterns under his eyes, his eyes were blackened, he was beaten up drunk. It’s dark, even if you poke your eye out. It really hurts my eyes. Stick something in the eyes, poke something in the eyes, reproach with something. Not in the eyebrow, but straight in the eye. Don't get in your way, be more modest. Look someone in the eye, obediently serve; obey, get in someone's face, show off or curry favor. Make eyes at someone, flatter; drag. His eyes are oily, glazed, sickly tender. face to face, one on one. The glasses are not in his eyes, he is being deceived. Behind the eyes, behind the eyes, behind the eyes, in absentia. A lot for the eyes, enough for the eyes, enough. Good eye, a kind eye, a happy one, from which there is no damage, ghost, evil eye, opposite sex. bad, bad, evil eye, harmful. Black eye, brown eye, pass us by. This is from the eye, from the gaze, from damage. A faithful eye, experienced and unerring in the eye. An eye of the sea, experienced and keen-sighted in maritime affairs. Blast your eyes, god. Cossacks, eyes of the army. Eye, Cossack. vedata, outposts, advanced mounted guards against the enemy. Eye, peephole in a growing tree, point, leaf bud, leaf bud; a potato eye, a wart-shaped hole that produces a sprout. ring and similar things: a single stone, a pearl. Layered agate, agate in multi-colored circles; onyx. Cell, network cell. Eyelet, opening, hole, e.g. a loop of thread, on a weaving mill, for threading the warp. Glazki, Kaluga two relatives or cousins brides who are constantly with her; at a wedding, sitting next to her, hold a dish in your hands, one contains a loaf of bread and two spoons, and the other contains a comb, a mirror, a scarf and a warrior; After the crown, the young man's hair is braided into two braids and a warrior (Naumov) is put on. Ophthalmic, belonging to or relating to the eye, eye glass, in spotting scope, facing the eye; opposite sex subject. Ocellar, forming or relating to an eye. To stare, gawk, yawn, look from afar, examine without purpose or sense. Glazing Wed. this action. To stare at someone, to put the evil eye on someone, to cast an evil eye on someone, to spoil someone with an eye, to disgrace someone. Eye-catching chicken. who is easy to jinx, to spoil; who has ugly eyes; eye-catching this property. eye psk. peep out of curiosity, spy. Glazun m. fried egg w. a mouthful, an idle onlooker who staggers and stares; who immodestly looks at you: who has bulging eyes. Fried egg, final scrambled egg, tselushka, tselishnika, quick-witted; Ryaz. sheep (Shane). Glazun network, Volzhsk. the rarest; behind it comes a cutting, and an even smaller piece, a piece. Glazina, glazina. arch. orbital m. olon. vodya, vadya window or well in the swamp Glaznik also a visor on a hoop, from the light. Glazenka, little eye. perm. Vyat. fried eggs, tselushka, final scrambled eggs. Eye socket Euphrasia plant. Povalnaya eye disease. Eye socket or the fossa in which the eyeball lies. Little eye, little eye. Psk. Kaluga pea porridge with cereal. Fried egg. Quick-eyed woman. Big-eyed, about a bug-eyed person, with bulging eyes; lookout, keen-sighted, who sees well, far, sees everything, notices. things: conspicuous: bright, colorful, strange or large pattern. The field is wide-eyed, but the forest is wide-eared, you can see in the field, you can hear in the forest. Big-eyed, big-eyed. Glazove avg. novg. ironing, cloudberry. Eye-killer or eye-killer m. arch. eye-catching Vologda. impudent, brawler, insolent: shameless, unhearing, self-willed. Eyeball, -pka, eyeball, m. -lka. -beam vol. an idle onlooker who stands with his eyes wide open. Eye-catchers, large pieces in tureen, chunks in okroshka, at which eaters stare. An eye meter is a way and skill to determine count, weight, measure, quantity, space, by eye, at random, by experience and skill. Visual, determined by the eye, measured by the eye. Comforting to the eye, pleasing to the eye

Your diamond, someone else's glass

Which organ has a lens and a retina?

Cyclops has one

What does the child of seven nannies lack?

What did Hercules steal from the Moiras in the cartoon?

