Leo born in the year of the dog. Dog - Leo

Confident and elegant, the Leo man is always the center of attention. He is able to gather around him admiring spectators who would applaud him. The Leo man is friendly and sociable. The characteristics of the sign promise it ups and downs. Arrogance often leads to a broken career. But the desire to move forward makes Leo fight until the very end. He is not capable of being depressed for long. New goals and novels bring back cheerfulness. Active activity brings new adventures and victories.

Characteristics of the sign

Strong and energetic, this man is able to easily captivate a crowd. For him, life consists of adventures, dangerous adventures, whirlwind romances. His ambitions and desire for power can lead to a successful career.

A Leo man wants to be the first in everything. The characteristics of the sign presuppose friendliness and the ability to forgive. He is honest, straightforward, goes towards his goal in defiance of fate.

Outbursts of aggression and irritability are especially clearly visible when people do not obey Leo and do not show deference and respect. If your career and personal life are successful, then this zodiac sign becomes complacent, calm, and confident.

Element of the sign - Fire

The fire element imparts irascibility, activity, and lack of restraint. A Leo man can flare up with righteous anger from an unfortunate word or a mocking look. The characteristic of the element of Fire gives him a sharp mind and lightning-fast reaction. He instantly grasps the essence of an idea thanks to his insight and high intelligence.

Sees people through and through, catching their hidden motives - this skill gives Leo condescension towards human weaknesses. He does not forget his offenders, but will never stoop to revenge. The male Leo responds to his enemies with polite indifference. The characteristic of the fire element rewards with courage, the desire to take risks, and not to be discouraged in case of defeat.

Leo man: compatibility

Passionate and amorous, the Leo man has numerous novels throughout his life. His determination and courtship skills win the hearts of the opposite sex. A Leo man is possessive by nature. The characteristic of the sign gives him the desire to take care of the object of sympathy, to control his every step. At the same time, Leo knows how and loves to give gifts, and is able to surround his partner with care and attention.

This temperamental man is jealous. His outbursts of discontent can develop into alienation and indifference. Despite his amorousness, Leo quickly cools down. The characterization of the sign (a man can instantly become cold towards a once-beloved woman if she does not respect him) confirms this.

In the first half of Leo’s life, it is better to look for partners from the element of Fire (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo). They are unselfish and prefer a busy life, full of adventure and travel.

In the second half of his life, he strives for peace. He begins to be attracted to practical, earthly women of the sign of Capricorn, Taurus. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius fascinate with their airy grace and brilliant mind.

With women of the water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), an alliance is possible if there is mutual respect, high level intelligence.


A man of this sign is selective in friendship. He values ​​selflessness and integrity. Loves compliments and worship. But Leo perceives rude flattery as an insult. The characteristics of the sign (male) indicate that its representative is friendly and sociable. A sense of humor and quick mind make him the life of the party.

This sign's secret fear is to become an object of ridicule. It is especially insulting for him to find himself in a stupid position. If one of his friends publicly humiliates Leo, he will never again be able to count on the patronage of the royal sign. Arrogant contempt will be the offender's reward.

However, if a friend repents and publicly apologizes, Leo’s generosity will manifest itself in all its might. In front of an audience, this sign will demonstrate wisdom and the ability to forgive.


Leo's kindness and responsiveness contribute to the respect of colleagues. His competence and intelligence can be elevated to a leadership position. The Leo man is principled and active. The characteristic of the sign warns that the inability to seek compromises can become an obstacle in one’s career.

He needs to learn to listen to the opinions of others, to find rational grain in it. Otherwise, selfishness and pride will contribute to the collapse of life.


For Leo, reciprocity is a priority. He is capable of love suffering if it does not last long. This man is active and assertive. He will immediately tell the object of his affection about his feelings.

Leo can be a faithful spouse, but will always flirt with the fair sex. Being jealous, he will not allow his partner to get the better of him. The desire for freedom is the main feature of the sign, which the horoscope speaks of. The Leo man, whose sign characterizes his penchant for demonstrating feelings, never hides his passion and is ready to show the whole world how to care for a woman.

Characteristics by year of birth

All Leos are characterized by kindness and generosity. These are interesting, attractive, impulsive people. They love to be the center of attention. The horoscope predicts extravagance, hospitality, and a thirst for luxury. Leo man (the characteristics of the sign confirm this) is a faithful friend, a passionate lover. He is romantic and unpredictable.

