Quantum endovasal therapy (QET). Quantum therapy

In the process of evolution, man is constantly immersed in natural system electromagnetic fields and itself is part of this system. Electromagnetic vibrations exist everywhere both in the external surrounding space and inside a living organism. In the absence of the influence of the natural electromagnetic fields of the Earth, to which all living things have adapted during evolutionary development, life is impossible. Magnetic and electrical phenomena are interconnected by the form of existence of matter - electric and magnetic fields and their interaction. These fields are so interconnected and interdependent that it is customary to talk about a single electromagnetic field EMF. The electromagnetic field has a special effect on human biological systems. Processes in the body such as the connection of two molecules, cell division, oxygen transfer, muscle contraction, transmission of acetylcholine along a nerve fiber lead to the movement, appearance or disappearance of charges. In this way, currents are generated and the structure of electromagnetic fields changes. Any biocurrent in biological structures such as nerve fiber, muscle, connective tissue induces an electromagnetic field around itself, copying the shape of the current, and, therefore, reflecting the information contained in it. This information-carrying electromagnetic field affects surrounding biological objects, which use it in the form of a universal language of communication among themselves. When a person’s physical and psycho-emotional state changes, the characteristics of his electromagnetic field change. Currently, EMFs are recognized as a carrier of information function in nature, which consists in the exchange of information between biological objects and their relationships with the inorganic world. Thus, we accept the position that the characteristics of EMF are an informative feature functional state organs and systems of the body.

The biological action of any physical factor occurs with a constant exchange of information, energy and matter. These three components of the material world are a single whole in a complex relationship with each other. Matter and energy are more familiar categories, in particular because they are definable and measurable.

The concept of information is one of the most important, since the management process is associated with the receipt, accumulation and transmission of information. The study of the patterns of EMF effects on the body made it possible to identify important feature– information impact manifests itself when dosed low-intensity radiation is used. With such radiation, the body is not affected by an exciting or inhibitory flow, but by a weak signal, a carrier of a certain type of information in order to return it to the equilibrium point, also called a stable state. The determining factor of such a signal is the photobiological reaction of the body to absorbed energy quanta. The result of the impact is the establishment of relationships between cells, tissues and organs.

A new direction called - quantum therapy– received rapid development in the early 90s. To date, quantum therapy can be defined as a set of knowledge, tools and methods based on the use of electromagnetic radiation, quantum processes and wave information properties of living matter.

The impact of quantum therapy occurs exclusively at the level of molecules, organelles and cells, and then through chain reaction energy is transferred to the entire body. The special compatibility and ability to interact with protein synthesis processes explains the wide therapeutic range of action of quantum therapy devices. It has been established that quantum influence realizes the adaptive abilities hidden in the body, both at the level of the cell and the entire living system, quickly stimulating the immune system and setting in motion defense mechanisms the body to actively counteract deviations (or changes) in various diseases.

Based on many years of research, the most effective types electromagnetic radiation:

  • low-intensity pulsed caherent laser radiation with a wavelength of 890 nm,
  • broadband pulsed infrared radiation in the wave range 890-960 nm,
  • pulsating red light in the visible range 640-740 nm,
    magnetic field strength 35 mT.

Pulsed caherent laser radiation penetrates deeply (up to 12-13 cm) into tissues and has a powerful stimulating effect on blood circulation, membrane and intracellular metabolism, activates neurohumoral factors, immunocompetent systems, regulates hormonal system. In the applied range, biological tissues are optically the most transparent. Under the influence of low-intensity radiation they change cell membranes and intracellular formations, which leads to an increase in the activity of transport of substances through the membrane and an intensification of basic bioenergetic processes. It triggers a cascade of nonspecific regulatory reactions in the body, due to which there is a pronounced regenerative trophic analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Pulse incoherent infrared radiation, having less tissue penetration than laser and greater spectral latitude, acts on various reflexogenic zones, exerting a powerful harmonizing effect on the tone of the central and autonomic nervous system. Pulsating red light, penetrating to a shallower depth than infrared radiation, nevertheless has a beneficial effect by reducing the intensity inflammatory processes, especially in areas with loose connective tissue, for example in the joint area. Increases the activity of psycho-emotional spheres. A constant magnetic field serves to create energy protection the body from harmful environmental influences, including meteorological factors. The magnetic field also makes it possible to keep ionized tissue molecules in a dissociated state, which serves to increase energy at the molecular and cellular levels. The introduction of a constant magnetic field into the emitters determines the increase in penetrating ability laser radiation, which makes it possible to reduce the radiation dosage compared to laser monotherapy to achieve the same therapeutic effect.

