How to gain the power of a magnetic gaze - eye gymnastics to improve vision. Exercises to develop the power of your gaze

Many of us are unaware of the power a person’s gaze has: it can heal, calm, anger, convey emotions and thoughts, force us to act for our own purposes, and even destroy.

You should know the capabilities of your own eyes in order to use them for your own benefit and not harm others.

I have believed about the “evil” eye for thousands of years. And today, both semi-wild tribes and civilized people from Europe to Madagascar believe in the evil eye.

Inquiring minds in different eras tried to explain the unusual influence of the eyes.:

22 – 79 AD e., Gaius Pliny Secundus, polymath writer Ancient Rome, speaks of the existence of people whose gaze is capable of bringing illness and death into the family.

XIII century, the philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas describes evil people having a look that brings corruption and infects the atmosphere over vast areas.

XV century, the inquisitors Institoris and Sprenger in the treatise on demonology “The Hammer of the Witches” reported on women and men making strange changes in people’s bodies with the evil eye, fantasy or lust ... "

17th century, Tommaso Campanella, Italian philosopher: “Eyes can have magical effects.”

19th century, Dumont, a popular traveler, returning from Asia, spoke about people with a “poisonous” look, leading to illness and death.

Programming with your eyes. Weapons of destruction

“Under my gaze, everything immediately starts to go wrong...”,

One lady told me. If she had to watch the deft work of a craftsman, then strange things began to happen. The master immediately lost his skill, everything fell out of his hands, and he could get burned or injured. “I know for sure, the reason is me. And I don’t wish anything bad, but on the contrary, I suffer from it,” the woman complained.

Burnt my eyes

her peer, a six-year-old girl (Bishkek), when he took away her paints. She did not cry or fight, but stared unblinkingly at the hand of the offender. The prankster immediately dropped the gouache with screams, and a bubble swelled on his wrist. When asked by the teacher, he roared and replied that Vika burned him with her eyes.

“Children cry at my sight, and animals perish...”

This happened in the city of Orenburg in the family of Vitaly Pravdivtsev in the post-war hungry time. The goat, which was bred for milk, gave birth to two goats and a female goat. One evening guests came, the goats entertained them, jumped around and made them laugh until they cried, and the goat slept behind the stove.

The next morning the kids turned out to be dead, only their sister remained alive. The guest, having learned about what had happened, admitted that she had jinxed the animals.

“The bird will be dead if I look at it intently...”,

A Crimean acquaintance confessed to the writer I. Kuchinsky. He had to close his eyes when passing the neighbor's chickens. The writer was personally convinced of the presence of an unusual “talent”: a friend looked intently at a rather agile chicken, which instantly went limp and fell down dead.

“I am not at all happy with the power of my eyes, they cause harm against my power...” complained an acquaintance.

Kill a bear with your eyes

Canadian hunter Steve McKellan succeeded. Having been attacked by a bear, he swung his knife in defense and furiously stared straight into the pupils of the beast. The hunter knew that he could incite even greater aggression in the predator, but in desperation he continued to drill into her with his eyes. She suddenly froze, roared loudly, and collapsed dead.

The people who examined the animal found no scratches or wounds. As a result, it was concluded:

death occurred as a result of a crushing bioenergetic blow from McKellan's eyes, which destroyed nerve cells in the grizzly's brain.

In the face of death, a person's gaze has incredible power, which is capable of irreversibly harming those at whom it is directed, our ancestors have long known. Hence, it became customary to put a blindfold on those sentenced to death.

Executioners, oddly enough, rarely lived to be 40 years old.

Looking into the eyes of a dead person was considered equally dangerous. Isn’t that why it’s common practice to close the eyes of a dead person and put coins on his eyelids for insurance?

Kill a person with your eyes or turn him into a zombie,

representatives of the Indian tribe of dwarf sorcerers Mullu-Kurumba were capable of carrying out mental orders. Eyewitness E.P. talks about this in detail in the 19th century. Blavatsky (philosopher, writer, publicist) in " Mysterious tribes on the Blue Mountains.

History contains many cases of death due to an evil eye. They are usually explained as an absurd accident or a tragic coincidence, because the “killer look” is not recognized by science.

Theoretical explanation for harmful eye effects

Through a glance

  • emotions and thoughts are transmitted;
  • an action program that is alien to the body is introduced into the brain;
  • there is a breakdown in his work.

