Runes of the Aryan Slavs. Description of Slavic runes: interpretation of symbols and use in amulets

Lovers of esotericism today are discovering the features of pagan culture: the Lutichians, Scythians, Drevlyans and other nationalities. Slavic runes are part of this culture. At one time, these runes were very revered and were used not only as symbols of the alphabet, but also as protection.

A little history

Historians still do not have one common opinion regarding the time of the appearance of runic writing among the Slavs. But they agree that this letter is as ancient as Celtic and Etruscan symbols.

One famous German chronicler, Thietmar of Merseburg, who lived at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century, mentioned idols with some strange signs on them when describing a Slavic temple in the lands of the Lyutichs. More likely, he could recognize Scandinavian or Germanic runes.

These images were also described by the Arab writer Ibn Al Nedim, who lived during the same period. He mentioned this ancient pre-Cyrillic writing, which he discovered on the gravestones of Slavic burials.

Based on these facts, we can safely say that the oldest alphabet of our ancestors was the Old Slavic runes.

Archaeological finds indicate that that ancient craftsmen even put runic signs on their household utensils. This is evidenced by a clay pot found in the village of Voyskovoe, on the Dnieper, containing an inscription of 12 words, for which 6 characters were used to write. Three symbols belonged to the Scandinavian runes. This suggests that the cultures of these peoples overlapped.

The same runic symbols were discovered on religious objects of the ancient temple of Radagast, which was destroyed in the 11th century. The temple previously belonged to the Polabian Slavs. However, you should not perceive Old Slavic runes solely as writing signs. They also provided big influence on the life of the ancient pagans. The runes were applied to the following:

  • Body.
  • Stones.
  • Livestock.
  • Dishes.
  • Idols and other objects important to life and beliefs.

As mentioned earlier, this writing has Celtic and Etruscan roots, since these peoples lived literally next door to the Slavs. Runic symbols were used not only for writing; there was also a cult according to which these symbols were considered sacred. It was believed that the runes were given to the people by the Gods. Various tablets with symbols, for example, were placed in burials, and stones on which the signs were applied served as amulets.

These magic symbols used not only during pagan times, but also after the Slavs adopted Christianity. For example, it was customary to depict the Algiz rune in the temple rings, since it is considered strong defense from the evil eye and other people's witchcraft. To increase its power Repeated images of this symbol were often used.

Currently, a total of 18 runes are known:

Old Slavic runes, as well as amulets on which these symbols are applied, carry a certain meaning and have superpower.

Symbols of good

The Slavs, like most ancient peoples, believed that the whole world was controlled by evil and good forces. Among their Goddesses and Gods there are those who help people and also take care of them. There were also deities that inspired terror in the people. Old Slavic runes also did not escape this fate. Therefore, they are found among them as signs of goodness., and signs of protection. These runes include the following:

Runes of the family and their meaning in the life of ancient pagans is extremely interesting topic. In ancient times, these symbols played a big role in the life of the Slavic peoples.

Runes of Death

Regardless of the level of development of civilization and the faith of people, all peoples were afraid of death. The unknown that lies behind death terrifies every person. The ancient Slavic peoples had their own myths about the afterlife, and some minds are associated with death or with fate, from which even the gods cannot protect themselves.

To the Old Slavic runes that are associated with death or evil include the following:

The ancient Slavic peoples conventionally divided runes into weak and strong, and depending on the situation, they could enhance their effect by repeated repetition.

Modern experts on Slavic runes do not fully understand all the meanings and nuances, as was typical for Old Slavic magicians and shamans. In those years, faith in the power of runic symbols was very high among the people, so amulets with runic signs were especially popular.

They were made from stones, wood, silver or gold, it was also customary to embroider runic symbols on shirts; women embroidered them on ribbons, which were then woven into braids. The most popular were considered amulets that depicted Old Slavic runes associated with well-being, wealth, keeping the family hearth and health. The strongest of them were considered:

To a certain degree modern descendants ancient Slavic peoples adopted the traditions of their ancestors to use runic symbols to protect against various problems, as well as to attract love, wealth and success into your life. Some of these people get tattoos, and some use amulets.

