Your spirit animal. Totem animal: human soul beast

Recently, I began to dream of my totems with enviable regularity. At first I could not understand what they want from me? Until I started talking to them.

They pointed me to new stage in my life, on a different path. And each of them took on his own piece of the road to lead me to the goal.

As a token of gratitude to them, I decided to talk a little about totems.

In shamanism there is such a thing as a personal animal of power, it is also a totem. Totem animals are another form of spirit guide, similar to a guardian angel.

For some it may be one totem, for others it may be several. And it also happens that a totem comes to you for a certain period of time in order to go through some part of life with you. That is, you need the strength and wisdom of this spirit right now, so he comes to the rescue.

I remember how a she-wolf “came” to me a few years ago and called me to race with her across the night steppe under the starry sky. She called and waited, but I did not dare. Now I understand that I then had to run away from that life situation

Here are some tips to help you identify your beast and understand what it is saying to you.

How to recognize and use your spirit animal:

  1. Pay attention to your dreams.

Pay attention to the animals you see in your dream. Think about the people or situations they might represent. Our dreams are closely connected with our lives, so do some research on the symbolism of dreams, look for information.

Or going to bed, ask your totem to come in a dream. In the morning, if he came, thank him.

  1. Think about your past connections.

Your spirit animal may have been your favorite animal as a child, your favorite pet, or perhaps the one you've dreamed about repeatedly. Pay special attention to the animals in your life, this may mean that your animal powers are trying to contact you, protect you and keep you out of trouble.

Pay attention to those animals / insects / birds who greatly admire you, whom you can admire for hours, who you would like to become for a while.

  1. Work with an experienced shaman.

If you find a good and experienced shaman, be sure to ask to arrange a meeting with your totem. And ask to decipher the message, if any.

  1. Spirit message.

Once you recognize the totem, think about what you can learn from it. These spirit animals are believed to represent the traits and strengths you need in your own life. The key benefit of connecting with a totem is to apply its wisdom and nature to your Everyday life. For example, if your spirit animal is a cat, try harnessing the energy and independence of the hunter rather than the habit of sleeping on the keyboard!

Common spirit animals and their messages.

Below I will give a description of some animals / birds / insects, based on the book by Andrews Tad " Define your totem". If you do not find here a description of your totem, ask me, I will send it.


Key property : awakening the power of the unconscious

Bear magic can teach you to go inside yourself to make choices and make tough decisions when necessary.

For everyone who has a bear as a totem, it is important not to hide from life and not fall into continuous hibernation. Get out of the lair!

People associated with this totem must dive into the depths of their "I" and awaken the inner strength, but they will feel a taste for life only after they bring this power to light and find practical application for it.

Key property : magic, mystery and independence

Throughout history, cats have been credited with a variety of often conflicting qualities: curiosity, "nine lives", independence, intelligence, unpredictability, healing abilities, and much, much more. The cat, which belonged to the witch, was considered her spirit helper, who took the form of an animal. It was often believed that a witch was also capable of turning into a cat if necessary.

Study the coloration, character and behavior of your cat. All this has great symbolic significance. If a cat - no matter domestic or wild - has become your totem, look around: soon secrets and magical powers will enter your life.


Key property : tenderness and innocence - a quiet call to new adventures

Deer have excellently developed sense organs. He clearly sees at a great distance and distinguishes the contours of objects in dim light. His hearing is just as sharp. If a deer has entered your life as a totem, you will find that you can better distinguish subtle movements and signs. In addition, you will begin to hear what is left unsaid.

Having come into contact with the deer as a totem animal, know that the time has come to begin to treat yourself and those around you gently and affectionately. You will regain your childish innocence and freshness of perception and feel a quiet call, beckoning you towards new adventures.


Key property : transformation and dance of joy

It seems that the butterflies are dancing, fluttering in the air and landing on the flowers. They remind us not to take the events in our lives too seriously.

Butterflies make our life brighter and more colorful. When the butterfly becomes your totem, pay attention to how many reasons for joy there are in life. Feel the lightness. Hope for change and don't be afraid to change your life at the first convenient opportunity. Don't forget that change is always for the better.


Key property : passion, strength, devotion and sensuality

All cats are distinguished by their ability to languidly stretch and rub against other cats or other objects. People associated with this totem will find the awakening in themselves of a special susceptibility to touch, the awakening of sexuality.

If a tiger has appeared in your life, then this indicates that new adventures await you. Count on your life to change in six to eight weeks. Pay attention to your overall energy level.


Key property : the power of breath and sound

The dolphin can show you how to enter the waters of life that gave rise to all life, and with the help of breath and sound, call out of these waters what you most desire. To bring your desires to life, there are certain methods of breathing and pronouncing sounds. If we misuse them, we will find that our prayers go unanswered and our affirmations (mantras) fall short of their purpose. Dolphin can show us how to do it right.

When a dolphin enters your life, it's time to breathe new life into yourself. Get outside, have fun, explore the world around you and, above all, your breath.


Key property : protection, ritual, devotion and fortitude

Sometimes encountering a wolf as a totem animal indicates that we should be more practical and not waste anything.

The wolf is very smart. He invents amazing ways to avoid dangerous situations.

Meeting the wolf as a totem animal means that it is time to breathe new life into everyday rituals. Find new way, embark on new adventures and take control of your life. Each person is the smith of his own happiness. We create our own destiny and we manage it ourselves. And if we observe discipline and maintain harmony, we will know the true spirit of freedom.


Key property : transformation with water and sound

Frogs have knowledge about the weather and how to control it. The magic of the frog helps to bring rain, which heals, purifies the atmosphere and promotes plant growth. With it, you can cause both a light rain and a torrential downpour, depending on the need.

People whose totem has become a frog must develop a receptivity to sounds. Even if they fail to learn how to sing in a way that will appeal to the general public, they can learn to use their voice as a magical tool for change. climatic conditions his own life.


Key property: magic, reincarnation and creation

Raven reminds us of the possibility of becoming a magician and wizard. There is a magician inside each of us, and it is the raven that can show us how to extract this part of our essence from the darkness and bring it into the light. Raven gives us messages from the world of spirits that can significantly change the way we live. The raven teaches how to give something formless the shape you want.

The raven teaches us how to enter the darkness and bring light from there. With each journey into the inner world, we develop the ability to bring more light from there.


Key property : strength, resilience and royalty

People who have an elephant as their totem will find that family values ​​and social ideals mean a lot to them. Joint care for the little ones, respect for the old and the sick, the ability to remain oneself are the qualities that distinguish a strong person and create the basis of a strong society. If an elephant has appeared in your life, then you will have an opportunity to change your life in this direction. Be prepared to use ancient wisdom and power. You will have the opportunity to help yourself or your loved ones regain their original royal dignity.


Key property : magic of disguise, invisibility and shapeshifting

The next time you're at a party, sit in a chair or sofa and imagine yourself as a fox, perfectly disguised as the color of the chair you're sitting in. Then sit quietly and watch how many people keep tripping over you or even trying to sit in your chair because they didn't "notice or see" you. You will be amazed.

Few people know that the fox can put its victim into a state of hypnotic trance. The same cunning method of hunting (introduction into a hypnotic trance) can often be used by people whose totem is a fox to win any awards and prizes. If you tune in to the fox and master its magic, then any prizes and rewards will be yours.

Key property : creation, power of sound, awakening of inner depths

People whose totem is a whale are highly creative, but they must sometimes emerge from the depths of their subconscious. They need to keep in touch with the real world.

Remember that the whale was given to the Inuit by the Great Spirit. He was not only the most beautiful of all animals, but also helped them survive. Keith does not teach creativity for the sake of creativity. It awakens the depths of creative inspiration, but at the same time paints your real life to make it even more wonderful and amazing.


Key property : journey, power and freedom

There are many breeds of horses, and each of them is endowed with its own unique abilities. Some horses are adapted for riding, others for plowing fields, others for transporting goods, and so on. To understand what role the horse that has become your totem plays in your life, try to determine what breed it belongs to. If the horse has become your totem, then perhaps it is time for you to explore such aspects of your life as the craving for travel and the thirst for freedom.

Entering our lives, the horse will take us on a new journey. It teaches us to move in new directions. With its help, we realize and discover our own freedom and strength.


Key property : acuteness of perception

People whose totem has become a lizard should listen to their own intuition, and not to someone else's opinion. The lizard usually reflects hypersensitivity and susceptibility. You feel what others cannot feel. You see what others miss. You hear things that are not spoken aloud. No matter how strange it all may seem, being able to follow your feelings will most often lead to your success.

The lizard may come into our lives to help us break with the past and move on (leave the tails). In some cases, it indicates the need to follow our own desires, while we still have the ability to escape from the tenacious clutches of everyday life.


Key property : fantastic strength and guardianship

The energy that awakens in you when this bird becomes your totem is so great that you need to be especially careful. You will have the ability to tear off the heads of any snakes that you meet on your way. Your words and actions will become like the beak and claws of a hawk.

The element of the hawk is the sky. Thanks to his flight, he communicates with people and with the Creator of the universe. He awakens our insight and inspires us to great things.


Key property : attention to details

The appearance of a mouse as a totem may indicate that the time has come to pay attention to the little things, or that a person cannot see the forest for the trees. You can focus so much on the little things that you stop seeing the big picture.

The magic of the mouse can show you how to pay attention to the little things to get big results. The appearance of the mouse as a totem is associated with the need to learn attention and composure.

Key property : protection of feminine energies and the strength of the feminine side of the sun

When a lion appears as a totem, it indicates the possibility of awakening towards a new day. Believe in the power of your feminine energies - creativity, intuition and imagination. It will light up your life with new sunlight bringing with them joy and happiness. Don't be afraid to growl if you feel threatened or your rights are being violated.


Key property : motherhood, longevity, awareness of new opportunities

If a turtle has appeared in your life as a totem, then this means that the time has come to establish contact with your inner Self. Hide inside your shell and don't come out of it until your creative ideas have fully matured. Take your time and let things unfold naturally and to your advantage. The turtle reminds us that we will get everything we need if we act in the right way and in the right rhythm.

