What remedies work very well against pediculosis? Remedies for lice and nits in pharmacies

A selection of the most effective drugs for nits and lice

What types of medicines for head lice exist, and how to choose the best one?

The range of anti-pediculosis drugs on sale is very wide. Exist different types funds, and literally every model tells the potential buyer about its high efficiency. Many fall for this marketing ploy, ending up buying something that doesn’t help them or is completely inconvenient to use.

For purchase truly effective drug It is important to know about the classification of products, some features of choice and, of course, consumer reviews.

Initially, it should be said that lice - blood-sucking insects - there are several types:

  • head;
  • pubic;
  • wardrobe

Not every medicine can cope with nits, small egg clutches that are securely attached to the hair. They have very strong defense from external influence.

There are special preparations directly for nits, but they are usually not used at home. In this case, the buyer should purchase the product:

  • which can penetrate the protective cocoon and destroy the eggs;
  • will help remove eggs from hair and comb them out;
  • which allows for repeated treatment when the larvae hatch (to destroy them specifically).

A modern person also needs to choose a medicine that is easy to use: most of us do not have enough time to carry out lengthy and complicated treatment procedures.

Can be classified existing drugs from pediculosis due to ease of use.

  1. Sprays. They can be used to treat dry hair.
  2. Creams. Apply to wet hairline by thorough rubbing.
  3. Shampoos. Replacement of conventional analogues.
  4. Folk remedies. Natural substances, tested by many generations of our ancestors. Some of them are much more effective and safer than their synthetic counterparts.
  5. Concentrates. Substances with increased content insecticides require careful use.
  6. Combs. Most safe way removal of lice and nits. Requires quite a bit of skill. Complements other treatments as a way to eliminate dead and/or weakened insects from hair after primary treatment. Special electric combs are available for sale.

Precautions when choosing a medicine

Improper operation or use of an untested drug may cause:

  • allergic, atopic dermatitis;
  • dandruff;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • discoloration, deterioration, hair loss;
  • chemical burn;
  • poisoning of the body.

Accordingly, you need to choose the anti-pediculosis drug correctly. To do this, you need to carefully study the instructions and make sure that your body does not have an allergic reaction to the medicine.

If you have already purchased it, just apply it before use. a large number of on the skin in an inconspicuous place (on the elbow). If after some time (1-3 hours) it does not appear abnormal reaction, redness, then the product can most likely be used. And of course, in strict accordance with the instructions.

It should be remembered that insecticides should not be used by small children and pregnant women and nursing mothers. In this case, you need to buy only specialized products.

It is necessary to mention anti-pediculosis drugs that contain several types of insecticides. This step on the part of the manufacturer is aimed at increasing efficiency and combating lice that have developed immunity to a specific type of insecticide.

Of course, such medications are much more effective, but they can create a risk of allergies. In such conditions, it is necessary to once again emphasize the importance of studying the composition.

The best drugs for lice and nits


  1. "Nude."

Based on dimethicone silicone oil, safe for humans. The louse, if exposed, dies from asphyxia. Suffocation occurs due to the fact that individuals are covered with a polymer film, blocking the access of oxygen to the spiracles.

For the product to work, it must be applied to dry hair before moisturizing. If your hair is short, then you can simply spray it, if it is long, then treat it in thin strands. Keep on your head for 45-60 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

Can be purchased at a price of 600 rubles.


  • convenience and ease of use;
  • highly effective against lice and nits;
  • safe for human health, hair and skin, non-toxic;
  • Comes with a comb for combing.


  • hypersensitivity (allergy) or intolerance to components;
  • cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • contraindicated for skin and respiratory diseases;
  • high price.
  1. "Pedikulen-Ultra".

The formula is based on the action of capric acid, alcohol and anise oil. The effect is achieved mainly due to the effect of the last ingredient. Anise oil is toxic to insects: at first it paralyzes the lice, preventing them from escaping. You need to keep the spray on your head for 30-40 minutes - during this time the insecticide penetrates the insect and poisons it. Similar effect happens with nits too. Can be purchased at a price of 450 rubles.



  • It is not recommended for use by children under 5 years of age; the spray is toxic for them.


  1. "Nettifor".


  • strong anti-pediculosis effect, it is enough to use only once;
  • safe for adults, not absorbed into the body;
  • long-term protection eliminates relapse.


