What unnatural hair color suits me. What shades are suitable for "spring"? Description of the color type Spring

Good day, Dear friends! Many women resort to coloring their hair, and I am no exception. You probably know that even if you don’t radically change the color of your hair, you still have difficulty choosing the right shade.
In today's review, I will tell you how to understand what hair color suits you.
You will learn what you need to pay attention to when choosing the right shade.

How to choose a hair color before dyeing?

How to determine whether this or that shade is suitable will not be very difficult if you use my recommendations.

By the way, you can paint in the chosen color yourself. At the same time, it is important to choose high-quality coloring components that do not contain ammonia, but contain plant components.

So let's go through some colors:

  1. When choosing a blonde, pay attention to the condition of the skin. Since with such a head of hair all redness, imperfections and minor damage to the skin will be noticeable.
  2. Dark shades make women look older. Therefore, saturated black tones should not be used. Dark tones are more suitable for swarthy girls, as well as for brown eyes.
  3. Chestnut curls are suitable for thin and weakened hair. They will hide all the flaws. This shade is suitable if the original strands have an ash or dark blond shade, as well as brown.
  4. Exists a large number of red tones. To find out, choose the right tone, it is worth considering different combinations. Coldish copper tones will suit a pinkish face. For peach or golden skin suitable paint with a slight yellowness.

Remember that the tone of the face should be combined with the selected shade. Otherwise, all the flaws will become visible on your skin. There should not be a strong contrast between the skin and the strands.

Consider modern painting options: blonding, ombre or coloring.

How to choose a color according to the color type of appearance?

To determine which shade of hair suits a particular skin, you need to be guided by your appearance color type.
There are such varieties:

  1. In girls of spring type, the skin can be light, slightly yellowish, bronze or transparent. The eyes are most often gray-blue, greenish or with a golden tint. Hair color can have honey, yellowish, golden chestnut or copper hues.
  2. Milky, pale and slightly olive skin suits summer. Eye color may be grayish or greenish. Strands can be light, blond or even almost white.
  3. Autumn type of women have skin color from transparent to golden. Often there are freckles on the skin. Eyes with this type of skin can be gray, blue, golden brown, amber or even deep green. For this color type, red hair is suitable. Moreover, the hair can be both copper-golden and rich chestnut.
  4. In the winter color type, the skin can be from olive to white. In this case, a shade of light blue is observed. In this case, the eyes can be gray, brown or dark blue. The hair of winter girls can be brown or even black.

So, let's sum up. A cold palette always includes a deep hazel, green or blue hue.

These people have fair, pale, or slightly flushed skin. to green or blue eyes blond strands are great.

Girls with this appearance should focus on light colors. In this case, it is not necessary to choose shades from a cold palette; warm colors will help visually soften the image.

Warm tones allow you to achieve a more harmonious image. Not the best solution is dark tones: black, red or chestnut. They will add extra years and emphasize the flaws on the face.
Light brown or dark greenish eyes are more common in warm color types. Such women have a slightly swarthy or peach tint of the skin.

With such data, it is worth choosing chestnut dark blond shades. Suitable and hair with a redhead, with a golden hue or cappuccino.

And cold ash or light blond strands should be abandoned.

By the way, color types are found not only in their pure form. For example, many girls' eyes may have a warm color palette, their hair is colder.
When choosing a hair color, it is worth considering the hairstyle. For example, the same color palette does not always fit the square and the same color palette.

Using helpful tips, you can always understand for yourself: what color suits me. At right choice color palette your image will be perfect and complete.

Don't be afraid of change. After all, changes in appearance always bring positive emotions and add attraction.
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See you soon, dear readers!

Hello everyone! Each person has a certain color type, which remains unchanged throughout life. And no matter how the girls try to change something in their appearance - dye their hair, whiten their faces, fight age spots and freckles - he will not change. Moreover, some are sure that they belong to a mixed version. But this does not happen: everyone belongs only to a specific color type.

Why know your appearance color type?

Depending on the color of curls, eyes, skin tone, all people belong to one of four color types: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. Such a seasonal theory of separation of appearance helps to determine the winning shades for wardrobe and makeup choices. It is based on the assertion that warm and cold tones change depending on the season of the year. Cold tones are more typical for summer and winter, warm tones for spring and autumn.

It is the color type that determines which colors will be suitable. specific person, and which palettes should be avoided. Correctly chosen tones in clothes will emphasize the dignity of a girl, divert attention from imperfections, make her younger, while an erroneously defined wardrobe color scheme can make her look sickly, tired, and aged. Some shades can transform appearance, visually make it better: the eyes become shining, not dull, a blush flaunts on the face, the skin acquires a healthy, pleasant color. Other tones change the image for the worse, girls lose their attractiveness.

