How to name a kitten. What a beautiful and interesting name to give a kitten

Nicknames for male cats should be thoughtful and most suitable for the pet.

It is important that the name matches the external coloring of the pet, its character, breed, and generally describes its personality.

Nicknames by breed

The breed of a cat determines its character and temperament

First you need to decide on .

If this is an ordinary yard pet, and even of a dense build, then the nicknames for boys’ cats can be Vasily, Kuzya Tima - that is, Russian nicknames.

But if your pet thoroughbred, then you need to get a little creative.

For fold-eared cats Powerful popular names are suitable:

  1. Ruslan;

Also suitable for fold-eared cats:

  1. Sultan;
  2. Samson.

For Scottish cats ideal would be:

  1. Sapphire;
  2. Lapis lazuli;
  3. Aquamarine.

Sphynx cats cannot help but captivate with their gracefulness

The most suitable nicknames for boys' cats are:

  • Snowflake;
  • Whitey;
  • Chlorine;
  • Coconut;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Kefir.

The most popular nicknames:

  • Sugar;
  • Isik;
  • Shell;
  • Clean;
  • Lotus;
  • Ray;
  • Frendik
  • Sun.

The main thing is that the name for white cats is bright and kind, such as white cat.

Tabby cats are the most playful and positive.

Let's remember, at least, Leopold the Cat or other cartoon characters.

All of them have a bright temperament, a special sense of self-esteem and unique notes of kindness in their character.

Therefore, cool, beautiful nicknames are suitable for boy cats of this type:

  • Zebrick;
  • Striped whale;
  • Tiger;
  • Watermelon;
  • Stripy;
  • Sparrow.

“I am a majestic cat and you suit my personality!”

Nicknames that determine the character and interests of the owner

Cats can be different, calm, playful, lazy or food lovers.

Sometimes all these traits appear at the same time.

But it is important to correctly determine the character traits, and then coming up with a nickname for your beloved pet will not be difficult.

Cool nicknames are suitable for playful or mischievous cats:

  • Storm;
  • Hurricane;
  • Hooligan;
  • Shustrik;
  • Barmaley;
  • Bandit.

Calm, lazy, seemingly phlegmatic cats can be called:

  • Bourgeois;
  • Tsar;
  • King;
  • Master.

These are the most popular nicknames that will demonstrate the originality and creativity of the owners.

Boy cats who love to eat easily find themselves in the category of popular names:

  • Donut;
  • Glutton;
  • Marzipan;
  • Bar;
  • Sausage.

If the owner of a cat wants to give him an extraordinary, cool name, then there are also funny nicknames here:

  • Jack Sparrow;
  • Arnold;
  • Smith;
  • Kerry;
  • Robert;
  • Leonardo;
  • Bruce;

You can also name your cat brand names, for example:

  • Versace;
  • Dior;
  • Valentino.

Also, avid car enthusiasts have cats named:

  • Opel;
  • Merc;
  • iPhone;
  • Hummer.

Music lovers can name their pets:

  • Elton;
  • Justin;
  • Presley;
  • McCartney;
  • Enrique;
  • Ashley.

If the cat's owner is an avid footballer, then the pet can be named:

  • Beckham;
  • Milan;
  • Spatrak;
  • Miner.

And book lovers can have a furry classic or character at home:

  • Dumas;
  • Pushkin;
  • Robin Hood;
  • D'Artagnan;
  • Othello;
  • Romeo;
  • Holmes;
  • Watson;
  • Mowgli;
  • Don Quixote;
  • Don Juan;
  • Figaro;
  • Quasimodo;
  • Dracula.

Also cool names for cats are cool funny nicknames:

  • Malevich;
  • Manet;
  • Picasso;
  • Leonardo;
  • Salvador;
  • Michelangelo;
  • Durer;
  • Mondrian;
  • Google;
  • bearded man;
  • Wasabi;
  • Garfield;
  • Wasabi;
  • Pepper;
  • Eshkin;
  • Cactus;
  • Cognac;
  • Marble;
  • Scotch;
  • Nice;
  • Espresso;
  • Master.

If your pet, like , displays aristocratic manners, then the following cool names will undoubtedly suit him:

  • Albert;
  • Valmont;
  • Dominic;
  • Joseph;
  • Philip;
  • Charles;
  • Ludwig;
  • Cornelius;
  • Lambert;
  • Luigi;
  • Millennium;
  • Graph;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Elegant;
  • Caesar;
  • Aristotle;
  • Solomon;
  • Aurelius;
  • Pathos;
  • Hercules;
  • Diamond;
  • Sapphire;
  • Glamor;
  • Pierre;
  • Emperor.