  • emits an unpleasant odor;
  • may cause redness, itching and other skin rashes;
  • Do not use in children under 5 years of age, during pregnancy, breastfeeding or hypersensitivity to components.
  1. "Nix"

The action is similar to the previous drug, safer due to the lower concentration of permethrin. This allows the products to be used to treat adults and children at any age (not recommended for infants). The destruction of arthropods occurs by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses in their bodies, which leads to death. The effect persists even after washing off the cream. Available for sale at prices starting from 230 rubles.


  • high efficiency;
  • health safety. There is a tiny amount of insecticide on the skin, enough for insects, but safe for people;
  • protects for some time after the main treatment.


  • prohibited for use by people hypersensitive to substances from the group of pyrethroids and pyrethrins;
  • Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers, children under 6 months.


  1. "Pedilin."

The main substance - malathion - is poisonous to lice and nits, killing them on direct contact. To treat head lice, shampoo should be rubbed into damp hair, especially paying attention to the root zone. Keep for 30 minutes, then rinse. The product is strong enough to penetrate the chitinous covering of adults and the protection of nits, killing the eggs. Afterwards, simply comb out the dead insects. Repeat treatment every other week (only if necessary). Sold from 250 rub.


  • effectively removes lice and their eggs;
  • safe for health, can be used as a prophylactic;
  • protects against relapse for up to 6 weeks;
  • also affects fleas and ticks.


  • smells unpleasant;
  • may cause noticeable itching and burning;
  • Children under 2 years of age and people with allergies to substances in the composition are contraindicated.
  1. "Hygia."

A highly effective remedy against headaches and pubic lice, their nits. The action is based on permethrin, a nerve poison. Using the shampoo is simple: just apply to wet hair and lather. Keep on your head for 30-40 minutes, rinse and immediately comb out with a comb. Repeated application is required - after 10 days. Price - from 170 rub.


  • strong effect;
  • makes it easier to comb out nits because it corrodes the gluten that attaches them to the hair;
  • the insecticide is not absorbed into the human body, the shampoo is safe for health;
  • comes with comb;
  • low cost.


  • has an unpleasant odor;
  • may cause itching and lungs allergic reactions on the skin;
  • requires reuse;
  • Contraindicated for allergy sufferers, children under 5 years of age and patients with skin diseases.

Folk remedies

All these substances are affordable and quite effective. They do not contain synthetic substances, foreign to the human body. However, the use of these drugs requires caution and safety precautions: all of these substances can lead to negative consequences for skin and health if used incorrectly.

Concentrates and lotions

  1. Medifox.


  • a highly effective drug for the treatment of pediculosis;
  • easy to operate;
  • Suitable for killing fleas and ticks;
  • One application is enough;
  • cheap price.


  • requires careful use;
  • may cause burning, rash, swelling;
  • the sensitivity of the scalp may temporarily decrease (paresthesia);
  • Prohibited for children under 5 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, patients with skin diseases, hypersensitive people.
  1. "Foxylon".


  • quickly eliminates arthropods in one go;
  • not absorbed by the skin, non-toxic;
  • also kills ticks;
  • affordable price.


  • does not affect nits; re-treatment is necessary after 5-7 days.
  • smells unpleasant;
  • cannot be used by children under 5 years of age, women during pregnancy, lactation, or if they have allergies, skin diseases or damage to the skin.

The disease has been known to people since ancient times. One of the preventive measures has always been head shaving, common in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and other warm countries.

Lice lay eggs called nits. They are glued to human hair by insect saliva. After 10 days, larvae emerge from the eggs, which are very similar to mature individuals, only smaller. After a few months, they become sexually mature and begin to reproduce.

How is pediculosis transmitted? The main route of transmission is through household contact, including sexual contact, sharing a hat, comb, bed linen. In children's groups, children can become infected from each other during games. IN Lately There have been cases of infection among teenagers during selfies - taking pictures together with a mobile device camera, during which participants may involuntarily touch their heads or hair.

In addition, let's say that lice do not jump or fly, but crawl (run across) from one person to another.

Types of disease

  • head lice;
  • body lice;
  • pubic lice.

