Effective shampoos for children against lice and nits. Which shampoo for nits and lice to choose

Compared to others antiseptic drugs Shampoo for lice and nits is practically safe and more reliable. Such remedies are most suitable for the treatment of head lice in children - they are easy to use, have a quick effect and are much less common than folk remedies and lotions cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Many anti-pediculicidal shampoos can remove lice and nits in one use.


Veda anti-lice shampoo is a somewhat tired product. Today you can find an improved version called “Veda-2” on sale. The active ingredient in Veda shampoo is the insecticide permethrin. The composition of the drug "Veda-2" includes additional components that soften the effect of permethrin.

Both options show high efficiency in the fight against headaches and pubic lice– they die 40 minutes after applying the product to the hair. But these shampoos cannot remove nits.

On a note! The instructions indicate that it is recommended to leave Veda shampoo on the hair for about 10 minutes and then rinse off. But reviews from consumers who have tried it in action claim that this product is effective when left on the head for half an hour. It should be borne in mind that increasing the recommended exposure time increases the risk of skin irritation.

This lice shampoo must be used twice. The second procedure is carried out two weeks after the first application - this is necessary in order to destroy new lice that hatch from the surviving nits.


The Nix lice remedy is not a shampoo, but rather a cream, since when applied to the hair it practically does not foam. But according to the principle of use, it is no different from shampoos, which is why it is called that.

The active substance here is also permethrin, so Nix is ​​in no way inferior in effectiveness to the previous drug.

To get rid of lice, Nyx shampoo should be used as follows:

Advice! In this case, the manufacturer advises leaving the product on your head for about 15 minutes, but in practice, effectiveness is achieved only after half an hour.

  • After the required time has passed, the drug is washed off big amount water;
  • the hair is washed again with regular shampoo to completely remove the insecticide.
  • It should be remembered that the drug against lice “Nix” can cause adverse reactions, namely:

    • rash;
    • swelling of the skin;
    • paresthesia;
    • allergies.


    Lice shampoo "Paranit" is absolutely safe for health. This product is produced by the Belgian company OmegaPharma, which specializes in the production of harmless drugs.

    Unlike previous anti-pediculicidal shampoos, this product is not based on an insecticide, but on mineral matter– clearol, which is why “Paranit” is less effective. Clearol acts somewhat softer than permethrin - it envelops insects with a thin film, due to which they suffocate.

    This drug is used in the same way as others like it: applied to the hair, foamed and washed off after 10-15 minutes. But, as in previous cases, to achieve best result the holding time should be extended. Fear about occurrence adverse reactions however, it’s not worth it, since reviews indicate that such were not observed.


    “Permin” is an anti-lice shampoo based on the already familiar permethrin. Shows high efficiency after the first use:

    Advice! When treating head lice with this drug, you should Special attention Focus on the back of the head and the area behind the ears.

    Possible side effects:

    • burning sensation;
    • numbness of the scalp;
    • edema;
    • rash.

    If such symptoms occur, as well as if the product gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, you must immediately wash it off and seek qualified medical help.


    “Higia” is a shampoo for the treatment of pediculosis, and is effective against both lice and nits. The former die due to the content of permethrin in the insecticide, while the latter are eliminated due to the presence of acetic acid, which softens their adhesive shell.

    Use this remedy as follows:

    • wash your hair with regular shampoo;
    • Apply Hygia to damp strands and leave for about half an hour;
    • Rinse off the product and comb the hair with an anti-pediculicide comb.

      Attention! It is thanks to the use of a comb that the effectiveness of this shampoo increases significantly!

    But remember that if itching or burning occurs, which may occur due to acetic acid, you should immediately wash off the product. Otherwise, burns may form on the skin.


    “Tar” shampoo is more likely, since its main purpose is treatment skin. More often it is recommended to use it as an emollient that can relieve the symptoms of head lice - it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, promotes the healing of wounds caused by scratching bite sites.

    Shampoo for lice and nits "Pedilin" is based on malathion - a powerful contact insecticide. Effective against adults, nits and larvae. The active substance penetrates the protective shells of insects and kills them.

    Use this product the same way as everyone else. But special care must be taken, as it can cause side effects from the skin and disrupt the functioning of the nervous system. Such reactions are rare, but can occur during pregnancy and when treating children.

