Practical therapeutic dentistry - Nikolaev A., Tsepov L.N.

In this edition of the book, based on scientific research and our experience, the latest data of domestic and foreign literature, information from manufacturers of dental products, we describe modern technologies, tools, materials and methods of their application. The book does not claim to be comprehensive guide. It is more of a "desktop" reference guide for modern technologies in therapeutic dentistry. The information given in the book is widely used in the teaching and medical activities of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the Smolensk State medical academy, whose employees are the authors, as well as our fellow dentists from various regions of Russia, with whom we have been happily cooperating for a number of years. "Practical therapeutic dentistry» recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association for Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of Russian Universities as a teaching aid for dentists.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5. Methods and principles for the preparation of carious cavities
Chapter 6. Basic rules and stages of preparation of carious cavities of various classes
Chapter 7
Chapter 8. Dental filling materials.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 medical pads
Chapter 12. Permanent filling (restoration) materials: general information, classification
Chapter 13
Chapter 14. Polymeric filling materials (plastics): general information. Unfilled polymeric filling materials
Chapter 15. Composite filling materials: definition, development trends, chemical composition
Chapter 16
Chapter 17. Classification and properties of composite restorative materials
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 clinical application composite filling materials. Aesthetic tooth restoration
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Medications used in endodontics
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 30 general principles treatment of major periodontal diseases
Chapter 31 complex therapy chronic generalized periodontitis



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Nikolaev A.I., Tsepov L.M.

The manual is devoted to modern dental materials, tools, as well as methods and technologies for their clinical application.
The first part deals in detail with the preparation of carious cavities and filling (restoration) of teeth using modern methods of anesthesia, instruments, filling materials and adhesive systems, and describes in detail the methods of their clinical application.
The second part of the manual deals with issues related to endodontic treatment. permanent teeth, a description of the instruments used for this purpose, medications, methods of instrumental processing and filling of root canals is given.
The third part is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases.
The manual also includes a special chapter on medical tactics for erosive and ulcerative lesions lips, tongue and oral mucosa.
The publication is intended for students faculties of dentistry medical universities, interns and dental practitioners.



Chapter 1
1.1. Etiology and pathogenesis of caries
1.2. Classification of dental caries
1.3. Features of the course of caries depending on the location of the lesion

Chapter 2

Chapter 3
3.1. Universal dental units Dental handpieces
3.2. Dental burs used for the preparation of carious cavities
3.3. Manual tools for the treatment of carious cavities

Chapter 4
4.1. The method of "preventive expansion"
4.2. Method of "biological expediency"
4.3. The method of "preventive filling"

Chapter 5. Methods and principles for the preparation of carious cavities

Chapter 6. Basic rules and stages of preparation of carious cavities of various classes
6.1. The main stages and rules for the preparation of carious cavities. Class I cavity preparation according to Black
6.2. Class II cavity preparation according to Black
6.3. Cavity preparation III class according to Black
6.4. Preparation of Class IV cavities according to Black Preparation of anterior teeth for composite veneers (veneers)
6.5. Preparation of Class V cavities according to Black
6.6. Preparation of Class VI cavities according to Black

Chapter 7

Chapter 8. Dental filling materials. General information

Chapter 9

Chapter 10
10.1. Zinc phosphate cements
10.2. Polycarboxylate cements
10.3. Glass ionomer cements
10.4. Insulating varnishes

Chapter 11
11.1. Materials based on calcium hydroxide
11.2. Zinc Eugenol Cement (ZEC)
11.3. Combined medicinal pastes

Chapter 12. Permanent filling (restoration) materials: general information, classification

Chapter 13
13.1. Mineral cements
13.1.1. Zinc phosphate cements
13.1.2. silicate cements
13.1.3. Silicophosphate cements
13.2. Polymer cements
13.2.1. Polycarboxylate cements
13.2.2. Glass ionomer cements

Chapter 14. Polymeric filling materials (plastics): general information. Unfilled polymeric filling materials

