Vocabulary dictation on suffixes n nn. Material for preparing for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in the Russian language (grade 11) on the topic: Training material on spelling N-NN in various parts of speech

One of specific features Russian language lessons is a large amount of work that needs to be done to acquire the appropriate skills and abilities, as well as the nature of this work: painstaking execution of exercises, copying from a textbook or another educational book didactic material while simultaneously performing some tasks. Improving the methodology of teaching the Russian language using a computer as a technical teaching aid allows us to intensify the learning process: increase the pace of the lesson, increase the share of independent work by students. The use of a computer for training and monitoring the acquisition of knowledge and skills of students is especially effective. How do I use computers in my Russian language lessons?! As an example, I want to describe a lesson taught in 7th grade on the topic “N and НН in participles and adjectives.” This lesson was conducted as a test lesson using a computer. The work went like this. I first explained the spelling conditions in the traditional way n, nn in participles and adjectives. Then I moved on to the background notes on this topic. Since we had met with this topic before, one of the students in the class gave a background summary. There were punch cards on the desk in front of each student. During the lesson, the student had to do work on both the punch card and the computer. An expert group was created that monitored the results of the students’ work, so one teacher cannot cope with this. The results were entered into the scoreboard. As a result, the student had two or three grades: for an oral answer (if he answered), for a punched card, for a computer. Each computer program consists of three autonomous blocks: teaching, training and control. Any of these blocks can be used as an independent pedagogical software tool and organically absorbed into the outline of a traditionally taught lesson by selecting the menu offered on the monitor screen before starting work.

Lesson Objectives

  1. Arming schoolchildren with technology that allows them to achieve high literacy in writing words s-n- and -nn-
  2. Summarize and systematize the knowledge gained from studying this topic.
  3. Developing cultural competence in using reference materials various types as a basis for further independent activity in high school.

During the classes

First stage. Org. Moment: teacher's opening statement.

Second phase. Repetition of what has been covered: a presentation with rules, a frontal survey can be carried out in the form of a forum.

Forum questions:

When it is written in adjectives nn ?

Name exceptions to these rules.

How to distinguish verbal adjectives with a suffix -n- from communion with -nn- ?

What exceptions in the spelling of verbal adjectives do you know?

How to write suffixes with n And nn in short forms of adjectives and participles?

How many n written in adverbs and nouns formed from adjectives and participles?

Third stage. Working with a supporting outline prepared in Word.

Fourth stage. Application of received theoretical titles in practice.

Express dictation (in the 1st column write down the numbers of words from n , in the 2nd - from nn ).

Stir it up nn new colors

Besce nn that's the thing

More painted nn shops

Glade illuminated n A

Weaving n th pattern

Tourists are accommodated n s

Commission formed n A

Rumya n sed persons

Svi n hams

Nekrashe n th fabric

Pisa n oh beauty

Notebook with scribble n A

Leather n th briefcase

Vetere n th day

Wind n oh engine

No wind nn th day

Scattering nn th boy

Nechaya nn th error

Emergency group work: 18 points – 5, 17-16 points 4, 15-14 points – 3.

Fifth stage. Spelling algorithm –n- and –in- in adjectives and participles.

Form adjectives from nouns and verbs as follows:

leather- leather n y: sand, rye;

drum- drum n y: abuse, hurricane, pocket, fog, spring, manna, early;

clay- clay yang y: birch bark, water, tin, resin, wool, peat;

to knit- elm n y: tear, call, confuse, hew, forge, chew, cut, wash;

wallow- Valya n y: winnow, solder, sow, shoot.

explain the spelling graphically n And in in words:

cochet n y meadow - nekoshe n oh, skosh nn y and koshe nn dewy meadow;

more painted nn th fence - painted - not painted for a long time - unpainted;

nope n oh tablecloth - weave nn golden - weaving nn ah - not sotka nn and I;

wound n 1st warrior - wound nn first in battle - lightly wounded n oh - hurt n s plow;

burn n second sugar - half-burnt nn that manuscript is burned nn oh desert.

conduct a selective dictation with an explanation. Write down the words in two columns with n And nn.

Old Mazai loves his low-lying land until old age (N. Nerkasov). 2) The road lay through a former rye field. 3) Spring has entered the earth with a solemn march. 4) I was drawn to the stone buildings, where there was a smell of machine oil. 5) The early harsh winter dawn appeared through the deathly haze (A. Fadeev). b) Neither sledge nor animal tracks were visible. 7) The sound of horse hooves was heard: a black horse was being taken out of the stable. 8) The village is surrounded earthen rampart(L. Tolstoy). 9) Nastya was as flighty as her young lady (A. Pushkin). 10) The night was windless.

Compose and write down a dictation of exception words for all cases of this topic.

Write down, form from these words using suffixes -awn-, -ny-, -enie- nouns, indicate spellings.