In order to correctly combine shades in makeup, choosing the right things for the wardrobe is to carefully find out your appearance color type. Then the selected colors will advantageously emphasize even skin, hair and eye color.

How to determine your color type?

In order to understand which of the four categories a girl belongs to, it is worth doing the following simple recommendations:

  • For a more objective characterization of appearance, you need to call someone for help. It will be difficult to determine the color type alone, you can mistakenly confuse colors that you just like with those that really emphasize individual characteristics girls.
  • To diagnose the selection of suitable colors, it is advisable to choose the brightest room (preferably white) with a large mirror. Bright objects and figurines, furniture should be covered with a light cloth or removed from the room.
  • It is worth testing in natural neutral lighting: bright daylight, evening and electric light can incorrectly convey shades and distort colors.
  • When determining the color type, it is necessary to without fail wash away decorative cosmetics, completely get rid of makeup, remove earrings, pendants and other jewelry. So the result will be closer to the truth.
  • If the hair is dyed, the girl should hide the curls under a scarf, scarf or any fabric in white or neutral color. This is the only way to more accurately determine the result.
  • It is worth dressing in clothes of a neutral color, it is advisable to bare your shoulders.

After following the recommendations, you need to apply a variety of fabric samples, always plain. You can prepare scarves, stoles, scarves, diapers, T-shirts, towels, or just multi-colored shreds for this procedure. It is necessary to apply the fabric alternately to the face, paying attention to changes in the skin on the face and the shine of the eye: on some colors, the skin may appear gray, earthy, the face is tired, the eyes are dull, other shades can give the face freshness, hide small defects, make the skin shine, eyes to shine.

If the girl is more to face pink color, then it belongs to the cold color type Winter or Summer, if there is a peach color, then it is characterized by warm tones and fits into the category of Autumn or Spring. Moreover, if the shade of peach is warm and muted, closer to orange color, then this is Autumn, if warm and bright, then Spring. If gray-pink tones, cold and muted, are more suitable, then the Summer color type, bright and cold - Winter.

Features of appearance color types

It is not difficult to distinguish two cold and two warm color types from each other: Winter has pronounced contrasts of skin and hair, Summer is characterized by more muted transitions, fuzzy shades.

Autumn, unlike Spring, has an even golden skin tone, which rarely keeps a blush, and “spring” women are often covered with pinkish-peach tints.

Try to describe your appearance objectively. Determine which tones, warm or cold, more. To do this, you can carefully examine yourself in the mirror and answer the following questions:

  • What shade of hair?

Hair color - dark or light - does not really matter. Here it is important to pay attention to the shade of the transfusion of curls in the sun. If the shade of highlights is golden, reddish, golden brown, chestnut or yellowish, then this type is warm, Spring or Autumn, if it is ashen, light brown, gray, brown or bluish, then Winter or Summer.

  • What color are the eyes?

“Warm” eyes include warm hazel, chocolate, brown with golden flecks on the iris, soft bluish or turquoise. Cold color types are characterized by any shades of cocoa, gray without impurities, pure green, ice blue.

  • What shade of skin?

If the skin is caramel, peach, golden, chocolate, then this is a warm color. In this case, the intensity of tanning is not important, you need to pay attention to skin tone. Cold types include beige, porcelain, olive.

If the curls are colored, then for testing it is worth growing the roots a little. Moreover, if it takes place in the summer, then the result may not be objective: under the influence of the sun, the shade of the hair acquires reddish notes that are not characteristic of hair at other times.

Now you can proceed to the specific characteristics of seasonal color types, highlighting the features and comparing them with the external data of any girl.

Appearance color type SPRING

Spring is the lightest and warmest of all color types. A girl of this category looks gentle, light and airy, regardless of clothing. It is characterized by discreet and warm natural colors.

Golden "spring"

"Soft" spring

"Bright" spring

Color of the skin light, creamy, golden, peach, ivory, baked milk. It is thin, velvety, tender, as if glowing from within. A slight blush can be seen on the cheeks, the freckles are golden brown. Sunburn with light skin lays down a little with a reddish tinge, if the skin is dark, it will be a beautiful bronze.

Hair have a golden sheen, a reddish tint. They are wheat-colored, honey, can be dark: warm chocolate. Over time, the hair may lose its light shade, the hair will darken, but it will still be a reddish tint. The curls are thin, often curly. Eyebrows in tone with curls or slightly darker.

Eyes belong to light tones: golden brown, light brown, light green, hazel, green-yellow, green-gray, light blue, turquoise.