Purrs can be very important

It is important to understand that the Soviet Murchiki are a thing of the past; they have been replaced by beautiful and stylish nicknames that correspond to the current times.

It’s worth using your imagination, observing the behavior and character traits of your favorite cat - these are the main principles that will do their job, and your pet will get a great nickname that will charm everyone around you.

And it doesn’t matter at all what breed the cat is, be it, or, or even a mongrel.

Also, the color of the animal does not matter (white, red, black, gray, three-suit, striped).

The main thing is that he is loved and brings pleasure to his owners and everyone around him.

When acquiring a small, furry friend, new owners are faced with the question: “What to name the cat.” Some people want an original, sophisticated and fashionable name. Others are cute and funny. But most people don’t know what name to choose for a kitten. This article will help answer this question.

Name for a cat based on external characteristics

Choosing a name for a cat is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The easiest way is to start from the appearance of the animal, its color, spots, length of fur, eyes, etc. This method of choosing a nickname is the most popular. Most owners name the animal precisely by this characteristic. Don’t think that it will turn out uninteresting or unoriginal. The main thing is that the nickname suits the cat.

Name the cat a girl white color, quite simple. The owners just need to think about what they associate the color white with.

It can be something of your own or common, for example: Snow, Squirrel, Snowflake, Winter, Snezhana, Umka, Snow, Lady. Very original nicknames for cats: Alaska, Antarctica, Arctic.

And the boy can be called Snowball, Ice, Orbit, Sugar, Tick-Tock, Belok, Weiss.

A black cat is a symbol of elegance and grace. From a small tousled kitten grows a real panther, whose fur shimmers in the light, and every step is filled with elegance. This is what you need to start from when giving a nickname to an animal. The black cat can be called Bagheera, Bastet in honor of the ancient Egyptian goddess, Athena or Perseus. You can give a simpler name, for example: Nochka, Klyaksa, Pepsi, Poppy, Basta, Mukha, Betty.

Suitable nicknames for a boy are Chernysh, Coal, Smaug, Smog, Smokey.

Nice name for a cat gray– simple, because her color is already inspiring. Names such as Sapphira, Serena, Sonya, Sam, Sema, Mouse, Gray, Grace, Aqua, Dove, Smokey or Dymka, Melon are perfect.

A ginger cat can be called by the most optimistic, playful and graceful names. For example: Alice, Fox, Liska, Lisa, Perseus, Stella, Venus, Mars, Marcia, Orange, Mandarin. Also good simple names, such as Peach, Redhead, Redhead, Peach, Sweetie, Freckle, Speckle, Ray, Sunny.

Among boy kittens, the popular nicknames are: Ryzhik, Chubaisik, Luchik, Yantar.

Name calico cat it can be done in different ways. A good imagination will come in very handy, since a colorful animal may find the most suitable different names. For example: Rainbow, Rainbow, Wrapper, Flower, Color, Fortune, Christmas Tree, Fun, Kiss, Spot, Watercolor, Watercolor, Tube, Paint, Esmeralda and Spiral. Some of the listed nicknames are also suitable for boys.

Name depending on character

Cats, like people, each have their own character, mood and temperament. When choosing a nickname for cats, it is very important to pay attention to this point, since the name should reflect inner world pet.

A cat distinguished by affection and love can be given the nickname Lyuba, Nyusya, Asya, Mura, Murka, Lova, Musya, Masya, Nyashka, Nyasha, Yummy, Mylyshka, Malya, Manya, Bonya, Masyanya, Nyusha. It should be soft, light and cute, just like the animal itself. The names Bayun and Relax are suitable for boys.

But not all pets are good-natured. Very many cats have a firm, lively, masterly character. They don't like to be touched, stroked or tried to play with. Nicknames suitable for such important persons are: Margot, Tonya, Bomba, Chili, Merlin, Lauren, Gioconda, Jolie, Saltpeter, Sulfur.

There are representatives of the cat family with a playful character. Such cats are always on the move, they need to go everywhere and do everything. Nicknames such as Bullet, Strelka, Belka, Zvezdochka, Flashka, Puma, Headlight, Mouse, Shakira, Besya, Penka, Fish, Shark, Kashtanka, Ocher, Zorka, Sailor, Fury, Simka, Sirena, Anfisa are suitable for cute kids.

