Spelling is not with indefinite pronouns adjectives. Spelling of pronouns in Russian


Pronoun – This is an independent part of speech that indicates objects, signs, their quantities, but does not name them: he, her, you, someone, some and etc.

All pronouns change by case.

The initial form of pronouns (except the pronoun myself) – Nominative case singular.

In a sentence, pronouns are used as a subject, attribute, object, and less often as circumstances. Wed: From year to year she became more majestic. Not at all didn't care about it, This it turned out she has of course. Wonderful in her character and other trait(K. Chukovsky).

The pronoun can also be used as a predicate, but much less frequently. Wed: Now he my! I myself that's how it is- and I don’t boast about this beyond that. I know, Who you were(M. Lermontov).

Classes of pronouns in relation to other parts of speech

Classifications of pronouns by meaning and syntactic function

Negative pronouns and pronominal adverbs

Negative pronouns Pronominal adverbs
no one to find out, ask - no whythere’s no reason to goto be offended – no I didn’t see anyone, I didn’t meet anyone, I didn’t see anyone refuses nothingwasn’t afraid—nothing don’t solve any notebooks; I haven’t seen any notebooks - in any way not to refuse anyone’s instructionsI haven’t forgotten anyone’s instructions when not to linger where to put these things where not to park the bike where to wait for news never be late don't go anywhere Don’t linger anywhere yeah, don't wait for any reminders I won’t get ready I don't regret anything I'm just not tired


Negative pronouns

Writing combinations

none other than And nothing else (other) than;

no one else (other) And nothing else (other)

Pronoun combinations Meaning Examples
none other (other) than nothing else (other) The meaning of opposition is expressed by conjunctions How(standing after the pronominal combination) and A(standing before the pronominal combination). There is no other negation in sentences with these combinations. Permission can be given by none other than the head of the institution; Combustion-this is nothing more than a combination of this substance with oxygen in the air; Permission can be given by the head of the institution, and not by anyone else.
no one else (other) nothing else (other) Pronominal combinations are not associated with opposition, but with intensification and, as a rule, are used in negative sentences. In sentences without negation, these constructions are of an adjunctive nature, reinforcing what was said in the first part of the sentence. No one else could have done it better; Nothing else would suit us. Permission can only be given by the head of the institution, and no one else.

Exercise 164.

(something) to think about, someone (someone) to do, (something) to think about, to call someone (to), to go to someone, (to) bring something, (to) disagree on something, (something) who to ask, what (something) is missing, (something) to replace (something), (something) contradicts, (someone) to entrust.

Exercise 165. Copy, opening the brackets. Comment on the spelling of pronouns.

1. So I will still be able to profit from some cheese, or a bone, or something (something). 2. A Casket was brought to someone from the master. 3. In mechanics, I’m also worth something. 4. So it was your brother and, in a word, someone from your own family. 5. So you see, my friend, something is not in the world! 6. I have already sowed and planted something. 7. Some good guy bought a huge house. 8. He [the Bear] goes into the forest to meet with neighbors in order to make an acquaintance with someone.

(I.A. Krylov)

Creative dictation. Replace complex sentences simple, using negative pronouns.

Sample: There was no person I could trust. “I had no one to trust.”

1. I don’t have anything in which to put apples. 2. There is nothing to be surprised about here. 3. There is no person with whom I could play chess. 4. There is nothing here that you should puzzle over.

Exercise 166. Rewrite by inserting the missing particles ( Not or neither).

1. This failure is nothing more than an extinct crater. 2. The issue can only be resolved by the director and _ someone else. 3. The project was made by _ none other than a famous specialist. 4. The proposal made is nothing other than the result of a misunderstanding. 5. _ that nothing else could help the patient as much as climate change. 6. _ no one else, except the little naughty boy, could do this. 7. The work will be completed by the assistant foreman, and no one else can do it better. 8. The document must be signed _ by none other than the applicant himself. 9. Design flaws can be explained by nothing more than an error in calculation.

