Sample order for the appointment of a proxy. Order sample

In any enterprise there are always employees who are assigned responsibility for the work carried out in a particular area. It can concern almost any area economic activity. In order for such actions to be of an official nature, a special order is issued for the enterprise on the appointment of responsible persons. What is special about this document and how should it be drawn up correctly?

Assigning Responsibility

In order for the enterprise to function clearly and smoothly, it is necessary to constantly monitor the work of each section and department. Any process must be controlled so that no external reasons couldn't break it. For this purpose, one person is usually selected from among the employees, who, due to his professional skills and psychological qualities, will be able to constantly monitor compliance with order in a particular area. For documentation Given the assigned responsibilities, the company's management is obliged to issue the appropriate “Order on the appointment of responsible persons.” As a rule, such a document is signed by the director.

The initiator of its creation can be either the manager himself or the head of one of the departments or divisions. An “order on the appointment of responsible persons” may concern both the work of a separate service and the entire enterprise as a whole. It all depends on the responsibility assigned to a particular person. Take, for example, issues of labor protection. The “Order on the appointment of responsible persons” in this case will apply to the entire enterprise. And storage work records or the processing of personal data, for example, is the responsibility of the HR department. The powers of the responsible persons in this case do not extend beyond the boundaries of their department.

Responsibility for working with values

If the position of a particular employee is constantly connected with the turnover of any material assets, then this aspect of his activity must certainly be documented. We need an appropriate document that will legitimize this obligation. The appointment of a financially responsible person in the interests of the enterprise occurs through the issuance of a separate order. It should reflect in detail all the points relating to this issue. For example, an accountant issuing wages at the cash desk, bears financial responsibility for accounting, storage and issuance Money.

There are other examples. Thus, employees who use various tools and devices during the working day are also responsible for them. If such items of labor fail due to their fault, then, along with administrative punishment, the cost of the damaged equipment or the costs necessary to repair it will be withheld. Such measures force employees to be more attentive and always remember the responsibility assigned to them.

Issuance of an order

To assign one or another duty to an employee, management must draw up a corresponding order. The appointment of a financially responsible person always begins with an inventory. This is understandable. After all, such a labor function usually concerns:

  • management of various inventories,
  • accepting and making payments,
  • storage and further maintenance of material assets.

A person performing such work must remember the safety of the property entrusted to him.

Do not forget that any wrong action can lead to undesirable consequences, namely compensation for harm caused. Exist different types responsibilities:

  • full,
  • collective,
  • individual,
  • limited.

Each of them leads to different consequences, which should be clearly reflected in the order. In addition, do not forget that an employee who is on the staff of an enterprise has some advantage over someone who, for example, is hired under a contract. In the first case, he will simply compensate for the damage caused, and in the second, he will have to additionally pay for the benefit that the company was unable to receive due to his incorrect actions.

Alternative option

In some cases, the enterprise issues an order appointing responsible persons. Essentially, this is the same order. Both of these documents are administrative in nature. They record the administration's decisions regarding specific organizational issues.

But there is a slight difference that should be taken into account when choosing the desired type document. The law states that an order is usually issued on major issues relating to the internal life of the enterprise or organization itself, which require approval. The order is more often addressed to a specific person and concerns a narrow issue. It may concern both one-time cases and issues long acting. The essence of the order is to convey to the executor the need to perform certain actions relating to a specific part of it job responsibilities. It all depends on what responsibility and for how long the management plans to assign to this employee.

Specially designed unified form there is no order to appoint a responsible person (or several). Each organization has the right to independently develop such a form or write it in free form. It should be borne in mind that this order is part of a package of administrative documentation, which in addition to it includes a decision on the appointment of responsible persons and job description, containing Full description the employee’s duties, as well as the sanctions that follow for their failure to fulfill them. The employee must put his signature under the last document, which will indicate that he has read and agrees with it.


Who appoints the responsible person

Depending on the situation, choose among the staff responsible person can either the head of the enterprise, or, if the organization is large, the head structural unit. The order is filled out by a HR specialist or secretary. After registration, the order is submitted for signature to the manager or another person authorized to sign. this kind documents to a person.

An employee appointed as a responsible person may be responsible for material assets, technical or fire safety, labor protection, work on sites increased danger etc.

In large companies, entire specialized departments are created, whose employees are busy controlling all internal areas of the enterprise. IN small companies The head of the organization can take full responsibility upon himself, but this order is also necessary for this.

Before issuing an order

Most often, the order implies the assignment of responsibility for labor protection. This is due to the fact that providing staff safe conditions when performing work duties is one of the first conditions for the legal functioning of an enterprise, especially those engaged in the manufacturing industry.