Lips apricot hue, but most often pale pink.

The Spring Girl is characterized by natural, fresh, soft colors. It is worth choosing wardrobe items in orange, red, peach, lilac and light blue. Tones of light brown shades are perfect: caramel, beige, sand, mustard, cream. It is better to give preference to plain materials and fabrics with small discreet patterns and patterns. Large accents on clothes can overshadow the appearance.

Avoiding this type of appearance is worth dark shades in outfits and bright contrasting colors. So natural lightness and femininity can be suppressed.

Appearance color type SUMMER

Summer is the most common color type. It is rich and cold, not contrasting.

"Natural" summer

"Warm summer

“Mild” summer

Color of the skin it can be light or dark, but it must be highlighted with a blue tint. She is tender, olive light color or light pinkish, milky with bluish. The skin tans perfectly if it is light olive and prone to burns if it is light pink, faded.

Hair with a cold ash, mouse or steel shade, light, dark blond. It is the representatives of this type appearances more often than others do not like their natural hair color, repaint their hair. gray haze - salient feature of this type. Eyebrows and eyelashes do not have reddish notes.

Eyes inexpressive, unclear, gray, gray-blue, gray-green, hazel, blue, blue-green.

Lips pale pink, milky, pale.

The Summer Girl is more suitable for soft and light pastel shades, muted colors. Such clothes are able to emphasize the tenderness, softness of this type of appearance. You can choose wardrobe items in pale blue, burgundy, turquoise, beige, color, ivory.

A summer representative should avoid wearing shades of a yellow-red palette: orange, coral and others. It is also necessary to abandon the wardrobe dark colors, black and white products. They focus on the shortcomings of the appearance of this color type. Bright and contrasting colors in clothes will look ridiculous, cross out the tenderness and femininity of the girl.

Appearance color type WINTER

“Natural” winter

"Warm winter

“Bright” winter

Winter is typical for girls with a contrasting, bright appearance. Spectacular ladies belong to such a rich color type.

Color of the skin porcelain, translucent, milky, it easily burns under the influence sun rays. Another type with dark skin, olive tint, sunbathing its owner acquires a brown even tan. No freckles.

Hair black, dark brown, blue-black, ash or blue tint predominates, there is no golden sheen, platinum blond. Eyelashes and eyebrows are similar in color to curls.

Eyes piercing, have a clear contour, not cloudy, contrasting and bright: gray, gray-blue, blue, dark brown, almost black, green.

Lips most often pale.

Best emphasized natural beauty cold, while bright colors. It is white, blue, grey, black. Cold tones of a bluish and pinkish tint will suit the face. It is advisable to give preference to monophonic outfits of strict lines, without floral and floral prints. To give the image of colors, you can pick up bright clothes and catchy makeup.

Winter girl should give up neutral, faded shades, red and golden palette.

Appearance color type AUTUMN

“Natural” autumn

“Soft” autumn

“Dark” autumn

Autumn is a rich warm color type. Girls with such a bright and expressive appearance often do without makeup. This category is the rarest.

Color of the skin warm tones, opaque, peach, honey golden, ivory, bronze, warm olive, golden, reddish. She hardly tans, burns easily, there is no blush.

Hair can be light or dark, with a reddish tint: orange, red, carrot, cognac, dark chestnut, copper. Curls are often curly. Eyelashes and eyebrows are quite light. Freckles are sunny, red, golden red, often located all over the body.

Eyes interesting amber, cognac, gray, olive, bright blue, icy blue, transparent light green or green.

Lips peach shade or with warm pink notes.

Decorate the girl-Autumn outfits of warm muted shades. A palette close to nature is suitable: the color of the earth, foliage, trees. These are brown tones, pistachio, olive shades, coral. Clothing should emphasize the softness of this color type.

It is worth giving up cold colors in the wardrobe. They are able to overshadow the natural warmth and magnetism.

There are situations when any representative of the fair sex wants to radically change her image. One of the options for such a transformation can be a change in the color of your hair, which can give the female image new, bright, attractive facets. In choosing a new color for your strands, you can turn to the help of professional stylists and hairdressers, or use special network services that will help you choose the hair color that suits you. In this article I will talk about the selection of hair color from a photograph, and what network services will help us with this.

There are several popular online services(most of them are in English), which will help you not only choose a beautiful hairstyle for your image, but also give you the opportunity to choose its color.

Working with such resources is based on a standard algorithm: you upload your photo in the front to such a resource, point to the photo the contours of the eyes and mouth (sometimes the entire face), choose your favorite hairstyle and color from the general list, and then visually evaluate the result.