That Odysseus gouged out the Cyclops Polyphemus

What can you put on your favorite product?

They squint at him

Which organ can be calledus?

. "... if he doesn't see, his heart doesn't hurt"

The head receiver is visual. information..

A sharp-eyed device will bring you closer. measurements

. “... if he doesn’t see, his heart doesn’t hurt”

Head receiver visual information

Seven nannies have a child... no It would be more accurate to say this actually :)

It was this saying that came to my mind after my visit last Saturday to TIM “Biryusa”. I visited there to participate in the round table “Subjects of innovation activity as an infrastructure for the implementation of youth innovation projects.” Has anyone been able to master this title the first time? I couldn't either.

For some reason I was sure that this year the 31st falls on a Friday. That’s why I agreed to go to the round table about a month ago. What's the end result? It’s Saturday, my birthday—and I have to head out to the pier area on the Krasnoyarsk Sea early in the morning.

Well, oh well - the example of Taiwan with its more than successful technology parks is still fresh in my memory (in fact, technology parks are the very subjects of innovation). And, most importantly, everything is arranged in a smart way - the Scientific Council determines the priorities of scientific policy, and Scientific research finances and develops technology parks. Everything is clear, everything is consistent, specialists are handling the matter. As a result, they have something to show - existing production facilities.

What do we have? All subjects of that same innovative activity took part in the panel discussion - the technology park, the business incubator, the regional science foundation and similar structures from other regions. Readers will be able to see the list of participants by scrolling through the photo gallery.

The meeting was started by Vladimir Osipenko, deputy. Minister of Economy and Regional Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Numerous squares, connected by lines into beautiful diagrams, showed which path a young innovator should take in order to ultimately become a young millionaire.

Further performances differed in varying degrees of fullness. Lyudmila Poddubnaya, venture investment specialist management company“Youth Technologies” (Moscow) was more specific and told how they are trying to bring specific projects to the market. Andrey Starkov from the Novosibirsk Technopark showed what stage of development their project is at. Judging by the foundations of buildings in varying degrees completion and open centers 3-D prototyping, Novosibirsk is already approaching some final stage of readiness. And they have gone very far from us. But Natalya Chursina, a representative of the Kuzbass Technopark, herself admitted that they are still at the very beginning of their journey.

In their presentations, almost everyone - both business representatives and officials - operated with similar schemes - at the stage of this square we are looking for ideas, then we examine them, and then we will help them enter the market... But everyone ended their story in approximately the same way. Implemented projects and there are no products on the market yet, and I’m a little short on ideas. It’s interesting that for some reason the customers of our developments (now I’m speaking for the Institute of Biophysics) from Germany, the USA and even Kazakhstan are looking at the ideas, but in Krasnoyarsk it’s difficult to notice them. In my short speech, I even joked, not entirely successfully (from the point of view of the assembled audience), that today we have several times more officials and structures involved in innovation than there are innovators themselves. But this remark caused nothing but tension on their faces and condescending smiles.

So. Stop running your thoughts over the pages. As a result, it is absolutely incomprehensible to me why so many people want to “get involved” in innovation. Getting involved is not about inventing or implementing something. Engage in terms of steering. And here is the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy or the Committee on Youth Affairs State Duma Russian Federation (these structures were the official organizers of the round table)? Why are we creating technology parks in every city and region if the number of ideas is measured in units? By the way, yesterday I learned from the Divnogorsk city newspaper “Lights of the Yenisei” that they also decided to create a technology park in Divnogorsk. Here are the stupid Taiwanese - the first technology park was created in 1980, and the second only in 1997. It was necessary to immediately build 40 pieces, in each town, you see, products would be produced not for 66 billion, as today, but for all 666...

Perhaps most specifically in response to the constant calls of State Duma deputy Sergei Belokonev: “Well, what needs to be done specifically?” answered Alexey Sokolsky and Sergey Bogdanov. The recipe from Alexey, a business representative, was short and simple: “Don’t interfere with work.” Sergei, as an employee of the industrial giant Krasmash, was no less simple and categorical: “Stop discussing endless concepts and schemes. Let me finish at least what has already been started. All potential projects, at least in Krasnoyarsk, are known. We just need to start implementing them.”

