A spell for good memory for studying: what is needed for this? Prayers for children.

Memory is exactly what many people are afraid of losing or complain that they often forget something. There are many various techniques: pills, sessions with a psychotherapist, and even different techniques, but nothing helps. Last exit- this is to turn to magic. Conspiracy on good memory can be very different.

The conspiracy and how it works

A conspiracy to improve memory is an excellent technique to solve the problem as quickly and most importantly reliably as possible. It is believed that such magic is of a rather heavy and strong magic. A spell for good memory is an excellent solution for people who complain that they forget various little things. This special shape a “disease” that cannot be solved with conventional pills and medications.

In this case, you must contact non-traditional types treatments, such as a spell for strong memory. As mentioned earlier, they are very different, you need to start from what is the reason for your poor memory:

  • medical;
  • magical;
  • psychological;
  • human (you are just a confused person).

Each memory conspiracy can have consequences, so you must constantly follow all clear instructions and never deviate from the set plan, since in this case the memory improvement conspiracy will have the completely opposite effect.

Memory spell against illness

A conspiracy to improve memory is a rather complex ritual that must be carried out very carefully and carefully, especially if you are trying to get rid of an illness. For such a plot you will need:

  • egg;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • red thread;
  • one big candle.

This ritual is best performed at night, or rather, start at night, but finish in the morning. Therefore, it is best to carry out the ritual from two in the morning to three in the morning. This is the most strong period to carry out such conspiracies. The energy of the moon is supported by the energy of the sun. First you need to find a container into which you can pour water. It should be deep enough so that the egg can fit in there and you can put your hands in there and get them wet. When all preparations are ready, the ceremony can begin. Take a bowl and pour water into it (preferably sacred) and put your hands in there for a minute, and then wash your face.

Then light a candle, pick up the egg and wrap the thread around it six times. And put it in water for five minutes. Then remove the egg from the water and slowly begin to roll it over your face, head and neck. Do this six times and say the following words:

“Incredible power of water, come to me and give me memory. Give me the ability to remember everything, even what has already been forgotten. Give me a memory. The forces of water, fire and thread united and gave me health. Amen".

This ritual must be performed only once a week for one month. All materials that you use during the ceremony must be thrown away and the threads burned with a candle. The egg needs to be broken and poured into the toilet, and sacred water must be poured into any container and closed there. After a month will pass from the last rite, all of it can be poured under any old tree.

Spells for children

Unfortunately, there are times in life when children get sick or, due to their inattention, often forget many details. For this purpose, a long time ago they came up with a good memory spell for children to improve their attentiveness. Magicians and sorcerers warn that such a spell for a good memory must be carried out very carefully and preferably without the participation of a child because it is never possible to predict how it will turn out. To do this you will need:

  • three candles;
  • sugar;
  • candies;
  • pen and paper;
  • red thread

This ritual must be carried out early in the morning, around five in the morning. Everyone at home should be asleep at this moment and it is advisable that they do not hear this, so it is better if you carry out such a conspiracy to improve memory behind a closed door in the room. First you need to intertwine three candles together and place them in the middle of the table and light them. Then pick up a pen and a piece of paper and write your wishes for the child on it, for example:

“My dear boy, I want you to be strong and healthy, like a hero. Now you have gone to school and you need strength and memory to remember and assimilate all the information that will be given to you.”

Read them to yourself three times, then fold them into a triangle and burn them. Scatter all the leftovers to the wind the next night. Then place three candies in the middle of the table and pour three mounds of sugar through one. Take a red thread in your hand and very carefully pass it over the fire so that it does not burn, as you will then put it on your child’s hand. Once the thread has been cleaned and blessed by fire, place it on the candies and sugar slides. And read these words:

“Help my child, give him happiness, health and a good memory. This thread was blessed by the sacred fire of the Trinity candle. And sweets will help the thread gain positive and happy energy, which can very easily connect with the energy of my child. Memory, happiness and health."

Then all the materials that were used for the ritual will need to be thrown away. The thread can be put on the child in the morning, only at the same time read the prayer in your head, and the thread must be tied into a knot seven times. A conspiracy to improve memory for children is excellent and safe method how to help your child without taking him to doctors and pushing him various tablets and immune stimulants.