Insert the missing letters, find words with suffixes, highlight the suffixes.

Stone, strong, ardent, frosty, axed, long, juicy, weighty, ra_y, so_y, patterned, beto_y, slanted, straight, ruddy, tribal, guest, revolutionary, thief, filthy.

Explain the difference in the spelling of words with the same root.

All my friends are educated nn s. Commissions have already been formed n s.

The soldiers' faces are stern and concerned nn s. We were more concerned n s passed.

The training camp was organized nn O. Organized n o good food.

The fur is all tangled n and a kitten. This story is confusing n and also unclear.

The sea is excited n about the storm. Spoke excitedly nn oh, it's hot.

There are about 5 such tasks per student. Students must put it correctly or not. n into participles and adjectives. The computer, as it were, together with the student goes through the process of mastering the skills and abilities of correct writing. He seems to encourage students to work together. "Wonderful! Correct answer,” says the computer when the answer is correct. And to an incorrect answer, it “reacts” with a sound signal and the word “Error!” flashes. If a student makes a mistake, then after a specified time the computer displays on the screen the correct entry of the phrase in which the mistake was made. Upon completion of the work, a grade is given according to a 5-point system. The rating scale corresponds to the standards accepted in pedagogical practice. When working on a computer, the student has to be attentive and constantly analyze, using certain mental operations. Since there are not enough computers for each student, my students take turns working in these lessons. Some of the guys work on computers, some make punch cards, then change. They exchange punch cards and give each other marks, which are entered into the scoreboard by the expert group. The scoreboard is given to me, and based on it I put marks in the journal. As I already said, in my lessons I use punched cards. I make them reusable. They are inside a thin plastic film. Students do the work on film. During the next job, previous jobs are simply erased.

Sixth stage. Monitoring the assimilation of the material covered.

Control cards

Task 1. Write down the short forms of the adjective next to the full form.

Sample: ruddy - child of ruddy, girl of ruddy, child of ruddy.

Incomparable, united, valuable, revolutionary, desert, modern.

Words using the adjectives from which they are derived.

Sample: Maslenitsa - butter (pancake).

Ease, wildly, unceremoniously, vital, power of attorney, hotel, windy, larch, pickpocket, customs officer, relative.

Task 1. Paste n And nn , highlight the suffixes.

Telephone conversation, table tennis, earthen embankment, crane cry, hurricane warning, unreasonable lateness, skillful speaker, artificial diamond, seasonal work, target area, silver thread, wooden salt shaker.

Task 2. Form them from these adjectives short form in the feminine gender.

Unexpected, sacred, windy, deserted, long, ruddy, young, skillful, wounded, educated, artificial.

Task 1. Replace these phrases with synonymous expressions, highlight the suffixes.

Example: time of revolution - revolutionary time.

Division commander, excursion bus, triangle with equal sides, battalion commissar, excitement of discussion, punctuation mark, gathering according to tradition, windy day, institute of information.

Task 2. Explain the spelling n And nn according to the sample.

Sample: smoked - smoked.

Cleverness, pupil, sophistication, Maslenitsa, chosen one, nebula, confusion, entanglement, artisan, youth.

Task 1. Turn participles into adjectives.

Sample: fish baked in ash - baked fish, gilded ring - gilded ring.

Cabbage pickled in a barrel, a whitewashed ceiling, melted butter, a barge loaded with timber, a paved street, a warrior wounded in the arm, hair that has not been dyed for a long time, an unseeded field, bushes planted by children.

Task 2. Form adverbs from these words using the suffix –o-

Furious, arrogant, solemn, oily, windy, violent, nameless, windless, organized, thoughtful, unheard of.

Task 1. Form a short form, highlight the spelling.

Tangled hair, scattered beads, overdyed stockings, works of art, numerous lights, cropped hair, given words, young creatures, educated youths, concentrated faces.

Task 2. Turn adjectives into passive participles by adding either a dependent word or a prefix.

Soaked apples, a wounded bird, a quilted jacket, dyed hair, salty fish, unshorn children, burnt coal, unfed cattle.

Task 1. Paste n or nn, explaining your choice.

More beautiful in Blue colour, the guest seated under the icon, the father seated,

The bride's dowry, the streets are empty, the army commander's dowry, their carcasses, the movements of the kingdom, the hair that has long ceased to be beautiful, the smart children.

Task 2. Write down all exceptions on the topic “ N And NN in adjectives."

Task 1. Form short participles and adverbs from these verbs, make up phrases and write them down.

Example: tangle - the wool is tangled, talking is confusing.

Organize, concentrate, enliven, deserve, strain, inspire, excite, dispel, excite, condemn.

Task 2 Underline the words with the suffix –onn-.

