Wishing good night to your beloved man in your own words. Good night SMS gentle in your own words Good night wishes to your loved one in your own words

Wishes Good night to your beloved man in your own words - a gentle and romantic way to remind yourself before bed and express your feelings.

Beloved, may angels protect you in your dreams. And I will become one of them. I will listen to your quiet breathing and drive away all sorrows and worries. Good night!

Good night dear. May all worries go away, and the dreams you see will be serene.

I wish you dreams as sweet as chocolate, light as a cloud, tender as flowers, bright as a rainbow!

Good night Sweetheart. I will gently blow on your eyelids so that serene dreams appear under your eyelashes. Thanks to them, tomorrow morning will be bright and the day will be successful. Your fairy.

Today I will be your Fata Morgana. This night you will see in your dreams wonderful castles and distant countries, high mountains and blue seas. Sleep, dear, the fairy tale is already flying to you.

I wish you to see in your dreams this night your cat, mouse, fish, bunny, baby, sweet candy. In general, today I will dream of you! Good night!

The night opens its arms to lonely hearts. But I have you, dear, and this thought warms me like a cozy blanket. I will wrap myself in it more tightly and will think about you, sending you the most joyful dreams...

What a pity that you are not here now, my love. This velvet night is so fresh and beautiful, and the memories of you are so wonderful and bright! As you fall asleep, think that now somewhere far away your princess is dreaming of you.

Finally night has come and you can forget about business, negotiations, deals and partners. My time is coming. And even though I’m not around right now, I want you to think only about me and my love for you as you fall asleep.

May you dream your most cherished dream. Look at her more closely in your dream, rejoice at how beautiful she is. And in the morning you will be able to implement it, I believe in you!

It’s so nice to go to bed after the day’s worries, but what a pity that I’m not with you now! Imagine that we are together now. I kiss you tenderly and whisper in your ear: sweet dreams, my love.

You and I are like two lovebirds, like two halves of one whole. And how sad it is for me to fall asleep far from you. Therefore, I send you a wish across distances Good night, Sweet dreams. Let nothing disturb you, and let my love warm and protect you.

Everyone has their own definition of happiness. But for me, happiness is not wealth, not expensive jewelry, not luxurious palaces. The main thing for me is to fall asleep and wake up next to you. I hope you will make me happy soon, but for now, good night, dear.

Good night, peaceful dreams. May my love protect you. And so that you smile before going to bed, I will quietly whisper in your ear about how dear you are to me.

I’ll tell you without keeping silent - I always want “this”! I want it on my nightstand and on the couch! Squatting and upside down! And in the cold? and the summer heat, when the rain is pouring overhead, and even if it’s very late, I want to tell you - Good Night! 1256 (6)

I’m waiting for your tender, sweet kiss, I want to hug you passionately. I love you very, very much, hurry up, kitten, go to sleep! 958 (3)

My heart wishes you good night. And my lips kiss you before bed. Good night honey... 1554

Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep, but I close my eyes because I want to see you in my dreams! Good night! 598 (1)

The most affectionate, kind and handsome guy I wish you the sweetest dreams and good night! 808

May you have a good dream about me, and if not, I’ll come and throw you out of bed;)! 438 (1)

Night comes and silence comes,
You fall asleep peacefully
My soul will come to you
And kiss you tenderly... 678 (3)

Sorry if I woke you up, I can’t sleep - I’m thinking about you... I really want to see you, just feel that you are nearby... I love you! 251 (1)

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Look out the window, it’s already dark, it’s high time for everyone to sleep!
Close your eyes, I love you - you know that! 117

I'll run my finger across your cheek,
I'll run my nails along your back,
I will kiss you endlessly...
Well, is it possible to sleep with such thoughts? 334

Sleep peacefully, sweetly, remember me, close your eyes, I love you - you know. 205

With a quiet step, as in a slow motion movie, the night comes to us through a dark window, regally takes its throne... Soon it will give you its very sweet Dreams! 77 (1)