After you are dry, take a container where you can pour sacred water and add a little salt there, and stir the salt in the water. Then dip your hands in there and begin to wash your face and head while saying the following words:

“Water will cleanse me, and my memory will return, it will become stronger and will always remain with me.”

Read this passage nine times, and then everything will be fine.

Memory is important detail the entire human body and his life, the main thing is to choose a ritual that can help you, and then you can be sure that the memory will always be with you and will never let you down.

Denis asks
Answered by Inna Belonozhko, 04/16/2012

Denis asks: "In Lately I began to have difficulty remembering texts, poems, etc. Are there any prayers, so to speak, to improve memory, or can you pray in your own words?”

Peace to you, Denis!

It is not only possible, but even better and wonderful - to pray in your own words. Who else besides you knows better how to turn to the Lord, what your heart desires and what experiences you come with? Having communication with a friend, telling him something, sharing your thoughts, ideas, emotions, expressing requests - will you turn to books or other people for help in order to maintain a lively conversation with a friend, answering his questions, looking for answers in book, etc. Do you understand what I want to say? We communicate at ease, calmly, closely, with desire, the heart speaks for us.

To have close fellowship with the Lord is the pinnacle of human happiness. Full of joy. When you reverently and humbly bow your knees before the Almighty Loving Creator, you can open to Him your painful things, your worries and sorrows, fears and problems, pains and joys, failures and successes. And feel that you are loved, you are needed - weak, sinful, dirty, spat upon, tired, betrayed and abandoned - and the Creator of the Universe, Holy God, loves you completely, accepts you, does not judge you, values ​​you and is in a hurry to help.

To all those whom Jesus advises to first seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, He gives the promise: “Ask, and it will be given to you.” “Seek” not only the blessings of God, but also Himself. Get to know God and find peace in Him.

Blessings and joy!



Read more on the topic “Prayer”:

Every person wants to remember a lot and never forget. After all, sometimes we forget about the most important thing, which entails a series of troubles or incomprehensible situations. Also, every student or schoolchild dreams of a good memory, because this is the most important thing in exams or tests. But these problems are nothing compared to memory loss or incomprehensible memory deterioration that comes out of nowhere. Next, it is proposed to study a spell for a good memory, which will help to significantly improve it and get rid of it forever. short losses and awkward situations.

What does medicine say?

And no matter what happens to you, there is an explanation for everything if you look at the problem from the medical side. She always associates memory loss with problems in the body. Therefore, medicine highlights special reasons the appearance of memory impairment, which we will consider below.

  1. If you had brain injury– various bruises or injuries, or cerebral hemorrhages. Any impact on the head area may affect memory or other aspects in the future.
  2. Long stay in a state of depression. If you are depressed for a long time (more than a week), your sleep patterns are disturbed, then it is quite possible that your memory impairment will progress.
  3. Strict diets. Many girls are unhappy with their figure, so they often try to correct it with various diets, choosing the strictest ones. Due to lack nutrients and carbons, problems arise that can lead to memory impairment. But the truth is, in this case, you can restore your memory to the right direction if you start eating normally again.
  4. The last factor is not medical, and can be easily solved. This is if you have a lot of problems and your thoughts are busy solving them. Even if you don’t notice, our brain is designed in such a way that even in the subconscious it thinks about and looks for solutions to certain problems. Therefore, you become more confused and forget a lot of things (the worrying problem takes up all the brain space).

Prevention and treatment

There is no special prevention for the “non-occurrence” of memory impairment. You need to protect yourself from various injuries, traffic accidents and so on. You should not fall into depression, and if such a situation does occur, you should immediately contact a psychotherapist for help. Depression, in addition to deterioration of consciousness, entails many negative consequences. If you want to lose weight, you should not resort to strict diets, they bring strong negative energy: Better go in for sports and start eating right. And the last thing - don’t bother your head with various nonsense, and then it will be fine, and finding solutions to your problems will become simpler, easier and faster.

First of all, if you notice a deterioration in your condition, turn to traditional medicine. It is important to immediately visit a doctor, undergo several tests with him, and, if you have serious reasons your problem, then you cannot avoid long and painful treatments. Magic copes with frivolous reasons that affect the state of memory, but if you have problems with the brain, then conspiracies are powerless. And only he can return it to you traditional medicine with the use of drugs.