    Baby shampoos

    Lice shampoo is the most suitable remedy for treating head lice in children. This popularity is due to the low cost of the drug and ease of use. Let's focus on the most popular brands.

    1. Nittifor. This shampoo is based on the insecticide permethrin, which paralyzes nervous system insects Repeated use is not necessary, since the drug has a prolonged effect - the active substances continue to work for two weeks after the first use. During this period, new lice that hatch from the nits die.

      Attention! Apply this product to washed hair and keep it on your head according to the instructions.

      To prevent lice, use the same shampoos as to treat head lice. But they are used for this purpose in a slightly different way.

    Before rushing to the pharmacy for special means against lice and nits, you should choose the most rational and effective drug. After all, as practice shows, shampoos differ from each other not only in names and cost, but also in quality. To immediately decide which shampoo for lice and nits is best to choose for children, let’s look at the most effective and safest existing drugs.

    "Veda" and "Veda-2"

    This is one of the best drugs, which is based on an active substance called permethrin. Despite the fact that this substance is already outdated, the production of this shampoo continues. In the pharmacy you can also find an updated version of the drug called Veda-2. The base of the product has changed only slightly, in particular, emollients have been included to ensure a safe effect on the skin.

    To achieve maximum effectiveness, or rather, to destroy nits, you will need to use the product again after 15-15 days. This is done in order to destroy the larvae that hatch from the nits. Although the shampoo is effective, it cannot destroy nits that are clogged in capsules. They can be destroyed only after they are born, which happens after a few weeks.

    Using Veda shampoo is quite simple: you first need to wet your head, then apply the product to your hair and massage it thoroughly. After 30-50 minutes, you can begin to wash off the foam from your head under running water. As soon as the product is removed from the hair, you need to wash your hair again using regular shampoo.

    Interesting to know! Insecticide-based shampoos must be used in well-ventilated areas. This is necessary in order to avoid chemical poisoning, which can lead to side symptoms.

    Review of Veda shampoo:

    For the child, I was advised to use Veda shampoo, which is not only effective, but also seems to be safe. Arriving at the pharmacy, I purchased Veda-2 shampoo, which is an exact analogue, only an improved version, as the pharmacist explained to me. I came home, washed the child’s hair in the evening, and then waited for 30 minutes. After that, we washed off the product, and then started combing it out with a comb. Combing is such a tedious procedure, on which the quality of getting rid of nits depends. After 2 weeks, there were simply no lice and nits in the hair, so the product was not used again. It is generally not recommended for children to reuse shampoos, but only for adults.

    Ilona, ​​32 years old


    The main advantage of the Paranit line is safety. Paranit shampoo is produced by a Belgian company called Omega Pharma. These products do not contain insecticides, so the drug can be used without fear by both adults and children.

    Interesting to know! There are many drugs with similar names, for example, Paranix or Paramix, but it is important to know that Omega Pharm only produces products called Paranit.

    Features of the use of the drug are as follows:

    • first you need to thoroughly moisten your hair with water;
    • apply shampoo to hair;
    • massage hair and scalp;
    • rinse off the product after 10-15 minutes, as recommended by the manufacturer.

    Review of "Paranita":

    The child has kindergarten found lice, after which they told me to solve it this problem. Use insecticidal chemicals For a child, this is the very last thing you would want to do. Today, the bad environment negatively affects children, and if you also apply chemicals to a child’s hair at the age of 5. For a long time I was looking for effective and safe drugs, but settled on “Paranita”. The drug is used 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks. 2 weeks after repeat procedure the lice disappeared completely. Despite the high cost, I am glad that there are safe drugs.

    Diana, 25 years old

    Tips to help remove lice from your child:

    Cream "Nix"

    "Nix" is not a shampoo - it is a cream, but for the destruction of lice and nits. The product is intended for children, and the application features are the same as for shampoos. After applying the cream to your hair, it does not foam, which is why it is not called shampoo.

    The drug is based on the same permethrin, so its effectiveness is the same as that of Veda shampoo. Nyx cream has some additives, whereby this drug has a pleasant smell. Adverse reactions in the form of skin irritation are observed only in rare cases.

