Capital of the Chuvash Republic. Map of Chuvashia

↗ 480 741 &&&&&&&&&&&&0233.&&&&&0 233
The largest city of the Chuvash Republic, its cultural, technological, scientific and financial center. Capital of the Chuvash Republic. Winner of the competition “The most comfortable city in Russia” in 2001. Novocheboksarsk
(Chuvash. Çĕnĕ Shupashkar) 56°07′00″ n. w. 47°30′00″ E. d. /  56.11667° N. w. 47.50000° E. d. / 56.11667; 47.50000(G) (I)
↗ 125 489 &&&&&&&&&&&&&072.&&&&&0 72
The second largest city in Chuvashia. Chemical industry, Cheboksary hydroelectric power station, machine-building center.

Small towns of Chuvashia

(in Chuvash)
Coordinates and coat of arms Population Area (km²) Illustration Notes
Kanash 55°31′00″ n. w. 47°30′00″ E. d. /  55.51667° N. w. 47.50000° E. d. / 55.51667; 47.50000(G) (I)
↘ 45 716 &&&&&&&&&&&&&018.&&&&&0 18
The third largest city in Chuvashia. Transport, machine-building center. Large railway junction. Administrative center of Kanashsky district. Took 2nd place in the competition “The most comfortable city in Russia” in 2006.
(Chuvash. Ulatӑr)
54°51′00″ n. w. 46°35′00″ E. d. /  54.85000° N. w. 46.58333° E. d. / 54.85000; 46.58333(G) (I)
↘ 35 591 &&&&&&&&&&&&&041.&&&&&0 41
The fourth largest city in Chuvashia. Transport, machine-building center. Administrative center of the Alatyr region.
(Chuvash. Çĕmĕrle)
55°30′00″ n. w. 46°25′00″ E. d. /  55.50000° N. w. 46.41667° east d. / 55.50000; 46.41667(G) (I)
↘ 29 954 &&&&&&&&&&&&&013.&&&&&0 13
The fifth largest city in Chuvashia. Administrative center of the Shumerlinsky district.
(Chuvash. Çĕrpӳ)
55°52′00″ n. w. 47°29′00″ E. d. /  55.86667° N. w. 47.48333° E. d. / 55.86667; 47.48333(G) (I)
↗ 14 039 &&&&&&&&&&&&&013.&&&&&0 13
The sixth largest city in Chuvashia. Administrative center of Tsivilsky district.
(Chuvash. Kuslavkka)
55°50′00″ n. w. 48°15′00″ E. d. /  55.83333° N. w. 48.25000° E. d. / 55.83333; 48.25000(G) (I)
↘ 9195 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&00.&&&&&0 The seventh largest city in Chuvashia. Port on the Volga River. Administrative center of the Kozlovsky district.
Mariinsky Posad
(Chuvash. Sĕntĕrvări)
56°07′00″ n. w. 47°43′00″ E. d. /  56.11667° N. w. 47.71667° east. d. / 56.11667; 47.71667(G) (I)
↘ 8754 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&00.&&&&&0
The eighth largest city in Chuvashia. Port on the Volga River. Administrative center of the Mariinsko-Posad district.
(Chuvash. Etĕrne)
55°57′00″ n. w. 46°12′00″ E. d. /  55.95000° N. w. 46.20000° E. d. / 55.95000; 46.20000(G) (I)
↘ 8585 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&00.&&&&&0 The ninth largest city in Chuvashia. Administrative center of the Yadrinsky district.