Head lice

Head louse can be transmitted through direct contact between people, as well as through the use of the same headdress, hairpins, bows, or combs. Most often girls and girls with long hair. At first, signs of pediculosis are manifested only by the presence of the insects themselves and their eggs. After a few days, their bites lead to the appearance of skin itching. When scratching, the skin is damaged, scratches and crusts appear, and when they are removed, it becomes wet. Increased itching and scratching is observed in impressionable people, “on nervous soil" The saliva of insects causes in people who are prone to allergies or have sensitive skin, a rash in the form of spots or elevations - papules, and sometimes blisters.

The consequences of lice are as follows: pathogenic bacteria enter damaged areas of the skin, causing secondary infection of the wounds. Dermatitis develops and can form. Neck enlargement The lymph nodes. In advanced cases, a mat forms on the hair - a glued clump of tangled hair, which can only be removed by cutting. Sleep is disturbed, appetite disappears, and emotional disorders appear.

Body lice

The female body louse lays a large number of eggs, and by the end of her life her offspring reach several thousand individuals. However, without feeding on blood, lice in clothing die within a few days. This explains how people get lice very quickly when they cannot change their clothes.

Lice are sensitive to temperature, so they do not live on people with high fever and the dead, but leave them, crawling on healthy people and spreading severe infections - rash and relapsing fever, trench fever. This is how typhus epidemics arose at the beginning of the twentieth century during the First World War and Civil War in Russia.

Symptoms of head lice caused by body louse are skin rashes accompanied by itching. Their appearance on the neck is very typical. Chronic lice causes thickening of the skin and hyperpigmentation, that is, darkening. It's called "tramp disease."


The pubic louse lives in areas skin having hair, most often on the pubis, as well as in armpits and on the eyelashes. The lesion is accompanied by itchy rashes in the form of papules (elevations). The appearance of spots of blue or blue color is characteristic, since the saliva of pubic lice destroys hemoglobin in the blood vessels of the skin. The size of such spots is 2-3 mm.

Infection of eyelashes with pubic louse is accompanied by the development of blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids, swelling, redness, itching, and purulent discharge.

All types of pediculosis and phthiriasis require urgent measures to eliminate them, because these diseases are very contagious and potentially pose a great danger to human health and life.

Complications of pediculosis - pyoderma, epidemics in children's groups, in unfavorable conditions social conditions possible outbreaks infectious diseases carried by lice.

1. Pediculosis pubis
2. Characteristic bluish spots


Before today Regular examination remains the main way to diagnose head lice. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of living individuals. If a child only has nits, this is not a sign of a disease and cannot serve as a criterion for excluding him from the team. However, most often when nits are detected medical worker The kindergarten conducting the inspection excludes such child from visiting preschool and refers him to a dermatologist.

On doctor's appointment An additional examination can be carried out using a Wood's lamp, in the rays of which live insects give off a white glow, and the shells of nits give off a gray glow. When pubic lice develop on the eyelashes and eyebrows, they can be seen using a slit lamp.

It allows you to accurately verify the presence of living insects or their eggs by studying the hair and lice themselves under a magnifying glass or even a microscope. Modern methods diagnostics () allow you to take photo and video images of lice under magnification, which confirms the diagnosis.


The fight against pediculosis includes the following areas:

  • insect removal mechanically, that is, combing;
  • the use of special preparations to kill lice;
  • examination of persons in contact with the patient and, if necessary, their treatment;
  • disinsection - removing insects from household items, clothing, and so on.

You need to know that treating the head with chemicals is contraindicated in pregnant women, young children (with some exceptions), as well as in patients with skin diseases. In such patients, mechanical removal of nits and lice is used - combing out with a fine metal comb, cutting or shaving the hair. Nits are tightly glued to the hair, so to make them easier to comb out, you must first wash your hair using any hair conditioner. It will make your hair smoother and the eggs will separate more easily.

Non-pharmacy methods for treating head lice

Treatment of pediculosis at home if inaccessible pharmaceuticals is to use old method- mixtures of soap and kerosene. 10 grams laundry soap grate and dissolve well in half a glass of water, add half a tablespoon of kerosene. This emulsion is applied to the hair using a cotton swab very carefully, protecting the eyes. The head is tightly tied with a plastic scarf and left for 30 minutes. Then the hair is washed well with shampoo and rinsed with table vinegar, diluted 1:1 with water and heated. The remaining nits are removed with a comb through the teeth of which cotton wool is placed, soaked in the same vinegar solution. The hair is combed over a large sheet of paper or a piece of oilcloth, then everything is rolled up and burned. You need to understand that kerosene is very poisonous. Today, with many medicines, affordable, the use of “folk” recipes for head lice should be excluded.