Turtles teach that the way to heaven is on earth. Mother Earth can give us everything we need. She will take care of us, protect and nourish us as long as we love her back. For this to happen, we must slow down and learn to perceive the world as it is.


Key property : fertility and new life

Meeting a rabbit may mean that you should spend more time making plans for the future or checking the progress of the implementation of plans that you have already begun to implement.

Anyone who is associated with this totem should master the art of instantly moving from complete immobility to a swift throw. This will help you achieve great success. You will learn to use the most fleeting chance.

The rabbit will teach you to recognize the meaning of the signs that nature gives you. It will help you tune in to the lunar cycle and realize the rhythm of the ebb and flow in your life. And thanks to this, your creativity will increase: you will become much more prolific in all areas.


Key property : resurrection and foresight (vigilance)

People whose totem is a peacock need to study the symbolism associated with the feet. The feet are the pillars of our body. They allow us to move and save vertical position. For those people whose totem is a peacock, the study and application of foot reflexology can be very helpful.

The peacock has a big protective force and energy. Probably the two most characteristic features of the peacock are its feathers and its harsh, high-pitched call. The cry is somewhat similar to laughter, as if the peacock reminds you of the need to laugh at life.


Key property : the mystery of magic, omens, silent wisdom and night vision.

How in North America, so on other continents it was believed that the owl has a powerful healing power. The owl is a bird of magic and darkness, prophecy and wisdom.

A person who interacts with owl magic will be able to see and hear what others are trying to hide. You will hear what is not spoken and see what is hidden or in shadow. You will be able to identify and identify all the subtleties and shades.

People with an owl totem have a unique ability to navigate in the darkness of someone's soul. This is very scary for most people. This ability is also associated with the gift of clairvoyance and clairaudience. It is useful for people who have an owl as a totem to do a neck massage.

Fragments of the description from the book are used Andrews Tad "Define Your Totem"

Sincerely, Astrology Consultant Bazi and Feng Shui Oksana Marko.

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Horoscope of animals of the ancient Slavs by date of birth January 4th, 2017

Slavic horoscope of totem animals by years

Many years ago in Russia there was a totem horoscope of animals. It clearly reflected the unity of the human and animal worlds. At first, the first day of the New Year was considered the holiday of Komoyeditsa, which was celebrated on March 21. Subsequently, the first day of the calendar was moved to the day of the autumnal equinox, namely: September 23. It is noteworthy that in the ancient Slavic chronicle there were not twelve animals, but sixteen. Accordingly, there were sixteen years in the calendar, instead of the usual twelve for us. Important: Every sixteenth year of the Slavic chronology was considered great. Let's study in detail the characteristics of a particular totem.

Dark sokh or elk

(Years of birth: 1912, 1928, 1944, 1960, 1976, 1992, 2008)
Dark Sokh is a pioneer, leading others, who is patronized by the Higher Forces. The totem of a restless person, impetuous and proud, not stopping at the achieved heights, very often misunderstood and incomprehensible to his inner circle. The less he doubts his ideas and thinks, the more he will be able to give to this world.
People born in this year (1960,1976,1992) are singles. They are characterized by such features as: pride, purposefulness, striving for new achievements. Not everyone around and even those close to them understand them.
However, they should not succumb to doubts, make attempts to explain something. You need to go to your goal and conquer more and more new heights.

Stinging Hornet

(Years of birth: 1913, 1929, 1945, 1961, 1977, 1993, 2009)
Stinging Hornet - people born during this period are very active, fuss a lot and like to make some noise. Hornets have strong intuition and purposefulness. To achieve their goal, they use any means, without bothering with morality. From birth, they have an excellent memory, are extremely thrifty and jealous - they will never give their own to anyone, and besides, they can also clean up someone else's. Leaders by nature, like to put others in their place, using all their causticity and sharpness.
Representatives of this sign (1961, 1977, 1993), almost always on the move, very active. The peculiarity of the stinging hornet is that it achieves its goal by any method.
In addition, they have the qualities of leaders, terrible owners, witty, talkative, often sarcastic. The hornet does not mind getting someone else's, but he will never give his own.

Lurking Lute

(Years of birth: 1914, 1930, 1946, 1962, 1978, 1994, 2010)
The lurking Lut are people of great strength, natural grace and the ability to find a way out of the most difficult life situation. They have cat habits, but with all their outward softness and relaxation, they can manifest themselves very sharply and suddenly, instantly mobilize and show their claws and fangs. Although they themselves do not like to create and maintain order, they do not forgive others for the slightest violation of it. Possessing generosity, patience and kindness of character, they will not even let relatives sit on their necks or limit their freedom. For Luth, there are only those limits, obligations and restrictions that he has set for himself.
Those born this year (1962, 1978, 1994) have grace and great strength. Such people are generous, kind, but you won’t be able to sit on their necks.
Their appearance is deceptive - although they may look loose, cheeky, internally they are very collected. Demanding to others, they forgive themselves even big errors.

fiery veksha

(Years of birth: 1915, 1931, 1947, 1963, 1979, 1995, 2011)
Fiery Veksha is a sign of a person who has the Highest protection. Those born this year are extremely agile and mobile, they play all the time and are slightly cunning. They have a lively mind - they grasp everything on the fly and instantly delve into the situation, finding the best way out. The character is nervous, often prone to mood swings and depression. In life, they rely only on themselves, so they go to work early and start a family.
People born in the year (1963, 1979, 1995) squirrels have dexterity, mobility, sometimes crafty. They learn everything quickly, instantly orient themselves in different situations, start a family early, rely only on their own strengths. Their mood often changes, sometimes depressive syndrome.

pearl pike

(Years of birth: 1916, 1932, 1948, 1964, 1980, 1996, 2012)
Pearl Pike - people born this year are under the protection of their deceased ancestors. These are conservatives and orthodox people, endowed with inner peace and self-righteousness, therefore they are direct and frank in communication.
Honest, frank representatives of this year (1964, 1980, 1996) are very conservative. They are convinced that they are right, always calm, confident. They have no guilt, no pity.

bearded toad

(Years of birth: 1917, 1933, 1949, 1965, 1981, 1997, 2013)
The Bearded Toad is a person with natural wisdom to create harmonious relationships with the world. Able to appreciate what he has, very economic, thrifty, modest and accurate. A wonderful family man and hospitable host, not particularly pretentious to his surroundings. This is a conservative who does not like change, adores his comfortable "swamp", and clearly knows what he wants from life.
People born in this period (1965, 1981, 1997), wise, easily harmonize with other representatives of the signs. They are big conservatives, they appreciate what they have. Change is not for them. Always feel good here and now. Excellent family men, hardy, love to meet guests.

wild boar

(Years of birth: 1918, 1934, 1950, 1966, 1982, 1998, 2014)
Wild Boar is very fearless people, always ready to fight back anyone who is considered an enemy. They strive for superiority in the matter that interests them. After the desired is achieved, they usually seek solitude for relaxation and fall into apathy. In their calm state, the Boars are extremely intelligent and do not take unpromising actions. People of this type usually ask the price for a long time and sway, after which, having gained momentum, they rush to the goal, sweeping away everything in their path.
The fearless representatives of the year (1950, 1966, 1982, 1998) will always repulse the enemy. People of this sign like to take a leading position in everything that interests them. Before achieving something, they think for a long time, then they begin to act, sweeping away all obstacles. After the implementation of plans, they retire, fall into apathy, until they restore the spent energy.

white owl

(Years of birth: 1919, 1935, 1951, 1967, 1983, 1999, 2015)
The White Owl is a person who lives according to his own regime, leading a secluded lifestyle. Very suspicious, mysterious and superstitious. In a favorable environment, his talents for extrasensory perception can be revealed in an extraordinary way. Having found a friendly environment for his activities, Owl is able to move mountains.
Individuals born in the year (1951, 1967, 1983, 1999) of the eagle owl are superstitious, somewhat closed, and have their own unusual life schedule. They make mediums, psychics. They tend to know more than others. Such people are silent, majestic, do not stoop to gossip.

hissing snake

(Years of birth: 1920, 1936, 1952, 1968, 1984, 2000, 2016)
Hissing Already - these are people who have the gift to harmonize the space around them. They have a philosophical mindset, everything secret is more important for them than the obvious. A little secretive, do not like to talk a lot, practical, efficient and thrifty. They go to the chosen goal persistently, but flexibly, and when unexpected obstacles arise, they change their skin like a snake.
Those born in the year (1952, 1968, 1984, 2000) already people are philosophers by nature. They are able to persistently, but flexibly bypassing obstacles, go towards their goal. Not grumpy. In communication with others, they are secretive, they like to be silent more. They are workaholics and take good care of things. Sometimes they are completely defenseless.

crouching fox

(Years of birth: 1921, 1937, 1953, 1969, 1985, 2001, 2017)
Crouching Foxes are people of mysterious fate and life full of adventures. They are dexterous, inventive, mocking, cunning, mocking, very cautious and prudent - they never climb on the rampage, preferring to do everything quietly or on the sly. These are skillful intriguers, extremely serious about life and able to achieve their goals.
People of this year (1953, 1969, 1985, 2001) have a multi-colored strip of life, they are never bored. Their fate is bright. Foxes are big intriguers, they will never fight openly with an opponent. But on the sly, you can get hit by such a person easily. They always achieve what they want thanks to a cunning mindset.

curled up hedgehog

(Years of birth: 1922, 1938, 1954, 1970, 1986, 2002, 2018)
Curled Hedgehog - unpredictable, prickly, fussy and noisy people. They have an excellent memory and a special pedantry to details. Very reliable friends and faithful spouses.
Born in the year (1954, 1970, 1986, 2002) hedgehog people are wonderful family men, faithful friends, good parents. But they have a spiky disposition, are changeable, sometimes they do unexpected things. In addition, they are fussy, do not like silence, are meticulous and they have an excellent memory even for details.

soaring eagle

(Years of birth: 1923, 1939, 1955, 1971, 1987, 2003, 2019)
The Soaring Eagle are missionaries and reformers obsessed with ideals and ideas. They have a bold, changeable and proud character, they do not tolerate manipulation and dictate, they live by their own rules and laws. They are very aristocratic, very scrupulous in communication, usually faithful in friendship and love. They can foresee impending troubles.
People born in the year (1955, 1971, 1987, 2003) of the eagle are ambitious. They do not welcome any laws or rules. And dictate causes a backlash. There are many reformers and preachers among them. Very loyal to their soul mates. When communicating with other people, they are scrupulous, conscientious.

