Thoughts out loud, a person constantly expresses what to do. Topic: A person talks to himself out loud: diagnosis or norm, himself with

I agree with what was written... But I want to add something. And I believe that the topic of the inner voice should be one of the main ones in our lives. HE can both create and destroy our different lives.. To be honest, I haven’t figured out this topic yet.. But I was very interested and I’m sure that every person has this. For some reason, this begins for many with an internal dialogue from childhood, and we are not very interested in this matter from the people who surrounded us, right?.. They could explain this to us with internal thinking and nothing surprises us. But as they grow up, many people develop their inner Thinker...or it was already developed!.. I am not an old-timer of mystical ideas. But there is a voice that advises inexplicable things and people in psychiatry sit because of this and remain with these inner Thinkers forever. Why did this interest me?. After all, at first glance, internal dialogue is ordinary things, and psychologists and psychiatrists will deal with the Thinker if moments dangerous to society arise.. But this came to me and this is not at all an internal dialogue.. But communication with oneself and by my real friends out loud.. I’m treating this normally for now because I live alone and am far from a savage and I think that the process I’ve lived through is life experience a person deserves respect and attention.. Ordinary in short) But relatives think that this is not normal.. And they give examples different people who speak out loud... consider this to be a deviation from the norm. But there is a strong difference of opinion regarding the norm. And there is one more thing.. I don’t feel in myself an inner thinker or adviser, announcer, voice.. whatever they call it!?.. And I think that internal dialogue is similar.. but still different.. In my life now severe disadvantages to be brief... I even began to think and understand that soon life path will be over... I noticed that I like to go to the cemetery... a terrible name for a place of the dead, don’t you agree?)).. I began to think often about those who left this world, about my late father... There was a kind of fatality and calmness that I tried on myself... I I repeat that I am not a supporter of mysticism, but I have my own firm belief about the fact that in every apparent chaos there is a clear order that no one has yet explained.. I began to talk to myself, these thoughts do not come from me!! I’m like a receiver now... And of course I don’t do this in society.)) I can’t figure out where this comes from.. But I conduct a dialogue out loud in some kind of special sobriety and this helps me a lot to deal with problems, correctly laying out situations into details, but also think about why we are here.. And you are right that there is no need to have other advisers.. But one thing bothers me quite a bit, I’m getting used to doing this and getting used to being alone.. We are in society after all))). I don’t know how life will turn out in the future, and by the way, I’m not very worried about this... Although the needs in life are, of course, relevant in many respects)) I think that the topic of this should be heard and requires discussion, but only by those who understand what I mean. .

Sometimes people talk to themselves. Most often this is a sign of loneliness, when you want to talk, but have no one to talk to. For such people, we can recommend having a pet. You can calmly talk to him out loud, it’s even funny. Sometimes children talk out loud, often during play. In this case, they are trying to voice their role, they lack attention. Perhaps such a child needs to play with peers more often so that he does not get used to speaking for himself and for the doll.

If people talk to themselves out loud, they often really lack human attention. In this situation, it is necessary to expand your social circle, go out more often, and communicate with people. Start a business, a hobby, you don’t need to isolate yourself. You can try looking for friends on the Internet, this also helps.

Why else does a person talk to himself out loud?

Also, due to the abundance of information that the brain receives during work, many begin to pronounce numbers or words so as not to get confused. This speaks of a person’s special attentiveness, his fear of making mistakes. Of course, this cannot be called pathology. It may look unusual, but it’s not scary. Some also call such things egocentric appeal, that is, words to oneself. It can also be an overlay of loneliness.

Mental illnesses

However, in addition to the usual recitation of text or dialogues out loud, many have real disputes with absent people around them. Sometimes the conversation looks quite aggressive. This speaks of mental illness human, some of them are congenital.

What pathologies are there:

  • Psychopathy;
  • Schizophrenia;
  • Split personality and others.

Bifurcation human personality- diagnosis, it can be obtained as a result of experienced mental traumas, often they come from childhood. Sexual or physical influence influences the behavior of an adult. It seems to him that he is developing several personalities, and different genders. There may be about a dozen of them. He may experience not only depression, but also try to harm himself. Many people suffer from schizophrenia. They are quite adequate until they start talking to themselves. People often suffer from schizophrenia creative people, it’s like withdrawing from the stress of the world around you.

Don't diagnose yourself, consult a doctor

These diseases are already being treated by a psychiatrist, but in any case, the person needs to be examined and not diagnosed unfoundedly. If a person has experienced severe stress, has been in a state of loneliness for a long time, likes to think out loud, then he will often behave strangely. That is why the reasons why people talk to themselves can be different, and pathology does not always occur. However, if there is a history of schizophrenia in the family, you need to keep in mind that the disease is often inherited and in certain circumstances may well recur.