"Kind" eye

It is no less common than the evil one, but there are much fewer stories about it. After all, we take everything good for granted.

The energy of the eyes, aimed at helping people, can work wonders.

For example, Kasyan, a fisherman who lived in Azov, could treat many ailments. “He’ll look and the pain will go away, in a couple of days the sick will get back to their feet,” Yu.P. wrote about his friend. Mirolyubov in the 20th century.

Holy Martyr Tryphon, who lived in Asia Minor and in 250 AD. executed, according to legend he treated with his gaze.

In 2005, an article appeared in Komsomolskaya Pravda about an eleven-year-old “laser boy” from Bashkiria, who diagnoses and treats with his eyes.

Scientific explanation for the power of the gaze


(exchange of thoughts, images, unconscious mood of the mind with the mind at a distance) underlies the action of the gaze - this has been proven by the following experiments.

Zoopsychological laboratory (Moscow). Durov V.L. done in early XIX century 1278 experiments ( most of successful) in mentally instilling quite complex commands into trained animals.

“I convey the “order” by looking into their eyes, directing my gaze deep into the brain.”,

This is how a famous trainer described the technique. “As a result, my intention is perceived as personal, animals in a semi-sedated consciousness perform the task without internal protest.”

Hungary. Scientist F. Veldmesh, inspired by Durov's activities, conducts successful telepathic experiments with wild animals.

England, XIX century. Bull Padzor, a very frail man, managed to stop a pack of stray dogs set on him for a bet. Under his gaze, the dogs were dumbfounded and, in panic and fear, took off running, biting each other and everyone who got in their way. This bloody spectacle put an end to similar entertainment throughout Great Britain.

Presence of iris

Its projection zones are connected to all organs of the body, so the “eye to eye” look is most effective.

The founders of iridology are the Swedish pastor N. Liljequist and the Hungarian doctor of medicine I. Pekceli. They almost simultaneously made discoveries in this area in the 60s of the 19th century.

The background of I. Pekceli is interesting:

Ignatz, while still a boy, tried to climb into the owl's nest. The bird, defending its chicks, bravely attacked the tomboy. As a result of a short battle, the boy broke his owl's leg. At the same instant, the yellow iris of the owl’s eye was “decorated” with a black stripe. The shocked Ignatz remembered the incident forever.

A look has energy

It was proven experimentally by the English physicist Charles Ross in 1925. He designed an indicator consisting of a thin metal spiral suspended horizontally on a silk thread.

The participants in the experiment looked intently into the spiral and along its axis, then slowly, without taking their eyes away, turned their heads. In this case, the spiral deflected at the same angle as the head. And in some cases the angle of deviation reached 60 degrees.

We restore the strength and harmony of the body through the eyes

Iris studies have shown scientific basis ancient healing advice.

1 way

You should look at the flame of a candle, fireplace or fire for 15 minutes. The fire should be kept at a distance arm's length. The greatest effect is achieved before bedtime and. Sit or lie comfortably and relax.

Experienced taiga workers use a similar method to accumulate energy:

warming their hands over the fire, they seem to mentally draw the flame deep into themselves with their eyes. This kind of nourishment increases your strength; even sleep only takes 4-5 hours.

Experts explain it this way favorable effect of the flame spectrum:

  • one part of the light beam rushes through the pupil to the brain, harmonizing the functioning of the body as a whole,
  • the second part, through the zones of the iris, goes directly to the organs, normalizing their functioning.

Therapeutic practice has successfully confirmed these findings.

Professor T.P. Teterina, MD, developed a device for treatment and prevention eye diseases. Special glasses evenly affect the iris of the eyes with color-light pulses.

The result of using glasses exceeded our wildest expectations: in addition to restoring vision, various diseases, the body rejuvenates, life processes are activated.

Method 2

We often look at the sky (without glasses!), imagining how life-giving streams of energy from the Cosmos pass into the eyes and directly into the brain.

We get restoration and coherence in the body, improved vision and general condition.

Test the power of your gaze

Any of us can. Look closely at the back of the head of the person in front or standing man. If he turns around, congratulations! You have strong energy.


“Health comes to a person through the eyes,” said academician I.M. Sechenov. We can add: and ill health too, depending on the nature of the information entering them. The body is by no means indifferent to where its owner is looking and who is looking at him.

A person often has no idea about the power of his gaze. Whether you have strong energy or not, direct it to good deeds.

