What does the road sign “Motorized vehicles prohibited. What prohibition signs and when have no effect on residents

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the next article of the series "Signs traffic"We will talk about the third type of road signs - traffic prohibition signs.

Let me remind you that in previous articles, warning signs and priority signs were considered:

In this article you will find images of prohibition signs, as well as explanations for them:

No entry sign (brick)

The entry is prohibited sign (popularly - a brick sign), as you might guess from its name, prohibits entry Vehicle on a road or section of road in one direction:

A feature of the brick sign is the fact that it does not apply to route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, fixed-route taxis):

So, a no entry sign is usually installed in the following situations:

  • Upon entering reverse direction on the road with
  • At the entrance to the road, on which only the movement of route vehicles is allowed in this direction along.
  • At the entrance to, entry to which is prohibited from this direction.

Depending on the specific situation, the punishment for entering under a brick can be completely different:

for 4-6 months or 5,000 rubles.Entrance to a one-way road in the opposite direction. It does not matter whether the driver entered this road in the usual way, or he did it.
3,000 rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg
1,500 rubles in other regions.
Departure to the strip for route vehicles under the brick.
Warning or 500 rublesEntry to the adjacent territory under the entry sign is prohibited. just describes the punishment for violating the requirements of the “no entry” sign in the adjacent territory and emphasizes that deprivation of rights cannot be applied in this case.

By the way, why do you think the sign 3.1 is popularly called sign brick? Write about it in the comments to the article.

No traffic sign

The traffic sign is prohibited in its meaning similar to the previous one. However, they also have several differences:

Sign 3.2 prohibits the movement of vehicles in both directions, i.e. at the entrance to it cannot be installed.

No traffic sign does not apply on the:

  • route vehicles;
  • cars driven by disabled people of groups I and II (with the sign "Invalid");
  • cars carrying disabled people of groups I and II or disabled children (with the sign "Disabled");

The cars listed above can freely move along the streets marked with sign 3.2.

Additional exceptions in 2019:

  • federal postal service vehicles (with a white diagonal stripe);
  • vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated area;
  • vehicles that serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated area.

However, the vehicles listed in this list must enter and leave the designated area only at the intersection closest to your destination.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the concept of the nearest intersection in is not deciphered, and in practice a controversial situation may arise:

Take a close look at the picture above. The left intersection is much closer to the intended destination, however, when entering from the right intersection, the driver will have to overcome a much shorter distance to enter the courtyard. What is the best way to proceed in this situation? Write your opinion in the comments.

I want to note that if you are going to enter under the sign 3.2, then it is better to have documents confirming your relationship with the destination. For example, a passport with a residence permit at the destination.

The maximum penalty for violation of the requirements of sign 3.2 - 500 rubles.

The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited

This sign applies exclusively to mechanical vehicles:

Let me remind you the definition of a motor vehicle from clause 1.2 of the SDA:

"Power-driven vehicle" means a vehicle propelled by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

That is, motor vehicles are cars and trucks, mopeds, motorcycles, buses, tractors, self-propelled vehicles, etc.

At the same time, the list of exceptions for this character coincides with the list for the previous one. It includes disabled cars, public transport, postal vehicles, as well as vehicles serving citizens and enterprises located in the designated area. In general, all requirements are similar to the previous paragraph.

Truck traffic is prohibited

The sign for the movement of freight transport is prohibited applies to trucks and combinations of vehicles, the permitted maximum mass of which exceeds 3.5 tons, if the sign does not indicate the mass, or the mass indicated on the sign (in this example, 8 tons):

This sign also prohibits the movement of tractors and self-propelled machines, but does not prohibit the movement of trucks designed to transport people.

This sign does not apply to:

  • postal cars.
  • Trucks without a trailer with a maximum authorized mass of not more than 26 tons, serving enterprises located in a designated area. For these trucks, entry is possible only from the nearest intersection to the destination.

Motorcycle traffic is prohibited

The traffic sign is distributed exclusively on motorcycles and prohibits their movement on the road in both directions:

Exceptions for this sign:

  • mail motorcycles with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background;
  • motorcycles serving businesses and citizens working or living in the designated area.

If you have this sign, you can drive a personal motorcycle to your home. Also, for example, a pizza delivery man will be able to call on you.

Also, the sign does not prohibit the movement of mopeds and bicycles.

Let me remind you that entry under the sign of the movement of motorcycles is prohibited only from the nearest intersection to the destination. The penalty for violating the requirements of this sign is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Good luck on the roads!

A series of articles "Signs of the road"

It is forbidden to enter all vehicles in this direction.

Shuttle vehicles may retreat from the action of this sign: tram, trolleybus, bus.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 h. 3 Traffic in the opposite direction on a one-way road

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 h. 3.1 Repeated commission administrative offense provided h. 3 Article. 12.16 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
- deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 1 year.

Sign 3.2. Movement Prohibition

All vehicles are prohibited.

1. Shuttle vehicles;

3. Vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, carrying such disabled people or disabled children, if the indicated vehicles have an identification sign "Disabled".

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:

Sign 3.3. The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited

The movement of mechanical vehicles is prohibited.

Horse-drawn carts, bicycles and velomobiles may continue to move.

From the action of these signs may deviate:

1. Shuttle vehicles;
2. Vehicles of federal postal organizations with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background on the side surface, and vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated zone, as well as serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated zone. In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination;
3. Vehicles driven by persons with disabilities of groups I and II, carrying such persons with disabilities or children with disabilities, if the identification sign "Disabled" is installed on these vehicles.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 part 1 - Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the carriageway, except as provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter
- a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 3.4. Truck traffic is prohibited

The movement of trucks and vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3.5 tons (if the sign does not indicate the mass) or with a maximum authorized mass of more than indicated on the sign, as well as tractors and self-propelled machines, is prohibited.

