What is Staphylococcus aureus and does it need to be treated? Staphylococcus. Staphylococcus was found in the nose, throat, throat, and on the skin, what to do? Staphylococcus aureus in infants

Staphylococcal infection is a generalized definition of diseases provoked by exposure to staphylococcus. Considering the fact that staphylococcal infections are extremely resistant to antibiotic therapy applied to them, among purulent-inflammatory diseases staphylococcus, the symptoms of which may indicate an inflammatory process in any organ, takes first place.

general description

Staphylococci are sedentary, round bacteria, the main area of ​​concentration of which is the mucous membranes and skin of humans. As a rule, their presence does not provoke any problems, however, due to the importance of weakening its defenses for the body, staphylococci can cause a number of different diseases.

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as newborns, are most susceptible to staphylococcus. In addition, taking into account the specific state of the body, which predisposes to the development of diseases against the background of staphylococcus, this also includes patients with chronic pathologies and low level immunity.

Staphylococcus is rightfully defined as a “hospital” infection, which, accordingly, is explained by the literally massive infection of patients in medical institutions.

Types of staphylococcus

The most dangerous types of staphylococcus are Staphylococcus saprophytic, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus.

Saprophytic staphylococcus populates within the mucosa urethra, often being the main cause of cystitis in women. Staphylococcus epidermidis can live in various areas of mucous membranes and skin.

What is noteworthy is that the human body in a healthy state copes with epidermal staphylococcus without difficulty, while for people who are, for example, in intensive care units with the corresponding state of the body, it, once inside the body, provokes severe diseases. In particular, these include inflammation of the area of ​​the inner lining of the heart (or), as well as a number of other, no less serious pathologies.

Staphylococcus aureus is the most critical in terms of the impact on the human body. Infection with this type of staphylococcus can affect a variety of organs; moreover, it is this staphylococcus that can provoke almost hundreds of different specific diseases, ranging from the simplest in its course to those whose outcome is fatal for the patient. Staphylococcus aureus has a number of unique “devices”, with the help of which it is possible to resist the protective mechanisms that, in turn, the human body has.

I would like to note that in addition to the distinguished classification, staphylococci also exist in several subspecies (strains), whose difference from each other lies in the difference in their characteristic properties. Thus, provoking the same types of diseases, such strains determine different variants of the clinical picture for each patient.

An important feature is the significant viability of staphylococci, which can be about six months in a dried form; they also do not die as a result of freezing and subsequent thawing. Impact of direct sunlight also determines their resistance to such conditions.

The ability to reproduce toxins directly determines the pathogenic characteristics of staphylococci. These toxins include, in particular, exfoliatin, which causes damage to skin cells, enterotoxin, which provokes symptoms characteristic of food poisoning, and leukocidin, which causes the destruction of leukocytes.

Staphylococci also produce enzymes, which, as we noted above, help them protect themselves from the action of mechanisms immune system the human body, at the same time they also provide the possibility of preserving staphylococci in the tissues of the body with the subsequent possibility of spreading.

The source of spread of this infection can be either a sick person or a carrier of the infection (asymptomatic), and according to certain data, about more than 40% of completely healthy people are such carriers. They can act as carriers of any strain of staphylococcus.

Serve as a gateway for infection various types skin damage (including microdamage), mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The determining factor for the development of staphylococcal infection is weakened immunity when such a result is achieved through the use of certain medications (they can be antibiotics, immunosuppressants, etc.). The presence of chronic diseases (diseases) is also not excluded. thyroid gland, etc.), the influence of unfavorable environmental factors.

Features of the immune system determine the most complex course of staphylococcal infection in children of the category early age, as well as in older people.

Staphylococcus: symptoms

Based on the characteristics of the area of ​​introduction of staphylococcal infection, specific clinical manifestations, the degree of aggressiveness inherent in a particular type of staphylococcus, along with the current degree of decreased immunity, also plays a role.

One of the most common types of skin purulent diseases is . If we are talking about staphylococcal pyoderma, then it is characterized by skin lesions within the hair openings. Superficial lesions lead to the development folliculitis, the manifestations of which are reduced to the formation of a small abscess, penetrated by hair through its center.

