The most popular vitamins for the eyes. The best vitamins for eyes according to customer reviews

Recently, my daughter finally got rid of a very serious and unpleasant problem - she did laser correction vision. From childhood, from first grade, she (and, of course, I along with her) fought for normal vision, which kept trying to fall. What did we not do! Constant monitoring by an ophthalmologist, daily drops to maintain vision, vitamins and vitamin complexes, eye exercises every three hours, any restrictions on the TV-computer, twice a year a two-week hospital stay to maintain vision. There was an effect, of course, but it didn’t last very long – they raised their vision by one or two points and that’s it. IN graduating class Veronica's vision became -4, and in her third year at the institute it dropped even more - to minus six.

The long-awaited operation took place quite recently. Now my daughter sees perfectly. She says that it is so unusual for her to look at a world that does not double and does not blur. Now there are three months of rehabilitation and control ahead. The ophthalmologist recommended for quick recovery take eye vitamins. There are such a large selection of them now!

Best eye vitamins to improve vision

Why exactly are eye vitamins needed? Are the common vitamin complexes really containing the “wrong” vitamins and they don’t work to improve vision?

Of course, they affect both vision and the condition of the whole body! But our body is like the Universe, and vision is just a small planet. Small, but very important. Some minerals and vitamins specifically act to improve the condition of such important body like eyes. And they give the desired effect only in a certain combination.

Which brand of eye vitamins should I choose?

Many pharmaceutical companies - both Russian and foreign - specialize in the production of vitamin and mineral complexes. But for some reason there are not many companies that produce vitamins specifically for the eyes. And more often there are domestic manufacturers of vitamins to improve vision. This is the Altai pharmaceutical company Evalar. It is very famous and is famous for using only natural raw materials in production. Another Russian pharmaceutical company, UfaVITA, produces good vitamins for the eyes.

Also, vitamins to improve vision are created by the American pharmaceutical company UNIPHARM INC and the German company Doppelherz.

One small tablet contains many treasures for improving vision - nine vitamins, three minerals, zeaxanthin, lutein. They help the eyes stay healthy - they strengthen the walls of the eye vessels, protect from ultraviolet radiation, and help restore all cells and tissues. In addition, they additionally nourish the body, maintaining visual acuity during prolonged exercise.

Positive sides: convenient dosage regimen (one tablet per day), can be used as a prophylaxis against decreased visual acuity, quickly restores vision, not very expensive product(a two-month course costs four hundred rubles).

Negative sides: Contraindicated for children under eighteen years of age.

Vitrum vision

In addition to vitamins and minerals, which is produced by an American pharmaceutical company, this complex includes plant carotenoids (natural substances, antioxidants, derivatives of vitamin A). Not many vitamins and minerals, but their composition is well balanced. Has a high speed of vision restoration.

Positive sides: Recommended for use in children over the age of twelve, especially good for teenagers. Because not really big number different vitamins and minerals, but they have a targeted effect and, in addition, a cumulative effect. Used as a means of preventing vision impairment.

Negative sides: very high cost (a two-month course of 60 tablets costs one thousand rubles). Do not combine with taking other vitamins without consulting a doctor.

The pharmaceutical company "Evalar" has adopted healing properties blueberries, which have long been known and popular for improving vision. Scientific and medical research confirmed that blueberries actually contain natural components that restore eye tissue and stimulate the formation of a special eye pigment (it is responsible for vision in different conditions illumination). Extra work this complex contains lutein, zinc, vitamins B and C. They improve general state vision.

Positive sides: low cost (50 tablets cost only 150 rubles), completely natural composition, Very fast action dietary supplement, no contraindications, approved for adults and children with three years.

Negative sides: not found.

Vitamin complex from pharmaceutical company"Evalar" with the main active ingredient is star eyebright. This medicinal plant regenerates eye tissue, restores damaged cells. In addition to star eyebright extract, a vitamin complex that enhances the effect has been added to the complex.

Positive sides: fully natural remedy, very affordable (thirty tablets cost 120 rubles), a fast-acting dietary supplement. Recommended for adults who spend a lot of time at the computer, those whose work involves frequent changes illumination, as well as for children from three years old.

Negative sides: possible allergic reaction for medicinal herbs.