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When Mikhail Ivanovich entered, there were tears in his eyes, memories of the time when he wrote what he was now reading. He took the letter from Mikhail Ivanovich’s hands, put it in his pocket, put away the papers and called Alpatych, who had been waiting for a long time.
On a piece of paper he wrote down what was needed in Smolensk, and he, walking around the room past Alpatych, who was waiting at the door, began to give orders.
- First, postal paper, do you hear, eight hundred, according to the sample; gold-edged... a sample, so that it will certainly be according to it; varnish, sealing wax - according to a note from Mikhail Ivanovich.
He walked around the room and looked at the memo.
“Then personally give the governor a letter about the recording.
Then we needed latches for the doors new construction, certainly of the style that the prince himself invented. Then a binding box had to be ordered for storing the will.
Giving orders to Alpatych lasted more than two hours. The prince still did not let him go. He sat down, thought and, closing his eyes, dozed off. Alpatych stirred.
- Well, go, go; If you need anything, I will send it.
Alpatych left. The prince went back to the bureau, looked into it, touched his papers with his hand, locked it again and sat down at the table to write a letter to the governor.
It was already late when he stood up, sealing the letter. He wanted to sleep, but he knew that he would not fall asleep and that the most bad thoughts come to him in bed. He called Tikhon and went with him through the rooms to tell him where to make his bed that night. He walked around, trying on every corner.
Everywhere he felt bad, but the worst thing was the familiar sofa in the office. This sofa was scary to him, probably because of the heavy thoughts that he changed his mind while lying on it. Nowhere was good, but the best place of all was the corner in the sofa behind the piano: he had never slept here before.
Tikhon brought the bed with the waiter and began to set it up.
- Not like that, not like that! - the prince shouted and moved it a quarter away from the corner, and then again closer.
“Well, I’ve finally done everything over, now I’ll rest,” the prince thought and allowed Tikhon to undress himself.
Frowning in annoyance from the efforts that had to be made to take off his caftan and trousers, the prince undressed, sank heavily onto the bed and seemed to be lost in thought, looking contemptuously at his yellow, withered legs. He didn’t think, but he hesitated in front of the difficulty ahead of him to lift those legs and move on the bed. “Oh, how hard it is! Oh, if only this work would end quickly, quickly, and you would let me go! - he thought. He pursed his lips and made this effort for the twentieth time and lay down. But as soon as he lay down, suddenly the whole bed moved evenly under him back and forth, as if breathing heavily and pushing. This happened to him almost every night. He opened his eyes that had closed.
- No peace, damned ones! - he growled with anger at someone. “Yes, yes, there was something else important, I saved something very important for myself in bed at night. Valves? No, that's what he said. No, there was something in the living room. Princess Marya was lying about something. Desalle—that fool—was saying something. There’s something in my pocket, I don’t remember.”
- Quiet! What did they talk about at dinner?
- About Prince Mikhail...
- Shut up, shut up. “The prince slammed his hand on the table. - Yes! I know, a letter from Prince Andrei. Princess Marya was reading. Desalles said something about Vitebsk. Now I'll read it.
He ordered the letter to be taken out of his pocket and a table with lemonade and a whitish candle to be moved to the bed, and, putting on his glasses, he began to read. Here only in the silence of the night, in the faint light from under the green cap, did he read the letter for the first time and for a moment understand its meaning.
“The French are in Vitebsk, after four crossings they can be at Smolensk; maybe they’re already there.”
- Quiet! - Tikhon jumped up. - No, no, no, no! - he shouted.
He hid the letter under the candlestick and closed his eyes. And he imagined the Danube, a bright afternoon, reeds, a Russian camp, and he enters, he, a young general, without one wrinkle on his face, cheerful, cheerful, ruddy, into Potemkin’s painted tent, and a burning feeling of envy for his favorite, just as strong, as then, worries him. And he remembers all the words that were said then at his first Meeting with Potemkin. And it seems to him with yellowness in fat face a short, fat woman - Mother Empress, her smiles, words when she received him for the first time, caressing him, and I remember her own face on the hearse and the clash with Zubov that took place then at her coffin for the right to approach her hand.
“Oh, quickly, quickly return to that time, and so that everything now ends as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible, so that they leave me alone!”

Bald Mountains, the estate of Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky, was located sixty versts from Smolensk, behind it, and three versts from the Moscow road.

Located in the northern part of the republic, on the banks of the Volga. It was first mentioned in written sources in 1469. Population 441.6 thousand people. (2008).

Novocheboksarsk (Çĕnĕ Shupashkar)

Satellite city of Cheboksary. Located 5 km from the capital on the banks of the Volga. Founded in 1960 in connection with the construction of a chemical plant. Population 126 thousand people. (2008).

Kanash (Kanash)

Administrative center of Kanashsky district. Located in the center of the republic, a large railway junction. Founded in 1891. Distance to Cheboksary - 76 km, population - 47.3 thousand people. (2008).

