Fiscal memory and Eccles - what is it? Eccles - what is it? electronic control tape protected: purpose and device

The tape that stores information about all cash transactions has a finite resource. When it is exhausted, as well as under some other conditions, the ECLZ needs to be replaced. This process cannot be carried out by this entrepreneur on his own, it is regulated certain rules and follows the generally accepted procedure.

Why does ECLZ need to be changed?

EKLZ is a flash memory block with a capacity of about 16 megabytes, which includes a cryptographic code generation system. All operations performed on the cash register mechanism are recorded in this memory; they cannot be corrected or erased. Obviously, sooner or later the memory resource will be exhausted. EKLZ manufacturers limit the amount of information to be stored to 100 thousand receipts.

EKLZ also has a temporary resource that does not depend on the amount of memory it fills.

Any ECLZ is designed to operate for a year plus one additional month.

After this time has elapsed after activation, the system is automatically locked.

A prerequisite for the legal use of ECLZ is the timely replacement of this unit. The procedure and conditions for replacement are regulated by clause 10 of the “Regulations on the procedure for sale, Maintenance and repair of cash registers in the Russian Federation."

Conditions for replacing ECLZ

It is important for an entrepreneur to know that the EKLZ unit needs to be replaced not when it has already stopped functioning, but in advance.

NOTE! To prevent this time from being wasted, the EKLZ device issues a warning message on receipts in advance indicating that the memory is close to being full. After the first appearance of such a notification, the entrepreneur usually has about 3 months to carry out the necessary procedure.

In addition to filling the resource, there are other factors that entail the mandatory replacement of ECLZ. Let's consider all the circumstances that require immediate replacement of the ECLZ.

  1. Filling the memory block to 9/10 or higher. With such information issued by the cash register, you need to immediately take steps to replace it so that blocking does not occur at the most unexpected moment.
  2. The recording device has expired. Even if the memory is not full, after a year of service the device must be replaced, for this the entrepreneur is given one more additional month to guarantee the operation of the ECLZ.
  3. Problems with the operation of EKLZ. If malfunctions or equipment failure are detected, after the first malfunction, you are instructed to contact a technical service center. It is prohibited to operate a cash register with an inoperative or incorrectly functioning ECLZ device.
  4. Re-registration of the cash register. If the KKM has changed owner, the EKLZ must be replaced outside the plan: the new entrepreneur - new story movement of funds.

We replace according to plan and under warranty

All operations with EKLZ are authorized to be performed only by specialists who have a certificate for such actions. An entrepreneur or cashier does not have the right to do anything independently in relation to EKLZ.

It's just time

The system will inform you independently that it is time to worry about replacing the ECLZ:

  • when 11 months have expired from the start of operation;
  • when the memory block is close to being full.

The owner of the cash register has a certain time resource after warnings appear, but it is better not to delay and start the procedure in a timely manner, because it is not so simple.

In the case of a planned replacement, all costs fall on the shoulders of the entrepreneur, who will have to pay:

  • cost of a new ECLZ device;
  • specialist services;
  • additionally - at the request of the customer, you can order a specialist visit to the place where the cash register is installed (then you won’t have to take the cash register to the technical service center), as well as services for coordinating re-registration in tax office.

IMPORTANT! The specialist will begin work only after all necessary payments have been made. Existing debt or late payment may disrupt the planned replacement of EKLZ, which will result in additional troubles at the tax office and ultimately result in much larger expenses in the form of a fine.

Planned replacement procedure

So, after printing the Z-report, the device issued a phrase stating that the device’s memory would soon be full. What steps should you take sequentially?