Finding out why people talk to themselves is not difficult; you just need to contact a specialist, and he will name the reason in each specific case.

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Thinking out loud is not a sign of madness and can be much more beneficial than it might seem at first glance.

website will talk about why it is possible and important to talk to yourself at least occasionally.

The first thing to say is that talking to yourself out loud - sure sign genius. The smartest people our planet often talked to themselves. This is reflected in scientific works, poetry, painting, and history confirms this.

For example, Albert Einstein liked to think out loud about mathematical formulas and the most complex theories, and sometimes even consulted with himself. Besides, in There have been many studies confirming that thinking out loud speeds up and structures the thought process.

“Keys, keys, keys. Where did I put them? And here they are, right on the table!” Experimentally, it was found that a person found the desired object faster by repeating its name out loud. Saying the name of what we are looking for this moment, stimulates memory, and we concentrate faster, and therefore find the desired item much faster.

However, you should understand that this only works if you know exactly what what you need looks like.

Children often learn by talking and repeating what they do. And at the same time they remember for the future how they solved the problem that arose. And, probably, everyone knows that when you are trying to remember something, it is better to say it out loud. Thanks to the fact that we hear the information we need in the voice most familiar to our brain, it is remembered much faster and for a long time.

Almost every one of us has a complete mess going on in our heads, and our thoughts are rushing from side to side. But saying what’s bothering you out loud allows you to sort everything out and calm your nerves. Renowned psychologist Linda Sapadin believes that speaking out loud helps us make important and difficult decisions: “This allows you to clarify your thoughts, decide what is important, and strengthen your decision.”

“That’s it, I’ll start running on Monday, learning foreign language“and I’ll definitely sign up for painting courses,” we often tell ourselves. But we all know how difficult it is to make a list of goals and start moving towards achieving them. By talking through each step, you can make this task much easier for yourself, making everything less difficult and more specific. This allows you to put things into perspective and move forward with more confidence.

And finally, the person who knows absolutely everything about you is yourself. Don't be afraid to listen to your inner voice and confidently, loudly answer it.

Why do people talk to themselves? To understand the reasons for this, you must first highlight how people speak:

  • They silently conduct an internal dialogue with themselves.
  • They talk to themselves out loud.
  • They talk with a non-existent interlocutor from outside or inside themselves.

Internal silent dialogue with yourself.

This phenomenon is completely normal for any person, and especially for an introvert who is closed and silent by nature. A withdrawn introvert is reluctant to communicate with others. outside world and does not allow anyone else to interfere with his personal life. Therefore, living in your own inner world, the introvert silently conducts dialogues with himself.

But internal dialogues are not conducted. Conversation with oneself begins in childhood, when the child is already able to pay attention to his inner psychological processes, and continues until the end of life. According to Z. Freud inner speech represents a conversation between the three components of the human psyche - the Ego (the conscious and comprehended part), the Id (the forbidden and repressed part of the consciousness) and the Super-Ego (all manifestations of the Super-I). Therefore, the essence of internal dialogue is a dialogue between our meaningful consciousness and its unconscious part, the censor of which is the Super-I. In the process of internal dialogue, an agreement occurs between these three structures of the psyche, contributing to the process of continuous development of the individual.

In difficult life moments, internal dialogue helps a person accept correct solution to get out of this situation.

Talking to yourself out loud.

You can also talk to yourself out loud. Sometimes people do this out of a feeling of loneliness, melancholy and hopelessness. Talking out loud replaces real communication with people, so when real interlocutors appear, the need to talk to oneself out loud goes away.

As a result of numerous studies by psychologists, it turned out that in other situations, talking to yourself out loud is useful for improving brain activity. By speaking a problem out loud, a person stimulates the brain and copes with the task assigned to him faster. Scientists explain this by the fact that speech can significantly enhance brain activity and improve the processes of perception and assimilation of information. This is especially true for this type of person, the auditory learner, who perceives the surrounding reality by ear.

Thus, talking to yourself in any form - silently or out loud - is very helpful in solving problems of varying content and complexity.

Talking out loud with an invisible interlocutor.

The sight of such a conversation in public, as well as among the people around us, causes at least great surprise. It is strange to see a person enthusiastically talking with some invisible interlocutor. Moreover, the words of an imaginary interlocutor can come to him not only from the outside. Listening to an outside voice within himself, a person answers out loud... listens - and answers again. How to explain this strange behavior?