Throbbing Blue colour– has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, relaxing effects. Main effects blue light: stimulation of energy synthesis on cellular level, lowering blood viscosity, regulating metabolism, tissue regeneration, improving the conduction of nerve impulses, enhancing the delivery and utilization of oxygen by body tissues, improving function external respiration, immunomodulatory effect.

All of the above factors, acting simultaneously (synergistically) and mutually reinforcing each other, determine unique effect quantum therapy. The totality of its mechanisms, quantum therapy acts on the regulatory links of the body that are common to diseases of different nature, which determines a wide range of indications for its use.

Quantum energy in the operating range of the created devices ensures first class laser safety and does not violate natural intermolecular bonds. This ensures that there is no risk of complications and side effects.

It should be emphasized that quantum therapy is characterized by a significant width of the “therapeutic corridor” compared to monotherapy with laser radiation. Without a doubt, to realize the development of the predicted adaptive restructuring, it is more rational to cyclically-regularly repeat low-energy procedures in a course than to lengthen the time of their implementation or increase the radiation power flux density.

Under the influence of low-intensity radiation of quantum therapy, cell membranes and intracellular formations change, which leads to an increase in the activity of transport of substances through the membrane and an intensification of basic bioenergetic processes, i.e. low-intensity red and infrared radiation have a pronounced regenerative, trophic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Promising direction under various names, it developed rapidly in the early 90s. In methods of influence quantum therapy We use a weak magnetic field with a strength of 35-65 mT, broadband infrared radiation in the wavelength range 890-960 nm, pulsating red light in the visible range 640-740 nm, coherent pulsed low-energy laser radiation with a wavelength of 890 nm, pulsating red light in the visible range 640-740 nm. (MIL therapy = Magneto-Infrared-Laser therapy, Quantum medicine

Laser infrared radiation deeply, up to 10-13 cm, penetrates into tissues and has a powerful stimulating effect on blood circulation, membrane and intracellular metabolism, activates physiological processes, harmonizes the hormonal system. It has a pronounced restorative, trophic (controlling nutrition and vital activity of the body), analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Broadband infrared radiation, having less tissue penetration than laser and greater spectral latitude, has a powerful harmonizing effect on the tone of the central and autonomic nervous system.

Red visible radiation, penetrating to a small depth, nevertheless, has a beneficial effect, reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes.

A magnetic field serves to create energetic protection of the body from harmful environmental influences, including meteorological factors.

All of the above factors, acting together (synergistically) and mutually reinforcing each other, determine the unique effect of quantum therapy. With the totality of its mechanisms, quantum therapy acts on parts of the body that are common to various diseases, which determines a wide range for its application.

Fundamental feature quantum therapy- dosed, targeted low-intensity exposure. Since in all biological systems of a living organism, in many diseases, physicochemical and biochemical processes occur at low energy levels, to bring their level to normal, a small amount of additional energy from the physical factor used is required.

Under the influence of low-intensity radiation, cell membranes and intracellular formations change, which leads to an increase in the activity of transport of substances through the membrane and an intensification of basic bioenergetic processes, i.e. low-intensity red and infrared radiation have a pronounced regenerative, trophic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

A list of major diseases, including more than 200 diseases and health-related problems, where application quantum therapy has shown practical effectiveness, clearly demonstrates the exceptional range of applications, and, therefore, the need for a wide range of users.

Quantum therapy devices treat more than 200 diseases - isn't this self-hypnosis?

First about 200 diseases. The fact that a quantum therapy device used at home is able to cope with two hundred diseases should not be surprising. And that's why. As is known, quantum therapy affects cells and subcellular structures. Still, diseases are a malfunction of the body at the cellular level. By “forcing” the cell to work normally, the device thereby “returns” the entire body to a normal, healthy state. And in this case, the “location” of the cells does not play a role.

Now about high efficiency treatment with a quantum therapy device. If the therapeutic, rehabilitation and preventive effect were observed only in adult patients, then one could assume the presence of the so-called. “placebo effect”, i.e. the therapeutic effect of self-suggestion. In fact, all the positive effects of using quantum therapy devices are observed in any multicellular organic structures: plants, animals, people.

Increased seed germination, increased resistance of seedlings to diseases - these are objective facts confirmed by many years and numerous studies of scientific research organizations of the system Agriculture. Livestock, pets, and zoo inhabitants are also not susceptible to self-hypnosis.

And finally, people. The successful and documented use of devices in pediatrics is a very powerful argument against the idea of ​​self-hypnosis.

What is the essence of treatment with quantum therapy devices?

