Horseshoes for luck. Is it possible to increase the duration and strength of the talisman?

Many people know that a horseshoe brings happiness. The origins of this belief go far into the past, when the material for it was expensive and not accessible to everyone. Therefore, if someone found such a product on the road, it brought good luck and wealth. Then it grew into a custom to bring a found horseshoe home and hang it at the entrance for good luck. Now many people have these amulets in their homes. But not everyone knows how to hang a horseshoe over a door correctly.

It is very important what kind of amulet you hang. You can, of course, buy a souvenir in the shape of a horseshoe in a store, the main thing is that it is not made of plastic. But such an item will bring little luck. The most powerful amulets are made from real horseshoes, preferably old and rusty.

One more condition: this item must be found. A washed and cleaned horseshoe can be oiled and hung in the house. Such a talisman will not only protect against evil spirits, but can also bring wealth to the house. After all, in many countries the horse was revered as a sacred animal, so it was believed that its horseshoes contained its accumulated energy. But in order for the found item to bring happiness, you need to know how to hang a horseshoe over the door correctly.

It must be nailed onto one nail; there should be no others nearby. The amulet should not touch plastic products. The place where it hangs needs to be well lit. All family members should take part in placing the horseshoe, then it will bring good luck to everyone. Most often it is hung above the front door, because it is in this place that wealth, luck and happiness enter the house.

Above the door if you want to use it to attract success? In this case, all nations nailed it with its horns up. So it resembles a bowl that is filled with energy from space and brings prosperity to the house. To do this, the horseshoe must be nailed with inside doors and as high as possible. But in some countries there is a custom to hang this amulet so that everyone who enters the house touches it. It was believed that this is the only way it brings happiness.

But very often this item is nailed to the outside of the house and used to protect against evil spirits and negative influences. How to hang a horseshoe over the door in this case? It is nailed down with its horns so that everything negative flows down them into the ground. So it protects the house not only from external influences, but also from negativity within the family: quarrels, scandals and disagreements. In some countries, it is also customary to decorate it with ribbons or hang a bell from it.

But this amulet can be used not only at the entrance. Where else to hang a horseshoe in the house? It is believed that the energy of this item is such that it will bring you happiness anywhere. You can nail a horseshoe to the head of your bed; it will help you get rid of insomnia. Placed near flower pots, it stimulates the growth of plants, and placed on the windowsill with its horns facing the room during the full moon, it will help you win the lottery.

Nowadays such accessories are used as neck decorations, pendants,

In the article you will find a list of signs that are associated with a horseshoe hung on the wall in the house.

Since ancient times, such an object as a horseshoe has served as a talisman and a sign among Slavic peoples. It was believed that this metal talisman should attract good things to a person and ward off all bad things. Horseshoes were kept in visible places in houses and outbuildings, protecting them from bad people and evil that could penetrate from the outside world.

There are several opinions about why the horseshoe became a talisman:

  • Because it is forged from iron. In the old days, this material was considered expensive and therefore not available to everyone. If a person could afford to shoe a horse, he was considered fairly wealthy and happy. Therefore if a common person or a poor man found a broken horseshoe on the road, he truly considered himself lucky, because he could reforge this horseshoe into something more important for the household. But if the chariot of a rich man who loved to flaunt his wealth and shoed his horses with silver or gold shoes lost a horseshoe, then it’s not even worth telling how lucky an ordinary beggar could be.
  • The legend of the blacksmith. There was a legend that told the story of a brave and pious blacksmith who one day found the courage to shoe the Devil himself. But the blacksmith did it so well that he was able to beat the Devil so that he swore an oath to never again approach even houses that had at least one horseshoe.
  • The power of three. If we analyze this talisman more deeply, we will notice that it simultaneously combines several “lucky” symbols: fire (which drives away the evil spirit), iron (it scares away evil spirits) and a horse (a symbol of goodness and wisdom).

IMPORTANT: In order for a horseshoe to bring good luck, it must be hung with the ends up. So it symbolizes a full cup that is full inside. A horseshoe with drooping ends symbolizes an empty cup, which means it brings poverty and troubles.