Let Your blanket be warmer than my hands...
Let Your pillow be softer than my lips...
Let Your dreams be brighter than my eyes...
I'm running, I'm running to hit them now! 172

There are stars in the sky, thoughts in my head, tears in my eyes, and in my heart - You... 232

There are many words that I want to say to you, there are many excuses to kiss you, but the most important thing is not nearby... you are not nearby! Sweet dreams, I'm thinking about you! 363

I wish you good night, kiss you tenderly, love you and hug you! 100

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one is wonderful
It shines only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The best dream! 159

Good night, my beloved kitten! May you dream of the most beautiful and magical dreams, and even if you and I are together in them! I promise that I will come into your sweet dream, give you the happiest emotions and the hottest kisses, and then when we meet, I will do the same in reality! 565

A strangled bird is sleeping, and a fox is sleeping in a trap, flies are sleeping in the web... Sleep, otherwise I’ll kill you with a pillow! 114

Good night my angel!
I will be with you in spirit! 118

Time for some late night poetry! I wish you good, sweet dreams! And I wish you good night, I love you ❤ Kisses ❤ Hugs! 59

They say that men love several things in life: women, food, sleep and watching sports on TV. I wish you a good night's sleep today! And so that in your dreams you eat something tasty and watch erotic women's football on TV. Good night honey!

Good night, my sunshine, my joy! I wish you sweet as honey, warm as hot sand, beautiful as flower petals and sunny as the morning dawn of dreams. 1000 passionate kisses!

Let healthy sleep will bring you long-awaited rest and envelop you in gentle peace. Negative emotions will remain in the night, vigor and strength will return to the body. Dreams will come true as if by magic magic wand, you will be immersed in an atmosphere of absolute harmony and happiness. Good night.

If my little bear has not yet fallen asleep, then I hasten to please him with the most wonderful wish for the night! Darling, how I want to hug you, but today I won’t be able to do it. But let the moon smile at you from the sky for me, and let every star whisper how much I love you! Good night.

I cuddle up to you, inhale your wonderful, painfully familiar smell, listen to the rhythm of your heart. You are so close, I feel the strength of your gentle hands. What a pity that this is just a dream, I so want to be with you every night. I miss you, I love you.

Dark ocean nights. The noisy city has swallowed up. The kids are sleeping, the animals are sleeping, but my darling is not sleeping. I gently whisper in your ear: a sweet dream is flying to you. It will whisk you away to a wonderful world full of fairy tales in an instant!

I can't sleep until I see your eyes. But if I know that your eyes are now reading this message, I’ll fall asleep much faster! Get into a warm bed and go to sleep. Imagine that I am lying next to you, and you will feel warmer. After all, I really mentally hug you, my love.

I asked the angel to kiss you good night, but the angel came back and said that an angel does not kiss an angel, good night.

Night is the time for events! So I wish that the main event of this night would be good dream! Darling, good night/

Beloved, affectionate, dear, strong, courageous, smart and unreal man! Good night.

The day has passed, the night will be without you, but it’s so great to miss you sometimes and dream about you! Good night baby. Sleep tight, I'll call you tomorrow* Smack!

I am the happiest girl on the planet because I have you! I want every new day to bring you only joy, and every night to give you strength for new achievements! Good night baby!

You filled me with wonderful feelings, may this night also fill you with energy for the next day! Good night, my beloved!

Baby, your hands can tear me apart, but you are far away now... Your words can inspire me to do a lot, but you are not with me... Your eyes give me confidence and strength, but I can’t see them now... I wish you Good night and I say I miss you.

I wish a stunning man calm and good sleep! You are an incredible guy and the time spent together is happiness for me! Sweet dreams.

I can chat with you all night long, but it’s time for someone to sleep. Go to sleep quickly, my sweetie, tomorrow is a new day and we will talk about everything in the world again! Good night.

Are you going to sleep, my beloved? I really don’t want to say goodbye to you, the night alone will be long, but I will enjoy the pleasant memories of our chat. I wish you a good night's sleep and tomorrow you will go into battle with new strength! Good night.