A person is a collection of a huge number of cells. The state of health/illness is determined by their ability to carry out their functions, which ultimately boil down to gas exchange (relatively speaking, respiration), transportation, processing and synthesis of molecules of various types and types (relatively speaking, nutrition). All these processes are carried out at the molecular and submolecular level.

A “failure” at any stage of these processes is called a disease. Modern western medicine, unlike the traditional eastern one, tries to “get” to the places of “failures” with medication molecules, a surgeon’s scalpel, etc. methods.

Quantum therapy uses much more subtle and delicate methods.

  • Firstly, a quantum (portion of quanta) with the help of emitter terminals of quantum therapy devices is successfully delivered exactly where it is needed for treatment.
  • And, secondly, any impact by quantum therapy methods is not inherently traumatic. The energy of a portion of quanta (1.5 eV) entering a sick/healthy cell is not enough to either damage its structure or disrupt its functions. On the other hand, it is still enough to “shake up” the cell, giving it additional energy so that it can cope with its problems. Thus, there is no risk of complications and no side effects during the treatment process.

Fields of Medicine

Number of patients

Treatment result


No effect

Abs. number

Abs. number

Cardiology 7 140 6 497 91 643 9
Gastroenterology 9 520 8 854 93 666 7
Pulmonology 14 000 12 460 89 1 540 11
Surgery 7 280 6 334 87 946 13
Rheumatology 5 600 4 816 86 784 14
Neurology 5 600 5 208 93 392 7
Joint diseases 18 347 17 613 96 734 4
Gynecology 980 882 90 98 10
Otolaryngology 4 200 3 654 87 546 13
Dentistry 980 902 92 78 8
Urology 7 000 6 160 88 840 12
Dermatology 280 252 90 28 10
Proctology 3 640 3 422 94 218 16
Cosmetology 1815 1 635 90 180 10
Prevention 9 940

The number of diseases decreases by 3.9 - 5.6 times

Type of diseases Reduced need for medications Reducing treatment time
Coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, rheumatic carditis 2-3 times For 8-12 days
Prostatitis No drugs 2.5 times
Radiculitis, osteochondrosis No drugs 1.7-2.2 times
Pneumonia 1.9 times For 5-8 days
Wounds, burns 2.4 times 2-3 times
Stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer 2.7 times; in 60% of cases you can completely stop taking medications For 6-9 days
Hypertonic disease Stages I - II - without drugs For 3-5 days
Prevention of ENT diseases No drugs The possibility of illness is reduced by 89%
Prevention of bronchial asthma, bronchitis No drugs The possibility of illness is reduced by 76%

Summary tables were prepared based on data provided to the Quantum Medicine Association by organizations of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, M3 of the Russian Federation, and non-state medical centers of Russia.

Among them are the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery M3 of the Russian Federation; Moscow City Children's Clinical Hospital No. 9; Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Moscow medical Academy them. I. M. Sechenov; Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg; Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; Central Clinical Hospital named after. S. M. Botkina, Moscow; Russian Oncology Research Center named after. N. N. Blokhin RAMS, Moscow; Russian University Friendship between nations; Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 29; State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine M3 RF, Moscow; Main Military Hospital named after. N. N. Burdenko, Moscow; Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology M3 RF, Moscow.

Quantum therapy devices (MIL therapy)

Among the quantum therapy devices presented at Russian market, the most famous, in our opinion, are:

    MIL therapy devices MILTA-F5-01 and MILTA-F8-01. Manufacturer: Scientific and Production Association (NPO) of Space Instrument Engineering, Russia (founded in 1992); Trademarks of this manufacturer are also MILTA, MILTA, MILTA-F.

    Rikta device from the manufacturer ZAO Milta-PKP GIT, Russia. Production since 1991. ESMIL is also a trademark of this manufacturer (Rikta-Esmil 1A and Rikta-Esmil 2A devices are currently produced). In foreign markets, the devices are also presented under the TERRAQUANT brand

Currently, quite often the media mentions terms such as “MIL therapy”, “quantum treatment”, “bioresonance therapy”. Most people have little understanding of these concepts. Meanwhile, quantum therapy is light treatment, which is one of the cutting-edge healing techniques. Quantum therapy treatment involves the use in medicine of light-emitting diodes, lasers, polarized light sources, and devices ultraviolet radiation. Exposure to light today is the most progressive direction in hardware physiotherapy.

Features of quantum therapy

Modern light therapy is based on the theories and experiences of ancient Eastern healers. They believed that the life of any organism on our planet is unthinkable without the presence of internal energy. Man receives vital energy at birth from parents, when eating food and even from the depths of the earth on which he walks. And the transmission link for receiving energy is the biologically active, or acupuncture, points located on the human body. If there is any negative external or internal impact on the human body, then the functioning of these points is simultaneously disrupted. As a result, one or another organ ceases to draw energy in the required volume, which contributes to the development of various diseases.