    Features of the application are that before using the cream, you need to thoroughly wash your hair with regular cosmetic shampoo. The instructions say that the product should be applied only for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed off. Practice shows that the applied cream should be kept for at least 30 minutes, which allows you to achieve positive results. After the time has passed, be sure to wash your hair with running water.

    The instructions indicate that side symptoms include: redness, itching, swelling and allergic rash. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug during such a delicate period as pregnancy. When breastfeeding, it is also better for young mothers to refrain from this treatment option for head lice. The price of the cream is about 350 rubles.

    Reviews about "Nix":

    Tatyana, 29 years old


    Effectively fights not only lice, but also nits. The drug is based on the same permethrin, which makes it possible to effectively destroy both adult individuals and nits. The use of the drug is quite simple: first you need to wet your hair with water, then lather it with shampoo, and then leave it on for 30 minutes. Later specified time you need to wash off the product and then proceed to unpleasant procedure combing.

    The comb must be used mandatory, since this allows you to get rid of both dead lice and unhatched larvae from the nits. The drug contains acetic acid, which has a positive effect on softening the shell of nits.

    Interesting to know! After applying the product to the head, the child may feel unpleasant symptoms tingling, especially if there are scratches on the scalp. This tingling sensation occurs due to the presence of acetic acid in the Hygia preparation. You should start rinsing off the shampoo immediately after the child complains of severe tingling.

    After using shampoo against lice and nits, you need to comb your head with a special comb, which is included with the Hygia shampoo.

    The cost of the drug “Higia” is about 200 rubles, so as an option for a cheap and effective remedy against lice, you can trust the domestic product.

    Review of “Higia”:

    I recently discovered nits in my child’s hair. Initially I thought it was dandruff, but when I started trying to remove it, I realized that it was much more complicated. Lice and nits—that’s the diagnosis I gave to my child. There was no doubt that my husband and I were infected with lice. I called my husband and asked him to buy a drug for children and adults against lice. In the evening I brought Hygia shampoo. We spent the whole evening washing our hair and combing out lice and nits for each other. After applying the product to the child, he began to complain of tingling, so he could barely stand it for 15 minutes. My husband and I didn’t feel any tingling, so we kept the product on for 30 minutes. In 2 weeks we will see how effective this “Hygia” is.

    Olga, 35 years old


    Shampoo for children based on organophosphate insecticides. Active ingredients Pedilin shampoo contains malathion and tetramethrin. The destruction of pests occurs through the accumulation of high concentrations of insecticides in their bodies. The drug has contraindications, so children under 2 years of age should not use the shampoo.

    The drug should be used as a regular shampoo, applying it to damp hair. The manufacturer recommends applying shampoo for 3 minutes and then rinsing off. In reality, the shampoo should be kept for 20-30 minutes, which will increase the effectiveness of its effect. After 2 weeks, the drug can be reused. As soon as the shampoo is washed off, nits and lice need to be combed out. In case of overdose, the development of side effects: lacrimation, blurred vision, tachycardia, vomiting, nausea and stomach pain. Therefore, when using Pedilin, you should be careful not to let it get into your eyes, mouth and nose. The cost of the drug is about 300 rubles, and it is produced in Slovenia.

    Interesting to know! If the drug with chemical composition gets into your eyes or mouth, you should immediately rinse the mucous membranes with running water and then consult a doctor. Therefore, it is very important, after using shampoo against lice and nits for children, to hide the packaging with the drug or dispose of it.

    Review of "Pedilin":

    After discovering lice on a child, without thinking twice, she purchased Pedilin shampoo. I know that this is an inexpensive imported shampoo that is effective and can be used for children. I washed my 12-year-old child's hair and then started combing out the lice. Spent about 2 hours on everything. After I combed out all the evil spirits, I found out that I could cut my hair and the lice would disappear. After 2 weeks, no lice or nits are found in the hair.

    Svetlana, 39 years old

    Tar shampoo

    With its help you can not only get rid of lice, but also cure fungal diseases heads. If there are wounds and scratches on the scalp, then shampoo is prescribed first, as it alleviates the symptoms of head lice.

    The advantage of the shampoo is the fact that the product has not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but also antimicrobial and bactericidal. Therefore, with its help you can:

    • get rid of dandruff;
    • relieve itching and scabies;
    • strengthen hair roots;
    • cure fungus;
    • get rid of lice.