If the lesion is somewhat deeper, then it already develops, which is an inflammation of a purulent-necrotic nature in the form of a hair follicle in combination with the surrounding tissues. Also, deeper types of lesions can manifest themselves in the form of inflammation of the skin in combination with subcutaneous tissue surrounding a group of hair follicles.

Most often, such formations in the form of boils and carbuncles are concentrated on the back surfaces of the buttocks, thighs and neck. The appearance of such formations in the facial area is especially dangerous, because the peculiarities of blood circulation in this case can lead to the introduction of a staphylococcal infection into the brain, against which the subsequent development of either occurs.

Another manifestation characteristic of staphylococcal infection is Ritter's disease, which is otherwise also defined as scalded skin syndrome. As a rule, this syndrome is observed in newborns, as well as in young children. The manifestations of this disease have a certain similarity with (in terms of the manifestation of the rash) or with erysipelas.

One of the forms of manifestation of staphylococcal infection is also epidemic pemphigus, which, by the way, acts as a clear result of the influence of the exfoliatin we noted above (a toxin produced by the infection). Pemphigus is accompanied by the detachment of significant layers of the surface layers of the skin, as a result of which large blisters form in place of these layers.

Under the influence of staphylococcal infection, areas of the superficial veins of the brain can also develop, which, in turn, additionally manifests itself in the form of severe neurological disorders.

In about 95% of cases, it is staphylococcus that leads to a disease such as, in which inflammation Bone marrow. Due to this inflammation, all bone layers are susceptible to damage and subsequent destruction, and a breakthrough often occurs purulent focus out. The main symptom of osteomyelitis is severe pain in the affected area. Somewhat later, this process is joined by swelling, localized in the area above the inflammation, this in turn leads to the formation of purulent fistulas. If the joints are affected, then the problem becomes relevant, which often occurs when the knee and hip joints are affected.

Among the possible options for the development of staphylococcal infection, damage to the inner lining and valves of the heart is not excluded, which is defined as endocarditis and indicates mortality statistics are sufficient high performance, reaching about 60%.

Due to the effects of toxins produced by staphylococcal infection, diseases caused by it are in some cases classified as a group of intoxications, which include, in particular, toxic shock, and food toxicosis.

The appearance of toxic shock is preceded by exposure to especially aggressive species toxins into the blood, as a result of which blood pressure drops sharply, the patient begins to feel feverish, and experiences severe abdominal pain and nausea. Appears headache and diarrhea, consciousness is impaired. Somewhat later, a spotted rash is added to the complex of these symptoms.

As for food toxicosis, it develops several hours after eating food that has previously been contaminated with a staphylococcal infection, which also manifests itself in the form of severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Severe cases of this manifestation are similar to similar manifestations characteristic of cholera.

The most severe form of staphylococcal infection is sepsis, which is accompanied by the spread of a significant volume of bacteria through the bloodstream with the simultaneous formation of numerous foci of secondary infection directly in the internal organs of the body.

Diagnosis of staphylococcus

Bacterial culture is used as the main method for diagnosing the disease in question. Based on the specific area of ​​localization of staphylococcus, sputum, urine, blood, contents of wounds, boils, breast milk etc.

If there is a suspicion of redundancy in the processes of infection propagation in the intestines, feces are taken for analysis (for the subject). Its results make it possible not only to determine the number of staphylococcal infections, but also the number of other types of representatives of the intestinal microflora. Bacterial culture in pregnant women involves taking a swab from the throat and nose.

During the tests, it is also important to determine how sensitive the bacterium is to the effects of antibiotics, which will make it possible to determine the most effective drug for subsequent treatment. It should be noted that the results of bacterial culture with staphylococcus included in them are not at all a direct indication for treatment. The fact is that, as we previously noted, the option of asymptomatic carriage of this infection is possible, which, in turn, may indicate the patient’s normal state of health.

Staphylococcus: treatment

In the treatment of staphylococcal infection, it is necessary to focus on suppressing the pathogen due to it, as well as on restoring individual components in combination with treatment accompanying type diseases, due to the course of which the overall reactivity of the body decreases.

From ancient times and, by the way, to the present day, the use surgical techniques treatment aimed at combating foci of infection with actual purulent melting in abscesses and boils is the main and optimal solution.