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17. Classification and properties of composite restorative materials
17.1. Macro-filled composites
17.2. Microfilled Composites
17.3. Mini-filled composites
17.4. hybrid composites
17.5. Microhybrid Composites
17.6. Nanofilled Composites
17.7. Flowable (liquid, "Flowable") composites
17.8. Packable Composites

Chapter 18
18.1. The mechanism of adhesion of composites to the enamel surface
18.2. Mechanisms of adhesion of composites to the surface of dentin
18.3. Modern adhesive systems 4, 5 and 6 generations

Chapter 19. Methods of clinical application of composite filling materials. Aesthetic tooth restoration
19.1. Adhesive technique
19.2. Bonding technique
19.3. Sandwich technique
19.4. Layered Restoration Technique

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22
22.1. Silver amalgams
22.2. Copper amalgams
22.3. Gallium alloys
22.4. Gold fillings

Chapter 23
23.1. Tabs
23.2. Veneers
23.3. retention devices
23.3.1. Parapulpal pins - pins
23.3.2. Intracanal pins - posts

Afterword, or how to increase the effectiveness of dental caries treatment

Annexes to Part I



Chapter 24
24.1. Standardization of endodontic instruments
24.2. Tools for expanding the mouth of the root canal
24.3. Root canal instruments
24.4. Tools for expanding and aligning root canals
24.4.1. Manual instruments for expanding and aligning root canals
24.4.2. Endodontic handpieces and machine instruments for expanding and leveling root canals Endodontic tips Machine Nickel-Titanium Instruments for Root Canal Expansion
24.5. Root canal sizing tools
24.6. Instruments for removing the soft content of the root canal
24.7. Root canal filling instruments
24.8. Endodontic accessories
24.9. Sterilization of endodontic instruments

Chapter 25
25.1. Apical-coronal methods
25.1.1. Standard technique
25.1.2. Technique "Step-Back" ("step back")
25.2. Coronal-apical methods
25.2.1. Step Down Technique
25.2.2. Crown Down Technique (from the crown down)
25.3. Errors and complications arising in the process of root canal instrumentation

Chapter 26
26.1. Local anesthetics
26.2. Materials for the imposition of medical pads in order to preserve the viability of the dental pulp
26.3. Means for devitalization of dental pulp
26.3.1. Devitalizing pastes
26.3.2. Electrochemical pulp necrosis
26.4. Means for drug treatment (washing) of root canals
26.4.1. Chlorine-containing preparations
26.4.2. Hydrogen peroxide
26.4.3. Iodine preparations
26.4.4. Preparations of the nitrofuran series
26.4.5. Quaternary ammonium compounds
26.4.6. Urea
26.4.7. Proteolytic Enzymes
26.5. Preparations for antiseptic dressings
26.6. Preparations for the chemical expansion of root canals. Gels-endolubricants
26.7. Remedies to stop bleeding from root canals
26.8. Means for influencing the "smeared layer" on the walls of root canals
26.9. Means for drying root canals
26.10. Preparations for temporary filling of root canals
26.10.1. Pastes based on antibiotics and corticosteroid drugs
26.10.2. Pastes based on metronidazole
26.10.3. Pastes based on a mixture of long-acting antiseptics
26.10.4. Pastes based on calcium hydroxide
26.11. Root canal preparations
26.12. Materials for permanent filling of root canals
26.12.1. Plastic hardening materials for root canal filling - endosealants Zinc phosphate cements Preparations based on zinc oxide and eugenol - zinc-eugenol cements (pastes) Endo-sealants based on polymer resins Polymeric materials containing calcium hydroxide Glass ionomer cements (GIC) Preparations based on resorcinol-formaldehyde resin Materials based on calcium phosphate
26.12.2. Primary solid materials for root canal filling

