Slavic runes. Runes - Slavic symbols

Not only a professional runologist should know how to read runes– in our time, this information will be useful for ordinary person. To fortune telling on rune dies in last days Many people turn to us, because ancient symbols always truthfully answer questions and help overcome life’s difficulties.

The word “rune” has an ancient root that means “to hide” or “to hide.” It is easy to guess that each of the symbols contains a unique meaning - only those who can reveal it will discover mysteries on a universal scale.

The runic alphabet is not just a set of characters, it is a real magical tool that has long been used in the art of magic, witchcraft and the occult.

To plunge into the mystical world of ancient symbols, you must learn to handle their magic. But don't count on their help if you still don't learn to read every image correctly.

How to read runes correctly?

Many of us prefer to tell fortunes using rune symbols, but are we reading the runes correctly?

Before you start working with sacred signs, you must calm down and relax. Without the right attitude and atmosphere, nothing will work out. During fortune telling, you can light a few candles or play a quiet melody. Gives a good harmonizing effect aroma oils and incense.

Yours workplace should be clean - wipe the table from dust and cover it with a new tablecloth. Also keep the rune set clean: make sure that all the dies are intact and not broken.

Don't count on runic dies to give you an easy answer. Usually all their clues are somewhat vague and mysterious.

And in order to get to the truth, it is necessary to include not at all logical thinking, but intuition. It is the inner voice that will push you to the right decision. Activate your subconscious so that rune reading becomes accessible to you.

There are cases when the alignment cannot answer the question posed - perhaps the reason is an incorrect formulation or witchcraft (damage, evil eye, curse) interferes.

Situations like this should not be ignored. It’s better to tell a good magician about the problem in order to understand everything more specifically.

What books on runes should you read?

Mikhail Mikhailov(enough famous writer on various topics) is the author of one of the books that will be useful for beginners.

Its pages describe in an easy literary form the important stages that anyone who decides to become a magician must go through.

The book prepares a person for the upcoming trials (and they will definitely come), for problems, for difficulties. Its main advantage is readability. The author communicates with his readers on accessible language, and at the same time conveys important truths to them.

For those who have already become a little accustomed to the magical world, other books will be useful:

  • "Rune Magic", Kenneth Meadows;
  • "The Big Book of Runes" , Vitaly Molokhov;
  • “Runes: theory and practice of working with ancient symbols” , Olga Korbut.

All this work also helps us decide: are we reading the runes correctly?

The Universe and the Higher Powers are always ready to help, but if you want to use magic spells out of empty interest, for an argument or trying to harm someone, you can be sure that you will soon have to pay for everything.

How to correctly interpret rune layouts?

The magic of runic symbols has long been used in magic or healing practice. Nowadays, relevance has not faded away, because it helps to survive in difficult situations and overcome all obstacles.

To correctly decipher the message of sacred signs, you need to know a clear algorithm of actions. The first thing every fortuneteller must learn is that the question must be clearly formed. If you yourself are not sure about own desires, then the runes will not answer you anything specific.

Article on the topic:

When you decide on your goal, turn to the rune layout. Not everyone can fully understand the meaning of a complex combination, so it’s okay if you first come to runologists for help. A professional will explain to you the meaning of each symbol that appears and will help you work with them yourself in the future.

One runic sign can answer a simple question. To achieve from magic symbols To solve a more serious problem, you will need the help of a reading. Usually it consists of three runes, in order to read them correctly, you must remember the following:

  • the first die will tell you about the essence of the problem, the reasons for its occurrence;
  • the second will explain what stage of development you are at this moment– how far things have gone;
  • the third will give a hint or guide to action.

If you do not disobey advice, then everything will work out for you. You will deal with all the difficulties, put everything in its place, and in the future you will no longer make such mistakes.

Don't miss out important point during the interpretation of the layout: upright and inverted signs have completely opposite meanings.

P.S. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below - I will be happy to answer them.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


It would be stupid and naive to assume that the ancient Slavs did not have any written language before the creation of the famous alphabet by Cyril and Methodius. Of course she was. But very little data has been preserved about her. We know that symbols like letters among the Slavs were called runes.

Runes are special Slavic symbols that were used not only for writing, but also for fortune telling and magical rituals. They have often been found during archaeological excavations and have been dated to the first to fourth centuries. new era. All Slavic runes are the guardians of ancient wisdom and knowledge. Sometimes they are also called amulets. They appeared and existed long before the emergence of the Cyrillic alphabet.