Based on these theories, many treatment methods have been developed that are well known to every person today - acupuncture, electropuncture, acupressure, exposure to cold, magnetic therapy. Modern scientists decided to connect to the effects on biologically active points Quanta are the smallest particles of light. This is how quantum therapy was born, during which energy metabolism in the body is corrected by narrowly directed waves of light of various colors.

Carrying out the procedure and contraindications

It should be noted that quantum therapy courses take quite a long time - several months. To carry out the procedure, special quantum laser devices are used. The device's emitter is applied to a specific area of ​​the body, which is determined by the doctor, after which the device generates various types of radiation. The procedure is absolutely safe and painless. You just need to take into account contraindications to its implementation: high body temperature, convulsive syndrome, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, leukemia, Graves' disease(thyrotoxicosis), cancer.

Indications and therapeutic effect

Quantum therapy can cure quite serious diseases: pneumonia, chronic obstructive bronchitis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, depressed and asthenic syndrome, migraine, immunodeficiency states. Diabetic angiopathy, Raynaud's disease, obliterating endarteritis, vascular atherosclerosis can be effectively treated lower limbs, post-thrombotic syndrome, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, diseases of the endocrine, genitourinary, respiratory systems and many other severe pathologies.

Numerous clinical trials and expert evidence has shown that the quantum therapy procedure has an analgesic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effect. At the same time, cholesterol levels are reduced, tissue regeneration and blood microcirculation are improved, and the production of collagen, protein and various enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Quantum Therapy: The Meaning of Color

With quantum therapy, the choice of color is important, to which they also react acupuncture points. For example, the color violet is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism, and epilepsy, as it relieves agitation. Blue color promotes recovery from otitis, sinusitis, and diseases of the organs of vision. To put the nervous system in order, a sedative is successfully used. green color. Accelerates thought processes, increases intelligence and stimulates brain function yellow. Increases male potency, eliminates digestive problems, strengthens the immune system, such a source of energy as Orange color. In turn, the pulsating red color relieves depression and helps cure blood diseases. But the color black has a negative energetic effect and has a depressing effect on the psyche, so it is not used in quantum therapy.

Thus, quantum therapy treatment is used in almost all areas of medicine today. This drug-free, highly effective treatment and prophylactic method can rightfully be called the therapy of the future. Be healthy!

Quantum therapy is an effective method of physiotherapeutic treatment based on the combined influence of four physical therapeutic factors: pulsed narrowband and broadband laser radiation in the infrared range, pulsating red light in the visible range and a constant magnetic field. These radiations, aimed at biologically active points of the body, have a biostimulating effect on the diseased organ and related organs and systems. In this case, the treatment program is selected individually for each person - this is how a high-quality response of the body and an optimal therapeutic effect are achieved.

Indications for quantum therapy

Doctors at Diamed medical centers often use quantum therapy treatments. After all, this method has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, improves blood microcirculation, stimulates tissue regeneration and immunity, and regulates intracellular processes. In addition to the local effect, quantum treatment improves and general state human - improves sleep quality, well-being, physical strength.

Quantum therapy devices used in our centers are certified and certified according to international standards ISO 9000.

At Diamed, quantum therapy (laser, infrared, light pulse, etc.) is used for the following diseases:

  • illnesses respiratory system(bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • allergic diseases (hay fever, bronchial asthma etc.);
  • heart and vascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (prostate adenoma, prostatitis, adnexitis, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, pyelonephritis);
  • diseases of the endocrine glands (diabetes mellitus, mastopathy);
  • gastrointestinal diseases (hepatitis, ulcers, colitis, gastritis);
  • varicose veins and other vascular pathologies of the extremities;
  • dermatological diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis);
  • diseases of the ENT organs (sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis);
  • injuries and their consequences;
  • neurological diseases (radiculitis, neuralgia);
  • diseases of the joints and spine (osteochondrosis, arthritis).

How quantum therapy is carried out at Diamed medical centers

Currently, quantum therapy treatment is only carried out in medical center"Diamed" in Maryina Roshcha. No preparation for treatment is required. A course of quantum therapy consists of several treatment sessions, which are performed in several cycles with short breaks. One procedure lasts 30-60 minutes, depending on the diagnosis and area of ​​influence. For a course of treatment, 7 procedures are recommended, which are carried out every other day or 2 days.