Before drawing up a document imposing such obligations on subordinates, they should be given a course of appropriate training.

In the future, certificates, certificates, etc. documents confirming the qualifications of employees must be attached to the order appointing responsible persons. It is important to remember that such documents are usually valid for no more than five years, so from time to time employees will have to undergo re-certification, and at the expense of the enterprise.

If responsibility is assigned to material assets, then before the employee signs such an order and assumes all risks, an inventory of the property must be completed, since in the future the person will be responsible for its safety.

Order cap

The order on the responsible person has a completely standard structure.

In the “header” of the document the full name of the enterprise is written, indicating its organizational and legal form (CJSC, OJSC, LLC, individual entrepreneur). Then it is indicated locality, in which this enterprise is located, as well as the date the order was filled out (day, month, year).

Just below you need to write the type of document (in this case it is an order) and its number according to internal document flow. The following briefly describes the essence of the order and for what purposes it was created. Then, lower in the center of the line, write the word “I order” and put a colon.

Body of the order

The second part of the document contains more detailed information. All workers who are responsible for compliance with certain production conditions are included here. In particular, the type of responsibility is indicated, as well as their full surnames, first names and patronymics (first and patronymic names can be entered with initials). A separate paragraph must also indicate the persons who, in the absence of responsible employees at the workplace, will replace them. IN last point should be indicated full list documents that employees must follow to fulfill the requirements for monitoring their area of ​​responsibility.

Finally, the order must be signed by the manager, as well as the seal of the organization. If the organization has a trade union, then it must be noted.

After writing the order

Employees who were assigned responsibility for any part by special order production process, from the moment it is signed, they must conduct briefings with colleagues, bring to the attention of personnel safety rules, various internal regulations etc. Among other things, they are required to keep a special log of the briefing, where employees who have completed it must put their signatures. Periodically, they must also monitor employees’ knowledge of labor protection and safety rules at work.

The appointment of responsible persons is made by orders of the employer. The form of the order to appoint a responsible person is free.

Sample order for the appointment of responsible persons

The responsibility of individuals is established by the employer for a specific area of ​​activity, within a division or the entire enterprise. For example, employees may be assigned responsibility for:

    labor protection;

    fire and electrical safety;

    safety of material assets (material liability), etc.

The employer is limited in the choice of responsible persons in the areas professional activity. This limitation is due to legal requirements. For example, the person responsible for labor protection at an enterprise may be exclusively an employee who:

    completed training in the appropriate program;

    confirmed his knowledge in a qualifying exam and received a document state standard(diploma);

    corresponds professional standard occupational safety specialist.

The situation is similar with fire and electrical safety.

An example of an order appointing a person responsible for the electrical safety of an enterprise

Material liability

Unlike other types, financial responsibility can be extended to all personnel of the enterprise. The scope of such liability is limited to the average monthly earnings of the employee or is established within the framework of the obligation to compensate for the full amount of damage caused (lost profits are not subject to recovery).

Sample form of an order to appoint a financially responsible person

Any financial liability is established by an agreement (individually concluded with the employee or collective). The list of positions (works) of employees with whom the employer can enter into agreements on full financial liability is approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated December 31, 2002 No. 85. This list includes:

    cashiers and cash handlers;

    employees, including management personnel, carrying out depository activities, etc.

The heads of the organization and their deputies, as well as chief accountants, may bear full financial responsibility, the provisions of which may be specified in their employment contracts.

Sample order on financially responsible persons

The employee’s financial liability means his obligation to compensate the employer for the damage that the employee caused to the organization as a result of his guilty actions (or inaction).

Financial responsibility is assigned to the employee in in full() when:

    shortage of valuables received on the basis of a written agreement or a one-time document;

    intentional infliction of harm;

    causing harm while intoxicated;

    committing a crime or administrative offense established by a court verdict or relevant government agency;

    disclosure of confidential information;

    causing damage not during execution labor responsibilities(after the end of working hours).

This means that even if the employee quits or goes to prison for his guilty actions, he will still have to compensate the employer for the damage that he caused him.

Before recovering damages from a specific employee, the employer is obliged to organize and conduct an inspection in order to establish the amount of damage caused. Should the employer create a special commission to conduct such a check? during which it is necessary to obtain written explanations from the guilty employee regarding the fact of the incident. In case of refusal or avoidance of providing explanations, the commission must draw up a report in free form. Without these documents, recovery of damages is impossible.

