Traffic sign prohibiting traffic without stopping. Penalty for violation

The sign driving without stopping is prohibited; as a rule, it is installed instead of the “Give Way” road sign in those places where it is difficult for the driver to see approaching vehicles at intersections of roads.

Often this sign can be seen near a railway line, where, regardless of whether traffic is allowed or prohibited, the driver must stop and only then continue driving.

In this article:

Road sign requirement 2.5

Road sign 2.5 has a clear indication to stop at the stop line or at the edge of the road being crossed. Accordingly, the driver cannot start moving if another car is passing in front of him. Therefore, in contrast to sign 2.4, the driver must not only give priority to traffic on main road, but also be sure to stop.

You can often notice the combination of this sign and a traffic light. The question arises, if you are green, do you need to stop? The rules clearly indicate that when the traffic light is running, the effect of the sign does not apply to drivers.

It’s another matter when the intersection is unregulated, due to a broken traffic light or a flashing yellow traffic light. In this case, the instructions of the sign must be followed.

At railway crossings, control over the driver’s obligation to stop at sign 2.5 is carried out through photo and video recording. If you pay attention, all modern railway crossings are equipped with video cameras. You should also keep in mind that there may be a traffic police vehicle nearby recording this offense.

Rules for installing sign 2.5

The installation of a road sign is carried out directly near an intersection or railway crossing. The sign itself has an original shape that cannot be confused with another sign.

Firstly, it is an octagon shape.

Secondly, white Latin letters “stop” on a red background. Why in Latin? Since according to Russian roads foreign vehicles are moving, then in accordance with international standards and safety regulations traffic it was decided to use Latin letters and words that have a common international understanding.

Although, if we take Israel, for example, this sign depicts a palm. And the words are read from right to left.

When reading a stop sign, on the contrary, in Hebrew it means an obscene word. But this is an exception to the general international order and only because of national significance.

The driver needs to stop at the stop line without crossing it. In the absence of a stop line, the rules give clear instructions to stop at the level of the sign.

It is located together with the barrier, so you need to stop immediately in front of it.

The installation of sign 2.5 before the railway crossing is carried out at a distance of 10 meters from the nearest rail.

Responsibility for violation of sign 2.5

The fine for driving a stop sign is set at 800 rubles in accordance with Part 2 of Article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Provided that there is a stop line marking on the road surface. If there is none, then a sanction is applied in the form of a warning or five hundred rubles under Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for failure to comply with the requirements of road signs.

In practice, there are many disputes when you have stopped, but the body of the car has passed the sign.

Traffic police officers regard this action as a violation of the traffic sign. Therefore, be careful and better stop before the borders of this sign with a small margin.

Sometimes trying to take into account absolutely everything using cumbersome legal language leads to a logical dead end. Our reader Dmitry faced this situation. The subject of the dispute was the sign" " . Aka "Stop", as people like to call him.

Our reader wanted to solve exam questions on traffic rules, but due to the cumbersome wording in the Rules, he was not immediately able to figure out where exactly it was necessary to brake.

To begin with, let’s give a term from the traffic rules:

Driving without stopping is prohibited before the 2.5 sign or the 5.33 sign(horizontal road markings 1.12), and in their absence - before the edge of the intersecting carriageway. It is necessary to give way to vehicles moving on the road being crossed, and if there is a sign 7.13 - to vehicles moving on the main road, as well as on the right along an equivalent road. When approaching a section of the road on which a sign is installed, as well as a railway crossing through which traffic is not prohibited, the driver must stop before sign 2.5 or sign 5.33 (horizontal road markings 1.12).

As you can see, it is quite problematic to immediately understand where to brake, in front of a sign or the edge of the roadway. Dmitry, when solving the ticket, chose the first part of the term - and turned out to be wrong. According to the authors of the task, you need to stop and let cars pass before the edge of the roadway.

Dmitry rightly decided that there was a mistake in the ticket. He reported about it by e-mail ticket writers.. As it turned out, the organization that wrote the assignments is already aware of the problem. The response states that the company made a request to the traffic police on this issue. The inspectors answered something like the following: “If there is a stop line in the form of sign 5.33 or markings, we stop in front of her. If there is no stop line, you need to stop before the edge of the intersecting roadway". The confusing wording, according to the developers, occurred due to the need to mention the railway crossing.