  1. Contact the service center and submit a request for a replacement, agreeing on the day and time.
  2. The invoice for payment issued by the management of the central service center must be repaid in full.
  3. Using the information contained in the latest Z-report, the center specialist generates certificates of technical inspection of the cash register, as well as an act of transferring the device for safekeeping (in case of replacement at the center).
  4. The drawn up acts are transferred responsible persons customer for transfer to the tax office for re-registration.
  5. Contacting the tax office, where you need to get a signature and stamp on (part 1), which will be the official permission to replace the EKLZ. When visiting the tax authorities, you must have a certain package of documents with you.
  6. The replacement itself is carried out by a technician.
  7. Second visit to the tax office to obtain a signature on the second part of the KM-2 act (do not forget to provide all the necessary documents). 3 copies of this act are distributed as follows: one remains in the INFS, the second remains with the entrepreneur, and the third customer returns to the central service center.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! From the moment of signing part 1 of KM-2 until receiving the second signature (between points 5 and 7), working on a cash register with the ECLZ removed is strictly prohibited.

The company guarantees

The manufacturer provides a guarantee for the EKLZ units sold by it. If the device fails before 12 months after activation, and this is not the fault of the entrepreneur using it, the supplier will provide a warranty replacement. In this case, all the following conditions must be met:

  • the unit recording information was activated correctly;
  • ECLZ memory is not filled to 100%;
  • no independent attempts were made to manipulate the ECLZ block;
  • the replacement request is submitted within 12 months from the date of activation (the additional 13 month of operation is no longer subject to warranty);
  • a technical examination carried out by the manufacturer made a positive decision on a warranty replacement.

Procedure for warranty replacement

Having detected a malfunction in the operation of the ECLZ before expiration warranty period, the following steps must be taken.

  1. Immediately notify the technical service center or bring the failed device there yourself. Bring with you the latest Z-report and EKLZ passport, certified by the signature and seal of the organization.
  2. Testing of the problematic ECLZ unit (performed by CTO specialists). In this case, all fiscal information from it is copied to additional external media.
  3. When a malfunction is confirmed, a technical inspection report is drawn up and Part 1 of the KM-2 form is filled out.
  4. Based on these documents, an application for examination is drawn up, which is carried out by the General Supplier (this will take 3-5 days). Positive decision gives the right to a warranty replacement of EKLZ.
  5. Form KM-2 and the technical report are submitted to the customer for approval by the tax office.
  6. The steps to obtain permission from the tax authorities and carry out replacement work are similar to paragraphs 5-7 of the planned replacement of EKLZ.

Package of documents for the tax office to replace EKLZ

When going to the tax authorities to obtain permission to replace the ECLZ, the entrepreneur must take with him:

  • cash register form (KKM passport);
  • additional sheet characterizing the cash register version;
  • EKLZ passport requiring replacement;
  • cashier's journal (form KM-4);
  • seal of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur (if any);
  • application form for replacement (obtain from the service center);
  • cash register maintenance agreement;
  • a document received after the first application to the central service center, which must be endorsed by the tax office (part 1 of form KM-2).

After the replacement has been made, this must be recorded with another tax visa, for which you will need to have with you:

  • KKM form;
  • passport of your device version with an additional sheet;
  • EKLZ passport, which is now in your device;
  • journal for calls to technical specialists (form KM-8).

REMEMBER! Whenever EKLZ is replaced, the removed tapes will remain with the entrepreneur. He must keep them intact for the 5 years required by law, for which he must strictly observe the storage conditions indicated in the EKLZ passport.

Entrepreneurs who use a cash register in their activities must deal with the EKLZ device, which is designed to control financial transactions carried out using the cash register.

What are the nuances of using ECLZ, what its pitfalls may be for entrepreneurs, as well as what changes associated with its use will government innovations bring to businessmen, you will learn by reading this material.

Abbreviation and meaning of the device

ECLZ stands for "electronic control tape protected" This is a mechanism that is somewhat akin to a “black box”: it provides protection of the fiscal data of the cash register and its long-term storage, hidden from outside interference. In other words, all operations performed on this cash register are recorded on the EKLZ:

  • every check issued;
  • refund for goods whose purchase is cancelled;
  • report taken at the beginning of the shift (X-report);
  • report closing the shift (Z-report).

The device consists of 3 elements.

