A conspiracy for a good memory for study: what is needed for this? To remember and memorize everything simply and quickly.

Outside the window is the 21st century with the achievements of high technologies and technical progress, however, people sometimes turn to magic rituals for help. The simplest of them and well-known are conspiracies of the “non-witchcraft” category, including a conspiracy to improve memory. The ritual does not belong to the field of witchcraft or quackery, it helps ordinary people to strengthen memory, and it is better for adepts of magic to remember the words of any spells.

What is a conspiracy

The power of the conspiracy, as an artistic form of the archaic representation of the world of our ancestors, is in the energy of words and sounds. This is not ordinary speech, but magical actions, dressed in a verbal shell and reinforced with energy Higher Worlds. Moreover, conspiracies were not created ordinary people, and magicians, shamans, healers, sorcerers, who in turn are considered conductors of the Higher Forces.

The incantation formula of a conspiracy aimed at improving our memory is pronounced meaningfully, with soul and a certain attitude, and not mechanically. Then you can be sure of the awakening of the ancient energy contained in the words, which will restore the impaired memory function.

Structure and reading rules

The mechanism of action of the incantation formula is based on its structure and reading technique. It is generally accepted that conspiracies are not just read, but created. This is a kind of art that allows you to create a message during pronunciation to awaken ancient energies. This is facilitated by the prayer “Our Father” read before the ritual.

AT general case a typical plot has the following structure:

  • the beginning is associated with turning to the Higher Forces for help;
  • the main part creates a cyclical rhythm of the spell by "slandering" each other with words, sometimes repeated, to create a program;
  • conclusion - its formula fixes the action being performed, being a kind of "castle", an obstacle negative energies and harmful entities.

The rules of magical practices impose a ban on pronouncing any conspiracies in vain, since they are fraught with huge forces. For the ritual, a convenient place and time are selected. They create in solitude, in an atmosphere of silence and tranquility, as well as twilight, but not pitch darkness. Candles should be lit or a dim night light, because in addition to spoken words, a prayer will be read.

They pronounce the words calmly and with pleasure, aloud in a quiet voice, creating a visual image of the conspiracy formula. The power of the word, thanks to the thought contained in it, animates it during the casting of the spell, so it begins to act.

Variants of Magic Spell Forms

Preparation for the creation of a conspiracy, as a ritual aimed at significantly improving the quality of memory, will be the following actions: Light a white candle on the night of a full moon and stand by the window so that you are completely in the zone of light of the moon. Then read the plot at least seven times.

There are a number of rituals performed over food or drink, among them there is a spell that improves memory abilities. The most commonly used form is:

Lord, how people do not forget You,
And how, Lord, You do not forget me
And the whole human race
So that I, Your servant (name), do not forget anything,
I have not lost my memory:
What is, what was and what will be.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

If you need to remember something, for example, where the thing is hidden, you can use the following simplest, but proven and very effective rite. Standing up with a lit candle (church) in the middle of the room, preferably a bedroom, read "Our Father". This prayer is read calmly to the words of the conspiracy itself, and they are as follows:

Over the distant sea three dawns, how to call the first dawn,
I forgot (a) what to call the second, washed away from memory,
And what to call the third - the Mother of God revealed to me.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A necessary condition is to read the slandered text three times and be sure to wait until the candle you have lit completely burns out.


In addition, there is a simple way to improve the memory function of the brain, completely unrelated to magic. What to do: bend your head as low as possible, slowly drawing air in through your nose, then lift it up with your eyes open. When your gaze rests on the ceiling, hold your breath, counting to eight. Exhale slowly through the mouth with lips folded into a tube, according to the scheme - four inhalations, four exhalations. Prayer will not be superfluous. The ritual is performed once a day for a total of twenty days, after which the memory function is restored.

No doubt magical rites come to the rescue and help out in difficult situations, but in case of deterioration in the ability to remember, the cause of this phenomenon should be determined. Conspiracies and rituals act as an ambulance or an anesthetic pill, while the process that destroys the memory structure progresses. Therefore, having restored the forgotten with the help of a magical “pills”, go to the doctor to find out the reasons and get real pills to treat thinking problems.