Chapter 27
27.1. Filling with one paste
27.2. Root canal filling using primary hard materials
27.2.1. Single pin method
27.2.2. Lateral (lateral) condensation method
27.2.3. Root canal filling using the Thermafil system
27.3. Medical tactics with impassable root canals
27.3.1. Impregnation methods for processing the contents of the impassable part of the root canal Resorcinol-formalin method Silvering method Combination of the silvering method and the resorcinol-formalin method
27.3.2. Mummification of the contents of the obstructed part of the root canal
27.3.3. Depophoresis of copper-calcium hydroxide

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Afterword, or ways to improve the efficiency of endodontic care. Quality criteria for endodontic treatment

Appendix to Part II



Chapter 30
30.1. Classification of periodontal diseases
30.2. Etiology, pathogenesis and clinical and morphological characteristics of chronic inflammatory diseases periodontal
30.3. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.4. Chronic hypertrophic gingivitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.5. Ulcerative gingivitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.6. Chronic generalized periodontitis mild degree: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.7. Chronic generalized periodontitis medium degree severity: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.8. Chronic generalized severe periodontitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.9. Periodontitis in remission
30.10. Prognosis of chronic generalized periodontitis
30.11. Periodontal disease: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.12. Syndromes manifested in periodontal tissues. The role of the dentist in the examination and treatment of this category of patients
30.13. Periodontoma. The role of the dentist-therapist in providing medical care this category of patients

Chapter 31
31.1. Basic principles of planning complex therapy for chronic generalized periodontitis
31.2. Oral hygiene - essential condition effectiveness of complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis
31.2.1. Personal hygiene oral cavity
31.2.2. Professional oral hygiene
31.2.3. Hand tools for professional cleaning teeth. Classification. General design features Minimum hygiene kit (hygienist kit)
31.2.4. Periodontal appliances for professional hygiene oral cavity
31.2.5. Periodontal burs
31.2.6. Tools and apparatus for polishing the surface of the tooth
31.2.7. Occupational hygiene technique
31.3. Role drug therapy in complex treatment chronic generalized periodontitis
31.4. Surgical methods in the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis
31.5. Orthopedic methods in the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis
31.5.1. Selective grinding of teeth
31.5.2. Orthodontic preparation
31.5.3. Splinting Temporary splinting Permanent splinting
31.6. Physiotherapeutic methods in the complex therapy of chronic generalized periodontitis

Afterword, or methodological foundations of the organization of periodontal care

Appendix to Part III



download electronic medical book Practical therapeutic dentistry. 8th ed. Nikolaev A.I., Tsepov L.M. download a book is free

The book covers the issues of etiology and pathogenesis of one of the most common human diseases - dental caries, at a modern level. Its treatment is described in detail using modern methods of anesthesia, premedication, psychological preparation patients. The characteristics of filling materials used at the dental appointment are given. The drugs used in endodontics are described.
Modern methods of endodontic treatment are outlined, including a description of the endodontic instruments used, methods of instrumentation and root canal filling, as well as ways to improve the quality of endodontic treatment.
A separate section is devoted to the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical and morphological characteristics of chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases, and also presents the basic principles of complex therapy for chronic general and yawning periodontitis in an outpatient dental appointment. In the final section, the methodological foundations of the organization of periodontal care are given. All this gives reason to believe that the book will be useful to both an experienced dentist and a novice doctor.
The book is intended for students, interns, residents, dentists, teachers of dental faculties medical universities, persons studying in the system of postgraduate vocational education.