And, most importantly, I cannot say that the presentations were not on point or that the participants at the table did not understand something. It seems that everyone cares about the development of the country. Everyone wants to change something.

Probably, Dmitry Medvedev is right after all, who last week At a meeting of the Russian Presidential Commission on modernization and technological development of the economy, he said approximately the following: “In the minds of the population, modernization is associated exclusively with technological development, but in fact this concept is much broader and covers issues of combating corruption, developing fair competition and eliminating unnecessary administrative influence.” Personally, I have the opinion that it is these three points - corruption, excessive administrative influence and lack of competition - that block all good intentions to change something in our lives.

Without what eye is a child?

“I’m interested,” Zheltova asked, “are things in the Manchurian army the same as ours, or better?” “Although there is unity of command there, but in Arthur we have Stessel one, Smirnov another, Vitgeft third,” noted Zvonarev... “And as you know, with seven nannies a child is always missing an eye.” A. N. Stepanov. Port Arthur

The well-known proverb about seven nannies does not seem to require special decoding. All the words that make it up are understandable, the figurative meaning is extremely clear: when several people take on something at once, it is usually not done in the best way. The authors of proverb dictionaries emphasize that the main emphasis of this proverb is the characteristic of an irresponsible attitude towards something that is fulfilled when people or organizations rely on each other (Zhukov 1966, 461-462; Felitsyna, Prokhorov 1988,104; Kuzmin, Shadrin 1989, 264):

“If Russian writers decided to publish a magazine on shares,” he [Nekrasov] added, “they would justify the proverb: seven nannies always have a child without an eye.” I discussed with Belinsky many times about the founding of a new magazine, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to realize our cherished dream without money” (A. Ya. Panaeva. Memoirs); “About the named brown house, one local administrator joked: “Here is the justice, here is the police, here is the police - just an institution of noble maidens.” But, probably according to the proverb that seven nannies have a child without an eye, this house amazes with its dull barracks appearance, dilapidation and complete absence any kind of comfort, both outside and inside” (A.P. Chekhov. In court); “One foreman and his people are responsible for wintering the livestock, and another foreman and other people prepare food for him. And they blame each other... - Seven nannies have a child without an eye” (V.V. Svechki. District everyday life).
Looking at the dictionary comments, however, we will see that deciphering the literal meaning of the proverb is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Some commentators explain the combination without an eye (bez glazu) literally, i.e., as an “eyeless child,” others believe that the word eye here means “supervision, supervision.” “Without an eye (obsolete) - without supervision, without supervision,” writes, for example, V.P. Felitsyna, a famous lexicographer and researcher of Russian proverbs (Felitsyna, Prokhorov 1988,104).

This interpretation is very common in our lexicographical tradition. In the 4-volume dictionary edited by D. N. Ushakov, the meaning of “supervision, supervision” is even highlighted as the second meaning of the word eye, although it is practically reconstructed on the basis of several stable expressions (here you need a pile of eyes; you need an eye and an eye) and the interest us proverbs. The compilers of the new Small Academic Dictionary do approximately the same thing, although they qualify the eye as “supervision, supervision” not as an independent meaning, but as a connotation to the meaning “ability to see, vision.” The shade, however, is derived precisely from our proverb. This is exactly how the combination is interpreted to the naked eye and to a foreign reader. The authoritative Russian-English Oxford Dictionary by Marcus Wheeler, for example, giving the proverb about nannies the English equivalent Too many cooks spoil the broth (“Too many cooks spoil the broth”), also gives the decoding that is already familiar to us: “litě where there are seven nurses the child is without supervision" (literally, "where there are seven nannies, a child is unattended") (Wheeler 1985,415).

Discrepancies in the interpretation of the deep meaning of the proverb are reflected in popular publications of Russian paremiology. It is curious that in two small collections, published at the same time and addressed to the same German reader, different interpretations: in the dictionary of M. Ya. Zwilling it is explained on the basis of the specific meaning of the word eye (Bei sieben Kindermâdchen verliert das Kind ein Auge “With seven nannies, a child loses an eye”), in the dictionary of G. L. Permyakov - on the basis of the figurative “supervision” ( Bei sieben Ammen (gleichzeitig) bleibt das Kind ohne Aufsicht “With seven nannies, the child is left unattended.”