The Slavic runes that the Ha'Aryans used for writing (in fact, it was their alphabet) were called Karuna. At that time it was the most advanced writing system. However, one symbol of Karuna meant either a letter, or a whole word, and even an image. It is believed that in this very Karuna there are 144 signs - runes.

Slavic runes and their number remain a great mystery to us. According to some sources, there were more than three million runes. The eighteen symbols known to us are only a fraction of the entire runic alphabet. By the way, they are among the most ancient symbols.

How to write in Slavic runes?

This is not an easy matter, there is a clear system here. Firstly, you need to write sixteen characters in a row, and there should be nine rows. Secondly, there can be either 32 or 64 characters in a row. In this case, you will be dealing with a translation. That is, every second (and sometimes third) rune is an interpretation of the previous one.

How to read Slavic runes?

Correct reading of the runes is very important to understand the meaning of what is written. The lines are initially read as usual, as we are used to - from left to right. And then we read the lines, on the contrary, from right to left, starting from the very last character of the ninth line. We rise, as it were, from the bottom up. Moreover, reading can be done in two ways - alphabetic and figurative. It was already said above that one symbol can represent either a letter or an image. Of course, for beginners, reading and writing runic texts will be very difficult. But if you practice well, you will succeed!

Runes. Mysterious symbols of ancient culture. Documentary.

Hello my dear! I increasingly hear questions from you about how to learn correctly work with runes…..

Therefore, I will try to explain to you here: on this blog, so as not to write practically the same thing to everyone separately... I won't describe it what are runes where they came from and what they look like. Enough has been written about this a large number of information: you can look for it in print, or you can surf the Internet.

I have written about this here more than once, scroll through the pages, read the comments…. I am sure that you will find a lot of useful and interesting information for yourself....

But it's best to start studying with Scandinavian folklore, Elder and Younger Eddas, and then start searching for the most authoritative materials for you.

Here I will write about mine practical experience and the experience I gained in the process of working with runes.

I want to warn you right away that Runic magic the task is difficult. You will understand this as soon as you dive into this topic.

It will become clear to you that it is best to devote your whole life to it, and only then may you become a good magician.

Runes today are still a mystery, despite the fact that you can read about them and their meaning in various sources in sufficient detail, and in different versions to suit every taste.

The Internet is full of materials.

No secret techniques are hidden from you.

Everything is in the public domain - take it and use it. If one remained silent, then the other would definitely tell about it. You can check….

There is everything: translations of Icelandic texts, rituals described in every detail, and ready-made runescripts, which have been tested in practice more than once and have already given good results.

But for some reason, even good and proven recipes do not work for everyone.

I have heard stories like this many times: “I used the rune to remove a certain obstacle at work, but it turned out that I myself was left without work and there was no clearing in sight. I tried formulas to find a job, but there was no result. That is, everything turned out exactly the opposite.” This case is from real practice.

Why is this happening?

Because it is impossible to make a good working amulet after reading something about runes. You cannot use ready-made runic formulas.

You need to study runes. For a long time. Attentively. Sincerely.

With curiosity and inspiration. You shouldn't expect instant returns from Runes. Everything is just like in life, right?

Runes will require unconditional knowledge and feeling from you. As well as practical experience and long work.

These seemingly simple things have to be repeated over and over again.

What do you need to start using runes for magical purposes?

Here we will not study Runes. Study of runes, runology This is a big separate topic.

Often the study of runes and practical use runic magic means doing completely different things.

True, this does not always happen.

To become a practitioner you need to know the material well, and in order to know the material you need practice, but this is not the same thing...

So, let's summarize all of the above:

  1. First, you need to learn the runes. Find out what they look like and their main meanings. You will find this information here: on this blog, in the section Magic Runes /.
  2. Decide on the runic system. There are several of them, here we will talk about Elder Futhark more details here:
  3. The next step will require Meditation on the runes. In this case, you need not just meditate on the runes, but you need to write down your feelings in detail. And do this more than once.