How to write an order appointing a responsible person

    Conclude a liability agreement in two copies.

    Prepare a draft order for the appointment of responsible persons.

    It is advisable to coordinate the draft order with lawyers.

    Sign the order from the General Director.

    Familiarize the employee with the order against signature.

Standard draft agreement on full individual financial liability

Financial liability cannot be applied to an employee if the damage was caused due to:

    force majeure (natural natural actions);

    natural risk (presence of production does not guarantee availability of sales finished products);

    necessity or defense (for example, having to break a table to prop up a door in case of an attack);

    improper storage conditions for property due to the fault of the employer (products were stored in a faulty refrigerator).

In addition, the employer has the right to refuse, in whole or in part, to recover damages from the guilty employee (). The procedure and conditions for refusal to recover damages must be determined by agreement or other normative document employer, for example? Charter of the organization.

Making changes to documents

In the event of the dismissal of one employee or his replacement with another, the employer must prepare documents regarding the change of the financially responsible person.

Sample order to change the financially responsible person

However, that's not all. When changing responsible persons, very often employers forget to formalize one important document, namely the act of acceptance and transfer of inventory items for storage. Without completing this document, if a deficiency is discovered in the future, it will be impossible to prove the guilt of the person responsible.

Issues of personnel reliability and their responsibility when performing job duties are perhaps the most important components of the success of any enterprise. That is why the employer, in order to organize the production of a product and receive maximum profit, needs to clearly define the scope of employee responsibilities. The appointment of responsible persons for a particular area of ​​work allows you to streamline the processes of labor and production, but the most significant is financial responsibility (LR). It, aspects of its design and implementation will be discussed in our article.

Financial liability in an enterprise

This term means the employee's obligation to compensate for damage caused if he is responsible for the use or storage of material or monetary assets. They indicate the scope of responsibility of employees by concluding agreements on medical education. But first, the employer will have to issue an order to appoint a financially responsible person (MRO). It will become a document approving the introduction of MO and regulating the responsibilities of the employee.

This is an internal company document; it does not relate to orders on personnel and personnel issues. The form of the order on MO is dictated by the specifics of the production, the situation that specifies its name, and the actual type of responsibility. It can be individual, collective, limited and complete. We will consider the features of drawing up an order for the appointment of a materially responsible person and other aspects related to the Ministry of Defense.

Order on financial responsibility

There is no established form for ordering MO. It is compiled arbitrarily, but with all the necessary details filled in, such as:

  • Company name and address;
  • Date of preparation and document number;
  • Full name of the manager or person authorized to create the order;
  • Preamble indicating the purpose of issuing the order and the legal basis;
  • List of employee responsibilities;
  • executive visa;
  • signatures of employees on whose responsibility the order was issued.

Order on the financial responsibility of the employee (sample 2017)

An order to appoint a responsible person in the field of monitoring the safety of the MC may look like the one below. In reality, most often such orders are issued when applying for positions of cashiers, storekeepers, and salespeople.

The list of positions of employees with whom agreements on full MO for entrusted property should be concluded is given in Appendix No. 1 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 85 dated December 31, 2002.

However, the order on full financial liability, a sample of which is given above, will be invalid if the company administration does not conclude an agreement on financial protection with the employee, or stipulates this condition in employment contract when applying for a job).

Change of financially responsible person

In the course of a company's activities, a change in MOL (as a result of dismissal or transfer to another position) is a regular event that requires re-issuance of documents. The departure of a person burdened with full MO is accompanied by a mandatory inventory of goods and materials or cash, i.e. those assets for which the employee was responsible (clause 27 of PBU dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n) and the subsequent transfer of valuables for reporting to the new employee. Carrying out an inventory due to a change in the MOL is initiated by the manager by issuing an order (form No. INV-22).

Inventory is carried out on a commission basis, its results are documented in an inventory list (form No. INV-1, INV-3) in 3 copies (one for the transferring and receiving parties of the MC and one submitted to the accounting department for subsequent processing). If no discrepancies are identified between the actual availability of valuables and accounting balances, then the manager issues an order to change the financially responsible person. Sample document:

Order on bringing to financial responsibility

The existence of an agreement on the Ministry of Defense is the basis for compensation for damage caused to the employer. It is important that the damage be real, for example, a shortage of medical supplies in the pantry or money in the cash register. Lost profits cannot be considered as damage.

Identification of a shortage is a classic example of holding the MOL accountable. In such a case, we can talk about full compensation for the damage by the employee, since he agreed to full responsibility when signing the medical agreement. Full liability is also provided for workers who caused damage if they did this:

  • intentionally and consciously;
  • being in a state of intoxication;
  • divulging trade secrets.