Exercise 167. Write it down, opening the parentheses. Comment on the spelling of pronouns.

(No) anyone saw, (no) asked anyone, (no) who is in a black cloak with a hood, (no) anyone to ask, (no) met anyone, (no) anything to do, (no) to who to ask for, (no) thought about anyone, (no) compared with anyone, (not) anyone to help, (nor) in any other place, (someone) having fun, (someone) arrived, (someone) who was surprised, (something) we’ll come up with, answer (some) questions, (something) or do, (someone) discuss the problem with, ask (someone) or (something) happen, do (something) useful , (some) uncertain steps.

Exercise 168. Write it down, opening the parentheses.

Who (that), (someone) from whom, that (that), to whom (that), to what (that), that (either), (something) from someone, (someone) someone, someone (someone), whom (or ), something (or), (something) in something, (something) than, to whom (or), (something) about whom, (something) by whom, by whom (or), by whom (either), by (or), than (someone), by whom (that), than (that).

Exercise 169. Group phrases with pronouns in which (1) Not And neither written together and (2) Not And neither are written separately.

(N_) why to be offended; (n_) why be angry; (n_) who to contact; (n_) to whom to return; (n_) to whom we will not go; (n_) we won’t tell anyone; (n_) what we won’t stop at; (n_) what we can’t boast about; we'll be left with (n_) nothing; (n_) what we don’t have; (n_) what to go with; (n_) what to replace; (n_) what to report; (n_) than to nail it.

Exercise 170. Not And neither in pronouns.

1. (N_) what I’m not afraid of, but (n_) I don’t quarrel with anyone. 2. He (n_) has nothing to fear who is not afraid. 3. And it happens that (n_) which does not happen. 4. He is not mistaken who (n_) does not do anything. 5. When it’s thick, when it’s empty, when there’s (n_) nothing. 6. To be born - born, but (n_) of no use. 7. Take on everything - (n_) what not to do. 8. It’s not a shame to remain silent if you have (n_) something to say. 9. (H_) to whom the path to science is not closed.


Exercise 171. Write it down, opening the parentheses. Explain spelling Not And neither in pronouns.

1. He sits at home (n_) and doesn’t look at anyone. 2. One hand is empty, and the other has no(n_) anything. 3. I love someone who will not offend (n_) anyone. 4. Anyone can offend, but no one can feel sorry for them. 5. He who looks twice will not lose anything. 6. Let's go with nuts, they'll come (n_) with something. 7. A warrior with a weapon is everything, a warrior without a weapon is (n_) what. 8. The sword is sharp, but (n_) someone to flog. 9. (N_) Why blame the mirror if your face is crooked. 10. bad man(n_) than you won’t respect. ( Proverbs)

Selective dictation. Write down the pronouns, determine their category and indicate the initial form.

When I was a young man, on Sundays I gathered the children of our street and took them somewhere into the field, into the forest. I liked to live in friendship with little people, cheerful as birds.

The children were glad to leave the dusty, cramped streets of the city. Their mothers provided them with pieces of bread, and I bought them something tasty. We almost always left the city in the morning. We were accompanied by the ringing of bells and clouds of dust raised by the quick feet of children.

On a hot afternoon, my comrades gathered at the edge of the forest. The kids went to bed, and the ten-year-olds crowded around me and asked me to tell them something. And I told them something, chatted as willingly as they themselves chatted with me.

(According to M. Gorky)


Determine which of the statements are incorrect.

Spelling pronouns

Personal pronouns

When declension of personal pronouns in Russian in indirect cases, the letter appears at the base of 3rd person pronouns n, if they have a pretext in front of them. For example, about him, to them, about her, among them and so on.

N does not join:

  • V dative case, if the pronoun is preceded by a derivative preposition thanks, like, contrary, according to, towards, in spite of: contrary to to her, towards them, according to to him;
  • if the pronoun is used in a phrase where it is preceded by an adjective or adverb in comparative degree: took more his, bought cheaper their.