Spinning misgir

(Years of birth: 1924, 1940, 1956, 1972, 1988, 2004, 2020)
Spinning Mizgir is a man of the clan, he needs the support of relatives and friends like air. He loves and knows how to unite large groups people and create any organizations. He is very power-hungry, sensitive, knows how to systematically achieve his goals, using all his outstanding creative potential for this. Mizgir - the keeper of traditions and the hearth, a reliable support for the family and society
People born in the year (1956, 1972, 1988, 2004) of the spider cannot stand loneliness at all. They cannot live without family, close friends. They always unite people around themselves, do not forget to observe traditions, keepers of the hearth, good business leaders.

Screaming rooster

(Years of birth: 1925, 1941, 1957, 1973, 1989, 2005, 2021)
Screaming Rooster - people born during this period are sharp and hasty in their judgments and actions, very active, fearless and ambitious. They try to always be in sight and have their own original opinion on everything. They love their home and children very much.

Golden-horned Tur (Bull)

(Years of birth: 1926, 1942, 1958, 1974, 1990, 2006, 2022)
Golden-horned Tur - people of this year of birth harmoniously combine good nature and rage in their character. They love to patronize the weak. They are very hardy, stubborn and patient, and in case of danger they show extraordinary courage and aggression. They will stand to die for what is dear to them.

Fireman Horse

(Year of birth: 1927, 1943, 1959, 1975, 1991, 2007, 2023)
The Fireman Horse is the year of active and courageous, honest and diligent people. They are very talented, romantic; resilient and purposeful. Horses love travel and extreme sports, so they are very rarely found at home, as they are constantly in a hurry somewhere.

Nowadays, there are a great many horoscopes that help us better navigate among the people around us. Indeed, at birth, every person is already endowed with characteristic features for him.

So the ancient Slavs had a huge number of horoscopes. One of these is ancient Slavic horoscope animals by date of birth. It includes 12 signs, although there is an opinion that earlier the horoscope was much larger and some of the characters had to be removed. With its help, you can not only find out what time period this or that animal patronizes, but also understand the strengths and weak sides a person born in a particular period of time. Such a horoscope will help you to learn more about your capabilities and tell you how easier it is to realize them in life.

The Slavic horoscope compares the character of the animal with existing human qualities and endows them with people born in a certain period.

In this article you will learn about the horoscope of animals by date of birth:

The wolverine is considered a beast that no hunter wants to mess with. This beast closely monitors who walks on its territory, does not like strangers who settle in its possessions and protects them in every possible way.

Wolverine people put the public interest ahead of their own. They do not like to be the center of attention, they avoid open places. In relation to themselves they are critical, they are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses, they can boast of loyal and devoted friends.

The dwelling of such a person is neat and clean. It is cozy and comfortable.

Such a person has an iron character, he is fair, and only the elite can get into the circle of his friends.

The raven has long been considered a wise and understanding bird. In addition, this wisdom is not acquired, but already laid down from birth.

Crow people actually openly see the whole worldly essence, and it would take years for a sage to come to such an understanding. That is why, they say about such people that the spinal cord is quite enough for them, the brain may simply be absent.

A person born in the Raven period always knows the correct answer to a question. He intuitively finds the right solution to the issue, without fully realizing how he came to it. Such a person sees very far, looks to the future as if into an open book, but it is difficult for him to manage and lead. People do not understand his aspirations and ambitions, they do not want to change their habitual way of life and make unnecessary gestures to achieve the goal.

If Raven still manages to occupy a high position, it is only because he does not finish many things, otherwise he would be mistaken for a madman and expelled with all the ideas.

The Raven sign is unhurried and calm, since vanity and true wisdom are two incompatible things. He can predict and predict the outcome of events. He does not need to peck at an apple rolling along the road, but it is enough to take a place in advance where it stops.

Such a person is distinguished by good intuition, prudence, slowness, justice, and the ability to build logical chains.

This beast perfectly feels the great power in itself, which not only overwhelms it, but pours out from everywhere. He does not tend to sit idly by. He must be constantly on the move. If suddenly someone finds him in a relaxed state and decides that Ermine arrives at rest, then he will be deeply mistaken. Even being in an immovable and collapsed position, he makes plans on how to get rid of the squirrels he hates or how to get into the neighboring forest and rob his relatives.

Ermine Man is dexterous, confident in himself and his thoughts and sayings.

He is not interested in law, rules and regulations. He is absolutely sure that he does everything right and for the common good. His deeds, at times, deserve admiration.

In fact, people born at this time are disinterested, responsive, quickly come to the rescue, can lend to someone in need.

Ermine is clearly aware of what is good and what is bad, but lives according to his beliefs and thoughts. Him strong character. He carries any prey to the house and family, helps his friends, who often take advantage of his generosity.


The toad can rightly be called the most amazing animal. It tends to live in water, under water, on land, even on trees in the forest. She has an amazing ability to adapt to everything. So people born under the sign of the Toad can be not only simple workers, but also lead high positions.

Toad Man can work in the field, lead the army. He is interested in music, literature, art, science, where he can also find himself.

Toads rarely lose heart, they feel good and comfortable everywhere. Because of this, they lose the desire for more. They are accustomed to being content with the position that they have and not weighing too much responsibility on themselves. But, if the Toad wants something, then by working hard he will be able to get a high post. However, they are quite satisfied with what is now.

People are drawn to this sign, they appreciate it for its golden soul, but the Toad herself does not really like to get along with people, reveal herself and recognize her interlocutor. She is more familiar and comfortable alone with herself, where nothing needs to be changed and learned.

Those born during this period are characterized as

able to find themselves in any field of activity.

The toad can rightly be called the most amazing animal. It tends to live in water, under water, on land, even on trees in the forest. She has an amazing ability to adapt to everything. So people born under the sign of the Toad can be not only simple workers, but also lead high positions.

Toad Man can work in the field, lead the army. He is interested in music, literature, art, science, where he can also find himself.

Toads rarely lose heart, they feel good and comfortable everywhere. Because of this, they lose the desire for more. They are accustomed to being content with the position that they have and not weighing too much responsibility on themselves. But, if the Toad wants something, then by working hard he will be able to get a high post. However, they are quite satisfied with what is now.

People are drawn to this sign, they appreciate it for its golden soul, but the Toad herself does not really like to get along with people, reveal herself and recognize her interlocutor. She is more familiar and comfortable alone with herself, where nothing needs to be changed and learned.

Those born during this period are characterized as

able to find themselves in any field of activity.

The toad can rightly be called the most amazing animal. It tends to live in water, under water, on land, even on trees in the forest. She has an amazing ability to adapt to everything. So people born under the sign of the Toad can be not only simple workers, but also lead high positions.

Toad Man can work in the field, lead the army. He is interested in music, literature, art, science, where he can also find himself.

Toads rarely lose heart, they feel good and comfortable everywhere. Because of this, they lose the desire for more. They are accustomed to being content with the position that they have and not weighing too much responsibility on themselves. But, if the Toad wants something, then by working hard he will be able to get a high post. However, they are quite satisfied with what is now.

People are drawn to this sign, they appreciate it for its golden soul, but the Toad herself does not really like to get along with people, reveal herself and recognize her interlocutor. She is more familiar and comfortable alone with herself, where nothing needs to be changed and learned.

Those born during this period are characterized as

able to find themselves in any field of activity.

The toad can rightly be called the most amazing animal. It tends to live in water, under water, on land, even on trees in the forest. She has an amazing ability to adapt to everything. So people born under the sign of the Toad can be not only simple workers, but also lead high positions.

Toad Man can work in the field, lead the army. He is interested in music, literature, art, science, where he can also find himself.

Toads rarely lose heart, they feel good and comfortable everywhere. Because of this, they lose the desire for more. They are accustomed to being content with the position that they have and not weighing too much responsibility on themselves. But, if the Toad wants something, then by working hard he will be able to get a high post. However, they are quite satisfied with what is now.

People are drawn to this sign, they appreciate it for its golden soul, but the Toad herself does not really like to get along with people, reveal herself and recognize her interlocutor. She is more familiar and comfortable alone with herself, where nothing needs to be changed and learned.

Those born during this period are characterized as

able to find themselves in any field of activity.

Grasshoppers are not characterized by fatigue, defeat and misfortune. They are always perky, cheerful, playful and personify solar energy. Looking at Grasshoppers, people have a smile, joy.

People of this period are very easy-going. They are afraid of new tasks, discoveries, but fighting with themselves, they still go to the goal. They are frightened by the unfamiliar, unusual, but the Grasshoppers do not give up and continue on their way to the end. They are well aware that there may be difficulties along the way, but happiness and peace can be expected in the end. The interest that drives them, the ability to quickly grasp everything - allows you to reach the end and go through all the hardships, overcoming your fears.

The Grasshopper Man will never show his cowardice in front of others, only alone with himself and his loved ones, he will be able to admit it.

For everyone else, he remains nonchalant and cheerful, who makes everything easy.

The grasshopper easily converges both with other signs of the horoscope, and with his own. He is not characterized by diligence, perseverance, constancy, he can quit what he started. However, having a lot of unfinished business, over time, he returns to them and quickly brings them to the end.

These people are constantly jumping back and forth, looking for something new, but others appreciate and love them for their kind and cheerful disposition.

Everyone knows that hamsters love to sleep. Sometimes it seems that their sleep lasts for nine months. However, when it comes to harvesting, they have time to fill up their pantries to the ceilings.

People of this sign can work without rest day and night, drink coffee quickly and continue working again. During such days, the Hamster manages to complete a huge amount of work that a hard worker born under the sign of Ant would do for a month. After such working races, the Hamster gets very tired and goes on vacation to restore his strength. The ant, on the other hand, continues to work non-stop, and when the time comes to compare the results, the chances of winning can be the same.