Choose the hair color that suits you

In finding the most optimal color for your hair, you can turn to the help of professional stylists or colorists, or use various methods, allowing you to choose the right hair color for you.

One of these methods, known as the "four color types" method on Elle.ru, states that each of the women belongs to one of the four color types, known as "Winter", "Spring", "Summer" and "Autumn". The “cold” color types include “Winter” and “Summer”, and the “warm” color types include “Spring” and “Autumn”, respectively. Each color type has colors that suit him. For example, warm "Spring" goes with the same "warm colors" - peach, apricot, red, golden turquoise, and jet black does not go at all. Cold "Summer" goes cold, smoky, pastel colors and so on.

Also, do not think that your natural hair color always suits you organically. Quite often this is not the case, and the natural hair color of a girl can be out of harmony with both her skin color and her eye color (which is important to consider). Remember that “like goes with like”, and “cold” colors should be organically combined with the same “cold” shades.

How to match hair color to face and eyes test online

Let's move on to the list of services that will help us in the selection of hair color online.

Hair.su - there are both women's and men's haircuts

The Russian-language resource hair.su will allow you to choose a hair color for free. Working with it is based on the following principle:

  1. You go to the resource hair.su, and upload your photo to it in front (it is possible to upload a photo from a computer, you can also take your photo using a webcam). During the download process, activation may usually be required (click on "Allow");
  2. After uploading the photo, set the markers around the edges of your eyes, lips, and then along the contours of your face (go through all the steps of this procedure);
  3. Then you will be taken to the hairstyle selection screen, where you can also experiment with hair color (color selection buttons on the right);
  4. To save the result, click on "Authorization" at the top, go through the authorization procedure, and save the result.

Choosing a hair color on hair.su

Makeoveridea.com - A simple tool to test your hair color

Another international service with Russian language support that will help you choose a shade for your hair online is the makeoveridea.com service, created by the MakeoverIdea company of the same name. Its feature is the presence huge base in more than 2000 hairstyles (both women's and men's), the ability to try on various accessories online, choose makeup, and then save the result to your PC.

To use the makeoveridea service, do the following:

  1. Go to makeoveridea.com and activate Flash Player if necessary;
  2. To upload your photo, there is an inscription “Upload a photo from a PC”, click on it and upload your photo in front to the resource;
  3. Go through the standard procedure for installing pointers on the eyes and mouth in the photo;
  4. Experiment with hairstyles and their color (the choice of color shades is located on the left);
  5. To save the photo, click on "Download result on the right".

Instyle.com - you can try on one of the hairstyles of the stars

And the third service that will help you decide on your hair color is the instyle.com service. This English-language resource will give you the opportunity to try on one of the hairstyles of Hollywood stars. It works according to the standard mechanism for such services:


In this material, I have analyzed the process of selecting hair color. In most cases, working with these online tools is based on a template, allowing a variety of experiments with both potential hairstyle options and its color. Use the functionality of these services and find the hair color that suits you.

In contact with

Do you want to change your appearance, but are afraid to spoil everything? Whatever look you're looking for (natural, radically new or bold), you can choose the right hair color. The right hair color will accentuate your facial features and skin tone, and the hair itself will shine.


Define your skin tone

    Find out why skin tone matters. By determining your skin tone, you can shade your skin with hair color. If your hair color doesn't match your skin tone and facial features, you'll look unnatural. Before deciding on a hair color, decide what type you are: warm or cold.

    Consider if your skin tone is warm. For skin with warm tone there is a yellowish tinge. People with such skin usually do not burn in the sun, but tan evenly. Earthy colors (brown, yellow, cream of all shades) are suitable for such skin. Gold jewelry looks good on warm skin tones.

    Consider if your skin tone is cool. For skin with cold tone there is a pinkish or bluish tint. People with this type of skin burn quickly or fail to tan. People with this skin tone are blue, red and burgundy in a variety of variations. Silver looks good on "cold" skin.

    Remember that you can have a neutral skin tone. Some people have a skin tone that is neither cold nor warm. Such skin has a neutral tone: it does not have any pinkish or yellowish tints. Veins in people with this skin are neither green nor blue. Almost all colors suit people with this skin tone.

    Think about whether you want to keep natural or drastically change the image. Your desires determine the choice. Do you want your hair to look natural? Or do you want to repaint in the opposite color? Or dye your hair bright and unnatural? Decide what works best for you and your lifestyle.

    Choose a color that looks good on you. You may have always liked red hair, but this color will not suit you. If you have a warm skin tone and want to dye your hair blue, it's best to choose another bright color.