"Biorhythm vision 24 day/night"

The peculiarity of this dietary supplement is that the vitamins and minerals included in the composition are divided into two groups - day and night. This was justified by the fact that during the day the eyes experience increased stress, and at night during sleep, it is easier for the eye to absorb other vitamins and minerals. During the day he requires more protection from antioxidants, he needs more nutrients for work, at night the function of cell and tissue restoration is turned on. Therefore, in the “Biorhythm vision 24 hours” complex, “daytime” tablets contain substances that protect the retina from ultraviolet radiation, the action of free radicals, harmful electronic and magnetic radiation, as well as those that are responsible for the reserves of light-sensitive pigments. “Night” tablets contain substances that nourish and regenerate nerve cells, vessels and capillaries of the eye and other tissues.

Positive sides: fully natural ingredients, low cost (32 tablets cost 230 rubles), can be used by children from three years old, without contraindications.

Negative sides: Not everyone is comfortable with taking vitamins twice a day.

The main active ingredient is omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Completely natural. Acts on blood vessels and capillaries located in the eyes. Prevents vasoconstriction and the formation of atherosclerosis. The action of this drug cleanses the blood vessels and capillaries, increases their elasticity, increases the speed of blood flow, and oxygen is more quickly delivered to the nerves and other cells of the eye tissue. This medicine is especially recommended for older people who have begun to experience age-related changes.

Positive sides: fully natural ingredients, are used as a prophylactic against decreased visual acuity, as well as to prevent age-related changes.

Negative sides: high cost (thirty capsules - a course for a month - cost 380 rubles), the dosage must be strictly observed, a doctor's consultation is required.

In addition to reception medicines or biologically active additives It will be very good to take care of your eyes. Pamper them with special gymnastics. Using this gymnastics two to three times a day for ten days restores vision very well, and the reviews are very good. Moreover, it does not require additional items or funds. The main thing is that the eyes are in place.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Close your eyes and press them as far as possible with your palms for thirty seconds. Then open your palms and eyes. Repeat three to four times.

Squint your eyes strongly at first left side, then to the right. Repeat the movement ten times.

Look up, then down. Repeat ten times.

Roll your eyes in a circle for fifteen seconds.

Look at the tip of your nose, then at an object located further than it. Repeat ten times.

Be sure to add walks in the fresh air to gymnastics. Because our eyes, like our lungs, our heart and all other organs, need oxygen.

Another important factor is the condition of the cervical and thoracic spine. Don't let the blood stagnate, warm up. The main arteries that deliver oxygen to the blood pass there. Warm up, move your back, neck, get the blood flowing. And you will immediately feel an influx of strength.

Excellent vision is one of the components good health person. After all, the fullness of the life potential of each of us depends on how our eyes see. Therefore, you need to pay close attention to the health of your eyes, especially if any defects or abnormalities are already observed.

Do your eyes need vitamins?

IN modern times influenced by many factors: congenital pathologies, poor nutrition, stress and anxiety, a polluted ecological environment, but the most common diagnoses are still eye ailments associated with prolonged work at the computer.

Constant overload leads to a waste of eye energy that the body needs to produce. An accelerated pace of work in a large volume leads to loss of picture clarity and myopia. To restore our health potential, we absolutely need eye vitamins to improve vision.

How to use vitamins for the eyes?

Vitamins for restoring vision, which can be bought at the pharmacy today, can have a positive effect on the eyes only if they contain necessary list elements that are not enough in the body. That is, the drugs sold, due to their individual composition, are not suitable for everyone. Each person deteriorates according to various reasons, and it is they who need to be influenced. Some treat myopia, others night blindness, others cataracts, and in each specific case you need an individual dose of a specific vitamin.

All vitamins for the eyes to improve vision are taken strictly according to the instructions, without increasing or decreasing the prescribed dose.

Be careful!

An overdose of vitamins is fraught with the development of hypervitaminosis and a number of other serious disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to buy eye vitamins to improve vision on the recommendation of a doctor, focusing on a specific drug indicated in the prescription. No amount of amateur activity can improve vision if pharmacy shelves are overflowing with a large assortment of eye vitamins. This needs to be known and understood.