The Eastern calendar gives special features to each Leo. Depending on the year of birth, the horoscope indicates the character traits inherent in a particular animal.


A complex and contradictory combination. Such a man is capable of becoming confused in his own character. Sometimes he doesn't understand himself. Its mythical life goals lead to nowhere. At the same time, he is a generous and devoted man. The desire to be a leader and breadth of soul are combined in him with pettiness, vindictiveness, and rancor.


The determination, iron will, and stubbornness of such a Leo will help you make a brilliant career. He is hardworking and diligent, competent and smart. His violent energy contributes to a constant change of partners. In marriage he seeks stability and trust. His orders must not be questioned. Complete submission is the basis of a calm life with Leo, born in the year of the Ox.


The tiger will overcome all life's obstacles. His optimism is inexhaustible difficult situation. In case of failure, emotional breakdowns are possible, violent and short. He easily enters into new relationships and easily breaks up with people. His intuition tells him what to avoid in life. This Leo's excessive touchiness can lead him astray deep depression. Only new goals and high performance will help you overcome stressful situations.

Lion-Rabbit (Cat)

The willful character alternates between periods of laziness and assertiveness. Ambitions do not allow Leo to calmly relax and rest. Only after a new victory can he afford a short vacation.

Unusuality and sophistication attracts such a man. In the pursuit of comfort and pleasure, he may forget that only purposeful work can achieve a certain standard of living.


Leo-Dragon (male) is noble and responsible. The characteristics of the sign predict it will be very popular among women. But his straightforwardness, speaking the hard truth can destroy the most beautiful relationships. In career matters he can be cruel. Often uses people to achieve his goals.


Such a Leo expects understanding and support. He is smart, educated, friendly. In love and marriage he seeks common interests. He spends a lot of energy on the well-being of his family.

Leo-Snake (male) is slow and fair. Its characteristic is its hypnotic influence on others. Thanks to his conscious optimism, he can achieve success in his career and personal life.


Passion, activity, energy characterize such a Leo. Only real goals able to captivate him. He is not prone to romantic fantasies and dreams. Always in search of the ideal woman. He should rest more often and not take on too difficult tasks.

Leo-Goat (Sheep)

The artistry of Leo, born in the year of the Goat, seeks fans and admiring spectators. All his gestures and words are designed to surprise and captivate the audience. His unconventional thinking contributes to success in different areas life. This is a responsible employee, a devoted spouse.


Generous and noble Leo. He is not adapted to monotonous routine work. Inspiration contributes to the realization of your goals. His creative nature and impulsiveness can lead to unjustified risks. He loves to devote strangers into their personal affairs, which can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings on the part of relatives.


Clear goals, specific plans - such a Leo will achieve a lot in life. Selectivity in choosing a partner can provoke late marriage. Cheerful, sociable, he prefers total control over the family. His pressure, passion for command, and excessive demands can lead to loneliness.


A confident leader who does not tolerate objections - this is the zodiac sign Leo (male). The characteristics of the Year of the Dog testify to his exactingness. Such a Leo relies only on himself and does not take into account the opinions of others. Romantic, charming, he easily attracts the sympathy of girls. The desire for freedom will keep him at the courtship stage for a long time.

Lion-Pig (Boar)

Friendly and sociable, Leo-Pig easily overcomes life's difficulties. Persistence and ambition will help in a successful career and personal life. Some conservatism and naivety make him rustic. Such a Leo should add toughness and learn not to delay solving problems.

Leo-Dog Man in Love

  • Impetuousness and passion are qualities that characterize you;
  • You often do wishful thinking;
  • Having been rejected, you continue to struggle for happiness;
  • Jealousy can ruin your life;
  • After failure in love, you can become a cynical and cruel person.

Leo-Dog Man in Marriage

  • Marriage is very important and valuable to you;
  • Are capable of moving mountains for the happiness of a loved one;
  • Having suspected your partner of infidelity, you are very worried;
  • You are devoted to your wife, but rarely get along with relatives;
  • It is difficult for you to forgive betrayal and even innocent deception.

Leo-Dog Man in Bed

  • You are passionate;
  • You know how to perfectly camouflage and hide relationships if necessary;
  • Love to add romance to relationships;
  • You can have several novels at the same time;
  • Show initiative and prevent your partner from becoming the leader in the relationship.

