Evidence that we live in the matrix - an enchanted soul. We live in the Matrix and our world is not real

Are we just the result computer modeling? Who or what is our creator? More and more scientists are now seriously considering the possibility that we could live in the matrix, and they say there is plenty of evidence for this all around us.

One such scientist, Rich Terrell, of the Laboratory jet propulsion NASA, Caltech and participated in preparing missions to Mars, discovering four new moons of Saturn, Neptune and Uranus and photographing the distant solar system.

Terrell has his own opinion about our Creator, who is commonly called God.

“What are the requirements for God? God is interdimensional and controls everything related to everything in the entire universe. The Creator who is in charge of the Universe and can change the laws of physics if he wanted to. There must be a God,” Terrell says.

This is the same way programmers create scientific models, Terrell explains. Terrell confirms this belief using Moore's law and the Turing test.

Terrell wondered what percentage of power was needed to simulate the Earth. Humans are doubling their computing power every 13 months, and Terrell says computers are already matching the power of the human brain, according to at least in computing speed.

Our fast computers are now capable of one million billion operations per second, Terrell says. In this case, in 10 years, Terrell believes, computers will be able to create a real model of everything that we see around us and in general - the Earth.

But can a computer fill such a model with thinking beings, simulating artificial intelligence creatures such as people? Terrell thinks that people are on the verge of creating worlds inside computers inhabited by living beings.

Terrell says he has found evidence that God is a programmer in nature.

“Look at how the Universe behaves, it's all quantum and made of pixels. Space, matter, energy, everything consists of individual pixels. Which means that the Universe has a finite number of components. This means a finite number of states, which means everything is created by a computer.

In his scientific work"The Simulation Argument" Professor Nick Bostrom of the University of Oxford has suggested that we are likely already in a simulation.

Research carried out by other scientists, such as David Bohm, Karl Pribram and Alain Aspect, suggests that our Universe is a gigantic and well-made holographic illusion.

“Our world has every sign that it is nothing more than computer model. But who needed to create all this and imitate people’s lives... Maybe these are our descendants from the future? They would then be god-like beings for us, capable of creating their own universes. Perhaps we came from nothingness in self-awareness and further self-awareness reached a stage where our future descendants became gods themselves,” says Rich Terrell.

Are we all living in a matrix?

Every child sooner or later asked their parents where the starry sky ends and what is behind it? The answer, as a rule, was terrible for the child’s consciousness: “The Universe is limitless, it has no end.” To realize the existence of something limitless is beyond the power of either a child’s imagination or the brain of an adult. This was the case until films began to appear in world cinema with enviable regularity, the plot of which played with the idea of ​​the illusory nature of our universe. The world-famous trilogy: “The Matrix” became an unconditional hit among such films. However, films, films, but many researchers wondered, what if this is how things really are? From that moment on, a boom began on Earth in the search for parallel worlds and attempts to make contact with the main system administrator of the program called “humanity.”

Humanity simulation

Researchers call one of the most likely scenarios for the development of post-human civilization not only the gradual fusion of humans and computer systems, but also a gradual retreat into the virtual world. After all, by that time supercomputers will be able to create in the smallest detail any most fantastic world, any historical era and a person will actually be able to choose in which world to spend first his free time, and then possibly his whole life. Even today, to the question of what reality is, each person will answer differently depending on his social status, wealth and intelligence. At the same time, philosophers who study human consciousness have long stopped connecting their consciousness with the body, believing that the same consciousness can exist in different “carriers.” Indeed, doctors are confident that for consciousness to exist, it only needs to be embodied in carbon-based biological neural networks, which can also be technologically obtained using silicon processors. Similar statements apply to brain cells, if humanity learns to synthesize them electronically, then the resulting cell, which has all the characteristics of a biological one, will be able to replace it, which will inevitably lead to the emergence of artificial people who have the consciousness of a living person, but, unlike him, have an artificial non-aging body with replaceable components. In addition, posthumanity will certainly want to simulate many historical characters with the full surroundings of their era, in order to look with their own eyes at possible options for the development of human civilization. However, it may simply not occur to people that the created models will consider themselves to be real, living people. And here lies an extremely exciting guess-version. What if humanity has long ago reached a post-human state, and our world is just a virtual projection of the real world, which has developed so much that it will soon be ready to create its own virtual worlds?