List of vitamins on which healthy vision depends

To fully restore vision, the human body must receive vitamins E, A, C, D, B, B1, B2, nicotinic and folic acid, lutein, zinc, selenium, cyanocobalamin, Alpha acid. This list is contained in certain foods.

Lack of retinol - vitamin A - is the cause of night blindness, conjunctivitis, stye, loss at dusk and darkness. Foods such as carrots, rose hips, parsley, dried fruits, liver, fish are very rich in this vitamin. fatty varieties, tomatoes, citrus fruits.

Vitamin E for the eyes is necessary elements for myopia, the main component in the restoration of retinal cells. Vegetable, corn and wheat germ oils are very rich in vitamin E.

Vitamin D strengthens eye tissue, is necessary for proper muscle contraction and is very useful in the development of myopia. The main source of this element is mushrooms - champignons.

Ascorbic acid - vitamin C - is an element that strengthens blood vessels and relieves tension eye muscles. It helps perfectly with irritations and perfectly relieves fatigue under heavy loads. So many ascorbic acid found in cabbage, peppers, rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants.

B vitamins are elements that provide correct work optic nerves. Depends on the amount of vitamin B1 intraocular pressure. Vitamin B2 protects the retina from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin B3, called nicotinic acid is responsible for proper blood circulation in the eye area. Vitamin B6 is a guarantee of stable nervous system and lack of eye fatigue. Vitamin B12 is responsible for the restoration of the optic nerves.

B vitamins are taken for glaucoma and cataracts. The source of these vitamins is wholemeal bread.

Lutein protects the eyes from retinal damage. There is a lot of it in spinach, cabbage and corn.

Folic acid is responsible for the elasticity of corneal tissue. Its source is bananas, apples and all root vegetables.

Zinc and selenium help the body absorb vitamin A. These components can be obtained from mussels, oysters, peppers, onions and garlic.

Cyanocobalamin strengthens optic nerves. There is a lot of it in egg yolk, meat and dairy products.

Alpha acid is an element that is essential for people suffering from diabetes. This diagnosis has a significant impact on vision loss. Its deficiency can be compensated by eating spinach and rice.

Each person's digestive and metabolic system is different, and many of the vitamins on this list may not be absorbed properly. To replenish the body with any one vitamin, you often have to consume a certain product in large quantities. Therefore, for a more comfortable and complete replenishment of the body’s reserves, vitamins for the eyes are used to improve vision in the form of drops or tablets containing the required concentration of useful substances.

What is better to use - fortified drops or tablets?

There are various vitamins on the market to improve vision. Reviews from many patients are more focused on drip medications. Doctors also evaluate them from a positive point of view. Why?

Taking fortified tablets involves the entry of vitamins first into the digestive system, and only then the concentration of a certain element reaches the eyes through the supply. This process is as long as the reception natural products. And the drops have local action and are directly applicable to diseased areas of the eyes, which accelerates the effect of replenishing missing vitamins instantly.

Doctors often prescribe it when diagnosing the development of complex ailments or for their prevention. Fortified preparations in tablets for initial stages visual impairment.

Vitaminized eye drops

What drops to buy - eye vitamins - to improve vision?

Positive reviews from many who relieve eye strain after a working day spent at the computer pay attention to a drug such as Riboflavin. These are drops that contain B vitamins.

For eye irritation, cataracts, and corneal diseases, many people use the fortified drug in drops “Taufon”. It is a sulfur containing acid. Many people noted positive influence these drops on quick withdrawal inflammation, eliminating the feeling of dryness. These drops are often used by office workers during prolonged work at a computer monitor.

The most inexpensive and acceptable for many drops are “Vizin”. Allergy sufferers, office workers and welders speak positively about them, who struggle with watery eyes, irritation, redness, dryness and burns of the cornea.

Dietary supplements and vision restoration

To restore full eye health, specialized dietary supplements are also used. Many people who trust dietary supplements take vitamins with blueberries for their eyes. They are absorbed very quickly by the body, so they create the same effect as drops.

Dietary supplement with blueberries contains zinc, many praise its effectiveness in relieving eye fatigue, as well as in restoring retinal function.