What will the experts say?

It is interesting that when discussing this issue in the editorial office, a rather heated debate arose. They decided that the discussion should be settled, if not by a philologist, then at least by a specialist.

Well, no problem - we turn to our permanent expert on traffic rules Alexander Konoplitsky. Let us remind you that he has many years of experience in the traffic police, as an accident investigator, practice as a forensic expert-autotechnician and teacher in a driving school.

In accordance with the definition of a sign according to the traffic rules, the driver is obliged to stop the vehicle only in front of the sign 2.5 "Driving without stopping is prohibited", sign 5.33 "Stop line" or a horizontal line road markings 1.12 "Stop line". The main condition here is that the driver is obliged to stop. Since in the description all of the above is indicated as a list, the driver can stop in front of any of the listed objects at his discretion - in front of sign 2.5, or sign 5.33, or horizontal road markings 1.12.

- Well, how do you answer a similar question from a ticket sent by a reader: there is an intersection, in front of it there is a sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited” and there is no stop line. Where do we stop - after the sign (before the edge of the roadway) or in front of it?

In this case, in the question asked the driver is obliged to stop only in front of sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, since there are no other objects, he has no right to choose. Further, the very wording of the requirements of this sign contains the requirement to stop before the edge of the intersecting roadway, provided that all of the above is absent - sign 2.5 "Driving without stopping is prohibited", sign 5.33 "Stop line", horizontal road marking line 1.12 "Stop line" ". This means you need to stop at all intersections where there are none.

To confirm or refute this idea, I turned to a very famous and respected professor in the field of philosophy and logic. It is not clear from the definition where you need to stop if there is a 2.5 sign or horizontal road markings, and where if they are absent. Do the words “in their absence” refer to signs 2.5 and 5.33 (horizontal road markings 1.12) or only sign 5.33 (horizontal road markings 1.12)?

The response I received confirmed my thoughts (quote):

"If there is at least one of specified conditions- sign 2.5 or horizontal road markings, you need to stop at the existing sign. If two conditions are present - sign 2.5 and horizontal road markings - you need to stop at any of them, at the driver’s discretion. The words “in their absence” refer to both conditions - sign 2.5 or a horizontal road marking, therefore, if neither of these conditions is present, you need to stop before the edge of the roadway being intersected."

What happens? Based on this clause, the driver is obliged to stop in front of the edge of the intersecting roadway at any intersection where there is no specified road sign. This is what is written in the definition of the sign... Even if the car he is driving is driving along the main road and there is no sign 2.5 and all of the above before the intersection on the route, he is obliged to stop. That's what it says in the traffic rules!

I think this point could be stated something like this:

2.5. Driving without stopping is prohibited- driving at this intersection is prohibited without stopping in front of sign 2.5 or the edge of the intersecting carriageway (in the absence of sign 5.33 or horizontal road markings 1.12...

Everything would have become simpler and clearer, but alas... We wanted the best, but it turned out as always...

But the driver’s adventures involving this road sign do not end there. Let's carefully read Definition 2.41, which says what a stop is:

2.41. Stop vehicle - deliberately stopping the movement of a vehicle for up to 5 minutes, as well as for more than 5 minutes, if this is necessary for boarding (disembarking) passengers or loading (unloading) the vehicle.

As I understand it, a deliberate stop is a stop with the intention of the driver. He may not want to stop, but the sign forces him. It looks like it’s not an intentional stop, but a forced stop.

We read the term 2.9 “Forced stop”:

2.9. Forced stop of a vehicle- cessation of movement of a vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger created by road users, the cargo being transported, the condition of the driver (passenger), or the appearance of an object obstructing road traffic.

Also not suitable, since there are no listed reasons there is no need to stop, but the stop was made at the request of the sign.

It turns out that there are three types of stops - these are the intentional stop and forced stop described in the traffic rules, as well as an unforeseen traffic rules stop as required by the sign.

As a result, you need to stop at all uncontrolled intersections. Don't you stop? So you're breaking it!

What about life?