Protecting family, home and property

In some ways, the ancient Slavs are similar to the Chinese regarding this issue, who understood the importance of the distribution of Qi energy and directional flow. Slavic runes, charged correctly, had magical property connect internal and external spaces. Some of them were used to preserve the hearth, give birth to healthy and beautiful children, protect well-being in the family, as well as the possibility of procreation. These runes include the following:

From the evil eye and damage

Mages could not easily use Russian runes to create protective amulets and amulets, but also to create spells based on them. Superstitious people have always been afraid of damage, other people's envy and the evil eye. Correctly made amulet will be able to neutralize the negativity sent to a person, as well as provide its owner with protective functions. Protective runes include the following:

The ancient Slavic peoples sincerely believed that their ancestors had the ability to protect and help them in difficult times. The combination of several powerful symbols in one picture increased the charge.

Attention, TODAY only!

Along with Scandinavian runes, symbols of the Slavic futhark are used in magical practices. Like the ancient Germanic, Slavic runes are the written signs of the peoples who lived in Eastern Europe.

Slavic runes and their meaning

Slavic runes and their meaning are part of the life of our ancestors, which affects a large cultural layer. The runic alphabet existed before the advent of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet. In ancient times, runes were used as amulets and the only accessible remedy writing. The existence of the Slavic runic alphabet remains controversial for skeptics, because there are catastrophically few reliable sources confirming the origin of the artifacts. However, the presence of these signs on pagan monuments, temples and household items of ancestors leaves no options.

Where did the Slavic runes come from?

Most historians agree that runic writing originated from the Greek alphabet. Another version says that the runes appeared after mixing the Ogham and Northern Etruscan alphabets.
The first mentions of Slavic runic signs date back to the 1st-4th centuries. AD Archaeological finds - fragments of ceramics with traces of inscriptions - belong to the ancient Russian Chernyakhov culture, and on the basis of these fragments, conclusions about the runic writing used by the ancient Slavs were first made. Sources of knowledge about ancestors include the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, written in runes.

The pre-Cyrillic “alphabet of the gods” is not fully accepted by official science - scientists believe that most of the monuments of this writing are fake. A good portion of the characters cannot be deciphered; the markings on individual fragments are different, and there is no clear deciphering scheme.

Similarities between Slavic runes and Scandinavian futhark

In modern magical practices, 18 Slavic runic signs are used. In Old Slavic runes and northern tradition ancient writing common semantic features, symbols match in style, meanings have something in common.
It is impossible to say for sure which alphabet appeared first. Slavic and Aryan peoples come from common roots and have a similar cultural direction; descendants equally honor the gods in any known to people guises.
Practical use working with Slavic runes is no different from working with Scandinavian runes; it is the same magical instrument. Symbols are used in fortune telling and to create amulets, to decorate clothing and household items. So, in ancient times, by the embroidery on a shirt, they understood whose Family a person belonged to and his place in the family, what gods he worshiped and how far the protection of divine powers extended. Ancient Slavic symbols are woven into runic formulas and use them as spells.

Features of Slavic runes

The main feature of Slavic signs is that their exact number and interpretations are completely unknown. Familiar to man the number of runes is close to three million.
For magical practices and fortune telling, 18 signs are used, each carrying a sacred meaning. Runes are not easy to work with and require knowledge of the mythology and culture of the ancient Slavs. To penetrate this esoteric system, the magician will have to understand the structure of the Slavic pantheon, find out which element the patron deity of each symbol belongs to, and get an idea of ​​the rituals that were used to establish contact with the gods.
Secret runes Ancient Rus' used for protective rituals. For fortune telling, a different number of signs are chosen depending on the topic, the symbols are interpreted as a whole - the interpretation of the runes in the layout depends on the environment.

Slavic alphabets

Slavic runic alphabets, which are considered basic:

  1. Vendian runes were invented by representatives of spiritual authorities. They were used for studying in temples, total was 23 characters. After a couple of centuries, Vendian runes were already used ordinary people, so the world got a chance to learn about them after excavations in Poland and on Ruyan Island.
  2. Boyan's runes, with the help of which the Boyan's Hymn was recorded at the end of the 4th century. The work was first performed during a funeral feast in honor of the victory of the Slavic people over the Goths. According to runologists, these symbols refer to the written signs of the tribes that inhabited the Greek islands and the Black Sea region before the appearance of Mycenae.
  3. Veles runes, Velesitsa, were used in Rus' for keeping chronicles until the 9th century. The “Book of Veles,” in which the authors collected tales, rituals and legends of the Slavs, consisted of beech tablets with symbols printed on them. The structure of the Velesitsa goes back to Scandinavian sources, although there is an opinion that the “Veles Book” itself is a fake of the 19th-20th centuries.
  4. The runica appeared during the Lower Paleolithic and influenced the development and formation of writing in such civilizations as China and Ancient Egypt.