  1. Communication processor (CP)– receives and archives data, ensures their exchange with other elements of the device.
  2. Cryptographic coprocessor (CS)– based on the information received from the CP, it generates a unique verification code (CPC).
  3. Archive– a module where all the data received on the EKLZ is stored, including the calculated PDA.

IMPORTANT! EKLZ is energy-autonomous, which ensures data storage in any conditions.

Secret PDA

Each ECLZ device generates cryptographic verification code– PDA. Since the production of EKLZ is supervised by the Russian FSB, the principle of generating this code is secret and cannot yet be deciphered.

This code is automatically calculated by the coprocessor for each punched check and displayed on it in the form unique number(that is, each check receives its own code).

Purpose of the PDA– additional tax control. The tax inspector can, by comparing the PDA with the check data, determine their mutual correspondence and easily calculate manipulations with the ECLZ, if they have occurred. Thus, a careless entrepreneur who tried to reset the proceeds to reduce the tax burden will be exposed.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Any buyer who has received a cash receipt can verify its authenticity by checking the PDA on the official website of the tax office or special information resources.

How information is encoded in a PDA

When the cashier punches a check, complex work takes place in the depths of the cash register, ensuring the recording and storage of information about the transaction performed. This process is carried out in several stages.

  1. The communication processor receives data from the machine, which is displayed on the receipt or report.
  2. The obtained parameters become the basis for the cryptographic processor to generate a unique PDA verification code.
  3. The received code is applied to the control tape and transferred to the CP for issuing a check or report for printing.
  4. The data on the control tape is archived for later storage.
  5. Notes on subtotals during the work process.
  6. When a shift is closed, a summary is generated and entered into long-term non-volatile memory.
  7. All data is transferred to the cash register itself for printing the required receipt or report.
  8. As the resource is filled (up to 100 thousand punched checks or up to 13 months of operation), the ECLZ must be replaced.

EKLZ - a precision instrument

Installation and activation is carried out by a technical specialist.

ECLZ is a disposable device; the meaning of its operation is that the data cannot be externally corrected, so an error during activation is unacceptable. If it is allowed by a technical specialist or the entrepreneur himself (cashier), the ECLZ becomes unusable.

Data that EKLZ can provide

Instead of outdated paper tapes that needed to be stored for several years, making it impossible to detect in the chaos of paper necessary information, the electronic secure tape makes it easy to provide the necessary information upon request:

  • reports on closed shifts in the required time range;
  • reports on closed shifts depending on the numbers of these shifts;
  • financial result of any shift (by its number);
  • the required document (check or report) by PDA number;
  • all operations for the required shift;
  • result after activation of ECLZ.

From the history of EKLZ

EKLZ was not always present as part of cash register mechanisms. Until 2000, fiscal memory was used instead, which turned out to be a not very reliable storage for such data. Skilled hackers have come up with an interface that allows them to interfere with the correction of fiscal memory data without even breaking the factory seals. The idea, which had failed, needed updating.

The Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information, acting on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation, has developed a new concept for storing fiscal data of cash registers, based on cryptography, that is, the formation of a security code. The prototype was tested, and already in the next year, 2001, it was approved by the State Interdepartmental Expert Commission, and in 2002, serial production of EKLZ began.

Since October 1, 2004, the use of EKLZ in cash registers has become mandatory for all entrepreneurs. The absence of EKLZ began to be considered a major offense, punishable by a serious fine.

Will ECLZ be a thing of the past?

In 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a number of legislative innovations regarding the use of cash registers. On June 3, 2016, the President signed Law 54-FZ “On the application of control cash register equipment", designed to completely change many outdated methods registration of revenue and tax reports about her. Modern technologies change the principle of data storage to its immediate online transfer.

Major upcoming changes

  1. All fiscal data via the Internet will be immediately transmitted directly to the tax office.
  2. The check can be issued to the buyer either in printed form or, at his request, sent by e-mail, and the powers of both documents will be the same.
  3. The new model cash registers will use EKLZ instead of fiscal storage- a device that will encrypt and store data, but not on tape, but in electronic form.
  4. Procedure KKM registration will take place online, entrepreneurs will no longer need to appear in person at the tax office and undergo a technical examination, as well as pay for regular technical services.
  5. Entrepreneurs using tax systems STS and UTII, for which KKM was optional, will have to use new-style devices as an indispensable attribute from 2018.
  6. The details on checks will change: the amount of displayed data will increase.

