A sign of a real image of an object is that. Images given by the lens

The simplest instrument for visual observation is a magnifying glass. A magnifying glass is a converging lens with a small focal length (F< 10 см). Лупу располагают близко к глазу, а рассматриваемый предмет - в ее фокальной плоскости. Предмет виден через лупу под углом.

Where h- the size of the object. When viewing the same object with the naked eye, it should be placed at a distance d 0 = 25 cm best vision normal eye. The object will be visible at an angle

It follows that the magnification of the magnifying glass is

A lens with a focal length of 10 cm gives a magnification of 2.5 times. The operation of the magnifying glass is illustrated in Fig. 13.

Rice. 13. The action of the magnifying glass: a - the object is viewed with the naked eye from a distance of best vision d 0 = 25 cm; b - the object is viewed through a magnifying glass with a focal length F.

One of the simplest optical devices is a magnifying glass - a converging lens designed to view enlarged images of small objects. The lens is brought close to the eye itself, and the object is placed between the lens and the main focus. The eye will see a virtual and enlarged image of the object. It is most convenient to examine an object through a magnifying glass with a completely relaxed eye, accommodated to infinity. To do this, the object is placed in the main focal plane of the lens so that the rays emerging from each point of the object form parallel beams behind the lens. The figure shows two such beams coming from the edges of the object. Getting into the eye accommodated to infinity, beams of parallel rays are focused on the retina and give a clear image of the object here.

Angular magnification

The eye is very close to the lens, so the angle of view can be taken as an angle of 2 β , formed by rays coming from the edges of the object through the optical center of the lens. If there were no magnifying glass, we would have to place the object at the distance of best vision (25 cm) from the eye and the angle of view would be 2 γ . Considering right triangles with legs 25 cm and F cm and denoting half of the subject Z, we can write:


2β - angle of view, when viewed through a magnifying glass;
2γ - angle of view, when observed with the naked eye;
F- distance from the object to the magnifying glass;
Z- half the length of the object in question.

Taking into account that small details are usually viewed through a magnifying glass (and therefore angles γ and β are small), tangents can be replaced by angles. Thus, the following expression for magnifying the magnifying glass will be obtained:

Therefore, the magnification of the magnifying glass is proportional to, that is, its optical power.


A microscope is used to obtain large magnifications when observing small objects. An enlarged image of an object in a microscope is obtained using an optical system consisting of two short-focus lenses - an objective O1 and an eyepiece O2 (Fig. 14). The lens will give a true inverted magnified image of the subject. This intermediate image is viewed by the eye through an eyepiece, the operation of which is similar to that of a magnifying glass. The eyepiece is positioned so that the intermediate image is in its focal plane; in this case, the rays from each point of the object propagate after the eyepiece in a parallel beam.

Rice. 14. Path of rays in a microscope.

Imaginary image An object viewed through an eyepiece is always upside down. If this turns out to be inconvenient (for example, when reading small print), you can turn the object itself in front of the lens. Therefore, the angular magnification of the microscope is considered to be a positive value.

As follows from Fig. 14, angle of view φ an object viewed through an eyepiece in the small-angle approximation,

Approximately one can put dF 1 and fl, where l- the distance between the objective and the eyepiece of the microscope (“tube length”). When viewing the same object with the naked eye

As a result, the formula for the angular magnification γ of the microscope becomes

A good microscope can magnify several hundred times. At high magnifications, diffraction phenomena begin to appear.

In real microscopes, the objective and eyepiece are complex optical systems, which eliminated various aberrations.


Telescopes (spotting scopes) are designed to observe distant objects. They consist of two lenses - a converging lens with a large focal length facing the object (objective) and a lens with a short focal length (eyepiece) facing the observer. Spotting scopes are of two types:

  • Kepler's telescope designed for astronomical observations. It gives enlarged inverted images of distant objects and is therefore inconvenient for terrestrial observations.
  • Galileo's spotting scope, intended for terrestrial observations, which gives enlarged direct images. The eyepiece in the Galilean tube is a diverging lens.