Seasonal, radiation, bottomless, compositional, revolutionary, bouillon, legal, sleepless, restless, commission, inclined, template, inertial, carriage, concrete, reactionary, operational.

Task 1. Explain the spelling of the following words (show graphically).

Mowed meadow - unmown meadow

Painted product - a fence that has not been painted for a long time

A basket woven by a craftsman - the basket is not woven

Bought bread - wounded soldier

This example is a woven pattern

Half-burnt manuscript - semi dried fish

Frozen meat - unfrozen berries

Task 2. Write down exception words on the topic “ N And NN in participles and verbal adjectives.”

Task 1. Form adjectives from the nouns and verbs given in brackets, write down phrases with them, explain graphically n or nn.

(Discussion) question, (wind) young man, (no wind) weather, (car) master, (inspiration) music, (gasify) area, (bee) wax, (make) fright, (weave) carpet, (seeds) fund, (eagle) glance, (sparrow) tweet, (division) medical battalion, (not wait) visit.

Task 2. Explain the spelling n or nn.

Decisions are considered (correct) - all moves are thought out

Views are directed into the distance - movements are directed (decisive)

Papers sent to court - move directionally

Task 1. Form participles and adjectives from verbs.

Sample: whitewash - bleached, walls have not been whitewashed for a long time.

Ferment, mow, pave, smelt, chill, heat, teach.

Task 2. Explain the spelling according to the example: a scarf woven with gold (there is a dependent word).

Hidden ice cream, confusing case, confusing story, young chess player, confusing story, unsolved problem, non-woven material, gilded thread, unsolved mystery, layer cake, boiled water.

Task 1. Insert the missing letters, distribute them into two columns with n And nn.

An embarrassed youth, a mad dog, a skilled worker, a forged lattice, a job done, a crane's cry, window frames, a smart baby, unplowed fields, mushrooms dried in the sun, a wind engine, calm weather, a wounded finger, a desired day.

Task 2. Next to the full participles and adjectives, write down the short ones.

Baked fish -

Sown field -

Sacred oath -

Desired holidays -

Slow movements

Clouds scattered by the wind -

Concentrated faces -

Tried friends -

Task 1. Copy, inserting letters, explaining spelling.

The faces of the sailors are concerned and serious; sauerkraut; we are limited in time; came out organized; concerned about the patient's condition; sauerkraut in a barrel; behave with restraint; teenagers are unbalanced and hot-tempered; imbalance and lack of restraint; unbaked bread; bride's dowry; baked pumpkin.

Task 2. Compose and write down sentences or phrases with the words:

Well-mannered - well-mannered, isolated - isolated, welded - uncoupled, scattered - scattered, restrained - restrained.

Control vocabulary dictation

Green forest, oil engine, butter pancake, tin soldier, windy day, burnt sugar, unexpected success, spoiled child, pig tail, chewed-chewed leaf, shod horse, unexpected success, come unexpectedly, unprecedented dawn, unheard news, slow move, bride's trousseau, non-woven tablecloth, smart kid, half-dried fish, long-awaited visit, leather cloak, freshly painted fence, gullible animal, windmill, incessant rain, burnt letter, broken line, boiled water, valuable remark, artificial honey, baked apple, half-milked cows, fields cut by hail, sworn brother wounded in the chest, a strange incident, virgin harvest, true story, millionth inhabitant, true values, felted shoes, a shot sparrow, the real truth, children are absent-minded and inattentive, the clouds are scattered, there is a spicy smell of saffron, a rosy birthday girl, wormwood thickets, a desperate young man, a wildly beating heart, state customs officers, a chased step, a lacerated wound.

Seventh stage. Summing up the results by the expert group, assigning points to the scoreboard.

Eighth stage. Homework.

But I want to note that working with a computer in teaching the Russian language should be considered as a complement to traditional teaching techniques and methods. He cannot completely replace the teacher. After all, the teacher retains the leading role of “director” of the lesson and the entire learning process, and the computer is only an assistant, a methodological tool along with other teaching aids.

I. Wooden toy, leather bag, silver spoons, pottery, bone handle, wardrobe, woolen suit.

Oatmeal jelly, Rye bread, Oil paint, ice water, glass vase, earthen floor, sandy beach, linen sheet, linen tablecloth.

Antique clock, art gallery, machine knitting.

Humane day, hurricane wind, regular visitor, strange question.

Swan song, duck egg, goose beak, chicken broth, animal cry, mouse squeak, bee swarm. (60 words)

II. Clay jug; clay soil.

Earthworks; sallow complexion.

Silver ring; silver moonlight.

Stone staircase; rocky path.

Mountain air; mountainous terrain. (22 words)

Exercise. Explain the difference in these cognate adjectives.

We decided to go to the fair. The road ran along the bank of a winding river and was so sandy that it was difficult to drive. The weather was warm but windy. We passed by the old windmill. A railway is being built not far from the tin products factory. Excavation Mostly already finished.