    To remove nits, you will need to additionally use vinegar or citric acid. There are many types of tar shampoos, so when purchasing, you need to check the cost and the possibility of use for the treatment of head lice in children. Tar shampoos are based on various phenols, which have a destructive effect on lice.

    More common than in adults. This is explained by the fact that children are more long time are in contact with each other. Relaxing in a camp, socializing at school or kindergarten significantly increases the risk of contracting head lice. It is more difficult for girls, since the difficulty of getting rid of the disease depends on the length of the hair. In this case effective means will be anti-lice shampoo available in pharmacies.

    Only live lice from person to person. Nits are attached to the hair approximately 1–2 cm from the roots of the hair, and they are not transmitted to other people. It is worth noting that nits are not able to fly or jump; they can only move to another person by touching them.

    The most common place is public places, where is large cluster of people. If you use one bed linen, comb, headdress of an infected person, then it is quite easy to become infected with lice.

    It is necessary to use anti-lice shampoo only after. They are not used for prevention, as they may be unsafe for healthy person. A prerequisite before the procedure is an allergy test.

    To carry out such a test, you need to apply a small amount of the product to the area behind the ear; you can wash it off after a few hours.

    If allergic reactions are not detected, then this drug can be used in medicinal purposes. IN best case scenario You must wait a day after the test, since the allergy may not appear immediately.

    Means Veda-2

    The active ingredient is permethrin. It is produced in 100 ml bottles and costs from 150 rubles. The instructions indicate that the anti-lice product must be applied using cotton pads, and it must be rubbed in. After rubbing, Veda-2 is left for at least 10 minutes, and preferably an hour. While holding it, it is recommended to wrap your head with a thick scarf.

    Quite rarely Veda-2 causes local reactions allergies, in the form of burning and itching. The room where the procedure is carried out must be well ventilated. Can also be used as protection against eye contact. gauze bandage. It is contraindicated to use this drug as a lice shampoo for children.


    You need to monitor the results of using the shampoo for 10 days; if live insects are found, the procedure must be repeated. The drug should not be used during pregnancy. It is also worth noting that using shampoo against lice and nits is contraindicated for children.


    Paranit consists of clearol, but also contains coconut and anise. Use a product to eliminate nits and lice. Paranit acts on lice and nits by blocking respiratory function. Paranitis is not prescribed for pregnant women, during lactation and children under 3 years of age. The price of the drug ranges from 500 rubles to 1000 rubles.

    Before use, all family members are required to undergo treatment on the same day. Paranit is applied to dry hair and scalp. To enhance the result, you need to put a cap on your head. Leave the parasite for 10 minutes, then rinse warm water. Use a fine-toothed metal comb to comb out dead lice and nits.

    After the procedure, you need to disinfect all items that took part in the process. Clothing used for manipulations must be washed at a temperature of at least 60˚C. After a week, the entire treatment process must be repeated.


    Hygiography is not used during pregnancy and lactation. It is also prohibited to use this shampoo against lice for children. The price of the drug is 179 rubles. It is worth using this remedy carefully, as an overdose can cause allergies.


    The active ingredient of the drug is malathion. Pedilin is produced in two forms:

    • shampoo;
    • emulsion.

    In case of individual intolerance to the components included in the drug, its use is contraindicated. The cost varies within 100 rubles. When pediculosis occurs in a moderate form, only shampoo is used.

    Pedilin must be applied to the hair and massaged. Keep the drug for no more than 5 minutes, then rinse with running water at room temperature. When the hair is dry, you need to comb out the dead lice. If so, then you need to combine shampoo and emulsion.

    The emulsion is applied using a cotton pad. It is necessary to tie a scarf. Keep the emulsion for half an hour, then rinse and apply shampoo for half an hour. Having endured required time, you need to wash off the contents and comb out the lice with a comb. It is recommended to conduct examinations of subjects who participated in the treatment process. If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water. It is not recommended to use the product for the treatment of lice and nits for children.


    This shampoo against nits and lice contains permethrin. The component is capable of paralyzing the nervous system of lice, which leads to their death. During pregnancy, Nok can be used, however, for children under two years of age, treatment of head lice with this remedy is contraindicated.