Search for a system administrator

Let's assume that we live in a virtual world, then there must be some objective things that confirm such a guess. Oddly enough, the main evidence lies in human mythology. After all, the Gods of any religion, if you believe sacred texts created people by declaring the laws by which they should live. This state of affairs is extremely similar to a programmer who created a computer world and its inhabitants, telling them, through the prototype of God he created, how to behave so that the game does not end before its allotted time. No wonder when people stop following higher rules, the programmer erases them, populating the world he created with new “modified” entities.

Electronic resort

In this regard, the term “fate” is defined quite simply. In fact, when creating people, the variations in their actions are limited by the imagination of the creator - the programmer, so he comes up with each of the created virtual characters - programs the plot of his life. It is simply impossible to turn away from it; other characters will either return you to the “true” path or destroy it. It is also possible that our world is an amusement park for some higher civilization, whose inhabitants are “loaded” into the body of a person with a certain destiny in order to have fun, and then return to their world. This is eloquently proven by the fate of great people, such as generals or conquerors. Contemporaries said about each of them that they were supposedly led by some external force. They make the only right decisions and do only right steps. At the same time, genius dictators often complained to those close to them that they heard some voices. But, at some point, the voices suddenly disappear, and the ruler or conqueror flies head over heels down the social ladder, usually to the scaffold. There is nothing to be surprised here, it’s just that in another world, the user paid for the game “become a conqueror”, his consciousness was uploaded into common man, creating ideal conditions for him in our virtual world so that he could reach stratospheric heights. Then, when the player gets tired of playing dictator, he returns to his body, in his world. The person who played the role of a case for the player’s consciousness is thrown to the mercy of fate. Such games can be collective, when a whole group of entities is loaded into our world, or players can play against each other, as is already happening today in human computer strategy games.

Evidence to the stage

As proof of the artificiality of our world, we can cite a strange fact that has long been noticed by astronomers around the world. In their opinion, the surrounding space is extremely friendly towards the Earth. It’s as if something is protecting her from cosmic radiation, huge meteorites and other unpleasant surprises of space. Moreover, guardianship became noticeable from the moment intelligent life appeared on the planet. The same carbon necessary for the emergence of life did not arise at the moment big bang, like all other matter, but only as a result of the most complex and unlikely nuclear reactions in the depths of giant stars, after an explosion, which spread throughout the Universe. Thus, the English astronomer Fred Hall called the Universe a “machinery,” hinting at its artificial nature of creation. And the famous astronomer Martin Rea has repeatedly suggested that both we ourselves and our Universe are nothing more than a virtual model of some more powerful civilization. Of course, no virtual model can be one hundred percent reliable; there must be errors in it, and there are! So John Web from the University of NSW, studying the light of distant quasars, unexpectedly discovered that about six billion years ago, there was a minute shift in the speed of light. However, this cannot be! Unless an unknown programmer overloaded our world by making changes to it.

Have German scientists found the boundary of space?

According to the Daily Mail, German scientists have experimentally scientifically proven that we live in a virtual world. For this purpose, Silas Bean from the University of Bonn created theoretical model universe, to check fundamental principle its infinity. In his model, the scientist used the theory of quantum chronodynamics, which describes the strong interaction of elementary particles. The scale of the model can be represented as the interaction of particles to the power of 10 to minus 15. The virtual model of space created in this way limited the energy of particles, confirming the thesis of a finite universe that only imitates reality. It also turned out that back in 1966 the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit was calculated, which describes the upper limit of the energy of cosmic rays from distant sources. This discovery, however, does not directly indicate the virtuality of our Universe, but determines the limit of the propagation of cosmic rays. In conclusion, we can only say one thing: if our world is virtual, no matter if it was created for the purpose of an experiment, a game, or a resting place for entities from more developed civilizations, it is of interest to the creators only as long as humanity does not realize the unreality of its existence. In this regard, the most reasonable thing for people would be to pretend that they have no idea about anything and comply with everything higher laws sent down to us by the creators.

Even the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who lived almost two and a half millennia ago, suggested that our world is not real. With the advent computer equipment and with the acquisition of virtual reality, humanity is increasingly coming to the understanding that the world in which it lives may be a simulation of reality - a matrix, and who created it and why, we will most likely never know.