Sign 3.4 does not prohibit the movement of trucks intended for the transport of people, vehicles of federal postal organizations with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background on the side surface, as well as trucks without a trailer with a maximum permitted weight of not more than 26 tons, which serve enterprises located in the designated area. In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 part 1 - Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the carriageway, except as provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter
- a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 3.5. Motorcycle traffic is prohibited

The movement of any motorcycles (sidecars and without them) is prohibited.

From the action of this sign may deviate:

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:

- a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 3.6. Tractor traffic is prohibited

The movement of tractors of any kind and self-propelled machines (scrapers, graders, etc.) is prohibited.

Vehicles of federal postal organizations with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background on the side surface, and vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated area, as well as serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated area. In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 part 1 - Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the carriageway, except as provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter
- a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 3.7. No trailer towing

The movement of trucks and tractors with trailers of any type, as well as the towing of mechanical vehicles, is prohibited.

From the action of this sign may deviate:

Vehicles of federal postal organizations with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background on the side surface, and vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated area, as well as serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated area. In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination;

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 part 1 - Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the carriageway, except as provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter
- a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 3.8. The movement of horse-drawn carts is prohibited

The movement of horse-drawn carts (sleighs), riding and pack animals, as well as the driving of livestock is prohibited.

From the action of this sign may deviate:

Vehicles of federal postal organizations with a white diagonal stripe on a blue background on the side surface, and vehicles that serve enterprises located in the designated area, as well as serve citizens or belong to citizens living or working in the designated area. In these cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 part 1 - Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the carriageway, except as provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter
- a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 3.9. Bicycles are prohibited

Bicycles and mopeds are prohibited.

The sign does not prohibit driving a bicycle (moped) with your hands along the sidewalk (pedestrian path), and in its absence, along the right side of the road (in the direction of vehicles).

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 part 1 - Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the carriageway, except as provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter
- a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 3.10. No Pedestrians

Prohibited the movement of pedestrians, as well as persons who are considered pedestrians: moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sled, cart, baby or wheelchair.

The sign applies only to the side of the road where it is installed.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.29 h. 1 Violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian or passenger
- a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 3.11. Mass limitation

It is forbidden to move vehicles, including vehicles, the total actual mass of which is more than indicated on the sign.


Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:

- a fine from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

Sign 3.12. Weight limit per vehicle axle

It is forbidden to move vehicles whose actual weight on any axle exceeds that indicated on the sign.

1. The load on the axle of trucks is distributed as follows: on two-axle vehicles - 1/3 on the front, 2/3 on the rear axle; on three-axle vehicles - 1/3 for each axle.
2. If the axle load is greater than on the sign, the driver must go around this section of the road on a different route.

If the sign has a yellow background, then the sign is temporary.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.21 1 part 5 Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting the movement of vehicles, including vehicles whose total actual mass or axle load exceeds those indicated on the road sign, if the movement of such vehicles is carried out without special permission
- a fine from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

Sign 3.13. Height limit

The movement of vehicles whose overall height (with or without cargo) is more than indicated on the sign is prohibited.

If the height of the car (with or without cargo) is greater than on the sign, then the driver must avoid a section of the road on a different route.

If the sign has a yellow background, then the sign is temporary.

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.

Sign 3.14. Width constraint

The movement of vehicles whose overall width (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign is prohibited.


If the width of the car (with or without cargo) is greater than on the sign, then the driver must go around this section of the road on a different route.

If the sign has a yellow background, then the sign is temporary.

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.

Sign 3.15. Length limit

The movement of vehicles (vehicle combinations) whose overall length (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign is prohibited.

If the overall length of the vehicle (vehicle combinations) is greater than indicated on the sign, the driver must go around this section of the road on a different route.

If the sign has a yellow background, then the sign is temporary.

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.

Sign 3.16. Minimum distance limitation

The movement of vehicles with a distance between them less than indicated on the sign is prohibited.

Action area:

3. To the sign "End of the zone of all restrictions."

If the sign has a yellow background, then the sign is temporary.
In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.

Sign 3.17.1. Customs

Travel without stopping at customs is prohibited.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:


- a fine of 800 rubles.

Sign 3.17.2. Danger

Forbidden further movement all vehicles without exception in connection with a traffic accident, accident, fire or other danger.

The sign is installed in places that threaten the life and health of people.

Passage is prohibited for everyone without exception.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.19 hours 1 and 5 Other violations of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles
- Warning or a fine of 300 rubles.
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.12 part 2 Non-compliance traffic rules about stopping in front of a stop line marked with road signs or markings of the carriageway, with a traffic light signal forbidding or a traffic controller forbidding gesture
- a fine of 800 rubles.

Sign 3.17.3. Control

Passing through checkpoints without stopping is prohibited.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.19 hours 1 and 5 Other violations of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles
- Warning or a fine of 300 rubles.
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.12 part 2 Failure to comply with the traffic rules requirement to stop in front of a stop line indicated by road signs or markings of the carriageway, with a traffic light prohibiting signal or a traffic controller prohibiting gesture
- a fine of 800 rubles.

Sign 3.18.1. Right turn prohibited

Prohibits right turning.


If the sign has a yellow background, then the sign is temporary.

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 part 1 Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or roadway markings, except as provided for by parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter
- Warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 3.18.2. Left turn prohibited

Prohibits left turns.

PLEASE NOTE: The sign does not prohibit a U-turn.

1. Retreat: route vehicles (tram, trolley bus, bus).
2. The effect of the sign applies only to the intersection in front of which the sign is installed.

If the sign has a yellow background, then the sign is temporary.

