What is star fever? Star fever

Do you know what “star fever” is? This is not exactly what you thought. This disease does not at all apply to social giants like Philip Kirkorov or Paris Hilton, it is characteristic mainly... of astronauts.

The second name for this disease is Space Adaptation Syndrome, which affects astronauts while moving between areas with different levels of gravity during flight. This ailment lasts only a few days, fortunately, but most astronauts are susceptible to it, regardless of experience and age. According to statistics, more than half of them complain about this syndrome (and how many don’t complain and tolerate it? That’s just me, by the way...)

Typically, adaptation to changes in gravity takes some time. Gravity accompanies our entire lives, and all body systems are adapted to normal, earthly gravity. When flying spaceship astronauts experience several phases of sensations associated with its changes. Firstly, during take-off, an astronaut may experience nausea, hallucinations and disorientation. Secondly, when weightlessness sets in, a person also adapts to the disappearing force of gravity, which also does not add pleasant sensations to him - the same nausea, loss of orientation and other troubles.

Document written by researcher Suzanne Nooy, Dr. medical sciences from the University of Delft, shows that such effects can be caused (naturally) by the application of increased gravity, for example with the help of centrifuges in which pilots and astronauts are trained. Despite the fact that such high-gravity sessions last on average about an hour, pilots often complain of symptoms of space sickness. As it turned out, such symptoms are not caused by changes in gravity, but by the inability to adapt to this change. The results of a study carried out using the Soesterberg centrifuge showed that symptoms obtained in the centrifuge and during space flight were caused in the same way.

The human organ that controls position in space and balance is located in inner ear. It is called an otolith and consists of two perpendicular canals rolled into a ring, lined with sensitive cells on the inside and half filled with fluid. This gives them sensitivity to tilt and acceleration in different directions. In my opinion, the system, despite its simplicity, is ingenious (not surprising, since it was created by nature). By the way, humans have two such organs - in the left and right ear.

Previously, experts believed that this syndrome was caused by an imbalance in the left and right otoliths. The above study showed that the disease is caused when there is prolonged rotation of fluid within the channels. At the same time, the asymmetry of the left and right organs does not have balance of great importance, because discomfort caused precisely by the unusual behavior of the fluid inside each individual canal and otolith.

In the process of writing this article, I realized that it could be called not “Star fever”, but “The Genius of Nature-222”. You can substitute any number, because the nature that created us is infinitely ingenious, and the complexity of even such a small organ as a “position sensor” in a person, in Once again confirms this.

Publ. Disapproved Arrogant, swaggering behavior of a person who enjoys popularity and fame. BMS 1998, 53 ...

star fever- joking. About the arrogant or capricious behavior of a person who enjoys fame, popularity... Dictionary of many expressions

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Everyone has heard the term “star fever” at least once, but not everyone can describe it, name the symptoms and methods of treatment. Meanwhile, many famous personalities and those around them suffer from this, bordering on megalomania.

What is star fever?

Star fever is a psychological concept that is a deformation of the personality, which has an inflated attitude towards oneself and a distorted attitude towards reality. The reason for such changes is success in any field: show business, literature, science, medicine, etc. The syndrome manifests itself as social maladjustment and leads to personality degradation.

Star fever - psychology

From a psychological point of view this pathology its manifestations are very reminiscent of narcissistic disorder, which means: star fever is an unhealthy manifestation of personality, leading to problems in communication. Some psychologists equate the concepts of “narcissism” and “star fever,” the symptoms of which are similar. The desire for self-realization and the search for new knowledge is normal, but neurotic manifestation This need is expressed in the following motives:

  • to be an object of respect and admiration;
  • morbid desire for prestige;
  • the need to impress others.

Cause of star fever

Not only show business suffers from star fever, but also ordinary people one of the most different areas. For example, an ambitious office worker, a practicing doctor, or the best student at a university can become a star. The basis of all deviations is a person’s incorrectly formed self-worth. In the absence of internal support, spiritual emptiness and loneliness are formed, and a person feels the need for external support. Can be called following reasons personality deformations:

  • excessive attention;
  • a sharp increase in material wealth;
  • boss status;
  • other personal achievements that dramatically increase self-esteem;
  • improper upbringing;
  • such as arrogance, lack of humility, arrogance.

Signs of star fever in humans

If a person feels unique and proves this to everyone, there is star fever, the symptoms of which appear very quickly and are easily distinguishable. The signs are:

  • the requirement of full attention to one’s person;
  • desire to emphasize status;
  • boasting;
  • envy of other people's successes;
  • tendency to break established rules;
  • lack of attention to family and friends.