Indefinite pronouns

Indefinite pronouns are always written with a hyphen and a prefix some and postfixes -something, -either, -something: someone, somehow, something, somewhere and so on.

When declension of indefinite pronouns in the prepositional case between the prefix some and the pronoun places a preposition. In this case, they are written in three words: about something, about something, about something and so on.

Negative pronouns

Negative pronouns are formed from interrogative/relative pronouns using prefixes not-/nor-. Not- written under stress, in an unstressed syllable - neither-: no one to trust - no one to see, no place to leave - nowhere to be found; no one, nothing, not at all, none, nobody.

When declension of negative pronouns in Russian, prepositions can be used in the forms of indirect cases. They break the word into three, which are written separately, and the prefixes become particles: no - from no one, nothing - from nothing, no one - not about anyone and so on.


1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of prefixes not-/nor- and homonymous particles not/nor:

  • Remember the spelling: How neither what Not it happened. Confusion in the spelling of particles not/nor leads not only to spelling errors, but also to a distortion of the meaning of the statement. Compare: not with anything(particle neither has an intensifying meaning) - nothing(particle Not has a negative value).
  • The choice of particle can completely change the meaning of a statement to the opposite: not one (= no one at all) - not one (= many), not once (= never at all) - more than once (= many times).
  • Don't confuse negative pronouns with prefixes neither- (nowhere, no one, no one) and pronouns with a particle neither (no one, no where, no one). Compare: Neither where not a trace of a person was found. - I have no idea neither who are you, neither where do you live, neither who do you serve.
  • Pay attention to the difference between phrases none other than - no one else; nothing more than nothing else. Particle Not expresses negation, and the entire phrase is used to contrast parts of the statement with each other. Opposition is expressed by conjunction How(= union A). If the sentence is affirmative and if it is impossible to add a second negation without violating the meaning, use the particle Not and write it separately. For example: Everything that happened was Not nothing more than a stupid prank. He stood uncertainly on the threshold Not who else but the long-awaited guest.
  • If a pronoun with a particle can be meaningfully replaced by particles exactly, just, then the particle is used Not and the phrase is written separately: none other than; nothing more than. Example: It's arrived ordered letter - nothing more than invitation to a competition that has been awaited for a long time. - A registered letter has arrived - just that invitation to the competition that has been awaited for a long time.
  • If the sentence is negative, i.e. the predicate has its own negative particle Not, That neither- acts as a prefix and is written combined with a negative pronoun: Neither no one else could have said it better. This is donkey stubbornness neither there was no other way to win.
  • If the sentence is affirmative, phrases no one else, nothing else are used for joining. A negation not expressed in a sentence exists potentially and can be restored from the context: I only want this and neither anything else (I don’t want).
  • If the phrase contains a conjunction How, write all words separately and with a particle Not: This package Not nothing more than a gift. If the union How no, write a prefix neither-: Neither who else does not understand me so well.
  • If a conjunction is used in a sentence A, write the particle Not(apart): I want to say everything Not to someone A only for him alone. If a conjunction is used And, write neither(separately if it is a particle, together if it is a prefix): Much has gone forever and neither that it won't be the same anymore.

2.Do not confuse homonyms: pronoun + preposition and conjunctions/adverbs. Pay attention to how they agree with other members of the sentence, what syntactic role do it themselves, what questions can you ask them, etc.

  • For what We're going to the store, what are we going to look for there? - For what do you follow me and whine all the time?
  • For that that you helped me, I will thank you. - But I have a wide soul and a kind heart!
  • What does it have to do with are all these people here? - They trained a lot and prepared for the competition, and some even abandoned their studies.
  • Moreover What we were able to unearth from the ancient tomb was a sword and shield. - Moreover, if you think sensibly, he has power on his side.

3.Remember that never mind- this is not a pronoun, but an adverb.