Leo-Dog Man in Career

  • Career in your life is power and a generous reward for work;
  • You achieve your goal through determination and assertiveness;
  • For the sake of your career, you are capable of betrayal;
  • Achieving high goals, power and money comes easily to you.

Leo Man in the Year of the Wood Dog (1934, 1994, 2054)

This man is characterized by self-confidence, gentleness and the ability to work in a team. Thanks to perseverance, a man achieves a lot in his life, but he may not take advantage of the results of his victory or get carried away with completely new things. IN family life he is constant, although from time to time he likes to look to the side, but if love and respect reign in the family, he is unlikely to turn out to be a traitor. Hard work, responsibility and straightforwardness are his main character traits.

Leo Man in the Year of the Fire Dog (1946, 2006, 2066)

Devoted and faithful man with a hot temper. There is no golden mean in his character: either he loves to the point of adoration, or he hates to the point of insanity. He values ​​decency and honesty in people, and hates secrecy and cunning. Money is not the most important thing in life for him, although he knows how to earn it. In family life, he is moderately demanding, but does not forgive deception and secrecy.

Leo Man in the Year of the Earth Dog (1958, 2018, 2078)

Devotion and fidelity are the main character traits of this man. He values ​​friends and friendship like no one else. He is not capable of betraying his loved ones. He tries not to do frivolous things, the man is friendly, and good relationships with others are important to him. But he does not forgive his enemies, and without regret breaks off relations with cheaters and traitors. He does not strive for high positions; success is of secondary importance to him.

Leo Man in the Year of the Metal Dog (1910, 1970, 2030)

A controversial man, friendly and active. He promises a lot, but does little; he can turn out to be cunning and insidious. Usually he either loves beyond measure or hates his enemies with fierce hatred, so it is very difficult to get along with him. This man values ​​freedom, but can be very jealous and inconsistent. Either he is ready to take off his last shirt, or he won’t even bother to give change for travel.

The Leo Dog is an active, brilliant and powerful personality, whom people follow without hesitation. For a crowd of people, he can become a real leader and inspirer.

A reliable, but slightly selfish Leo, born in the year of the Dog, will never talk in vain, because he knows the value not only of himself, but also of his words. It’s not for nothing that people are drawn to Leo, because he is an proactive and objective person.

Leo Dog Man

A decent and authoritative Leo man, born in the year of the Dog, is endowed with amazing honesty, which draws him to professions where people need help.
He knows what he wants from life, and therefore purposefully moves forward according to a pre-developed plan.
The honesty of the Leo Dog man also manifests itself in personal relationships.

You simply cannot find a more ideal family man. Having found his soul mate, he will devotedly take care of his family. He is not interested in the past; he looks to the future, where family comes first.

Leo Dog Woman

The Leo woman, born in the year of the Dog, is a sociable, temperamental person who passionately fights lies. She will never leave you in difficult times - she will listen and give advice. Thanks to these qualities she has great amount friends who want to talk about painful issues and get advice and support.

Leo-Dog women are excellent teachers and psychologists. They teach people kindness and honesty.

IN family relationships they are loyal and reliable. They are able to create a sense of homeliness and are unlikely to look for an extra reason for a quarrel; it is very important for them peace of mind and a favorable family environment.

Dog - Leo - a righteous person who influences people only positive influence. He can be called a reconciliator who makes the world cleaner and more moral.

Confident and elegant Leos, born in the year of the dog, are always the center of attention. They easily gather a large audience of people around them and, thanks to their leadership qualities, receive recognition and love. The characteristics of this combination promise ups and downs, but Leo-Dog is so strong in spirit that he can easily cope with any incomprehensible situation.


Representatives of this population are real fighters for justice. Their increased sensitivity turns them into real leaders with a strong character and strong-willed attitude. They faithful friends and will always come to the rescue to a loved one, since their responsiveness knows no bounds.

As the horoscope says, the Leo Dog takes life quite seriously and knows very well how to accept and enjoy it. Heightened feeling responsibility and seriousness makes the Leo Dog an excellent creator of his own life. Leo-Dogs never doubt. If such a person has decided something, he will not hesitate; people around him will have a hard time getting used to it.


Anyone who decides to contact a Leo Dog must be ready to forgive her any character flaws, because it is very difficult for such a person to change. The Leo-Dog is very strong in spirit, you need to especially listen to the opinion of this person, since Leo-Dogs are able to overcome even the most difficult life situations. Never argue, no matter what happens, Leo, born in the year of the Dog, will not tolerate doubt and will defend his position to the end. After all, being right for him is a matter of honor.