We crossed a narrow river and began to wander around the fair. Along the edges of the square there were carts with clay jugs, mugs and wooden spoons. The tents sold glass and earthenware. In one tent they sold Caucasian goods: silk scarves, silver bracelets, leather shoes. Nearby there was a brisk trade in chintz and linen tablecloths. (95 words)

Note. Graphically indicate the conditions for choosing the letters n and nn in adjective suffixes.

I. 1. Among the new wooden houses, an abandoned hut with a thatched roof stood out. 2. The floor in the hut was clay. 3. During the construction of the road, sand embankments were erected. 4. Internship students is over. 5. Machine oil poured into oil dishes. 6. Tyumen is famous for its oil wealth. 7. Children play with tin soldiers.

II. The oldest image of a leather ball dates back to 2500 BC and was discovered on the island of Samothrace in the Aegean Sea. The ball is painted on a clay tablet and is made up of individual wedges of leather, just like our modern ball. This suggests that sport games, related to football, were familiar to the ancient Greeks.

III. A long time ago, people built a low wooden frame over the clean spring, on which a birch bark ladle hung. Everyone could come up and drink cold spring water. (S.-M.) (110 words)

Vocabulary dictation

Tower crane; stone fence, name list; sincere joy; family relationships; artificial ice; straw hat; old romance; fiery whirlwind; blast furnace; life question; deciduous forest; lunch break.

Aviation plant; retirement age; traditional rally; tour agency; operating unit; commission shop; reactionary views; editorial amendments. (42 words)

Badminton, spoiled, disastrous, untimely, cared for, birch bark, unwritten, mad, recruited, educated, clay, living room, faceted (glass), bestowed, donated, disqualified, long-awaited, trashy, jasmine, desired, rejected, played out, cluttered, chosen , published, changed, spent, skillful, leather, leather, concretized, lightly salted, ice cream, sophisticated, courageous, mental, inspired, endowed, whitened, unexpected, unexpected, quicklime, unambiguous, unsolicited, undivided, unthoughtful, imperishable, leveled, thread, unfrightened, interior, scalded, circled, weathered, promised, oat, tin, aware, stunned, pristine, shot, song, paraphrased, sandy, attorney, genuine, selected, linen, trampled, planted (father), planted (oak).


Stolen, pre-war, boiled, millet, deserted, confused, diluted, gilded, disunited, planned, impostor, freshly frozen, overthrown, silver, crossed, fastened, puffed, broken, resinous, resinous, currant, demolished, modern, secret, sleepy, woven, glass, washed, shot, hobbled, chilled, narrowed (groom), narrowed (channel), customs, identical, removed, confident, enthusiastic, doubled, improved, refined, filigree, moistened, completed, well-groomed, chased, decorous, young, echelon, squadron, barley.


Saddled horses stood at the porch (G.). Marya Ivanovna came to dinner pale and tear-stained (P.). The scorched plain stretches out again... (Ch.). The grandfather dragged the cut down tree into the manor's house, and there they began to clean it up (Ch.). In the middle of the forest, in a cleared and developed clearing, stood the lonely estate of Khorya (T.). Silvio took the letter he had received from his pocket in the morning and gave it to me to read (P.). Here I saw Mikhail Pushchin, wounded last year (P.). Vladimir drove through a field crossed deep ravines(P.). We left the wounded Cossack (P.). Metelitsa walked through several more alleys and finally

ran into the painted fence of the priest’s garden (Fad.). An uninvited tear flashed in Lyonka’s eyes (Sim.). In the small, completely empty room, papered with white, it was light, there was a smell of oil paint, on the shiny painted floor there were two Chinese vases(A.N.T.). What is a stationmaster? (P.) Ivan Ilyich and Dasha settled on a farm in a mud hut (A.N.T.). The steppe was deserted, terribly quiet (Shol.). Our cannon was loaded with buckshot (P.). I boil strong tea in a smoky tin kettle (Paust.).


The gaps between the bushes and tree trunks were full of fog, sparse, gentle, soaked through with moonlight (Ch.). The hut was abandoned, the glass was exposed (Hyde.). The soldiers with rolled up overcoats walked quickly (Shol.). The last cloud of the scattered storm! Alone you rush across the clear azure! (P.) My eyes imagined a low hut near a field sown with peas (T.). My thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of one of the Cossacks (P.). Signs contain a lot of accurate knowledge and poetry (Paust.). The morning sun hit the window through the lowered curtain... (Ch.) The city, disheveled by the storm, looked shaggy and dark. Torn cordage whipped in the wind. Even in the hotel room, illuminated by a lamp with a green lampshade, traces of a recent storm were visible: dust lay in fans on the table near the windows, the frame was pressed inward, and behind it a drainpipe torn off by the wind stuck out obliquely (Paust.).