Another, safer “folk” remedy is tar soap. After thoroughly soaping, the hair should be covered with oilcloth and left for 30 minutes, then rinsed with water and vinegar.

Hats need to be dry cleaned or thoroughly treated. Combs and hairpins must be soaked in an insecticide solution. You should wash sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, towels, furniture covers, vacuum carpets, car seats, and mattresses.

How to get rid of head lice caused by body louse

The body and head are washed and completely covered with anti-pediculosis drugs. Clothes and bedding are placed in a drying cabinet for 30 minutes at a temperature of 65˚C or in a disinfection chamber where exposure is combined high temperature And chemical substances(vapor-formalin chamber). If the treatment of a patient when lice is detected is carried out at home, then the linen is soaked for 30 minutes, completely immersing it in water, and then boiled for 20 minutes with the addition of soda ash. Outerwear that cannot be boiled is ironed with a hot iron, turning Special attention on folds and seams.

If for some reason the processing of hats and clothing is not carried out, they must be wrapped in polyethylene and put in an inaccessible place for 2 weeks, preferably in the cold. You can dry things in the sun for the same time. During this time, the lice will die.

Treatment of phthiriasis

For phthiriasis, the usual remedies for head lice are used. If the eyelashes are affected, they are lubricated with Vaseline for 4 days in a row.

Preparations for the treatment of pediculosis

It is best to use products purchased at a pharmacy to kill lice. Majority modern drugs contains the following substances:

  • permethrin;
  • pyrethrin;
  • phenothrin;
  • malathion.

Permethrin is part of the Nittifor solution, Nix cream, Medifox emulsion and gel, Para-plus aerosol ( combination remedy), Veda and Veda-2 shampoos, NOK shampoo, Hygia solution. Pyrethrin is a component of the combined Spray-Pax aerosol. Phenothrin is available in the form of Anti-bit liquid soap, Itax and Parasidosis liquids, Bin and Phenolon lotions, Sumitrin shampoo; malathion - emulsion and gel Pedilin, combined aerosol Para-plus.

5% boric ointment is also used. It is usually recommended for treating the skin after shaving hair, for example, when infested with pubic lice.

Drugs are produced with essential oils: Pediculen-ultra aerosol and Lavinal spray. Some preparations contain clearol oil - Paranit (shampoo, lotion, aerosol), Nuda aerosol.

Let's look at some popular means from pediculosis.

Cream Nyxeffective medicine, has a detrimental effect on nits, larvae and adult lice. After application to the skin, it is very slowly absorbed into its surface, where it is metabolized to harmless components. Therefore, Nyx has virtually no side effects.

Treatment of the scalp for head lice using Nyx cream:

  • wash your hair with shampoo and dry it with a towel;
  • shake the bottle and apply the cream liberally to the scalp and hair along its entire length, especially carefully treating the skin behind the ears and on the back of the head;
  • leave for 10 minutes;
  • rinse your hair thoroughly and dry it with a towel;
  • comb wet hair with the included comb;
  • If necessary, repeat treatment after a week.

Nix Cream can be used in adults and children from 6 months of age. It does not harm patients with concomitant liver and kidney disorders. If prescribed by a doctor, this medicine can be used in pregnant women during breastfeeding and in children under 6 months, but do this only if absolutely necessary.

Undesirable effects of the drug include temporary loss of skin sensitivity and irritation, manifested by swelling, burning, redness, and skin rash. Allergic reactions are possible. The product should not be used if you are intolerant to it, or if you have dermatitis of the scalp.

After the first use, cure occurs in more than 90% of patients.

Couple-plus– a combination aerosol containing malathion, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide. It is sprayed onto the scalp and hair, left for 10 minutes and washed off with shampoo, then combed through the hair with a comb. The drug is well tolerated, only occasionally causing a slight tingling of the scalp. However, it is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma and children under 2.5 years old. During pregnancy, it can be used with great caution, as prescribed by a dermatologist.