Each variant of the alphabet is unique in style.

How many runes are there in karuna?

Ancient Slavic runes are a vague definition. Runic writing was first used by the Aryans, and was called "karuna". The writing of the words in this version looked like a combination of two characters. There were other alphabets: DaAryan was called “tragi”, Svyatorusskaya - “letter letters”, Rasenskaya - “molvitsy”. These writing systems are conventional; karuna among them is considered the most successful and easiest to remember.

The karuna contains 144 main characters, 16 characters per line. Translations of texts are written in 32 characters, repeated operations with text - 64, there are options of 256 characters. Modern runists have at their disposal the main and additional characters– runes of space, time, figurative and others. The full contents of the karuna are not available.
Karuna is the predecessor of many scripts, including Sanskrit, the study of this language helps to gain a deeper understanding of Karuna. Periodically there is a mention of this system as the ancient Germanic futhark. The symbolism and secret meaning of karuna resonates in Vedic culture.

Runes of the Five Powers

Pre-medieval teachings identified, in addition to the well-known four elements, a fifth - Spirit, Rock. This concept does not have a physical embodiment, but it unites the space around it. Ancient Slavic culture followed this principle and included the Spirit among the main five elements.
The strong Slavic runes of the five powers include:

  1. Wind - symbolizes Veles, this is the rune of Air, knowledge, inspiration and will. The sign is connected to the upper chakras and is interpreted as wealth, creativity, wisdom.
    Bereginya is associated with the element of Earth, motherhood and protection. This is the rune of the family, meaning fate, goodness and wealth.
  2. Oud is a symbol of Fire, creativity, victory over Chaos. Oud means manifestations of masculinity, protection and strength. The symbol is patronized by Yarilo, the god of life, passion and spring.
  3. Lelya belongs to the element of Water and is used to develop intuition. The rune is patronized by the goddess Lelya, the daughter of the Great Mother Lada, and is interpreted as fertility, a touch of sacred knowledge, joy and awakening.
  4. Rock is the rune of the Spirit, personifies the beginning and the end, karma, predestination. This is a secret hidden from the uninitiated.

The use of runes in amulets

Slavic runes-amulets and their meaning are protective functions. The ancestors believed in the opposition of light and darkness and, in the movement between order and chaos, tried to protect themselves from manifestations of evil. The protective symbols that are used to make talismans include the Slavic rune Mir, Perun and Dazhdbog.
It is better for practitioners to avoid using the signs Chernobog and Need in runic amulets. These symbols obey the energy of chaos and have a destructive effect. The action of the signs is similar to a cleansing fire; its purpose is to burn away accumulated trash in order to free up space. A new harmonious world grows from the ashes.
For the manufacture of Slavic talismans choose natural materials. Wood, bone, fruit seeds - something that was once part of the living. First, prepare the base, then apply the runes. The finished amulet is “charged” with the energy of the four elements.
Among the Slavic protective symbols, Magura (Perunitsa) stands out. The cloud maiden, daughter of Perun - Magura, patronized the warriors. For the ancient Slavs, the sign meant the destruction of dark energy, was a symbol of light and a lucky talisman, and brought good luck in battle. To give the amulet more energy, the Magi intertwined it with the Star of England.
Magura represents fortitude, luck and determination. The amulet helps men defend their point of view, rejuvenates women and gives them additional energy.

Today, many people are discovering the pagan culture of the ancient Slavs - the Scythians, Lyutichs, Drevlyans and other peoples. to the traditions and beliefs of our ancestors is not accidental. The connection of the people of that time with nature and the energies of the Earth was too strong, which allowed them to live in harmony with the world around them, which is so lacking in modern man.

Old Slavic runes are part of that culture. At one time, they were very revered and were used not only as symbols of the alphabet, but also for protection.

The history of the appearance of Old Slavic runes

Historians have never come to a conclusion unanimous opinion about the time of the appearance of runic writing among the Slavs, but they agree that it is as ancient as the Celtic and Etruscan symbols.