    Decide what color to use: resistant, washable, temporary. If you are not sure about the color choice, try dyeing your hair with a tint balm. If you have definitely decided, choose resistant and washable paints - they stay on your hair longer.

    Don't make impulsive decisions. Before you decide on drastic changes, carefully consider this desire. Do you follow fashion? Did something happen to you (death in the family, separation)? The decision to drastically change something in appearance under the influence of emotions is not The best way adjusting your image.

    Find the right color with the help of the Internet. Many sites have the ability to upload your photo and choose new hairstyle. There are also websites where you can enter your wishes for hair color and hairstyle and get several possible options.

Color your hair

    To check, dye a small strand. Take a strand of hair from below (it will not be visible there). Color the strand to see how the dye will take on your hair. This will help you evaluate how good your hair will look after dyeing and save you from disaster.

    Wear a wig. If you want to try out a different color before dyeing your hair, buy a wig. A wig will let you know how a new color will look on you without risking anything. Buy a quality wig that will show off the color you want.

    Sign up for a salon. If you are dyeing your hair for the first time or decide to change color dramatically, it is best to have your hair dyed in a salon. Professional hairdressers choose the perfect color and take care of your hair.

    • Take a photo of the color you want to achieve with you. This will avoid misunderstandings. Words like "chestnut", "red" or "blonde" are not specific enough, but you should not use the words "ash", "honey", "coffee" if you do not know what they mean.
  1. Try coloring first. Coloring individual strands will allow you to add warm or cold shades to your hair. If you have a warm skin tone, color with gold, copper, or golden brown. If you have a cool skin tone, choose wheaten, honey, taupe, and ash shades.

    • If you want to change the color of your hair a little, try dyeing individual strands to a tone that is darker than your natural color.
  2. Don't forget your eyebrows. Always keep your eyebrows in mind when coloring your hair. If you have dark hair and decide to lighten it, try coloring your eyebrows too. Abrupt change hair color with the same eyebrow color will lead to an unnatural and ugly look, so do not forget to take this factor into account.

  • Washable paint - great choice for those who want to make their hair darker without consequences.
  • Remember that it will take a long time for your hair to grow out, and you will need to adjust the color all the time to keep the roots looking neat.
  • Just because a particular color suits your skin type doesn't mean it's right for you. All people are different.
  • If you are not ready to regularly tint your hair, dye it lighter or darker by just a couple of tones - gradually regrown roots will merge with the new color.
  • If you plan to dye your hair with a dye that is 2 or more shades different from your natural color, go to the hairdresser.


  • Use hair conditioner, cut your hair regularly, and refrain from flat irons, blow dryers, and curling irons because heat even more damaging to the hair. Changing hair color is fun, but dye damages hair. Take care of them and watch their health.
  • Do not try to dye your hair from brunette to blonde on your own - sign up for a salon, otherwise the color may turn out orange.

Each person has his own specific color scheme - these are the colors given to him by nature. But, unfortunately, many girls do not know how to choose their color scheme, hope for fashion or even copy the style of their girlfriends and acquaintances, and in fact the wrong colors can focus on your shortcomings. So, how to know what color suits you?

Depending on the appearance, the colors are divided into 4 groups:

  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

According to them, you can determine those colors that will emphasize your dignity, enliven your face and give it youth.

First you need to determine your natural palette: hair, skin, eyes, lips, face. To do this, remove your hair from your face, but rather tie it in a ponytail or a bun, wash off all the makeup and carefully, in good light, examine your face in the mirror.Determine what shade your skin is: light brown, brown, yellowish, pale blue, pinkish,what shade of your hair: bluish, yellow, brown, red, etc.Thus, you can determine which colors are predominantly found in your appearance: warm or cold.

Next, attach handkerchiefs of various colors and shades to your face. So you will understand which color suits you more, and which one should not be overdone. It is important not to get hung up on your favorite colors. Often people confuse their favorite colors with those that really suit them.After conducting these studies, you can accurately determine the colors that suit you. If you are closer to cold shades, this means that your type is Winter or Summer, and if warm, then you are Spring or Autumn. For a more accurate answer, remember: muted tones are characteristic of Summer and Autumn, bright tones are characteristic of Spring and Winter, light tones are mainly Spring and Summer, dark tones are characteristic of Winter and Autumn. In accordance with these parameters, you can easily choose the clothes that suit your type.

Know that white and red colors are more suitable for spring type, white, black and dark blue for winter, green, brick, olive for autumn, and burgundy and pastel shades for summer. For greater effect, you can try to combine solid colors, they visually slim.Naturally, each color has many shades, and over time you will learn how to choose and combine them correctly.