Children's vision and vitamins

In modern times, the deterioration of vision in adults is more associated with professional strenuous activity. But the vision of many children still depends on a genetic factor, which today does not please ophthalmologists with statistics of healthy children's eyes, for the treatment of which fortified preparations are also used.

During vision treatment for children and schoolchildren, both gymnastics and eye vitamins are prescribed. For children, only children's medications should be used. Many parents have tested on their children the effectiveness of such fortified eye products as Lutaflunol and Pikivit omega drops, which are used for sharp decline vision and eye fatigue, homeopathic vitamins "Dopelherz pharma", which restore the proper functioning of the eye muscles.

What are the best eye vitamins for children?

As the child grows, the child’s body requires a constant supply of nutrients that contribute to full development. The most necessary vitamins for the eyes (to improve vision) for children are A, E, C, B2. Special attention parents should give enough vitamin A. To prevent deficiency, it is better to take vitamin A in multivitamin complexes“Oligovit”, “Pikovit”, “Revit”.

Vision treatment in children should be carried out under the close supervision of an ophthalmologist. It is he who prescribes doses of vitamins, since their excessive concentration in the body can cause side effects and the development of other diseases.

If you manage to complete the entire list with food essential vitamins For healthy vision, you should not get carried away with fortified preparations. Sufficient content of vitamins in the human body affects not only development but also other physiological processes. Self-treatment you can harm yourself. This should always be remembered.

Self-diagnosis for eye diseases is categorically inappropriate, and the use of drugs for their treatment without doctor’s prescription is also inappropriate.

To prevent your eyes from getting tired and bothered by dryness and redness, you should take frequent breaks during work, which involves attentiveness, constant tension, special gymnastics, training near and far vision, focusing on various objects.


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Since childhood I have suffered from vision problems. Firstly, it’s hereditary, secondly, after a head injury, my vision deteriorated sharply, and thirdly, I have an office job and I spend the whole day at the computer. Every year my vision decreases, my diopters in glasses increase and my hopes for sudden insight are fading. I don’t dare to have surgery, I’m afraid of going completely blind. But one day, at another clinic, an ophthalmologist advised me to take a course of eye supplements. I have long heard about this American company, about its 100% natural products. I’ll say right away that this is not a cheap pleasure, but health is more expensive! To save money, I recommend ordering vision supplements on iHerb. Here I bought this drug for almost half the price than at the pharmacy! I can say that it was with this complex that my experiments with dietary supplements for eyes.

Doctors also advise taking vision supplements with blueberries. It is known that blueberries are extremely beneficial for the body, especially for the eyes, thanks to the minerals, vitamins and trace elements that they contain. Pay attention to the drug.

Where to buy quality eye supplements?

With the development of new technologies, almost every second person has vision problems. We are surrounded by computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, which make life easier, but at the same time negatively affect our vision. Many ophthalmologists recommend taking dietary supplements to prevent or relieve fatigue and redness. But based on own experience, I can say that domestic drugs (for example, Blueberry Forte) do not bring special results due to the low concentration active substances. In this matter, it is better to trust the vision supplements that are presented on iHerb. This store has the widest range of high-quality and original products from world-famous manufacturers of dietary supplements, vitamins and complexes. And the prices are just fabulous!

My TOP best dietary supplements to improve vision

Having tried a large number of dietary supplements for vision, I can highlight my favorites, which I strongly recommend:

On average, the course of taking dietary supplements is 3-4 months. After which you need to take a break of at least 1 month. In addition, the effect of eye supplements is cumulative, you need to be patient. To make the results as noticeable as possible, you need to combine taking dietary supplements with eye exercises. iHerb will help you look at the world in a new way!

In modern life, our eyes are daily subjected to intense stress due to the need to spend a lot of time at the computer for work or just for fun sitting for hours at a time. in social networks, watch movies, play. Such monotonous visual activity at close range leads to the appearance of myopia, impaired accommodation and the development of diseases, therefore, preserving vision and maintaining eye health should be taken care of in advance. Particularly useful is performing special exercises and taking vitamin complexes.