The gaze of any person in a state of passion or negativity (anger, malice, aggression, envy, resentment) is dangerous and can cause irreparable damage to the health of people around him. Children, old people, weak-willed, tired or sick people are especially defenseless.

Remember, everything bad, even involuntary, will definitely come back like a boomerang.

One of the greats said that “the eyes are the mirror of the soul” and he turned out to be completely right. A person always tries to pay attention to how other people look at him. After all, with the help of a glance you can find out about the thoughts of your interlocutor and understand the hints of a silent person. For some reason, this is rarely written about in the press and on the Internet, and research on interpretations different views impossible to find anywhere at all. In this material I will try to reveal the essence of this issue as fully as possible.

What does a look consist of?

A person’s gaze refers to the characteristics of the location of the eyes and some parts of the face located nearby. These include the forehead, skin covering, eyebrows, eyelids, and in some cases nose and lips.

Are the eyes the mirror of the soul?

The look may be different, but each of its options has one common feature– this is a reflection inner world person, his character and mood. For the most part, it is the latter that determines the type of look.

All positive or negative internal experiences of a person are expressed in her gaze. For this reason, if you need to give it a certain meaning, you should not try to do it with “technical” techniques, it is better to concentrate on your inner mood and the desired expression in the eyes will appear by itself.

The interlocutor will not be able to consciously understand the whole essence of your look and explain its meaning for himself, but on a subconscious level the person perceives a certain message from your eyes and he will have a corresponding reaction to your emotional condition, projected through the gaze.

How to influence your interlocutor with your gaze

From the above, the conclusion follows: you can develop a certain scheme for yourself psychological influence at the interlocutor with the help of a glance.

  1. Determine the goal you want to achieve during the conversation.
  2. Set yourself in a certain mood to evoke the state that will be projected in your gaze.
  3. Look your interlocutor closely in the eyes.
  4. As a result, you will see his response.

Your counterpart’s subconscious will work instantly and he will only have to choose options for action on your emotional message.

Gaze power training.
The look plays an important role in seduction; it often happens that one glance is enough to start the process of successful seduction. In addition, a strong gaze is necessary not only in seduction, but also in Everyday life.

How to start training your eyes? In fact, this is a whole complex of physical. exercises. All exercises are divided into three groups, training time for one group is 3 weeks.

Group _1_ (Strengthening eye muscles. 10 min. per exercise/daily)

1) Draw a small black dot on a white sheet of paper. The sheet is attached to the wall so that the point is at eye level. Sit at a distance of 1.5 arshins from the wall; the light should come from behind or from the left side. They look closely at the black dot and, without taking their eyes off it, rotate their heads in a circle, fixating the dot all the time. Gradually you need to increase the radius of the circle and the speed of rotation. If pain appears, etc., then. This means the exercise is done correctly: too fast or the radius of the circle is too large.

Start with 1 minute and go up to 10 minutes, adding one minute after a few days.

2) You need to sit in the same place, fix your gaze on the black dot and fixate it for about a minute. Then quickly and smoothly fix your gaze on the floor, then immediately on the ceiling, right and left. Direct your gaze, trying to look as closely as possible in different directions, describing zigzags, circles, triangles, etc. This exercise can be modified as follows. As you know, every wall has four corners. Let's draw a wall, marking the corners with letters. Having chosen a wall that is not occupied by anything, attach a piece of paper with a black dot in the middle.

You need to sit opposite the point and look intently at it for 1 minute. Then quickly move your gaze to corner B and immediately transfer it to corner a, then again direct it to corner b. Do this exercise several times (1-5-10), and then do it with corners d and b, and then with all four angles v-d and a - b.

After this, direct your gaze to angle a and, quickly moving to g, again direct it to angle a. Then they also practice with angles c and b. You can modify this exercise ad infinitum. Duration from 1 to 10 minutes.

3) Focus your gaze on the black dot and, without taking your eyes off it, slowly turn your head (one head, but not the body) to the right, then smoothly and calmly bring it back to its previous position and slowly turn it to the left. All the time you need to look as closely as possible at the black dot. During all these exercises, try not to blink at all, widen your eyelids and look intently. Duration from 1 to 10 minutes.

Group _2_. (Development of a fixed and firm gaze.)

