See what “at the moment” is in other dictionaries. Respecting the Present Moment: What is Mindfulness?

between the past and the future is the only reality. Human life is a kind of series various kinds tension and relaxation. In tension, we fall asleep so as not to feel ourselves in currently, because tension creates suffering, and then the illusion of a dream is greater than such a reality. That is, it is a kind of vicious circle: tension creates suffering, which forces a person to flee from reality into dreams. But this running around is precisely the main cause of our tension. Therefore, at some point, in order to get out of the vicious circle, one total, decisive “action” is necessary, in which we are forced to go through ourselves.

The path comes down to accepting the freedom of the present moment - between the past and the future. There is no way because the present is always . We are always in the present. The incessant rush of the mind puts us into a sleep in which we think there is a way. Contemplation is the last step, the transition from the gross tension of the world of thought (ordinary life) to the subtle tension of the world of consciousness. From restless sleep to sleep in which there is self-awareness. To leave sleep completely there is no way, no method. How to get to where you already are? How to become yourself if you are so you? How to find yourself in the present moment, between the past and the future if you never left it?

There are a number of concepts related in some way to the relative acceptance of the present. Relative acceptance is when the mind spontaneously relaxes and experiences reality more deeply and clearly. In this plane, such concepts as correctness, genius, beauty and holiness are one whole. They are like beads strung on a thread of time, each one moving a little closer to the present.

Correctness is when actions are felt as correct, and then it is a little easier for consciousness to accept what is, because it feels right. Genius and beauty are also just moments of awakening, in which, having assessed what is happening with these epithets, the mind “agrees” with what is, approaching the truth of the present moment. True holy people who live according to the laws of conscience are closest to the truth, because... They wholeheartedly accept the pure world that their consciousness creates. Why is the saint transformed? Because in his holiness it is easier and simpler for him to accept what is - the space of light of his own consciousness. It's easy to embrace the present moment when holiness predominates in it. If the consciousness is clouded with husks, there is resistance to what is and immersion in the illusion of time - an escape from reality here and now.

However, if a person develops an artificial image of how to behave - be it correct, beautiful, or holy - this can give rise to conflict. An artificial role model will dictate what is right and condemn what is. Then a person will inevitably deny the present. On the one hand, in this way we can move and change. On the other hand, such a movement of avoiding the present becomes painful and tiring. Constant rejection of oneself, as not being similar to the ideal artificial image of a saint, gives rise to suffering. Therefore, from the very beginning it is better to see everything as it is. You are the consciousness of the present, you have always been it without resistance. Accepting oneself as oneself spontaneously eliminates everything unnecessary, coarse, and illusory with the least resistance.

In other words, the point is not even to behave like a saint, but to experience yourself this way, to feel that everything that happens in the present is correct and cannot be otherwise. No one and nothing can be different, everything is in its place. If there is a genuine sense of one’s own holiness, then one’s actions will be appropriate. And holiness is a simple consequence of being in the truth, in the reality of the moment between the past and the future.

The present moment between the past and the future is the only reality. Human life is a series of different kinds of stress and... In tension, we fall into sleep so as not to feel ourselves in the present moment, because tension creates suffering, and then the illusion of sleep is nicer than such reality. That is, it is a kind of vicious circle: tension creates suffering, which forces you to flee from reality into dreams. But this running around is precisely the main cause of our tension. Therefore, at some point, in order to get out of the vicious circle, one total, decisive “action” is necessary in which we go through ourselves.

The path comes down to accepting the freedom of the present moment - between the past and the future. There is no way because the present is always here and now. We are always in the present. The continuous rush of the mind plunges us into sleep, in which we dream of the path. – this is the last step, the transition from the gross tension of everyday life to the subtle tension of the world of consciousness. From restless sleep to a dream where there is self-awareness. To leave sleep completely there is no way, no method. How to get to a place where you are already here and now? How to become yourself if you are so you? How to find yourself in the present moment, between the past and the future if you never left it?

Acceptance of the present can be relative - consciousness relaxes and experiences reality more deeply and clearly on different levels. In this plane, such concepts as correctness, genius, and holiness represent one whole. They are like beads strung on a thread, each one moving a little closer to the present.