  • vitamin A (retinol);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • B vitamins.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, or rather its aldehyde, is one of the structural components of the main visual pigment of the retina - rhodopsin, which is responsible for vision in low light conditions. Retinol deficiency in the body leads to impaired color perception, worse adaptation to darkness, decreased visibility and spatial orientation in poor lighting (“ night blindness"), the appearance of dry eye syndrome, inflammation of the conjunctiva. Among food products, it is present in large quantities in beef, poultry and pork liver, fish oil, butter, egg yolk, cream, milk.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C strengthens capillary walls, participates in corneal regeneration processes, and slows down the onset of age-related vision impairment. It also reduces the risk of cataracts, which is accompanied by clouding of the lens and a significant weakening of visual acuity up to complete loss. With a lack of ascorbic acid, frequent hemorrhages in the conjunctiva and retina, the development of conjunctivitis, impaired blood circulation in the tissues of the eye, and decreased tone of the muscles that move the eyeball are possible.

There is a lot of vitamin C in fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs; rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, red bell peppers, sorrel, cabbage, and parsley are especially rich in it.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has pronounced antioxidant activity, slows down the aging process, protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, bright light and others negative factors, prevents the development of age-related macular degeneration of the retina, glaucoma and cataracts. A lack of tocopherol in the body can lead to a burning sensation and dryness in the eyes.

Vitamin E is found in large quantities in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, almonds, peanuts, eggs, liver, cereals and legumes, sea buckthorn, rowan.

B vitamins

B vitamins are extremely important for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. They support communication visual system with the brain, are involved in metabolic processes. They are found in large quantities in yeast, products from wheat flour and bran, legumes, cereals, nuts and seeds, offal, egg yolk, cheese, milk.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) improves color and night vision, participates in the synthesis of visual pigment, which protects the retina from dangerous influences ultraviolet rays, increases the rate of regeneration of pupil cells, used for prevention and treatment dystrophic changes cornea, glaucoma and cataracts. Its deficiency leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the eyes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis), photophobia, increased lacrimation and eye fatigue, deterioration of night vision, and impaired color perception.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) participates in the propagation of nerve impulses from peripheral organs (eyes) to the brain, regulation of intraocular pressure, and is responsible for visual acuity. With its deficiency, pain and stinging in the eyes occurs, disturbance binocular vision, the likelihood of developing glaucoma and degenerative changes increases.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) prevents eye fatigue, relieves excess tension, prevents inflammation optic nerve and mucous membrane of the eye.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is responsible for normal blood supply to eye tissues and the functioning of the optic nerve, prevents glaucoma, retinal detachment and natural age-related changes.

Other useful substances

In addition to vitamins, other substances also play an important role for the eyes, which are necessarily included in biologically active additives (BAA) and complexes for improving vision. These include carotenoids (provitamin A, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin), trace elements, anthocyanins.

Lutein and zeaxanthin

They have antioxidant activity and prevent various pathological changes, including age. They are not synthesized in the body, but come only from the outside, accumulate in the retina of the eye in the macula area and create a light filter that protects its pigment epithelium from harmful effects solar radiation and free radicals, increase the cornea's resistance to adverse factors. Their sources include spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, green peas, and leafy green vegetables.

Provitamin A

Increases clarity of vision, accelerates eye recovery after various types of injuries, improves the functions of the lens. It is found in large quantities in red and orange vegetables and fruits.

Among microelements, zinc, selenium, chromium and copper are of particular importance. They participate in the metabolism of eye tissue and their regeneration processes. Zinc and selenium ensure better absorption of vitamin A by the body, exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, and are used to treat macular degeneration of the retina and night blindness. Selenium is involved in the conversion of light signals into nerve impulses. A lack of zinc causes a disruption in the process of glucose absorption by lens cells and increases the likelihood of developing cataracts.


These are colored plant glycosides that have angioprotective and anti-inflammatory activity and inhibit the oxidative effect of free radicals. They have a complex positive effect on visual function, strengthen the walls blood vessels retina, protect against the development of glaucoma and retinopathy. They also help eliminate fatigue and eye strain and improve night vision. Their content is especially high in black currants and blueberries.

Indications for taking vitamins

The most suitable sources of vitamins for the body are food. However, in modern world almost no one monitors whether the amount of these compounds they take from food corresponds to daily norm. In this case, specially developed eye complexes with a balanced composition will be useful. They are usually recommended to be taken every six months or year in the spring or fall.