NOTE! Some types of activities will not be affected by the changes - a list of them can be found on official tax resources.

When everything changes

The law has already entered into force, but so far it has not been provided with the appropriate amount of equipment, so the transition to the new rules will be gradual.

If an entrepreneur's cash register is registered with the tax office before February 1, 2017, it can be used without restrictions and any sanctions until July 1, 2017. Next, the old cash register will have to be updated and re-registered - of course, at the expense of the entrepreneur himself. By the way, we already wrote about this in the news material “”. There, all the dates are listed in a table, which clearly demonstrates when exactly you need to prepare to change the equipment.

A secure electronic control tape (or EKLZ) is a component and, according to today’s legislation, an integral part of cash register equipment. The mandatory use of EKLZ as part of cash registers is enshrined in the Methodological Instructions regulating the procedure for using electronic control tapes protected in cash registers from October 1, 2003.
Data Guidelines preceded a number of decisions of the GMEC (interdepartmental expert commission) on cash register machines, which determined that tax authorities do not have the right to accept state registration of cash register equipment not equipped with ECLZ. These decisions oblige organizations and individual entrepreneurs It is mandatory to use EKLZ as part of cash register machines. What is ECLZ? What functions are assigned to EKLZ and what are the risks? legal entity or PBOYUL use of cash register equipment without ECLZ?
These questions often arise for beginning entrepreneurs who are faced with the need to use cash register equipment (CCT) for the first time. Secure electronic control tape (ECT) is an improved, electronic analogue of fiscal memory, used in cash register systems for recording and storing information about cash transactions, as well as providing the necessary reports on these transactions for tax purposes when tax audits. EKLZ, unlike fiscal memory, is a completely energy-autonomous device that is part of the cash register and records absolutely every cash transaction. Recording and storage of information is carried out on electronic media that are inaccessible external influence and therefore the EKLZ is a guarantee of the reliability of information about the revenue received, and therefore deprives the owner of a cash register with an EKLZ installed on him of the opportunity to hide income and minimize taxes. It is not possible to interfere with the EKLZ operation scheme, which contributes to the completeness of the calculation and payment of taxes.
The operating principle of ECLZ is as follows. Cash machine when conducting a cash transaction, it generates a check, then transmits its data to the EKLZ, which in turn, based on the data of the check parameters, generates and issues a verification cryptographic code, a kind of digital signature. The cash register prints a check with a cryptographic signature confirming that the check belongs to this cash register. EKLZ simultaneously archives data that constitutes a continuous control tape and ensures the reliability and completeness of information about all, without exception, cash transactions carried out on this cash register. In addition, the EKLZ records and accumulates replacement results during operation. The cryptographic signature received by the cash register from EKLZ and printed on the check, if necessary, serves as confirmation that the check belongs to an officially registered cash register. This issue turns out to be very important when maintaining accounting records, in situations where there are doubts about the authenticity of checks issued by the cash register of a partner organization. Checks from unregistered cash registers accepted for accounting, can cause significant trouble during tax audits. In such situations, the only way out for the organization is to contact the tax authority with an application for examination of checks, which is carried out by tax authorities based on the identification of the PDA, that is, the cryptographic EKLZ code of a specific cash register. So, ECLZ - necessary element cash register operating on the principle of electronic computer memory, performing archival and fiscal functions. It is a stand-alone and replaceable device. Subject to annual replacement and registration with the tax authority.


What is ECLZ?

EKLZ resource

What does the use of ECLZ provide?




  • when re-registering cash register to another legal entity. face
  • when ECLZ is filled (more than 90%)
  • in case of ECLZ malfunction
  • Only general suppliers and central service centers are allowed to carry out work on replacing EKLZ.