The wide Circassian coat was torn here and there, the hat was twisted back in the Chechen style, the leggings were pulled down below the knees (L. T.). The East, illuminated by the morning sun, shone (P.). Everything is immersed in a peaceful sleep (L.). IN in strict order The hounds are riding at an accelerated pace along the hills and ravines (N.). The wide path is lined with birch trees (N.). The sky was cluttered with wisps of snow-white clouds (M.G.). Money from the merchant for the forest was received and has not yet been spent (L. T.). Their rest on the island and the drowning of one of the guards were not invented by me (P.). The hare's front legs are short and the hind legs are long (Bianchi). Grigory pulled the reins, and the chaise stood at the painted, finely carved gate (Shol.). So your vaunted sense of self-esteem has betrayed you (T.). One day the grandmother prepared lunch from provisions purchased with her money, the next day the grandfather (M. G.) bought provisions and bread. The girls sat decorously, afraid to wrinkle their starched dresses (T.).


The abandoned smoking rooms stood silently, with their shutters closed (Shol.). I looked around and saw a man of about fifty, dusty, in bast shoes, with a wicker knapsack and an overcoat over his shoulders (T.). There was already lard, smoked goose, and dried fish on the table (A.N.T.). The Volga flowed in front of the windows, loaded barges walked along it under a stretched sail (P.). The fat butler, shining with his round face and the starched bow of his white tie, reported that the food was served (L.T.). The dragoons began to invigorate the exhausted horses and galloped to the shore (A.N.T.). Her face was thickly and clumsily made up (Ch.). From time to time he looked arrogantly at the chained Kirdzhali (P.). Several soldiers and Bashkirs were taken out into the field and shot with grapeshot (P.). Nikita was forbidden to shoot chewed paper from a glass tube (A.N.T.). One takes off a winged helmet, the other takes off forged armor (P.). Under an embankment, in an unmown ditch, she lies and looks as if alive, in a colored scarf thrown on her braids, beautiful and young (Bl.). The land is large, but there is nowhere to hide stolen goods (Ch.). It smelled of baked bread and burnt pork (A.N.T.).


Wounded soldier, wounded soldier, sown flour, sown grain, boiled water, boiled milk, painted floor, painted fence, cut clover, unmown grass, mown grass, shot sparrow, shot bird, frightened crow, frightened man, quicklime, extinguished fire , woven tablecloth, smoked sausage, smoked walls, a forged sword, constrained movements, a short-haired boy, a cropped head, a lined notebook, a windy day, a worn suit, a desperate man, a confused look.


Sometimes I caught him at moments when he was not reading; The glasses hung lower on the large aquiline nose, the blue half-closed eyes looked with some special expression, and the lips smiled sadly. The room is quiet; All you can hear is his steady breathing and the striking of the clock. On the other wall hung land maps, all almost torn, but skillfully glued by the hand of Karl Ivanovich. On the third wall, in the middle of which there was a door, two rulers hung below on one side: one cut up, ours, the other brand new, his own, used by him more for encouragement than for ruling, on the other - a black board.

In the middle of the room there was a table covered with torn black oilcloth, from under which in many places one could see the edges cut with pocket knives. There were several unpainted stools around, but varnished from long use. The last wall was occupied by three windows. This was the view from them: right under the windows there was a road on which every pothole, every pebble, every rut had long been familiar and dear to me; behind the road is a trimmed linden alley, behind which in some places you can see a wicker picket fence; A meadow is also visible across the alley.

L. N. Tolstoy. "Childhood".


The fields, dug with trenches, trenches, strewn with deep scabs from the explosions of shells and bombs, were resting: bloody battles thundered over this now quiet land and subsided, leaving behind the ugliest trace that distorted the earth. Oh, what an amazing autumn of rest of the soul was approaching; hearts were weaned from painful spasms; everything around was empty, everything was destroyed, but the most priceless thing was approaching the threshold - autumn, incredible, fabulous silence.

The thin, tenacious web was already silvering; Of course, everyone tried, while it was warm, to spend less time in the dugout and worked in the open air from morning to evening. Old men and women were doing theirs, we were doing ours, I was already fifteen, and I was an adult at that time, two siblings and my beloved white-headed cousin Seryoga looked at me with all their eyes, for them not a mother, but I was an indisputable authority, and this responsibility took a rather heavy toll on me. A great variety of grenades, cartridges, shells, rifles, and pistols were scattered around; in the forest nearby, loaded guns, abandoned in a hurry, stood in combat positions, and minefields stretched for dozens of miles.