As for the use of antibiotics in the treatment of staphylococcus, it must be extremely justified, because the lack of rationality in prescribing this type of drug not only cannot bring the desired benefit, but also leads in a number of situations to worsening the course of the disease. Treatment of staphylococcal infections is mainly based on the use of semi-synthetic penicillins, as well as penicillins in combination with clavulanic acid or another group of antibiotics.

To diagnose a staphylococcal infection, you must contact your treating pediatrician (general practitioner) or infectious disease specialist.

It is impossible to say for sure, because this bacterium belongs to the category of opportunistic pathogens. This term refers to the fact that, while on the skin or intestinal mucosa, staph does not cause harm as long as the immune system is strong enough to resist infection. There are only a number of cases when staphylococcus becomes a source of serious danger due to the large number of diseases it causes. Find out if staphylococcus is dangerous and transmittable in this article.

Is staphylococcus dangerous?

Staphylococcus can live in almost any environment, and this also applies to harmful environments in which other types of bacteria do not survive. For example, staphylococcus multiplies well on the surface of fatty cakes and sausages, even if they are stored in the refrigerator. Staphylococcal bacteria can get onto food products during the preparation stage if proper sanitary conditions are not met. With a high concentration of staphylococci, food will cause severe toxic poisoning, the consequences of which are best dealt with by specialists, sometimes also requiring subsequent treatment in a hospital.

Is staphylococcus dangerous? Staphylococci living inside the body, with a decrease in the level of immune resistance, become dangerous due to their penetration into the blood. The fact is that the consequence of this is nothing more than serious blood poisoning, the treatment of which will require a course of treatment with antibiotics and synthesized from donated blood antibodies. This infection also affects internal organs, it can be the stomach, kidneys and even the brain, in which the process starts under the influence of staphylococci purulent inflammation. Of course, it makes no sense to explain the danger of inflammatory processes in the brain, because any disease of this control organ, if diagnosed late and without proper treatment, leads to fatal outcome.

Is staphylococcus transmitted?

It would take forever to describe all the ways of infection with staphylococcus and the dangers of the diseases it causes, but one thing is clear: even in view of the conditional pathogenicity of the bacterium, no one has any doubts about whether staphylococcus is dangerous. Unless staphylococci are found on external skin and do not harm the carrier, then treatment is not required. But you should still be wary, because the slightest problem With the body’s natural defenses, staphylococcus uses it for its own purposes and the occurrence of severe diseases will be very difficult to prevent.

Ways of infection with staphylococcus:

Insufficient compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in medical institutions. There is a risk of acquiring the staphylococcus virus during a wide variety of manipulations, among the most risky are hemodialysis, the introduction of intravenous catheters and artificial ventilation of the lungs.

Is staphylococcus dangerous and transmitted through contact with the skin? Staphylococcus aureus is considered an opportunistic bacterium, which means it can live on the human body without causing harm to him, but making him a carrier of the virus. If the carrier has a malfunction of the immune system, then staphylococcus will not fail to take advantage of the opportunity and seep into the body, for example, when eating food from hands that have not been washed with soap.

Is staphylococcus dangerous and transmitted through the intestines? On the intestinal walls, staphylococci also live happily, but only for the time being, when there are too many of them, the enterotoxin they secrete causes quite severe intestinal poisoning. In addition, staphylococcus can easily be eaten with any fatty food, because staphylococci not only feel good on sweet cream cakes and delicious sausages, but also multiply abundantly. Such a dinner with staphylococcal filling usually leads to emergency hospitalization and long-term subsequent rehabilitation with the help of taking antibacterial drugs. medicines.

As a conclusion about staphylococcus

Thus, whether staphylococcus is transmitted from person to person is the tenth matter, because there are already enough ways of infection with this not very pleasant bacterium. The object of attack of Staphylococcus aureus is any organ, no exception, the head and spinal cord, in which the virus causes inflammatory processes purulent type, delaying diagnosis of which guarantees a completely fatal outcome.