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:

- a fine from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Sign 3.19. U-turn prohibited

PLEASE NOTE: The sign does not prohibit a left turn.

1. Retreat: route vehicles (tram, trolley bus, bus).
2. The effect of the sign applies only to the intersection in front of which the sign is installed.

If the sign has a yellow background, then the sign is temporary.

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 h. 2 Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or roadway markings
- a fine from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Sign 3.20. No overtaking

It is forbidden to overtake all vehicles, except for slow-moving vehicles, horse-drawn vehicles, mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles without a side trailer.

Action area:

1. From the place of installation of the sign to the nearest intersection behind it, and in settlements in the absence of an intersection - to the end locality. The action of the signs is not interrupted at the places of exit from the territories adjacent to the road and at the places of intersection (adjacency) with field, forest and other secondary roads, in front of which the corresponding signs are not installed.
2. The area of ​​effect can be limited to "Area of ​​effect".
3. To the sign "End of no overtaking zone".
4. To the sign "End of the zone of all restrictions."

If the sign has a yellow background, then the sign is temporary.
In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.15 h. 4 Departure to traffic violation on a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or on tram tracks in the opposite direction, with the exception of cases provided for by paragraph 3 of this article
- a fine of 5000 rubles. or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 to 6 months.

Sign 3.21. End of no-overtaking zone

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.19 hours 1 and 5 Other violations of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles
- Warning or a fine of 300 rubles. (for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 2500 rubles)

Sign 3.28. No parking

Parking of vehicles is prohibited.


Action area:

1. From the place of installation of the sign to the nearest intersection behind it, and in settlements in the absence of an intersection - to the end of the settlement. The action of the signs is not interrupted at the places of exit from the territories adjacent to the road and at the places of intersection (adjacency) with field, forest and other secondary roads, in front of which the corresponding signs are not installed.
2. Until the effect of the repeated sign 3.28 "Parking is prohibited" with ,

Applies only to the side of the road on which they are installed.


The effect of this sign does not apply to vehicles driven by disabled people, transporting disabled people, including disabled children, if the identification sign "Disabled" is installed on these vehicles, as well as to vehicles of federal postal organizations that have a white diagonal on the side surface a lane on a blue background, and a taxi with a taximeter turned on;

Action area:

2. Until the action of the repeated sign and 3.30 on opposite sides of the carriageway, parking is allowed on both sides of the carriageway from 19:00 to 21:00 (change time).


The effect of this sign does not apply to vehicles driven by disabled people, transporting disabled people, including disabled children, if the identification sign "Disabled" is installed on these vehicles, as well as to vehicles of federal postal organizations that have a white diagonal on the side surface a lane on a blue background, and a taxi with a taximeter turned on;

Action area:
1. From the place of installation of the sign to the nearest intersection behind it, and in settlements in the absence of an intersection - to the end of the settlement. The action of the signs is not interrupted at the places of exit from the territories adjacent to the road and at the places of intersection (adjacency) with field, forest and other secondary roads, in front of which the corresponding signs are not installed.
2. Until the validity of the repeated mark , Restriction minimum distance;

The sign applies to ALL vehicles that have identification marks (information plates) "Dangerous goods".

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 part 1 - Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the carriageway, except as provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter
- a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Sign 3.33. The movement of vehicles with explosive and flammable goods is prohibited

The movement of vehicles transporting explosive substances and products, as well as other dangerous goods subject to marking as flammable, is prohibited, except for the cases of transportation of these dangerous substances and products in a limited amount, determined in the manner established special rules transportation.

Dangerous goods are divided into classes:
class 1 - explosives;
class 2 - gases compressed, liquefied and dissolved under pressure;
class 3 - flammable liquids;
class 4 - flammable substances and materials;
class 5 - oxidizing substances and organic peroxides;
class 6 - poisonous (toxic) substances;
class 7 - radioactive and infectious materials;
class 8 - caustic and corrosive materials;
class 9 - other dangerous substances.

Punishment for violation of the requirements of the mark:
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.16 part 1 - Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the carriageway, except as provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter
- a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.21.2 part 2 Violation of the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods, except for the cases provided for by part 1 of this article
fine: for the driver from 1000 to 1500 rubles,
on officials from 5000 to 10000 rubles,
on legal entities from 150,000 to 250,000 rubles.

The movement of mechanical vehicles is prohibited. In order to understand how sign 3.3 (and everything, by the way, up to 3.9 inclusive) works, it is enough to get acquainted with the principles of operation of the "main" sign - 3.2 "Movement is prohibited." The only difference is that the sign presented here applies only to motor vehicles.

Let's remember what the traffic rules mean by a motor vehicle:

"mechanical vehicle"- a vehicle driven by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

That is, all vehicles equipped with an engine (apparently, any) are mechanical.

The conclusion suggests itself: on a bicycle or a horse-drawn cart, for example, you can drive into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis sign without any reservations, because these vehicles are not mechanical. In addition, there are a number of other exceptions:

Sign 3.3 is not valid:

    on vehicles owned by persons residing or working in the specified zone, serving enterprises or individuals located in the zone indicated by the sign

    on vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children. It is worth noting that in this case, the vehicle must have an identification mark "Disabled". In addition, the driver must have a document confirming the fact of disability ()

    on the vehicles of federal postal organizations. Such a machine must have characteristic distinctive features: white diagonal stripe on blue background

    for vehicles

Penalty for the sign 3.3 "Movement of mechanical vehicles is prohibited"

As well as for violations of the instructions of most prohibition signs, for driving into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsign 3.3 in cases where the rules prohibit this, the driver faces a fine of 500 rubles

Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or the carriageway, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2-7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, FZ) entails a warning or an imposition administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles. (in ed. federal law dated 07/23/2013 N 196-FZ)

It is more convenient to get acquainted with prohibition signs if you first divide them into two subgroups:

1. Signs interrupting traffic.

1. Signs interrupting traffic.

What are these signs? They just interrupt the further movement!