  • Filling out the ECLZ;
  • Re-registration of cash register with the tax authorities to the new owner;
  • Erroneous actions of the operator that led to the failure of the ECLZ.


  • Cash register;
  • Technical passport (form) for cash register;
  • Passport of the KKM version with an Additional Sheet;
  • Passport for EKLZ;
  • Call log for technical specialists;
  • Power of attorney or seal (provided by the organization);

If the ECLZ replacement is planned, then you will be given an ECLZ (which must be stored for 5 years).

What is ECLZ?

ECLZ- this is a Protected Electronic Control Tape. That's what it was called when it was created. Externally, the EKLZ is a box with a single connector with which it connects to the cash register. The main purpose of this device is to prevent changes in fiscal data. During operation, the EKLZ remembers each punched check and signs it electronic signature. Thus, firstly, it is impossible to delete a punched check from the cash register’s memory, since the EKLZ remembers it, and secondly, it is impossible to punch an unreliable check, since initially we do not know its cryptographic signature. As a matter of fact, this signature explains the time-limited resource for using EKLZ, that is, the time during which this signature cannot be deciphered and forged.
EKLZ resource
The temporary resource for using EKLZ is a maximum of 13 months from the month of activation of EKLZ as part of CCP (excluding the day of activation in this month).
For example, a cash register after 00:00 on the first day of the 14th month from the month of activation of the ECLZ as part of a cash register will be blocked for any cash transactions, except for closing a document (if it is open), closing a shift (if it is open), receiving reports: fiscal and from EKLZ, closing the archive in EKLZ.
Also in EKLZ there is a limit on the number of punched checks, but taking into account the capacity of EKLZ (about 200,000 checks). In the vast majority of cases, no more than 500 checks are issued per shift, i.e. The ECLZ resource is enough for more than 400 shifts, which is at least 13 months with daily one-shift work.
What does the use of ECLZ provide?
First What the use of EKLZ gives is that it is impossible to change information about checks issued through the cash register, that is, it gives the tax inspectorate guarantees that the organization’s real revenue will be received from EKLZ. Also, using EKLZ, you can conduct inspections of organizations without their participation. It is enough to take a check punched at the cash register and check the cryptographic signature on it; if it is not correct, then you can immediately say that this check was not punched at this cash register.
Second What the use of EKLZ gives is the impossibility of forging a check. Previously, you could go to any organization, make a purchase there, receive a check in your hand, and then use a cash register-like printing device to produce the same check, but with a larger amount. Now you can also make such a check, but it will have the wrong signature. However, unfortunately, only tax inspectors have the opportunity to check the signature on a check, so a simple accountant of an organization cannot do this.
Third, this is an opportunity to check the authenticity of a receipt, that is, if a buyer comes to you with a product and a receipt and demands a refund for the product, then you can take the receipt from him, print out a document from the EKLZ with the number indicated on the receipt and compare them. If this check is not there, then you can refuse to return the money on the grounds that the check is counterfeit. If we approach this issue on the basis of the law on the protection of consumer rights, then a person can demand a refund for the product even in the absence of a receipt, if he has other evidence that he purchased the product in this store. With the help of EKLZ you can only catch unscrupulous cashiers who gave the client a check for a large amount, and then somehow tried to fake it.

ECLZ replacement is carried out only in the following cases:

  • upon expiration of the established service life (13 months)
  • when re-registering cash register to another legal entity. face
  • when ECLZ is filled (more than 90%)
  • in case of ECLZ malfunction
  • Only general suppliers and central service centers are allowed to carry out work on replacing EKLZ.

Replacement of EKLZ at the expense of the owner of the cash register is carried out in the following cases:

  • Expiration of the established service life of the EKLZ (twelve months);
  • Filling out the ECLZ;
  • Re-registration of cash register with the tax authorities to the new owner;
  • Erroneous actions of the operator that led to the failure of the ECLZ.
The cost of replacing EKLZ is 8100 rubles.
Replacement of EKLZ under warranty is carried out in case of failure of EKLZ during the warranty period (12 months from the date of putting the KKM into operation).