Cool nicknames for cats

If the owners have a sense of humor, then you can choose a funny name for the pet. As a rule, funny nicknames are born from the appearance or habits of the animal. It's cool to name a cat based on its taste preferences, for example: Sausage, Sausage, Cutlet, Pie, Waffle, Sausage, Yummy, Stew, Charlotte.

It is fashionable to give a cunning and resourceful cat the nickname Spy, Radio Operator, Kat, Trinity, Tricky, Shpan, Zaslanka, Intelligence, Mrs. Smith, Lariska, Kozyavka.

For an athlete cat who is in a hurry to be on time everywhere, the names Bazooka, Cannon, Jump Rope, Hooligan, Troy, Pandora, Pirate, Goonie, Whistle are suitable.

Interesting nicknames for cats in alphabetical order

Every housewife wants to give her cat an interesting name so that her pet stands out from the rest and is the best. There are many good and interesting names for cats. They can be old Russian, foreign and any others.

List of the best cat names:

  • A: Avdotya, Akulina, Aurelia, Agatha, Agnia, Azalea, Aida, Angela, Anita, Apollinaria, Ariadne, Arsenia, Artemia, Astrid;
  • B: Bella, Blackie, Lingonberry, Barbara, Betty, Berta, Bazhena, Bambi;
  • In: Varna, Vandochka, Vasilisa or Vasilek (abbreviated Vasya), Venus, Viola, Vlasta, Vesta, Volya;
  • G: Glafira (abbreviated as Glasha), Hera, Grettel, Glafira, Gloria, Gertrude, Golub;
  • D: Diodora, Gina, Juliet, Deutsche, Dekabrina, Dunka, Domna;
  • E: Eva, Evdokinia, Elizaveta (Lisanka), Euphrosyne;
  • F: Zhanna, Julia, Georgelitta;
  • Z: Zlata, Zimka, Zarina, Zvenislavochka;
  • And: Ivanna, Isabella, Joanna, Jonah, Isolde, Hippolyta, Isidora Duncan, Irma, Sparkle;
  • K: Capitolina (abbreviated Kappa), Coco (Chanel), Carolina, Clarice, Constance, Cleopatra, Xunya;
  • L: Leniana, Lina, Louise, Lenina, Leontia, Lucretia, Lesya, Lulu, Livia, Lina, Liliana, Lilia, Lumiya;
  • M: Mavra, Maruska, Magda, Madeleine, Malvinka, Margarita, Martochka, Marfusha, Matilda, Matryoshka, Milana, Millya, Mimimishka, Mia, Molly, Muse;
  • N: Nana, Nessie, Nelly or Neonila, Nefertiti, Ninel, Novella, Nora, Nochka, Nate, Nyusha;
  • A: Octavia, Oktyabrina, Olympiada, Olympia;
  • P: Pavlina, Panna, Paulina, Pandora, Praskovya, Panochka, Penny;
  • R: Rada, Rimma, Rosochka;
  • With: Solomeya, Svoboda, Severina, Serafima, Sendy, Sophia, Susanna, Suzanna, Susan, Stepanida (Styopa);
  • T: Tyra, Tasha, Tisha, Trisha, Taira, Tamila, Tess;
  • U: Ulyana, Ustinya, Ulya;
  • F: Faina, Fina, Frau, Felicia, Philadelphia, Flora, Florence, Floriana;
  • E: Eureka, Elelnora, Elsa, Emma, ​​Erica;
  • Yu: Juno, Yuta, Yuna.

Signs associated with cat names

A cat can become not only a person’s friend, but also his talisman. A correctly chosen nickname will attract everything dearly desired to the owner of the animal. Therefore, if there is not enough love, money or health in life, then you need to carefully choose the nickname of a new household member.

If in Lately luck has turned away from the owners and they lack a little bit of luck, then perhaps they should get a cat. Call her Rainbow, Luck, Piece of Happiness, Lucky or Rada.

If you have a desire that seems unrealistic, then you need to get a cat with the name Zlata, Lamp, Rybka, Gina, Star, Lotyreyka, Sorceress, Fairy Tale, Coupon.

If the owner dreams of great love, a man who will become her soul mate for the rest of her life. Then you can get a girl kitten and name her Venus, Lyubov, Lova or another name meaning love.

Finance is what many people lack to achieve complete happiness. To attract them, you can call the fluffy talisman Dollar, and also suitable nicknames are Coin, Ruble, Kopeyka, Denga, Zolotka, Cent, Peso, Mark, Euro, etc.