There is no need to talk about the scope.

But these signs act selectively, not for everyone! Some people can't, but some people can!

Therefore, our task is not only to figure out what exactly these signs prohibit. It is also important to understand to whom the effect of a particular sign applies.

Sign 3.1No entry.

Sign 3.1 prohibits entry from this side. But movement not allowed in this area. In essence, now you have been "asked" - look for another entrance, it must be.

It doesn't matter if you live here or work. Brick is a categorical sign, especially since you can get here in a different way without violating the Rules.

Sign 3.2 -Movement Prohibition.

Sign 3.2 prohibits not just entry, but in general movement of any vehicle inside the designated area!

It is pointless to look for another entrance. The same signs will be installed at all entrances. Only walking is allowed here.

You even have to get off the bike and roll it next to it.

But what about those who live or work here?

The rules took into account this absurdity and made an exception for those who live or work here.

And by the way, not only for them. Those who serve enterprises located in the designated area, or serve citizens living or working in the designated area (you can drive here by taxi if you live or work here) can also enter here, as well as disabled people (1st or 2nd group) or those who carry such disabled people.

Therefore, do not be surprised if under the sign "Movement is prohibited" you see the sign "Restriction top speed". This is for those who can come here.

Sign 3.3The movement of mechanical vehicles is prohibited.

Sign 3.3 prohibits movement only motor vehicles.

In the zone of action of this sign, you can ride a bicycle, on a horse, on a dog sled, that is, on everything that is set in motion by the muscular energy of a person or animal.

And again the same question - what about those who live or work here?

And again, the same answer - those who live or work here are allowed to move, those who serve enterprises located in the designated zone, or serve citizens living or working in the designated zone, and disabled people (1st or 2nd- oh groups) or those who carry such disabled people.

Sign 3.4Truck traffic is prohibited.

Sign 3.4 prohibits movement trucks with a maximum authorized weight of more than 3.5 tons.

The sign does not apply to motorcycles and cars of category "B". You can safely continue driving under this sign if you are driving a car or a truck with a maximum authorized weight of not more than 3.5 tons.

Note. On sign 3.4 a specific value of the permitted maximum mass may be applied. In this case, the sign prohibits the movement of trucks with a maximum permitted weight of more than the one indicated on the sign.

And one more important moment.

According to our Rules, those who live or work here, or serve those who live or work here, cannot enter the zone of this sign. And, by the way, there are no discounts for the disabled either.

Sign actionNot applies only for trucks, owned or serviced businesses located in a designated area .

That is, if you live or work in an area marked with such a sign, and you, for example, needed to bring furniture, hire a truck with a maximum permissible weight of no more than 3.5.

Sign 3.5– The movement of motorcycles is prohibited.

Any prohibition sign prohibits only what is depicted on it. And everything else - please!

Under this sign you can drive any car, moped or bicycle.

You can't just ride a motorcycle.

Sign 3.7Trailer driving is prohibited.

The artist depicted a symbolic trailer on the sign, and it turned out to be like a trailer for a car. However, the purpose of the sign is to prohibit movement precisely cargo cars and precisely in the case when they move as part of a road train, that is with a trailer .

Let's ask ourselves the question, in which case will the sign 3.7 "Movement with a trailer is prohibited" be installed? What should be on the road so that trucks with a trailer are not allowed there?

Such a sign is installed in front of areas where various reasons difficult to maneuver.

Change lanes, turns and U-turns have to be done in such cramped conditions that trucks with a trailer will either not pass there at all or will harvest road accidents along the way.

But exactly the same problems will arise when towing, and with any towing! When towing, maneuvering is equally difficult for trucks, cars, and motorcycles.

The rules took this circumstance into account and this is how they described the effect of this sign:

Rules. Appendix 1. Sign 3.7 "Movement with a trailer is prohibited." It is forbidden to drive trucks and tractors with trailers of any type,as well as towing motor vehicles .

Now drivers should be grateful to the traffic organizers - thank you for putting up such a sign here. Otherwise, we would have “broken firewood” there.

On cars cars This sign does not apply.

By car (with or without a trailer) you can continue driving, the Rules do not mind.

Let's go back to these four signs for a moment.

You already know that the effect of the first two characters Not applies to those who live or work in the designated area, as well as to those who serve businesses located in this area, or serve citizens living in this area.

The rules for all four characters introduced a hard limit:“In these cases, vehicles must enter and leave the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.”

That is, you can drive home, regardless of these signs.

But so that the length of the violation was minimal!

The number of traffic interruption signs includes five signs, which under no circumstances apply to cars.

These signs prohibit only what is depicted on them and, therefore, you can safely continue driving on any car (car or truck).

And there are five more signs, the effect of which formally applies to any vehicles, although they were invented in order to prohibit movement heavy and oversized vehicles.

Sign 3.11"Weight limit" used to prohibit the movement of vehicles, including compositions of vehicles, the total actual mass of which is more than indicated on the sign.

Such a sign can be installed, for example, in front of an ice crossing.

And if it takes place in Yakutia in the dead of winter, then you have to be very hard not to fit into this limitation.

However, in another region, and even closer to spring, the number on the sign may become noticeably smaller, and in this case, the restriction introduced by the sign may also affect you, dear drivers of vehicles of category “B”.

Sign 3.12"Limitation of the mass per one axle of the vehicle" used to prohibit the movement of vehicles whose actual mass on any axle is greater than that indicated on the sign.

Road surfaces are different. Some are able to withstand heavy loads, and some are not.