To replace the EKLZ, you must provide the following to the central service center:

  • Cash register;
  • Technical passport (form) for cash register;
  • Passport of the KKM version with an Additional Sheet;
  • Passport for EKLZ;
  • Call log for technical specialists;
  • Power of attorney or seal (provided by the organization);

After replacing the EKLZ, the owner of the KKM is obliged to provide the tax authorities with documents for the KKM with a mark from the central service center about the replacement of the EKLZ.
If the ECLZ replacement is planned, then you will be given an ECLZ (which must be stored for 5 years).

ECLZ performs the following main functions:

  • reception from KKM data cash document(check, report);
  • generation of a cryptographic verification code (CPC) of a check (report) based on the received parameters;
  • transfer to the cash register of the calculated value of the cash register, corresponding to the parameters of the cash document for printing this document, both separately, during the registration process, and as part of the control tape;
  • archiving and storing data that makes up the control tape;
  • accumulation of shifting results in the process of work;
  • generation of shift total data when closing a shift,
  • entering and storing it in the non-volatile memory of the EKLZ;
  • transferring data to the cash register for generating the requested reports.

Internal structure of ECLZ

Replacing ECLZ

Replacing an ECLZ is a sequence of procedures for removing and installing a new ECLZ unit. Replacement of ECLZ is carried out only in following cases:

  • when the ECLZ is filled (more than 90%);
  • upon expiration of the established service life (13 months);
  • when re-registering cash register to another legal entity. face;
  • in case of ECLZ malfunction;

Only general suppliers and central service centers are allowed to carry out work on replacing EKLZ.

Temporary procedure for activating, replacing and storing secure electronic control tape (ECL): Replacement of EKLZ is carried out in the following order.

  • In the event that a cash register is issued (printed) a message indicating that the EKLZ memory is full by more than 90%, the KKT user immediately notifies the central service center that the EKLZ is full and sends it a Letter of Guarantee application for the installation and activation of a new EKLZ. ;
  • In case of expiration of the established service life of the EKLZ as part of the cash register system (12 months from the moment of activation of the EKLZ), the KKT user notifies the central service center one month before its expiration and sends a letter of guarantee application for the installation and activation of a new EKLZ. ;
  • The KKT user submits the following documents to the tax authority:
    • CCT registration card on which the EKLZ will be replaced; ;*Journal of the cashier - operator; ;
    • technical conclusion on the reason for replacing the EKLZ, issued by the Central Technical Center; ;
    • Act in form No. KM-2, certified by the seal of the Central Technical Service (drawn up in triplicate). ;
  • The tax official reviews the submitted documents. Signs the Act in form KM-2 and puts the stamp of the tax authority. This signature is permission to carry out the procedure for replacing and activating a new EKLZ. ;
  • The cash register registration card and the cashier-operator's log remain with the tax authority. ;

ECLZ cost

Since the introduction of EKLZ in 2004, the high cost of annual expenses associated with replacing EKLZ has become a sore subject for many entrepreneurs using cash register machines (KKM). If before the introduction of EKLZ the cost of a budget cash register was 6,000-8,000 rubles, then after the introduction of EKLZ in 2004, similar cash registers cost from 11,000 rubles, that is, it turned out that adding a device for storing information up to 16 MB led to an increase in the price of the cash register almost 1.5-2 times. For comparison, the cost of a device for storing information with a capacity of 1 GB, the so-called flash memory, averages 300-1000 rubles (retail, February 2009).

Statistics on average prices for replacing one EKLZ (in Moscow):

  • 2005-2008: 4500 - 6500 rubles.
  • 2009: ~ 9000 rubles (at the beginning of 2009 the price was increased 2 times).