P. Proskurin “Return”.


The ceilings of the tiers collapsed - sometimes entirely, sometimes partially - probably from the explosion that destroyed all the other buildings, and the darkness, touched by the sweltering light at sunset, rose under a thin dome, into which the stars, still indistinguishable from the outside, peered. It smelled of damp stone, mold, silt deposited on the walls, stagnant water and something else - bird droppings, the stale spirit of animal existence and human-made uncleanness.

Sergeev touched the oar - the sound, round, booming, similar to a sip, did not exhaust itself, but acquired an extended existence in the stone-clad darkness. He bounced... Sergeev once loved the play of echoes, but in his old age the deliberate effects of nature began to irritate him. Sergeev became quiet in the boat, not touching the oars and refraining from any movement. This brought silence, and it felt good.

Above, where the stars are, a faint sigh was heard. Then it repeated with a slight ringing sound. Again, a long, gentle moan, thinning out, flowed down to the water and was absorbed by it. There was not even a sweet game here - penetrating sadness, the music of the spheres, picked up by an extraordinary instrument - the bell flute.

And this turned out to be just the introduction to a long song without words, which the night wind started on a stone pipe to perform to the end. Pushing forcefully into her sounding body, it gave birth to drawn-out sounds of rare tenderness and beauty, which were occasionally distorted by a choking howl in the dome - it rose up and suddenly stopped immediately. And again a melodic complaint flows, similar to the aching note of the holy fool Nikolka in an iron hat. The comparison came much later, when Sergeev returned home and, tossing and turning without sleep, tried to understand what the transformed lamentations of the wind reminded him of.

Sergeev forgot about the watch and did not know how much time he spent in the stone body musical instrument. Already when the music, gradually fading away, fell silent, he was still afraid to move, so as not to interfere with the aeolian harp with the rough play of the echo, but the wind finally died down, and, carefully pushing off with an oar, Sergeev floated out.

Yu. Nagibin “Bell Tower”.


Nowhere else, not in any bazaar, will you find tobacco rows, they have died out, they have disappeared under the pressure of the Dukat factory and all sorts of foreign cigarettes, which only give you a honey-like nausea and no strength. But in the City of Cities there are still real tobacco rows. In linen, densely woven bags, in intricately embroidered bags, in old grandfather’s pouches, chopped, chopped, crushed samosad is piled high. Come, tear off a folded newspaper in a special manner, which lies right there on the counter, roll up a goat’s leg if you want, or an ordinary cigarette, and puff until you are hoarse, until exhausted, remember how, while plowing, harvesting or threshing, you took a puff of exactly the same tobacco, choosing one or two minutes for a short smoke break. And nearby, an old acquaintance from a neighboring village is trying and asking the price for another type of chopped tobacco. And now you, smoking cigarettes, discussing the strength and strength of tobacco, start talking about your eternal peasant affairs. Like, tobacco is tobacco, it’s all nonsense and fun, but the heat today is unbearable, the rye and wheat are dying on the vine, there is nothing to feed the cattle, the state is at a loss. And the smoke is not curling so smoothly, it is already melting in the hot air, the pouches are already tied and hidden in pockets, and the eight-piece caps are thoughtfully knocked onto the back of their heads, and it’s time for the men to become completely upset and lose heart. But then another old acquaintance comes up to them from the next row and begins to console and persuade them. Don’t lose heart, guys, it’s hot, but in the village of Kurgannoy lives a guy like you, Zadorozhny, so he’s at least forty degrees every day, at least there’s not a single rain all summer, and his wheat is as tall as a man . And the men are already slowly losing their souls, lighting up with hope and desire: shouldn’t we go to Kurgannoye next Sunday, see what kind of guy Zadorozhny is there, and take over his farming?

I. Evseenko “Cock Yards”.


Somewhere in the swamps cranes were screaming. Before sunrise, their cry was so loud that it seemed as if the birds were circling over the ridge of the hut. The forest echo picked up their cry, and it, amplified and repeatedly reflected by the echoing organ sonority of the pine trunks surrounding the swamp, rushed over the swamp. This cry was not harsh or hasty; it could not be called a trumpet cry. There was something deep and chesty in him, like in a strong female mezzo-soprano, some kind of mermaid half-scream, mysterious and sad, involuntarily taking the imagination into the world of half-forgotten fairy tales of childhood.

And everything from my window here seemed fabulous to me: and this handful of tall tower huts on a hill between two lakes - some boarded up, others still with living red geraniums in their narrow carved windows; and woodpiles of birch firewood stacked against the walls of smoky baths, overgrown with tall nettles along with the baths; and round, still freshly green haystacks, similar to the pointed helmets of epic knights; and endless spinning hedges with white-sided magpies on birch stakes; and the ringing of cow bells, and the soft, hollow sound of a horn, skillfully twisted from a long birch bark belt, the same old horn with which the local shepherd still calls cattle wandering along the forest paths. And forests, forests... Forests, no matter which way you look: black, steep, with white strokes of birch trees, with raspberries along dry trails, with scatterings of saffron milk caps along the edges, lingonberry pine forests, moss pine forests, capercaillie and bear's creases, crane swamps.