On fig. 15 shows the course of rays in an astronomical telescope. It is assumed that the observer's eye is accommodated to infinity, so the rays from each point of a distant object exit the eyepiece in a parallel beam. This course of rays is called telescopic. In an astronomical tube, the telescopic path of rays is achieved provided that the distance between the objective and the eyepiece is equal to the sum of their focal lengths l = F 1 + F 2 .

A spotting scope (telescope) is usually characterized by an angular magnification γ . Unlike a microscope, objects observed through a telescope are always removed from the observer. If a distant object is visible to the naked eye at an angle ψ , and when viewed through a telescope at an angle φ , then the angular increase is the ratio

Angular increase γ , as well as a linear increase Γ , you can assign plus or minus signs depending on whether the image is upright or inverted. The angular magnification of the Kepler astronomical tube is negative, while that of Galileo's terrestrial tube is positive.

Angular magnification spotting scopes expressed in terms of focal lengths:

Rice. 15. Telescopic beam path.

Spherical mirrors are not used as lenses in large astronomical telescopes. Such telescopes are called reflectors. good mirror easier to make, and mirrors, unlike lenses, don't have chromatic aberration.

The largest telescope in the world with a mirror diameter of 6 m was built in Russia. It should be borne in mind that large astronomical telescopes are designed not only to increase the angular distances between observed space objects, but also to increase the flow of light energy from faintly luminous objects.

Let us analyze the scheme and principle of operation of some widespread optical devices.


A camera is a device, the most important part of which is a collective lens system - a lens. In ordinary amateur photography, the subject is located behind double the focal length, so the image will be between the focus and double the focal length, real, reduced, inverted (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16

A photographic film or photographic plate (coated with a light-sensitive emulsion containing silver bromide) is placed in place of this image, the lens is opened for a while - the film is exposed. A hidden image appears on it. Getting into a special solution - a developer, the "exposed" molecules of silver bromide decompose, bromine is carried away into the solution, and silver is released in the form of a dark coating on the illuminated parts of the plate or film; the more light that hits a given area of ​​the film during exposure, the darker it will become. After development and washing, the image must be fixed, for which it is placed in a fixative solution, in which unexposed silver bromide dissolves and is carried away from the negative. It turns out an image of what was in front of the lens, with a rearrangement of shades - the light parts became dark and vice versa (negative).

To obtain a photograph - a positive one - it is necessary to illuminate photographic paper coated with the same silver bromide through the negative for some time. After its manifestation and consolidation, a negative will be obtained from the negative, i.e. a positive, in which the light and dark parts will correspond to the light and dark parts of the object.

To get a high quality image great importance has focusing - combining the image and the film or plate. To do this, old cameras had a movable back wall, instead of a photosensitive plate, a frosted glass plate was inserted; by moving the latter, a sharp image was established by eye. Then the glass plate was replaced with a photosensitive one and photographs were taken.

In modern cameras for focusing, a retractable lens is used, associated with a rangefinder. In this case, all the quantities included in the lens formula remain unchanged, the distance between the lens and the film changes until it coincides with f. To increase the depth of field - the distances along the main optical axis at which objects are depicted sharply - the lens is apertured, i.e., its aperture is reduced. But this reduces the amount of light entering the apparatus and increases the required exposure time.

The illumination of an image for which the lens is the light source is directly proportional to its aperture area, which, in turn, is proportional to the square of the diameter d2. Illumination is also inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source to the image, in our case, almost the square of the focal length F. So, the illumination is proportional to the fraction d2 / F2, which is called the aperture ratio of the lens. The square root of the aperture ratio is called the relative aperture and is usually indicated on the lens in the form of an inscription: 1: F: d. Modern cameras are equipped with a number of devices that facilitate the work of the photographer and expand his capabilities (autostart, a set of lenses with different focal lengths, exposure meters, including automatic, automatic or semi-automatic focusing, etc.). Color photography is widespread. In the process of mastering - a three-dimensional photograph.