For example, the famous German chronicler Thietmar of Merseburg, who lived at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century, mentions idols with incomprehensible signs on them when describing a Slavic temple in the lands of the Lyutichs. Surely he would recognize Germanic or Scandinavian runes.

Similar images were described by Ibn El Nedim, an Arab writer who lived during the same period. He mentions ancient pre-Cyrillic writing, which he discovered on the gravestones of Slavic burials.

Thus, we can safely say that the most ancient alphabet of our distant ancestors were Old Slavic runes. If you look at archaeological finds, you can find out that ancient craftsmen placed runic signs on household utensils. For example, a clay pot found near the village of Voiskovoe, on the Dnieper, contains an inscription of 12 words, for which 6 symbols were used. The fact that 3 of them were similar to Scandinavian runes suggests that the cultures of these peoples overlapped.

The same symbols were found on religious objects from the ancient temple of Radegast, destroyed in the 11th century, belonging to the Polabian (Baltic) Slavs.

Old Slavic runes (and their meaning is a direct confirmation of this) cannot be perceived solely as writing signs. Their influence on the life of ancient pagans was enormous: these symbols were applied to the body, runic stones, dishes, livestock, idols and other objects important to life and beliefs.

Runic alphabet

This writing has Etruscan and Celtic roots, since these peoples lived next door to the Slavs. In addition to the fact that runes were used for writing, there was a cult according to which these signs were considered sacred, since they were given to people by the gods. Tablets with runes, for example, were placed in burials, and pebbles with signs applied to them served as amulets.

They were used not only during pagan times, but also after the adoption Slavic peoples Christianity. For example, the Algiz rune was depicted, as it was considered a strong protection against other people’s witchcraft and the evil eye. To increase its power, multiple images of this symbol could be applied.

To date, 18 runes are known: Peace, Chernobog, Rainbow, Alatyr, Krada, Need, Wind, Strength, Yes, Treba, Bereginya, Lelya, Ud, Rock, Opora, Dazhdbog, Perun and Istok.

Old Slavic runes and amulets with symbols printed on them carried a certain meaning and had power.

Runes - symbols of good

As is customary among almost all ancient peoples, the Slavs believed that the world was ruled by good and evil forces. Among their gods and goddesses there are those who help and care for people, and those who inspire horror.

Old Slavic runes did not escape the same fate. Among them there are protections, which include:

  • The World rune symbolizes the Tree of Life and the Universe. She is also referred to as the White God and the person who is his embodiment. The rune resembles a tree with two branches. Its center is the trunk of the world Tree or the human spine. The Belbog rune also means race, world order and harmony. In Scandinavian mythology, it corresponds to the god Heimdall, who protects order and peace from chaos.
  • Rainbow means a road that has neither beginning nor end. It was used as a talisman when traveling for a favorable return, as well as for a positive ending to some difficult matter. The rune conveys a state on the way, which differs from the usual bustle, as if a person is sliding through life between Order and Chaos.

  • Among the ancient Slavs, the word “steal” meant fire, and a rune with that name indicated purification, the disclosure of one’s plans to the world. For magical purposes, it was used to embody intentions, to get rid of masks and superficial desires. She helped make dreams come true. The symbol of the sign was fire and a verb (“word”).
  • Treba meant sacrifice, without which it is impossible to realize one’s desires. It was depicted as an arrow, which suggests that its main direction was determination, like a warrior’s desire for victory. It is impossible to reach new heights without sacrificing your comfort and habits, and this sacrifice must be made by anyone who sets foot on a new Road.
  • The Rune of Power meant the ability to change two worlds - the inner human and through it the outer. The symbol is a warrior, and magical meaning- unity. A person who was losing integrity and connection with nature, with the help of this rune, restored balance in his consciousness and cleansed it. The warriors took her with them to return home with victory.
  • Bereginya is a symbol of the Mother Goddess, who is in charge of all living things on Earth and protects her children. On the one hand, it gives souls coming into the world a new body, but on the other hand, it takes away life, so it can be called a symbol of both life and death.
  • Old Slavic amulets, runes and their meaning in the life of ancient pagans are an extremely interesting topic. These symbols played a very important role. Belief in the external control of the destinies of people by gods gave these signs magical power, which helped our ancestors withstand the threat of evil and chaos.