    When using shampoo, you need to make sure that the room is as ventilated as possible. Nok should be applied with massaging movements and after application, use a scarf or cap. You need to keep it for at least 40 minutes, then rinse with running water and comb out the dead insects.


    This head lice shampoo is completely natural. The components included in the composition can destroy the enzyme, thanks to which nits are attached to the hair. It is recommended to apply LiceGuard to dry hair. You need to hold it for no more than 5 minutes. After this time, the drug needs to be foamed and washed off with a small amount of water. After drying your hair, you need to comb out the insects. After 7 days, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.


    This drug against lice and nits belongs to natural remedies. Contains:

    • neem extract;
    • camphor oil;
    • Coconut oil;
    • anons.

    This product is completely safe for humans, and at the same time quite effective. It is used for children and adults, but it is worth noting that when applying Mediker to a child, you need to make sure that he is not allergic to the components. The price of the drug is 200 rubles. Apply the product to damp hair and then foam. The time you need to keep the product on your head is 4 minutes. Mediker should be washed off with warm running water.


    Before applying the drug, you need to wash your hair and dry your hair. After this, put on gloves and carefully apply Itax to your scalp and hair. It takes about 10 minutes to wait, after which the product is applied to the hair again. After holding for a few more minutes, rinse the product off your head and wash your hair well. Remove dead insects with a fine-toothed comb. The drug for head lice is prohibited for children under two years of age, as well as for allergy sufferers.

    The product, which contains tar, is often used to eliminate lice, however, it was originally intended to eliminate itching due to head lice. The action is slow. Lice begin to die only 5 days after the start of treatment. It should be used like any other shampoo:

    • apply to damp hair;
    • hold for about 5 minutes;
    • rinse with running water.

    Buy tar shampoo You can get rid of lice not only in a pharmacy, but also in a regular store. The price is about 70 rubles. It is worth noting that this shampoo has a rather specific smell, but over time it can fade. Treatment with tar is carried out with various diseases scalp. It does not cause harm, so you can use it for as long as necessary to completely get rid of the disease.

    Prevention of head lice

    Outside the head, a louse lives no more than a day, so after using a remedy for lice, you need to wet cleaning dwellings. It is imperative to disinfect combs, combs, hairpins, etc. You can treat items with an alcohol solution and anti-lice shampoo.

    You can also place items in the freezer for several days.

    At temperatures above 60˚C, nits die within 10 minutes, so it is necessary to wash bedding and clothes after each procedure. Items that cannot be treated (coats, fur coats) must be put aside for the treatment period.

    Video: How to get rid of lice and nits, ways to quickly treat head lice at home.

    It is very easy for a child to become infected with lice

    Classification of products against lice and nits

    Choice good antiseptic carried out based on the following criteria: effectiveness, gentle treatment of the scalp, safety and simplicity, making it easy to use at home. Depending on consistency medicinal products are divided into the following types:

    There is a classification of antiseptics depending on the components included in their composition. There are medications that have a natural and synthetic base. In the first case, essential oils and herbal extracts are used in their production, in the second - artificially created components: permethrin, phenothrin, malathion.

    It is mistakenly believed that natural shampoos and lotions are different greater efficiency and careful treatment of the skin. It must be remembered that herbal ingredients are characterized by a number of contraindications and adverse reactions, and therefore doctors most often recommend the use of synthetic products.

    Depending on the artificial components used, remedies for lice and nits are divided into preparations:

    • with acidic compounds;
    • insecticides;
    • silicone.

    Shampoos for head lice

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    To remove lice, preparations containing insecticides that have an aggressive effect on adult lice are used. To quickly achieve therapeutic effect and to prevent adverse reactions, it is recommended to consult a doctor before purchasing medicated shampoo.

    List of popular means

    Belgian shampoo Paranit has a gentle effect on the scalp. The drug is of natural origin and is produced on the basis of clearol mineral oil, an analogue of dimethicone silicone. Due to its safe and gentle effect on the scalp, Paranit is used to treat the youngest patients.

    Pedilin is popular means from lice and nits. It is made on the basis of the insecticide malathion, which has an aggressive effect on both adult individuals and their eggs. The disadvantage of this shampoo is its high toxicity and allergenicity. Improper use can lead to irritation and damage to the scalp. For this reason, Pedilin is used only for children over 3 years of age.