1 Indiscriminately, to no avail, unrestrained, without restraint, incessantly, in vain, in the distance, in addition, to smithereens, in oblivion, in addition, on the run, locked up, in a draw, in an embrace, to the edge, to tight, in general, forever, in ...

Algorithm for spelling the particle not with nouns, adjectives and adverbs starting with -o: 1. Is there (or is it implied) a contrast to the word with the particle NOT? Yes No Written r...

Always -NN-

Always -N-

Non-derivative adjectives.






unheard of



bride's dowry





imprisoned father





sworn brother



just a few


Forgiveness Sunday





a goner





forged chewed









Vocabulary dictations.

  1. The bun is baked, the face is excited, elected deputies, the gestures are exquisite, the door is boarded up, chained, the hair is tousled, the youth are erudite and educated, well characterized, the answers are weak and uncertain.
  2. The sea is agitated by the wind, the mail is brought, perfect in form, the means are exquisite, the answers are uncertain, the feet are frostbitten, the wallpaper is pasted, the face is yellow and wrinkled, the drawings are brought, the actions are risky.
  3. Restricted by the rules, the attack is repelled, she is talented and well-mannered, her face is thoughtful and concentrated, the disease is neglected, the work is credited, enthroned, located in the mountains.

Words for linocards and punched cards.

Masculine slanted

Bringed fastened washed

Inspired by youth intensely

Unpaved minted abstract

Treated oatmeal frozen

Scolded and scolded homespun millet

Loose washed-washed asphalt

Confidence unexpectedly wall-mounted

Improved Sandy Conqueror

Unexpected wooden martyr

Contrived unsolicited dowry

Chalked long-smart

Frozen in ice faithfully traveled

Conceived contrived wounded

Windy baked in ash authentic


Option 1.

1. In what row is NN written in all words?

1) Let's be frank...s, modern prose, mad...dog.

2) The corrected manuscript, the decision of the law, the animal is furious.

3) Reply scattered...oh, eternal str...ik, the students are undisciplined.

4) Brass pipes, knitted hat, elections are premature.

1) There are many wounds, the fighters are wounded, their movements are constrained by the cold.

2) children are well-mannered and neat, tasks are solved, plans are upset.

3) The arguments are balanced and accurate, the laundry has been hung...oh, we are surprised.

4) The routes are defined, the field is mown...oh, the children are smart.

3 . In what row is NN written in all words?

1) Reply to the letter...oh, guest...aya, oat...y, sheep...y.

2) Empty, wooden, silver, windy.

3) Outskirts..., mean..., invisible, drop... oh.

4) Golden domes, broken clocks, white ceilings painted by a painter, windless day.

Option 2.

1. In what row is NN written in all words?

1) Forged lattice, oil... paint, fresh frozen fish, whole... lands.

2) A lined silk blouse, peppery food, an uninvited guest, a long-awaited answer.

3) Oily apron, darned scarf, wet apples, engraved inscription.

4) an unsolved issue, an abandoned barrel, a defective part, an impromptu concert.

2. In what row is N written in all words?

1) Surrounded by a fence, faces scattered, exams passed, things already ironed.

2) A heavily wounded sapper, an oily pancake, a decisive example, an imprisoned father.

3) Beautiful doors, unusual paths, an unexpected guest, faulty details.

4) Fresh frozen vegetables, a homespun tablecloth, a smart kid, some herbs.

3. In what row is NN written in all words?

1) Bar...y, yes...y, mad...y, gro...y.

2) Dog...y, spoiled...y, empty...yy, desperate...yy.

3) Silver, decisive, unprompted, freshly cut.

4) Bad..., fried...on the fire, unsalted, ordered.

Option 3.

1. In which row are all words written with NN?

1) A puddle... pan, an untidy room, a double... sheepskin coat, the whole facts.

2) Purchased toys, extinguished fire, wheelbarrow loaded with sand, slaked lime.

3) Distracted students, sacred duty, spoken word. Gold embossed certificate, advanced age.

4) Read...and re-read...a book, a wounded fighter, ironing clothes, risky behavior.

2. In which row are all words written with N?

1) Pork cutlet, zinc bucket, windy weather, wild beast, swarm of bees.

2) Windmill, fast speed, guest yard, uninvited guests, linen factory.

3) Sheep's sheepskin coat, silver ring. leeward side, unpurchased gifts, sword atom.

4) Swan song, white ceilings. a captive knight, an unexpected guest.

3. In which row are all words written with NN?

1) Leeward side, unfed cattle, glass door, spotless conscience.

2) A desired child, an unexpected joy, a cramped area, low bushes.