It turns out there is still an error in the ticket? Let's check it in a real situation!

We went to several intersections and looked at how capital owners comply with the requirements of sign 2.5 without a stop line. All drivers do as indicated on the ticket - they drive beyond the sign and stop at the edge of the roadway.

Not according to the Rules? But it's safe. It’s not noticeable in the photo, but the Saab driver’s view at the intersection of Lenin and Oktyabrskaya streets is blocked by the building on the left and cars parked nearby. In such a situation, it is difficult to assess the situation without driving to the edge of the roadway.

Our verdict

Maybe, based on the traffic rules, it turns out that you need to stop before the sign. But what will you see if instead of the roadway on the left and right there is a wall, a fence or parked cars? But this is precisely what will be first of all before your eyes, if you do not drive further, behind the sign, to the edge of the roadway. In a word, discrepancies in the wording of the sign in the traffic rules and disputes could have been avoided if it had been drawn up in such a way that not only the compilers themselves understood the true meaning.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

When turning left at the same time, none of the drivers has an advantage in traffic and in case of an accident both drivers will be at fault.

The peculiarity of the situation is that in practice the “Give way” sign is passed faster than the “Stop” sign. Therefore, if there are no cars on the main road, a driver with a “Give Way” sign in front of him will be able to pass the intersection faster.

The main road turns

In this case, when driving through the intersection, drivers should be guided by paragraphs 13.10 and 13.11:

13.10. When the main road changes direction at an intersection, drivers traveling on the main road must be guided by the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.Drivers driving on secondary roads should follow the same rules..

13.11. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching from the right.

Thus, in this example, the orange car must give way to the white one approaching from the right. In this case, the white car must stop and only then pass through the intersection. However, this does not give any advantage to orange. He must wait until the intersection is clear.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the question itself about which sign is more important is not entirely correct. The fact is that when approaching an intersection, the driver sees only a sign located on its side. He does not have reliable information about signs installed from other directions. Some conclusions can be drawn from the shape of the sign plate, but this is not always possible. Therefore, if one of the signs (2.4 or 2.5) had an advantage over the other, this would lead to a large number Accidents that were caused by “looking out” for signs from other directions.

Good luck on the roads!

Driving without stopping is prohibited - this is a priority sign.
Many drivers do not pay attention to such signs, which ultimately leads to a conversation with a traffic inspector, or, even worse, to serious accidents. Before considering the real situation, let's find out what the traffic rules say.

5.3.7 Sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited” is used to indicate to the driver to stop and give way to vehicles moving along the road being crossed, and, if there is a sign 8.13, to vehicles moving along the main road.
Sign 2.5 is installed instead of sign 2.4 if visibility of vehicles approaching along the road being crossed is not ensured.
The sign is installed in front of railway crossings without an attendant, not equipped with traffic lights, at a distance of 10 m to the nearest rail in cases where, at a distance of 50 m from the nearest rail, the visibility distance of the train is less than the value specified in Table 5.
Temporary sign 2.5 may be installed before moving when carrying out work at a crossing.
When installing sign 2.5 before a railway crossing, preliminary sign 2.4 with plate 8.1.2 is not installed.

Such a sign is installed at complex intersections with limited visibility or high traffic flow. And of course, railway crossings are unregulated. As you can see, the rules clearly state the principles of the sign’s operation.


For example: when approaching an intersection where such a sign was installed, we saw a line and stopped.
Often, the stop line is located in such a way that when you stop in front of it, you cannot see the road you are entering. Remember: you need to stop BEFORE the line, not slow down, but stop, and only then, if necessary, drive up to the edge of the intersection with the roadway along the acceleration lane, and perform further maneuvers. Also, if there is no line, you must stop BEFORE the roadway you are crossing.

Unregulated crossing

The second option for installing the sign “Moving without stopping is prohibited” is an unregulated crossing. Inattention while moving is the cause of many disasters. Do not ignore this sign: you should stop in front of it, carefully look around, and only then start moving.

In both cases, if you do not comply with the basic requirements of the sign, all your arguments about insufficient visibility, and the like, will not have any influence on the decision of the traffic inspector.
Article 12.16. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings.
1. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter, shall entail a warning or imposition administrative fine in the amount of three hundred rubles.