Advantages of quantum therapy at the Diamed clinic

At the Diamed medical center in Maryina Roshcha there is a physiotherapy room with the latest equipment for quantum treatment. The center's doctors have extensive experience in using this treatment method. Our doctors take an individual approach to each person when planning treatment, and do everything possible to speed up the patient’s recovery process as much as possible.

Quantum medicine is the newest direction in medicine, which is a union of ancient traditions of the East and latest achievements quantum physics. Quantum medicine balances the “man-nature” relationship and triggers the hidden capabilities of a person at all levels, which allows for a short time increase immunity, mobilize the body's defenses and direct them to actively resist emerging diseases. In this book: the basics of quantum medicine and human energy anatomy; sound therapy, calibration of the universal energy grid (UEG) and balancing of the human electromagnetic field; bioresonance, field and Inverse Wave therapy; energy balancing with pulsor microcrystals; holistic medicine– energy medicine of the future; DNA Activation and Theta Healing; palsing and diksha; fundamentals of cosmoenergetics.

A series: Quantum medicine

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The given introductory fragment of the book Quantum healing (Mikhail Svetlov, 2008) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Quantum medicine


Quantum medicine, quantum therapy or quantum healing. It seems logical and correct to me to give short definition this concept.

Quantum medicine is a set of therapeutic and diagnostic measures aimed at restoring the homeostasis of the body at the informational, energetic and somatic levels, which is based on the interaction of low-energy (quantum) doses (values) of environmentally friendly electromagnetic radiation with the informational and energetic structures of the human body.

What does this mean in simple human language? Let's try to look in more detail at the subject of quantum medicine, which for now is only a dry scientific definition for us.

Quantum medicine, in fact, is a combination of various (and drug-free) treatment methods: laser, infrared, electromagnetic, extremely high-frequency and light. And, as practice shows, it turns out to be effective in treating over two hundred diseases. At the same time, the scope of competence of quantum medicine is not limited only to medical direction. Its application is extremely wide - it includes disease prevention, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of patients after treatment, and its action is based on the targeted impact of small doses (quanta) of electromagnetic radiation. That is we're talking about O beneficial influence on the vital processes of both the entire organism as a whole and its systems, organs, natural cells, close to natural ones, factors of electromagnetic influence. Moreover, since quantum medicine uses low powers of energy influence, this effect is absolutely safe, but allows one to defeat an abnormal process that has arisen in the body - a disease. What explains this?

Differences and advantages

Quantum influence on the body triggers the hidden, usually unused, capabilities of the body at all levels - from an individual cell to the entire organism, which allows, in a short period of time, to increase a person’s immunity, mobilize his defenses and direct them to actively resist emerging diseases or functional abnormalities. This technique is based on an unambiguous display of all those accompanying the vital activity of a living organism. biological processes in the structure electromagnetic information field, which surrounds the body and is present inside it.

If we turn to the figures obtained when studying the results of quantum medicine, we will see the following picture:

The use of quantum medicine allows:

Reduce mortality rates from extensive myocardial infarction by 2 times;

Reduce the frequency of exacerbations during coronary disease hearts - 9 times;

Reduce healing time for fractures or wounds by 1.9 times;

Reduce the incidence of morbidity in newborns by 2.8 times;

Reduce the incidence rate among sick schoolchildren by 2.9 times.

In addition, quantum therapy provides ample opportunities for treating quite serious illnesses person. This is cerebral palsy (children's cerebral paralysis), And various disorders mental health, as well as diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, bronchial asthma of various etiologies and tuberculosis.

Quantum medicine pursues the most noble goal - not to treat, but to “harmonize” the body, that is, to bring the “man-nature” couple to balance. And she uses the most humane methods for this, healing with the means that nature itself offers us. This newest branch of medicine deals with targeted effects on the body. Moreover, such an effect, firstly, is correct in relation to the body and, secondly, is not alien to it.

Let's remember usual treatment medications: what do we do when a doctor prescribes us a drug? That's right - having bought the recommended remedy and coming home, we open the annotation for the medicine and read about the possible side effects. Their number and variety is usually amazing. Do you want to take a prescribed antibiotic, ointment, medicine after this? Hardly. In this regard, we ask ourselves: if the reception at first glance harmless drugs leads to numerous negative consequences, then what prevents you from turning to other methods of treating the disease? Of course, the medicines that are widely available today are a major achievement of modern civilization. Recently, a huge number of medicines, with the help of which many previously fatal diseases were defeated. But at the same time, as drugs were used, negative consequences from abuse or simply use medicines.