Even today, having, for example, the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer (China), capable of performing almost one hundred quadrillion calculations per second, it is possible to simulate several million years of human history in a matter of days. But quantum computers are coming, which will work millions of times faster than the current ones. What parameters will computers have in fifty, one hundred years?

Now imagine that a certain civilization has been developing for many billions of years, and in comparison with it, ours, which is only a few thousand, is just a newborn baby. Do you think these highly developed beings are able to create a computer or some other machine capable of simulating our world? It seems that the question of whether it is possible to create a matrix has, in principle, been resolved positively (esoreiter.ru).

Who would create the matrix and why?

So, a matrix can be created; even our civilization has come close to this. But another question arises: who allowed this, since from a moral point of view this action is not entirely legal and justified. What if something goes wrong in this illusory world? Isn’t the creator of such a matrix taking on too much responsibility?

On the other hand, it can be assumed that we live in a matrix created, so to speak, illegally - by someone who is simply having fun in this way, and therefore does not even question the morality of his virtual game.

There is one too possible variant: some highly developed society launched this simulation for scientific purposes, for example, as diagnostic test to figure out what and why went wrong with the real world, and subsequently correct the situation.

The Matrix is ​​revealed through its flaws

It can be assumed that in the case of a sufficiently high-quality simulation of reality, no one inside the matrix will even understand that this is an artificial world. But here's the problem: any program, even the most advanced one, can have glitches.

These are the ones we constantly notice, although we cannot rationally explain them. For example, the effect of deja vu, when it seems to us that we have already lived through some situation, but in principle this cannot be. The same goes for many others mysterious facts and phenomena. For example, where do people disappear without a trace, sometimes right in front of witnesses? Why some stranger suddenly starts meeting with us several times a day? Why is one person seen in several places at the same time?.. Search on the Internet: similar cases are described there in thousands. And how many undescribed things are stored in people’s memory?..

Matrix is ​​based on mathematics

The world we live in can be represented in binary code. In general, the Universe is better explained mathematically than verbal language, for example, even our DNA was solved using a computer during the Human Genome Project.

It turns out that, in principle, a virtual person can be created based on this genome. And if it is possible to build one such conditional personality, then it means the whole world (the only question is the power of the computer).

Many researchers of the matrix phenomenon suggest that someone has already created such a world, and this is exactly the simulation in which we live. Using the same mathematics, scientists are trying to determine whether this is really the case. However, for now they are only making guesses...

The anthropic principle as a proof of the matrix

Scientists have long been surprised to note that in some incomprehensible way ideal conditions for life have been created on Earth (the anthropic principle). Even ours solar system– unique! At the same time, in the foreseeable most powerful telescopes There is nothing else like it in the space of the Universe.

The question arises: why did these conditions suit us so well? Maybe they are created artificially? For example, in some laboratory on a universal scale?.. Or maybe there is no Universe at all and this vast starry sky is also a simulation?

Further, on the other side of the model in which we find ourselves, there may not even be people, but creatures whose appearance, structure, and state are difficult for us to even imagine. And in this program there may be aliens who know the conditions of this game well or are even its guides (regulators) - remember the film “The Matrix”. That's why they are practically omnipotent in this simulation...

The anthropic principle echoes the Fermi paradox, according to which in an infinite Universe there should be many worlds similar to ours. And the fact that we remain alone in the Universe leads to a sad thought: we are in the matrix, and its creator is interested in just such a scenario - “loneliness of the mind”...

Parallel worlds as proof of the matrix

The theory of the multiverse - the existence of parallel universes with an infinite set of all possible parameters - is another indirect proof of the matrix. Judge for yourself: where did all these universes come from and what role do they play in the universe?

However, if we assume a simulation of reality, then many similar worlds are quite understandable: these are numerous models with different variables necessary for the creator of the matrix, say, to test a particular scenario in order to obtain the best result.

God created the matrix

According to this theory, our matrix was created by the Almighty, and in almost the same way as we create virtual reality in computer games: using binary code. At the same time, the Creator not only simulated real world, but also introduced the concept of the Creator into people’s consciousness. Hence the numerous religions, belief in higher powers, and worship of God.