In the “Russian-English Dictionary of Proverbs and Sayings” by S. S. Kuzmin and N. L. Shadrin, a “dialectical” interpretation of our proverb was given. “The components “without an eye” or “without an eye,” the authors write, “usually mean “in nobody's care,” or may even also mean “lost one's eye.” ")" (Kuzmin, Shadrin 1989, 264). Since this “Solomonic solution” leaves the question of the literal meaning of the proverb open, some kind of Additional Information, which would lead to an objective decoding.

And such information is very accessible. If any compiler of these dictionaries looks at the neighboring Slavic languages, the riddle will be solved unambiguously.

Let's start with the languages ​​closest to Russian—Belarusian and Ukrainian: Many nannies have no nose; There are a lot of nannies, there is a child without a head. As you can see, instead of the Russian eye, it is precisely parts of the body that appear here, which confirms the decoding, which is not very popular in Russian lexicography—“eyeless” and not “street” child. An even greater set of physical defects in a child, which many people must take care of, is found in the mirror of Polish proverbs: Gdzie wiele nianiek (piastunek), tam dziecko bez nosa Where there are many nannies, there is a child without a nose"; Gdzie wiele nianiek, tam dziecko bez ręki albo nogi Where there are many nannies, there is a child without a leg or an arm"; Gdzie wiele nianiek, tam dziecko bez głowy Where there are many nannies, there is a child without a head."

The set of “disabilities” can be expressed in Slavic proverbs and more generally: in Ukrainian there are many nannies, there is a crippled child; This woman is happy, but the child is deaf; floor. Gdzie wiele nianiek, tam dziecko chore (garbate, krzywe) Where there are many nannies, there the child is sick (hunchbacked, crooked)", Gdzie dużo mamek, tam dziecko kaleka (kulawe) Where there are many nannies, there the child is crippled (lame)"; bopt. Devet babi - khilavo dete "Nine nannies - sickly child", Which child has a lot of nannies, is sickly iziza, "Which child is looked after by many nannies, that one sickly look", Many women - kilavo dete "Many nannies - a sick child." It is characteristic that the author of the Bulgarian-Russian dictionary of proverbs S.I. Vlahov, who gave the last three equivalents, also gives the correct literal translation of the Russian proverb about seven nannies into the Bulgarian language: When sedem bavachki deteto bezoko - “Seven nannies have an eyeless child” (Vlakhov 1980,237).

This decoding of the original image of our proverb is confirmed by some variants in which the “eye” appears: Ukrainian. There are two nannies, there is a child without an eye (Franko I, 460), floor. Gdzie wiele nianiek, tam dziecko krzywe “Where there are many nannies, there is a one-eyed child” (NKP1,529).

Slavic parallels not only clarify the image of our proverb, but also show its certain specificity in comparison with them. After all, it is in the Russian language that the multitude of guardians is expressed by the “magical” number for our folklore, seven—we have almost no other “digital” options. And this is no coincidence, since many of our proverbs and sayings are based on this number: Measure seven times, cut once; Seven troubles - one answer; Seven do not wait for one thing; Seven with a spoon, one with a bipod; Seven things cannot be handled in one hand; For seven years he was silent, on the eighth he cried out; Seven axes lie on a pole, and two spinning wheels are apart; to slurp jelly seven miles away; on the seventh sky; seven versts is not an outskirts... Among other Slavs, as we have seen, in the proverb about nannies and children, the magic seven is represented in Belarusian and (albeit with a different component “alignment”) in Ukrainian. In Polish speech, a variant with this number was recorded only once and quite late - in 1930: Gdzie mamek siedem, tam dziecko kulawe “Where there are seven nannies, there is a lame child” (NKP1,529).

The “scatter” of numerical indicators for similar proverbs, as we have seen, is very large - from two nannies in Ukrainian to nine in Bulgarian. In Polish collections of proverbs, in addition to two and seven, you can also find six nannies. However, in most languages, generalized designations for set predominate—Ukr. bug, buggy, floor. wiele, dużo, mnogi, Bulgarian a lot of. This is further confirmation of the generalized plural meaning of the number seven in Russian proverbs and sayings.