Hamster Man kind soul, unhurried, there is no anger in him. He loves to relax very much, even if he is not tired from work. Lying in the sun and doing nothing is the best reward.

People love Hamsters and forgive their sluggishness, because they know that they can turn on at the right time and bring the matter to the end.

Ravlik is characterized by a special sensitivity, which helps him to accurately and subtly understand people. People of this sign make excellent leaders. Ravliki know how to motivate people, what to say, they know how to lead them even to the ends of the world. Often, their hypersensitivity has a downside. There are periods when these people can give everything they have to a stranger, and realizing this, they try to isolate themselves from loved ones and withdraw into themselves, as they realize that they have been deceived again.

Due to their hypersensitivity, Ravliks become vulnerable. Saving themselves, they lock themselves up and watch the outside world, without interfering in anything. They are accustomed to living in a world they have imagined, rather than struggling with harsh reality. Ravliks are sad to exist in such a world. They seriously believe that if they were born a few centuries earlier, they could become not serfs, but princes.

Ravlik is an excellent conversationalist. Possessing innate hypersensitivity, he sees through the mood of the interlocutor, will not allow rudeness towards him, will come to the rescue and help to get out of an uncomfortable situation.

This is a smart sign, but the mind does not help them get rich, build a successful career, or achieve prosperity in their business. They perfectly imagine a beautiful future, but in their dreams, they waste a lot of strength and energy on the way to it.

Ants are perhaps the only creatures in the world that are not afraid to overwork. They are almost impossible to see without work. Even in moments free from work, the Ant does something, for example, cleans its ears or paws, brings its armor to a shine. So a person born during this period is ready at moments of rest to plan his day in advance and try to more effectively complete the tasks.

A person of this sign is in constant employment, he always has work and small chores. He can graze cattle, build a house, look for prey and food.

He has no limit of what he has done, he needs to be busy with something all the time. This is a maximalist who will do better more than less. That is why, people of Ants are respected and appreciated in society, often they try to hang as much as possible more work on them.

Thanks to diligence, the Ant does not go unnoticed. Such a person is quickly noticed, given a responsible and difficult job, and can be promoted. An ant cannot be called a genius or smart, he achieves everything thanks to his work and endurance.

Ants make excellent family men, however, due to diligence, problems can often arise.

Khrushch is no stranger to experiencing drastic changes in life. Rummaging in the ground like a worm and eating the roots, he is deeply convinced that this will be the case throughout his life. But, having turned into a chrysalis and having found great peace, insight comes to him. For himself, he decides that now he has learned the meaning of life, he knows what and how to do, what rules to constantly adhere to.

However, after a while, a young beetle appears from a bursting cocoon and crawls out of the ground. He spreads his wings and flies to new discoveries.

The Khrushchev Man is more concerned about the issue than others worldly meaning. He is well aware that it is impossible for anyone, even children, to explain how it is worth living.

Everyone must go through the whole path and draw their own conclusions. Therefore, many people of this sign remain fat blind worms and rarely turn into a real winged beetle, failing to find their way.

People of this sign love to get carried away.

to seek the truth,
seek moral and ethical gateways to right life.

In work, the Khrushchevs are able to easily reach any heights, if no one knocks them off their intended career path.

Khrushchev is characterized by windiness, romance, but it is very difficult and difficult to keep such people in marriage. Very often they like to change the situation and life principles, easily leaving the past behind.

This sign, like the Beaver himself, loves peace and order. It is no coincidence that Beavers have learned to build dams, make dams, raise the level of rivers and streams. These animals are not accustomed to adapting to the weather, it is easier for them to adapt it to themselves, their routine and character.

Beaver people are distinguished by confidence, calmness, slowness.

In work, they always have everything they need at hand, which helps them to perform it efficiently. They are envied, although they are fully aware that they cannot live like the Beavers.

A person born at this time knows a lot and knows how. He creates his life and environment in such a way that everyone feels protected and calm next to him. For such a person, any catastrophe will seem like a trifle, because he is used to being ready for anything and always has an emergency exit.

These are strong, ambitious people who can achieve their goals, know how to calculate the benefits and benefits, create a comfortable life for themselves, are used to sorting and systematizing everything.

A person born during this period is distinguished by loyalty and fearlessness. This is perhaps the only one who still observes the old canons of honor, keeps his word and remains faithful to him. He will not beat the recumbent and take advantage of the presented moment, for the sake of achieving his own benefit. The dog is old-fashioned in his convictions, but it is precisely for his honesty and decency that he is so valued.

People of this sign are true friends. Even betrayal and betrayal do not prevent the Dogs from continuing to protect people and trust them. It is worth noting that in the eyes of opponents they have the same trust as their friends. These people can be safely trusted with secrets, money and even their own lives. Upon learning that a close friend is in trouble, the Dog will run to his aid without looking back. He is not afraid of difficulties, he is ready to protect his neighbor even at the cost of his own life. These people always adhere to their principles and remain faithful and devoted in any situation.

The dog values ​​​​conscience above all else, he is used to living in harmony with it, and laws change from day to day. He does not have a particular desire for career growth, but he can be found in good positions. Among the Dogs there are many businessmen, politicians, managers, and this is no coincidence. They deserve absolute trust from everyone around them.

Everyone is accustomed to consider the bear the master of the forest, but he has never been the king of animals, steppes, forests and deserts. In fact, the bear is ruined by his laziness. He knows this very well and does not worry. He can calmly tell something about himself and make him laugh at himself.

However, the clumsy Bear can easily overtake a racehorse, strangle an elk and carry its prey in its front paws. He better than a cat he will smell a mouse's nest and deftly catch a mouse from under a solid layer of earth. However, he is considered the owner of the forest not because of his strength and dexterity, but because, being surprisingly powerful, he retains simplicity and carelessness, indulgence towards the weak. You can safely call him a conservative good-natured man.

Man - Bear is used to being content with little, he is smart and reasonable. It will be enough for him to lie down already in the place he has arranged and enjoy life without disturbing anyone.

The Bear will make an excellent businessman, but not a careerist. He too loves to live for his own pleasure and surround himself with everything necessary.

Totem animals are considered companions of a person throughout life - from birth to death. Find out which totem accompanies and protects you, determines your character traits and influences your destiny.

Totems are widely used in shamanic practices and lifestyles. In the rules of a happy life of shamanic peoples, which are suitable for any ordinary person, the presence of a totem is a symbol of harmony with nature and the beginning of all living things - the Universe. But few people know that every person has a totem animal, regardless of whether he knows about its existence or not.

How does a person get a totem animal

A totem is a guardian spirit embodied in the form of an animal and carrying its features and habits. At birth, a person receives a guardian spirit, the qualities of which, according to fate, most coincide with the still sleeping qualities of the child's character.

If a child grows up in love, care and understanding, then the qualities of character laid down by fate develop harmoniously, and the totem animal closely interacts with the energy of the baby. In this case, the totem spirit may begin to manifest itself in life in a visible way: do not scold your child if he brought home a kitten, a puppy, or tearfully asks for a second week to buy him a fish or a frog. It is possible that this totem of your child is incarnated in a physical body.

During life, totem animals may change somewhat, there may be several of them, but the main totem given at birth remains with a person and directly affects life, character and even appearance.

For example, a person with a Wolf totem most often has regular facial features, gray, gray-green or blue eyes, his figure is proportional, facial expressions are rich and expressive, and his character is secretive and calm.

How to recognize your totem

The guardian spirit can be invoked by you in meditation or in a dream: this will require training, but most often people quickly establish contact with their totem when the time is right.

Most often, the features of the totem appear in a person: do your friends tell you that you are cunning, like a fox? Or calm, like a well-fed boa constrictor? Or maybe you are so economic and restless that your relatives call you a squirrel in a wheel, unconsciously often applying this common image to you?

All of these signs can be a clear indication of the type of your totem. It also often happens that animals of your type are drawn to you: there are people that all cats are crazy about: even the most proud and impregnable are drawn to a person and become soft fluffy lumps that constantly climb onto their knees.

There are also people who are not at all afraid of even the largest and most vicious dogs, and those, in turn, never growl, do not rush at them, but come up to be stroked and sniff their human counterpart with interest.

Such signs should not be ignored: it is quite possible that your totem has been giving you signals all your life that it is nearby and shows its appearance. You just need to take a closer look, listen to yourself and pay attention to which animals cause you the greatest mutual sympathy.

You can also find out which totem animal influences your destiny and is able to help you with its energy at a difficult moment in your life by your date of birth. We wish you to find your guardian spirit, love all living beings, and do not forget to press the buttons and

11.10.2016 06:03

Astrologers agree with folk wisdom that each person has his own totem. Specialists...

Each person has a totem animal that protects him all his life. You can determine it by the date and year of birth. This will take no more than a couple of minutes.

Many people think that the totem animal is the sign of the eastern horoscope, under the auspices of which a person was born, but this is not so. The totem is determined taking into account not only the year, but also the date of your birth.

Having learned about which animal symbolizes you and your energy, you can understand how and in what direction you need to move in order to achieve success. Totem animal influences character and destiny, so everyone should know who his patron is.

Numerological calculation

For example, let's take the date 11/19/1985. First you need to add the day and month of birth. Write down the resulting number, you will still need it. In our example, the sum of the day and month is calculated as follows: 19+11=30.

The second step - you need to multiply the amount received by the year. 30*1985=59550. In the resulting number, you must add all the numbers: 5 + 9 + 5 + 5 + 0 \u003d 24. We add up until we get a number from the segment from 1 to 9. 2+4=6. Totem number - Six.

Deciphering the results

When the numerological calculation is completed, we proceed to decryption. The sum of the day and month is in the range from 2 to 43.

If you get a number from 2 to 22 inclusive, then you have more influence on the physical world, and not on the spiritual one. You are more accepting of energy rather than giving it away, which can cause you to develop empathy. You have a high thirst for knowledge and a good memory.

If the sum belongs to the segment from 23 to 43, then you can influence either equally both components of reality - spiritual and physical, or more spiritual. You have a very strong influence on people, you know how to manipulate them.