A stop sign is a priority traffic sign that indicates that driving without stopping is prohibited. According to traffic regulations, a motorist is required to stop in front of this sign to ensure unhindered passage for a pedestrian or unhindered movement for another vehicle. Ignoring this sign is an offense and is subject to a fine.

The stop sign “No driving without stopping” is a red polygon with a white border. In the middle it has the inscription stop white. In the traffic rules it is written as sign 2.5. It should not be confused with a rectangular pointer. A stop sign on a white background is a stop line sign. It is installed in front of a regulated or unregulated pedestrian crossing or in front of a traffic light. This sign does not always prohibit further movement without having to stop. A motorist must stop in front of it only if he “walks” along with the stop line, if he is fixed in front of a traffic light or directly below it and it gives a signal prohibiting movement, or if a pedestrian is moving along the crossing.

If there is a sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited,” then the motorist, according to the rules, is obliged to completely stop his car, even if there are no obstacles to traffic on the road, as evidenced by traffic rules.

This sign is usually placed in front of the stop line. In addition, it is placed on the side of the road before entering the intersection. Also, the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited” is installed in quarantine zones on the roadway and in front of the railway tracks. Usually it is placed on those sections of the road where there is the most active traffic or accidents occur too often.

As the traffic regulations state, a motorist must slow down immediately as soon as he sees the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited.” After this, he must stop completely as soon as he approaches this sign. If you ignore the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited,” the motorist will be subject to penalties.

Where to stop at a stop sign

The traffic rules provide information on how to stop before the stop sign. Only the right stop will help avoid collection. So, if there is a sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited” and in front of it there is a road intersection or a pedestrian crossing marked with a stop line, then you should stop so that the front canopy of the car is above it. The front wheels should not drive onto this line. If the sign “Driving without stopping is prohibited” does not have a stop line in front of it, then the motorist is obliged to stop the vehicle not directly at the sign, but at the very edge of the intersection with another road. If you violate this rule movement, the driver will be subject to a penalty, and what fine he will have to pay for a stop sign will be discussed below.

Stop sign in front of the railway tracks

If the sign “No driving without stopping” is installed in front of the railway tracks, then there are rules for stopping the vehicle. Here they are:

  • At an unregulated railway crossing, the motorist is obliged to stop the car in front of this sign and look to see if a train is moving. If there is none, then he can continue moving. If a motorist notices a moving train, he must let it pass. He can resume movement only after the train has passed.
  • If a railway crossing is regulated by a traffic light and there is a sign in front of it “No passing without stopping”, then the motorist is obliged to stop in front of the sign only if the traffic light gives a prohibitory signal. If there is none, he can continue moving.
  • If a railway crossing is equipped with a two-section traffic light and this road sign is installed, this means that the motorist must stop the vehicle when the traffic light turns on and continue driving when the traffic light turns on. green light.

Violation of the rules of stopping in front of a STOP sign, which is fixed in front of a pedestrian crossing, is also subject to a fine.

Stop sign fine

The amount of the fine for driving without stopping through an intersection or pedestrian crossing equipped with a stop sign depends on the circumstances in which the offense occurred.

If there is no interference with other road users, then, as a rule, the motorist will be required to pay 800 rubles for this offense.
If the driver did not stop at the stop sign and at the same time ignored a pedestrian at the intersection or an obstacle in the form of a moving car, then the amount of the penalty may increase to 2,000 rubles.

The amount of the fine depends on the circumstances under which the offense occurred and starts from 800 rubles.

If a traffic police officer tries to assign a punishment for driving through a sign indicating that driving without stopping is prohibited, respectively, without stopping the vehicle at a green traffic light, then his actions will be unlawful. In such a situation, there is no violation, since the priority sign for traffic will be a traffic light giving a green signal. Consequently, the sign with the inscription stop will lose its priority and in this case the motorist should not focus on it. If the traffic police officer nevertheless considers this a violation of traffic rules, then the motorist can challenge his action with a superior officer or in court.

Running a stop sign without stopping may not always mean that the driver has committed an offense. In what situations can you drive through a sign without stopping, and in what situations could not be considered in this article.

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