So, careful observation of the variations in the proverb about nannies and children leaves no doubt that we are talking here specifically about the “eye” and not about “supervision, supervision.” But that is not all. It is the variants and parallels of our proverb that help explain why in the Russian dictionary tradition the eye was so persistently associated with supervision. Indeed, in parallel, there was another proverb among the people - about shepherds: Seven shepherds do not have a flock (Mikhelson 1901-19021, 423). It also had its own variations and analogies such as Russian in Slavic languages. One sheep has seven shepherds or Czechs. Čím víc skotákův, tím větší škoda “The more shepherds, the greater the loss.” In this proverb, the meaning of “supervision, supervision” is clearly emphasized, which, apparently, influenced some shift in emphasis in the similar proverb about the seven nannies. The consolidation of this secondary association was also facilitated by the fact that in such well-known folk expressions as an eye and an eye is needed, the master's eye, etc., the word eye actually acquires a more abstract meaning - “supervision.”

Rethinking the primary image of our Tyuslovka is, apparently, a relatively recent story. After all, in early XIX V. the combination without an eye in it was not only perceived literally, but could also be played out humorously on the basis of such a literal perception. This is how one of the writers of that time, A.K. Izmailov (1779-1831), does it in his “Letter to the publishers of the Northern Bee”: “There is a Russian proverb: seven nannies have a child without an eye. True, I didn’t have so many of them, but from kind nannies and nurses... my eldest son is also without an eye, the youngest with a large hump, one daughter with a crooked side, and the other without a leg.”

As you can see, the entire set of mutilations already known to us from Slavic proverbs is presented here in full. Well, it’s clear—and indeed: in many nannies there is a lot of sadness...

A large family is an “organization” with great educational potential. Regardless of your social type, whether it is a large family or a patriarchal family where several generations live together, a large family has great educational opportunities based on the transfer of experience. A child in a large family is surrounded by care and attention.

It would seem that in a house with big amount children should always be supervised. But it was not in vain that it appeared folk proverb about how “seven nannies have a child without an eye.” If in a small family the responsibility for upbringing rests entirely with one of the parents, usually the mother, while the father works, then in a large family the responsibility for the child is transferable. And this is where the main problem lies. If everyone is responsible for the child at once, then perhaps no one in particular is responsible. Let's figure out who should raise a child in a large family.

Raising a child in a large family

Older children, of course, should help their parents. And here lies keyword"to help". You cannot completely place responsibility for younger children on fragile children's shoulders. Parents should be responsible for the upbringing and health of the child, and older children should have their own “area of ​​responsibility.” It should be remembered that older children are, first of all, children with their own difficulties and problems. They desperately need parental involvement in their lives.

How to distribute responsibilities to preserve the interests of all family members

    It is good that each family member has his own clearly defined area of ​​responsibility. It is important to identify the task: do not force the child to vacuum or water the flowers every day, but to ensure that the house is always clean and the soil of the flowers does not dry out. This way it will be more convenient for you to set quality requirements, and the child will learn to do his work conscientiously.

    Select assignments according to your strength. Include even little ones in household chores, selecting tasks according to age: putting away toys, feeding a kitten, watering a flower, hanging towels straight.

    If possible, leave it up to the children to decide when to complete the task. This way they will learn to plan their day.

    Analyze on family council schedule of all family members and determine the tasks for caring for younger children so that they do not infringe on the rights of older children.

Older children in relation to younger ones can:

    drop off and pick up from kindergarten;

    feed and walk;

    engage in play before mom arrives or while parents are doing household chores;

    check lessons (if possible); monitor the completion of household errands.

: Parents must fulfill their educational function.

IN large family care for the younger ones should be clearly distributed among family members.