You will find meditations on this blog " Runes of Magic" in the section "Meditation on Runes"

  1. Try to take the first practical steps.

First you need to understand how to “activate” and “revive” runes. There are many ways, but you have to choose the one to which your heart lies most. This can only be understood in practice. Some will write on paper, others will find it easier to put a rune on their body, while others will need a complex ritual...

  1. And the most important thing, without which you will not have a practical result, is to keep a diary - RECORD ALL YOUR OBSERVATIONS!!!

Make reports. Observe what works and what doesn't work.

  1. You need to start simple. Don't grab it right away complex tasks. And gradually make your tasks more difficult each time.
  2. Learn practical experience from other practicing magicians, watch how they work. Try to figure out why it is this way and not otherwise. Every person makes mistakes, so before using someone else's experience, you should check in practice how it works.

It’s always worth trying to come up with your own ways to solve a given problem.

I want to warn you right away that the runes will not work for everyone, but only for those who have seriously studied the runes and have given them to Runes sufficient quantity of your time and effort.

That is, I didn’t just read the available materials, but meditated on the runes, tuned in to them, passed their energy through myself, felt them on a deep level, learned to understand them and cooperate with them...

For those who are ready to learn new things, who are ready to work hard, give their energy and time, and take responsibility for their actions, the runes will reciprocate and work with them.

The addresses of all materials of this Blog can be found on the Site Map page

Runes are considered a pagan invention, but they have also penetrated Christianity. For example, the baptismal font is known from literary sources, which is located in the Burserud Church in Småland. The runic inscription on it reads: "Arinbjorn made me, Vidkunn the Priest wrote me, and here (I) will stand for some time."

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

How to read runes?

To begin with: what are runes? Once upon a time, they represented the basis of writing, letters with which our ancestors could equally successfully draw up debt obligations or record sacred knowledge. Over time, the applied role of ancient symbols was forgotten, and the “everyday alphabet” became completely different.

Today, runes are signs that are poorly understood by most people and are used in magic (for spells, amulets, fortune telling). Those who want to understand how to read runes should spend a lot of effort on learning: symbols standing next to each other can reinforce each other, giving a special shade to the meaning of the formula. This is important in all cases: both when writing a “recipe for happiness” and when trying to unravel the charades of fate.

Fortune telling on runes - an action that does not tolerate fuss

It is best to make runes yourself, from those materials that are in harmony with the energy of the owner. For example, for people born in spring, willow, pear, apple, and birch wood are suitable. Do you want to carve symbols on stone blocks? It is best for Aries to take chalcedony or jasper, and for their “neighbors” Taurus – light agate or carnelian.

If magical assistants are made with your own hands, they are already sufficiently charged, are “on the same wavelength” with their owner and are ready to cooperate with him. Now you should prepare a “dwelling”, preferably a bag made of thick, opaque fabric. When asking a question to fate, the fortuneteller takes out the runes without looking, puts them on the table - and only then examines and evaluates them.

As with any divination, first you need to put your own feelings in order. Working with runes is prohibited if a person experiences acute negative emotions - resentment, irritation, melancholy, anger. Physical illness is another serious contraindication. The point is not that the symbols will lie to a sick person, it’s just that the energy costs in this case can worsen his condition.

Reading runes - looking for answers

The main thing is to formulate the question correctly and clearly. Understanding the meaning of a long combination can sometimes be very difficult, so it is best to limit yourself to one rune as an answer. We must take into account that fate does not speak human language- the fortuneteller has to guess what exactly the Higher Powers had in mind when they “slipped” this or that sign. It is not advisable to ask again, so if interpretation is impossible, you should put the bag of runes aside for several days.

No matter how many fiery speeches I write, my readers will not be fully imbued with the content of the articles until they themselves begin to read the runes. It’s better to see and do it once than to listen to someone’s opinion a hundred times and face the choice “to believe or not to believe.” You never know what some Runemaster is preaching there. Who is he anyway?

Therefore, this article will have few words, but more clarity.

Which of my readers is already ready to perceive runes can begin practical contact with the runic field genome. Maybe not everyone will succeed right away, but trying is not torture. It won't hurt to try. Let's start reading the runic field genome. To do this, let's make a model of it. How to do it?

1. Cut out a ribbon from paper and divide it into 12 pieces.

2. Draw a rune on each piece of tape.

You have obtained the “front” surface of the Möbius strip.