Beloved, I hand you over to the power of the dark and bottomless night! Let sleep watch over you in the coming hours, and when you wake up in the morning, be sure to write to me! I miss you very much and wish you sweet dreams.

Come, long-awaited dream, and envelop me with your charms, so that I can dream about my most beloved man, to whom I am writing now. Darling, I wish you good night and let you know that I miss you so much.

When I remember you before going to bed, the letters “L” begin to swirl around me. This is probably because you are: Sweetheart, Affectionate, Ray, Gourmand, Lollipop and Beloved…. And also, when you are not around, I start to experience: Withdrawal, Fever and Lethargy. Do not forget me. Your love.

Darling, I propose to spend this night together. How? Very simple. You and I need to fall asleep at the same time, then we will find ourselves in the same dream, and we will not be separated all night! Let's try! And if it doesn’t work out, then I’ll call you and wake you up. And we'll try again!

I won’t sleep until I know that my favorite person on earth read my message and fell asleep in good mood! Let this night become unusual for you, like in a fairy tale, that you won’t even want to wake up! Good night honey! Know that you are irreplaceable to me.

I lie silently in silence, and I miss you. But if you come to me, I will melt with love! Good night:)

And-...just good dreams!!!

Good night, my love! I wish you not to suffer from insomnia and sleep soundly as soon as possible* Good night!

Good night, my bunny! May you dream of the sky and airplanes, may your dream be fantastic and interesting* See you in the morning*

Night has come. And there is no sleep in either eye. I miss you, I miss you, I dream that we can soon fall asleep together* Good night, my love! May you dream of something good!

As quickly as the night came, I wish you just as quickly to sleep soundly and sweetly! Good night, already dear to me!

Good night. May God protect your sleep. And may you dream only good things. Love you my sweetie.

Good night to your beloved man in your own words in prose

The silken night will envelop us with its warmth, warm us in its embrace and give us tender notes of a quiet melody of love...

Today, when the golden sun mysteriously disappears behind the horizon, I will fly to you on the ray of sunset and stay with you all night!

Our love is strong, like a diamond! The facets of love shimmer with the beautiful colors of the rainbow and illuminate our hearts this night!

Your lips just melt in my mouth, you are like heavenly chocolate, sprinkled with sweet almonds, wrapped in the most delicate coconut flakes!

Our love is like a rainbow: it shimmers with beautiful colors, captivates everyone with its unique beauty, connects two parts of the world, just like our loving hearts!

You are my most delicious chocolate, you are my softest bear! Only you are my most precious diamond! I dissolve in your body, as if in a sea of ​​love and pleasures...

This night the angels will take us to the Garden of Eden, to the seventh heaven of happiness! A night of love, a hot passionate night spent with you will be our little beautiful miracle!

You, like a fairy-tale wizard, enchanted and captivated me with your endless charm! This night we will create our Magic Universe, where our hearts will soar in the rays of cosmic radiance!

My lips touch your neck, your shoulders, your chest... I see this every night, I feel your hot body... Today I will fly to you like a hot one South wind, and I will take you to the sultry lands of passion and love!

Let the sparks of my heart ignite a wild flame in you this night! The fire of our love will burn our hearts, like the sun in a deserted desert!

Feel - my hands gently caress your body, and my lips hotly kiss your naked shoulders, like drops of wax flowing down your tanned skin!

At night, a milky white cloud will descend from the sky and take us to the seventh heaven of happiness and indescribable pleasures!

My love is like sweet honey, my love is like a sultry summer, my love is the embodiment of your strongest, most intimate, most ardent desires!

Tonight, when the city plunges into deep dream and the world will be shrouded in mysterious silence, we will disturb the universal peace and awaken the entire Galaxy!

I just need to hear your name- my heart will beat faster, my thoughts will float to you, as if they are carried by the stormy current of happy love and romantic experiences!

Our night is like a fire-breathing volcano! We ignite with such passion, with such love, with such fire that the light of our amorous connections illuminates the whole world!