Correctness is when actions are felt as right, and then it is a little easier for consciousness to accept what is, because it feels like right. Genius and beauty are also just moments of awakening, in which, having assessed what is happening with these epithets, the mind “agrees” with what is, approaching the truth of the present moment.

Perhaps true saints who live according to the laws of conscience are close to the truth, because with all their souls they accept the pure world that their consciousness creates and projects outward. Why is the saint transformed? Because in his holiness it is easier and simpler for him to accept what is - the space of light of his own consciousness. It's easy to embrace the present moment when it's dominated by bliss.. If the consciousness is clouded by the husk of internal contradictions, resistance to what exists and immersion in the illusion of time appears - an escape from reality here and now.

But when an artificial image of how one should behave arises - be it correct, beautiful, or holy - this can give rise to another internal conflict. An artificial role model dictates what is right and condemns what is. Then a person inevitably denies the present. On the one hand, in this way we can move and change. On the other hand, such a movement of avoiding the present becomes painful and tiring. Constant rejection of oneself, as not being similar to the ideal artificial image, gives rise to suffering. Therefore, from the very beginning it is better to see everything as it is. You are the consciousness of the present, you always appear without resistance. Accepting oneself as oneself spontaneously eliminates everything unnecessary, coarse, and illusory with the least resistance.

The point is not to behave correctly or holy, but to feel that everything that happens in the present is already correct and cannot be otherwise. No one and nothing can be different - everything is in its place. If there is a genuine experience of living the present, then holiness becomes a spontaneous consequence of being in the truth, in the reality of the moment here and now - between the past and the future.

Sometimes you may feel that along the way, you are waiting for something, as if you could always become happy, but constantly, year after year, you pushed back this moment in order to enjoy the game a little more. The realization of the truth happens in an instant. The experience arises that you are what you are and have always been and will always be, and no one can do anything about it - and this is freedom. It doesn't matter what you do, what your mind thinks. The important thing is that this always happens in the present. No matter how much the mind avoids it, you still remain in your true nature here and now.

Igor Satorin

Article " In the present moment - between the past and the future» written specifically for
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From the archives of the Great Sataront Library 008.04072014


One of the most famous star pilots, Bobby Star, donated his memoirs to the Great Sataront Library. Their basis is the diaries that he kept while traveling throughout the Big Space. In 2015, he returned from a long-distance flight. He returned no longer a human in the traditional sense of the word, as he had acquired some non-human traits. He acquired such a quality as time travel. Only a few people have this quality. But so far he is the first to share his acquired knowledge with the world.
In the Apartment League Chronicles, he is more commonly seen under the names Kid and Loser. He is sometimes called the Diver, for his ability to dive into painted worlds. This is what he called virtual worlds created by imagination in meditation or another ASC format.
One day, Bobby the Loser got lost in one of the painted worlds of reality. This is what he called that little-studied facet of reality that is sometimes created in a dream or in another ASC format.
It was in the very center of our galaxy. in the constellation Astaron. He spent there for a long time, maybe months, maybe years. He thought a lot, sitting by the fire, far from civilization in the traditional sense of the word. All he had left of his acquired property was an ax and a blanket. Only by losing the traditional guidelines connecting him to his usual way of life did he acquire that degree of freedom that allowed him to find something more.

Notes from a campfire looking into space.

***If you look superficially, it seems as if this moment- just one of many, many moments. Every day of your life looks like it consists of thousands of moments in which different things happen. At the same time, if you look deeper, isn’t this still the same, single moment? Isn’t life “this very moment”?

***This very moment - Now - is the only thing from which you cannot escape, the only constant, the only unchanging factor in your life. No matter what happens, no matter how much your life changes, one thing remains the same: it always happens Now.

***Since you cannot escape from the present moment, why don’t you welcome it, why don’t you make friends with it?
***When you and the present moment become friends, then wherever you go, you feel at home. When you don't feel at home in the present moment, worry and anxiety will be your companions wherever you go.
***The present moment is what it is. Always. Can you let him be?
***Dividing life into past, present and future was invented by the mind, but this division is completely artificial. The past and the future are thought forms, an illusion, a mental abstraction. You can remember the past only in this Moment. The event that you remember is happening at this Moment in one of the facets of Reality. Anyone who has read The Chronicles of Amber knows what I mean.