After a month, the previous exercises are stopped and replaced with the following:

1) Sit down at a distance of 1.5 arshins from the wall on which a sheet of paper with a black dot is attached. (Light should be less than moderate). They fix their gaze on the black dot, fixing it without blinking.

At the moment when you feel a tingling sensation in your eyes, you must, by exerting your willpower, prevent your eyelids from drooping. This exercise starts with 1 minute and gradually increases, adding 1 minute after 3-4 days, up to 10 minutes. You should learn to look intently, motionless and without blinking, at least, 5 minutes. You need to pay serious attention to this exercise, as it is the basis of many other techniques.

2) Reposition the paper with the black dot 1 arshin to the right of the previous place, but along the same line. They sit down and look intently for 2-3 seconds at the place where the paper used to be, then turn their eyes (one eye, but not the whole head) to the right and fix (gaze intently) the black dot. Then move the face to the left and repeat the exercise. During this exercise, you need to sit in the same place; They move only a sheet of paper with a black dot and turn only the eyes, leaving the body and head alone. The duration of the exercise and time distribution are the same as before.

3) Sit against the wall. They fix their gaze on the black dot. Then, leaving the torso and head alone, they direct their eyes to the floor (you can make a dot on the floor with ink, chalk, or simply attach an object, for example, a coin) and look intently at the chosen point for 1 minute. Gradually increase the duration of fixation to 5 minutes. Then, when previous conditions(keep your head straight), direct your gaze to the ceiling, looking intently at some small point. Start with one minute and bring it up, gradually adding 1 minute at a time, up to 5 minutes. Still, the exercise should take 10 minutes.

Group _3_. (Development of a penetrating magnetic gaze.)
And again we replace the exercises.

1) Sit down in front of the mirror and fix your gaze on your image, having first placed a small, barely noticeable dot on the bridge of your nose with a pencil. Look closely at the bridge of the nose, fixing this point. You should refrain from blinking. The gaze should be motionless, intently, but calmly fixed on the point.

Start with one minute and gradually learn to look intently, without blinking and motionless, at the bridge of your nose for 15 minutes. Soon it will be possible not to put marks on the nose bridge, but to use only mental image her

2) They sit in front of the mirror and, fixing their gaze on the left pupil of their reflection, fix the pupil, trying, so to speak, to look into the brain itself. Then they direct their gaze to the right pupil and look at it just as intently. Since the previous exercises have somewhat prepared the eyes, you can start immediately with 5 minutes for each pupil.

3) this exercise is the most important and requires the ability to look intently, persistently, without blinking. You need to learn to put some feeling into your gaze, and the facial muscles should remain completely motionless and calm. Everything should be clear from the expression of the eyes. They sit in front of the mirror and try to put into their gaze, for example, a feeling of love and affection. Imagine that you see a face that has done you a lot of good - a person to whom you are disposed, etc., and try to evoke a gentle and kind expression in your eyes. In the same way, learn to express other feelings with your gaze: displeasure, joy. The face should remain completely unchanged. The power of such a look is colossal. If you fix your gaze on the patient with affection and love, he will feel relief and calm down; having invested in him all the anger and hatred of which one is capable, one can force healthy person feel its burden and fall ill, and if our magnetic force is significant, then even die. When refusing someone, make your gaze firm, and the applicant will not hesitate to leave. When talking to an excited person, fix a calm gaze on him, and his excitement will disappear. If you want to subjugate a person, look at him with authority and confidence: he will be embarrassed and yield to your desires.

To strengthen the eyes, it is useful to use eye baths. Having poured water into a small basin, you need to lower your face into it, then open your eyes and try to look into the water.



Good day everyone! With the help of eye expression, we are able to say and show more than if we used words, we can control the emotions of others, and sometimes behavior, inspiring the necessary actions, but this is if we hone the skill of hypnosis, namely the hypnotic gaze.


1.Glitter in the eyes

First, you need to give your eyes some liveliness and sparkle, because the hypnotist does not look with a dull and glassy gaze, then he would not be noticed at all. In his eyes there is strength, power, energy and will. The technique is that you will practice animal gazes every day. Yes, yes, for example, have you seen the eyes of stoats? Like two burning coals. You need to feel the state when your eyes attract and frighten you at the same time. Watch the small fur-bearing animals, they seem to be laughing and at the same time very dangerous.

Hone this skill, move on to the next stage - slyness and arrogance. Have you met people who are used to always getting what they want and not giving up under any circumstances? Or capricious children, spoiled and not tolerant of refusal? If not, look for a similar image in films. You will need to feel this feeling in order to look with defiance, as if you have secret strength and power.