Where should a horseshoe hang in a house or apartment for good luck and fortune - above the door or opposite the entrance: a sign

As long as humanity lives, it tries to protect itself and its loved ones from any danger, evil and evil spirits. Everything was used, including mystical amulets, because sometimes one could only hope for a higher power and luck. If a person found a horseshoe, he would definitely take it home so that it would bring him good luck. In addition, it was impossible not to take the horseshoe out of respect for horses - devoted workers and human helpers.

A found horseshoe (in our time, a purchased one too) must not only be brought into the house, but also be able to be hung correctly, as they say, “wisely.” You can hang not one, but several horseshoes at once in your house.


  • So that spouses could have a child, it was customary to hang a horseshoe with its teeth up over the bed.
  • To meet their betrothed, girls and women hung a horseshoe, teeth up, over the hearth.
  • It was customary to place a horseshoe near the head of the bed for those who fell ill or could not get rid of a serious illness.

INTERESTING: It is believed that a talisman that was properly hung in the house accumulated positivity and spread it throughout the house, “leveling” its energy field. However, in some Slavic writings there is a statement that says that inside a house a horseshoe should be hung up, but at the entrance outside the house with its teeth down, so that they drive away evil spirits and do not allow them to enter the house.

Only the owner or mistress has the right to bring or buy a talisman for the house. It is customary for a man, the owner of the house, to hammer a nail into a horseshoe. It should hang on only one nail, and there should be no other previously driven nails nearby.

When hanging a horseshoe, you should say a special spell that charges the talisman with positive energy and “launches it into action.” If you could hang the symbol right away, it was considered a good omen, which said that everything in the house would be fine. It is especially good if, before hanging the horseshoe on the wall, each family member had time to hold it in their hands.

How high or low a horseshoe should be hung in the house is decided by each owner independently. Some people believe that the horseshoe must be at such a level that it is possible to touch it with your hand, others are sure that it should be inaccessible. The main thing is that your icon should be “happy”, i.e. found, worn or old.

How to properly attach a horseshoe over a door, how many nails are nailed into a horseshoe?

It is customary to hang a horseshoe on one nail, but there is also an opinion that before entering (and this was customary to do among the Slavs to scare away evil spirits), the horseshoe was hung with its teeth up and nailed to 7 nails. The owner and head of the family, the eldest man in the house, had to do this.

In other cases, it was believed that if the horseshoe had already come off once, then there was no point in nailing it down again, since it might lose its strength. In such cases, the nail was nailed a little higher, and the horseshoe itself was attached to a whip, which clung to the nail.

How to hang a horseshoe at home or in an apartment: with the horns up or down?

In order for everything to go well in your home, for the house to be a “full cup” and for evil spirits to bypass your home, you should fasten the horseshoe only with the horns facing up. In which room to hang a horseshoe, you decide for yourself, but there are signs about this too:

  • In the kitchen - so that there is always food in the house and every family member is well-fed, so that everyone has a business and income in the family.
  • In the hall - so that the house is prosperous, there is always fun in it, so that everyone is healthy and happy.
  • In the nursery - so that children are happy and healthy, so that evil spirits always avoid them and good luck accompanies them.
  • In the bedroom - so that the spouses do not quarrel and happily continue their family line.
  • Above the entrance in the corridor - so that evil spirits cannot enter the house, and everyone entering the house is cleansed of negative energy.
  • At the front door - so that evil spirits walk around the house and cannot get inside.
  • Under the threshold - so that the “evil person” cannot cross the threshold of the house.

Horseshoe - powerful amulet for home and family

How to charge a talisman, a horseshoe amulet for good luck, good luck: conspiracy

An important condition for the fact that a found or purchased horseshoe will give good luck to the house and its residents is a conspiracy that will be read over it.

Rules and signs:

  • The man who hangs the horseshoe is the one who reads the plot.
  • If each family member holds a horseshoe, everyone can leave their wishes and ask for good luck.
  • The plot should be read clearly and loudly while you are hanging the horseshoe on a nail.

Is it possible to weigh a used horseshoe at home?

A used, found, old and once lost horseshoe is best amulet for home. It must be made of metal, otherwise the talisman simply loses its power and strength. If you buy a horseshoe, discard any wooden, plaster, plastic or ceramic products, as they are useless.

It’s good if you found a horseshoe on your site while digging in the ground or doing gardening. Such a horseshoe should be washed and cleaned, and only then, after reading the spell over it, should it be hung in the required place.

How to properly hang a horseshoe found on the street in a country house?