Among actual problems modern dentistry dental caries and periodontal disease occupy one of the leading places. This is due to the highest prevalence of these diseases in the world, as well as (in the absence of timely diagnosis and adequate treatment) with the threat of developing various odontogenic complications, the appearance of foci chronic infection that have a huge impact on the health of the patient as a whole. In addition, according to the data of the World Health Organization (WHO), functional disorders of the dentoalveolar system that occur in connection with the loss of teeth from untreated periodontal diseases develop 5 times more often than with complications of caries. That is why all the efforts of society should be directed to timely diagnosis, adequate treatment and prevention of dental caries and periodontal disease using the latest technologies and materials available on the global dental market.
Today, it can be said without exaggeration - only that doctor treats fully and successfully, who in his practice is based on the achievements of modern dentistry, reasonably and competently uses the achievements of dental science and practice in his work.
At the same time, application in dentistry modern materials and technology requires a specialist and a new level of training: knowledge of the properties of materials and tools, accurate diagnosis, high-quality manual skills, the ability to use new techniques, devices, tools.
In this regard, it is important to timely acquaint a wide range of dentists with new tools, materials, methods of their application and thereby promote their wider introduction into healthcare practice.
Enough is devoted to the issues of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental caries and periodontal diseases. a large number of dental literature. However, most often it is designed for doctors who already have experience practical work. Unfortunately, many dentists are not familiar with new dental materials and the prospects that open up through them, as students were not trained in their use at universities, and financial resources do not allow obtaining relevant information. In addition, there is a limited number of manuals that would reflect the issues of the phantom course, practical issues of cariesology, endodontics, periodontics, which are so necessary for students, interns, residents, novice dentists, at the modern level.
When writing this book, the authors sought, on the one hand, to highlight as much as possible issues of interest to practicing dentists, and on the other hand, to create a manual for students on modern technologies in therapeutic dentistry. The book was conceived as practical guide and, in our opinion, to a greater extent it is. At the same time, the authors considered it possible in some places to express some of their views, to state their opinion.

Author: Tsepov Leonid Makarovich, Nikolaev Alexander Ivanovich
Editor: Kulbakin V. Yu.
Publisher: MedPress-Inform, 2014

Annotation to the book "Practical Therapeutic Dentistry. Textbook"

The publication is intended for students of dental faculties of medical...
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The manual is devoted to modern dental materials, instruments, as well as methods and technologies for their clinical application.
The first part deals in detail with the preparation of carious cavities and filling (restoration) of teeth using modern methods of anesthesia, instruments, filling materials and adhesive systems, and describes in detail the methods of their clinical application.
The second part of the manual deals with issues related to endodontic treatment of permanent teeth, describes the instruments used for this purpose, medications, methods of instrumental treatment and root canal filling.
The third part is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases. The manual also includes a special chapter on medical tactics for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the lips, tongue and oral mucosa.
The publication is intended for students of dental faculties of medical universities, interns and dental practitioners.
9th edition.
You can download Practical Therapeutic Dentistry. Tutorial- Tsepov, Nikolaev.

Practical therapeutic dentistry.
Nikolaev A., Tsepov L.


ISBN: 978-5-98322-642-8
2016 G., 9th edition, 928 p., hardback, 12.5×20 cm

Benefit A. Nikolaeva « Practical Therapeutic Dentistry» is dedicated to modern dental materials, instruments, as well as methods and technologies for their clinical application. The first part deals in detail with the preparation of carious cavities and filling (restoration) of teeth using modern methods of anesthesia, instruments, filling materials and adhesive systems, and describes in detail the methods of their clinical application. The second part of the manual deals with issues related to endodontic treatment of permanent teeth, describes the instruments used for this purpose, medications, methods of instrumental treatment and root canal filling. The third part is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases. For the first time, the manual includes a special chapter on medical tactics for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the lips, tongue and oral mucosa. The publication is intended for students of dental faculties of medical universities, interns and dental practitioners. The book contains 75 tables, 570 figures, 51 bibliography titles.