If there are quarrels, swearing, and lack of peace and harmony in the house, then the cat can be called Harmony or Peace. Also suitable nicknames are Relax, Euphoria, Friendship, Accordion, Balance.

At the end of the article, it is safe to say that there are a million names for cats. But it is important to remember the main thing: you need to love your pet and pronounce its name with affection. Then, regardless of the name, she will answer her owner in kind. will become true friend and a caring pet.

The question that is asked great amount cat owners. But it’s better to pose the question this way: how to choose the right nickname for an animal, so that it is smart, correct, and most importantly, so that the animal responds to it.

It’s quite difficult to come up with such a unique nickname, and to come up with it, you need to remember that cats only hear the first three sounds of their name. The rest of the letters are of little importance to them, therefore, cats respond perfectly to kitty-kitty.

Well, there are different cat names. There are many of them and they start with different letters, they contain a different number of letters, the number of hissing letters, as well as many more distinctive features. But the main thing that guides owners when choosing cat names is the behavior of kittens in childhood.
Below .

Each kitten has its own features, which shows all the inclinations of the kitten. You can also focus on the color of the kitten, eye color, behavior and only after that long process It will be possible to determine the kitten’s nickname; delaying the choice of nickname is also not recommended. After all, the kitten may not get used to the nickname, which was given too late.

There are also the most common nicknames that have been used for many years. These nicknames, as you may have guessed, are Barsik, Musya, Murzik, Vaska, Boris and many other “boring” nicknames, and also, the nickname depends on the breed of the cat. Some people give their pets nicknames that suit their appearance! For example, if the kitten is fluffy, smoky in color, and also has a kind, sympathetic character, then it would be logical to name him Barsik or Vaska.

Nicknames for cats should be bright, most often they contain diminutive suffixes, but, of course, they should suit the character and appearance of the cat. For example, Arabian cats are typically named Aben, Abrek, etc. So, the names of cats are given precisely according to this principle! Nicknames for cats are chosen in the same way as for cats! I hope that you will no longer have any difficulties or questions about what to name your cat!

It is believed that the name of an animal affects its fate. Whether this is true or not is up to the pet owners to decide. But the fact that the nickname most often reflects the character of the pet is a fact.

How to come up with a name for a cat?

Instead of racking your brains over the question of what to name a cat, going through all the known nicknames in your head, look at the kitten and try to find something special in it - something that immediately catches your eye and distinguishes it from the rest.

First of all, you need to pay attention to color, eye color, behavior (how and how much the kitten eats or sleeps, plays, etc.). So, for example, if a cat constantly plays and hardly sits still, then you can call him Fidget, and if most when Sonya sleeps.

Also, don’t lose sight and be sure to consider the “traditional” cat names that will suit any “meowing” male specimen: Murzik, Vaska, Kuzya, Barsik, Fluff.

What to name a boy kitten?

A boy kitten can be called not only Vaska or Murzik, but also, for example, Kotofey, Garfield, Meowka. White cat can be called Snowball or Belyash, the black one - Coal, Malevich, Partisan, Chernysh, Felix, Spy, Behemoth.

For gray cat Nicknames such as Smoke, Smoke, Ash, Mouse, Tom, Wulf are great. A red-colored kitten can be called Ryzhik, Siskin, Melon, Honey or Oscar.

How to name a girl kitten?

Often a female kitten is called Murka, Milka or Marquise. At the same time, less common nicknames can be perfect for a pet: Aska, Aphrodite, Businka, Bagheera, Motya, Chanel.

You can also borrow a name for a cat from representatives of flora and fauna: Rose, Violet, Butterfly, Fox, Mouse.

How to choose an original name for a pet?

Let's call the kitten funny

Often, owners do not want to give their pet a regular nickname, gravitating towards a more exotic or extravagant name. In this case, you can, for example, come up with some original nickname that characterizes not only the new pet, but also its owner.

So, for example, the owner with good feeling humorist can name his kitten cool: Chip, Godzilla, Shpuntik, Smiley, Kitsurik, Grumpy, Mustache, Tiger or Tangle.

Choosing a name based on the owner's profession

Also, the nickname for an animal is often a reflection of its owner’s hobbies or profession. So, it is not uncommon for programmers to come across a cat named Mouse, Klava, Pixel, Commander, Escape or Matrix.

Scientists often name their cats after the names of great scientists: Newton, Fischer, Roentgen, Bayer, Maxwell, Darwin, Gauss, Faraday, Georg (Ohm), Laurent (Lavoisier).