A horseshoe can bring good luck, prosperity and luck anywhere and anyhow. If you accidentally found an old horseshoe on summer cottage, you don't have to take it home, but leave it in country house, attaching it to the outside or inside of the wall. In this case, the amulet will protect your land and help ensure that it is “healthy” and fertile.

Video: “Folk signs about the horseshoe”

Since ancient times, the horseshoe was considered a talisman for good luck. By hanging it above the front door, it was possible to protect the house from negativity, and it brings happiness and health to the residents. But it is important to place the amulet correctly, choosing for it the best place so as not to get the opposite effect. It also matters where and how the product was purchased, what it was made of, and how it was secured.

Why do they hang a horseshoe over the door?

The belief that a horseshoe brings happiness originated in Ancient Egypt. In those days, the pharaohs shod their horses with gold horseshoes with inlay precious stones, which were often simply lost. Therefore, such a find was truly a great success for the poor Egyptian. He immediately became a wealthy man.

Horseshoes with hind legs horses. The find was hung above the front door. It was believed that she protects the house. Probable cause This belief was that people always treated horses with respect and love.

The horseshoe talisman can be hung in two ways:

  1. Ends up. This placement method is suitable for the interior of the house. The talisman will attract a flow of positive energy from space into the home, which promises the household good luck, happiness, peace and material well-being.
  2. Ends down. By placing the iron product in this way, you can protect the house from evil spirits and negative impact from the outside - the evil eye, damage. But in this case, you need to hang the talisman outside above the top frame of the front door. It is believed that evil spirits are afraid of iron and will avoid the home. A horseshoe with its ends down symbolizes a vessel that absorbs all the negativity coming from outside, for example, unkind views and thoughts of people passing by the house. Black energy does not enter the home, but will flow down.

The owner of the house must think about what is more important and make his choice.

Types of horseshoes

In order to receive best result it is recommended to choose the horseshoe that the horse has worn for long period time.

You can find one in the following places:

  • horse farms;
  • stud farms;
  • racetracks;
  • riding schools.

The horseshoe will be reliable magical amulet and a talisman in following cases:

  1. Ideally, a horseshoe should be found somewhere.
  2. The horseshoe that was given to the owners of the house will bring good luck. When receiving such a gift, you must give something in return, for example, a coin.

The easiest way would be to buy or make a horseshoe yourself. But this must be done with the best intentions, as if investing positive emotions and energy into the product. Such a horseshoe, just like a real one, will bring good luck and prosperity to its owner.

Ideal place

The most popular place for a good luck talisman is the door frame on the street side. In this case, the horseshoe will perform protective function. This arrangement is especially important for owners of private houses. For those who live in an apartment, the option of hanging the product on the door itself is suitable. You can just nail him down.

A talisman nailed above the door from the inside will help to attract wealth and happiness into the house and at the same time protect its residents from evil words, glances and uninvited guests.

A great option is to attach two horseshoes. One of them is placed inside the house, and the other - with outside.

There are also specific places for placing the amulet:

  1. The horseshoe is hung closer to the storage area Money to increase wealth. If the principal amount is contained in bank card, then you should carry a talisman with you.
  2. A horseshoe-shaped magnet on the refrigerator will help stop, as if to “freeze,” quarrels in the family.
  3. Store owners should hang a horseshoe above the front door from the inside. This will help owners improve trading and increase profits.
  4. A horseshoe placed above the newlyweds’ bed will help them conceive an heir faster. In this case, the baby will be born healthy, and his life will be happy.
  5. A horseshoe nailed to the head of the bed of a seriously ill person will contribute to his speedy recovery.

Everyone must choose for themselves optimal place for a mascot.

How to hang it correctly

The horseshoe can be hung both above the front door of the house and inside anywhere in the home. People who have recently purchased an apartment or a private house, you should prefer the first option. Then the amulet will not only attract good luck, but will also help neutralize possible bad energy that remains in the house from previous residents. To establish balance, you need to hang the talisman with the ends down.