Deciphering the totem number:

Unit: your spirit animal Elephant. Elephants take care of their relatives, so you need to learn this from them. The elephant is very wise, smart and strong. To receive good luck and the blessings of the Universe, you need to think more often about the search for love and joint happiness. You have few defensive reflexes, so use any problem-solving methods.

Deuce: patronizes you Tiger. This totem has everything you need to help you achieve the best results in all areas of life. The tiger provokes people to selfishness, so do not forget those who have ever helped you. The main rule of the Tigers is not to forgive offenses until the enemy admits his guilt.

Troika: your animal is Crow. He is very wise and can also be self-critical. Raven provokes in you the desire to analyze everything that happens around. To achieve the best results in love, affairs and financial sector you need to be a little smarter. Don't use brute force where you can get by with reason.

Four: if during the calculations you got the number 4, then you are patronized Dolphin. This animal combines all the elements - the Fiery character, the Water in which it swims, the Air that it breathes, and the wisdom of the elements of the Earth. For everything to be fine, you just need to set certain goals in life for yourself, stop wasting your attention and energy on unnecessary things and negative people.

Five: number 5 corresponds Dog. You don't have problems with goals. It is much more difficult to find motivation on the path to happiness. You can be extremely lazy, but your totem will always show you the way to gaining the qualities necessary for work, love and awareness of your place in the universe. The dog helps to look for friends and a soul mate.

Six: patronizes you Eagle. No matter what happens in your life, the feeling of freedom will always be there. Your totem helps to correctly prioritize in life, helps to plan things for the future correctly. To feed it, you need to have goals, without which stagnation can occur. There may be mood problems during periods of failure, but with the help of five effective techniques, you can quickly fix it.

Seven: your spirit animal Snake. It constantly provokes in you the desire to remain in solitude, but gives you the strength to overcome obstacles on your own. This totem also gives you creative energy, enhanced intuition. Your entire life is focused on improving endurance and emotional toughness, not building strength.

Eight: according to numerology, eight is the number Kota. This totem increases luck in love, enhances the sixth sense, but does not work with the intellect. To reach high altitudes in life, you need constant learning. The cat does not give a craving for knowledge, but gives the owner physical endurance and good luck.

Nine: totem animal number 9 - Bull. It helps you not to step back when everything is heading for the abyss, when confidence is at zero. This is one of the most powerful totemic animals, because it directly works with the consciousness of the people whose patron it is. The Ox helps to easily resolve conflicts and intuitively identify useful acquaintances.

The energy of a person is the most important indicator of his luck. The totem animal tries to help the owner increase his energy potential. This is one of the strongest talismans for any person. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.10.2018 01:05

According to numerology, the date of birth of a person largely determines his fate. These numbers can be...

It has always been difficult for a person to cope with life's difficulties alone. Therefore, he often turned to higher powers for help. ancient religion totemism claims that each of us has our own patron animal, a source of internal energy and strength. It is called a totem animal. How to recognize your totem animal, establish a connection with it and become happy - all these questions are asked by people who need help and protection.

Totem is a symbol of a sacred animal.

In cultures different peoples there is a cult of animals. Man, according to the beliefs of many peoples, descended from the so-called "our smaller brothers", who in fact are not them. The animal is higher than man, stronger and wiser than him, because he has the abilities that man has lost over time, the advent of civilization and due to the destruction of nature.

All totems are divided into two types: Lunar and Solar. Totem animals are not divided into male - female. But there is an opinion that a woman, due to her sensitivity and developed intuition, can acquire any totem. Each sacred assistant has his own talent and abilities, strength and preferences. In endowing a person with these features, there is an interaction between them.

In most cultures, a person cannot choose a totem himself. The symbolic animal makes its own choice. Moreover, this can happen at any time: both at birth and during a difficult life period. A person only needs to go to meet his totem animal.

One totem can protect both the whole life and a certain period. Much depends on the level of spiritual development of a person and the changes taking place in his inner world. The totem can not only protect and help: constant spiritual practice and work on oneself can lead to the next level of interaction with the patron animal. This happens when a person discovers in himself new opportunities and character traits that he needs in this moment: nobility, enterprise, courage, charisma, etc.

Some are patronized by two or three totems. But not everyone is so lucky, most are protected by only one.

It is very important to decide: it is you who will be able to recognize your totem animal. Success and quality of life depend on it. When choosing any way to search for a totem, you need to remember important rules: never joke with your protector, do not offend his bodily representatives, do not keep his stuffed animal in the house, do not eat his meat. A respectful attitude is necessary, otherwise the totem will go away and leave its owner without vital patronage.

In total, there are three main ways to recognize your spirit animal:

  • Meditative.
  • Calendar-numeric.
  • Analytical (general).

Meditative way:

In order to determine your totem, you need to dive into the subconscious. Meditation is a way to hear the inner "I" and call your patron for contact.

First, calm down, do not talk for a few minutes, dim the lights and sit comfortably. Try to pick a time when no one can disturb or interfere. Try to breathe slowly in the same rhythm. The heart chakra will open for interaction with energy flows.

Close your eyes and try to ask the Higher Powers to help you find your sacred protector. Mentally feel the warmth and golden light that pours from the sky. Imagine yourself in the place where you feel most comfortable: in the mountains, in the forest, by the lake, etc. Listen to the sounds of nature and try to feel the silence and a moment of complete solitude. Mentally go for a walk.

Wait a bit. The totem itself will appear in front of you. Notice where he came from. A hole, a tree, a dense forest - everything has a symbolic meaning and in the future can become a sign for making a decision.

Get in touch with your totem. Ask him or wait for action on his part. Stroke, refer to the sacred animal. According to its energy message, you will immediately understand whether this is your totem or not.

Thank the animal and wait for it to leave. In the next three days, signs or messages from him should be expected.

During meditation, in no case should you fantasize or connect thinking. Everything should happen harmoniously and gradually.

In case of unsuccessful meditation, dreams can help. It is necessary to remember which animal or bird most often appeared to him in dreams. Whether the animal was trying to communicate or warn, where it was going and what it looked like.

Befriending a totem is very easy.

Calendar-numeric method:

According to the oldest astrological totem calendars found in ancient cemeteries of ancient peoples, depending on the date and year of birth, each person is protected by his own totem. This opinion was held by the Celts, Zoroastrians and Turks.

Year of birth Totem Characteristics of the year:

1. White Bear (1931, 1963, 1995, 2027, 2059)

Symbolism of the sign:

Cruelty and pernicious influence.


Angraosha, the Infinite Light, pouring down on all from heaven and illuminating the dungeon of our hidden aspirations.

These are the years serious trials. If mistakes are made during these years, they are irreparable. Big events are laid, what will happen after a while begins to slowly unwind. A person with a Polar Bear totem should have a strict, chivalrous, somewhat unpredictable character. Likes to play - in the game comes to ecstasy. Loves life, broad soul. There is no meanness, sadism in him, he does not tolerate betrayal. He always has gigantic plans and projects that they know how to bring to life. They are good at organizing people and leading them.

The antitoteme of the White is the Brown Bear, an impudent and petty carrier of chaos, boring and prone to sadism, he successfully disguises himself.

2. Deer (1906, 1938, 1970, 2002, 2034)

Symbolism of the sign:

A symbol of ascent, a sign of higher power; rejuvenation of life, newborn, the passage of time.


Ahura Mazda is the supreme Zoroastrian deity, the god of light and goodness, the creator of all things.

Like a deer, lean and long-legged; not disposed to loquacity. Swift and proud, feeling marked by Fate, these people are usually lonely. Their dissatisfaction with the results obtained encourages them to create something new.

The Deer Totem rewards its representatives with the gift to see evil, and therefore to expose it and fight it. People born at this time are ready to lead, and they will be able to do everything, the main thing is not to doubt and not look back.

For people of this sign, the Year of the Deer is especially successful. It is possible that at this time they will find love and happiness, or advance in the service.

If this person begins to gain weight (up to obesity) and go bald, and warts appear on the body, it means that the antitoteme, the Toad, has manifested itself in him. If this happens, a person born at this time begins to suppress others, becomes arrogant and swaggering, ascribes to himself other people's virtues.

3. Baran (1907, 1939, 1971, 2003, 2035)

Symbolism of the sign:


Faravashi - spirits of ancestors. The ram, Aries is one of the oldest symbolic signs (the first sign of the Western Zodiac) and one of the most widespread emblems throughout the world (in the variants: lamb, golden fleece, ram's head, ram's horns).

Symbolism of the sign:

Firmness, stubbornness, inflexibility.
People born at this time tend to have curly hair, slightly bulging eyes, and slightly protruding front teeth.

Ancestors protect these people, and the family is holy and unshakable for them. The Baran totem suggests such closeness, and they cannot imagine themselves without relatives, family and national traditions. Calm and obedient, these people cannot live without a team, only among people they are able to succeed.

The Year of the Ram passes under the sign of obedience: a person goes where the others lead him.

The antitoteme of the Baran is the Goat - its complete opposite. A man without traditions, who despises his family and the memory of his ancestors, who believes that there are cattle around him, and only he is worthy of reverence.

4. Mongoose (1908, 1940, 1972, 2004, 2036)

Symbolism of the sign:

A symbol of constancy, fidelity, speed, the ability to instantly navigate in any situation.


Atar, the celestial deer.

A person born this year must constantly maintain the highest creative principle in himself and in the people around him. He needs to be dexterous, agile, ready at any moment to join the fight against evil and destroy any muck. The highest charisma associated with this year is eternal life conquering death. The mongoose is a symbol of constancy, fidelity, speed, the ability to instantly navigate in any situation.

People associated with this totem should be able to quickly respond to any changes, should be unexpected and unpredictable in their behavior, but always very frank. It is a favorable sign if a person of this year of birth has thin and mobile arms and legs, and the movements are slightly reminiscent of a dance.

The antitoteme of the Mongoose is the Ferret, and if a person becomes helpless, clumsy, stupid, but at the same time insidious and deceitful, then the antitoteme has come into its own.