This idea has its own discrepancies in the interpretation of the Creator. Some believe that the Almighty is just a programmer, albeit of the highest, not accessible to man level, which also has a supercomputer on a universal scale.

Others believe that God creates this Universe in some other way, for example, cosmic or - in our understanding - mystical. In this case, this world can also, albeit with a stretch, be considered a matrix, but then it is not clear what is considered the real world?..

What is beyond the matrix?

Considering the world as a matrix, we naturally ask the question: what is beyond its boundaries? A supercomputer surrounded by programmers - creators of numerous matrix programs?

However, these programmers themselves may not be real, that is, the Universe may be infinite both in width (many parallel worlds within one program) and in depth (many layers of the simulation itself). It was this theory that was put forward at one time by the Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, who believed that the creatures who created our matrix could themselves be simulated, and the creators of these post-humans, in turn, too - and so on ad infinitum. We see something similar in the film “The Thirteenth Floor,” although only two levels of the simulation are shown there.

Remains main question: who created the real world, and does it even exist? If not, then who created all these self-nested matrices? Of course, one can argue this way ad infinitum. It’s all one thing to try to understand: if God created this whole world, then who created God himself? According to psychologists, persistent thinking on such topics is a direct path to a psychiatric hospital...

The Matrix is ​​a much deeper concept

Some researchers have a question: is it even worth creating all these complex matrix programs with multi-billion people, not to mention endless universes? Maybe everything is much simpler, because each person interacts only with a certain set of people and situations. What if, apart from the main character, that is you, all other people are fakes? It is no coincidence that with certain mental and emotional efforts a person can radically change the world around him. It turns out that either each person has his own world, his own matrix, or each of us is the only player in a single matrix? And that only player is you! And even the article about the simulation that you are reading right now is a program code necessary for your development (or for the game), like everything else that surrounds you.

The latter is, of course, hard to believe, because in this case there are an infinite number of matrices not only in depth and width, but also in the infinity of other dimensions, about which we have no idea yet. Of course, you can convince yourself that there is a super programmer behind all this. But how then is he different from the Almighty? And who is above him? There is no answer, and can there be one?..

Some strange moments in life give rise to doubt in us: “Perhaps we are living in the Matrix? Was what we saw a glitch (program failure)?” Here are some weird and funny moments described in in social networks Reddit and Imgur that you might find interesting.

1. Chicken or shrimp?

“Me and my friend were at a Chinese restaurant and ordered chicken and shrimp for lunch. We sat down and placed the boxes of food on the table. He opened his container, there were noodles, shrimp and fried rice. He closed the lid and opened another box. There were also shrimp, noodles and fried rice.

“I think they got the orders mixed up,” I was about to say, when my friend said, “Looks like they made a mistake and gave us two portions...” Then he opened the first box again. Inside was chicken, white rice and an egg roll. He froze and looked at me, I looked at him. We were shocked and sat in silence for about five minutes before we came to our senses.”

2. Glitch on the bus?

How often do you find yourself with three girls wearing the same clothes?

3. “I wonder who I am?”

“I had a (subjectively) long real dream, in which I was a seller at the fish market. I remember how in the dream I got up early, got dressed, did my morning routine, drank tea and went to the docks. There I bought fish, put it in a basket and went to get some ice. I also haggled because the fish was not very fresh. Then I came to my place in the market and sold fish all day.

It was so real. I talked with friends, smoked cheap cigarettes, bargained with customers, had lunch, drank tea, and just lived all day. In the evening I washed my hands, counted the proceeds, paid rent and went home. I cooked some fish that I didn't have time to sell with vegetables and rice that I also traded. I drank some tea again, relaxed, and then took hot bath. Lying in the bath, I smoked and then went to bed.

The next morning I woke up refreshed, ready to head to the docks to buy a fresh catch... However, I was in my home, next to my wife. My truck was parked on the street. It was Saturday - a day off. My wife and I were going to Oregon to ski. The car was already loaded. Very strange... In the dream I was single and smoking (actually I don’t smoke). All long sleep I spoke Chinese fluently. Yes, in the dream I was Chinese.

I'm actually a big, hairy white dude. I speak Spanish quite well, and I know a little Russian, but I never... It was very strange. I've never worked at a fish market.