There are also certain rules placing a horseshoe over the door of a residential building:

  • The talisman must be wiped before hanging. A special ritual involves exchanging the energy of a horseshoe with each member of the household. To do this, everyone who lives in the apartment must take turns holding it in their hands. Then the amulet will help all family members, bring them good luck in business and personal life.
  • Setting up the talisman and introducing it to the room takes place at night. To do this, you need to go around the whole house with it in your hands, while your thoughts should be kind and bright.
  • More a strong talisman and the talisman will be an old horseshoe. She has accumulated more positive energy from her previous owner, the horse.
  • In order to get additional protection from damage and the evil eye, you should choose a black product.
  • If you hang two horseshoes, nesting them one inside the other, then together they will create a kind of balance, simultaneously protecting the house from evil and attracting good.
  • You can hang keys next to the amulet, but under no circumstances should you hang artificial flowers.
  • Inside the home, the product should be placed with the ends up. This way it will accumulate positive energy in the house, symbolizing a full cup and prosperity.
  • Inside the house it is not necessary to hang the product above the door. It can be placed in the hall or living room above the fireplace. The location is selected individually.

There is a sign - if a horseshoe constantly changes its position and turns over, then misfortune will come to the house. Very bad sign, if the amulet fell. This spells trouble. Under no circumstances should a horseshoe be left on the floor or upside down.

Mounting methods

Both real and souvenir horseshoes are usually equipped with holes that allow you to securely attach it not only to the horse's hoof, but also to a wall or door frame. You can fix the talisman in the right place in the following ways:

  1. In order to get the maximum benefit from the talisman, you need to nail it with seven nails, that is, use all the available holes.
  2. You can hang the product on 1 nail. This is what they do if the wall cannot be broken through. Drill a hole into which the dowel is inserted, and attach the horseshoe to the self-tapping screw.
  3. According to the Old Believers, it is best not to nail a horseshoe, but to tie it with a rope of the desired shade.

A horseshoe placed correctly above the front door will protect the house from evil people and negative events, and will also contribute to a favorable environment in the family, and will protect from quarrels and conflicts. It will serve as a kind of magnet to attract goodness and happiness into your home. But the effect of the amulet largely depends on the people who use it. You must definitely believe in its positive properties.

It originated in Ancient Egypt. Although the explanation for this is rather prosaic. Into the Pharaoh's chariot with golden horseshoes on its hooves. Naturally, horses sometimes lost their heels. They were found simple people and, of course, they became richer and happier.

In folklore there is Once upon a time the devil appeared before a blacksmith in the form of a horse and began to tempt him into evil deeds. But the farrier not only did not succumb to temptation, but also managed to shoe the demon himself. And so that Satan would never forget about his defeat, he nailed a horseshoe at the entrance to the forge. This is how the tradition of keeping horseshoes in homes arose. Only the question remains about whether the horns are up or down over the doors.

Well-being at home

And yet, how should a horseshoe be secured so that it brings happiness, good luck, and is a real amulet? There are several options. Supporters of unconventional views and Americans are sure that this symbol must hang upside down so that luck does not spill out, because in this position it resembles a bowl. And so that your home is a full cup, and happiness does not leave your home, the horseshoe cannot be turned over, the horns must look up. There is also an opinion that in this form it absorbs the energy of space. If the horseshoe is turned over, the energy will go into the ground.

There is another option for how to properly hang a horseshoe above the doors. Ancient amulet You can hang them with their horns down to protect your home from bad energy. If an unkind person wants to visit your home, the ends of the horseshoe will catch all the bad things, preventing them from getting inside.

To avoid the question of how and where to hang a horseshoe, it would be useful to listen to the recommendations of esotericists. For well-being in the home, it is best to hang the amulet inside the home with its horns facing up. By hanging the symbol in the yard or behind the door, you will firmly close the entrance of all evil spirits.

An important rule: a horseshoe must be metal; one made from another material will only perform a decorative function. The amulet is attached exclusively to one nail, making sure that there are no more nails nearby. The owners together must perform this important magical ritual.

To decide, try to explore all the methods and just observe for a while. Then you can choose an option that, in your opinion, will attract happiness and prosperity to your home.

After reading the article, many have probably decided how to properly hang a horseshoe over the doors. All that's left to do is find the amulet. Indeed, in our time, cars, buses, and other vehicles travel on the roads, but horses are a rarity. Where can I find the talisman? The purchased one will not work. But if you are incredibly lucky and find a horseshoe for good luck, you already know how to hang it.


And finally, a few more signs about horseshoes:

  • if you want to save the house, the talisman above the door will help;
  • If you want to find a family, hang a horseshoe over the hearth;
  • If you place it above the marital bed, a child will be born;
  • If you attach it to the windowsill, you will attract money into the house.