And it is heavy cars that destroy the road surface in the first place, and here the fatal role is played not so much by the total weight of the car as by the force with which the car presses on the pavement with each of its wheels.

To save the road, local authorities may well prohibit the movement of vehicles on it, whose actual mass on any of the wheel axles exceeds the strength limit established for this road.

But drivers of category B vehicles have nothing to worry about. There can be no roads where cars and small trucks cannot be driven. This sign is not for them.

Sign 3.13"Height Limit" used to prohibit the movement of vehicles whose overall height (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign.

The sign is installed in cases where the distance from the road surface to the span is less than 5 meters.

In principle, this restriction may also apply to drivers driving cars (if, for example, it is a high SUV, and even with a high load on the trunk).

Sign 3.14"Width Limit" used to prohibit the movement of vehicles whose overall width (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign.

The sign is installed in front of the passage, if its width is in the tunnel, between the supports of the bridge structure, etc. less than 3.5 m.

In the future, studying Section 23 “Transportation of goods”, we will learn that the Rules prohibit the transportation of goods with a width of more than 2.55 m (more precisely, the transportation of such cargo must be coordinated with the traffic police, but for you it’s the same as forbidden).

So the restriction introduced by this sign is unlikely to ever affect those who travel by car (although, of course, everything can happen in life, because purely theoretically, the number on the sign may turn out to be less than the width of your car).

Sign 3.15"Length Limit" used to prohibit the movement of vehicles (combinations of vehicles), the overall length of which (with or without cargo) is greater than indicated on the sign, on sections of roads with a narrow carriageway, close buildings, sharp turns, etc., where their movement or passing with oncoming vehicles is difficult.

That is, if you drive an ordinary car, then this sign is not a hindrance to you.

But if you get behind the wheel of such a "monster", then be careful when moving along the roads common use. Then this sign is yours.

The next three signs apply to absolutely all drivers.

Sign 3.17.1 "Customs" used to prohibit passage without stopping at a customs checkpoint.

This sign does not forbid you from further movement, but obliges you to stop at the checkpoint. Although it is clear and without any sign.

Sign 3.17.3"Control" used to prohibit travel without stopping at a checkpoint (at a police post, a quarantine post, at the entrance to a border zone, a closed territory, at a toll road toll station, etc.). At police posts and quarantine posts, a sign is installed for the duration of operational activities.

In the same way, you will not be able to drive without stopping and any checkpoint, if one comes across your way.

Sign 3.17.2"Danger" are used to prohibit the movement of all vehicles on a section of the road where a traffic accident, an accident or another danger to traffic has occurred, which require temporary operational changes in the organization of traffic.

Such a sign is used to prohibit the movement of all vehicles on a section of the road where a terrible accident or a very serious municipal accident has occurred, or there is another danger to traffic, for example, a construction crane has collapsed onto the road.

Here and the route vehicle will not go, and the deputy's car with a "flashing light". Only cars of operational services will go here - the police, ambulance, firefighters, etc.

And finally, the last two signs of those that interrupt the movement.

Signs 3.32and 3.33 are used to prevent the exit of vehicles with dangerous, explosive or flammable goods from the routes intended for them, as well as to prohibit the entry of these vehicles on roads or areas where they pose a particular danger to people.

2. Signs that do not interrupt traffic.

What are these signs? They do not prohibit movement as such, but they introduce certain restrictions into this movement! And, therefore, these signs should have a zone of action - where the restriction begins to operate and where it ends.

The general principle of the Rules is that the signs are valid from the place of their installation and to the nearest intersection along the way. But not only! Therefore, a little lower we will definitely talk in detail about the coverage area of ​​these signs in various situations.

Sign 3.16"Minimum Distance Limit" used to prohibit the movement of vehicles with a distance between them less than indicated on the sign (on bridge structures with spans of limited carrying capacity, on ice crossings, in tunnels, etc.).

The symbolism of the sign is clear - everyone is asked to disperse and move on, keeping a distance no less than that indicated on the sign.

In what case will such a sign be installed? If there is a “frail” bridge ahead, or an unreliable ice crossing, or a tunnel in which there is not enough oxygen for everyone (but if you disperse, the bridge will not collapse, and the ice will not fall through, and you will not suffocate in the tunnel).

In this case, the sign was used with the sign “Area of ​​action”.

The sign requires you to keep a distance of at least 70 meters, and the sign additionally says - keep such a distance for 600 meters (well, that is, until the end of the bridge).

Sign 3.20"Overtaking prohibited."

And here the symbolism of the sign is simple and clear. If overtaking is prohibited for cars, then trucks and even more so. That is, overtaking is prohibited in general - to everyone and everyone. And so it was until November 2010. IN latest edition The rules for this sign are not so categorical and contain some exceptions, namely:

Rules. Appendix 1. Sign 3.20 "Overtaking is prohibited". It is forbidden to overtake all vehiclesexcept slow-moving vehicles, horse-drawn carts, mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles without a sidecar.

What is a horse-drawn cart, a moped or a two-wheeled motorcycle without a sidecar is clear to everyone. But what is a slow moving vehicle? The answer to this question is contained in "Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation":

All motor vehicles for which the manufacturer has set a maximum speed of not more than 30 km / h,

must be marked with an identification mark"Slow vehicle".

On this stretch of road Not it is forbidden to overtake mopeds, two-wheeled motorcycles without a sidecar, and low speed vehicles.

And in front of us is just a slow-moving vehicle, you can overtake it, the Rules do not mind.

Sign 3.22"Overtaking by trucks is prohibited."

This sign applies only to trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 tons. And now they are prohibited from overtaking all vehicles without exception in the area of ​​this sign. You, drivers of vehicles of categories "A" and "B", are not subject to this sign.