A cheaper, but almost equally effective remedy for lice is hellebore water. It is available in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. Apply the product to damp hair, exposure time is half an hour. Then the hair is washed and lice are combed out. The treatment is repeated every other day, and if necessary, after a week. Use of the product is prohibited during breastfeeding. It can be used with caution during pregnancy.

Speaking in general about the effectiveness of anti-pediculosis drugs, it should be noted that it largely depends on the correct processing. In some cases, the product does not help, then the treatment is repeated. The same drug should not be used more than 3 times; it is better to replace it with another drug, for example, with a different active ingredient.

After treatment for lice and examination by a doctor, the child is allowed into the team after 2 days.


Measures to prevent head lice:

  • follow the rules of personal hygiene, regularly wash your hair and body (at least twice a week), change bed and underwear;
  • avoid contact with infected people, as well as socially disadvantaged people, vagrants, illegal migrants;
  • do not use other people’s hats, combs, hair clips, etc.;
  • parents need to regularly examine the child’s head;
  • It is recommended to use special shampoos for children that make the child’s hair smooth; It is more difficult for lice to attach to silky hairs;
  • should explain to the child that kindergarten or the school is not allowed to take other people’s hats, combs, bows, and so on;
  • V adolescence The child should know why head lice is dangerous, why it is undesirable to spend the night outside the home, on someone else’s bed, to borrow friends’ things, or to use their headphones or hats.

Means for prevention: it is not recommended to use chemicals to prevent head lice. If cases of infection are detected in a children's group, then healthy children can rinse their hair with water with added oil. tea tree or wet your comb with it. The use of shampoos and other anti-pediculosis drugs for prevention is recommended only for family members of an infected person.

In conclusion, let's say that lice should not be a source of shame; it can infect the most ordinary people, simply by trying on someone else's baseball cap or accidentally touching your head to someone else's pillow in a student dorm. If you find yourself with lice, don’t waste time panicking and thinking, just go to the pharmacy and buy one of the anti-lice products. Very soon you will forget about this unpleasant disease.

Remedies for lice and nits for children and adults are available in the form of:

  • aerosols;
  • lotions;
  • tablets.

Used at home different shapes release. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

On a note!

Before treating head lice, in order to avoid allergies, it is necessary to test the selected drug. A small amount of the product is applied to the skin and the condition of the skin and general well-being are monitored for 2-3 hours.

Shampoos for the treatment of pediculosis

Pharmacy products in the form of shampoos are easy to use. When purchasing, you should pay attention to their functions. Some are used for prevention, others to destroy lice and nits.

How to use

The procedure consists of several stages:

  • comb your hair well;
  • apply shampoo to the head, distributing the foam along the entire length of the strands, paying special attention to the occipital and temporal parts;
  • cover with polyethylene and wait for the time specified in the instructions;
  • rinse off the shampoo big amount warm water;
  • rinse to destroy the adhesive substance through which nits are attached to the hair;
  • comb out adults, larvae, and nits using a fine-toothed comb;
  • Wash your hair with your usual detergent.

Shampoo rating

Determine which the best means from lice and nits in the form of shampoos, the following review will help:

Lice preparations in the form of sprays are no less popular than shampoos. The treatment process is quite simple: the product is sprayed onto the hair, left for a certain period of time specified in the instructions, then the nits are washed off, and adult insects are mechanically combed out.

Sprays and aerosols against lice and nits should not be used by people suffering from bronchial asthma.

Effective means:

Review of lotions and liquids for the treatment of head lice

Manufacturers call everything that does not spray or foam either lotion, or concentrate, or simply a product:

How much do drugs for the treatment of head lice cost?

The price of each product for lice and nits is clearly displayed in the table:

Release formDrug namePrice, in rubles
Paranit400 –1040 depending on the volume of the bottle
Veda 2170-200
Tar shampoo95-300 depending on the manufacturer
Nit fries1090
Knicksfrom 700
SprayCouple Plusfrom 700
Pediculen Ultra480
LotionMedilis bio350
SolutionFull Marks650
LiquidHandicap plus95
Solution, ointmentNittifor170-280

Lice tablets

Contraindications for taking tablets for lice:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • diseases of the excretory system.

Treatment of head lice with tablets is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Pediculosis - what is it?

Average movement speed adult up to half a meter per minute, which is why it is sometimes quite difficult to reduce the risk of lice infection. There are quite a few ways to get sick by becoming infected from others, which will be discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs.