What conspiracies can be

A spell for good memory is an excellent solution for those who do not like visiting hospitals and taking tasteless medications. Remember, for a spell to improve memory to work, you need to say them from the heart, sincerely, otherwise a dry reading of the test will not bring the desired result. At the time of the ritual, you need to be in quiet rooms, in the realm of twilight, and only the person performing the ritual should be in the room (if the ritual is not performed for oneself, the presence of a second person is allowed). Let's look at some effective Sami conspiracies.

  1. Lunar spell to improve memory. Firstly, it must be carried out during the full moon. For this you will need a white wax candle (not yellow). After waiting until the moon is visible, light a candle directly through the window, go up to it so that the light of the moon falls directly on you and read seven times: “There is a full moon in the sky, but my memory is full. Our month looks at the earth carefully, and it remembers, so I will become more attentive and remember everything. Yes, that's how it will be. Amen".
  2. Prayers for food. This prayer is said during a small snack. You need to read the following: “Lord God, people always remember you, and will remember you, just as you remember them, so I want to remember everything. I ask you, servant of God (name), to give me such an opportunity so that I never forget everything that happened and remember what will happen. Amen." The enchanted food should be divided into three meals and eaten before the main meal, no matter in the afternoon or evening.
  3. Conspiracies for children. Usually children do not have such problems, but nowadays schools have very complex programs, so children cannot remember everything. It is logical that many parents resort to spells for strong memory. To do this, you will need a chocolate bar, any one that suits the child’s taste. Chocolate already helps improve memory, and in combination with a conspiracy better means can not found. Every day you need to break off one piece from the tile and repeat: “Bitter, but sweet, sweet, but bitter, and soiled. A gift for a child to remember. Amen".
  4. Plot for the night. In order for the spell for a good memory to be as effective as possible, you need to choose a quiet, starry night. Go outside and, looking at the sky, repeat: “Absolutely everyone remembers Jesus, and I, the servant of God (name), will now remember everything I need, my memory will become strong, and I no longer need the piece of paper. Amen".

Let's sum it up

A conspiracy to improve memory is the optimal, cheap and effective option for improving memory.

The life of any person involves the need to remember huge amount various information affecting the most different areas life. There are situations when a person often forgets about some important events or loses valuable things with enviable regularity. Similar problem it is necessary to somehow solve it quickly.

One of effective options is an appeal to medical institution, where a person will be helped to cope with certain problems associated with memory impairment. At the same time, as an auxiliary measure, you can use a spell for a good memory or use the help of prayer.

Before using magical techniques, it is extremely important to make sure that memory problems are definitely not related to medical factors.

First, you need to consider the most common reasons why a person’s memory may deteriorate:

  • Head injuries. Head injuries do not always include only bruises and concussions. Injuries can also include hemorrhages, which can have Negative influence on brain functioning;
  • Depressive states. If a depressive state lasts for a long time, it can affect the duration of sleep, as well as a person’s concentration, which negatively affects memory;
  • Lack of nutrition. In our time, when among large quantity people consider only a thin body to be beautiful, they began to gain particular popularity various diets. Many of these diets come down to a serious reduction in the daily diet. a lack of useful substances And a sharp decline blood sugar levels due to a lack of carbohydrates in the diet very quickly leads to deterioration of memory and general mental activity;
  • Problems in the family, at work, and so on. When a person experiences problems in any area of ​​life serious problems then all his thoughts are concentrated on thinking about them and searching for methods to solve them. In such situations, a person forgets about everything, which is a completely understandable phenomenon.

In case of serious manifestations of memory impairment, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a neurologist or psychiatrist. Qualified doctors will carry out everything necessary tests, and will also take tests for precise definition reasons for this problem. If treatment is necessary, it should be started immediately. Also, to increase the overall effectiveness of therapy, it would be useful to use spells and special prayers.

If doctors have not been able to detect any pathologies, but memory is still deteriorated, then the only way It can be improved by using magical techniques in combination with exercises to improve memory.

In the life of any person there are thousands of little things that should always be in the mind. If a person regularly forgets about them, misses meetings, loses important documents and expensive things, something needs to be done urgently.

Alternatively, consult a doctor, as there may be something wrong with your health. At the same time, you can use a spell to improve memory. Prayer will also help.