In the spelling of pronouns There are several types of rules:

1) the use of not and neither in indefinite and negative pronouns;
2) continuous and separate writing not and neither with pronouns;
3) continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling pronouns.

Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of pronominal adverbs was
partially disassembled.

Let's look at each rule in more detail.

1. The use of not and neither in indefinite and negative pronouns:
The use of NOT and NI in pronouns.

A) in indefinite and negative pronouns (including pronominal
adverbs) under stress is written not, without stress - neither.

Let's give an example: none, nowhere, some, not at all, nothing, no one,
someone, several, nowhere, no need, no one.

B) in phrases, no one else (other) than; nothing else (other) than
the particle is written not, and it is written separately if the phrases include
particle like; without a particle as a pronoun no one, nothing in these
in phrases – no one else (other); nothing else (other) – written according to
general rules: without stress and without preposition - neither together.

Here's an example:
In the distance was none other than my former classmate. - No one else
could not commit; It was nothing more than simple ice cream. - Nothing
he did not do anything else.

Integrated and separate spelling of not and neither with pronouns:

A) in indefinite and negative numeral pronouns,
adjective pronouns, noun pronouns and neither
are written:
together, if there is no preposition between not and neither and the root;
Let's give an example: no one, no one, someone, several, something, none.
separately, if there is a preposition between not and neither and the root;
Let's give an example: no one, no one, no one, no need, no need.

B) in indefinite and negative pronominal adverbs not and not always
are written together, since these are immutable forms and cannot have
excuses for yourself;
Let's give an example: there is nowhere to wait for income, nowhere to live, no need to leave.

C) pay attention to the spelling of words:
for nothing, for nothing, in no way - not at all, not in any way, not in anything
it happened.

D) with other pronouns (including pronominal adverbs) when
in negation, the particle not is used, which is written with pronouns
Let's give an example: not everyone, not myself, not me, not you, not everyone, not here, not

Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of pronouns:

A) pronouns-adjectives, pronouns-nouns and pronouns
-numerals with prepositions are written separately.
Let's give an example: behind that tree, along this lake, along that shore, on
how many euros are cheaper?

In this case, the pronoun can be removed from the phrase, and the preposition
leave or replace the pronoun with a noun, adjective,
Let's give an example: around the corner, by the lake, by the sea, seven cents cheaper.

B) pronominal adverbs formed by merging a preposition and a case
forms of pronoun-noun, pronoun-adjective,
Numeral pronouns are written together.
Let's give an example: therefore, therefore, then, because how much.

In this case, the pronoun is a noun or the pronoun is an adjective
cannot be removed from a sentence or phrase, but the preposition cannot be left;

Let's give an example: She will solve everything without errors, so don't worry;
He wasn't there because he was in love; He sat down, then lay down.

C) combinations are always written separately:
behind this, for what, to what, to that, from this, at the same time, at all costs;

D) it is necessary to distinguish between the combination of the conjunction and with a pronominal adverb (in this case the conjunction and can be removed from the sentence) and the introductory word with the meaning of the conclusion, the final thought (and cannot be removed from the sentence; the introductory word can be replaced with another introductory word, for example: Thus).

Let's give an example: My father scolded me for inaction every day, and this lasted for a year (this lasted for a year).
- Firstly, he is very young, and secondly, he is not healthy.
So, one should not count on his help (Thus, one should not count on his help);

D) pronouns with the prefix some and postfixes -to, -or, -ni are written with a hyphen.

Somebody, somewhere, someone, somewhere, somehow.

Personal pronouns

When declension of personal pronouns in Russian in indirect cases, the letter n appears at the base of 3rd person pronouns if they are preceded by a preposition. For example, about him, to them, about her, among them, etc.

N does not join:

  • · in the dative case, if the pronoun is preceded by a derivative preposition thanks to, like, in spite of, according to, towards, in spite of her, towards them, according to him;
  • · if the pronoun is used in a phrase where it is preceded by an adjective or adverb in the comparative degree took more than it, bought it cheaper than them.