Alatyr (Ulatăr)

Administrative center of the Alatyr region. Located in the southwestern part of the republic, on the left bank of the Sura River, at the confluence of the Alatyr (river)_Alatyr tributary. Founded in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible. Distance to Cheboksary - 185 km, population - 45.8 thousand people. (2008).

Shumerlya (Çĕmĕrle)

Administrative center of the Shumerlinsky district. Located in the western part of the republic. Founded in 1916 in connection with the construction railway. Distance to Cheboksary - 110 km, population - 34 thousand people. (2008).

Tsivilsk (Çĕrpӳ)

Administrative center of Tsivilsky district. Located south of Cheboksary, at the confluence of the Big Civil_Big and Small Civil. Founded in 1589. Distance to Cheboksary - 37 km, population - 13.1 thousand people. (2008).

Kozlovka (Kuslavkka)

Administrative center of the Kozlovsky district. Located on the right bank of the Volga, in the northeastern part of the republic. Founded in 1671. Distance to Cheboksary - 97 km, population - 11.7 thousand people. (2008).

Mariinsky Posad (Sĕntĕrvări)

Administrative center of the Mariinsko-Posad district. Located on the right bank of the Volga, in the northern part of the republic. Founded in 1620. Distance to Cheboksary - 36 km, population - 10.1 thousand people. (2008).

The capital of the Chuvash Republic is Cheboksary, considered one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. And there is confirmation of this. The city is not very large in size (the area of ​​the city district is 250 sq. km) and sparsely populated (population - 470 thousand people), but it amazes with its beauty, clean streets, fountains and squares.


The first mention of this city, located on the banks of the Volga, dates back to the 15th century. Russian chronicles mention an urban settlement, only its name was slightly different and was used in singular- Cheboksary. The settlement on the Volga was founded earlier than the 15th century (but the official date of birth of the city is considered to be 1469) initially as a military fortification of the Russian army. There was already a map of Chuvashia by that time, but it has not survived, and it is impossible to judge more accurate references with cartographic data.


As for the etymology of the word, there are several options. One of them is the origin of the name from the phrase “Chebak” and “ar”. Chebak is the common name of the Mari who lived in this territory, and ar is the Finnish name of the river. Which together means “Chebaka River”. Another option implies the origin of the word from the Chuvash “shupakar”, which translated into Russian means “fortified place”. Older map of Chuvashia for a long time was published with a title unusual for modern times.


In the second half of the 16th century, a military fortress, which serves as the southern border of the state. The Cheboksary district is formed, which is successfully developing in terms of trade. This is facilitated by its close location to the Volga. Over the next 200 years, construction was actively carried out on the territory of the county. orthodox churches and monasteries. Gradually, the city becomes cultural, religious, military and industrial center region.

Geography of the region

The capital of Chuvashia is located on the right bank of the Volga. Now on this bank there is the Cheboksary Reservoir. The length of the city's borders is within 80 km, of which 16 km is the embankment. The Volga Upland itself is cut up everywhere by gullies and ravines, so the terrain within the city is gully. The height fluctuation varies from 50 to 200 meters.

The capital of Chuvashia on the relief map is shown in a more complete picture, and there you can find full information about the highlands and lowlands of the area. The ravines in the city are formed by the watersheds of small rivers that were once located in this territory. Because of this feature, the layout of the area itself turned out to be interesting: urban buildings have the shape of wedges that converge towards the Volga Bay, forming a kind of amphitheater. Also, thanks to the hills, 5 bridges were built in Cheboksary.


The capital is located within the temperate climate zone. It has a continental climate. For formation weather conditions Cheboksary is influenced by cold Arctic air masses in winter and humid Atlantic air masses in summer. In winter, the city has stable frosty and snowy weather. The period itself lasts up to 5 months. Summer is moderate, sometimes hot, lasting 3 months. In spring and autumn the weather is often unstable.

Cheboksary is a region with a high percentage of moisture. Evaporation often exceeds precipitation, causing temperature regime changes dramatically during the day. The distribution of precipitation is also uneven. Most of them fall out in summer period year, hits the city with heavy downpours. The average annual precipitation is 500 mm. Average temperatures in July are +18°С...+19°С, in January -11°С...-13°С.