Vitamins prescribed by an ophthalmologist can be used both preventively and medicinal purposes. They are shown to the following categories of people:

  • having astigmatism, nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness;
  • suffering from chronic diseases leading to damage to the blood vessels of the fiber (hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins veins and others);
  • those suffering from glaucoma or cataracts;

People who spend a lot of time at the computer or other activities that require long-term focusing of vision at close range (embroidery, knitting, needlework, reading, studying) should take vitamins.

Selection of vitamins

On pharmacy shelves you can find many medications and dietary supplements for the eyes. Vitamin complexes are available in various dosage forms: tablets, capsules, syrups, drops. The selection of a specific drug in each individual situation should be carried out by a doctor. Only he can adequately assess the functions visual apparatus, take into account the general condition of the body, the patient’s age and the presence of concomitant pathologies in which certain drugs may be contraindicated.

If you notice visual disturbances, discomfort or inflammation in the eye area, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. He will conduct a thorough diagnosis and, based on the identified problems, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s lifestyle and professional activities, he will select the best complex. To improve vision, in addition to vitamins, walking in the fresh air will benefit good nutrition, in some cases, gymnastics for the eyes.

When choosing vitamins, you should take into account that both their deficiency and excess are dangerous to health. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the amount of them entering the body as part of medications. It is not recommended to combine the use of several complexes at the same time, as this may cause an overdose of individual substances.

Vitamin complexes in the form of tablets and capsules

The complexes and dietary supplements for the eyes available in the pharmacy differ in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the necessary vitamins, minerals and other substances. The most well-known drugs include Complivit Ophthalmo, vitamins for the eyes Vitrum, Star Eyebright, Biorhythm vision 24 day/night, Blueberry Forte with lutein, Vitalux Plus, Okuwait Lutein, Lutein Complex, Strix Forte, Mirticam, Anthocyan Forte, Nutrof Total, vitamins for eye Doppelherz Active, Optics, Focus forte. The most effective of them, according to doctors and patients, will be described below.

Vitamins Vitrum

Preparations of the Vitrum series (Vitrum Vision and Vitrum Vision Forte) are prescribed in the composition complex therapy eye diseases and to prevent them, as well as to reduce the risk of age-related lens opacification and degeneration corpus luteum. These vitamins help people with deteriorating vision due to diabetes mellitus, visual fatigue, during the rehabilitation period after eye surgery, with myopia, worsening adaptation to darkness and twilight vision.

The compositions of the drugs are slightly different. Vitrum Vision Forte, unlike Vitrum Vision, contains selenium, vitamin B2, rutin and blueberry extract. However, it lacks β-carotene and copper. The lutein content in Vitrum Vision Forte is almost 2.5 times higher. The amount of vitamins E and C is more than three times higher in Vitrum Vision.

These complexes are approved for use from 12 years of age.

Complivit Oftalmo

Vitamin and mineral complex Complivit Ofthalmo has a positive effect on all tasks visual analyzer. It contains 9 vitamins (A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12 and P), 3 minerals (Zn, Se, Cu), carotenoids, designed to replenish vitamin deficiency for the eyes, protecting them from negative factors environment, accelerating regeneration processes, strengthening blood vessels. The drug can be used for preventive purposes for people constantly exposed to excessive visual stress, as well as in complex therapy various diseases eyes accompanied by visual impairment.

You can take these vitamins from the age of 18.

Blueberry forte with lutein

Blueberry forte with lutein is a dietary supplement containing blueberry extract and lutein in combination with vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, P and zinc. This complex helps relieve eye fatigue during prolonged work, strengthens capillaries, increases the supply of nutrients, and protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation. It accelerates retinal regeneration processes, normalizes intraocular pressure and metabolism in eye tissues. Anthocyanins contained in blueberry fruit extract stimulate the synthesis of the visual pigment rhodopsin, which leads to improved vision in the dark.

Blueberries forte with lutein are approved for use by children over 12 years of age.

Okuwait lutein

Okuwait lutein is a complex biologically active agent with pronounced antioxidant activity. It contains vitamins C and E, trace elements zinc and selenium, lutein and zeaxanthin. The complex has a positive effect on the organ of vision and metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye. It is used for degenerative diseases of the retina, myopia, deterioration of twilight vision, and age-related changes.