    Runes - symbols of death

    Regardless of the level of development of civilization and people's beliefs, they have always been afraid of death. The unknown that lies behind it terrifies a person. The ancient Slavs had their own myths about the afterlife, and some of the runes are associated with death or fate, from which even the gods cannot hide.

    Old Slavic runes and their meaning associated with evil or death:

    The ancient Slavs conventionally divided runes into strong and weak and, depending on the situation, could enhance their effect through repeated repetition.

    The most powerful amulets runes

    Modern rune experts do not fully understand all the nuances of their meanings, as was typical for Old Slavic shamans and wise men. In those days, faith in their power was very high among the people, so amulets with runic signs were especially popular.

    They were made of stones, silver, wood or gold, runic symbols were embroidered on shirts, and women wove ribbons with them into their braids. The most popular were amulets that depicted Old Slavic runes (photos of some of them are presented in the article), associated with wealth, well-being, health and keeping the family hearth.

    Among them the strongest were:

    To some extent, modern descendants of the ancient Slavs have adopted the traditions of their ancestors to use runes to protect against problems or to attract wealth, love or success into their lives. Some of them use amulets, and some get tattoos. Old Slavic runes are not a tribute to fashion, but a deep connection with the Family of those who were able to reveal it in themselves.

    Protecting your home, family and property

    Knowledge of one's family, honoring the memory of ancestors and family were very important in the life of the ancient Slavs. They knew well where their family came from and from whom, and passed on this knowledge to subsequent generations. Rituals associated with burial and human birth were largely associated with natural energies that people used to repose the dead or protect newborns.

    The ancient Slavs in this matter are very similar to the Chinese, who understood the importance correct flow and distribution of qi energy. Old Slavic runes, correctly charged, had the magical property of harmonizing external and internal space. Some of them were used to protect the hearth, to protect family well-being, the birth of beautiful and healthy children, and the possibility of procreation. These include:

    They are so interesting and multifaceted - Old Slavic amulets, runes and their meaning. Tattoos with them are one of the most popular among modern people, since the well-being of the family is as important to them as it was to their ancient ancestors.

    Runes from the evil eye and damage

    Ancient Slavic magicians knew how not only to use runes to create protective amulets, but also to create spells from them. Superstitious people are always afraid of other people's envy, damage and the evil eye. A properly made amulet can not only have protective functions, but also neutralize the negativity sent to a person.

    For example, for protection the witches used:

    The ancient Slavs sincerely believed that their deceased ancestors could protect them and help them in difficult times. The combination of powerful symbols in one drawing increased its charge many times over. You can do the same in our time by studying Old Slavic runes and their meaning. A tattoo of several symbols will not only create powerful protection, but will also attract good luck or wealth.

    Fortune telling with runes

    Today you will find few people who could interpret runes as well as the sorcerers and magicians of ancient times did. One of the ways to find out your destiny or simply get advice on what to do in a given situation was fortune telling using Old Slavic runes.

    Depending on how they fell out and which side the sign lay on, its meaning changed, and a good rune could turn out to be bad. Knowledgeable sorcerers of those times helped people avoid problems or warned them about possible danger. Modern magicians know only the basic meanings of runes in fortune telling, for example:

    • The Alatyr rune could mean the beginning of a new business or the upcoming road.
    • The Rainbow symbol meant a successful outcome for something.
    • If a Need arose during fortune telling, then the person would face obstacles in business, ruin, or even death.
    • The Krada rune foreshadowed that a person would have to bring something to life, but for this he needed to clear his consciousness.
    • When the Force fell out, it meant that the person would find the right solution for his situation.
    • The Wind rune personified the creative essence of a person and indicated that time should be taken to unlock one’s potential.

    These are not all interpretations of Old Slavic runes, since even the sequence of their fall could give new options for the development of events in a person’s fate. Sometimes they used Old Church Slavonic (runes) to search for treasures. Since the ancient pagans believed that hidden treasures were protected by spells, they created conspiracies and special combinations of runes that were supposed to not only lead the treasure hunter to the right place, but also save his life.

    Runes in tattoos

    Today it is becoming fashionable to use Old Slavic runes and their meaning in tattoos. For those who decide to use them protective power, you should be very careful, because without knowledge and faith in their power this is best case scenario- it will just be a drawing on the skin, and in the worst case, you may get the opposite effect to the expected one.