From the authors

Part I Treatment of dental caries using modern instruments and filling materials
Chapter 1. Dental caries
1.1. Etiology and pathogenesis of caries
1.2.Classification of dental caries
1.3. Features of the course of caries depending on the location of the lesion
Chapter 2 Anesthesia in the clinic of therapeutic dentistry
Chapter 3 Instruments and equipment for the preparation of carious cavities
3.1. Universal dental units. Dental handpieces
3.2. Dental burs used for the preparation of carious cavities
3.3. Manual tools for the treatment of carious cavities
Chapter 4
4.1. The method of "preventive expansion"
4.2. Method of "biological expediency"
4.3. The method of "preventive filling"
Chapter 5 Methods and principles of preparation of carious cavities
Chapter 6 Basic rules for the preparation of carious cavities of various classes
6.1. The main stages and rules for the preparation of carious cavities. Class I cavity preparation according to Black
6.2. Class II cavity preparation according to Black
6.3. Class III cavity preparation according to Black
6.4. Class IV cavity preparation according to Black. Preparation of anterior teeth for composite veneers (veneers)
6.5. Preparation of Class V cavities according to Black
6.6. Preparation of Class VI cavities according to Black
Chapter 7 Medical treatment of the carious cavity
Chapter 8 Dental filling materials. General information
Chapter 9 Materials for dressings and temporary fillings
Chapter 10 Materials for insulating gaskets
10.1. Zinc phosphate cements
10.2. Polycarboxylate cements
10.3. Glass ionomer cements
10.4. Insulating varnishes
Chapter 11 Materials for medical pads
11.1. Materials based on calcium hydroxide
11.2. Zinc Eugenol Cement (ZEC)
11.3. Combined medicinal pastes
Chapter 12 Permanent filling (restoration) materials: general information, classification
Chapter 13 Dental cements: general characteristics
13.1. Mineral cements
13.1.1. Zinc phosphate cements
13.1.2. silicate cements
13.1.3. Silicophosphate cements
13.2. Polymer cements
13.2.1. Polycarboxylate cements
13.2.2. Glass ionomer cements
Chapter 14. Polymeric filling materials (plastics): general information. Unfilled polymeric filling materials
Chapter 15 Composite filling materials: definition, development trends, chemical composition
Chapter 16 Polymerization of composites
Chapter 17 Classification and properties of composite restorative materials
17.1. Macro-filled composites
17.2. Microfilled Composites
17.3. Mini-filled composites
17.4. hybrid composites
17.5. Microhybrid Composites
17.6. Nanofilled Composites
17.7. Flowable (liquid, "Flowable") composites
17.8. Packable Composites
Chapter 18 Adhesive systems for filling with composites
18.1. The mechanism of adhesion of composites to the enamel surface
18.2. Mechanisms of adhesion of composites to the surface of dentin
18.3. Modern adhesive systems of 4th, 5th and 6th generations
Chapter 19 method of clinical application of composite filling materials. Aesthetic tooth restoration
19.1. Adhesive technique
19.2. Bonding technique
19.3. Sandwich technique
19.4. Layered Restoration Technique
Chapter 20 Fissure sealants
Chapter 21 Compomers
Chapter 22 Metal filling materials
22.1. Silver amalgams
22.2. Copper amalgams
22.3. Gallium alloys
22.4. Gold fillings
Chapter 23 Primary hard filling materials
23.1. Tabs
23.2. Veneers
23.3. retention devices
23.3.1. Parapulpal pins - pins
23.3.2. Intracanal pins - posts
Afterword, or how to increase the effectiveness of dental caries treatment
Annexes to Part I