Experience of raising a large family

Lilia, 40 years old. My younger brother was born when I was 12 years old. My older brother was 15, but everyone decided that I should be the one to take care of the baby, since I was a girl. I spent my childhood with a stroller in my hands. I was truly envious of my friends who could go to the movies or have fun playing outside. But the most offensive thing was the situation with the dance club. My brother was 4 years old. Mom worked until 18.00, and classes in the dance studio began at 17.30. And the brother categorically refused to sit with the baby twice a week from 17.00 to 18.30. I persuaded him, called my grandmother, met my mother and brother from work, was late for classes. Once, after long rehearsals, I was not allowed to go to a competition in another city, since there was no one to be with my brother. After I let the team down, I had to leave the studio. The family was happy, and no one noticed the children's grief. But you just need to love all the children in the family, and not sacrifice one child for another.

Olga, 37 years old. I grew up in a large family as the third child and had two younger twin brothers. Mom and dad worked a lot. But I remember my childhood as the happiest. Dad took the twins to kindergarten in the morning, and their older brother picked them up on the way from school. My older sister warmed up dinner, and I helped with the cleaning right after school. After dinner, for about 1-2 hours, I had to spend time with the kids, playing, reading fairy tales or walking outside. Then the older sister took them. And in the evening, their parents took care of them, played, bathed them and put them to bed. After the door to the nursery closed, everyone gathered for tea for a family council, where the next day was determined minute by minute. We had hobby groups, my brother went in for sports. We are still close friends and always visit our parents. We all have our own large families, because children from large families grow up to be the best.

Raising a child in a patriarchal family

If several generations live in one house, then such a family is patriarchal: children have parents, grandparents and great-grandparents under one roof. The first thought that comes to mind is increased attention to the child and his possible spoiling. These statements are not without meaning. Indeed, what the parents forbade, the grandmother will allow, and what the grandmother does not allow, the great-grandmother will allow. At the same time, such upbringing scenarios are possible that will lead to overprotection or the formation of a “family idol.” Another danger is when the parents, relying on each other, simply leave the child unattended.

Despite these prospects, raising a child in such a family has great potential, since it is based on passing on valuable life experience to children and preserving traditions. In addition, grandmothers and great-grandmothers know how to clearly set priorities, the most important of which is the child. To avoid unpleasant consequences improper upbringing, you need to strictly follow the rules of upbringing in a large family.

Rules for raising children in a patriarchal family

    Unity of requirements. Discuss at your family council the list of requirements that everyone must strictly observe. This will include: adherence to the daily routine, nutritional rules, the child’s fulfillment of household duties, work assignments, and school assignments.

    Distribute child care responsibilities. If your parents are busy, find out who will take you to extra classes, check your homework, and organize your leisure time.

    Parents should not delegate all upbringing to older generation. Define your role in daily activities. Being tired during the day should not be an excuse for not having contact with your child.

    Don't allow yourself or your children to speak disrespectfully about any family member.

    Do not allow active grandparents to “pull the blanket over themselves”, essentially taking the role of father and mother and at the same time removing parents.

    Do not conflict with elders in front of your child. Solve problems without children in a calm tone.

    Do not deprive your child of public education, be sure to send him to kindergarten.

Experience of raising children in a patriarchal family

Kirill, 30 years old. I grew up as the “center of the universe.” He was sick very often and did not go to kindergarten. How I loved those days, when all day one grandmother read books to me, and the other baked pancakes. The three of us even played football. We had our own secrets and mysteries. In the evening I told how I spent the day, keeping silent about some things, and knowing that my grandmothers would not give me away. When I became a schoolchild, I began to do homework with my grandmother, a former teacher, and the other grandmother, as before, took care of dinner and health. Parents organized active weekends and supervised the daily process of education. My family is friendly and united. I love and respect everyone, because each of my relatives left a piece of themselves in me.

Tatyana, 43 years old. Since the wedding I have been living with my husband’s parents and his grandmother. At first they thought it was temporary, while there was no opportunity to buy a home. Then children were born, and there was no opportunity to constantly be with them, but here there are free nannies. Then my parents got old and needed help. All this time we raised our children together. Everyone has their own responsibilities and area of ​​responsibility. The children grew up to be literate, intelligent, responsible, caring, respectful and decent. I am calm about my old age. We raised our children right.

In a large family, each family member contributes to the upbringing of the child. The main thing is that the goals of education are common, and the distribution of responsibilities is correct.

Svetlana Sadova