There is also partial responsibility of the employee. In these cases, the employer will be satisfied with collecting a share of the damage in the amount of average monthly earnings.

An employee can be brought to compensation for damages in full or in part only if his guilt is proven. To do this, the employer will have to:

  • Conduct a property inspection to determine the extent of damage;
  • appoint a commission that will conduct an internal investigation;
  • obtain explanations (written) from the employee;
  • determine the amount of damage.

Based on the commission’s findings and the amount of damage caused to the company, the manager issues an order to hold the employee financially liable. We offer approximate form, relevant for 2017:

So, the order imposing financial liability, a sample of which we have presented, is a confirmation of the employer’s conviction that the employee is guilty and is based on factual circumstances - the results of the investigation. The absence of documentary evidence of what happened is a reason for appealing the employer’s actions.

Established by order.

It is published in any case: there is an agreement on medical education with the employee or not.

The document serves as the basis for attracting a person to the Ministry of Defense when it is not possible to differentiate it between employees.

However, the law recognizes a liability agreement as the basis for prosecution.

Important! There are positions and professions for which responsibility is established by the very fact of their existence.

For example, for the head of an organization, MO is established from the moment he takes office, regardless of whether there is an agreement with him or not.

The document contains the following points:

  1. Name of the organization (its full name).
  2. Who issues the document? Full name, position, as well as data from documents that confirm his right to establish the obligations of employees.
  3. Next is the establishment of the Moscow Region. This section details the responsibilities of those for whom it is installed.
  4. A list of employees, responsible. Their positions and personal details (full name) must be listed.
  5. The order must be signed by the manager or the person who issued the document.

The people named in it must be familiarized with the document upon signature.

Establishing liability falls within the competence of the employer.

Order for the financially responsible person can be drawn up and signed by both the employer himself and his authorized employee. For example, a designated manager.

Important point. It is necessary to distinguish between an order to establish and an order to attract to the Ministry of Defense.

The first only establishes it in relation to certain employees, while the second imposes a penalty in the event of liability, determining its order, size, and timing.

We talked above about what this document should include. Now let’s take a closer look at the question of how to write an order appointing financially responsible employees.

The following information is entered into the form:

Regulations on the Ministry of Defense

The provision on financial liability of employees is a document designed to regulate legal relations in an organization, insofar as it concerns established liability for damage caused.

The regulation defines:

  1. What is meant by MO.
  2. Types of obligations existing in the organization.
  3. To whom does it apply?
  4. How to install.
  5. When it occurs.
  6. Refund procedure.
  7. Forms of agreements, contracts with financially responsible persons for each type of medical organization.

The position must comply with the standards current legislation, in particular, TK.

Important! The Regulations are approved by the organization's council(trustee, board of directors), if there is one. It is put into effect by order of the head.

The provision consists of several parts.

The first, defining one, contains the concept of MO, or more precisely, what exactly is meant by it in an organization.

The full name of the organization must be indicated, to which regulations The Regulation applies.

Then follow general provisions document:

  • who is the financially responsible person;
  • who is not covered by this document;
  • how it is changed, approved and put into effect;
  • where it is stored.

The next part reveals the concepts of MO, its types existing in the organization. With which employees an agreement is concluded on one or another type of liability. Definitions of species are given in expanded form. That is, the essence of the concept is given.

It is established how and in what cases this or that type of obligation occurs.

For each type are considered separately, including age, types of damage, presence or absence of an agreement on international relations.

It explains what working conditions should be created for the financially responsible person. How is control over its activities exercised?

The next section, the article, specifies the conditions for the offensive. These include:

  • employee's fault;
  • direct damage;
  • the connection between it and the employee’s actions;
  • illegal behavior.

A definition of each of the above concepts and the procedure for establishing them are given.

The next part determines the amount of damage and how it is compensated. It is stated that compensation for damage is determined by a separate agreement with the employee. It is determined how it occurs in voluntarily, and as in forced. Actions in case of employee refusal, pre-trial and judicial decisions are explained.

Attention! Pregnant cases where liability does not arise must be described, even in the event of damage. For example, self-defense. If it is proven that the employee defended himself, then even if there is damage, punishment does not occur.

An integral part of the Regulations are the forms of agreements and contracts for each type of medical organization.

MO is established both in relation to an individual employee and a team.

She can be either full or limited.

Responsibility arises only when conditions corresponding to it exist.

Which ones, inherent in one or another species, must be described in the Regulations. Based on it, an order on the MOL is drawn up.