human eye from an optical point of view, it is the same camera (Fig. 23). The same (real, reduced, inverted) image is created on back wall eyes - on photosensitive yellow spot, in which special endings are concentrated optic nerves- cones and rods. Their irritation with light is transmitted to the nerves in the brain and causes the sensation of vision. The eye has a lens - a lens, a diaphragm - a pupil, even a lens cover - an eyelid. In many ways, the eye is superior to today's cameras. It is automatically focused - by measuring the curvature of the lens under the action of the eye muscles, that is, by changing the focal length. Automatically diaphragmed - by constriction of the pupil when moving from a dark room to a light one. The eye gives a color image, "remembers" visual images. In general, biologists and physicians have come to the conclusion that the eye is a part of the brain that has been placed on the periphery.

Vision with two eyes allows you to see an object with different sides, i.e. to carry out three-dimensional vision. It has been experimentally proved that when one sees with one eye, the picture from 10 m seems flat (at the base - the distance between the extreme points of the pupil is equal to the diameter of the pupil). Looking with two eyes, we see a flat picture from 500 m (the base is the distance between the optical centers of the lenses), that is, we can determine the size of objects by eye, which and how much closer or further.

To increase this ability, it is necessary to increase the base, this is done in prismatic binoculars and in different kind rangefinders (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17

But, like everything in the world, even such a perfect creation of nature as the eye is not without flaws. Firstly, the eye reacts only to visible light (and at the same time, with the help of vision, we perceive up to 90% of all information). Secondly, the eye is subject to many diseases, the most common of which is myopia - the rays converge closer to the retina (Fig. 18) and hyperopia - a sharp image behind the retina (Fig. 19).


Rice. 19

In both cases, an unsharp image is created on the retina. Optics can help these ailments. In case of myopia, it is necessary to choose glasses with concave lenses of the appropriate optical power. With farsightedness, on the contrary, it is necessary to help the eye to bring the rays on the retina, the glasses should be convex and also of the appropriate optical power.

Everything that will be covered in this lesson will be covered with the example of a thin converging lens, since this lens is the most common.

Let's remember the main points and lines of the lens. These points include the optical center, the main optical axis and the focal points of the lens.

Let's turn to the figure (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1. Main points of the lens

The diagram shows that the converging lens is located perpendicular to the main optical axis. The intersection of the main optical axis with the lens (point ) is the optical center of the lens, two focuses (), two points of double focus (). In this case, we consider a lens of equal focus, when the right and left lenses have the same focal lengths.

In the first case, the subject will be at a distance greater than the double focus. The object is shown as an arrow.

Two rays are enough to construct a point. Therefore, choose the rays, the course of which is known.

From a point on the lens, we direct the beam parallel to the main optical axis. By the property of the lens, this beam will refract and pass through the focal point. We will direct the second beam from a point through the optical center. By the property of lenses, this beam will pass through the lens without experiencing refraction. At the intersection of two rays, we get an image of a point (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Scheme for constructing the image of a point

Let's construct a point in the same way. From a point we direct a beam parallel to the main axis to the lens, this beam is refracted and passes through the focus. The beam will pass from the point through the optical center. At the intersection of these rays, we get a point (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Scheme for constructing an image of an object

Connecting the dots and we get the image of the object.

It should be noted that the image is inverted, reduced and real. We see a point below the optical axis, while the object itself has a point above the optical axis.

The image is created by rays that have passed through the lens, so such an image is called real.

Consider the following figure.

The object is between the double focus and the focus of the lens. Let's use the same rays to get the image of the dots. By connecting them, we get an image of the object (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Scheme for constructing an image when an object is between

The closer the light source or subject is to focus, the larger the image of the subject becomes. The image of the subject remained inverted, became enlarged and remained valid.

In the following figure, we will construct an image of an object that has fallen exactly into focus or the focal plane. The plane perpendicular to the main optical axis and passing through the focus is called the focal or focal plane (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Scheme for constructing an image of an object that has fallen into

Note that if the object is located in the focal plane, then we will not get any image. The beams that we direct are parallel to each other, and therefore they will not give an image. In this case, we will observe a blurred field through the lens.