3) Tin parts, sparkling water, pepper...pepper soup, mean case.

4) Asphalt highway, windless day, unsowed grass, absent-minded student.

Material for individual cards.

  1. Cat grass, mown grass, cat grass in the morning, sharp legs, a sharpened pencil, a beam sharpened by a master, a wicker chair, woven branches, skillfully woven lace, weaving... a tablecloth, a weaving tablecloth, a tablecloth woven by a craftswoman, a knitted scarf, a knitted scarf, a knitted scarf...made by grandmother, a hunted wolf, a hunted wolf, a wolf hunted by dogs.
  2. Cleaner shoes, unclean shoes, unclean shoes, cleaner shoes worn by a boy, more beautiful floor, unpainted floor, more beautiful brushed floor, dinner party, uninvited guest, summoned doctor, guests invited to dinner, ice-cream fish, non-frozen fish, freshly frozen fish, ice-cream fish for the winter, gilded cane, gilded cane, gilded cane by the master.
  3. A purchased ticket, a lost voice, a thrown ball, a decided question, an unheard scandal born in winter, a captive enemy, a yes... chance, an unexpected guest, a desperate fighter, sacred duty, offended friend, frightened sparrow, video film, extinguished fire, excited speech, darning sock, frightened crow by explosion, uprooted forest, forged chest , shackled in armor.

In an old hotel.

In the dim... distance of the sandy shore, the crimson lights of the old... guest glowed dimly. On the beautiful floor, decorated with intricate ornaments, there was an artfully made table with artificial flowers in a glass vase. The sharp table legs with sharpened ends were gilded. Burnt matches lay on the stand of a silver candlestick with lit candles, next to it stood a gilded vase with gilded handles. In it, an amazing assortment of boiled vegetables, wet apples, pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut was revealed to the astonished gaze. Smoked sausage, stewed meat, frozen fish, frozen lobsters, crushed nuts, pork chops lay in silver bowls. On the ironing of a tablecloth, a weave of snow-white linen, there were wooden dishes, glass wine glasses, tin spoons, bone forks. There was barely any light shining through the smoky glass.

Material taken from the following manuals:

Ivanova S.Yu., Examination “traps”. We are preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian. Samara, 2006.

Akhrimenkova L.A. Towards an A grade step by step, or 50 lessons with a tutor. Russian language. M.: Education, 2005.

One of the types creative works in Russian language lessons - creating texts rich in words with certain spellings. You can work with them in different ways: insert letters, dictate to a neighbor at your desk or to the whole class, you can do an interactive dictation. We usually organize a competition for such texts. Evaluation criteria: level of complexity, richness of necessary spellings, semantic coherence, artistic merit. Here is an example of such a dictation.

Hallucinations on the theme "n and nn"

They walked forward, barely dragging their feet, exhausted, tortured and dried out by the scorching, merciless sun. The sky was deserted, devoid of clouds, painted with only bright blue paint, and beneath it the sandy endless desert stretched royally and silently. My feet were drowning in tons of fine, rough sand, as if sifted through a dense wooden sieve, sleepily, lazily and majestically pouring in overlapping layers. The weather was stuffy, windless, and the day dragged on endlessly and slowly. There were no living creatures around, only sometimes scorpions and desert snakes of unprecedented colors appeared. There was no water at all.

Four days ago, their jeep SUV, praised by marketing scammers, stalled forever and for no reason in one of the sand dunes. Advanced mobile phones flatly refused to work, and even GPS jammed due to the heat: it either showed a route directed strictly in a circle, or determined its location somewhere in the area of ​​autumn, rainy Moscow, as if voicing a general desire to return to the desired, dear, but inaccessible homeland. At first, everyone braced themselves: they threw leather jackets into the wrecked car, grabbed bags filled with food and belongings, and laid out knitted hats they had taken with them for some unknown reason - why are they even needed in Egypt? And they set off, hoping to soon run into a tourist group or go out into the city. But it didn't work out.

The water ran out at the end of that same fateful day. Someone clumsily joked about collecting cacti, but the joke was soon taken seriously. However, the chewed cactus did not satisfy either hunger or thirst. Hallucinations began. However, Muscovites are not used to such heat and such extreme conditions. One imagined oases at every step, the second dreamed in a low voice of home-grown potatoes fried with dill, the third dreamed of boiled village milk.

The third night greeted them with a calming coolness, like a bandage soaked in vinegar applied to the forehead of a feverish patient. And when the delirium subsided a little and they continued on their way again, the crimson sun of dawn, the sun that they had come to hate so many times, illuminated the peaks built by the ancients Egyptian pyramids, tombs of the pharaohs. It illuminated a caravan of dozing camels and the makeshift tents of more sensible and fortunate tourists. Their salvation illuminated.
Vorobyova Anastasia, 10b grade