Administrative division

The capital has an administrative status - a city district. In addition to the three administrative districts of the city (Leninsky, Moskovsky, Kalininsky) and the territorial administration of Zavolzhye, the city includes 3 villages: Sosnovka, Severny, Novye Lapsary and the village of Chandrovo.

According to the 2015 population census, the city took 39th place in terms of the number of residents in Russian cities. At this time, just over 480 thousand people live in Cheboksary. By national composition the majority of residents are the indigenous population of the republic (Chuvash 62%). There are fewer Russians here in terms of percentage - 32%. Representatives of other nationalities also live in the city: Tatars, Mari, Ukrainians, Armenians, etc.

There are two official languages ​​here: Russian and Chuvash. It is noteworthy that most of The city's population speaks Chuvash. This can be confusing for visitors. But everyone here understands Russian. In terms of religious composition, most of the residents are Orthodox Christians.

Science, culture and industry

The capital of Chuvashia is also famous for its industrial development. Such industries as metalworking and mechanical engineering (9 large enterprises), food industry (4 large enterprises), electric power industry, and light industry are actively developing.

In addition, Cheboksary is the cultural, scientific and educational center of Chuvashia. The city has 5 state higher institutions, 13 branches of universities in other cities, about 20 institutions of secondary education, a large number of schools

As for attractions, there are a lot of them here, both historical and modern.

City division

The capital of Chuvashia, Cheboksary, is conventionally divided into two halves: the left bank and the right bank. The right bank of the Volga is the historical district of the city. There are many beautiful and unique places directly related to the history of the city. The Right Bank is also the business center of the city. The Left Bank is replete with its natural colors, parks, and fountains. This is a great place to relax for both locals and visiting guests.

The capital even has its own “Arbat” - this is the pedestrian street of Merchant Efremov, located in the city center. There is also a merchant's house on it, which is considered an architectural monument of the 19th century. IN present time within the walls of the mansion there is a branch of the Moscow SEI.

On Kompozitorov Vorobiev Street, in the center of the city there is an artificial Cheboksary Bay. This is truly the most beautiful part of the city. City holidays, festivals and fairs are held on the square by the bay. From it you can walk to the banks of the Volga. The central beach of the capital is also located on the embankment.

The city is also famous for its Orthodox religious monuments. For example, the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana was built in 2006. It is located in the northwestern part of the city and has a majestic appearance. There are also ancient Orthodox churches, considered the oldest church in the city (its construction began in 1555) and the Church of the Ascension of Christ, built in 1758. Also in Cheboksary, the Holy Trinity Church is still active monastery, the construction of which began on the orders of Ivan the Terrible.

Like the rest of Chuvashia, Cheboksary is a city with a developed culture. Here you can visit 8 museums and exhibition halls telling about the history of the city and region, theaters and even the State Philharmonic. This is what attracts tourists quite strongly. They are happy to visit all the establishments that are in Cheboksary, buy themselves souvenirs and take photographs as a souvenir, and then return to this city again to relive the amazing emotions from what they saw earlier.

NOVOCHEBOXARSK, city (since 1965) in Russian Federation, Chuvashia, port on the Volga, 20 km from the Cheboksary railway station. Population 123.1 thousand people (2002). Production of building materials, cotton spinning factory. It appeared in 1960 as a satellite of Cheboksary. Near Novocheboksarsk there is the Cheboksary hydroelectric station.

KANASH(until 1920 Shikhrany), city (since 1925) in the Russian Federation, Chuvashia. Railway junction. Population 55.3 thousand people (2002). Mechanical engineering and metalworking (factories: electric forklifts, auto aggregates, etc.); PA "Lakokraska", polymer materials plant; food industry. Museum of Local Lore.

ALATYR, a city in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Chuvashia, is located in the Middle Volga region, on the left bank of the river. Sura, at the confluence of the river. Alatyr, 195 km south of Cheboksary. Railroad station. Airport. District center. Population 46.2 thousand people (2001). Founded in 1552. City since 1780.

Coat of arms of the city of Alatyr. Approved December 22, 1780.

Main industrial enterprises: JSC "Electroavtomat", "Electropribor", electromechanical "Lisma", low-temperature refrigerators, mechanical, "Alba" (production of pianos), "Furniture factory". Footwear, textile, Food Industry. Deposits of peat, clay, sand, etc. have been discovered in the area.