To replace the ECLZ it is necessary

  • Take a short report on shift closures from the ECLZ for the period from activation to the last closed shift and the results of the current shift from the ECLZ. ;
  • Close the archive in accordance with the operational documentation of the general CCP supplier. When replacing ECLZ in emergency situation, if closing the ECLZ is impossible, close the archive using a special software when connecting the ECLZ to a personal computer (after replacing the ECLZ). ;
  • Remove the CCT casing, which provides protection against unauthorized access to the ECLZ unit. ;
  • Remove the ECLZ unit by disconnecting the ECLZ connector. ;
  • Install a new ECLZ unit by connecting the cable connector to the ECLZ. ;
  • Install the CCT casing. ;
  • Activate the ECLZ. ;
  • Take the necessary reports on the results of ECLZ activation. ;
  • Complete the documents listed below. ;

KKT user, after carrying out the procedure for replacing and activating the ECLZ and registering the central technical center necessary documents, submits to the tax authority:

  • Form (technical passport) KKT. After replacing and activating the ECLZ, an entry is made in the “Special Notes” column about the date of replacement and activation of the ECLZ, indicating registration number ECLZ. The record is certified by a stamp, a seal imprint and the signature of the CTO specialist who replaced and activated the ECLZ. ;
  • An additional sheet to the Version Passport with a note about the activation of the ECLZ, indicating the registration number of the ECLZ and the date of activation, certified by the signature of the executor and the seal of the Central Technical Service. ;
  • Certificate of commissioning of EKLZ (Appendix A of the EKLZ Passport). It is drawn up by the CTO specialist who commissioned the EKLZ, certified by the signature and seal of the CTO. ;
  • Magazine KM-8. The CTO specialist makes a record of the technological procedure performed on the CCT and sticks the tear-off part - the control coupon of the self-adhesive seal, which must have an identification number similar to the number on the seal. ;
  • Act in form No. KM-2, which is drawn up in the following order:
  • in the field of the Certificate “Nature of the malfunction when sent for repair and the conclusion of the central service center specialist on the condition of the fiscal memory unit”, a record should be made about the technological procedure performed, the condition of the fiscal memory unit and the state of the ECLZ before performing the technological procedure; ;
  • The readings of the CCP counters before performing the technological procedure are indicated in the column of the Act “Before sending the machine for repair.” ;
  • KKM counter readings after completing the technological procedure are indicated in the column of the Act “When returning the machine from repair to the organization.” ; The central service center that carried out the technological procedure draws up the relevant documents and transfers them to the user for submission to the tax authority. The specified documents must be accompanied by reporting documents drawn up using CCT, on the basis of which the documents were filled out. Tax authority after receiving the entire set of documents and checking the correctness of their execution, returns them to the user along with the cash register registration card with a note about the activated EKLZ and the cashier-operator’s journal with a record of replacing the EKLZ. In the KM-8 log, the presence of a glued tear-off part is checked - a control coupon of a self-adhesive seal and a tax authority stamp is placed. The tax authority official signs the Act in form KM-2 in the section “Upon return (reception) from repair.” The act is signed in 3 copies and certified with the stamp of the tax authority. One copy remains with the tax authority. The second copy of the act is given to the user for transmission to the central service center. The third copy remains with the user. The tax authority makes a note about the replacement of the EKLZ in the CCP accounting book. Removed ECLZs must be stored by CCP users for 5 years from the date of removal. In this case, the user must ensure the safety of the EKLZ with the information registered in it for the specified period, observing the storage conditions established in the EKLZ passport. Responsible for storing EKLZ is executive organizations or individual entrepreneurs.


  • - Terminological dictionary for cash register equipment from the Center for Technical Maintenance of Cash Register Equipment

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    Cash register "National" Control cash register(KKM) is intended for registering the purchase of goods and printing cash receipt. Cash register in Russia is an instrument of state control over cash de... Wikipedia

    Cash register "National" Cash register (CCM) is a tool for state control over cash flow, completeness and timeliness of cash receipts by enterprises. Cash register ... ... Wikipedia

    Cash register "National" Cash register (CCM) is a tool for state control over cash flow, completeness and timeliness of cash receipts by enterprises. Cash register ... ... Wikipedia