Why are staphylococci dangerous? Diseases caused by staphylococci

Thank you

Staphylococci are classic representatives of the microflora of the skin and mucous membranes that inhabit our body in abundance.. It is estimated that on average the mass of microflora (that is, all microbes inhabiting the human body) of an adult is approximately 3 kg. Of course, the bulk of the body's microflora bacteria is concentrated in the intestines, but a significant number of bacteria also live on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

Studying the microflora of the body is useful not only by finding out its positive qualities(in fact, the populations of some microbes that make up the microflora of the body perform a number of extremely important and beneficial functions for the body, for example, the synthesis of vitamins), but also because this allows us to prevent some diseases that arise when the microflora goes into an aggressive state.

Diseases caused by staphylococci occur extremely often. For the most part, these are banal suppurations or food poisoning, which happen to all people without exception. However, in some cases, staph infection can be severe and even life-threatening. Below we will talk about the main forms of diseases caused by staphylococci (including Staphylococcus aureus), but first we will look at the conditions that make it possible for the “peaceful” microflora to transition into the state of “disease pathogen”.

In reality, there is a constant struggle between the human body and the microflora inhabiting it: microbes try to attack the organs and tissues of the body, which in turn is protected using its own defense mechanisms. At the same time, under the influence of the protection mechanisms described below, the number of microbes practically does not increase, but only decreases, and the microbes themselves are unable to show all their aggressiveness. Main protection mechanisms human body are first of all the immune system, secondly, normal exchange substances and the normal functioning of vital organs, and thirdly, the integrity of the mucous membranes and skin of the body.

If at least one of these lines of defense of the body is violated, the microbes “go on a counterattack”, and in this case one or another infectious disease occurs.

The main forms of diseases caused by staphylococci

The forms and symptoms of staphylococcal infection are extremely varied. In order to make it easier for the reader to understand the main forms of staphylococcal infection, we will divide them into several main groups, which we will later consider separately and in more detail. So, let's distinguish the following types staphylococcal infection:
  1. Food poisoning caused by contamination of food with staphylococcal toxins;
  2. Staphylococcal infection with damage to the skin (skin) and mucous membranes - “superficial infections”;

  3. Staphylococcal infections with lesions internal organs;

  4. Septic forms of staphylococcal infection are “blood poisoning.”

  5. Food poisoning caused by staphylococci is a very common form of food infection. Staphylococcus aureus is one of the main types of staphylococci that cause poisoning. As a rule, food contamination with microbes occurs due to failure to comply with basic rules for preparing and storing food. Conditions favorable to the production of staphylococcal toxins are warmth and the presence nutrients. Food contaminated with staphylococci can become poisoned (spoiled) within a few hours (usually 10 hours or more) of being in a warm place. Food poisoning is often observed when eating dairy products, meat, and broths.

    In order to prevent the occurrence food poisoning you need, firstly, to follow the rules for preparing and storing food (food must be stored in the cold), and secondly, not to eat food products of questionable origin or products whose quality you doubt.

    Symptoms of food poisoning caused by staphylococci is: acute diarrhea (loose stools up to 10 times or more), acute “stabbing” and “twisting” pain in the abdomen, false urge to defecate, slight increase in temperature, possibly vomiting. In adults, as a rule, such poisonings occur without any particular complications. If children show signs of food poisoning (see above), parents should be extremely vigilant and, if possible, consult a doctor. In young children, such poisoning can be very serious and dangerous.

    How to treat food poisoning caused by staphylococci?

    Like the treatment of any other food poisoning, treatment of food poisoning caused by staphylococci should begin with gastric lavage. Adults and older children can rinse their stomachs on their own; for children younger age you need to help by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon.

    To lavage the stomach, you can simply use warm boiled water, but better tea or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate in boiled water. Adults need to drink up to a liter of this solution and then induce vomiting. Children are given a drinking solution in quantities in which they are able to drink it. It is best to repeat the washing two or three times until the vomit contains no particles of spoiled food that still contains toxins.

    In order to prevent dehydration throughout the entire period of illness, you need to keep drinking plenty of fluids - this is especially important for children. You can abstain from food for a while or eat baked fruits and crackers.

    You can use anti-diarrhea medications like Loperamide, but with great caution and for a very short time. If an adult's diarrhea does not go away after taking 1-2 capsules, you should consult a doctor, as it is quite possible that the diarrhea is caused by another infection.

    Taking antibiotics or other antibacterial drugs during staphylococcal poisoning is not prescribed, since the microbes themselves that enter the intestines are not dangerous for humans, and antibiotics do not affect the activity of toxins.