5. Wolf (1909, 1941, 1973, 2005, 2037)

Symbolism of the sign:

The strength of the volcano and the fire of power, granting victory over the elements to a worthy person.


Ramman, the deity of the elemental forces of nature, associated with the cycle of life in the universe.

it active person who loves to fight in extreme conditions, not afraid of any dangers, a man of honor, a traveler who finds it difficult to sit still. The patron of the year of the Wolf is Ramman, the deity of the elemental forces of nature, associated with the cycle of life in the universe. Ramman grants a person worthy of it the strength of a volcano and the fire of power, allowing him to fit into the powerful rhythms of elemental forces and rise on the crest of a giant wave. This is the charisma of victory over the forces of the elements, the ability to survive in extreme conditions. It is considered a favorable indicator if a person of this year of birth has a tightly knit, athletic figure and a powerful neck.

The beginning of the degradation of the personality occurs with the emergence of the need to break and destroy everything in its path, annoying others.

This is how the antitoteme of the Wolf manifests itself - the Jackal - strong and embittered, but incredibly cowardly.

6. Stork (1910, 1942, 1974, 2006, 2038)

Symbolism of the sign:

Longevity and immortality, dignity and vigilance (sensitivity), care for loved ones, piety.


Asman is the almighty Heaven. In the East, the Stork is a popular emblem of longevity, and in Taoism, immortality. His calm standing on one leg gives the impression of dignity, thoughtfulness and vigilance (sensitivity), which makes him an image of meditation and contemplation. For the fact that he is the only animal that in old age takes care of his parents, feeds them, carries them with him over long distances, the stork received the name of the pious.

Slender (perhaps even thin) and pensive, long-legged Storks are wanderers who, nevertheless, are very strongly attached to their relatives and home, this is where they return after wandering. The craving for a change of place lives, as it were, apart from them and constantly makes you set off on a journey - to new expanses. These are silent loners who find it difficult to fit into society, and therefore they rely only on themselves. Storks are melancholic and silent, they are very sensitive to warm feelings, and their love is forever.

7. Spider (1911, 1943, 1975, 2007, 2039)

Symbolism of the sign:

Absolute; eight paws - eight cardinal directions, a web - a symbol of the universe.

Vayu, the Great Void.

The spider is one of the symbols of the absolute. Its eight legs symbolize the eight cardinal directions, and the web serves as a symbol of the universe. The Year of the Spider is the year of finding harmony and higher meaning. People with the Spider totem are quiet and modest. They like to create some kind of association, that is, how to weave their own web. The Spider Totem is associated with knowledge, knowledge that destroys Darkness, conquers ignorance.

The spider is slow, purposeful, grasping, sensitive. Such a person should have long arms, tenacious fingers, he should be able to work well with his hands - sew, knit, spin, darn, patch ... The spider manifests itself quietly, modestly, as if from the shadows. He can silently stop any attempts by enemies to unite against him. Often they are informal leaders.

Antitotem Tarantula, on the contrary, behaves defiantly, spends his strength exclusively on dissociating people, and does not know how to do anything with his hands.

8. Snake/Snake (1912, 1944, 1976, 2008, 2040)

Symbolism of the sign:

Based on contrasts - reverence and disgust.


The great serpent Apam-Napat, personifying the Divine Waters.

The year is under the auspices of Apam-Napat, the deity turbulent streams heavenly, terrestrial and underground waters. The highest charisma of this year is the cleansing of karma, the mastery of the great secrets of world harmony. This year is a reminder that everything is back to normal - "The snake biting its own tail." The year is associated with karmic retribution. This year often repeats what started a long time ago.

The totem of this year gives a person variability, flexibility, a mystically tuned mind, intuition. Loyal, loyal. The secret and hidden for them will always be more important than the external, obvious. A person with a Uzha totem that has manifested should be thin, flexible, mobile and not talkative. He has deep-set eyes and the ability to "keep looking".

The antitoteme of the Snake is the Viper, a loose personality with ever-running, slightly squinting eyes.

9. Beaver (1913, 1945, 1977, 2009, 2041)

Symbolism of the sign:

Wisdom and Sacrifice.


Advisura-Anahita, the mistress of the Heavenly Waters, the goddess of Nature.

Beaver - mastery, diligence, ability to work in a team. Emphasizes that there are several exits from each problem (numerous entrances and exits in beaver huts). He teaches that dreaming is not enough to achieve the goal, for this you need to work.

The beaver is a wise and sacrificial animal. It is said that a beaver hunted by hunters bites off its testicles in order to escape, since it knows that it is for the sake of the testicles (because of the beaver stream contained in them) that they are hunting for it.

This is the year of beauty and harmony, love conquering hate. This is the year of legislation. The totem of the year is the Beaver, the inviolable animal of Advisura-Anahita, the Lady of the Azure Waters, the goddess of Nature. Typical features of the Beaver are diligence, accuracy, diligence, hospitality, firmness of convictions. Such a person always observes the ritual and equips his world in full accordance with the structure of the spiritual world, i.e. nice and secure. He never loses heart - all the time he improves something, restores or repairs, makes things with his own hands.

A person with a manifested Beaver totem is of a strong physique, with voluminous hips. He loves his family and has several children.

If a person does not value his family, refuses his own children, becomes sloppy and easily changes priorities, it means that an antitoteme, Nutria, has manifested in him.

10. Turtle (1914, 1946, 1978, 2010, 2042)

Symbolism of the sign:

Water element, winter, northern regions, black color of primordial chaos; Black warrior - strength, endurance, longevity.


Zem, Mystery of the Earth. Among the Chinese, the tortoise is one of the four spiritually gifted creatures along with the dragon, phoenix and qilin; symbolizes the water element, Yin, winter, northern regions, the black color of primordial chaos. The turtle is called the Black Warrior - a symbol of strength, endurance and longevity. The banner with a dragon and a turtle was carried by the soldiers of the imperial army as a symbol of indestructibility, since both creatures, fighting with each other, remain alive: the dragon cannot crush the turtle, and it cannot reach the dragon. Although the tortoise is commonly considered a female, lunar, and water sign, it has often been associated with male fertility, as in parts of Africa, where it is identified with the penis.

In China, there was a belief that the tortoise had the gift of divination (hence the custom of guessing by the patterns of its shell).

Turtles are always quite secretive, slow, self-confident, follow beaten paths, feed a lot of hookers and hookers. Turtles have an excellent memory, they constantly return to the same thing - as if "they are pounding water in a mortar." Such people always define a goal for themselves and try to slowly but steadily follow it.

The great mercy of this year is associated with wisdom and complete harmony in relationships with nature, knowledge of the creation of the world. Counts a good sign if a person of this year of birth has very dense, thick skin, and there are several alternating dark marks on the back.

The antitoteme of this sign - the slug - is manifested in the absence of a "turtle shell". Such people are nervous, easily excited, trying to create an artificial "shell" for themselves, trying to protect themselves. various masks but easily become dependent on others.
Being an animal of the earth, the tortoise symbolizes either the beginning of some great process, or its end. The year is auspicious for those whose totems fly in the air, while others risk suffering from shocks that shake Mother Earth.

11. Magpie (1915, 1947, 1979, 2011, 2043)

Symbolism of the sign:

Good luck, good news (in Christianity - debauchery and vanity).


Maraspent is the Holy Word of great power.

Agile and mobile, with a logical mindset, periodically changing hair color - these are Magpies. Fast, lively in the language (nevertheless, they cannot throw words into the wind), a little crafty. Thanks to precisely these qualities, Magpies are able to unravel the threads of intrigue, instantly understand what is happening and transform the situation in such a way that it suits them. People born at this time should be able to do several things at the same time, and since they are quirky enough, they will succeed.

The year of the Magpie is favorable both for the people whose totem it is, and for the Deer. Life at this time returns to normal, and people who are associated with the indicated signs need to pay attention to representatives of the opposite sex - a successful marriage is possible.

The antitoteme - the Black Rook - is manifested primarily in speech: it is tongue-tied and some defects, which, however, does not prevent them from blurting out all the secrets entrusted to them. In addition, a delayed reaction to what is happening is possible.

12. Squirrel (1916, 1948, 1980, 2012, 2044)

Symbolism of the sign:



Daena is a faith that can strengthen even the weak. The squirrel is a smart and very fast animal in movements, the squirrel in folk mythology has always been revered for its quick wits.

Squirrel - means a messenger (in Scandinavian mythology, she ran along the Yggdrasil ash tree, carrying news). Belka emphasizes the need for advance planning and stockpiling for the future, even if it is not needed later. If you are immersed in everyday activities, the squirrel reminds you to save time and effort.

This year gives rise to crimes against the innocent, evil is under the guise of good in this particular year. Something more people rushing about and fussing - the worse for them, the more they return to them from what they wanted to escape ("a squirrel in a wheel"). In this year, you need to protect yourself from spoilage. A person with a manifested Squirrel totem is lively, smart, homely, agile, very skilled, always striving to start a family.

Protein's character is uneven, depressions and recessions are possible. Nevertheless, they are not at all afraid of death - they regard it as a transition to another world. In their sympathies and habits, Squirrels are very conservative. The man with the manifested totem of Belka is mobile, thin, with small features. His eyes are constantly on the move.

Pettiness, slowness and fear of death are sure signs of the manifestation of the antitoteme - the Rat.

13. Raven (1917, 1949, 1981, 2013, 2045)

Symbolism of the sign:

In mythology, it is often interpreted negatively due to variability.


Tishtriya - great, incomprehensible, countless stars.

The Year of the Raven is the year of injustice, rejection, persecution, epidemics. People with the manifested Raven totem are serious, severe, isolated. They do not like to command or obey and are able to shake off any guardianship and any oppression. He is able to predict events. The highest charisma of the Raven is the charisma of the prophet. People of this year of birth get married, as a rule, very late, or do not start a family at all. And even in marriage, they still remain lonely inside. The real Raven is very squeamish and clean. Raven never lives at the expense of others.

Adaptability and life by alms are characteristic of the antitoteme - Hoopoe. He fawns over his superiors and rarely gets out of debt; he usually has family problems.