Indefinite pronouns

Indefinite pronouns are always written with a hyphen with the prefix some and postfixes - either, -someone, somehow, something, somewhere, etc.

When indefinite pronouns are declined in the prepositional case, a preposition is placed between the prefix ko- and the pronoun. In this case, they are written in three words about something, in something, from something, etc.

Negative pronouns

Negative pronouns are formed from interrogative/relative pronouns using the prefixes not-/nor-. Not written under stress, in an unstressed syllable - trust nobody - see no one, nowhere to throw - nowhere to find; no one, nothing, not at all, none, no one.

When declension of negative pronouns in Russian, prepositions can be used in the forms of indirect cases. They break the word into three, which are written separately, and the prefixes become particles no - from no one, nothing - from nothing, no one - not about anyone, etc.


  • 1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of prefixes not-/ni- and homonymous particles not/nor:
    • · Remember the spelling as neither what Not it happened. Confusion in the spelling of particles not/nor leads not only to spelling errors, but also to a distortion of the meaning of the statement. Compare in nothing (the particle does not have an intensifying value) - in nothing (the particle does not have a negative value).
    • · The choice of a particle can completely change the meaning of a statement to the opposite none (= no one at all) - not one (= many), not once (= never at all) - not once (= many times).
    • · Do not confuse negative pronouns with the prefix ni- (nowhere, no one, no one) and pronouns with the particle neither (neither who, nor where, nor to whom). Compare Nowhere there was no trace of the person. - I have no idea neither who are you, neither where do you live, neither who do you serve?
    • · Pay attention to the difference between the phrases none other than - no one else; nothing more than - nothing else. The particle does not express negation, but the entire phrase is used to contrast the parts of the statement with each other. The opposition is expressed by the conjunction as (= conjunction a). If the sentence is affirmative and if it is impossible to add a second negation without violating the meaning, use the particle not and write it separately. For example, everything that happened was Not nothing more than a stupid prank. He stood uncertainly on the threshold Not who else but the long-awaited guest.
    • · If a pronoun with a particle can be meaningfully replaced by particles precisely, then the particle not is used and the phrase is written separately by none other than; nothing more than. Example A registered letter arrived - nothing more than invitation to a competition that has been awaited for a long time. - A registered letter has arrived - just that invitation to the competition that has been awaited for a long time.
    • · If the sentence is negative, i.e. when the predicate has its own negative particle not, then ni acts as a prefix and is written merged with the negative pronoun Nobody No one else could have said it better. This is donkey stubbornness nothing There was no way to win otherwise.
    • · If the sentence is affirmative, the phrases no one else, nothing else are used to join. A negation not expressed in a sentence exists potentially and can be recovered from the context. I only want this, and nothing other (I don’t want).
    • · If the phrase contains a conjunction like, write all the words separately and with the particle not This premise Not nothing more than a gift. If there is no conjunction, write the prefix ni- Nobody others don't understand me so well.
    • · If the conjunction a is used in a sentence, write the particle not (separately) I want to say everything Not to someone A only for him alone. If the conjunction and is used, write neither (separately if it is a particle, together if it is a prefix) Much is gone forever, and nothing it won't be the same anymore.
  • 2. Do not confuse homonyms pronoun + preposition and conjunctions/adverbs. Pay attention to how they agree with other members of the sentence, what syntactic role they themselves play, what question can be asked of them, etc.
  • · For what We're going to the store, what are we going to look for there? - For what do you follow me and whine all the time?
  • · For that that you helped me, I will thank you. - But I have a wide soul and a kind heart!
  • · What does it have to do with are all these people here? - They trained a lot and prepared for the competition, and some even abandoned their studies.
  • · Moreover What we were able to unearth from the ancient tomb was a sword and shield. - Moreover, if you think sensibly, he has power on his side.
  • 3. Remember that nothing is not a pronoun, but an adverb.