    Medifox for lice

    Terms of use

    The process of treating hair with shampoo includes the following stages:

    Nyuda spray based on dimethicone silicone effectively fights against lice and nits. The advantage of this composition is low toxicity and safety for the skin. Without penetrating into the dermis, Nyuda simultaneously forms a dense film that must be thoroughly washed off with water. It is prohibited to use the drug for the treatment of patients under 3 years of age suffering from skin diseases.

    Babo Botanicals Spray from IHerb

    Babo Botanicals contains the following components: aloe vera juice, extracts of glycerin, chamomile, calendula, kudzu leaves, honey plant, water, etc. The drug can be used to treat children of all ages.

    Lotions, emulsions and solutions

    Children's skin is susceptible allergic reactions, which is why in the process of eliminating lice and nits they often resort to traditional medicine recipes.

    It must be remembered that the effectiveness of these products is lower than that of industrial compounds, which will require applying them several times. The following groups of natural ingredients are used in the treatment of pediculosis:

    • juices;
    • essential oils;
    • herbs.

    Lice and nits are sensitive to essential oils with a strong aroma: rosemary, lemon balm, bergamot, mint, thyme, etc. Due to lack of effectiveness, these components are mainly used for preventive purposes. It is recommended to add a few drops of oil to baby shampoo(more details in the article:). The detergent is applied to the hair, foamed and left for 5-10 minutes.

    There are many options for treating pediculosis. traditional methods

    For the prevention and treatment of pediculosis in children, use various decoctions and herbal infusions. The following herbal preparations are most effective:

    It must be taken into account that nits mature within 8 days, and therefore therapy is carried out in several stages. The most effective products are those that simultaneously destroy lice and nits.

    These drugs are highly toxic, which is why they cannot always be used to treat children. The duration of the process depends on the degree of damage and takes several days.

    The disease causes a lot of inconvenience, and its carrier transmits lice to other people, and this can happen even in public transport . But besides this, pediculosis can also be caused by other serious illnesses. Therefore, you should know in advance which shampoo is most suitable today for the treatment of head lice and other hairline human body. By going to any pharmacy, you can find any of the options for anti-nit shampoo.

    How dangerous is the disease?

    You should never ignore the seriousness of the situation when you discover nits in a person. After all, if you do not take any action to treat of this disease, then the situation can lead to serious complications in the form of the appearance of the following diseases. For example, it may occur typhus, eczema, allergies, will start at large quantities hair falling out.

    The most effective shampoos for nits

    When selecting a particular detergent for the body and head, it is necessary to clarify not only its price and ease of use, but also its composition, effect, and also whether the toxicity of the components included in the shampoo is high. So, for example, if you use kerosene, then, indeed, lice and their eggs will be destroyed, however, and the toxins will harm human health. Except detergents There are also all kinds of sprays, powders, pencils and other means that may not always work. Therefore, we present 5 most effective shampoos, designed specifically for safe use person to get rid of nits.



    Good day! My name is Elena. I have a child who goes to school. He is already 10 years old. A month ago I brought lice back from school! I already thought that this problem was in the past and would not affect us anymore. No, after kindergarten - again twenty-five, again nits! I sent my husband to the pharmacy, with the money he had only enough to buy Veda 2. We decided to try it. Where to go? We decided to use the entire bottle not only for the child, but also for ourselves. I would like to point out the main drawback - this product dries out my hair terribly! After it, you still need to nourish and restore your hair. In terms of efficiency, I would give it a 3! Some nits remained alive. That is why I would not recommend this drug to anyone.

    1. Manufacturer country - Belgium(OmegaPharma company).
    2. Available in the form liquid filled into a can.
    3. The volume of the can is 100 ml.
    4. The active substance in the composition of the drug is clearol(mineral oil).
    5. The liquid is supplied under pressure in the form of a spray. This is very convenient, because you can quickly distribute the substance throughout the entire scalp, and along the entire length of the hair.
    6. The action time to destroy eggs (nits) is about 15 minutes after application. If you hold on up to 30-40 minutes, then 100% result is achieved.
    7. The principle of operation of the product is not to destroy lice and nits as an insecticide does, entering the intestines of the insect, but envelops the individual, suffocating it.
    8. Great for children because it is completely safe due to complete absence chemicals.
    9. Approximate cost – 650 rub.,


    Paranit personally helped me the first time! It was a great idea to also include a comb in the box, otherwise I really wanted to look for it somewhere separately. The temples and occipital part heads. I asked my mother to check, and they found, so to speak, unexpected “guests” - lice and nits. The peculiarity of this product is that it foams very much when you start to wash it off. And when soaping there is no such foam. The instructions say that you need to treat your head twice, but I decided to use it once for my hair, and it worked!