The drug Okuwait Lutein Forte is also produced with the same composition of components, but 2 times higher concentration. These vitamins are indicated for people with high eye strain associated with professional activities at the computer and in bright sunlight, and prolonged driving.

The complex can be given to children from 12 years of age.

Lutein complex

Lutein complex is a dietary supplement for the eyes, containing vitamins C, E, A, carotenoids lutein and β-carotene, minerals (Zn, Cu and Se), as well as taurine and blueberry extract. Such a diverse composition helps to increase vision sharpness, improve microcirculation, strengthen capillaries, and prevent destructive changes in eye tissues caused by natural aging of the body. It is used for prevention and as part of complex therapy for various eye pathologies (cataracts, glaucoma, twilight vision dysfunction, diabetic retinopathy and others).

For children over 7 years old, a special drug Lutein complex for children is produced. It helps prevent visual impairment in schoolchildren caused by eye strain due to studying or computer games.

Vitamin drops for eyes

The choice of drops with vitamins for the eyes is much smaller than tablets. Their advantage is that they have a local rather than systemic effect and get exactly where they are needed, while when taken orally, some vitamins may not “reach” the right place.

They are usually prescribed for medicinal purposes for keratitis, hemorrhages, damage to the eye mucosa, cataracts, retinal angiopathy and other problems. Frequently used in ophthalmological practice drops containing vitamins include Riboflavin, Vitafacol (analogue of Oftan Katahrom).


Riboflavin is eye drops with a solution of vitamin B2. The drug helps improve the conduction of nerve impulses and exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed for chronic fatigue eye, disorder visual functions, conjunctivitis, keratitis, to accelerate the healing of wounds that were caused by irritating substances, injuries or burns. Its use is often combined with other medicinal drops to enhance their effect and increase the duration of action.


Vitafacol eye drops are prescribed for the treatment of cataracts. They include cytochrome C, adenosine, vitamin PP or B3, and sodium succinate. The drug improves metabolism, cellular respiration and energy processes in the lens of the eye, slows down the rate of progression of the disease and is a means of preventing it. Used in combination with other drugs such as aid, helps cleanse the lens and eliminate dry eyes.

A person is the same organ as the lungs and kidneys. They require careful treatment, care and support. Modern life creates a lot of problems for: working for a long time, driving a car in very sunny or cloudy weather, watching movies or TV shows for a long time, reading on public transport.

List of vitamins on which healthy vision depends

The eyes require targeted assistance to support the functioning of this particular system. This list is the answer to the question of which vitamins are good for vision:

  • - when there is a lack of it in the body, “night blindness” develops. Most of it is in, and;
  • - the first remedy for weakened. Due to its insufficient quantity, blood vessels weaken and tissue structure is disrupted. Found in nature in cherry, and others;
  • - photophobia, frequent conjunctivitis, impaired color perception - “ faithful friends» its deficit. To replenish reserves, you need to eat more eggs;
  • thiamine() - beef liver and pasta will help normalize the functioning of the optic nerves;
  • - the eye can twitch not only from nerves, but also from a lack of vitamin B6;
  • AT 12- responsible for proper blood supply to the eyes;
  • lutein- a very useful substance that is not produced by the human body. Enters the body with food or as part of medications. Its main advantage is that it does not allow you to develop various pathologies or slows down the development of existing ones. , eggs - these products contain lutein.

Did you know?A person can distinguish up to 500 shades of gray, and most of information from outside world comes to us through the eyes.

The healthiest foods for eye health

Good food is the basis of health. Vision deteriorates due to lifestyle, but a lack of certain vitamins also affects this.

Products useful for vision:

  • carrots, which contain beta-carotene;
  • blueberries - B1 and C minimize fatigue;
  • - A, C, B1, lutein;
  • and rich in sulfur;
  • spinach contains lutein pigment, which resists the development of ophthalmic diseases;
  • broccoli - lutein, carotene, zeaxanthin;
  • - acids;
  • beef liver promotes blood supply to the eyes;
  • cottage cheese and support metabolism in the cornea and lens;
  • - especially citrus fruits, cherries and currants.