Sign 3.24"Max Speed ​​Limit" used to prohibit the movement of all vehicles at a speed higher than indicated on the sign if it is necessary to introduce a different maximum speed on a road section than on the previous section.

It must be understood that, first of all, there are speed limits that are of a general (global) nature, that is, they apply to the entire road network of the country. At the same time, on any section of any road, using signs 3.24, you can enter a local speed limit, both downward and upward. But that's not all. A local constraint can be made even more local by using additional labels.

Despite the fact that this road is outside the settlement and, it would seem, you can move at a speed of 90 km / h, a restriction has been introduced on this section with a sign - no more than 70 km / h.

At the same time, the plate clarifies - this restriction operates for 800 meters.

In settlements, all vehicles are limited by the Rules - no more than 60 km/h! Then how to understand this combination of signs?

Yes, it's very easy to understand. On this section of this road, traffic is allowed at speeds up to 80 km / h.

But not everyone!

Only drivers of category “B” cars are allowed to drive at this speed!

All others, including motorcycles, are required to move at a speed of no more than 60 km / h (as it should be in a village).

Sign 3.26"Beeping is prohibited."

Such a sign can be found on sections of roads passing in the immediate vicinity of sanatoriums, rest houses, health camps, hospitals, etc.

This is so that drivers do not disturb people in vain with their signals.

Note. It is clear that no Rules will prohibit the sound signal in cases where it is necessary to prevent an accident. Such a signal is allowed always and everywhere, including in the area of ​​​​this sign.

Sign 3.27"Stop prohibited."Sign 3.28"No parking".

There are two types of stops to be distinguished - service stop And intentional stop.

Service stop - this is the termination of movement in cases where it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Rules (for example, stop at a red traffic light, or stop to give way to pedestrians, etc.). It is clear that these signs have nothing to do with a service stop. You will stop at a red traffic light, regardless of any signs.

Intentional stop - this is the cessation of movement at the request of the driver or at the request of passengers. And here it is very important to understand whether it is allowed to stop in this place.

Except "Stops" The rules also contain the term "Parking". What is the difference here?

You can stop at a short time, but putting the car in the parking lot is a long time. The rules considered that 5 minutes is enough for you to buy a bottle of cola, get into the car and drive on.

It was this figure (5 minutes) that the Rules made the boundary between stopping and parking. If the driver deliberately stopped moving for up to 5 minutes, he made a stop. If the driver deliberately stopped moving for more than 5 minutes, this is already qualified by the Rules as parking.

Sign 3.27forbids stop Vehicle.

Sign 3.28forbidsparking lot Vehicle. Stopping is not allowed.

This is easy to remember as follows. If crosswise, then nothing at all is impossible (neither stop, nor, moreover, stand). If the circle is crossed out with only one line, then one of the two is possible. It is easy to guess that you can stop (for 5 minutes), but parking is prohibited.

Sign 3.27 is installed in places where parked vehicles can create obstacles or even a danger to traffic. Therefore, there are no exceptions for anyone! Including disabled people!

Then the question is: "Can a route vehicle stop in the zone of action of this sign"?

As you understand, trams, trolleybuses, and buses (if only they are route buses) will definitely stop at each designated stop, regardless of any signs.

Sign 3.28 is less categorical. Since everyone is allowed to stop here, disabled people can also be allowed to park. A disabled person, stopping for his own business, may simply not meet the allotted 5 minutes.

A similar problem arises for a taxi driver, if he arrived here on a call, the meter works, but the client has not yet approached.

Therefore, in the coverage area of ​​this sign, vehicles driven by disabled people (group 1 or 2) or carrying such disabled people, as well as taxis with a taximeter turned on, can not only stop, but also stand.

The zone of action of signs that do not interrupt traffic.

As you already know, in general case these signs operate from the place of their installation to the nearest intersection along the way.

Rules. Annex 1. The effect of signs 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 - 3.30 extends from the place where the sign was installed to the nearest intersection behind it.

At the same time, the Rules gave drivers clarifying guidance:

Rules. Annex 1. The operation of signs 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 - 3.30 is not interrupted at the exit points from the territories adjacent to the road and at the intersection (junction) with field, forest and other secondary roads, in front of which the appropriate signs are not installed.

Relevant signs are signs that tell drivers the status of roads crossing ahead, and you are very familiar with them:

As you can see, the first sign is from the warning group - "Crossing Equivalent Roads", and all the rest - priority marks.

And now the same thing, only a little different!

Action signs 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 – 3.30 does not break in the following two cases:

1. Or this is an intersection with an exit from the adjacent territory, not marked with the appropriate signs!

2. Either this is an intersection with a secondary road and this intersection is not marked with any appropriate signs!

And in what case can the road be secondary if there are no priority signs at the intersection? Only in one the only caseif it's a dirt road! As you know, a dirt road is always secondary to a road with any hard surface.

And now the same for specific examples.

There is an intersection ahead, not marked with any appropriate signs. But at this intersection, two paved roads intersect. There is no "forest, field and other secondary road" here.

And, therefore, the restrictions imposed by prohibition signs are valid only up to this intersection.

This is the exit from the yard. And the exit from the yard, like any exit from the adjacent territory, according to the Rules, is not considered an intersection.

And, consequently, the action of the restrictions imposed by prohibition signs is not interrupted in this place.

In cases where the exit from the adjacent territory can be perceived by drivers ambiguously, a “corresponding” sign will be installed in front of it - “Main Road”. Now, no one doubts the order of movement at this intersection.

But! Now prohibition signs are valid only up to this intersection!

And if the traffic authorities want the speed limit and the prohibition of stopping to continue to operate, they will have to install these prohibition signs in this situation after leaving the yard.