Consider the case when the object is located between the focus and the lens (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Scheme for constructing an image of an object that is closer

We take the same rays. From a point, the beam enters the lens, is refracted, passes through the focus. A beam that passes from a point through the optical center is not refracted. These two rays are divergent, which means they will not intersect. But their continuations will intersect. It is they who will give us the image of a dot - dot.

In the same way, we will construct a point . One beam will pass through the focus, the second beam - through the optical center, the intersection of the extensions will give point B′.

In this case, the image will be imaginary, since it was obtained not with the help of the rays themselves, but with the help of their extensions. The image will be upright and magnified.

Based on this property of converging lenses, such a device as a magnifying glass is built. With the help of a magnifying glass, magnified, imaginary, direct images are obtained. A magnifying glass is a lens that is inserted into a frame and has a large curvature. Such a lens has a very short focal length, which is why it is called a short focal length. As a result, such a lens gives very good magnification when we consider small objects.

It should be noted that many optical instruments, such as a microscope, a telescope, consist of a large number of lenses. They include diffusing lenses.

With the help of lenses, you can not only collect or scatter light rays, but, as you well know, you can also obtain various images of an object. With the help of a converging lens, we will try to get an image of a luminous light bulb or candle.

Consider the techniques for constructing images. Only two rays are enough to construct a point. Therefore, two such beams are chosen, the course of which is known. This is a beam parallel to the optical axis of the lens, which, passing through the lens, will intersect the optical axis at the focus. The second beam passes through the center of the lens and does not change its direction.

You already know that on both sides of the lens on its optical axis is the focus of the lens F. If we place a candle between the lens and its focus, then on the same side of the lens where the candle is located, we will see an enlarged image of the candle, its direct image ( Fig. 157).

Rice. 157. Direct image of a candle

If the candle is placed behind the focus of the lens, then its image will disappear, but on the other side of the lens, far from it, a new image will appear. This image will be enlarged and inverted in relation to the candle.

Let us take the distance from the light source to the lens greater than the double focal length of the lens (Fig. 158). We denote it by the letter d, d > 2F. Moving the screen behind the lens, we can get on it a real, reduced and inverted image of the light source (object). Relative to the lens, the image will be between the focus and twice the focal length, i.e.

F< f < 2F.

Rice. 158. The image given by a lens when the distance from the light source is greater than the double focus

Such an image can be obtained using a camera.

If you bring an object closer to the lens, then its inverted image will move away from the lens, and the size of the image will increase. When the object is between points F and 2F, i.e. F< d < 2F, его действительное, увеличенное и перевёрнутое изображение будет находиться за двойным фокусным расстоянием линзы (рис. 159)

Rice. 159. Image given by a lens when an object is between focus and double focus

If the object is placed between the focus and the lens, i.e. d< F, то его изображение на экране не получится. Посмотрев на свечу через линзу, мы увидим imaginary, direct and enlarged image(Fig. 160). It is between focus and double focus, i.e.

F< f < 2F.

Rice. 160. The image given by a lens when an object is between the focus and the lens

Thus, the size and location of the image of an object in a converging lens depend on the position of the object relative to the lens.

Depending on how far the object is from the lens, you can get either an enlarged image (F< d < 2F), или уменьшенное (d >2F).

Consider the construction of images obtained with a diverging lens.

Since the rays passing through it diverge, the divergent lens does not produce real images.

Figure 161 shows the construction of an image of an object in a diverging lens.

Rice. 161. Building an image in a diverging lens

The diverging lens gives reduced, imaginary, direct image, which is on the same side of the lens as the object. It does not depend on the position of the object relative to the lens.


  1. What property of lenses allows them to be widely used in optical devices?
  2. How does the image produced by a converging lens change?
  3. Using figures 159 and 160, tell us how the image of the object was built and what are the properties of this image. Where is it located?
  4. Using Figure 158, tell us under what conditions the lens gives a reduced, real image of an object,
  5. Why are the images of objects in figures 158 and 159 valid?
  6. Give examples of the use of lenses in optical instruments.
  7. Why doesn't a concave lens produce a real image?
  8. Using Figure 161, tell how an image is built in a diverging lens. How does it happen?