3. Take the edges of the tape with your fingers and turn it over.

4. Draw runes on the “back” clean surface.

5. Now turn one end of the tape 180 degrees and glue the ends of the tape.

You received a Mobius strip. It should look like this:

This is my working model, which I made from leather.

It’s good if you decide to make a “left” (informational) twist for greater rigor. Compare your Mobius with mine.

What have we done to you? We simply made a spatial version of the flat drawing of the Serpent:

Let me give you an example.

Once in the 80s I read in a collection of monographs by learned historians and philologists, dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus' and Slavic literacy, that before the adoption of Christianity the Slavs did not know the word “hell”. This word was introduced by the church. Then I simply accepted this statement on faith. And now, with the help of the field rune genome, I have found proof of this.

The upper (noumenal) part of the genome reflects the principles of the virtual world. It is called “paradise” because of the initial and ending runes (sounds). The lower part of the genome reflects the principles of the material world and is called the “goat”. As you can see, these terms are symmetrical in the genome. What is a goat? This greek god Pan with horns, hooves and goat-like appearance, patron of nature and livestock. Quite a good-natured god. Pan is nature itself. In Greek, the word "pan" means "all". In our fairy tales, this is the goblin - the patron of the forest, because our great-grandfathers were not a steppe or desert people, but a forest people. They lived in the forest on the banks of rivers. That's why they didn't build pyramids. Why did they need it?

From the runic Russian word “goat” comes the Greek “cosmos” (the Sowulo rune is read as S and Z, “goats” and “braids” are runic synonyms). From the goat Pan they called the god Veles the cattle god, i.e. - patron of livestock. One way or another, this is the personification of the material world, its archetypal principles.

Do not confuse the Goat-Pan with the Goat-Devil of the 15th Arcana. Illiterate people do this. These are different archetypes. Remember “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov. He was well versed in archetypes. Margarita was flying to visit Messer Woland’s ball. But first she came to the shore of a forest lake, where she received initiation from the goat-like Pan. Pan is not Woland.

By the way, the name Woland suggests that Bulgakov did not endow him with those primitive qualities of a universal villain that the church awarded to Lucifer (the Devil). Bulgakov's Woland did not show the sinister qualities of the Ego of the 15th Arcana at all and did not care at all about himself or his reputation. In fact, Sir Woland evokes sympathy in the reader for his wisdom and justice. After all, he didn’t punish anyone in vain. And he helped many. To those who deserve it. Able to forgive. The rune combination Wunjo-Laguz (Woland, Roland) makes the reader think about the true intention of the difficult M. Bulgakov. For most readers and critics, Bulgakov remained a mystery, a thing in itself. And the novel has sacred power. Without understanding runic archetypes, this mysterious power it will remain something transcendental, instilling fear.

Mikhail Bulgakov knew a lot. Where? From my father. His father was a clergyman. What can we conclude? There are people among church priests who know more, but are forced to keep quiet, because they will be fired from their jobs for vile pagan freethinking.

Why did religion invent hell with cauldrons and devils? To intimidate the crowd. But Hermetic philosophy understands that all the so-called torments of hell are nothing more than the torments of one’s own conscience (to lead from within oneself), which no one can cancel and from which there is no salvation anywhere. You can’t hide from her, she’s always with you, she’s in you. For many people, during their lifetime, it is either suppressed by the external self, or lulled to sleep by our ability to justify ourselves and shield our beloved self in any circumstances. But she exists, and her judgment is inevitable. Therefore, the call of Eastern philosophy to keep thoughts pure is serious. These are not empty words. Nightmares remind some people that not everything is in order with their lives.

Here's a short excursion into hell.

And here is an example of a runic decoding of the terms of the Emerald Tablet:

To help you and as a hint, Sergei Baturin (Internet pseudonym “Wind”) has prepared a table of correspondence between runes and arcana:

The uniqueness of the runic field genome is that you can read it all your life, and every time you receive insights, you can make discoveries. However, this is a well-known property of Hermetic philosophy. Discover new world.

I wish you success and enlightenment. I hope your independent discoveries will please you. You can start.

To begin with, I have jotted down for you a handful of words that are easiest to read:

And then, for those who are interested, work on your own. Because what you discover on your own will be more valuable to you. And then you will see for yourself that everything that the Runemaster is talking about here has a basis.

Smile and be happy.

© Yuri Larichev, 2009