What to do and how to treat pediculosis?

There is another, more loyal method of treatment, which is practiced in most situations. It represents processing special means hair, as a result of which the glue is destroyed, and the eggs can be combed out. To comb your hair, you need to use a fine-toothed comb, which you need to carefully comb through each strand. Before this procedure, you should treat your curls special composition, and a week later repeat the treatment of the scalp with a medicinal product.

The most effective remedies for treating head lice at home

Store-bought shampoos against lice and nits

Shampoos are mostly applied twice with a break of a week. To use them, you need to apply the composition to damp hair, rubbing it into the scalp, then letting it active substance act. After leaving the product on your head for three minutes, rinse it off with water. Among the most effective shampoos, the following options can be distinguished:

Hellebore water is one of the most common therapeutic agents, used to combat nits and lice. This tool can be purchased at every pharmacy, since for a long time this product was preferred. The composition of the drug is a mixture alcohol tincture hellebores ( medicinal herb) and water in equal proportions.

How to cure lice with tar soap

Preparations Nuda, Para Plus, Paranit and spray A-Par

A separate class should be allocated to sprays that are sprayed on the hair to get rid of lice and nits. Today, specific drugs are very popular, since they are, for the most part, safe and can be used to treat children. Each product has specific instructions for use, which you should read before use. Thus, it is necessary to note the main sprays against lice:

As already mentioned, it is impossible to get rid of lice without combing your hair, so you can purchase a special comb or use an ordinary flat comb with fine teeth. You need to comb out the strands only after the hair has been treated with a special product that destroys nits and lice, and also destroys the glue with which the eggs are attached to the hair.

One of the most popular combs designed to combat head lice is the AntiV brand tool. The manufacturer reports that this comb may be the only remedy to combat the problem described, and therefore there is no need to use additional compounds and medicated shampoos.

Oddly enough, most of the remedies that allow you to get rid of lice are alternative, that is, drugs related to folk medicine. You can be skeptical about many of them, but some products give unexpected results effective result, which is described in more detail below.

How to fight lice with vinegar

Vinegar has been used for many years as one of the auxiliary tools in the fight against head lice. Unfortunately, just using vinegar will not be enough for recovery, but it perfectly deactivates the glue with which eggs are attached to the hair.

In order to use the product, you need to thoroughly treat or even soak your hair in vinegar, after which you need to wrap it in film and wrap it in a towel. After a quarter of an hour, the vinegar is washed out of the head with shampoo. It is worth noting that the product described is one of the most safe drugs folk healing.

How to use kerosene and turpentine

How to kill lice with tea tree oil

It is also important to consider and that tea tree oil, when ingested digestive system person, begins to gradually poison him too. In order to carry out medical procedure you need to apply the described one to wet strands vegetable oil with the use of a comb.

Treatment of bed linen for pediculosis

In order to carry out prophylaxis and prevent complications of pediculosis, it is necessary to carry out complete treatment of bed linen. To do this, it will be enough to wash the set in washing machine, choosing the maximum temperature available for the procedure. Also, after the laundry has been washed, it must be dried and then ironed to completely get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon.

How are lice transmitted from person to person?

As already noted, the main and the only way, allowing you to become infected with lice is contact directly, or through any objects, with an infected person. Anyone can get sick, regardless of how high-quality cosmetics a person uses and how often he does it. Lice can jump onto your head public transport, infection can also occur by scratching the head with a comb used by the patient. There are widespread cases of infection through jackets with fur inserts and through fur coats left in wardrobes.

Concerning preventive measures, which can reduce the risk of lice infection, the following main points can be distinguished among them:

It usually turns out that the need for medicine for lice and nits arises suddenly: as soon as lice are discovered on one of the family members, they immediately try to treat them with something as soon as possible (and they sometimes treat them with just anything - kerosene and vinegar , even hydrogen peroxide is used).

Rarely does anyone think to even call the nearest pharmacy and ask what anti-lice medications exist. Moreover, it can be difficult to get through to a pharmacy, because it is unlikely that the pharmacists will answer you immediately, since perhaps they have other things to do besides rushing headlong to every phone call. And if you show miracles of patience and still get through to them, then they will probably tell you at least ten types of medicines for lice.

However, in such a hurry it is easy to forget that not all drugs are equally effective and safe to use. Therefore, it is useful to get acquainted with at least the main types of lice remedies, which is what we will do next.