14. Rooster (1918, 1950, 1982, 2014, 2046)

Symbolism of the sign:

Glory, excellence, courage, vigilance, dawn; fight against laziness.


Sraosha - good news.

This is the year of judgment, revelations. Year of the Rooster shows all evil spirits. Unlike the Rooster, known from the "eastern horoscopes", this Rooster warrior, a reformer, does not hide in the bushes. It can be difficult for him to finish what he has started, he throws everything halfway, but the best Roosters will always find a pearl grain in a heap. Roosters are knights, active and fearless. They cannot imagine themselves without a home and children. A person with a Rooster totem always shows seething energy, full of plans, loves outfits (especially hats), loves to "show off" and often blushes. He has a moving face and lively facial expressions. He is outspoken and tends to "burn bridges behind him."

Antitoteme of the Rooster - Quail, characterized by pallor. It feels like his face is a mask, it's so unnatural. The quail is cowardly and helpless, but at the same time it is senselessly cruel; hates power.

15. Tour (Bull) (1919, 1951, 1983, 2015, 2047)

Symbolism of the sign:

A mighty creative force that pours out onto the earth.


Geush-Ur-van, Alive soul peace.

This is the year of peace. This year we must try to pay our debts, work hard, be able to obey. People born this year are a little passive. They have the soul of a child, they need guardianship, a shepherd, they need additional impulses for development. For selflessness, kindness, gentleness, the ability to endure, help others, heal people - for all this they will be rewarded. Tur is an idealist by nature, he is soft as wax, he has a very tender, vulnerable soul, he is easy to offend and humiliate. However, for his convictions, for his loved ones, especially for children, he will fight to the death. Outwardly, these are quite well-fed people, women are distinguished by a magnificent bust.

Antitoteme - Elk, aggressive, obstinate and nervous, striving to insist on his own at any cost. Such people are often distinguished by thinness.

16. Badger (1920, 1952, 1984, 2016, 2048)

Symbolism of the sign:



Keyvan, Treasure Keeper. Badger teaches the need to fight for your rights, for a "place in the sun", to defend yourself from attacks. Badger advises to take the initiative. If the problem is emotional, then the badger advises letting off steam, crying and screaming, instead of holding back your feelings. Badger advises unconventional methods treatment - roots and herbs.

Badger - This animal is symbolically different in that it lives in a dark hole ("afraid of the light") and exists "at the expense of its own fat." This made him, like the mole, the epitome of greed. The Year of the Badger is associated with memories of the past, with vaults, funds, banks, warehouses, a heavy load of memories. The year is considered safe, stable. The badger is an aggressive and agile animal, accustomed to fiercely fighting for what it wants. A person with this totem should be a very thrifty owner, thrifty and practical, efficient and rather cautious. He always has a lot of decisions, it is impossible to tell from his appearance and actions what he is doing.

He can keep the main business of his life a secret even from the closest people. The figure of such an individual is dense, prone to fullness, the face is pointed, the height is medium, the eyes are elongated. Badgers always live in memories and are very conservative. Them feature- the ability to logic and mathematics, the gift of the researcher and psychologist.

The antitoteme of the Badger - the Mole - is careless, greedy, unreliable, vicious, does not believe in anything and hates people.

17. Camel (1921, 1953, 1985, 2017, 2049)

Symbolism of the sign:

The highest embodiment of moderation and sobriety.


Rashin - good.

Camel totem suggests asceticism, endurance, the ability to be content with little. Camel has almost nothing. He always carries everything that is his with him, and he always distributes it very reasonably and harmoniously. He is distrustful, always expects the worst, can spit on everyone. By the way, the more a Camel loves a person, the more he ridicules him. He does not hide his attitude towards people, is sharp in language, knows his own worth and tries to reach everything on his own. These are reliable and hard-working people who hide an extremely serious attitude to life under the mask of mockery and mockery. He is always ready to forgive a lot to his wife, his relatives and children, whom he early accustoms to independence.

The antitoteme of the Camel is the Hyena, which is alien to healthy cynicism, but sweetness and a desire to have fun are inherent.

18. Hedgehog (1922, 1954, 1986, 2018, 2050)

Symbolism of the sign:

Rage, stinginess.


Hvarna - grace. The hedgehog is an animal endowed in folk beliefs with wisdom, as well as aversive and healing properties.
The hedgehog is small and completely defenseless - it has neither fast legs to avoid danger, nor sharp teeth and, undoubtedly, would be constantly in danger of damage if nature did not take care of its safety. With his needles, he can hurt any animal that attacks him. On the other hand, stinginess and fury are attributed to this animal, since it menacingly instructs its needles during a fight. The hedgehog pierces the world of Darkness with its thorns and either defeats it or shakes it up.

This is a year of grace, unpredictability, freedom. This year you can meet with unexpected events. A man with a Hedgehog totem looks a lot like a brownie from folk tales - just as unpredictable, ruffy, outwardly somewhat vain, even fussy. He basically has a huge head, messy hair, a pointed nose, and a rather boring voice. Such people have an amazing memory, especially visual, are too picky and like to "cling" to details, "pierce" on trifles. In friendship, they are very honest.

The antitoteme of the Hedgehog - the Shrew - is illegible in connections, but outwardly smoothed. He puts up with lies, betrays friends and does nasty things. And although he is cowardly, he is sure of complete impunity.

19. Doe (1923, 1955, 1987, 2019, 2051)

Symbolism of the sign:

Women's nature.


Art is true. In many myths, the image of Lani represents the female animal nature of a potentially demonic nature, although to us she seems to be an elegant creature. In the family tree of Genghis Khan, the foremother is the mother - the deer, the forefather - the wolf.

In ancient Greek mythology, the Kerinean deer was a magical and sacred creature belonging to the goddess of the hunt, Artemis.
The year is associated with the search for a higher idea, with harmony, beauty, with the manifestation of the maternal principle. The year of Lani is the year of checking a person's conscience.

People with the Lani totem are distinguished by grace, grace of figure, light tread, aristocracy and sophistication of manners. They are easy to identify by their amazing interesting eyes with a blanket. They are romantic by nature, artistic, capricious, deeply feel and experience. They usually do well in art. They sometimes, however, lack intelligence and common sense.

The antitoteme is the Cow (according to some reports, the Goat). He manifests himself as excessive rationalism, rudeness and a sedentary lifestyle. The figure of such people is the complete opposite of the totem. Despite this, they like to dress in such a way that instead of merits, they rather emphasize flaws.

20. Elephant (1924, 1956, 1988, 2020, 2052)

Symbolism of the sign:

Strength, fidelity, patience, wisdom, marital fidelity, longevity, prosperity, happiness; symbol of royal power.


Asha-Vakhishta, Supreme Righteousness.

This year is associated with special strength, stability, seriousness. The deeds begun this year have far-reaching consequences. A person with a manifested Elephant totem has a large, massive torso and the same legs. It has a long nose and short ears. The elephant is balanced: it is difficult to piss him off, but then it can be very difficult to stop. He has gigantic strength. Although he is conservative by nature, he is able to break any obstacles if he sees that it is necessary.

The elephant is the keeper of the foundations, traditions, hearth, the head of the family and its support. He is slow, but very stubborn, appreciates cooperation with other people. Despite his mighty appearance. The elephant is suspicious and does not trust himself, because of which he misses many good opportunities.

Antitotem - Anteater - stunted in appearance, fussy, talkative and extremely unreliable in family relationships.

21. Horse (1925, 1957, 1989, 2021, 2053)

Symbolism of the sign:

Endurance and justice.


Mithra, or the Eye of God, the Lord of the Plains is the deity of the Sun, the Lord of Heaven, who accompanies souls when they return to heaven.

Unlike the skittish, selfish Horse of the eastern horoscope, the Horse of the Zoroastrian calendar is the personification of endurance and justice. This year is associated with an oath and a contract, punishment for Injustice. A person with a manifested Horse totem is the blacksmith of his own happiness. He is honest and courageous, loves nature and space, travel and sports. Standing guard over order and justice, he can "crush" anyone who tries to break some kind of formality. But, achieving his own, he can go against society. The horse shows strength only in mass. The Horse has a good figure of athletic build, proud posture, big teeth, coarse hair and big beautiful eyes.

The antitoteme of the Horse - Loshak - is an optional and cowardly subject. Perhaps the antitoteme will also manifest itself on the external level - with weak legs and rotten teeth.

22. Cheetah (1926, 1958, 1990, 2022, 2054)

Symbolism of the sign:

Speed, ferocity, valor, aggressiveness and power.


Shahrivar, Heavenly Host. The cheetah is a symbol of speed, ferocity and valor. The cheetah is a predatory mammal, which is the fastest land animal (in pursuit of prey, it can reach speeds of up to 115 kilometers per hour). Like the tiger and the panther, it expresses the qualities of the aggressiveness and power of the lion without its solar meaning.

In the years of the Cheetah, wars and revelations often result. This year may decide the beginning of some new political course.

The cheetah runs fast, instantly passes large spaces, knows how to exist in extreme conditions. The cheetah always strives to "smell" any danger, calculates all the moves and exits. He loves to fight, but in some episodes he can retreat in order to gain strength and attack again from the rear. Cheetah people are warlike, aggressive, with a mad disposition, fearless, treacherous. But they are not born hunters - his mother teaches him this necessary art. They know how and love to play, but after their games everything in the house is upside down. Man with manifested totem

Cheetah - an honest man, a noble fighter; he should be fit, lean, feline graceful, but very strong, with a firm look.

The antitoteme of the Cheetah is the Swamp Cat. This is a cowardly, weak and promiscuous person.

23. Peacock (1927, 1959, 1991, 2023, 2055)

Symbolism of the sign:

Immortality, longevity, love, stars; associated with the storm.


Spenta Mainyu, the Holy Spirit, penetrating everything on earth.