On the other hand, if we look to the East and return to the events of several thousand years ago, we will find there, in ancient Chinese medicine, such general rule: “Medicine is poison.” Even then, people began to understand the possible harm of drugs, and even in those days, non-drug treatment methods began to develop in China (for example, traditionally, massage and acupuncture are considered the most effective non-drug treatment methods in China).

If we want to turn to fundamentally new methods of healing from diseases, then we will not be able to do this by considering human body only as a set of organs and tissues. Any living organism is an indivisible and inextricable unity of three components:




In this trinity, the leading role is invariably played by information-energy structures, and somatic structures (consisting of matter) are at a lower level of the hierarchical ladder. But since everywhere in nature the principle operates feedback– and living organisms are no exception – somatic structures, in turn, also influence the information and energy environment of the body. Eastern medicine for more than one millennium, it has been said that any therapeutic effect on the somatic (tissues, organs) component of the body is initially vicious, unless it is guided by the following principle. It must be ensured that those responsible for the information and energy exchange between subject(this is the organism itself) and object(this is our environment, the World, the Universe, the entire Cosmos) structures. And, as it turns out in practice, the state of the somatic structures of the body depends precisely on the presence and quality of such interchange. That is, not only the state of somatic structures, but also the very existence of the organism as a single system, one whole, depends on the implementation of this principle.

As we can see, not without disappointment, for some reason classical medicine still stubbornly ignores almost all the most interesting scientific works and the results of practical observations of scientists and doctors who follow in their work the brilliant guesses of the ancients about the dual structure of the world and confirm their validity in practice! Still official medicine the primacy in the structure of the world of thin, “alien material” wave (field) layers, which, by and large, determine the continuity and unity of matter and field, waves and particles, man and the Universe, is not recognized!

We live in difficult times, when, like an avalanche, the flow of high-tech devices around us is growing: mobile phones, computers, televisions, high voltage lines, radar stations, modern vehicles, etc. This is a real technological explosion! On the one hand, all of these are wonderful inventions of mankind, designed to make our lives better, to make life and work easier for people, which are convenient and useful means labor, etc. But, on the other hand, we forget that the operation of all these devices generates a magnetic field. And it, firstly, in itself can greatly distort the normal electromagnetic environment of a person, and secondly, it directly affects our immune system negatively, so that might cause various diseases. After all, during the course of human biological evolution, the immune system has never before encountered an electromagnetic factor of similar strength. A period of time of several decades, covering the time when technical devices began to be invented and actively introduced into our lives, is extremely small on the scale of evolution. This means that our immune system simply did not have time to adapt, did not develop the strength to resist this negative influence. She simply does not know how to react to the pathogenic effect of electromagnetic devices, and, as a result, the human body is in constant shock.

Rice. 4. Man is constantly under the influence of alien waves of energy: geomagnetic disturbances of the Earth, the Sun and other planets, attacks of man-made flows of electromagnetic waves. Even those of us who have a strong, harmonious biofield are in serious danger today

The immune system requires quite a long time (just remember school textbook on anatomy, which says how many hundreds, or even thousands of years, the period of transformation of the Neanderthal - the ancestor of man - into a person in the modern sense) took place in order to “get used” to working with a new factor, to learn to react to its influence correctly. Until this happens, the body perceives the situation in which a person lives as constant stress– and this stress follows us everywhere! How far can a marathon athlete run without leaving the race before the finish line? The longest races at the Olympic championships reach up to fifty kilometers - the human body is simply not able to withstand more. And the state of continuous tension of stress is constantly present in our lives! This is inevitable and can quite quickly bring any system to complete exhaustion, but immune system a person must still be left with resources to combat other external attacking factors: viruses, poor ecology, etc.

With the help of quantum therapy methods, a person who has adopted this practice gradually (no high-quality and long-term results can be achieved overnight, even if a lot of effort is made) restores in his body his own unique natural resource, a huge potential for self-restoration and self-healing, which laid down in it by nature itself. At the same time, quantum therapy, of course, has the most significant effect on the somatic (bodily, material) system of the body. beneficial effect. In particular, a person’s immune tone is activated, the level of intoxication from harmful substances coming from outside is reduced, microcirculation processes are stimulated, metabolism is normalized, and the body’s resistance to stress is activated.

But before we start looking at the specific techniques that are used in quantum medicine, we need a little theory in the field of human energetics to “get a handle on the subject,” as scientists say.

Basics of human energy anatomy

Before moving on to a detailed consideration of the issues of quantum healing and the application of its techniques to the subtle energy levels of the human body, we should define the basic concepts in this area in which we will work.