Exercise 49

Instructions for exercise 49

To learn how to correctly build an image of an object given by a lens and more complex optical instruments, the drawing must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Draw a lens and draw its optical axis.
  2. On both sides of the lens, set aside its focal lengths and double focal lengths (in the drawing they have an arbitrary length, but are the same on both sides of the lens).
  3. Depict the subject where it is indicated in the task.
  4. Draw the path of two rays emanating from the extreme point of the object.
  5. Using the intersection point of the rays that have passed through the lens (real or imaginary), draw an image of the object.
  6. Draw a conclusion: what image is received and where it is located.

1. AT flat mirror W an arrow image is observed FROM, the eye is at the point G.

What part of the arrow image is visible to the eye?
1) the whole arrow
2) 1/2
3) 1/4
4) not visible at all


The figure shows an image of an arrow C in a flat mirror and marked the area that is visible to the eye in the mirror from the point G.

It is clear from the figure that half of the arrow is visible to the eye.

2. A converging lens can give...
1) only enlarged images of objects
2) only reduced images of objects
3) enlarged, reduced and equal images of objects
4) only reduced or equal to the subject


A converging lens gives enlarged, reduced and equal images of objects. If the object is more than two focal lengths away from the lens, the image is reduced. If the object is at a distance equal to two focal lengths, the image is equal to the object. If the object is closer than this distance, the lens gives a magnified image.

3. Can lenses give a real image of objects?
1) only converging lenses can
2) only diffusing lenses can
3) can converging and diverging lenses
4) No lenses can


Indeed, only converging lenses can give an image. To do this, the object must be removed from the lens at a distance greater than the focal length. Divergent lenses always give a virtual image.

4. The figure shows the path of rays from a point light source. BUT through a thin lens.

The optical power of the lens is approximately equal to ...


The optical power of a lens is inversely proportional to the focal length:

Let's determine the focal length. A beam parallel to the main optical axis, after refraction in a thin lens, will pass through the main focus. It can be seen from the figure that such a beam crosses the main optical axis at a distance of 6 cells from the lens. Since the scale of the picture is one side of the cell - 1 cm, we get that F\u003d 0.06 m. Therefore, optical power lens is approximately

5. From a point light source S located on the main optical axis of a thin converging lens at a distance 2F from it, two beams spread a and b, as it shown on the picture.

After being refracted by a lens, these rays will intersect at a point...


According to the formula thin lens, the distance from the object to the lens, the distance from the lens to the image and the focal length are related by the ratio

. The light source is located at twice the focal length d=2F. Therefore, the image of this source will also be located at twice the focal length from the lens. So the rays a and b after refraction by the lens, they will gather at point 4.

6. The figure shows an experiment on the refraction of light in a glass plate.

The refractive index of glass is equal to the ratio...


It can be seen from the figure that the angle of incidence is α=70º, and the angle of refraction is β=40º.

According to Snell's law of refraction, the refractive index is related to the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction by the relationship

7. Where is the image of the glowing dot S(see figure) created by a thin converging lens?

1) at point 1
2) at point 2
3) at point 3
4) at an infinite distance from the lens


Let's build the image of a point S in a thin converging lens.

A beam passing through the optical center of a lens does not change its direction. A beam directed parallel to the main optical axis, after refraction in the lens, passes through the focus. It can be seen from the figure that the image of the point S is point 3.

8. In a flat mirror 3, the image of the arrow C is observed, the eye is at point D. After which of the following movements of the arrow, its image in the mirror will not be visible to the eye?

1) the arrow is not visible to the eye anyway
2) 1 cell to the right
3) 1 cell to the left
4) 1 cell down


In the figure, the image of the arrow C in a flat mirror is constructed and the area that is visible to the eye in the mirror from the point G.

Of all the listed options for moving the arrow, only moving one cell down will make its image invisible from the point G.

9. A converging lens used as a loupe produces an image...
1) actual magnified
2) imaginary reduced
3) imaginary magnified
4) real reduced