Star fever - treatment

Patient with psychological illness, as a rule, does not recognize its presence, just as a “star-struck” person does not see a problem in his behavior. But those around them are suffering and trying to figure out how to get rid of star fever. The person needs to be brought down from his pedestal, but it is important to act carefully. Experts believe that it is necessary to combat manifestations of narcissism only through psychotherapy. But there are proven “folk” methods for treating star fever.

  1. New motivation when a person is given different goals.
  2. Increasing the complexity of the task.
  3. The stick method, that is, punishment for violating a behavioral model.
  4. From heaven to earth - when an employee who turns his nose up is transferred to a lower position.
  5. Limitation of sphere of influence, isolation.

Celebrity star fever

Star fever among celebrities is a common occurrence. Public people who have been “spoiled by fame” regularly become participants in unpleasant incidents, showing themselves inappropriately. the best side. Under the influence of popularity, young talents turn into rebels, alcoholics, drug addicts, brawlers and annoy producers with their whims. Among the young celebrities who were spoiled by star fever: Justin Bieber, Lindsay Lohan, Robert Pattinson, McCauley Culkin. From Russian stars We can distinguish such arrogant persons as:

Singer Maxim

Star fever can become the final point of a career, destroy or significantly complicate personal life. If a problem is identified, it must be dealt with immediately, before a slight touch of “stardom” develops into a serious one. mental disorder. A person who has placed himself above others will inevitably have to face reality and realize that his status is much lower.

Star fever is a special view of the world, the people around you, and yourself, when a person is firmly ruled by the prejudice that he has a recognizable face and that he only needs to snap his fingers for everything to become the way he wants. Star fever is a manifestation of inadequacy.

Signs of star fever

  • The desire to demonstrate and in every possible way emphasize one’s special and privileged status in the group.
  • The tendency to violate accepted norms of behavior and established rules, as well as to demand special treatment.

A person affected by the “star disease” begins to feel, firstly, that he “want” it – it is right and good to eat. Secondly, that if you snap your fingers, something will change.

“Star sickness” can be observed not only in famous and famous people, who are always in the public eye and who receive praise more often than others. Star fever is also common in offices; its symptoms are the same for both top-level managers and ordinary employees. People who are overly ambitious and prone to inflated self-esteem are predisposed to stardom. However, without impact external factors such qualities in themselves are not the basis for the development of a destructive disease. The environment contributes to the development of “star disease”.

The main causes of star fever

  • Personal predisposition (inflated Self-Esteem, hypertrophied Ambitiousness).
  • Unrealization of a person’s ambitions in other areas of life.
  • Violation in the process of receiving " feedback"(overpraised, underestimated).
  • Violation of subordination between manager and subordinate.
  • Excessive concentration of power and authority in one hand.
  • Cultivation of excessive competition (primarily individual rather than team results are assessed).
  • The shortage of qualified personnel in the labor market is an inflated market value of certain categories of specialists.
  • Rapid career growth, with a certain emotional and professional immaturity.

Your successes have made you incredibly important in your own eyes. It’s good that you have high self-esteem, but it’s still better when our successes are assessed not by ourselves, but by other people. It's not your friend's fault that she was less fortunate. Your career and wealthy boyfriend are not a reason to turn away from your loved ones. It sounds sad, but a boyfriend in the capital can leave you, or fire you from your job. Will you then go to that same “ex-girlfriend” for advice and consolation? No matter how high you rise, continue to appreciate your friends. Otherwise, you risk being left completely alone.

The cuckoo praises the rooster

Your star fever began in childhood. Every day your mom told you that you were the most beautiful, and the teacher insisted that there was no one smarter than you in the class. You are used to praise and now you literally demand it from others. It’s good if your expectations coincide with reality, and you continue to be praised by your boss, husband and business partners. Just make sure that the praise is not flattery and be prepared for constructive criticism. Ideal people does not happen, and you are no exception. Even if you want to think differently.

Moment of glory

Star fever is well known to celebrities - singers, actors and other showbiz figures. But many people don’t need to release albums and sell out stadiums to get sick. It’s enough just to “light up” somewhere once. Did you go to the set of a talk show? Won the regional poetry competition? Yes, this is your small victory. But this is no reason to turn up your nose. First, make people appreciate your talents. Do not succumb to the tempting shine of the spotlight: it often deceives even very high hopes.

Cure for illness

For whatever reason you get star fever, it needs to be treated. Remember that at school you probably teased arrogant people. Why did you become like this when you grew up? No matter how significant your successes are, remain yourself. Continue to value your family and friends, respect the opinions of others and themselves. Don't gloat if you managed to leave your friends far behind. And don’t forget that difficult times happen to everyone, when those who lavished praise yesterday may turn away from you. For real successful people They do not take unnecessary credit for themselves, do not judge others, and help those who need it. Be truly successful!