This is the year of seduction, games, the year of terrible deceptions. Evil in these years is disguised, dressed in white clothes and deceives people. A person with a manifested Peacock totem is cheerful and many-sided, unexpected, loves to play. He strives to maximize his creative potential and shines with all facets of his talent. It constantly reveals more and more new features, it never stands still and not only never ceases to amaze others, but also never ceases to amaze itself. He does not cling to property and other earthly goods. A person born in the year of the Peacock is very often disliked due to the fact that he is too exposed. He always has a lot of plans, sometimes completely insane, which he is far from always able to bring to life.

The peacock is cheerful and many-sided, absolutely does not value property (more precisely, it is not the main thing in his life). Its antitoteme is certainly less pleasant. The thrush, unlike the colorful, bright peacock, is gray and gloomy. He is withdrawn, full of malice and has a harsh, raspy voice.

24. Swan (1928, 1960, 1992, 2024, 2056)

Symbolism of the sign:

Peace and tranquility, peaceful life.


Haurvat, Supreme Truth.

The Year of the Swan is associated with the spiritual unification of people. In a material sense, these people are heavy. This year you can not defile the water. This year may be miracles, in the worst case - a manifestation of greed, deceit, purchasing intrigues, promises that are not kept.

For a person with the manifested totem of the Swan, selflessness, pride, loyalty to high ideals, a tendency to self-deepening and meditation are characteristic. He does not pay any attention to the material lags. He is closed in his inner world and somewhat cut off from the outer world, but he is extremely attached to people dear to him and very faithful in love. He is very affectionate, can wither away without loved ones. The person with the Swan totem has a long, graceful neck.

In the negative version, the year is somewhat akin to the antitoteme, the Duck, greedy and obsessed with material problems, deceitful and unreliable.

25. Lynx/Nightingale (1929, 1961, 1993, 2025, 2057)

Symbolism of the sign:

Power, blind strength and fury; combination with the totem of the Nightingale - the power of beauty and the power of art.


Haoma, divine drink (in large quantities intoxicates, leads to madness).

The year of the Lynx is associated with trials, unexpected phenomena. Eyes are opened to true events, changes, catastrophes. Sometimes, when people deserve it, the totem of the Nightingale may appear. People with the Lynx totem have something feline in their appearance. Their behavior is unpredictable. Sometimes peaceful and calm, sometimes they suddenly show anger and hatred.

Lynx always has a mess, collapse, but she does not forgive others for this. People with this totem often seem loose, but they know how to instantly gather and mobilize. They are full of optimism, full of ideas. They have the gift of prophecy. People with the Nightingale totem have a noble posture, a beautiful silvery voice. They have a strict disposition, they are peaceful, with a sense of dignity.

It happens, however, that an antitotheme also appears. Timidity (even cowardice) distinguishes the behavior of the Mouse, which is helpful, petty and boring.

26. Donkey (1930, 1962, 1994, 2026, 2058)

Symbolism of the sign:

Peace and stability, patience, great inner strength.


Spenta Armaiti, Beneficent World.

Year of the beginning of abundance, exit from crises. The donkey is a symbol of peace and stability, patience, great inner strength. The totem of the Donkey suggests in a person great working capacity, endurance, patience, peacefulness, complaisance, calmness, the ability and desire to do a lot with one's own hands, great modesty.

Such a person approaches any life situation in a sensible and balanced way, has a fairly strong character, but he needs some additional impulse to work. When the world is restless, in times of conflict and unrest, the Donkey becomes passive, withdrawn and stubborn, unwilling to do anything. It is considered a favorable sign if a person born in the year of the Donkey has an elongated oval face, strong, somewhat protruding teeth, and large ears.

In troubled times, the peaceful and modest Donkey becomes passive, withdrawn and stubborn, and does not want to do anything, and there it is not far from the manifestation of the Mule. The antitoteme is cowardly, petty and lustful.

27. Eagle (1900, 1932, 1964, 1996, 2028)

Symbolism of the sign:

Height of spirit, spiritual principle, Sun, male activity, father.


Amertat - immortality.

These are the years of construction, serious plans and projects that are beginning to be implemented. The year of uniting people. Those who have manifested the Eagle totem are distinguished by a proud posture, a beautiful, as it were, chased profile, a well-placed voice, and the ability to behave with dignity in any society. These people do not think of themselves outside the team, outside their clan, they are able to sacrifice themselves to a great cause. Eagle people see the future. They are the defenders of statehood, they are not afraid of any obstacles and barriers. Many do not like them for their aristocracy, high ideals, chivalrous behavior. AT personal life these people are very ascetic.

Antitoteme - Fly (symbolizes envy, vanity, inconstancy), manifested by intemperance, uncleanliness and voracity.

28. Fox (1901, 1933, 1965, 1997, 2029)

Symbolism of the sign:

Cunning and deceit; subtle and sophisticated mind, mockery and insight.


Vata, the free Spirit of the Wind, which carries away sorrows.

In the year of the Fox, little things decide a lot, a lot depends on the case. This is the year of the draw. The fox has a sharp mind that allows you to expose intrigues. In the year of the Fox, as a rule, people are born with very mysterious, strange and changeable destinies, and rarely any of them will have a monotonous life. People with the manifested Fox totem are distinguished by dexterity, mockery and cunning. True, they are a little cowardly, they never ask for trouble, but they are very prudent, they know how to "see through" any intrigue and show the right path to others. They love to punish meanness and unravel stupidity and swagger. Outwardly, the Fox is thin, with a sharp muzzle.

The antitoteme of the Fox is a cowardly and greedy adaptation Weasel.

29. Dolphin (1902, 1934, 1966, 1998, 2030)

Symbolism of the sign:

Salvation, erotic deities.


Vohu-Man, Good Thought. The dolphin serves as a link between the earthly and the heavenly and is the king of fish, the savior of shipwrecked people, the escort of souls in the other world. It symbolizes the sea, sea power, safety and speed, freedom, nobility, love, pleasure.

The dolphin is a graceful sea animal - an allegory of salvation inspired by ancient legends that depict it as a friend of man. The image of a dolphin is associated with pagan, erotic deities and other symbols. This is the most reasonable year. A year of travel, big plans, mysterious events, a year of help and salvation.

People born in the year of the Dolphin are inspired idealists, wise and clearly distinguish between Light and Darkness, bringing support in difficult times. They are devoted to great ideals, characterized by a commitment to philosophy and peacemaking. They are very mystical and mysterious in their actions, they constantly monitor everything and can quietly provide assistance. They take on the most important part of the responsibilities. Able to read and transmit thoughts at a distance.

People with a manifested antitoteme are the complete opposite of Dolphin. Crucian is vindictive and vicious, sowing discord everywhere, seeking to distort the truth in every way, to mix evil and good. It leaves chaos and ruin in its wake.

30. Vepr (1903, 1935, 1967, 1999, 2031)

Symbolism of the sign:

Mostly positive, although it can symbolize both savagery and the dominance of demonic forces.


Vertragna - victory.

This year, tension, struggle, and contradictions are aggravated. The wars that began this year reach a special intensity. People born in the year of the Boar are brave, courageous, fearless, determined. The boar is always ready to repulse the enemy, striving for superiority. He knows how to correctly assess his strength and does not accept aimless actions.

In a peaceful environment, he listens to the opinions of others and is quite tolerant, especially to his own. Boars forgive a lot to their loved ones, allowing them to sit on their necks. People with a manifest Boar totem have an athletic build, a large top part body and large head. Boars have an indomitable temper, but at the same time they are able to perfectly obey the power of a higher idea.

The antitoteme of the Boar is the Pig. It manifests itself in greed and malice, deceit and resourcefulness. It only works for bad purposes.

31. Owl (1904, 1936, 1968, 2000, 2032)

Symbolism of the sign:

Sometimes - deceit, loneliness, but more often - wisdom.


Mach - Moon.

In the year of the Owl, you need to pay attention to the shadow side of things, since it is the dark forces that manifest themselves very strongly this year. People with this totem have their own schedule of life, they can sleep during the day and stay awake at night. From them come seers, predictors of the future, organizers of secret societies. These people are very closed, prone to mysticism and suspicious (especially men). They live mysterious life and no less mysteriously leave it.

The activities of the best representatives of this year of birth are aimed at protecting the highest values, although they cannot resist the superior forces of the enemy and fully manifest themselves only in a friendly environment.

If a person born at this time becomes vile, vindictive and cowardly, then the antitoteme, Owl, appears in him.

32. Falcon (1905, 1937, 1969, 2001, 2033)

Symbolism of the sign:

Inspiration, victory, climbing through all levels; freedom.


Khvarshat - Sun.

Swift and sharp in movements, the Falcon is beautiful in appearance and retains harmony and keen eyesight until very old age. Those born this year are preachers and reformers of religion, obsessed with the idea of ​​resurrecting lost knowledge. However, these people can be reckless, although later, most likely, they will regret their behavior.

With wise leadership, the Falcons are capable of a lot, but they will not tolerate dictate. One of their interesting properties is their amazing ability to disorganize, ruin something, and this will be done with pleasure.

Falcons tend to think about death and what they leave behind. People who do not value the past, grumpy and cowardly, who do not attach much importance to love, reflect the signs of the antitoteme of the Falcon - Sparrow.

The Year of the Falcon is characterized by schism and a battle for justice. New projects at this time should be started only if a person is confident in his abilities.

Analytical method (method of general information collection)

Some of us have been connected to our totem while still in the womb. This betrays their appearance: facial features, demeanor or other subtle signs resemble some kind of animal or bird. You should not panic or complex about this: being under the invisible protection of your sacred friend, a person receives unlimited possibilities. Listen to the opinions of others. Perhaps someone has already said: “You walk like a cat!” or compared the look with an eagle.

A totem animal can also pass by inheritance, from deceased ancestors. Then they talk about a family or family totem. An analogy can be drawn with the family coat of arms, which depicted the symbols of the family. If you manage to learn about such a hereditary totem and start revering it, then it will become easier to find your patron. But the main thing that you can do for a family totem in gratitude for his work is to keep the memory of him and tell other members of the family about his miraculous power.

AT special occasions you need to act on the contrary. If the rational principle is very strong in a person, then he will begin to be afraid and repel his totem. So people are afraid of wolves, spiders and other animals. But only panic and unaccountable fear can be regarded as a signal that a protector and patron has been found.