Leos born in the year of the Dog prefer to invest all their energy in career growth. They are ready to do anything to get a good position. Being idealists, they constantly strive upward and become very upset when they realize that they cannot achieve the limit of their desires. The inability to enjoy little things makes them deeply unhappy.

Dog-Leo Woman

The energetic and open-minded Leo-Dog woman has a strong sense of justice. She always strives to do good and help her loved ones. A Leo woman born in the year of the Dog always has many girlfriends and friends. Loneliness is not about her. She will always listen and support with her kindness and affection and give true advice, which will help the interlocutor cope with failures.

Born in the year of the Dog, the Lioness values ​​her freedom very much and will not allow anyone to infringe on her rights. She strives for love with all her soul and will never tolerate her partner pushing her around. The Leo-Dog woman is a very bright and temperamental person; she always knows how to attract the opposite sex.

The Leo woman is simply created for family life. She will be a good wife and faithful life partner. Calm and homeliness will reign in her home. She will become a real support for her man. The only thing that a Leo-Dog woman will never tolerate is betrayal. She cannot forgive such a betrayal.

Leo Dog Man

A decent and self-confident Leo, born in the year of the Dog, is distinguished by his responsiveness to other people. That is why the professions that this man chooses are directly related to helping others. He knows what he wants to achieve in life and goes towards his goal, no matter what. The Leo Dog Man is very collected and reserved. It is impossible to see spontaneous, rash actions from him.

These men are distinguished by powerful energy, which contributes to the manifestation of their love relationships, the partner whom the Leo Dog chooses must be honest and decent. If on the way you meet a person who does not have these two qualities, any relationship can be severed immediately.

A career for Leo Dog men has only financial value. They can easily give up work for the sake of things they love, if their financial condition allows them to do so. Thanks to her determination, a woman married to this sign will never need anything. As the horoscope shows, the Leo Dog loves to waste money.

When he gets married, he enjoys doing household chores and children. Men of this sign imagine with anticipation how interesting it will be to spend time together, coming up with new plans and tasks. Leos born in the year of the Dog are very good family men. They easily accept the desires and needs of their partner, and harmony and peace always reign in their family.

To impress a Leo Dog, you need to be decent and kind person who know how to listen and help.

Leos are bad composers and good conductors. They become pathetic, but find it difficult to create great works. But they can head a conservatory, direct a ballet, or successfully study pedagogical activity. For modern musicians, music and concert activity are a way to constructively “burn” excess energy and satisfy their vanity, as well as the need for the stage and the realization of creative potential. So, Georgy Garanyan is a composer and conductor. We also have Gleb Samoilov from Agatha Christie and Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden.

Dogs are better at being heroes than politicians. Lion-Dogs are more successful in the military field than in politics, although they also know how to engage in politics. But it often happens the same way as with Bill Clinton. He went down in history with a sex scandal. Who will now remember that he was a wonderful president? The group includes: philosopher, journalist and politician Sergei Trubetskoy; politician and journalist Alexander Nevzorov (“600 seconds”, “Wild Field”) with his game of justice and the public; Chief of the Russian General Staff Anatoly Kvashnin; Commander of Operation Desert Storm Norman Schwarzkopf; General of the White Army Nikolai Yudenich.

If we talk about science, Leo-Dogs choose physics, chemistry, mathematics and astronomy (this is the influence of the Dog. Justice in mathematics is a law, a theorem, equality, identity). Social Sciences they are less concerned about: physicist and astronomer Andrei Angstrem - his name has become a unit of measurement; organic chemist who obtained synthetic rubber, Sergei Lebedev; physicist, discoverer of the uranium isotope Arthur Dempster; mathematician Niels Abel; astronomer, founder of the Greenwich Observatory John Flamsteed.

Leo-Dogs succeed in cinema, but there are no geniuses. But there are directors: anti-mafia fighter Damiano Damiani (“Confession of a Police Commissioner to the Prosecutor of the Republic”), Ilya Averbakh (“Declarations of Love”), Alexander Ivanov (“Mikhailo Lomonosov”), Dmitry Zolotukhin (“At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds”), Claude Zidi (“He’s Starting to Get Angry”) and actors: Alexey Glazyrin (“Belorussky Station”), Vaclav Dvorzhetsky (“Shield and Sword,” “Tehran-43”), Nikolai Burlyaev (“Andrei Rublev”).