***The future, when it comes, comes in this Moment. So the only thing that is real, the only thing that is always there, is the present Moment.

***There is a certain event archiver in the universe. Having gained access there, you can experience any event at a given moment in time.
***If your attention addressed to the present Moment, this does not mean at all that you have to deny what you need for life. It is simply an understanding of what is primary. Then you can interact with what is secondary with great calm. This does not mean that you need to say: “I will not do anything else now, because all that is is only this Moment.” No. First find what comes first and make the present moment your friend, not your enemy. Be aware of it, be grateful to it, honor it. When the present Moment becomes the foundation and primary focus of your life, then it unfolds with extraordinary ease.

***Aware of processes in time, time itself becomes a flow for me.
Through training I develop the ability to see every drop of this flow. The peculiarity of the flow of time is that it does not flow in one direction - you can swim in one direction or the other. Once in this stream, time will stop for you and you will float only in the Present.
***When you are chopping logs for a fire, trying to remember who you are, developing a strategy for communicating with the world, planning to sell a bundle of firewood so that you can buy a piece of cheese and bread with the proceeds - what is more important: the doing or the result that you want to achieve through this doing ? This moment or some point in the future? Maybe you view this moment as an obstacle that needs to be overcome? Maybe you have some other point in the future to get to what's more important?

***This is exactly how almost each of us lives most time. Since the future always comes only as the present and nothing else, this way of living turns out to be very destructive. It generates a constant undercurrent of anxiety, tension and dissatisfaction. It does not celebrate or welcome life that is Now and that is never not Now.
***I learned to feel not only the thrill of the breeze as dawn approaches, wrapped in a blanket. I learned to feel the thrill of life inside my body. This is my anchor in the Now.
***Ultimately, you cannot accept responsibility for life until you accept responsibility for this moment - Now. That's right, because the present moment is the only place where life can be found.

***Accepting responsibility for the present moment does not mean internally resisting the “givenness” of this moment or entering into an argument with what is. This means being in tune with life.

***The present moment is what it is because it simply cannot be otherwise. Physicists are now confirming what Buddhists have always known: there are no isolated things or events. Under the cover of your appearance all things are interconnected, they are parts of the entire cosmos, leading them to the form in which a given moment appears.

***Mage Rammon Aden showed me the secret of traveling using the memory of things. If you look at one point for a long time without blinking or moving your eyes, you will soon feel changes around you. You will feel a clear sensation that you are being pulled somewhere. If you allow this state to take over your consciousness, then you can go very far. One day I was pulled to another planet.

***If you say “yes” to what is, then you are attuned to the power and intelligence of Life itself. Only then can you become acting force changes taking place in this world.
***A simple and at the same time the most effective practice is to accept, without exception, everything that arises at the present moment - inside and outside.
***When your attention is transferred to the present moment, this is readiness. It is as if you are emerging from a dream - a dream consisting of thoughts, from the past and the future. So clear, so simple. There is absolutely no room for creating problems. Only the present moment - as such.
***The moment you enter the Present Moment with your attention, you understand that life is holy. It is the sacredness of all that you perceive when you are present. The more you live in the Present, the better you feel the simple and, at the same time, deep joy of Being, as well as the holiness of all life in general.
***Most people confuse the present Moment with what is happening in the present Moment, and this is far from the same thing. The present moment is immeasurably deeper than what happens in it. It is a space for what happens in it.

***do not confuse the content of the present Moment with the present Moment itself. It is deeper than any content that arises in it.
***When you enter the present Moment, you step out of what your mind contains. The continuous stream of thoughts slows down. Thoughts no longer absorb your attention entirely, and do not distract it completely. A gap appears between thoughts - spatiality, calmness. You begin to realize how much more you are than your thoughts.

***By training, you will be able to stay in space without thoughts. You treat every thought that enters your mind as a stranger. And what color is it, and what size is it, and what shape is it. I learned to displace it outside of my Self and my consciousness cleared so much that I once saw my own soul. It was a bright and peaceful state. It is very different from a state of constant anxiety.
***Thoughts, emotions, sensory perceptions, whatever you experience, make up the content of your life. “My life” is what you draw your sense of self from. “My life” is the content or something that you believe in.