Car enthusiasts can name a kitten after a car, spare part or automaker - Mercedes, Veyron, Ferrari, Jaguar.

Choosing a nickname depending on your hobbies and interests

Reading enthusiasts prefer the names of their favorite characters or the surnames of writers as nicknames for their pets: Potter, Scarlet, Sally, Tom, Gray, Juan, Frederick, Sherlock, Robinson, Mayer, Agatha, Boleslav.

Movie fans love to give kittens the names of actors and their role characters: Joni, Robert, Cruise, Cooper, Murphy, Fox, Charlize, Kate, Janie, Holly. Musicians, in turn, often name their kittens after their idols: Alice, Ludwig, Mozart, Elvis, Tartinny, Frank, Kurt, Gibs.

Fishing enthusiasts can safely live with a cat whose names are Okunek, Crucian carp, Leader, Poplavok, Gruzilkin.

Fashionistas' cats often have nicknames such as Armani, Johnson, Versace, Ford, Jaravani, Galliano, Stella, Louis.

Choosing a name for a kitten whose owner will be a child

If a kitten is chosen for children, then it can be made fairy tale character, calling him Basilio, Bogatyr, Gorynych, Kashchei, Malvina, Alisa, Karabas, Jasmine, Ellie, Goodwin, Kolobok, Dunno, Button, Asterisk, Gerda or, simply, kitten Woof.

“Precious” name for a pet

In addition, you can name the cat as precious or semiprecious stone- Diamond, Emerald, Crystal, Sapphire, Diamond, Agate, Amber, Jasper, Sapphire. Funny nicknames for the animal in this case will sound like Pebble or Brick.

What can you call a purebred cat?


Pedigree cats, as a rule, have a special character, they are proud and very sensitive. Therefore, they need to choose appropriate nicknames. So, Marcel, Arnie, Dalas, Louis, Murphy, Tyler are considered excellent nicknames for a Briton.


When choosing a nickname for a Sphynx kitten, you can use male Egyptian names: Amenhatep, Jabari, Imhatep, Meti, Osiris, Thutmose, Thoth. This cat unusual breed can be named after the Egyptian goddess - Isis, Ia, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Nein, Shepsid or Ash.

Fold or Scottish Fold

The fold-eared kitten can be called Baron or Arro. Also suitable nicknames for him are Quentin, Jonathan, Bruce, Ludwig, Samur. Fold cats can be called Aina, Bianka, Diana and Gressy.

These same nicknames are also suitable for a Scot, however, as are other unusual nicknames, for example, Whiskey, Daniels, Walker, Janie, Marcel.


If you need to choose a nickname for a Siamese cat, then you should take into account that representatives of this breed are distinguished by great affection for people and require a lot of attention not only while they are small, but also when they grow up. They more than repay their owner’s care with affection and devotion. That's why Siamese cat it is better to call them by “soft and warm” nicknames: Ray, Alice, Laska, Businka, Iriska, Nezhka, Lucy.

So a joyful day has come - a pet has appeared in the house, which has already become the favorite of all family members.

If the family is large, then everyone needs to choose a name for the kitten together, and everyone can contribute.

Some animals appearance they literally demonstrate what their names are.

Especially if the name is too noble, for example, Count, Lord, Sheikh, Sherkhan, Baron or Marquis.

The raised head and deliberately careless appearance of the cat make it clear that even in abbreviation it is impossible to call the animal by its name, but on Vaska he just won't respond.

As practice shows, cats most often adapt themselves to their name.

Long debates about the name of a kitten should end with coming up with the most suitable nickname, which will in the future characterize the behavioral traits of the pet.

Initially, all cats had almost the same name.

Male individuals received a name Vasya, Murzik, Fluff, Stepka, Smoke, Kuzya or Boris.

Cats were given nicknames Kisa, Busya, Muska, Masha, Sima or Murka.

So, what to name a kitten if... believe in subtle worlds

Many astrologers say that it is now fashionable to select not only compatible names and patronymics for people, but also euphonious nicknames for animals, even combining the name of the animal with the name of the owner.

Eg, Boris-Bars, Valentin-Valik, Arseny-Sery, Maxim – Max, Tatyana-Tasha, Maria-Manya.

Consonant names suggest a close relationship between the cat and the owner in the future, but this statement is not justified in any way.

When a cat appears in the house, it brings with it a lot of positive emotions, and offending it with an inappropriate or offensive nickname is, at the very least, wrong.

It is worth approaching the choice of a name for your pet with all responsibility, and the animal will repay you with love and loyalty for many years.