Currently, a lot of literature is being published that, to one degree or another, relates to energy issues. Many of these books talk about the energy structure of a person, and probably each of us has already heard more than once about the chakras that exist in humans, about energy levels and a single information space.

Energy terminology and the concepts of “chakras,” “energy flow,” and “energy field” have been used by people for a very long time. It is also no secret that the eastern followers of traditions carefully kept their secrets, not allowing uninitiated people to touch them. This applied to everything, including the field of knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human energy body. But time passed, with the development of the economy and trade and monetary relations, the interpenetration of Eastern and European cultures began and deepened, and gradually the secret became apparent. Currently, previously closed ancient teachings are available to almost anyone. Active popularization of knowledge coming from the East led to the rapid spread of healing practices around the world various kinds. Such healing methods have become widespread (and in our lives they have already become completely familiar) such as herbal medicine, color therapy, audio therapy... And also - this is worth dwelling on separately - a treatment method by influencing the diseased area with electromagnetic vibrations. All of the above methods can be classified as one class of influence on the human body, since they have a single principle of action. All of them are essentially energy-vibrational technologies, since color, smell, sound, and, of course, electromagnetic waves themselves are special cases of the manifestation of oscillations (vibrations) of a single energy field.

However, let's return to the issue of energy anatomy. According to traditional Eastern ideas, the human structure is very complex. But in order to move on, we do not need to go deeper and detail this issue, but it will be enough to limit ourselves to just a fairly general idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba person.

So, a human being consists of several layers of energy, which cover its different states: from subtle energy, reflecting spiritual development, to the physical body - the most dense manifestation of the energy layer.

The current situation in science is such that subtle energy, unlike other forms of energy, cannot yet be accurately measured (such as thermal energy). Moreover, subtle energy, as a rule, is not perceived either by technology or by ordinary people. I emphasize: “ordinary”, because people with developed psychic abilities this perception is available. How can you and I, who for the most part do not have such abilities, imagine the energy structure of a person?

The currently existing ideas about the energetic structure of man (which have been known since ancient times to shamans and healers) were formed after analyzing and summarizing information received from people who directly “see” this “luminous body” of a person. If you want - psychics, or, as they say in Peruvian dialects, “kawak”. In addition, these people, based on their practical experience, argue that each of us from birth has the same abilities for “vision,” but we simply do not develop them and completely lose them by the time we enter school (7-8 years old) under severe pressure social learning.

Those people capable of “vision”, whom we call shamans, have compiled their own description of the human energy body. Based on the knowledge they have, this body is geometric figure– a torus, the shape of which repeats the form of the Earth’s magnetic field known to us from physics. And, like the magnetic shell of the Earth, the human energy body consists of luminous threads that originate at the crown of the head and go to the feet at the other end, closing an imaginary arc running at a distance arm's length from the central axis of the person. The luminous threads of the human body turn out to be identical to the power lines of the Earth. They are some distance from the body, and in the area of ​​​​the feet (with which we constantly, directly or indirectly, stand on the ground) go into the ground to a depth of 35 centimeters. Thus, our energy body is inextricably linked with the luminous lines of the Universe (shamans also call it “threads of the world” or “luminous web”). From the point of view of physics, our body is energetically open system(has a connection with outside world, ways of interchange with him). And in fact, this means that our body spreads into the Universe through the “threads of the world” at the speed of light!

Rice. 5. Human energy field. A person is potentially capable of developing seven bodies corresponding to seven information levels, and communicating with these levels with the help of information and energy centers - chakras. There are the following seven subtle energy bodies of a person: physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, budhial, atmic (other names: physical body, vital body, desire body, body of thoughts, body of the Higher Mind, body of Consciousness and Atma - Spirit). Note that the word “body” itself in relation to fine-material structures has a very relative meaning

In anatomy, one can draw an analogy between the energy structure and the usual one, biological structure human: after all, our energy body is penetrated by a network of channels and meridians (in Mexico, healers call them “rivers of light”), just as the physical body is penetrated by a network of blood and capillary vessels circulatory system body. At intersections or mergers of such energy flows, specific energy nodes (points) are formed, and their projections onto the physical body are currently known to us as acupuncture points(biologically active points, BAT).

It is also surprising that if you take diagrams of the energy structure of the human body from a shaman engaged in healing in the Central or South America, and compare them with the BAT atlases created by Chinese healers, it turns out that they match exactly! Although neither South American nor Mexican shamans had ever even heard the word “acupuncture” and did not even know about the existence of such a concept.