Indications for use

Your body itself will tell you that something is going wrong. This “wrong” usually fits into the following:

  • increased fatigue;
  • or constant drowsiness;
  • absence ;
  • problems with and ;
  • weakening of the immune system.
If several of these “bells” sound in combination, then this is a clear signal to support your body.

Who should take eye vitamins?

The word "vitamin" translated from Latin means "". All living beings need them to live a full life:

  • For people with myopia, farsightedness, and other ophthalmological problems, they will help improve the quality of life and slow down emerging problems;
  • for those whose eyes suffer from hours of exposure to;
  • at the age of 40-45 years in order to prevent vision at the proper level;
  • to maintain quality of life and normal vision;
  • children - for healthy growth and development.

How to choose the right vitamin complex

In order for the reception to bring tangible benefits, there are a number of general conditions:

  • quality is paramount. The product must have a Good Manufacturing Practice certificate and comply with the ISO quality management system;
  • composition - a sufficient amount of vitamins and as few excipients as possible;
  • You shouldn’t buy complexes with a bright acidic color - they won’t bring anything but;
  • Before purchasing, you should consult your ophthalmologist.

Vitamins in the form of eye drops

A course of treatment with vitamin drops for the eyes is carried out to prevent problems and restore vision. Which eye vitamins in drops are best to choose should be taken seriously. The composition must necessarily contain C, A, minerals and.

The following are considered the most effective:

  • tauphone- saturates with oxygen, has powerful restorative properties. Indicated for or damage to the mucous membrane;
  • lutein complex- target audience - elderly people and those who experience constant eye strain;
  • riboflavin- used for burns and those caused by inappropriate eye medications;
  • "Vitafacol", "Katachrome"- help the lens work, moisturize the mucous membrane, help in the initial stages of cataracts;
  • "Visiomax", "Okovit", "Mirtilene Forte" and "Focus"- the most natural. They contain extracts from blueberries, parsley, currants, and carrots. Aimed at reducing eye strain.

This is an incomplete list of the names of the best eye vitamins in drops. These vitamin complexes are used not only for fatigue and redness of the eyes, but also to solve more serious problems.

Vitamins for vision in tablets

The best tablets include:

  • lutein complex- effective for cataracts, after surgical intervention, for eye fatigue, for problems with the retina;
  • "Vitrum Vision"- extremely effective for those who have recently had surgical intervention, suffers from cataracts, twilight vision, glaucoma;
  • "Blueberry Forte"- helps normal operation lens, recommended for myopia and farsightedness. The drug is intended only for;
  • complex "Complivit"- a successful combination. Has an antioxidant effect.

Important!The “Butterfly” gymnastics will help quickly relieve eye fatigue: after every 20 minutes of being at the computer, you need to blink quickly for 20 seconds.

In ampoules

The rarest group of drugs for vision. The composition of all of them is similar, but each has its own peculiarity. The type of injection is selected only by a doctor, and only a specialist should do it. Independent use leads to harmful consequences (damage eyeball etc.) and, alternate mental and physical activity.

What vitamins to use for myopia

Myopia is a disease in which everything that is in the distance is seen blurry or not seen at all. It does not require emergency medical intervention, but this problem should not be ignored.
Well-proven drugs include:

  • tauphone;
  • riboflavin;
  • "Vitrum Vision".
  • lutein;
  • "Pikovit";
  • "Vitrum";
  • "Strix".

Suitable for older people:

  • "Quinax";
  • tauphone;
  • "Vitofakol".

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and lutein are needed in any case. For the most positive effect, you should consult a doctor; he will individually select the most suitable vitamins to improve the vision of adults and children, which will help with myopia.

What is better to use - fortified drops or tablets?

Vitamins in the form eye drops much more popular and more in demand for improving vision than tablets. The explanation for this is simple - the drops are absorbed faster and are more effective in their effects. The course of taking pills is usually 3 months, followed by a month-long break, then repeating the dose.

When choosing, you should be guided by the recommendations of an ophthalmologist on choosing the best vitamins for the eyes in drops or tablets, existing release forms medicines and your own preferences. Drops to restore vision should not be made at home. It is better to purchase what you need from.

Attention to your vision, treatment and prevention eye diseases, timely reception the right vitamins- the key to maintaining full vision and quality of life for many years.