Before this intersection, too, there are no "corresponding" signs. But this is without a doubt a full-fledged intersection - one road goes to the left, the other to the right, and both roads are paved, that is, this is an intersection of equivalent roads.

Therefore, the restrictions imposed by prohibition signs are valid only up to this intersection.

This is also a crossroads - your road is paved, and on the right it is adjacent to a dirt road, that is, a secondary road.

But this intersection is not indicated by any of the appropriate signs! Traffic officials considered that this was such a secondary road that it could be ignored, and therefore:

The action of prohibition signs at this intersection is not interrupted!

But this is a different situation - the same intersection, but one of the corresponding signs stands in front of it (in this case, sign 2.3.2 "Adjacent to the secondary road on the right").

Consequently, the traffic organizers "respect" this intersection of roads (since they marked it with the appropriate sign).

And, therefore, the requirement "Stopping is prohibited" is valid only up to this intersection. After it, you can safely stop on the side of the road.

Well, okay, we figured out the crossroads.

But what if there are no intersections, and the restriction should be introduced only for a hundred or two meters?

In this case, the Rules provide plate 8.2.1"Zone of action".

Note! First, there is a combination of signs informing drivers that there is a section of rough road ahead and after 100 meters the speed limit will begin to operate - no more than 50 km / h.

And indeed, after 100 meters, the sign "Maximum speed limit" is repeated, but already with the sign "Area". That is, from here and for 300 meters it is necessary to move at a speed not exceeding 50 km / h.

And after another 300 meters there is a "breaker" sign 1.25"End of the maximum speed limit zone"- after it again you can 90 km / h. Agree that everything is very clear.

If traffic organizers need to introduce several restrictions at once, they will do so, that is, they will install several traffic signs on the road at once.

But it is not required to put the same number of "breakdown" signs.

In this case, there is a universal sign 3.31 "The end of all restrictions." It cancels all restrictions previously imposed by prohibition signs.

And one moment. All restrictions in force in the locality end with the end of the locality.

Well, this is quite logical - in the settlement there is our own life, with our own way of life, and, breaking out of the boundaries of the settlement, we always start a new life.

The next two signs that do not interrupt the movement deserve a separate discussion.

Once upon a time, on the Moscow radio, one could hear such an announcement: “We ask drivers to park their vehicles on right side expensive." And the next day: "We ask drivers to park their vehicles on the left side of the roads." What was it for? In order to be able to clean the roads. At least one by one, today one side, tomorrow the other. Then these signs appeared, and the problem was solved.

Agree that now everything is clear to any driver - on the right side of this road, parking is prohibited on even days of the month.

If today is an odd number, you can safely park - today the parking restriction does not apply.

If the number is even, you will have to turn around at the nearest intersection and park on the opposite side of the road.

The situation has fundamentally changed - the road is two-lane, the center line is broken, and in order to get to the opposite side, there is no need to turn around at the intersection.

And pay attention - the signs are both on the right and on the left side, and in both directions.

Of course, this is convenient and made specifically in the interests of drivers - remember what date it is today and choose the right side of the road for parking.

Students. Conveniently convenient, but somehow not very. After all, if you leave the car until the morning, then I will put it today, and pick it up tomorrow. That is, after 12 at night, she will already stand in violation of the Rules, and the first tow truck can take her to the impound lot.

Teacher. I'll tell you more - the tow truck will not wait until 12 at night, he has the right to pick up your car after 9 pm.

And that's why:

Rules. Annex 1 "Road signs". Prohibition signs. At simultaneous application signs 3.29 and 3.30 on opposite sides of the carriageway, parking is allowed on both sides of the carriageway from 19:00 to 21:00 (changing time).

Students. And what follows from this?

Teacher. And this is what follows. The rules did not force drivers to rearrange cars at midnight, the Rules took into account this absurdity and determined:

Time for rearrangement of cars - from 19:00 to 21:00 .

Let's go back to our drawing and imagine that today is an even number of the month, for example, the 20th of August.

In this case, until 19.00 you can only stand on the left side.

From 19.00 to 21.00 you can stand on either side (time to change).

After 21.00, no standing vehicles should remain on the left side - everyone stands on the right side. And you can stay until 21.00 next day(that is, sleep peacefully, no one will take your car anywhere).

Students. Tell me, why do cars in your drawings stand both in the direction of travel and against the direction of travel? Is this kind of parking allowed by the Rules?

Teacher. Such parking is allowed only in one single case - only in settlements and only on two-lane roads without tram tracks in the middle.

It goes without saying that in this case the center line should be discontinuous. Why, in this case, the Rules gave such a “liberty” to drivers, we will talk in detail when we go through Section 12 “Stopping and parking”. In the meantime, take my word for it - everything is correct in the drawings.

And finally, three more prohibitory signs occupying a separate position.

With the help of these three signs, traffic authorities have the opportunity to establish the required traffic order at each specific intersection.

Here is a good time to remind you how any Law is read: "What is not forbidden is allowed."

Sign 3.18.2prohibits turning left.U-turn is not prohibited .

Sign 3.19prohibits reversal.Left turn not allowed .

You should be aware that the effect of signs 3.18.1 and 3.18.2 applies only to the intersection of the carriageways in front of which they are installed.

In the Rules, this is stated in Appendix 1, in the text part related to Prohibition Signs:

Rules. Appendix 1. Prohibiting signs. The effect of signs 3.18.1, 3.18.2 applies to the intersection of carriageways in front of which the sign is installed.

The road adjacent to the left has one carriageway and, therefore, a left turn at this intersection is strictly prohibited by a sign.

You can continue straight ahead and you can turn around.

At this intersection, the road adjacent to the left has two roadways.