    Using Paranit:


    1. Manufacturer country - Bulgaria.
    2. Available in the form of a soap liquid.
    3. Capacity volume – 120 ml.
    4. Active components – permethrin, acetic acid to soften nits and remove them from hair.
    5. Due to the acetic acid content, a slight tingling or itching sensation may be noticed on the skin. A substance can irritate the skin only if it is hypersensitive.
    6. Aged lathered shampoo about 30 minutes.
    7. After treatment, be sure to comb out dead insects and their eggs with a fine-toothed comb.
    8. It is recommended for children to use only from 5-6 years old.
    9. Average price - 200 rub.





    • Production - Hungary, pharmaceutical plant "Teva Private Co. Ltd."
    • Form – release in the form of a plastic bottle with creamy orange content, which has a rather specific smell.
    • Bottle volume – 115 ml.
    • Contents: box, bottle and instructions.
    • Active substances – permethrin 1%.
    • Shelf life – 2 years.
    • Hazard and toxicity class – IV, which refers to low-hazard substances.
    • How to apply - first wash your hair with regular shampoo, then apply Nittifor cream and leave for 10 minutes.
    • What to do next - you need to rinse with warm water and shampoo or soap, and then rinse your hair again with 5% vinegar solution. The hair is dried and dead nits and adult insects are combed out with a special comb.
    • Contraindications – pregnant women, nursing mothers and Children under 5 years of age should not be used.
    • Issue price – 350-380 rub..


    Hello! My name is Pavel. I discovered nits and then lice on my head. It’s good that my mother is a doctor, I called her and she immediately advised new drug- “Nittifor”. It was not very convenient to use due to the fact that the cream does not flow out of the bottle well. The cost is inexpensive, the smell is nasty, but it doesn’t linger on the hair for long. After washing twice with shampoo and a weak vinegar solution, the smell was almost non-existent. The product really helped a lot in one go. I combed out all the nits with a special comb - it’s good that my hair is short.

    • Production - USA, sold in pharmacies.
    • The kit consists of three components - repellent spray, shampoo that makes hair easier to comb and a special comb for combing out nits and lice.
    • Spray volume – 30 ml, shampoo – 120 ml.
    • There are no aggressive ingredients in the shampoo or repellent. chemical substances, everything is created on a natural basis.
    • Shelf life – 3 years.
    • How to apply the spray - spray over parted hair at a distance of 30 cm from the head. Simply wash your hair with shampoo after using the spray.
    • What to do next - leave the repellent on the head for 10-15 minutes, then wash it off with the shampoo from the kit, and after drying, comb the hair with a comb.
    • Non-toxic, does not irritate the gastric mucosa or eyes if it accidentally gets in.
    • Contraindications - the products are not toxic, therefore can be used on small children, but for pregnant women it is recommended to use it only after consulting a doctor.
    • The asking price for repellent is 1100-1200 rubles, shampoo – 1200-1300 rubles, comb – 800 rubles, set of shampoo, strand separator and comb – 1600-1700 rubles. Cost varies depending on point of sale.


    I didn’t even know that among American drugs there is a separate line that specializes specifically in effective removal lice and nits. I used a set of drugs for myself. I really enjoyed using it. Everything is convenient, packaging, bottles, comb. In one session I defeated all the lice! It was a bit difficult to comb out long hair, but with effort you can achieve excellent results.

    1. Manufacturer country - Slovenia.
    2. Available in the form of a soap emulsion liquid.
    3. Capacity volume – 100 ml.
    4. The active ingredient is malathion (5 mg).
    5. The principle of action of the substance is penetration through the shell of insects and their eggs.
    6. Suitable for use by children.
    7. Non-toxic for pregnant women unless they are allergic to active substance contains malathion.
    8. Average price - 250-300 rub..

    Review of the most popular shampoos for head lice: