Carbon dioxide destroys nutrients. Add where the blood goes

Blood together with vessels is transport system body. Every second it transports various compounds, some of which are toxic. Where are harmful substances carried by the blood, and what processes occur with them in the body?

Protective function of blood

Various compounds and microorganisms entering the internal environment through the respiratory and digestive system, as a result they end up in the bloodstream. Many of them can cause serious harm and cause dangerous diseases.

Where are they carried by the blood? They encounter the action of leukocytes. These protective cells absorb and then digest all foreign proteins, viruses and microorganisms. This process called phagocytosis, or intracellular digestion. In this case, the leukocytes themselves die, and new ones are formed in lymph nodes and the thymus gland.

Where are harmful substances carried by the blood?

Along with food and air, various toxins end up inside the body. Where are harmful substances carried by the blood? First of all, they pass through the so-called barrier organs. Let's consider the mechanism of their action using the liver as an example.

This is the largest digestive gland, which receives blood from the veins of the stomach and intestines. Here it is filtered useful compounds, and toxins are neutralized. Together with bile they are excreted. Phagocytic destruction of destroyed red blood cells also occurs in the liver. Removing harmful and unnecessary substances occurs through the digestive, respiratory, urinary and skin organs. The main metabolic products include carbon dioxide, urea, and heavy metal salts.

Nutritional function of blood

Now let's figure out where the blood destroyed are carried away nutrients. Proteins, lipids and carbohydrates are biopolymers. This means that they all consist of a certain number of repeating parts. In the digestive tract, proteins break down into amino acids, polysaccharides into simple carbohydrates, and fats - into glycerol and higher carboxylic acids.

In this case, a certain amount of energy is released, which is used by organisms to carry out vital processes. Why does biopolymer destruction occur? The thing is that their molecules are very large. Therefore they cannot penetrate from digestive tract into the bloodstream. Monomers do this without difficulty. With the bloodstream they enter cells and organs, where they are again “assembled” to form complex organic matter.

Carrying out gas exchange

Gas exchange is also a necessary condition normal functioning of the body. Oxygen by respiratory tract enters the lungs, which contain great amount small bubbles - alveoli. The role of these microscopic structures is enormous. It is in the alveoli that gas exchange occurs between the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Their activities are always carried out jointly. With the help of oxygen, organic substances are oxidized, resulting in the formation of carbon dioxide. This substance forms an unstable compound with hemoglobin. Where are carbon dioxide and water vapor carried by the blood? Of course, again into the lungs, after which they are expelled from the body with exhalation.

So, in the article we looked at where harmful substances are carried away by the blood. Entering the body, they pass through several so-called lines of defense. They are blood and lymph, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skin and lungs. Part harmful substances is neutralized in them, and the rest comes out with the help of. Thanks to this process, constancy is maintained internal environment and is carried out protective function blood.

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The body experiences a constant need for nutrients during its life. Various products food during digestion is converted into amino acids, monosaccharides, glycine and fatty acid. These simple substances absorbed and spread blood throughout the body. Before becoming nutrients, ordinary everyday food - rough, tasty, healthy, exotic - undergoes preparatory processing. The route through which food passes and is gradually transformed is called the gastrointestinal tract. It includes oral cavity, where food, being crushed, is mixed with saliva and turned into food bolus. Through the esophagus with its own numerous glands, food enters the stomach. The mucous membrane of the stomach contains glands that produce mucus, enzymes and hydrochloric acid.

Add where they are carried away by the blood: carbon dioxide - ..., destroyed nutrients

Processed gastric juice food enters small intestine. Having undergone the necessary physical and chemical treatment in gastrointestinal tract, nutrients in the form of simple molecules are absorbed through the intestinal mucosa. Then the blood transfers them to the cells of various tissues. The metabolic process is constantly going on in the cells of the body. Or metabolism. This is a collection of various chemical reactions, which occur in a living organism for its functioning and growth. Metabolism is divided into two stages: catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism is the process of degradation of complex organic substances to simpler ones. Anabolism is a process by which the basic substances of our body are synthesized: proteins, sugars, lipids, nucleic acids. In this case, the body expends a certain amount of energy. Metabolism occurs between cell tissue and intercellular fluid. Composition consistency intercellular fluid It is precisely maintained by the blood flow. During blood circulation, while passing through the walls of capillaries, blood plasma is renewed 40 times, exchanging with interstitial fluid. Both anabolism and catabolism are closely interrelated in time and space and are fundamentally the same in all types of microorganisms, plants and animals.

Gas exchange

Where is carbon dioxide carried away by blood?

Gas exchange is ensured by the functions of several body systems. Highest value have external, or pulmonary, respiration, which ensures directed diffusion of gases through the alveolar capillary septa in the lungs and the exchange of gases between the outside air and the blood; respiratory function blood, depending on the ability of plasma to dissolve and the ability of hemoglobin to reversibly bind oxygen and carbon dioxide; transport function of cardio-vascular system(blood flow), ensuring the transfer of blood gases from the lungs to the tissues and back; function of enzyme systems that ensure the exchange of gases between blood and tissue cells, i.e.

e. tissue respiration.

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Gas exchange
set of processes of gas exchange between the body and environment; consists of consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide with small amounts of gaseous products and water vapor. Intensity G.

An open lesson on the world around us in 4th grade on the topic “What is blood?”

is proportional to the intensity of redox processes occurring in all organs and tissues, and is under the regulatory influence of the nervous and endocrine systems.
Gas exchange is ensured by the functions of several body systems. Of greatest importance are external, or pulmonary, respiration, which ensures directed diffusion of gases through the alveolocapillary septa in the lungs and the exchange of gases between the outside air and the blood; respiratory function of blood, dependent on the ability of plasma to dissolve and the ability of hemoglobin to reversibly bind oxygen and carbon dioxide; transport function of the cardiovascular system (blood flow), ensuring the transfer of blood gases from the lungs to the tissues and back; a function of enzyme systems that ensures the exchange of gases between blood and tissue cells, i.e. tissue respiration.
Diffusion of blood gases (transition of gases from the alveoli into the blood, from the blood into tissue cells and back) occurs through the cell membrane along a concentration gradient - from places with a higher concentration to an area of ​​lower concentration. Due to this process, in the alveoli of the lungs at the end of inspiration, the partial pressures of various gases in the alveolar air and blood are equalized. Exchange with atmospheric air in the process of subsequent exhalation and inhalation (ventilation of the alveoli), it again leads to differences in the concentration of gases in the alveolar air and in the blood, due to which oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide from the blood.
Diffusion of gases through the alveolocapillary septum begins with diffusion through thin layer liquid on the surface of the alveolar epithelium, in which the diffusion rate (i.e., the amount of gas passing through the membrane per unit time) is lower than in air, since the diffusion coefficient is inversely proportional to the viscosity of the medium and also depends on the solubility (absorption) of gases in this liquid. At the same diffusion resistance, the rate of diffusion is directly proportional to the difference in the partial pressure of the gas on both sides of the membrane.