I wonder who I am? I wonder what it was?

4. Glitch on the sidewalk?

How often does such a repetition occur in ordinary life?

5. What are the chances of seeing identical cars with almost identical license plates?

6. Sudden fluency in French

“A few years ago I was with my (now ex) girlfriend. Waking up in the morning, we chatted a little in clear French. I got up, went to the shower and suddenly realized that none of us spoke French. When I got out of the shower, I asked my friend about it. She remembered, but wasn't as embarrassed as I was. I can't even remember what we talked about because I don't know French. The brain is a strange thing."

Another user on Reddit commented on the post: “I was in Paris on Christmas Eve and went to night club. I drank a lot and jumped into a taxi with one girl from the club. She said this morning that she was amazed at how fluent I spoke French. I told her that I don't know French at all. But she convinced me that I chatted for about 30 minutes in perfect French with the taxi driver.”

7. Glitch in the sky?

Maybe someone trimmed the trees?

One of the popular conspiracy theories argues that the world around us actually exists only in virtual form. In this case, how to prove that this is just a matrix and not real reality? On social networks and forums you can find stories of people who believe that they witnessed a “software failure”...

Glitch in the matrix: examples

Thus, one of the users reported that he and his friend once went to a Chinese restaurant. There, they both ordered chicken with rice and egg rolls for lunch. But when the user's friend opened his container, there was no chicken, but there were shrimp, noodles and fried rice. The narrator's container contained the same thing. Friends had already decided that their orders had been mixed up.

But then for some reason the narrator’s friend opened his container again. It came with chicken, white rice and an egg roll. Both were shocked...

Another forum visitor said that he once had a very realistic dream. In the dream he was a fishmonger. He remembered all the details in great detail: he supposedly woke up early in the morning, did his household chores, had breakfast and went to the docks, where he bought a catch from the fishermen to sell. At the same time, I bargained because the fish turned out to be not very fresh. Then the man went to the market and spent the whole day trading...

“It was so real,” the narrator recalls. “I talked to friends, smoked cheap cigarettes, bargained with customers, had lunch, drank tea, and just lived all day. In the evening, I washed my hands, counted the proceeds, paid the rent and went home. "I cooked some fish that I didn't have time to sell, with vegetables and rice, which I also traded. I drank tea again, relaxed, and then took a hot bath. Lying in the bath, I smoked, and then went to bed."

Waking up the next morning, the man was about to go to the docks again to buy fish, but discovered that it was a dream and that he was not a fishmonger by profession. In the dream he was not married, but in real life he had a wife.

Since it was a day off, the couple planned to go to Oregon to ski. Also, in the dream the man smoked, but in real life he did not. And most importantly, in a dream he was Chinese and spoke Chinese, but in reality he was an American and spoke, naturally, English. In addition, he knew Spanish and a little Russian... “It was very strange. I have never worked at a fish market,” the author of the message writes.

Many stories are associated with suddenly awakened knowledge foreign languages. Thus, one of the users recalls: “A few years ago I was with my (now ex) girlfriend. We woke up in the morning and chatted a little in the purest French. I got up, went to the shower and suddenly realized that neither of us spoke French.

When I got out of the shower, I asked my friend about it. She remembered, but wasn't as embarrassed as I was. I can't even remember what we talked about because I don't know French. The brain is a strange thing."

Here's another user's comment on this post: "I was in Paris on Christmas Eve and went to a nightclub. I drank a lot and jumped into a taxi with one girl from the club. She said in the morning that she was amazed at how fluent I spoke... "French. I told her that I don't know French at all. But she convinced me that I chatted for about 30 minutes in perfect French with the taxi driver."

It can be assumed that as a result of a “glitch” we are thrown into another “program”, where we order different dishes in a restaurant, live a completely different life, or are able to speak languages ​​that are not known to us in this life. But we perceive it as a “dream” or a “glitch”...

Photos of people in exactly the same clothes, seemingly unfamiliar with each other, have also been published on the Internet. One photo shows two cars with exactly the same license plates. According to the authors of the photo, this can also be considered arguments in favor of the Matrix...