Man talking to himself

Asked by: Evgeniy, Dnepr

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, My mother constantly talks to herself while in another room or in the courtyard of the house, the topics of conversation are all family members against her, or someone’s opinion does not coincide with her opinion, she begins to prove something to her interlocutor, and then just walks around the house and argues without seeing the interlocutor for a long time - behaving aggressively, or simply doing something, reasoning about how to do it, etc., this can last for hours, advise what to do, thanks in advance with respect Evgeniy

Woman, 67 years old, symptoms: theatricality, suspiciousness, sudden change in emotional background I am writing to you with this problem. My grandmother is 67 years old, with early childhood She often had headaches and was very touchy. For as long as I can remember, she was a person who loved to command, to impose her opinion, to tell people what to do. All this was expressed in raising her voice, she could scold me or my mother for not turning off the light or for the fact that you were not sitting where she wanted, this could last all day, she would become hysterical about any little thing, we all went to bed when she wanted, and got up when she got up. Any task was completed because she demanded it so persistently that it was easier to do it than to listen to screams and swearing. She never praised and always called me and my mother unpleasant names. I thought it was normal, that I was really bad and that’s why she scolded me. Now I have grown up and understand that something is wrong with her. About 13 years ago, her mother died in her arms, after which it became even more unbearable to live with her. Now she suspected my mother and I that we wanted to poison or kill her, that we were sparing her a piece of bread. She especially loves to exaggerate everything to such an extent that it is unbearable; she can cry over a withered flower, and a minute later laugh and be happy that someone died in her opinion bad person. She also has a pendulum, and she says that the angel tells her the whole truth, but at the same time she can wish other people to be unhappy. For example, she wished me death while kneeling in front of icons. All this is manifested by some kind of pretense, a desire to attract attention in any way. She has stopped dressing normally, can rummage through the trash can, and has not cleaned the house for years, not giving others the opportunity to clean. For all his troubles he blames only others or his mother and me. Since we were used to living with her, her behavior seemed natural to us, but when we saw calm, balanced grandmothers who would praise, we realized that something was wrong with her. And it is precisely for this reason that I became a psychologist. I have read a lot on psychiatry, but I need a consultation with a psychiatrist, I think this problem is not from the field of psychology. I decided to write to you because she refuses to go to the doctor, she is sure that all doctors only deceive and will not go anywhere. I tried to talk to her, explain, everything is pointless, she stands her ground. In a fit of anger, she can hit hard, if she doesn’t like something, and in principle, she can also push hard as a joke. I really need your help, I would like to consult with a professional in the field of psychiatry. We have been suffering like this for many years now, if you can tell us a way out of the situation, I will be grateful to you.

Rules of conduct with a cancer patient who has been under the influence of drugs for a year and a half Due to constant use strong drugs, the patient's behavior becomes more and more unpredictable. When he was a strong personality, the patient was accustomed to the complete subordination of his family to his will. Any prohibition or disagreement causes rage, anger and resistance in the patient. Anger also causes helplessness own body, the inability to take care of oneself, and the need to accept help from others. All the rage and anger pours out onto the heads of those caring for him. From verbal rudeness, the patient moved on to various hooligan acts. Care began to require round-the-clock monitoring (all gas burners were opened at night in the kitchen in the apartment where the children were staying). There were several suicide attempts. However, it should be recognized that all attempts (except for gas) were more for show than serious action. The patient behaves more and more like Small child, who commits hooligan actions and wants to attract attention to himself and is accompanied by a desire to suppress the will of others. Any attempts by caregivers to explain the wrongness of his actions end in fits of rage, suicide attempts, falls, even breaking his head. Of course, we understand that all these are ways to manipulate us, but we don’t know how to behave with such an aggressive person who can break his head at any moment. We have already removed the children from communicating and living with the patient, but we ourselves are under terrible pressure now not only from this person, but also from other close relatives accusing us of poor care. (the patient often complains about us over the phone). To the hospital (the patient is in last stage cancer) they don’t even take a patient for a month. Knowing the character of the patient, there is no one to care for him except us. The situation has reached such a boiling point that my family is threatening to fall apart. Can you give us advice on proper communication and behavior with a patient? Today, the patient has been feeling better physically for six months, and although the duration of taking medications has been reduced to 5 hours, he eats well, his stool has been restored, he has lost twelve kg in a year, his weight has become 75 kg and he has been holding it for five months, albeit with with a chopstick, but constantly walks around the apartment, eats in the kitchen at the table, listens to TV. The only thing is that his vision is rapidly deteriorating, but the operation was refused, which the patient also does not believe. If possible, please help me with advice on how I should behave in this situation, because the patient is none other than my mother. Sincerely, Irina.