Part II. Modern methods endodontic treatment
Chapter 24 Endodontic instruments
24.1 Standardization of endodontic instruments
24.2. Tools for expanding the mouth of the root canal
24.3. Root canal instruments
24.4. Tools for expanding and aligning root canals
24.4.1. Manual instruments for expanding and aligning root canals
24.4.2. Endodontic handpieces and machine instruments for expanding and leveling root canals
24.5. Root canal sizing tools
24.6. Instruments for removing the soft content of the root canal
24.7. Root canal filling instruments
24.8. Endodontic accessories
24.9. Sterilization of endodontic instruments
Chapter 25 Root canal instrumentation technique
25.1. Apical-coronal methods
25.1.1. Standard technique
25.1.2. Technique "Step-Back" ("step back")
25.2. Coronal-apical methods
25.2.1. Step Down Technique
25.2.2. Crown Down Technique
25.3. Errors and complications arising in the process of root canal instrumentation
Chapter 26 Medications used in endodontics
26.1. Local anesthetics
26.2. Materials for the imposition of medical pads in order to preserve the viability of the dental pulp
26.3. Means for devitalization of dental pulp
26.3.1. Devitalizing pastes
26.3.2. Electrochemical pulp necrosis
26.4. Means for drug treatment (washing) of root canals
26.4.1. Chlorine-containing preparations
26.4.2. Hydrogen peroxide
26.4.3. Iodine preparations
26.4.4. Preparations of the nitrofuran series
26.4.5. Quaternary ammonium compounds
26.4.6. Urea
26.4.7. Proteolytic Enzymes
26.5. Preparations for antiseptic dressings
26.6. Preparations for the chemical expansion of root canals. Gels-endolubricants
26.7. Remedies to stop bleeding from root canals
26.8. Means for influencing the "smeared layer" on the walls of root canals
26.9. Means for drying root canals
26.10. Preparations for temporary filling of root canals
26.10.1. Pastes based on antibiotics and corticosteroid drugs
26.10.2. Pastes based on metronidazole
26.10.3. Pastes based on a mixture of long-acting antiseptics
26.10.4. Pastes based on calcium hydroxide
26.11. Root canal preparations
26.12. Materials for permanent filling of root canals
26.12.1. Plastic hardening materials for root canal filling - endosealants
26.12.2. Primary solid materials for root canal filling
Chapter 27 Root canal filling methods
27.1. Filling with one paste
27.2. Root canal filling using primary hard materials
27.2.1. Single pin method
27.2.2. Lateral (lateral) condensation method
27.2.3. Root canal filling using the Thermafil system
27.3. Medical tactics for impassable root canals
27.3.1. Impregnation methods for processing the contents of the impassable part of the root canal
27.3.2. Mummification of the contents of the obstructed part of the root canal
27.3.3. Depophoresis of copper-calcium hydroxide
Chapter 28 Physiotherapeutic methods in practical endodontics
Chapter 29 Main stages of endodontic treatment
Afterword, or ways to improve the efficiency of endodontic care. Quality criteria for endodontic treatment
Appendix to Part II

Part III. Comprehensive treatment of periodontal diseases in an outpatient dental clinic
Chapter 30 Clinical and laboratory characteristics and general principles of treatment of major periodontal diseases
30.1. Classification of periodontal diseases
30.2. Etiology, pathogenesis and clinical and morphological characteristics of inflammatory periodontal diseases
30.3. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.4. Chronic hypertrophic gingivitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.5. Ulcerative gingivitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.6. Chronic generalized mild periodontitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.7. Chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.8. Chronic generalized severe periodontitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.9. Periodontitis in remission
30.10. Prognosis of chronic generalized periodontitis
30.11. Periodontal disease: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
30.12. Syndromes manifested in periodontal tissues. The role of the dentist in the examination and treatment of this category of patients
30.13. Periodontoma. The role of the dentist-therapist in providing medical care to this category of patients.
Chapter 31
31.1. Basic principles of planning complex therapy for generalized periodontitis
31.2. Oral hygiene is the most important condition for the effectiveness of complex treatment of generalized periodontitis
31.2.1. Individual oral hygiene
31.2.2. Professional oral hygiene
31.2.3. Hand tools for professional teeth cleaning. Classification. General design features
31.2.4. Periodontal appliances for professional oral hygiene
31.2.5. Periodontal burs
31.2.6. Tools and apparatus for polishing the surface of the tooth
31.2.7. Occupational hygiene technique
31.3. The role of drug therapy in the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis
31.4. Surgical methods in the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis
31.5. Orthopedic methods in the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis
31.5.1. Selective grinding of teeth
31.5.2. Orthodontic preparation
31.5.3. Splinting
31.6. Physiotherapeutic methods in the complex therapy of chronic generalized periodontitis
Afterword, or methodological foundations of the organization of periodontal care
Appendix to Part III

Part IV. Tactics of a dentist in case of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue and lips