Our matrix was created by an advanced civilization

Back in 2003, Swedish transhumanist philosopher Nick Bostrom suggested that our reality is a simulation, the result of a computer simulation carried out by a civilization that has reached a high stage of development. And in 2012, a team of physicists from Germany and the USA figured out how to test this experimentally. They assumed that the computers of the future would run on quantum basis.

In this case, the resolution limit of the spatial “cells” of the simulated reality cannot be infinite. Indeed, there is a Greisen - Zatsepin - Kuzmin limit, which limits the energy of cosmic radiation. And humanity will learn to model a space with parameters like ours in about 140 years.

So it is possible that the Universe consists of many realities that model each other. And what reality is real is unknown...

Margarita Troitsyna

Have you ever thought that our real world may not be real at all? What if everything around us is just an illusion invented by someone? This is exactly what the computer simulation hypothesis is about. Let's try to understand whether this theory is worth seriously considering or whether it is just a figment of someone's imagination, which has no basis.

“He is your illusion”: how the simulation hypothesis appeared

It is completely wrong to think that the idea that our world is just an illusion only recently appeared. This idea was also expressed by Plato (of course, in a different form, not referring to computer simulation). In his opinion, the true material value have only ideas, everything else is just a shadow. Aristotle shared similar views. He believed that ideas are embodied in material objects, therefore everything is a simulation.

The French philosopher Rene Descartes in the 17th century said that “some evil genius, very powerful and prone to deception,” made humanity think that everything around people is the real physical world, but in reality our reality is just a fantasy this genius.

Despite the fact that the very idea of ​​simulation theory is rooted in the distant past, the theory flourished with the development information technologies. One of the main terms in the development of computer simulation is “virtual reality”. The term itself was coined in 1989 by Jaron Lanier. A virtual reality- this is a kind of artificial world where the individual is immersed through the senses. Virtual reality simulates both the impact and reactions to these impacts.

IN modern world simulation theory is increasingly becoming a subject of discussion in the context of artificial intelligence developments. In 2016, Neil deGrasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist with a Ph.D. in physics, conducted debate with scientists and researchers on the topic of the simulation hypothesis. Even Elon Musk has stated that he believes in the simulation theory. According to him, the possibility that our “reality” is basic is extremely insignificant, but this is even better for humanity. In September of the same 2016, Bank of America issued an appeal to clients in which it warned that with a 20-50% probability our reality is a matrix.

Marina1408 / Bigstockphoto.com

Simulation hypothesis: how it works

How long have you played computer games? It's time to refresh your memory of how you and your friends went through in your youth GTA missions. Remember: the world in a computer game exists only around the hero. As soon as objects or other characters disappear from the virtual hero's field of view, they disappear completely. There is nothing outside the hero's space. Cars, buildings, people appear only when your character is there. In computer games, this simplification is done in order to minimize the load on the processor and optimize the game. Supporters of the simulation hypothesis see our world approximately this way.

Proof of the theory

Swedish philosopher and Oxford University professor Nick Bostrom, in his 2001 article “Are We Living in the Matrix?” offered three pieces of evidence that the simulation hypothesis is indeed true. As he says, at least one of these pieces of evidence is clearly correct. In the first proof, the philosopher states that humanity as a biological species will disappear “before reaching the “post-human” stage” (read about this in our friend). Second: any new post-human society is unlikely to launch big number simulations that would show variations of its history. His third statement is “we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation.”

In his reasoning, Bostrom gradually refutes the first two of his proofs, which automatically gives him the right to speak about the correctness of the third hypothesis. It is easy to refute the first statement: according to the researcher, humanity is capable of developing artificial intelligence to such an extent that it will be able to simulate the work of many living organisms. The validity of the second hypothesis is refuted by the theory of probability. Conclusions about the number of earthly civilizations cannot in any way be applied to the entire Universe. Consequently, if both the first and second judgments are erroneous, then we can only accept the latter: we are in a simulation.

A study by scientists at the University of California at San Diego in 2012 also speaks in favor of the theory of simulation. They found that all the most complex systems are the Universe, human brain, the Internet - have a similar structure and develop in the same way.

One of the proofs of the virtuality of our world can be considered strange behavior photons when observing them.