2.Transmission of emotions

Now you will need to develop the ability to express and convey emotions so that a person, looking into your eyes, can feel the message that you are intentionally conveying to him. But for this you need a subject who agrees to be the object of your training. Stand opposite each other, at a distance that is comfortable for both, and without words, facial expressions or gestures, just look into each other’s eyes. The goal is to try to convey some feeling by talking to yourself about what you are currently experiencing. For example, anger. Say: “I’m very angry with you now, move away from me.”

Duration - at your discretion, when you understand that everything has been said and conveyed as best you could, stop and take an interest in the state of the so-called interlocutor, asking questions about what was happening to him at that moment, what he felt and what thoughts and desires arose . As they say, get feedback on the activity. After the assistant gives feedback, which will coincide with your suggestions, proceed to the next stage.

3.Gaze training

Draw a circle on a piece of paper, small, about the size of a coin, and stick it on the wall so that it hangs at eye level when you sit. You can also choose a spot or pattern on the wallpaper, a point on which you will rely in your training. And for a minute, look at her intently, without blinking. Then take a break, as your eyes may begin to water from unaccustomed use. When you have rested, move to the right about one meter from where you were sitting before and repeat the same thing. Only first you need to look straight, and then, without turning your head, fix your gaze on this point, which is already on the side. Do several approaches and change position, moving to the left side.

Every day you will notice that your eyes don’t get so tired, so increase the time by one minute, gradually, as you get used to it. Those who reach 15 minutes may well stop training.

4.Exercises with a candle

They differ from the previous ones in that in this case you do not give, but on the contrary, you try to take. In this case, energy. The instructions and technology are the same as I described in the article “”. Only upon completion should a sparkle and a mysterious glow appear in your eyes, because in the process you must not only relax and concentrate, but also set yourself the task of receiving the energy of fire.

5. Calm presence

Sit in front of the mirror and look carefully at the area between the eyebrows, it is also called the “third eye”, and the gaze itself is the “central eye”. Do not blink, but concentrate carefully until pain appears in your eyes. Over time, if you practice daily, you will no longer need to purposefully concentrate; this process will improve so much that you will automatically look at the bridge of your interlocutor’s nose.

Remember that too much central gaze can cause irritation, so monitor your emotions and facial expressions so you can pause in time. For example, between men it can even provoke not just anger, but a squabble using physical strength. Be careful. Better yet, check out the article , this knowledge will only strengthen your hypnosis skills.

In the same way, sit in front of the mirror, only you should first peer into the right pupil for two or three minutes, then the same amount into the left. Try, as it were, to look into your brain. In the process, you may notice that the face begins to change, acquiring very strange features. Don’t be alarmed, it’s from tension, hold out for at least another 30 seconds and then take a break.

6.Training the eye muscles

It is important to have strong optic nerves and muscles, this will facilitate and enhance the effect of training, so do not forget about exercises and warm-ups in order to take care of your health. To do this, stand with your back to the wall so that you can see its four opposite corners. And quickly “switch” your eyes from one point of the corner to another. Or simply rotate your pupils left, right, up, down, clockwise, counterclockwise, in zigzags and vertical lines. It is worth doing all of the above until fatigue or discomfort occurs.

  1. You should not tell others about your aspirations and exercises, otherwise this will cause caution and tension in communicating with you.
  2. Wash your face at the end of class cool water, this will bring relief.
  3. Test your strength constantly, not only during targeted training. You can also try with animals, just avoid feelings of anger so as not to provoke aggression.
  4. This ability does not appear immediately, so don't expect quick results, be patient, otherwise you risk only feeling irritation instead of the required calm and relaxation.
  5. Another good thing about training with a mirror is that you can control yourself. Because with a great desire to look with a hypnotic gaze, there is a temptation to deliberately squint or widen your eyelids. So pay attention to how it looks from the outside.
  6. When you learn, do not abuse your power, because remember, we talked to you about the fact that the evil we cause comes back, only with a 10-fold increase, this is the law of the Universe.


That's all for today, dear readers! In addition to knowledge of how to develop a magnetic gaze, you also need to have knowledge about hypnosis, so read the article, in combination it will be much easier to achieve success and, in general, the first results. Subscribe to updates and you will not miss the release of new articles about the most effective and powerful techniques. Bye bye.