    It was the faith of people that endowed the runes with power, because each of them was associated with a specific god, for example:

    • The Wind rune symbolized Veles, who transferred the souls of the dead to the kingdom of Madder.
    • The Beregini sign was associated with Makosha, the goddess of earth and harvest.
    • Rune Oud is Yarilo.

    It was faith in these gods and goddesses that endowed the runes with powerful energy. The ancient Slavs painted them on the body as protection from dark forces or to attract good luck. In the same way, today people should use Old Slavic runes. A tattoo, supported by knowledge of their meaning and faith in the ancient gods, will be a real amulet for its wearer.

    How to make a rune-amulet

    There is no point in buying a ready-made amulet, but if it is not possible to make it yourself, then you should at least charge the purchase correctly. To do this, it must be washed in a running water clean water, then hold the candles over the fire, put them in salt for a day, and then fumigate them with incense. So all 4 elements will give the amulet their strength.

    The next stage is transferring your energy to the amulet with a prayer to the god or goddess symbolized by the rune. Asking for help or protection gives him powerful strength.

The ancient Slavs were well versed in magical signs and used them in Everyday life. Slavic runes and their exact meaning have not reached us. During the persecution of pagan culture after the baptism of Rus', much runic knowledge was lost. However, 18 magical signs for researchers Slavic culture managed to find and decipher.

Old Slavic runes and their meaning

To use runes, you need to know their symbolism and understand Slavic customs and culture. Runes are not just symbols, they are unique keys that open the way to the gods and their power.

The Slavic runes and their meaning are unique, so they need to be interpreted in combination with each other. The number of runes when working depends on the purpose. Runes are read not only as letters, but also as images. When doing fortune telling, runes help predict the outcome of a situation. To do this, you need to use your own minimum set of characters. They can be carved from wood or drawn on paper. The main thing is to know their meaning.

Rune "PEACE". The sign looks like a tree with branches or a person raising his hands up. It means help from above, answers to questions, protection and understanding in an unresolved situation. IN magical rituals- patronage of noble higher powers. If this sign appears during fortune telling, you can safely take on any business. You cannot use the rune in unseemly actions.

Rune "Chernobog". The sign opposite to “PEACE” looks the same, only the branches (or arms) are directed downward. The meaning of the symbol is absolute evil. In order for something new to come into life, you need to prepare for the complete destruction of the old. The established order and structure will collapse, clearing the way for completely different processes. But it's not always evil negative character, because man consists of evil and good in equal measure. Therefore, Chernobog’s view of the act will turn out completely differently in a given situation. In a physical sense it means death. In magic, the rune helps to break out of an old circle and break long-standing unnecessary ties.

Rune "Alatyr". The essence of everything and the center around which the universe revolves. It's everything and nothing at the same time. Its symbol means the throne on which the main god sits and from which all roads begin. In magic, Alatyr is pure energy, on which everything else depends and begins. If it appears during fortune telling, you must act according to the laws of your ancestors, honoring ancient traditions and your family. The Slavs used it as a talisman for children. “Alatyr” is the rune of calm and confidence in the future.

Rune "Rainbow". The shortest path connecting point A to point B. The rainbow symbolizes happiness, which moves and smoothly flows from Chaos to Prosperity. In magic - a difficult path that goes in the right direction and will soon end, all difficulties along this path will be resolved and overcome. When fortune telling - receiving invaluable experience. The Slavs used “Rainbow” in making amulets for those who set off on a long, dangerous journey.

Rune "Need". Symbol of pain and evil fate. It is used in two meanings: in good – awareness of one’s own problems of any kind, in bad – difficulties, pain, coercion, melancholy. If it falls out during fortune telling, you need to abandon the planned plan, since it will not lead to success. Used as a talisman for people who are confused and lost in life.

Rune "Steal". A sign of sacrificial fire, purification and embodiment. Fire will remove everything unnecessary and open a clear path without insincerity and lies. In magic it is used to embody what is hidden inside. When fortune telling, it warns that secrets will be revealed and made public. But even in this way the goal will be achieved.

Rune "Treba". Complex symbol. On the one hand, he is a victorious warrior, on the other, he is ready to sacrifice during his journey. It is impossible to achieve what you want without loss. “Requirement” is the need to sacrifice to God, not only something materially valuable, but also oneself. If it falls out during fortune telling, there will be a major reckoning for past mistakes. People associated with crime and, as a result, ended up in difficult situation, used as a talisman.