So, when choosing a medicine for lice and nits, first of all you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • safety of use - the medicine for lice should not cause severe side effects;
  • effectiveness - at a minimum, the drug should destroy adult lice, and in the optimal case, also nits;
  • accessibility - be available in pharmacies and stores and not cost too much;
  • ease of use.

It is precisely because it is rare to combine all these qualities “in one bottle” that lice preparations are multiplying on the market like mushrooms after rain. Some of them are safe, but do not give the desired effect, others are very powerful, but cause serious allergic irritations on the skin. Still others are both effective and safe, but require serious effort and time to use.

As a result, when choosing the optimal medicine, you always have to sacrifice something.

Let us immediately note: further in the article we consider exactly chemicals against lice and nits. Compared to pediculicidal combs, such preparations are easier to use and allow you to get rid of lice and nits in one or two or three doses, and do not require constant multi-day combing.

Lice shampoos

In general, pediculicidal shampoos are sufficient effective drugs against lice and, perhaps, of all similar means most convenient to use. They are applied to the head in the same way as ordinary cosmetic shampoos, and after the formation of foam, they are left for some time (varies, depending on the specific preparation, usually about half an hour).

Such shampoos are easily washed off, usually either odorless or scented with special fragrances. Of these, the most famous are the following:

Shampoos are most often used to remove lice from children. school age. However, they are not the most safe medications against head lice, inferior in this criterion to some sprays.

Pediculicidal sprays

Lice sprays are good because some of their preparations do not contain insecticides at all, but still effectively kill lice.

On a note

The specificity of Paranit and Nyuda is that Dimethicone is a hydrophobic substance and does not dissolve in water. Judging by the reviews, many parents complain that Paranit is very difficult to wash off.

“I didn’t know which medicine to buy for pubic lice or which one to buy for clothing. I bought A-Par, treated it, and, in short, it hit me. At first I felt nauseous, then hallucinations began, I was in some kind of astral plane for two days. True, in the end there were no lice. Good drug from nits - everything that was was hatched. True, I don’t recommend repeating this to anyone.”

Maxim, Barnaul

In general, it is among sprays that one should look for a product that would suit the most fastidious user who is afraid of “all toxic chemicals.”

Creams and their use

Lice creams do not stand out as anything special among other products. They often use the same insecticides that are used in pediculicidal shampoos.

For example, Nyx cream is considered, although very effective, to be quite rich in various side effects drug.

“We couldn’t decide for a long time, we took what we had - a medicine for Nyx lice. Otherwise they wouldn’t have taken me to the maternity hospital. It doesn't kill nits, it kills lice. I had to itch almost around the clock with a comb after I smeared myself with Nyx once. But in three days everything that was there disappeared, even after a week I didn’t have to treat it a second time.”

Tatiana, Kamenets-Podolsky

You can also pay attention to benzyl benzoate for lice in the form of a cream - also quite effective, although somewhat outdated.

Concentrates: all the pros and cons

These products are concentrated solutions of insecticidal preparations. They are quite effective against all types of lice, but are most often used as preparations for pubic lice.

Among pediculicidal concentrates, Medifox and Avicin are especially popular among doctors and exterminators in special detention centers. The first dissolves in a concentration of one third of a bottle per 100 ml of water, and the second - 10 ml per 1 liter, after which ready-made solution infected areas are treated.

“Use Medifox only according to the instructions - it’s still a drug for lice, not a cologne. I watered the affected area directly from the bottle, then the allergy covered everything from my knees to my chest. But the lice disappeared immediately. Powerful stuff."

Pavel, Nizhny Novgorod

Traditional medicines for lice

Folk remedies for lice are generally considered the least effective and most dangerous to use.

Among them, the most famous are the following:

  • Kerosene, which poisons lice, softens the shells of nits, but can cause serious skin burns.
  • Vinegar with a similar effect to kerosene.
  • Hydrogen peroxide, which, in addition to killing lice, bleaches hair and can severely burn the skin.
  • , destroys lice, but is quite toxic if accidentally ingested.
  • Cranberry juice effectively softens the shells of nits.

Anna, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

There are known cases of kerosene igniting on children's hair when working with it near open flame sources.

A mother accidentally set her daughter on fire while using kerosene to remove lice.