In sports, Leo-Dogs are generalists: tennis player Jim Courier; footballers Alan Shearer and Vladimir Muntai; track and field athletes Greg Foster and Daley Thompson; figure skater Christopher Dean.

Dogs are practical idealists; they need to bring their ideals to life. The dog is moral teachings. An indispensable quality of all Dogs is a spiritual search, interest in religion and mysticism. And Lion-Dogs are no exception: theologian and founder of the Sorbonne Robert de Sorbon; one of the founders of spiritualism, Andrew Davis; Catholic philosopher Nicolas Malebranche; Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Pimen.

In the artistic field, Leo-Dogs are both innovators and traditionalists, depending on what prevails. Dog or Lion: abstract sculptor Henry Spencer, artist-philosopher Alexander Tyshler, court portrait painter Godfrey Kneller, graphic artist Georgy Vereisky (Russian Writers series). Here are the songwriter Vasily Lebedev-Kumach (“Holy War”, “March of the Cheerful Children”), and the innovative poet Gennady Aigi.

Among the Leo-Dogs there are other interesting personalities: folklore researcher, author of fairy tales Alexander Afanasyev; aquanaut descending to the bottom Mariana Trench, Jacques Picard; cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky.

Leo-Dog woman horoscope

What can we say about Leo-Dog women? There is such a famous musician, composer and singer Kate Bush. One of her discs is called “ Lion Heart" (Leo) and the other is "Hounds of Love" (Dog). This is a special human environment, and there is no way to understand it. Kate Bush is an experimenter and a recluse, Madonna is a “harlot” and a pop singer. One needs high feelings and romance, the other needs assertion of one’s will. Actress Madeleine Stove (“Gangster Chronicles”, “Stranger in the House”) says that she would not act in films, but would devote herself to her family. But she has enough work in cinema, there is no downtime. You won’t find the successful actress, dancer and singer Jennifer Lopez (“The Cage”) at home.

So they go through one, then an actress, then a singer, or both at the same time: Playboy star and actress Lisa Dergan (Gladiator), actress Helen Mirren (Caligula), pop-rock singer Martha Coolidge and Belinda Carlisle.

Mireille Mathieu became the discovery of a popular French song, impressing the audience with her strong voice and fashionable bob. However, it is worth saying that, like Patricia Kaas, she does not sing French songs in French. And she is, in my opinion, a French singer for export, like our Babkina (“Russian cranberry for American dollars”). My personal life, like many Leo women, Mireille protects from annoying journalists. There are no scandals planned in her creative schedule, she does not lead a social life and does not participate in television shows.

“When I was young, I was very tough, I loved to fight... It seemed to me that life was a struggle. At thirteen and a half years old I started working at a factory. Around the same age, I took the train and went to Paris. I had nothing with me except a small suitcase... But I was full of hope! I wanted to realize myself so much, and I became a singer!”

Fame came to Mireille in 1965 and has never failed her to this day. The singer’s credo since then has been to bring people in her songs bright feelings, hope for happiness and faith in the triumph of good. Mireille's height is one meter and fifty-three centimeters, and her weight is forty-five kilograms. She loves horses, wildflowers and fish dishes. Mathieu's woman is rich, lonely, famous and can afford to collect a collection of expensive impressionist artists and live as she pleases.

Madonna is a pop singer, actress and wife of first actor Sean Pen and then director Guy Ritchie. Madonna is either madly loved or actively hated; she leaves no one indifferent. You can admire her assertiveness, shamelessness, aggressiveness, but love her for acting or vocal abilities are a bit difficult. Early in her career, Madonna presented herself with an exaggerated sexuality, but she considers herself a “romantic idealist.” Madonna also exploited elements of Catholic symbolism, for which she aroused the sacred indignation of the papal throne.

Madonna's first success was the songs "Like a Virgin", "Material Girl" and "Like a Prayer". She starred in the films Finding Susan, Dick Tracy and In Bed with Madonna. In 1992, Madonna’s book “Sex” was published - a collection of erotic photographs interspersed with corresponding stories and the album “Erotica”. Now Madonna has given birth to children and settled down, but her claims to life are still high. Increased self-esteem and lack of subtlety, an abyss of energy, but it is clear that everything is achieved later. Madonna is crazy about her body, but many men just don’t like this body. Others believe that the muscular, tasteless and rude lady did not create either a romantic or sexual image on stage. But Madonna doesn’t care about other people’s opinions.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year: