Life expectancy of various domestic and wild animals. Average life expectancy of different animal species

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Life expectancy There are not many species among reptiles in which the life of individual individuals is surprisingly fleeting (just over a year). Typically, small lizards live in nature for 2–3 years, larger ones, as well as snakes, for several years. Turtles, especially large ones, reach even

In this article you will find the answer to a very popular question: what is the average life expectancy? different types animals?

Of course, the life expectancy of animals largely depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding the animals. Typically, domestic animals have a longer lifespan than stray animals of the same species. Many animals in zoos live longer than their “free” relatives, due to the fact that specialists carefully monitor their nutrition and conditions of their maintenance. However, it also happens that animals in captivity live less than in nature. This happens with exotic animals, whose owners are often not aware of the rules for caring for them.

Average duration The lifespan of cats is 10-15 years. By virtue of various reasons stray cats live much shorter: 3 - 5 years. There are also long-lived cats. So, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest known domestic cats lived, 34 years. spotted cat Ma from the UK and the cat Granpa Rex Allen from the USA.

Unlike cats, the average lifespan of dogs varies greatly depending on the breed. The shortest life expectancy is found in those dog breeds that have large sizes, and the largest- in “small” breeds. The following data clearly confirms this:

The average lifespan of American Staffordshire Terriers is about 13 years;
English bulldogs - 8-10 years;
English spaniels - 10-14 years;
Dogo Argentino - 13-15 years;
Bassets - 9-11 years old;
Boxers - 10-12 years old;
Bolonok - 18-20 years old;
Large poodles - 15-17 years;
Dogues de Bordeaux - 7-8 years;
West Siberian Laikas - 10-14 years;
Yorkshire Terriers - 12-15 years;
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs - 9-11 years;
Pugs - 13-15 years old;
Great Danes - 7-8 years;
German Shepherds - 10-14 years old;
Rottweilers - 9-12 years;
Dachshunds - 12-14 years old;
Toy terriers - 12-13 years old;
Chihuahua - 15-17 years old;
Airedale Terriers - 10-13 years old.

The life of rodents is usually not as long as the life of cats and dogs.

Mice live on average 1-2 years, although some individuals reach 5-6 years;
Rats live 2-3 years, there are long-lived rats whose age reaches 6 or more years, however, many rats die young.
Hamsters live 1.5-3 years;
Guinea pigs live 6-8 years;
Chinchillas live 15 years;
Chipmunks live 10 years or more;
Rabbits live on average up to 12 years.

The average lifespan of horses is 20-25 years. The maximum reliably known lifespan of a horse was 62 years. For ponies this figure is lower. The oldest pony was 54 years old.

According to livestock breeders, the life expectancy of cows is about 20 years, some live up to 35, bulls live a little less: 15-20 years.

The total lifespan of elephants is 60-70 years;

The lifespan of bears is 30-45 years;

The average lifespan of foxes is 6-8 years, but in captivity they can live up to 20 years or longer;

The lifespan of beavers is usually 10-12 years, although favorable conditions in zoos they live up to 20 years;

The lifespan of macaques ranges from 15 to 20 years; in captivity, however, they can live up to 30 years;

The lifespan of orangutans in the wild is about 35-40 years, and in captivity they can live up to 60 years of age;

Chimpanzees are about 50 years old.

Of the vertebrates, turtles live the longest. Most of the information suggesting that their lifespan is slightly more than 50 years refers to individuals kept in captivity. Some species certainly live much longer. Carolina box turtle age ( Terrapene carolina), found in Rhode Island, almost certainly reached 130 years. The maximum is considered to be about 150 years, but it is quite possible that the actual lifespan of individual individuals is much longer.

Lifespan popular among animal lovers red eared turtles- 30 (40-45) years, European swamps - the same, some of them even reached 80 years.
The total life expectancy of small lizards does not exceed 3 - 4 years, and for the largest (iguanas, monitor lizards) it reaches 20 and even 50 - 70 years, but again, this age is achieved only under decent conditions for keeping reptiles. At home, iguanas often do not live even a year.

There is a fairly popular misconception that many parrots live over a hundred years. Actually this is not true.

Typically, birds in captivity live several times longer than in the wild, but even in zoos, only some species of parrots have an average lifespan approaching 40 years.

Unlike dogs, parrots have larger bodies and a longer average life expectancy.

Budgerigars, and lovebirds live 12-14 years (maximum lifespan up to 20 years)

Gray parrots: 14-16 years (maximum 49)

Macaws can live up to 40-45 years, the maximum documented age of the red macaw is 64 years. Their average life expectancy is 2 times lower than this figure.

The record holders are cockatoo parrots, living for about 30-40 years. There is reliable information about cockatoos 60-70 years old.

Crows also live long. The maximum lifespan of ravens in captivity is 75 years. While in the wild, crows live on average 10 - 15 years.

The average lifespan of passerine birds is 20 years. in owls 15 years, in diurnal birds of prey 21-24 years, in copepods 20 years, in ducks 21 years, in herons 19 years, in waders 10 years, in gulls 17 years. in ratites 15 years, in pigeons 12 years, in chickens 13 years. For domestic chickens, a maximum lifespan of 30 years is noted (of course, this is rather an exception than the rule).

From the order of owls, eagle owls lived to 34, 53 and 68 years. For daytime raptors, the following data is known: the buffoon eagle lived 55 years, the condor 52 and more than 65 years, the golden eagle 46 years, and according to others, but not too reliable information- over 80 years old, griffon vulture over 38 years old.

If you search on the Internet, you can find average term life of almost any animal species, however, even from the data presented in this note it is clear that proper feeding and care significantly affect the lifespan of an animal in captivity, which means animal owners need to pay attention Special attention the health of your pets!

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When getting a kitten or puppy, we rarely think about how many years he will live with us. We laugh, watching the pranks of a puppy or kitten, watch with pride as he grows up and blossoms, and we don’t even notice how our pets grow old, become decrepit and, finally, “their time” comes.

When getting a kitten or puppy, we rarely think about how many years he will live with us. We laugh, watching the pranks of a puppy or kitten, watch with pride as he grows up and blossoms, and we don’t even notice how our pets grow old, become decrepit and, finally, “their time” comes.

The age of animals is short-lived. Sooner or later we have to part with them. How many years will our lives be illuminated with joy by a fluffy beauty in our home? Or maintain the dog's selfless devotion?

“Animal age” largely depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding the pet. Cats and dogs that are properly cared for, fed properly, protected from diseases (carried out preventive vaccination and deworming) live much longer than stray animals of the same species. However, not all animals in the house live longer than their relatives in the wild. The opposite trend is observed among owners of exotic animals. Many people get animals without really knowing how to properly care for them, and this significantly shortens their life in the house.


These fluffy beauties with soft paws can live next to us for an average of 10-15 years. But this figure is very approximate. In my practice, I have met cats that celebrated their 25th anniversary. Although 25 years is not the limit for a cat. The Guinness Book of Records contains an entry about a long-lived cat from Great Britain who lived for 34 years.

And the cat Nezhenka from Austin posthumously received the status of the oldest cat. He was born in August 1967 and died on his 38th birthday.


Let's say dogs chihuahua breed will be next to their owners for 15-17 years, but the most big dogs breeds German dog only seven to nine years. However, these figures are also relative, and longevity records have also been recorded in dogs. She lived for almost 30 years (29 years and 5 months) Australian dog named Bluey. Almost all her life she helped her owner Les Holly herd cows and sheep.

There are long-livers in Russia too. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the city of Vachi, there lives a 21-year-old husky.


Compared to cats and dogs, parrots are able to live next to humans much longer. Like dogs, a parrot's lifespan depends on the size of the bird. The larger the parrot, the more it is given life path. The average lifespan of large parrots is about 50-60 years. Medium parrots rarely live to be 45 years old, and small ones - 10-15 years.

The oldest parrot in the world is considered to be Charlie's parrot, which belonged to Winston Churchill and lived in one of the British greenhouses. His age is 104 years.


The life of rodents is short and fleeting. Mice live one to two years. Rats are also short-lived, typically living for two to three years. Hamsters live no more than three years. The lifespan of guinea pigs is slightly longer than that of other small rodents - six to eight years. Of course, there are animals that make their owners happy large quantity time. At the current moment in history it is known guinea pig, who lived for 15 years.

Chinchillas live on average 12-15 years. But there are cases when some individuals live up to 20 years.

Record holders in the wild

Whale sharks, which are considered the most big fish in the world, can live up to 100 years. The Reds beat this record sea ​​urchins. Their lifespan can reach 200 years.

There are cases where sea urchins live in oceanariums for more than 50 years.

But all these record holders never even dreamed of the capabilities of the Turritopsis Nutricula jellyfish.

She is considered the only immortal being on Earth. In the mid-1990s, scientists discovered that these tiny jellyfish curl up into a “ball” when their lives are nearing the end. After this, they do not die, but return to the “childhood” stage of the polyp and begin to grow up again.

What is the lifespan of different animals? Why are some representatives of the fauna able to survive for centuries? What is the secret to the longevity of individual animals? All this will be discussed in our material.

How long do dogs and cats live?

Dogs and cats are the most popular pets. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to these creatures when starting a conversation about what the life expectancy of different animals is.

So what about dogs? Each breed here has a different life expectancy. For example, dogs such as bulldogs and Irish wolfhounds live on average to only 6-7 years. The situation is different with terriers, dachshunds, and poodles. Their life expectancy is about 14 years. It is worth noting that you do not need to take average for the maximum possible age. As practice shows, with proper care and maintenance of the pet’s health, some four-legged friends Humans can live up to 20 years or more.

When presenting information about the life expectancy of various animals, it is worth saying a few words about cats. For these pets, one of the determining factors that affects longevity is their mode of existence. It's about about whether the cat is left to its own devices on the street or is under the care of the owner at home. Outdoors, these animals die at the age of 4-5 years. This is often caused by injuries received in the struggle for survival, a lack of quality food, as well as all kinds of diseases. In turn, domestic cats that are surrounded by the care of their owner live much longer - from 12 to 18 years.

Bowhead whales

According to biologists, these huge creatures belong to the category of true long-livers among mammals. At one time, observations were made of a bowhead whale known by the nickname Bada, who died at the age of about 245 years. This case is an exception. Since the majority of representatives of the species live up to a maximum of 60 years.

However, scientists have repeatedly recorded other similar cases. The researchers observed several more bowhead whales, whose ages were close to the record and ranged from 91 to 172 years. Harpoon tips that were at least a century old were recovered from the bodies of these animals.

Land turtles

Let's continue our conversation about the life expectancy of different animal species. Turtles are the real record holders here. As the results of a study of this issue show, on average, these creatures die at the age of about 150 years. Naturally, a lot here also depends on the conditions of existence.

The oldest turtle known to biologists is an animal called Advaita. The latter was kept by the English military man Robert Clive as pet. After the death of the owner, the turtle ended up in the Calcutta Zoo. Surprisingly, Advaita managed to live here for another 130 years. The cause of death of the animal was the formation of cracks in the shell. After the death of the turtle, scientists decided to determine its real age. To do this, the researchers used the method of radiocarbon dating of tissues. The test results showed that at the time of death, the age of the turtle Advaite was a record 250 years, with possible minor deviations in the indicators.

Oceanic Venus

This marine valve mollusk leads a sedentary lifestyle, receiving everything necessary for existence nutrients and oxygen thanks to water filtration. To avoid becoming a victim of predators, such animals dive deep into the sand and remain there. for a long time without the need for food. According to researchers, the Oceanic Venus can live up to an incredible 400-500 years.

Antarctic sponge

Let's continue the conversation about the life expectancy of different animal species. The plant is exactly what an Antarctic sponge might appear to be at first glance. However, it is not. Sponges are animals, but they are practically immobile. Some of them move from place to place by a few millimeters during the day. Such creatures are distinguished by extremely measured growth, which owes their longevity.

On this moment biologists have registered about 50,000 species of sponges. The bulk of creatures in this category live only a few decades. However, the exception to the “rules” is the Antarctic sponge. Scientists were able to find samples whose age exceeded one and a half thousand years.


The average lifespan of different animals is not that long. As for creatures such as jellyfish, they absolutely do not “concern” with the issue of aging. Recent observations of these animals shed light on their fantastic abilities. Thus, jellyfish, which belong to the species Turritopsis nutricula, are one of the smallest creatures on the planet, measuring only about 4 millimeters. They are unique because they have the ability to return to “infancy”. Such jellyfish develop like any other representative of the fauna. However, upon reaching maturity, they can revert back to the polyp stage, after which the maturation process restarts. As the data shows special research, the Turritopsis nutricula jellyfish has the potential to be immortal.

Life expectancy of different animals: table

How long can individual representatives of the fauna exist? I would like to present to your attention a table that shows the average and maximum life expectancy of different animals:


Average (years)

Limit (years)

Small rodents (mice, rats, hamsters)




So we looked at the life expectancy of different animals. As you can see, among the representatives of the fauna there are both real long-livers and creatures for which nature does not have much time allotted. Despite scientists’ calculations regarding the average and maximum life expectancy of certain species, exceptional cases are quite often noted.

The lifespan of animals largely depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding the animals. Typically, domestic animals have a longer lifespan than stray animals of the same species. Many animals in zoos live longer than their “free” relatives, thanks to the fact that specialists closely monitor their nutrition and the conditions of their detention. However, it also happens that animals in captivity live less than in nature. This happens with exotic animals, whose owners are often not aware of the rules for caring for them.

The average lifespan of cats is 10 - 15 years. For various reasons, stray cats live much shorter: 3 - 5 years. There are also long-lived cats. Thus, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the spotted cat Ma from the UK and the Granpa Rex Alen cat from the USA lived the longest of all known domestic cats, 34 years each.

Unlike cats, the average lifespan of dogs varies greatly depending on the breed. The shortest life expectancy is for those dog breeds that are large in size, and the longest for “small” breeds. The following data clearly confirms this:

The average lifespan of American Staffordshire Terriers is about 13 years;

English bulldogs - 8 - 10 years;
English spaniels - 10 - 14 years;
Dogo Argentinos - 13 - 15 years;
Bassets - 9 - 11 years old;
Boxers - 10 - 12 years old;
Bolonok - 18 - 20 years old;
Large poodles - 15 - 17 years;
Dogues de Bordeaux - 7 - 8 years;
West Siberian Laikas - 10 - 14 years;
Yorkshire Terriers - 12 - 15 years;
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs - 9 - 11 years;
Pugs - 13 - 15 years old;
Great Danes - 7 - 8 years;
German Shepherds - 10 - 14 years;
Rottweilers - 9 - 12 years;
Dachshunds - 12 - 14 years old;
Toy terriers - 12 - 13 years;
Chihuahua - 15 - 17 years old;
Airedale Terriers - 10 - 13 years old.

The life of rodents is usually not as long as the life of cats and dogs.

Mice live on average 1 - 2 years, although some individuals reach 5 - 6 years;
Rats live 2 - 3 years, there are long-lived rats whose age reaches 6 or more years, however, many rats die young.
Hamsters live 1.5 - 3 years;
Guinea pigs live 6 - 8 years;
Chinchillas live 15 years;
Chipmunks live 10 years or more;
Rabbits live on average up to 12 years.

The average lifespan of horses is 20 - 25 years. The maximum reliably known lifespan of a horse was 62 years. For ponies this figure is lower. The oldest pony was 54 years old.

According to livestock breeders, the life expectancy of cows is about 20 years, some live up to 35, bulls live a little less: 15 - 20 years.

The total lifespan of elephants is 60 - 70 years.

The life expectancy of bears is 30 - 45 years.

The average lifespan of foxes is 6 - 8 years, but in captivity they can live up to 20 years or longer.

The lifespan of beavers is usually 10 - 12 years, although in favorable conditions in zoos they live up to 20 years.

The life expectancy of macaques is from 15 to 20 years; in captivity, however, they can live up to 30 years.

The lifespan of orangutans in the wild is about 35 - 40 years, and in captivity they can live up to 60 years of age.

Chimpanzees are about 50 years old.

Of the vertebrates, turtles live the longest. Most of the information suggesting that their lifespan is slightly more than 50 years refers to individuals kept in captivity. Some species certainly live much longer. Carolina box turtle age ( Terrapene carolina), found in Rhode Island, was almost certainly 130 years old. The maximum lifespan is considered to be about 150 years, but it is quite possible that the real life expectancy of individual individuals is much longer.

The lifespan of red-eared turtles, popular among animal lovers, is 30 (40 - 45) years, European swamp turtles are the same, some of them even reached 80 years.

The total life expectancy of small lizards does not exceed 3 - 4 years, and for the largest (iguanas, monitor lizards) it reaches 20 and even 50 - 70 years, but again, this age is achieved only under decent conditions for keeping reptiles. At home, iguanas often do not live even a year.

There is a fairly popular misconception that many parrots live over a hundred years. Actually this is not true.

Typically, birds in captivity live several times longer than in the wild, but even in zoos, only some species of parrots have an average lifespan approaching 40 years.

Unlike dogs, parrots have larger bodies and a longer average life expectancy.

Budgerigars and lovebirds live 12-14 years (maximum lifespan up to 20 years).

Gray parrots: 14 - 16 years (maximum 49).

Macaws can live up to 40 - 45 years, the maximum documented age of the red macaw is 64 years. Their average life expectancy is 2 times lower than this figure.

The record holders are cockatoo parrots, living for about 30 - 40 years. There is reliable information about cockatoos 60 - 70 years old.

Crows also live long. The maximum lifespan of ravens in captivity is 75 years. While in the wild, crows live on average 10 - 15 years.

The average lifespan of passerines is 20 years, for owls 15 years, for diurnal birds of prey 21 - 24 years, for copepods 20 years, for ducks 21 years, for herons 19 years, for waders 10 years, for gulls 17 years, for ratites 15 years, for pigeons 12 years, for chickens 13 years. For domestic chickens, a maximum life expectancy of 30 years is noted (of course, this is the exception rather than the rule).

From the order of owls, eagle owls lived to 34, 53 and 68 years. For daytime raptors, the following data is known: the buffoon eagle lived 55 years, the condor 52 and more than 65 years, the golden eagle 46 years, and according to other, but not very reliable information - more than 80 years, the griffon vulture more than 38 years.

Proper feeding and care significantly influence the lifespan of an animal in captivity, which means that animal owners need to pay special attention to the health of their pets!