Tonight I will pour you with delicate nectar, sprinkle you with coconut flakes and add a pinch of unquenchable passion - our signature dish of love is ready!

One day I met you, and my heart, covered with eternal cold ice, turned into a bright burning star called Love!

In the morning I opened my eyes and saw you...I saw this bright light, this burning fire, this gentle radiance of the closest and dearest person...

May this night you dream of the sweetest, most passionate and most hot dream! Take my gentle hand and together we will fly into a world of bliss and pleasures!

On this passionate night, I will give you the warmth of my body, the light whisper of my gentle breath, the timid touches of my sensual lips...

Sweet dreams to you, my dear, my most beloved man in the world! For your sake, I am ready to run barefoot along broken roads, for your sake, I am ready for any madness, just to feel you next to me!

I will fly to you in a dream on the wings of the night, and together we will plunge into indescribable ecstasy in a world of pleasures!

I constantly think about you, I give you my warmth every day and every night, my fiery crazy love warms you!

This night, beautiful stars will descend from heaven onto our bed, like angels, and unite our loving hearts!

My pure soul is filled with the most beautiful light of your love!

The divine moon will fill the room with light and illuminate our bodies on this unbearably beautiful night!

I'm grateful heavenly angels for uniting our lonely hearts into one! I am grateful to this mysterious, enchanting night for being with you...

My beautiful dream, you are sleeping quietly now. Let the night give colorful pictures that the morning cannot dispel.

Let my baby sleep come like a breath of wind, sit quietly by the bed like a moth on a flower: unobtrusively take him captive.

Sleep quietly, and let the gentle angels wave their large fans, which will drive away worries and fears.

The night is like a glass. And her dream is a crystal in which all his vanity is reflected. The slightest crack will be reflected in the crystal.

Therefore, may your night leave all the hardships of the day behind.

Now sleep will rush in on a golden chariot. Enjoy his generosity and the gifts of his imagination.

Say good night to your boyfriend in your own words, and they will become a wonderful night message that speaks about your feelings.

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Today will be wonderful night filled with starlight. My feelings for you are bright, like beautiful stars. I hope these emotions never fade away. My dear, good night.

My dear, just close your eyes and the magic of the night will come true. I will come into your dreams and fill them with bright colors and tender feelings. And in the morning we will meet in reality, and everything will repeat itself.

* * *

Let go of the worries of this day. Everything is already behind us, not a single second will happen again. Close the curtains and plunge into the twilight of the night room. Can you hear my heart beating? And although we are very far from each other, on this magical night my soul will be with you.

Good night wishes for a guy in your own words

Good night, my hero. May your sleep be deep and pleasant. Rest peacefully and don’t think about the battles that you had to fight today in the unrestrained city race. You conquered me with your sincerity, which is why my thoughts this night belong only to you.

Tonight divides us. You are so far from me that it hurts to think about it. But I will fall asleep with the thought of our speedy meeting. I wish that your sleep brings you not only good rest, but also wonderful colorful dreams.

Good night to your beloved guy in your own words

Today I will ask the god of dreams Morpheus for the best nightly adventures for you. All the most incredible things you dream about will come true tonight. Sleep in a sweet dream, my handsome prince.

Hurry up and lie down in your cozy bed, cover yourself with a blanket and immerse yourself in the magic of beautiful dreams. I wish you good rest, because tomorrow is a new busy day, in which I will give you tenderness.

Good night wishes to your beloved guy in your own words

The night is so cruel, it separates us. But I'm not sad. I will fall asleep thinking about what tomorrow will bring. new meeting with you. Good night, my happiness.

I dream that the time will soon come when I will fall asleep in your arms. In the meantime, enjoy your night dreams, in which our feelings are so beautiful. Have a nice rest, Cute.

Beautiful good night wishes for a guy in your own words

My dear, it's time to put all your affairs aside and get ready for bed. May the most beautiful dreams visit you this night. I'll wait for your call in the morning.