***usually a person misses the most obvious fact: his deepest sense of I Am has nothing to do with what is happening in your life, nothing to do with the content. This feeling of I Am and the Present Moment is one. It's always the same.

***In childhood and in old age, in health and illness, in success and failure, this I Am - the space of the Present Moment - at the deepest level always remains unchanged. It is sometimes confused with content, and then the I Am, that is, the Present Moment, is felt very weakly and not directly. Usually it is felt through the content of one's life.

***Usually the sense of Existence is closed by clouds of circumstances, the flow of thinking, and very many other things of this world. The Present Moment becomes eclipsed by time.

***Usually a person does not remember his roots, which go back to Existence, to his divine reality, and loses himself in this world, as I once lost myself.
Confusion, anger, depression, violence and conflict only appear when people forget who they are. But all this can be returned. I got lucky with this.

***you can return home if you experience, realize, and accept the following words as part of yourself::

I am not my thoughts, not my emotions, not my sensory perception, not my sensations. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in which everything happens. I am consciousness. I am the Present Moment. I am.

the search for truth continues... star pilots on the way to the light...

About: TokiAden

I keep chronicles of the inhabitants of the worlds of our galaxy on my blog, Polygon Fantasy. The author's blog was opened in 2013. And in 2014, he opened the esoteric website Edge of Reality. Because my home, my homeland is the whole galaxy. How the subtle worlds work. How the laws of the universe work. What is spirituality, the Creator, the meaning of Existence... He will share with the reader his spiritual experience and knowledge about the world. These are my goals.

Three experts suggest exercises that can help you be present in the moment and reduce stress.

Exercise 1: “Ground yourself in your feelings”

Jean-Gerard Bloche, rheumatologist

“Regardless of whether you are standing or sitting, and whether you are in line, on the subway or bus, or in the office, direct all your attention to the soles of your feet: what areas of them are in contact with the floor? What do you feel? Strong pressure or weak? You don't need to evaluate it, you just need to feel it. If you do this exercise every day for 20-30 seconds, gradually increasing the time, it quickly calms you down, and also makes it easier to return to your feelings and ground yourself in reality, while thoughts, on the contrary, take us away from it.”

Exercise 2: “Seeing like for the first time”

Yasmine Lienard, psychotherapist

“Look at everything around you as if you had just arrived on Earth. No names, no ratings. Consider the colors, the material, the lines, the curves, the relief, the reflection of light, as you would at a contemporary art exhibition, where everything has a place. Every time he visits you intrusive thought or value judgment, let them go and return to visual perception, training to look at everything down to the smallest detail: a speck of dust on the floor, a thread from clothing, the tip of a hair...
This exercise interrupts mental associations and immediately brings us back to the present moment. It also allows our consciousness to move out of its habitual mode. After all, consciousness usually constantly evaluates the environment, and this tendency to evaluativeness, categorization, comparison, preference and denial underlies many of our problems. Meditation helps you get out of this way of life and develop an open mind.”

Exercise 3: “Coping with painful emotions”

Hélène Philippe, clinical psychologist

This exercise is performed in four stages.

Stage 1- Acknowledge the presence strong emotion. Give yourself time to feel what is happening to you: what are your bodily sensations? Where are they located? In the stomach, in the throat, in the chest?..
Stage 2- Accept this emotion. Don't try to deny it or fight against it: let it take hold of you, be with it, name it.
Stage 3- Explore this emotion. What thoughts arise with it? What other sensations? Do you recognize them? Are they familiar to you? The purpose of this is to go deeper into the emotion, to direct your full conscious attention to the physical and mental experience it offers you, but to analyze it effortlessly, simply by feeling it and noticing the sensations.
Stage 4- Don't define the emotion. The previous stages allow us to become aware of our emotional habits and how we become isolated in unpleasant emotions due to constantly recurring thoughts. To continue to move away from the emotion and deprive it of its “identity,” gradually expand your consciousness, paying clear and conscious attention not only to those areas where this emotion manifests itself, but also to the body as a whole, and then, gradually, to your surroundings, to the sounds , to the landscape. This exercise will help you find other ways to express yourself, such as voicing your disagreement or disappointment, rather than ruminating in endless circles.”