Memory impairment: from a medical point of view

Before using magic, it is important to make sure that memory impairment is not due to illness. Let's look at the main causes of memory impairment:

  1. Brain injuries. These are not necessarily bruises or concussions; there may also be a cerebral hemorrhage.
  2. Depression. If depressive state lasts not a week or two, but much longer and is accompanied by sleep disturbances, this can lead to memory deterioration.
  3. Strict diet. Nowadays it has become fashionable to go on diets, because... For many, a non-standard figure is not a congenital feature, but a negligent attitude towards oneself, one’s health and appearance. But those who are keen on diets should be prepared for the fact that the body will react to a lack of nutrients, including carbohydrates, with memory deterioration. A normal diet will restore your health.
  4. A person's thoughts are occupied with a problem. Sometimes we become absent-minded when we need to think about some important matter. By focusing on it, we forget about everything in the world, and this is quite natural.

If you have memory problems, you need to visit a neurologist and psychiatrist. The specialist will offer you various tests, ask you questions and refer you for tests. If treatment is necessary, it must be completed while simultaneously using a spell or prayer to improve memory.

If everything is fine, then you should seek help only from magic. You can also use memory training methods. All information on how to do this can be taken from books. (D. Lapp “Improving memory at any age”, Vasilyeva E.E., Vasiliev V.Yu. “Super memory for everyone”, Tony Buzan “Improve your memory”, etc.).

Conspiracies to improve memory

For a spell or prayer to work, you must pronounce it with your soul, first tuning into a certain mood. Mechanical repetition of words may not help. To practice magic you need to find a quiet and quiet place, where no one will bother you. It’s good if twilight reigns there, which can be created with a candle or night light. You need to pronounce the spell calmly, in a quiet voice.

Conspiracy with the moon

You need to wait until the full moon. At night, you need to light a white candle, go to the window so that the moonlight hits you, and repeat seven times:

“Just as the moon is full in the dark sky, so my memory is full, just as the moon looks at the earth, observes and remembers, so I will be observant and attentive. So be it. Amen".

Also, on a full moon, with any candle, you can say (the light of the moon is not necessary): “Almighty, remember my memory. Let her not deceive my little head, just as we remember the name of Christ, so let my memory be strong. Amen". After this, the candle must be extinguished.

Prayer for food

This prayer is read for food, so you need to prepare a light snack.

Prayer for food - good way improve memory

After pronouncing cherished words This food should be divided into three parts and eaten three times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

“Lord, how people do not forget You, And how, Lord, You do not forget me And the entire human race, So that I, Your servant (name), do not forget anything, I do not lose anything from my memory: What is, what what was and what will be. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy with a candle

This often happens in life - you hid something somewhere, but you can’t find it. In such a situation, this simple plot will help. You need to take a lit church candle and stand in the middle of the room, preferably the bedroom. Then the prayer “Our Father” is read, and after it the spell is read three times. You must wait until the candle burns out, only then will the ritual be completed.

“Beyond the distant sea there are three dawns, what to call the first dawn, I forgot what to call the second, it was washed away from my memory, And what to call the third - the Mother of God revealed to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy to a child

Usually children do not have problems with memorization, but now schools have such a difficult program that a spell for a good memory will not be superfluous.

You need to buy a chocolate bar and break off a piece of it over the course of a week and give it to the child, repeating:

“Sweet, but bitter, bitter, but sweet, sweet, but bitter. A gift for the baby, for his little head. Amen".

Conspiracy at night

You need to choose a starry, windless night and go outside. Then look up at the sky and say:

“As humanity remembers the name of Jesus Christ, so do I, so that the servant of God (name) has a strong and strong memory, remembers everything and remembers everything. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy read on holidays

This ritual can be performed on an ordinary day, but it is better to read it on holidays: Easter, Trinity, Epiphany, the day of remembrance of the 12 Apostles (June 30). This is a prayer to the apostles, read over Epiphany or holy water. You need to take 3 sips of water.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The twelve apostles walked, carrying the holy plates: Andrew the First-Called, Peter Ionin, James the Zebedee, his Brother John, Philip of Bethsaida, Bartholomew, Thomas, Levi Matthew, James the Righteous, Thaddeus, Simon the Canaanite, Judas Iscariot. Just as the twelve apostles remember the words of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, they were spoken to people everywhere, Christ was glorified and blessed, so let my memory be strong and good. For all days, for all years, for all times. I peck. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".