Article author: Mikhail Sazonov

Alexandra answers

1. Prayer to the martyr Vitus of Rome

  • O holy servant of God, martyr Vita!
  • Having labored on earth with a good feat, you received in Heaven the crown of truth, which the Lord has prepared for all those who love Him.
  • The same, looking at your holy image, we rejoice in the glorious end of your residence and honor your holy memory.
  • You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us become against the wiles of the devil, and get rid of sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present forever and we will be honored by your intercession, if not worthy of us, to see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints glorifying God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.
  • 2. Saint John Kronstadt.
  • O great saint of Christ, holy righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wonderful shepherd, quick helper and merciful intercessor! Lifting up praise to the Triune God, you prayerfully cried out: “Your name is Love: do not reject me, the erring one. Your name is Strength: strengthen me, exhausted and falling. Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: die my restless soul. Your name is Mercy: do not cease to have mercy on me. Now, grateful for your intercession, the All-Russian flock prays to you, Christ-named and righteous servant of God! With your love, illumine us, sinners and the weak, make us worthy to bear the fruits of repentance and partake without condemnation of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Strengthen your faith in us by your strength, support us in prayer, heal illnesses and diseases, deliver us from misfortunes, enemies visible and invisible.
  • 3. Saint John the Baptist.
  • Prayer one
  • To the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme prophet, the first martyr, mentor of fasters and hermits, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ! I pray, and resorting to you, do not reject me from your intercession, do not leave me fallen by many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to enter, even though it enters badly, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.
  • Prayer two
  • To the Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with your heavenly ones, praying to the Lord for me, unworthy, dejected, weak and sad, fallen into many misfortunes, troubled by the stormy thoughts of my mind. I am a den of evil deeds, by no means having an end to sinful custom, nailed for my mind is an earthly thing. What will I create? We don't know. And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the name of grace, as before the Lord, according to the Theotokos, it is more than all those who were born, you were honored to touch the top of the King of Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God. Pray for him for my sinful soul, but from now on, at the first ten hours, I will bear the good burden and accept bribes with the latter. To her, the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, a mentor of fasting and desert dwellers, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ! I pray to you, I resort to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, overthrown by many sins. Renew my soul with repentance, as if with a second baptism, better than both, thou art the chief: with baptism, wash away the ancestral sin, with repentance, cleanse every bad deed. Cleanse me, defiled with sins, and compel me to enter, or else it enters badly, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.
  • 4. Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky.
  • Reverend Father Seraphim, filled with Divine love, unceasing servant of Divine love, beloved of the Mother of Divine Love, hear me, who loves you little and grieves you. Give me now to be a diligent servant of God-pleasing Love. That love, which is long-suffering, does not envy, does not exalt itself, is merciful, is not proud, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in something else, pray for Original Love, but having served Her love on earth, with your intercession, prayers Theotokos and all the saints, I will reach the Kingdom of love and glory and light, and I will fall at the feet of my Lord, who gave us the commandment about true love. Loving Father, do not reject the prayers of the heart that loves you, and for the forgiveness of my sins loving God beg. Help us to bear each other's burdens, not to do to others what we don't want for ourselves, loves everything, in truth; He loves everything, he accepts faith in everything, he endures everything, even if he falls away in no way! This love be a servant to me and all my relatives, and known, and love to cover, and with a hearty song of love, ending earthly life to start joyfully eternal life with her in the land of true love. Pray for us, Father, our beloved Father, who loves us! Amen.
  • 5. The Most Holy Theotokos "Increase of Mind"
  • O Blessed Virgin! You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, the accuser of sinners and the punisher of apostates. Have mercy on us too, who have seriously sinned and not fulfilled the commandments of God, who have violated the vows of baptism and vows of monasticism, and many others that we promised to fulfill. When the Holy Spirit departed from King Saul, then fear and despondency attacked him, and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of soul tormented him. Now, for our sins, we have all lost the grace of the Holy Spirit. The mind has become bustled with the vanity of thoughts, forgetfulness of God has darkened our souls, and now all kinds of sorrows, sorrows, illnesses, hatred, evil, enmity, vindictiveness, malevolence and other sins are oppressing the heart. And, not having joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God Jesus Christ, and beseech Your Son to forgive us all our sins and send us the Spirit of the Comforter, as He sent Him to the apostles, but comforted and enlightened by him, we will sing to You a song of thanksgiving : Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos, who has added to our minds for salvation. Amen.
  • 6. Guardian Angel.
  • O holy angel, my good guardian and patron! With a contrite heart and a painful soul, I stand by you, praying: hear me, your sinful servant (name of the rivers), with a strong cry and crying bitter crying; do not remember my iniquities and iniquities, image az, accursed one, I anger you for all days and hours, and I create abomination to myself before our Creator, the Lord; appear to me mercifully and do not leave me, the filthy one, even until my death; Awaken me from the sleep of sin and help with your prayers the rest of my life without a blemish and create fruits worthy of repentance, moreover, keep me from the mortal falls of sin, lest I perish in despair, and lest the enemy rejoice over my death.
  • I truly and confess my lips, as no one is such a friend and intercessor, protector and champion, like you, holy angel: standing before the Throne of the Lord, pray for me, indecent and more than all the sinners, so that he does not take away the blessings of my soul on the day of my hopelessness and in the day of the creation of evil. Do not stop, therefore, propitiating the Most Merciful Lord and my God, may he forgive my sins, even if I have done in all my life, deed, word and all my feelings, and in the image of the message of fate, may he save me, may he punish me here by His inexpressible mercy, but yes He will not rebuke and punish me onamo according to His impartial justice; let me be vouchsafed to bring repentance, with repentance, Divine Communion is worthy of acceptance, I pray for this more and I wholeheartedly wish such a gift.
  • In the terrible hour of death, be relentless, my good guardian, driving away the gloomy demons that have the power to frighten my quivering soul; protect me from those captures, when the imam passes through the air ordeals, yes, we keep you, I will comfortably reach paradise, my desire, where the faces of the saints and the heavenly Forces incessantly praise the all-honorable and magnificent name in the Trinity of the glorious God, the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to Him but befits honor and worship forever and ever. Amen.