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Sentences containing “at the moment”

  • That's why V real moment The evolution of the Earth, that is, its spiritual growth, has reached its most important turning point.
  • IN real moment there are great chances for achieving major success in this area.
  • IN real moment the robot (network spider) crawls 5000 servers (about 4 GB of texts) every week, the list of servers is updated.
  • IN real moment two of them were intently kicking the body, which was gradually rolling down from the top of the hill.
  • So we are powerless V real moment fulfill the request of General Wrangel.
  • Every time we will join the atmosphere that V real moment exists in one or another pavilion of large studios.
  • It was necessary to find someone who V real moment free and from whom good feeling humor and developed self-irony.
  • And the actual work itself V real moment also very interesting.
  • Commission V real moment explores what is happening in Northern Greece and the border violations by Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia.
  • IN real moment we use plaster confiscated from the Russians.
  • IN real moment nothing more is known about him.
  • IN real moment we should limit ourselves only to preventing attempts by this group to attack the flank of Army Group South.
  • I was a machine gunner, but V real moment due to the lack of machine guns, he commanded a rifle company.
  • IN real moment The directive is kept at the Royal Archives in Windsor.
  • IN real moment best conditions to develop success, they form on the left flank of Army Group Center (3rd Tank Group).
  • Dutov asked for permission to deprive them of their officer rank, and also not allow them to leave the army V real moment .
  • My brain is not able to adapt to the chaos that V real moment surrounds me.
  • To spoil relations with Arthur Wilson, which, according to Churchill, V real moment were of a “pleasant character”, he also did not intend to.
  • After all, I, like everyone else, real moment I have the right to rest: I sit and smoke.
  • AND V real moment , as in everything moment Yes, it produces a revitalizing effect on a person’s life.
  • Let "Franconia" quickly pass through the stage of formation in which it is located V real moment ».
  • IN real moment I work a lot with charcoal and black pencil, I also try sepia and watercolor.
  • IN real moment Spring sowing has not yet ended.
  • It turned out that V real moment the most the best remedy transportation was a horse.
  • Fifth, in all cases, projects must primarily provide employment to those who V real moment receives benefits.
  • However V real moment there was nothing left to do but wait.
  • Believe us, you real God for us, you real lord of all creation.
  • Convincingly and almost amused, he reassured Funk: the money was in real moment do not play a decisive role.
  • In general V real moment The Fuhrer is not at all interested in Moscow, and all his attention is focused on Leningrad.
  • IN real moment 953 substances are classified as such.
  • IN real moment , for example, several people, 11 if I’m not mistaken, work as assigned in foreign branches, outside of Russia.
  • All they could tell us V real moment , we knew by heart from the combat reports of Reich fighter pilots.
  • IN real moment I would have been jealous, but knowing myself, I had no doubt that I would have stopped being jealous as soon as I took possession of my treasure.
  • A young man in a civilian suit listened to the visitor and explained that the consul V real moment busy.
  • In any case, our failure as “chicks of Petrov’s nest” V real moment no doubt.
  • Is it possible to base an operation in the south-east direction on this? V real moment It’s not clear to me yet.
  • In essence, it is “liberation from” and the struggle against everything that is not liberal ( V real moment or potentially).
  • On real moment managed to find 90.
  • My whole nature is organized in such a way that real moment doesn't affect her at all.
  • Indeed, what I achieved on real moment, all this is primarily due to my character than my intellect.
  • And Plato then thought: real a man is not the one who cums violently, but the one who at the right time moment knows how to restrain himself!
  • The Romans in that moment felt only a slight breath of wind, which later grew into real Hurricane.
  • It was definitely not worth doing this: at the same time moment I experienced real shock.
  • They were arguing about who real communist, and who isn't real.
  • She is proud that the children kept their word and gave her real mansion and real automobile.
  • This real a masterpiece that captures the sweet moment lyrical inspiration, where words and music complement each other perfectly.
  • A month later we signed with the association real contract for real play.
  • And I liked to be reckless, and I dreamed that moment, when we go to sea, played out real storm.
  • IN real or moment I will just briefly touch on this issue.
  • Non-quantum causation includes moment accidents, and our formulas include moment probability as significant moment.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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