Thomas Young's experience back in 1803 turned “modern” physics on its head. In his experiment, he shot photons of light through a screen with a parallel slit. There was a special projection screen behind it to record the result. Shooting photons through one slit, the scientist discovered that the photons of light lined up one line on this screen, which was parallel to the slit. This confirmed the corpuscular theory of light, which states that light is made up of particles. When another slit was added to the experiment for the passage of photons, it was expected that there would be two parallel lines on the screen, however, contrary to this, a series of alternating interference fringes appeared. Thanks to this experiment, Young confirmed another - wave - theory of light, which says that light travels as an electromagnetic wave. Both theories seem to contradict each other. It is impossible for light to be both a particle and a wave at the same time.

Young's experiment, where S1 and S2 are parallel slits, a is the distance between the slits, D is the distance between the screen with slits and the projection screen, M is the point of the screen on which two rays fall simultaneously, Wikimedia

Later, scientists found that electrons, protons, and other parts of the atom behave strangely. For the purity of the experiment, scientists decided to measure exactly how a photon of light passes through the slits. To do this, a measuring device was placed in front of them, which was supposed to record the photon and put an end to the disputes between physicists. However, a surprise awaited the scientists here. When the researchers observed the photon, it again exhibited the properties of a particle, and two lines again appeared on the projection screen. That is, one fact of outside observation of the experiment caused the particles to change their behavior, as if the photon knew that it was being observed. The observation was able to destroy the wave functions and make the photon behave like a particle. Does this remind you of anything, gamers?

Based on the above, adherents of the computer simulation hypothesis compare this experiment with computer games, when the virtual world of the game “freezes” if there is no player within its boundaries. So is our world, to optimize conditional power central processor, lightens the load and does not calculate the behavior of photons until they begin to be observed.

Criticism of the theory

Of course, the evidence given for the theory of simulation is criticized by other scientists who are opponents of this hypothesis. Their main emphasis is on the fact that scientific articles, where evidence of the theory is presented, there are gross logical errors: “a logical circle, self-reference (the phenomenon when a concept refers to itself), ignoring the non-random position of observers, violation of causality and neglect of simulation control on the part of the creators.” According to Danila Medvedev, Candidate of Economic Sciences, one of the founders of the coordinating council of the Russian transhumanist movement, Bostrom’s basic principles do not stand up to philosophical and physical rules: for example, the rule of causality. Bostrom, contrary to all logic, allows the influence of future events on the events of our time.

Besides, our civilization is probably not interesting to simulate at all. Global society, according to Danila Medvedev, is not as interesting as, for example, states and local communities, and from a technological point of view, modern civilization is still too primitive.

Simulation huge amount people have no merit compared to a small number. Such large civilizations are chaotic, and there is no point in simulating them.

In 2011, Craig Hogan, director of the Center for Quantum Physics at Fermilab in the USA, decided to check whether what a person sees around him is real and not “pixels”. For this purpose he came up with the “holometer”. He analyzed beams of light from the emitter built into the device and determined that the world is not a two-dimensional hologram, and it really exists.


The theory of simulation in the film industry: what to watch to stay in the know

Directors are actively trying to explore the idea of ​​life in the matrix. It is safe to say that it was thanks to cinema that this theory reached a mass audience. Of course, the main film about computer simulation is The Matrix. The Wachowski brothers (now sisters) quite accurately managed to depict a world where humanity is controlled by a computer simulation from birth to death. Real people in the Matrix can go into this simulation to create a “second self” and transfer their consciousness into it.

The second film that those who want to learn more about computer simulation should get acquainted with is “The Thirteenth Floor.” It reflects the idea that in a simulation it is possible to move from one level to a new one. The film embodies the possibility of several simulations. Our world is a simulation, but an American company has created another new one - for a separate city. The characters move between simulations by transferring their consciousness into the bodily shell of a real person.

In the movie Vanilla Sky, with a young Tom Cruise, it is possible to enter a computer simulation after death. Physical body the hero is cryogenically frozen, and his consciousness is transferred to a computer simulation. This film is a remake of the Spanish "Open Your Eyes", filmed in 1997.

Now it is very difficult to unambiguously answer the question: whether we live in a computer matrix or not. However, such a hypothesis does exist: our Universe holds too many mysteries and blind spots. Even physics cannot explain these mysteries. And even after their solution, new, much more complex questions arise.

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