Memory is exactly what many people are afraid of losing or complain that they often forget something. There are many various techniques: and pills, and sessions with a psychotherapist, and even different tricks but nothing helps. Last Exit is to turn to magic. Conspiracy on good memory may be very different.

Conspiracy and how it works

A conspiracy to improve memory is an excellent technique to solve the problem as quickly as possible, and most importantly, to reliably solve the problem. It is believed that such magic belongs to the kind of rather heavy and strong magic. A good memory plot is a great solution for people who complain that they forget various little things. it special form“diseases” that conventional pills and medicines cannot solve.

In such a case, you must contact non-traditional species treatment, such as a conspiracy for a strong memory. As mentioned earlier, they are very different, you need to start from what is the cause of your bad memory:

  • medical;
  • magical;
  • psychological;
  • human (you are just a confused person).

Each memory conspiracy can have consequences, so you must constantly follow all clear instructions and never deviate from the set plan, since in this case the memory improvement conspiracy will have the exact opposite effect.

A memory conspiracy against the disease

A conspiracy to improve memory is a rather complicated ritual that must be carried out very carefully and carefully, especially if you get rid of the disease. For such a conspiracy you will need:

  • egg;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • red thread;
  • one big candle.

Such a ritual is best done at night, or rather, start at night, but finish in the morning. Therefore, it is best to conduct the ceremony from two in the morning to three in the morning. This is the most strong period for such conspiracies. The energy of the moon is reinforced by the energy of the sun. First you need to find a container in which you can pour water. It should be deep enough to fit an egg, and you can put your hands in there and wet them. When all the preparations are ready, the ceremony can begin. Take a bowl and pour water (preferably sacred) into it and put your hands in it for a minute, and then wash your face.

Then light a candle, pick up an egg and wind the thread around it six times. And soak it in water for five minutes. Then take the egg out of the water and slowly start rolling over your face, head and neck. Do this six times and at the same time pronounce these words:

“Incredible power of water, come to me and give me memory. Give me the ability to remember everything, even what is already forgotten. Give me memory. The forces of water, fire and thread combined, and gave me health. Amen".