    Note that the symptoms of food poisoning caused by staphylococci last no more than 2 days (if all the measures described above are taken). If diarrhea (diarrhea) continues for more than two days or the temperature rises against the background of ongoing diarrhea or stool If traces of blood appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    The best remedy Prevention of staphylococcal poisoning is compliance with hygienic rules for preparing and storing food.

    – characterized by purulent lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. In this article we will describe only the general symptoms and principles of treatment of such infections. Skin staphylococcal infections are also often caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which inhabits the skin and mucous membranes in abundance.

    Staphylococcal sore throat

    Represents inflammation palatine tonsils caused by staphylococci. It is impossible to determine the staphylococcal nature of a sore throat with the naked eye, therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, a microbiological examination must be carried out. The main symptoms of staphylococcal sore throat are sore throat, which worsens when swallowing, soreness and swelling. lymph nodes, increased body temperature. The course of staphylococcal tonsillitis is favorable, however, in some cases complications may occur in the form of abscesses or phlegmons, which require urgent surgical treatment.

    When a sore throat occurs, it is best to see a doctor and receive a course of treatment appropriate to the severity of the disease. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed to treat sore throat.


    This is a type of diffuse microbial skin lesion. The main symptoms (manifestations) of staphyloderma are: the presence of inflamed pustules located on various areas skin scattered and grouped, boil, barley, etc. There can be many reasons for the occurrence of staphyloderma: failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, hormonal changes in the body of adolescents, disruption of the endocrine system. In all cases of skin staphylococcal infections, you cannot take any treatment measures at home - this is fraught with serious consequences. Do not squeeze out boils(especially those located on the face), and you should not take antibiotics on your own. On the other hand, timely contact with a doctor (dermatologist, surgeon, family doctor) contributes to a speedy resolution of the problem and prevents many undesirable consequences.


    This is an inflammation of the skin fold around the nail. This inflammation is also often caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Typically, the occurrence of panaritium is promoted by minor damage to the skin (for example, when applying a manicure) around the nail. The symptoms of felon are known to everyone - this is redness and inflammation of the skin around the nail, severe pain in the inflamed finger, possibly slight increase temperature. Panaritium can also occur with inflammation of the nail bed (paronychia), as well as with deep penetration of infection (even necrosis of the bone of the phalanx of the finger can develop). Panaritium itself is not dangerous - its complications associated with the spread of infection are dangerous. The most dangerous panaritium is on the thumb and middle fingers, as well as on the little finger. Anatomical structure The tendons of these fingers predispose to the spread of infection, so felon on these fingers can lead to the formation of phlegmon of the forearm and hand.

    The felon should not be squeezed out or opened independently.. With a simple panaritium, the patient can be helped by rinsing his finger in concentrated saline solution, as well as local overlay antimicrobial ointments: levomikol, Vishnevsky ointment, etc.

    Staphylococcal infections affecting internal organs

    As a rule, they are a consequence of the spread of infection from the primary focus or the primary penetration of staphylococci into a specific organ. The most common cases are staphylococcal pyelonephritis, staphylococcal cystitis or urethritis. Staphylococcal enteritis is possible in young children. In some cases, staphylococcal endocarditis may occur.

    Staphylococcal infections of internal organs appear specific signs damage to one or another organ (for example, lower back pain with pyelonephritis, pain in the lower abdomen with cystitis), as well as nonspecific signs of infection: increased body temperature, fatigue, weakness.

    Diagnosis and treatment of staphylococcal infections of internal organs is a matter for specialists. Most often, a course of antibiotics is used to treat such diseases. The dose of antibiotic and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

    Septic forms of staphylococcal infection

    They always lead to an extremely serious condition for the patient. This condition is also called blood poisoning. Blood poisoning may occur due to penetration into the blood large number microbes and their toxins. This can happen due to attempts to independently treat a boil or other purulent disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus. In women, severe toxic-septic shock can develop due to the use of vaginal tampons during menstruation.

    In case of blood poisoning, the patient’s condition sharply worsens, the temperature rises sharply, the amount of urine excreted decreases, the pulse quickens, and a rash may appear on the skin. In such cases, the patient must be urgently hospitalized, because blood poisoning or toxic-septic shock are deadly conditions. Treatment of these diseases is carried out under the strict supervision of doctors.