So, a person has several layers of subtle energy, they are different, they intertwine, overlap each other and influence each other, but despite this, they never mix. This set of energy layers can be represented as many levels of human existence. Throughout his life, they cannot be separated and are considered a single integral energy system. The human energy body actually contains very big number There are several hundred energy centers (energy centers for short) and their function is to receive and distribute energy. We will focus on studying the seven main energy centers called chakras. As we have already said, with the help of chakras a person exchanges energy with the subtle world, with the external energy field. This interaction occurs continuously and constantly. Thus, each chakra is like an antenna for receiving and transmitting subtle energy, tuned to a certain vibration frequency. Together, the chakras “work” on the entire human energy system as a whole and have much in common, but functionally they differ. Since each chakra is “tuned” to its own frequency, while influencing our physical, emotional or spiritual state, it simultaneously regulates certain processes of the physical body associated specifically with it. And at the same time, each chakra, being part of the entire energy system, reflects the entire sensory system person. The vibration frequency characteristic of each “transceiver” chakra determines the nature of the chakra’s interaction with the general energy field.

The first mention of chakras can be found both in ancient Indian (4 thousand years BC) and Tibetan (9 thousand years BC) treatises, and in Egyptian manuscripts written about 6 thousand years ago, as well as in documents other regions and eras. One thing is clear - the understanding of chakras came to people a very long time ago. In the shamanic idea of ​​the energetic structure of a person, energy formations similar to chakras (in the Eastern sense) are identified, which are called either the “eye of light” (in Guatemala, for example), or the “well of light” (from the point of view of the Incas), and are located outside, in human energy body. They have the shape of a funnel, the tip is located in the spine, and the neck is located at a distance of up to 12 centimeters from the surface of the physical body. Bunches of luminous threads originate in the chakras, connecting a person with other energy objects of the world: plants, animals. These threads can also be controlled by human will. But, unlike Eastern views, the shaman-healers of America identify not seven, but nine main chakras. The eighth chakra, in their opinion, is located at the very top of a person’s luminous body (and is called by shamans as “the source of the sacred”), and the ninth chakra is located completely outside the luminous body, in Infinity, that is, in the invisible world, and connects a person with the original source of everything that exists on Earth.

Rice. 6. Human chakras. There are major and minor chakras. The main chakras provide our most important functions; minor chakras regulate less essential needs. Of the twelve physical chakras, seven are located in the physical body, but have access to thin bodies

Recently, the distribution of the main human energy centers has also found its scientific confirmation. The chakras themselves, as it was believed, are located outside the human physical body, and their projections are located along the spinal column, from the tailbone to the crown. In this order - from bottom to top - we will consider them and the main functions they perform.

1. Muladhara - located in the coccyx area. She is responsible for the lower sphere human essence, for aggression, struggle for survival, fear. This is the energy of life and death.

2. Svadhisthana - located in the genital area. It is responsible for the instinct of reproduction, the instinct of self-preservation, and well-being.

3. Manipura – located in the navel area, just above it. She is responsible for managing other people, the desire for power, possession of money, creativity in the material world, and the will to fight.

4. Anahata – located in the heart area. She is responsible for love in the sublime sense of the word, self-improvement, knowledge of the world. This is love for the whole world, and for God, and for every person - devoting oneself to the world.

5. Vishuddha – located in the throat area, thyroid gland. She is responsible for a person’s giftedness, his talents, spiritual creativity, hearing, taste, and knowledge of the beauty of the world.

6. Ajna – located in the forehead, between the eyes (“third eye”). She is responsible for supernatural abilities: clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition, and wisdom.

7. Sahasrara - located at the top of the head, in the crown area. She is responsible for communication with cosmic sources, for spiritual development, knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships and the structure of the world as a whole.

The three lower chakras are powered by the energy of the Earth, the three upper ones by the energy of the Cosmos, and in the middle chakra – Anahata – the energies meet and come into balance. If there is a shift of energies in one direction or another, they say that the person has lost his energetic balance. In addition, in the process of life, under the influence of external or internal influences, the chakras can also partially lose their functionality, which disrupts the feeding of these energy centers and, as a result, the corresponding organs. So most diseases are mainly the result of disruptions in the functioning of individual chakras or, worse, the entire chakra system. And first of all, diseases manifest themselves at the energy level, and only then do the first symptoms appear that can be recorded in the human physical body. This leads to a logical question: is it possible to somehow restore the functioning of the chakra and ensure its normal functioning if we - ordinary people, and not at all yogis, shamans or Tibetan monks who have specific abilities inaccessible to a mere mortal?

In response to environmental influences, human energy constantly undergoes changes, but normally it constantly returns to its optimal state (this is healthy person). If something is not working correctly, you have to help the body restore its energy balance. How can this be done?