Such a ritual must be performed only once a week for one month. All materials that you use during the ceremony must be thrown away, and the threads must be burned with a candle. The egg must be broken and poured into the toilet, and sacred water must be drained into any container and closed there. After a month will pass from the last rite, all of it can be poured under any old tree.

Conspiracies for children

Unfortunately, there are cases in life when children get sick or because of their inattention they often forget many details. For this, a long time ago they came up with a conspiracy for a good memory for children in order to improve their attentiveness. Magicians and sorcerers warn that such a conspiracy for a good memory must be carried out very carefully and preferably without the participation of the child, because it is never possible to predict how he will turn out. For this you will need:

  • three candles;
  • sugar;
  • candies;
  • pen and paper;
  • red thread.

Such a ritual must be carried out early in the morning, at five in the morning. All households should be sleeping at this moment and it is desirable that they do not hear this, therefore it is better if you carry out such a conspiracy to improve memory behind a closed door in the room. First you need to intertwine three candles with each other and put them in the middle of the table and light them. Then pick up a pen and a piece of paper, and write your wishes to the child on it, for example:

“My dear boy, I want you to be strong and healthy, like a hero. Now you have gone to school and you need strength and memory to memorize and assimilate all the information that you will be given.

Read them to yourself three times, then fold them into a triangle and burn them. Disperse any leftovers into the wind the next night. Then put three sweets in the middle of the table and pour three slides of sugar through one. Take a red thread in your hand and very carefully run it over the fire so that it does not burn, as then you will put it on your child's hand. After the thread has been cleaned and blessed with fire, place it on candies and sugar slides. And read these words:

“Help my child, give him happiness, health and a good memory. This thread was blessed with the sacred fire of the Trinity Candle. And sweets will help the thread to gain positive and happy energy, which can very easily connect with the energy of my child. Memory, happiness and health.

Then all the materials that were used for the ritual will need to be thrown away. The thread can be put on the child in the morning, only at the same time read the prayer in your head, and the thread must be tied into a knot seven times. A conspiracy to improve memory for children is excellent and safe method how to help your child without taking him to the doctors and without stuffing him various tablets and immune stimulants.


After you have dried, take a container where you can pour the sacred water and add some salt there, and stir the salt in the water. Then dip your hands there and start washing your face, and while saying these words:

“Water will cleanse me, and my memory will return, it will get stronger and will always remain with me.”

Read this passage nine times, and then everything will be fine.

Memory is important detail the whole human body and his life, the main thing is to choose a ritual that can help you, and then you can be sure that the memory will always be with you and will never let you down.

Asks Denis
Answered by Inna Belonozhko, 04/16/2012

Denis asks: recent times began to remember the text, poems, etc. badly. Are there any prayers, if I may say so, to improve memory, or can I pray in my own words?

Peace to you, Denis!

It is not just possible, but even better and wonderful - to pray in your own words. Who else besides you knows better how to turn to the Lord, what your heart desires and with what experiences you come? Having communication with a friend, telling something to him, sharing your thoughts, ideas, emotions, expressing requests - will you turn to books or other people for help in order to maintain a lively conversation with a friend, answering his questions, look for answers in book, etc. Do you understand what I want to say? We communicate naturally, calmly, close, with desire, the heart speaks for us.

To have close fellowship with the Lord is the pinnacle of human happiness. The fullness of joy. When you tremblingly and humbly kneel before the Almighty Loving Creator, you can open to Him your pain, your worries and sorrows, fears and problems, pains and joys, failures and successes. And to feel that you are loved, you are needed - weak, sinful, dirty, spat upon, tired, betrayed and abandoned - and the Creator of the Universe, the Holy God absolutely loves you, accepts, does not condemn, cherishes you and hurries to help.

To all those whom Jesus advises first to seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, He gives the promise: "Ask, and it will be given to you." "Seek" not only the blessings of God, but Himself. Know God and find rest in Him.

Blessings and joy!



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