Gaze is of great importance in intersexual communication. Many women claim that they fall in love with a man after the first eye contact. If a man can withstand a woman’s persistent gaze, expressing his determination in it, in further communication she will unconsciously show more respect for him.

A woman's look at a man is the primary test of his masculine qualities.

To quickly look away in such a situation and become embarrassed means admitting defeat. However, a woman must also be confident enough in her abilities to decide on such a test.

If the person you like averts your eyes, continue looking at him. If he looks at you again after that, it's sure sign sympathy. If at the same time a smile appears on his face, you can start the conversation without a doubt.

Which look is considered accidental and which is a conscious challenge? Normal time eye contact, after which both people naturally avert their eyes, does not exceed 2–3 seconds. If a person looks at you longer, he probably has an interest in you.

View in the struggle for leadership

A glance is the most powerful non-verbal method of influence. It can subjugate a person and determine the nature of your further communication. However, can it be called a tool - something that we can consciously use for our own purposes? Can a person’s will break the instinctive desire to avert his eyes under a persistent and unbending gaze?

In nature, the strongest male will also have the most persistent gaze. You can often see how a large animal, having met the gaze of a smaller representative of its own species, turns away, as if yielding and submitting to it. Body size muscle mass, jaw size and other traits certainly influence the non-bloody determination of a dominant male. However, this is not enough.

A look is a sure sign of real strength, vital energy, the ability to fight to the end, the readiness to die in battle.

Man is a social being, so he is influenced not only by natural factors. This is morality, ethics, and social status. Thus, a long gaze in culture may simply be regarded as incorrect behavior, and that is why a shy desire to look away will arise in us. However, the main factor influencing the persistence of the gaze is will. This is what can make your gaze your greatest psychological weapon.

The importance of eye contact

How else does our perspective influence communication? The following facts are known in psychology:

  • People who make eye contact during conversations are perceived as more honest and open.
  • Lack of eye contact in a dialogue is interpreted by us as a lack of interest.
  • During a speech, a good speaker always looks around the audience to make eye contact with everyone. This makes his speech seem more convincing.
  • Eye contact when meeting someone is extremely important. An open and good-natured look forms 30% of a person’s primary attitude.
  • Quickly looking away during an acquaintance is read as instability of character and readiness to submit.

One thing follows from these facts: the strong-willed ability to hold gaze at the eyes of another person makes the image of the beholder stronger, more powerful and influential.

However, these rules cannot be called universal. Much depends both on the nature of the gaze and on the person. Someone will consider a long look as a sign of impoliteness, someone will start to get angry, someone will get scared.

It is necessary to maintain a balance of modesty and perseverance in the gaze, corresponding to the specific situation of communication with a person.

The main thing is not to provoke a defensive or negative reaction. You can subjugate a person to your will with your gaze by inspiring respect and demonstrating a strong character, not aggression. The gaze should be calm, intent, without a shadow of pretense or shamelessness.

So is it possible to develop a strong outlook? The one that subdues and inspires respect? There are many dubious exercises on the Internet, such as looking at a candle flame and circles on paper. But the look is a continuation of yours internal state, and it will probably be different in sparring with a piece of paper and with a real person.

All exercises to strengthen your gaze will be meaningless if you cannot focus your mind on one subject while doing them. How do you want to influence others if you can't even influence yourself?

Japanese shogun Yoritomo Tashi, who had exceptional influence on people

The persistence of your gaze is an indicator of the strength of your will and thoughts. To take control of your thoughts and increase your concentration, there is one proven exercise. Count slowly from one to ten, pausing between words. If even one thought distracts you from the process, start over. Every day, try to increase the duration of the count by a couple of units. They also contribute to various techniques.

After you have achieved some success in controlling your thoughts, try practicing it in public. Select from the crowd faces that indicate a weaker character than yours. Try to hold their gaze while keeping only one thought in your mind that blocks your desire to look away. “I’m uncomfortable”, “what awkward situation“,” “This is so stupid” - all these ideas simply should not reach your consciousness.

Once this is mastered, begin to be selective about the thoughts you hold during the competition. It should not only hide your psychological weaknesses, but also give strength to your look.

Concentrate on the desire to subjugate, to show strength, authority.

Developing a confident look is not an easy task, but once you cope with it, you will see how quickly the attitude of others towards you will change.