Founded by Ivan the Terrible as a fortified point to protect the borders of the Moscow state at the mouth of the river. Alatyr. Since 1780, the county town of Alatyr.
The city has local history and art museums.

Alatyr. The building of the Chuvash University branch.

In the city and its immediate surroundings there are 15 cathedrals and churches, including St. John the Baptist (1703), Nativity of the Virgin Mary (1747). Active monasteries: Holy Trinity Monastery (founded in 1584) and Kiev-Nicholas Novodevichy Women's Monastery (founded in 1634). Stone mansions from the late 19th - early 20th centuries have also been preserved in Alatyr.

There is an arboretum in the city.

The childhood and youth of the sculptor S. D. Erzya (Nefedov), the shipbuilder A. N. Krylov (monuments were erected, memorial house-museums were opened), the gunsmith designer A. I. Sudaev and others passed in Alatyr.

SHUMERLYA, in Chuvashia, republican subordination, regional center, 110 km southwest of Cheboksary. Located on the slopes of the Volga Upland, the pier is on the right bank of the river. Sura. Railway station on the Moscow - Kazan line. Population 42.7 thousand people (1992; 15.2 thousand in 1926; 30.2 thousand in 1959; 36.2 thousand in 1979).
It emerged in 1916 as a railway settlement. In the 1930s became the location of a number of industrial enterprises. City - since 1937. In modern Sh.: a caravan plant (built in 1931); factories - special vehicles (1928), chemical (1930); wood processing and food industry enterprises. Sh. is the center of an agricultural region. Museum of History and Local Lore.

TSIVILSK, regional center in Chuvashia, 37 km southeast of Cheboksary. Located on the Volga Upland, on the banks of the river. Bolshoy Tsivil (near the confluence with the Maly Tsivil river), 8 km from the railway station of the same name on the branch to Cheboksary from the Moscow - Kazan line. Road junction (to Cheboksary, Ulyanovsk, Kazan). Population 10.4 thousand people (1992; 2.3 thousand in 1897; 8.3 thousand in 1979).
The first mention dates back to 1584, when, by order of Boris Godunov, a fortress inhabited by Russians was built here. In 1609 Ts. was burned by the Cheremis, in 1671 it was attacked by the detachments of S. T. Razin, and in 1774 it was taken by the detachments of E. I. Pugachev. In 1781 Ts. received the status of a district city of the Kazan governorship, and from 1796 - in the Kazan province. IN late XIX V. There were 4 stone churches in Tsentralny, and 17 small industrial enterprises operated. The inhabitants were mainly engaged in agriculture. Since 1920, Ts. - as part of the Chuvash Autonomous Okrug, in 1925-90 - in the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In modern C.: food and light industry; brick and car repair factories. Museum of Local Lore.


Yadrin, a regional center in Chuvashia, 86 km southwest of Cheboksary. Located on the left bank of the river. Sura, 59 km from the Shumerlya railway station on the Moscow - Kazan line. Population 10.6 thousand people (1992; 7 thousand in 1979).
Known since 1590. According to Chuvash legends, the city was named after the pagan Chuvash. In 1708 Yadrin was assigned to the Kazan province, and in 1781 received the status of a district town of the Kazan province. In modern Yadrin: enterprises of the metalworking, food and clothing industries; production of building materials. Near Yadrina, on the banks of the Sura, there is the Chuvash stud farm.
The creator of the 17-volume Dictionary of the Chuvash Language, N. I. Ashmarin, and the artist N. D. Mordvinov were born in Yadrino.

NOVOCHEBOXARSK, in Chuvashia, republican subordination. Located on the slopes of the Volga Upland, on the right bank of the Volga, 5 km below the city of Cheboksary (the nearest railway station to N.). River port. Airport. Population 120.2 thousand people (1992; 39 thousand in 1970; 86.5 thousand in 1979).
It emerged in 1960 as a builders’ settlement during the construction of the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station. City - since 1965. In modern N.: production of building materials; light and food industry enterprises; a chemical plant is under construction (1992).

MARIINSKY POSAD, regional center in Chuvashia, 48 km east of Cheboksary. Located on the right bank of the river. Volga, at the confluence of the river. Syndyrka. Pier (Kuibyshev Reservoir). The nearest railway station is Cheboksary. Population 10.7 thousand people (1992).
Known since early XVII V. like the village of Sundyr. At the request of residents of the village of Sundyr with adjacent villages in 1856 it was transformed into the city of M.P. Cheboksary district of the Kazan province. In modern M.P.: factories - cable products, car repair, machine-building, building materials, alcohol, creamery, etc. Museum of Local Lore.

KOZLOVKA, regional center in Chuvashia, 95 km southeast of Cheboksary. Located on the right bank of the Volga (Kuibyshev Reservoir). It is connected by a road (9 km) to the Kazan-Moscow highway and the Tyurlema ​​railway station on the Moscow-Kazan line. Population 13.1 thousand people (1992; 11.4 thousand in 1979). City - since 1967. Van plant, creamery.


Buinsk, an urban-type settlement in the Ibresinsky district, in Chuvashia, 117 km southwest of Cheboksary. Railway station on the Kanash - Ruzaevka line. Population over 2 thousand people (1993; 4.2 thousand in 1897; over 2.5 thousand in 1979).
In 1780 the village of B. was transformed into a district town of the Simbirsk governorship. After 1917 - a rural settlement, since 1938 - an urban-type settlement.

Volga Federal District. Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia. Area 18.34 thousand sq. km. Formed on June 24, 1920.
Administrative center federal district - city ​​of Cheboksary.

Cities of the Republic of Chuvashia:

- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Volga Federal District, located in the east of the East European Plain, on the right bank of the Volga River. The main river is the Volga with tributaries Sura, Tsivil, Anish. Cheboksary reservoir. In the south there are tributaries of the Sura (Bezdna, Kirya, Me) and Sviyaga (Bula, Kubnya). Floodplain and karst lakes.

Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia is part of the Volga-Vyatka economic region. The leading place in the economy of Chuvashia is occupied by industrial complex, which accounts for more than half of the turnover of organizations of all types of activities. The structure of turnover of industrial organizations is dominated by manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water. The structure of manufacturing industries is dominated by organizations engaged in production food products, electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment, machinery and equipment, Vehicle. Special place The agricultural complex occupies the Chuvash economy. The main cultivated crops in the Republic are potatoes, vegetables, grains, industrial crops (rapeseed, hemp, sugar beets) and fodder crops. Traditional crop - hops. In the livestock industry, the Chuvash Republic specializes in the production of milk, meat and eggs.

On June 24, 1920, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the formation of the Chuvash Autonomous Region as part of the RSFSR.
On April 21, 1925, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to transform the Chuvash autonomous region to the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
On October 19, 1990, the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was renamed into the Chuvash Soviet Socialist Republic.
On February 13, 1992, with the adoption of the Law “On Changing the Name of the Chuvash SSR,” the Chuvash SSR became known as the Chuvash Republic.
In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 2001 N 679, the name of the subject of the Russian Federation was changed to “Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia”.

Cities and regions of the Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia.

Cities of the Republic of Chuvashia: Alatyr, Kanash, Kozlovka, Mariinsky Posad, Novocheboksarsk, Tsivilsk, Shumerlya, Yadrin.

Urban districts Chuvash Republic- Chuvashia:"City of Cheboksary"; "City of Alatyr"; "City of Kanash"; "City of Novocheboksarsk"; "Sumerlinsky".

Municipal districts - Administrative center: Alatyr district - Alatyr city; Alikovsky district - village. Alikovo; Batyrevsky district - village. Batyrevo; Vurnarsky district - town. Vurnars; Ibresinsky district - town. Ibresi; Kanashsky district - Kanash city; Kozlovsky district - Kozlovka; Komsomolsky district - village. Komsomolskoe; Krasnoarmeysky district - village. Krasnoarmeyskoe; Krasnochetaisky district - village. Red Chetai; Marposadsky district - Mariinsky Posad; Morgaushsky district - village. Morgaushi; Poretsky district - village. Poretskoe; Urmara district - Urmary village; Tsivilsky district - Tsivilsk city; Cheboksary district - Kugesi village; Shemurshinsky district - village. Shemursha; Shumerlinsky district - Shumerlya city; Yadrinsky district - Yadrin city; Yalchik district - village. Yalchiki; Yantikovsky district - village. Yantikovo