If you decide to get a talisman, you will be interested in learning how to properly hang a horseshoe over the front door. This subject is shrouded in many myths and beliefs. It is believed to bring good luck and protect against evil forces. But how can we make sure that all these features of the amulet really come into effect?

A horseshoe over the door is believed to bring good luck.

What does horseshoe mean?

Quite an interesting question: how to properly hang a horseshoe over the door and why? This custom is mentioned in different nations with a completely different culture. This symbol of good luck takes its roots from ancient times. At that time it was not hung on the door, but was simply used for enrichment. The fact is that in Ancient Egypt you could find a golden horseshoe on the road, which was lost by the pharaoh's horse. In the countries of the East it was believed that this object should be buried in the ground near the threshold of the home and then it would protect it from evil demons.

According to our traditions, a horseshoe must be hung above the door. But how to do it correctly depends on the chosen location. Since it was made of iron, it has long been considered a talisman against evil spirits, who are afraid of him.

An iron horseshoe has long been considered a talisman against evil spirits.

In addition, this item is considered a talisman that brings good luck. A horseshoe found on the road has the greatest power. You can place it in the house not only above the door, but also in other places, which affects its final value.

In addition to its mystical purpose, a horseshoe can also perform a decorative function, decorating the interior of a private home. For apartments, it is better to purchase a modern, stylized amulet so that it does not look too rough.

Street side

Disputes about how to properly hang a horseshoe over a door continue to this day. Much depends on the location of this item. So, if you live in a private house, it would be more advisable to hang the amulet on the door on the street side. This way you will provide reliable protection for your home from evil spirits and ill-wishers. Before attaching the talisman over the front door, you need to make a wish while holding it in your hand, then spit on it and throw it over your left shoulder.

A horseshoe over the entrance doors of a wooden house is simply nailed

Typically, the horseshoe is placed on the outside of the top frame of the door with the horns facing down. Thus, it protects your home from the penetration of evil spirits that cannot pass through iron. Even the devil himself will not be able to get inside, since he cannot go around the circle: having reached the end of the horseshoe, he returns to the beginning. It is the protective functions that are given priority in this case. The downward horns of the horseshoe symbolize the cup into which all the negative thoughts and bad wishes of those who cross the threshold of the house are taken. Wherein bad energy does not accumulate in the object, but, on the contrary, is expelled, as if flowing down.

In room

Second point: how to hang a horseshoe above the door from the side of the room? If you live in apartment building, this question is the most relevant for you. For a talisman to bring good luck, you need to position it in such a way that it accumulates all the good things.

Two horseshoes for luck inside the house

Since the amulet is in the house, it means that everything that it accumulates in itself will influence the household. Therefore, the correct position of the horseshoe is considered to be with the horns facing up. Thus, resembling a bowl in shape, it will simultaneously perform a protective function, keeping demons inside, because iron does not give evil spirits passage.

It is also believed that a horseshoe with its horns facing up brings prosperity. That is, all the good energy comes up. A change in the position of the talisman can be a harbinger of failure. If the horns turn downwards, expect losses, and if it falls completely, there will be trouble in the house.

Mounting methods

The pressing question is not only how to correctly, but also how to carefully nail a horseshoe over the door. There are many nuances about this. There is no clear opinion to this day. Much depends on the traditions of the country.

Some people believe that it is necessary to hammer a nail into each hole in order to secure good spirits in the house. Others are of the opinion that you need to use a maximum of two nails, and if you managed to nail just one, luck will not leave the owner of this house.

Before hanging a horseshoe, each inhabitant of the house must hold it in his hand. This is done in order to assign the talisman to family members. Now his energy will influence their lives and bring good luck and prosperity.

Horseshoe with its horns upside down - a symbol of well-being in the home

It is best to hang the amulet above the door. To do this, use nails or screws. If you don't mind, you can fix it on the top trim. Today, not only real horse shoes are used; you can purchase a lighter and more decorative version, which is attached with a suction cup.

Thus, we can safely say that it is impossible to reliably determine exactly how a horseshoe should be hung on a door. Study the customs and traditions of your region, perhaps they will lead you to the right decision. An incorrectly placed talisman can, on the contrary, bring grief and take away all the luck from home.