The sign prohibits turning left onto the first carriageway, and at the second intersection you can safely turn left.

The sign will end as soon as the driver passes the first intersection of the carriageways.

As for the zone of validity of the sign 3.19 “No U-turn”, the Rules say nothing about this.

It remains only to look at GOST:

GOST R 52289-2004. Section 5.4 Prohibition signs. Clause 5.4.19. Sign 3.19 “Turn is prohibited” is installed in front of the intersection, where this maneuver creates a danger to the movement of other vehicles or pedestrians.

As you can see, GOST does not specify how many carriageways there are on the crossed road. According to GOST, it turns out that such a sign is placed in the case when at the intersection it is simply necessary to prohibit changing the direction of movement to the opposite (regardless of how many carriageways the intersecting road has).

That is, it is strictly forbidden to turn around at this intersection. From the left lane, you can continue straight ahead or turn left.

But at this intersection, a U-turn is also prohibited. And it is strictly prohibited at any intersection of carriageways. You can continue driving straight and you can turn left (at the second intersection of the carriageways).

Temporary prohibition signs.

In conclusion, we note that prohibition signs can be not only permanent, but also temporary. But not all in a row, but only some. In the Rules, these signs are listed in Appendix 1.

Rules. Annex 1 "Road signs". There, at the very end (already after the “Tablets”), you can read the following: “The yellow background on the signs 3.11 - 3.16, 3.18.1 - 3.25, installed in the places of road works, means that these signs are temporary.”

Here are the signs.

And there the Rules specifically stipulated:“In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and stationary road signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.”

The sign is used to prohibit the movement of all motor vehicles.

The sign does not apply to: drivers of vehicles moving along established routes; disabled drivers driving a motorized wheelchair or a car marked with an identification sign "Disabled"; drivers of vehicles serving citizens or owned by citizens who live or work in this zone, as well as drivers of vehicles serving enterprises located in the designated zone. In such cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.

The sign's coverage area is from the place of installation to the nearest intersection, and in settlements where there are no intersections, to the end of the settlement. The operation of the sign is not interrupted at the places of exit from the adjacent territories and at the places of intersection (adjacency) of field, forest and other unpaved roads, in front of which priority signs are not installed.

3.3 "The movement of trucks is prohibited." It is forbidden to move trucks and vehicles with a maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons (if the weight is not indicated on the sign) or with a weight exceeding that indicated on the sign, as well as tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms.

The sign is used to prohibit the movement of trucks and road trains (a truck with a trailer or semi-trailer) with a maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons (unless a specific weight value is indicated on the sign) or a weight that exceeds that indicated on the sign. The movement of tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms in the area of ​​the sign is prohibited, regardless of their permitted maximum weight. The sign is used to unload the most busy roads or certain areas of settlements from transit traffic.

The sign is installed at each entrance to a road section or territory where a ban is introduced. The sign is re-installed after the end of the settlement (which does not have intersections) or directly behind the intersection if it is necessary to maintain the restriction introduced by the sign installed in front of the intersection, or to the end of the settlement. Before side exits onto the road, the sign is used together with one of the plates 7.3.1-7.3.3 "Direction of action".

Sign 3.3 does not apply to drivers of trucks with an inclined white stripe on the outer side surface, transporting a group of people, drivers of vehicles serving citizens or belonging to citizens who live or work in this zone, as well as drivers of vehicles serving enterprises located in the designated zone. In such cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.

If necessary, the zone and time of action can be specified using the appropriate plate.

3.4 "Moving with a trailer is prohibited." The movement of trucks and tractors is prohibited With trailers of any type, as well as towing motor vehicles.

Movement cars with trailers in the area of ​​the sign is not prohibited.

The sign is installed at each entrance to a road section or territory where a ban is introduced. The sign is re-installed after the end of the settlement (which does not have intersections) or directly behind the intersection if it is necessary to maintain the restriction introduced by the sign installed in front of the intersection, or to the end of the settlement. Before side exits onto the road, the sign is used together with one of the plates 7.3.1-7.3.3 "Direction of action".

Sign 3.4 does not apply to drivers of vehicles serving citizens or belonging to citizens who live or work in this zone, as well as drivers of vehicles serving enterprises located in the designated zone. In such cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.

The sign's coverage area is from the place of installation to the nearest intersection, and in settlements where there are no intersections, to the end of the settlement. The action of the sign is not interrupted at the places of exit from the adjacent territories and at the places of intersection (adjacency) of field, forest and other unpaved roads, in front of which priority signs are not installed.

If necessary, the zone and time of action can be specified using the appropriate plate.

3.5 "Movement of tractors is prohibited." The movement of tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms is prohibited.

The sign is used to prohibit the movement of tractors and self-propelled machines and mechanisms (combines, motor graders, pipelayers, etc.).

The sign is installed at each entrance to a road section or territory where a ban is introduced. The sign is re-installed after the end of the settlement (which does not have intersections) or directly behind the intersection if it is necessary to maintain the restriction introduced by the sign installed in front of the intersection, or to the end of the settlement. Before side exits onto the road, the sign is used together with one of the plates 7.3.1-7.3.3 "Direction of action".

Sign 3.5 does not apply to drivers of vehicles serving citizens or belonging to citizens who live or work in this zone, as well as drivers of vehicles serving enterprises located in the designated zone. In such cases, vehicles must enter and exit the designated area at the intersection closest to their destination.

The sign's coverage area is from the place of installation to the nearest intersection, and in settlements where there are no intersections, to the end of the settlement. The action of the sign is not interrupted at the places of exit from the adjacent territories and at the places of intersection (adjacency) of field, forest and other unpaved roads, in front of which priority signs are not installed.

If necessary, the zone and time of action can be specified using the appropriate plate.