    1. Kuznetsova E.A. Microbial flora of the oral cavity and its role in development pathological processes, M., 1996

    2. Medical microbiology, Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, 1999

    3. Diagnosis and treatment of major infectious diseases in modern conditions, Minsk, 1990

    Before use, you should consult a specialist.

    Read the bacteriophage!

    And I got this infection due to an ordinary scratch. And now any scratch or sore, everything starts to steam, the skin begins to rot, the sore begins to rot and scars remain even from a small scratch.

    Yes, I agree. I also took cordyceps - an excellent immunomodulator; in addition, it also works as an anti-inflammatory and has even more beneficial effects.

    I’m not advertising, I just drank a Tiens product myself, it’s called cordyceps, natural antibiotic. All information can be found on the Internet. Cordyceps fights staphylococcal infections, including Staphylococcus aureus.

    Tanya, everyone has staphylococci, including you.
    Only your immune system can cope with them, but someone’s immune system is impaired, weakened and cannot cope with them, so they cause various painful manifestations in him.
    But you cannot become infected with staphylococcus, since you already have it, just in an inactive state, since your immunity is strong enough and suppresses it.

    Hello! I have the following situation: We were planning to buy from friends upholstered furniture, but the other day we found out that our friends are suffering from staphylococcus. What to do? Can such a disease be transmitted through furniture to children or adults? What could be the consequences?

    Good evening! Tell me, has anyone come across purulent staphylococcus in a child’s throat. My daughter often gets colds - this year in the first grade. The tests seem to be nothing good, but for sowing microbes - it showed staphylococcus, and even purulent. I just never I haven’t encountered this, although we often get various colds. The doctor wrote a whole notebook on treatment.. and I once again feel sorry for stuffing my daughter with yet more pills.. injections.. she, poor thing, is so afraid of them. Tell me, is this so serious? Maybe there are some other methods treatment? please help. with uv. Irina.

    The child has a temperature of 37-37.3 for a month, no cough or runny nose. What could this be?

    Hello. Help please. Give advice on what to do next. On the first day, a 1.7-month-old child began to have loose stools up to 10 times a day and a temperature of up to 39. On the second and third days there was no temperature, only loose stools up to 10 times. On the fourth day, streaks of blood and mucus appeared in the stool, they took tests. For four days, there was up to 5 stools, no vomiting or fever. At 9 sudden fever and vomiting. On the 10th day they said it was Staphylococcus, but they didn’t say which one. The first three days we struggled with fever, there was vomiting, loose stools up to 10 times a day. On the 13th day, the temperature returned to normal, the vomiting disappeared, we followed a diet, but a streak of blood and mucus again appeared in the stool. Please tell me what to do next, maybe this is how the treatment is proceeding or other tests need to be done.

    The stomach was tormented. Bleeding and vomiting. Applied some. The first time it cost 120 dollars for 2 months, in a year I spent 370 dollars, and at the same time other problems with concussion and vision went away. It’s been 5 years without problems. I resumed the course a week ago. It should have been every year, damn it, stupid....

    A red rash in a child (1.1 years old) on the legs, bottom, tests revealed Staphylococcus aureus in the stool, I can’t find anything similar on the internet! I haven’t noticed any irritation in the child due to this rash! Tell me what to do in this situation, what this is generally the case, otherwise the doctors in our city know little

    Irina, it is necessary to perform a bacteriological culture of a throat smear + identify the sensitivity of the staphylococcus grown in this way to various antibiotics (antibioticogram). Based on the results of this survey, ways to adequate treatment will be obvious.


    Is it possible to find out if there is staphylococcus by the color of your hair?

    My relative has a “disease” of her nose. They found staphylococcus in a smear, antibiotic treatment was prescribed. Please advise what else can be done.

The culprit of a huge number of infectious diseases, it belongs to the genus of bacteria of the Micrococcaceae family. Today, science knows more than 27 species of this microorganism, of which 14 are permanent inhabitants of human skin and mucous membranes. Almost all of them are absolutely harmless, and only three types of staphylococcus have a genetic factor of pathogenicity, leading to the development infectious process.