Rune "Strength". A sign of power and any force acting both on a person and on the surrounding reality. Any difficult path will be crowned with success, despite the fact that there is a struggle with both outside world, and with yourself. When fortune telling - complete victory. Protecting athletes and businessmen from competitors.

Rune "Wind". Variability, fast action, cleared paths. It must be used correctly in combination with other runes so as not to cause harm. When doing fortune telling, it predicts success in self-realization. Used as a talisman for players and those who need good luck.

Rune "Bereginya". A sign of the earth and the mother who gave birth to all living things. When doing fortune telling, she protects, like the mother of her child, all actions and plans. Among the Slavs it was used as a talisman for pregnant women and mothers who had just given birth. The rune of fertility brought good luck to farmers.

Rune "Oud". A symbol of feminine and masculine energy, fiery passion, speed. When fortune telling - renewal in everything. It was used in magic to attract the other half, as well as in the treatment of infertility.

Rune "Lelya". A sign of softness and warmth. Youth, purity, beauty and spring. The beginning of a new life for the young and complete harmony with nature. A talisman against the evil eye of a newly created family.

Rune "Rock". Inevitability, prepared by higher powers, fate. What needs to happen will happen. When doing fortune telling, he advises you to accept the situation and come to terms with it, since there is no and will not be a chance to change it.

Rune "Support". A symbol of protection and support under your feet. Means that in difficult situations God will not abandon man. A talisman for people holding high leadership positions.

Rune "Dazhdbog". Kindness and care in all forms, the end of all trials. For men - making a profit, for women - long-awaited pregnancy. Used as a talisman and talisman to preserve family and home, or to prosper an enterprise.

Rune "Perun". The most powerful rune with powerful energy that is impossible to resist. If during fortune-telling it happens to a client, it is useless to compete with him. Talisman of military and rescue workers.

Rune "Is". A sign of lightness, smiling, nature and creativity. Patronizes writers, artists, actors.

Rune "Source". Sign of ice, lack of movement. When doing fortune telling, there is complete stagnation in life, a stop in business, and there may be a crisis. Calls for rest to simply wait out a difficult period.

Slavic runes and their meaning and use in ancient times:

  • used to influence life and destiny as amulets and protective amulets;
  • requests for help from higher powers;
  • career advancement;
  • removing obstacles;
  • improving communication with others.

  • To protect against evil, runes were embroidered on clothes and applied to dishes and household items.

    – meaning, description and their interpretation – can be of great benefit in different life situations. But when choosing a particular sign, you need to concentrate and feel its warmth inside yourself. If it works, the rune will work.

    Among Russian-speaking people in Lately one can observe real hysteria about finding the origins of world culture among our ancestors - the Slavs. There are even books being published about the Slavic-Aryan Vedas and runes, the authors of which frivolously forget that the Vedas are an Indian invention. Nobody denies that Slavic writing did not appear with the baptism of Rus', which means it had its own philosophy, but to call life principles Slavs Vedas, at least impolite. Moreover, thanks to forced baptism, it is extremely difficult to find documents confirming the existence of such a philosophy. Therefore, all the “Slavic Vedas” are the invention of modern “patriots” (a serious researcher simply will not give his work such a name). As for the Aryan runes, everything is not so simple.

    Runes of the ancient Slavs

    First, let's understand the concept of “Slavic-Aryan runes”, what does it mean? The Aryans are considered the first race whose spiritual and cultural heritage We are currently processing. That is, a person who pronounces the phrase “Slavic-Aryan runes” and talks about their meaning equates the Slavs and Aryans, which cannot be the truth. Perhaps the Slavs were the keepers of ancient knowledge, but there is no reason to attribute to them the creation of Aryan runes.

    If we talk about popular culture, then the symbols depicted on tattoos and amulets are understood to be very reminiscent of the runes of the Germanic peoples. There are differences, of course, but the similarities cannot be ignored. Some researchers are inclined to consider Slavic runes as the primary source, and the Germanic tribes as just arrogant plagiarists. How it really was reliable information no, perhaps, and in this case we need to thank the ancient proto-language (Aryan), the simplified form of which turned into. Today, along with the runes of Odin, they are used for fortune telling and the creation of talismans. As for tattoos with Slavic runes, this is just a tribute to fashion, since rare person really understands the meaning of the signs that he is going to depict on his body.