Varieties of pathogenic staphylococcus

Representatives from the clan Staphylococcus, which provoke the development of food toxic infections and purulent-inflammatory processes of various localizations, belong to the group of pathogenic microorganisms.

1. The most dangerous type of pathogenic cocci is Staphylococcus aureus(s. aureus). This is an extremely tenacious, highly virulent bacterium with a characteristic golden color. Factors that determine the degree of virulence of a given pathogen include its ability to produce the extracellular enzyme coagulase and toxic waste products (toxins).

Staphylococcus aureus, as well as streptococcus, is capable of forming colonies on the skin and mucous membranes of humans, and, in certain situations, provoke the development of purulent-inflammatory diseases.

2. Staphylococcus epidermidis (s. epidermidis) belongs to coagulase-negative representatives of the genus Staphylococcus. Normally, it lives on smooth human skin and mucous membranes, without causing any negative symptoms. However, when the immune system is weakened, epidermal staphylococcus acquires aggressive properties, and, if it penetrates into the bloodstream (through wounds, postoperative drainage, catheters, etc.) can cause blood poisoning or endocarditis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart).

3. Saprophytic staphylococcus(s. saprophyticus) is the bacterium that causes the least damage. It is a permanent inhabitant of the skin of the external genitalia and the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, but, under unfavorable conditions for the body, it can provoke the development of cystitis and inflammation of the kidneys.

Symptoms and signs of staph infection

IN clinical practice The term “staphylococcal infection” refers to all diseases caused by staphylococcus (today there are more than a hundred of them). Most often, the pathogen affects the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue, leading to the development of dermatitis, abscesses, hidradenitis, boils, carbuncles, pyoderma, folliculitis, eczema, etc. Penetrating inside the body, staphylococcus can provoke inflammation of the appendix, respiratory organs, digestive tract, heart, kidney and urinary tract, and also cause meningitis, brain abscess, peritonitis, bacteremia (sepsis) and toxic shock syndrome.

Staphylococcal infection is very severe in newborns. As a rule, infection occurs as the fetus passes through birth canal, or during breastfeeding. Also, the main causes of infection in infants include contact with bacteria carriers (relatives or medical personnel).

Symptoms caused by pathogenic staphylococcus are quite varied. First of all, they depend on the type, the place of its introduction, as well as on the state of the human immune system.

The most characteristic signs of staphylococcal infection include:

Increase in local and general body temperature;
The appearance of sensitive areas, swelling and redness on the skin;
Suppuration of wounds and the appearance of purulent rashes on the face and body, in the ear, mouth and other areas of the mucous membranes, as well as itching and burning in the eyes (if affected visual organs);
When the infection enters the blood, prolonged fever, chills, rapid heartbeat, nausea and vomiting are observed;
With the development of toxic shock syndrome, rashes appear on the patient's soles and palms, and the body temperature reaches high marks, severe headaches develop, epileptic seizures may occur;
If a staphylococcal infection affects the joints (septic arthritis), patients develop pain and swelling in the infected joints, an increase in body temperature, and other symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

Strains of pathogenic staphylococcus are capable of producing enterotoxin, which is not destroyed by digestive enzymes. Getting into the digestive tract along with meat, milk or other contaminated products, it begins to be absorbed directly in the stomach, activating motility and disrupting the absorption of water in the intestines, as well as significantly lowering blood pressure.

When the pathogen enters the bloodstream, coagulase (an enzyme that clots blood plasma) leads to the formation of microthrombi, in which pathogenic bacteria “hid” from the protective factors of the immune system. This condition can cause staphylococcal sepsis, as well as lead to the development of purulent inflammatory process in any internal organ of the body.

And finally, the cause of inflammation can be staphylococcus, previously present in the body in an inactive form. Most often, this condition occurs after treatment with antibiotics: the death of other types of microorganisms sensitive to the antibacterial drug leads to the uncontrolled growth of staphylococcus (staphylococcal enterocolitis).

Complications of staphylococcal infection

Pathogenic staphylococcus causes a significant blow to the immune system and becomes the cause of the development of a generalized infection that occurs as a result of the penetration of the pathogen into the bloodstream and the formation of purulent foci in various tissues and organs of the body. This condition, if antibacterial therapy is ineffective, can lead to death.

Causes and routes of transmission of staphylococcal infection

The cause of the development of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs and central nervous system are pathogenic strains of staphylococci.

Staphylococcus aureus penetrates the human body through contact, artificial (through medical instruments), aerogenic and nutritional routes. Exactly with. aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are the main cause of nosocomial infections.

Chronic carriers of the pathogen are medical workers, patients suffering from atopic dermatitis, as well as people who use drugs. U healthy people this bacterium can be localized in the nose and nasopharynx. Less commonly, staphylococcus is found in the throat or larynx, in axillary region, on the scalp and in the gastrointestinal tract;

Staphylococcus epidermidis can enter the body artificially (through drainages, vascular and urinary catheters etc.) and by contact;

Saprophytic staphylococcus is the most “friendly” representative of the pathogenic coccal flora. Being a permanent inhabitant of the mucous membrane of the urethra, under unfavorable conditions for the body it can become aggressive and provoke the development of inflammation (most often it is saprophytic staphylococcus that causes the development of cystitis in women).


The diagnosis is made after a cultural examination of samples of the pathogen taken from foci of infection (any areas of suppuration, blisters, dried crusts, etc.). At the same time, the material for research can be urine, sputum, feces, vomit, cerebrospinal fluid, etc. In case of toxic shock, pneumonia or sepsis, a blood sample is sent for analysis. On agar plates, Staphylococcus aureus (hemolytic) causes hemolysis of red blood cells, but in the case of inoculation of Staphylococcus epidermidis, hemolysis does not occur.

After determining the nature of the pathogen, all samples obtained are tested for sensitivity to the antibiotic, and a test for methicillin resistance is also performed.

Note: To avoid the development of staphylococcal infection in newborns, at the stage of pregnancy planning, experts recommend that expectant mothers take a test. culture of a swab from the throat and nose to detect carriage of staphylococcus.


Currently, treatment of staphylococcal infection is carried out by two main methods: surgical and medicinal.

Surgery involves carrying out a drainage procedure (creating an unimpeded outflow of pus). However, surgeons often have to remove the source of infection itself. This could be an artificial implant or heart valve, intravenous catheter, etc. Also surgical intervention require postoperative abscesses, osteomyelitis and other foci of purulent infection;

During conservative treatment are used antibacterial agents, active against staphylococcus (taking into account methicillin resistance). For patients with generalized staphylococcal infection, antibacterial therapy should be carried out in mandatory;

Interesting data
Not long ago, British scientists found that oregano oil (a noble Himalayan spice), which contains the aromatic substance carvacrol, fights Staphylococcus aureus much more effectively than antibiotics. It dissolves the microbial membrane and leads to the death of the pathogen. After testing, the production of bandages, wipes and sprays with oregano extract began. Scientists say that even a low concentration of essential oil of this plant is lethal to various pathogens, including the deadly Staphylococcus aureus

For minor inflammations, in order to avoid the development of a deep microflora imbalance, antibiotic treatment is not prescribed. In such situations it is used antistaphylococcal bacteriophage(intravenously, intramuscularly or locally);

It is mandatory for patients diagnosed with a staphylococcal infection to undergo immunomodulatory therapy, and also appointed active detoxification (blood purification).

Prevention of staphylococcal infection

Due to the fact that about 40% of the world's population is infected with staphylococcus, it is not possible to avoid contact with this pathogen. Therefore, in order to prevent the spread of infection, experts recommend identifying bacterial carriers, as well as providing effective therapy for purulent-inflammatory diseases.

If a pathogen is detected in one of the family members, mandatory examination and preventive treatment of all children and adults living with the patient in the same apartment is necessary. Due to pathogenic staphylococcus sometimes transmitted from humans to animals, in this situation it is also recommended to examine domestic cats and dogs for infection.

Any open injury, a cut or even a minor scratch requires regular antiseptic treatment, which helps to heal the wound faster and prevent the development of staphylococcal infection.

Strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, regular hand washing with soap, a balanced diet, hardening, the use of personal protective equipment (gloves, masks and gowns) when working with patients, as well as careful adherence to the rules of asepsis and antisepsis aimed at preventing the development of nosocomial infections, will significantly reduce the likelihood of infection.