There is no way to train someone to follow a command. Useful techniques for teaching your dog commands

Raising a dog begins from the time the puppy is weaned from its mother. The baby is taught to obey, and core team, which is the first to be learned by the puppy - this is the command “fu!” or “you can’t!” The prohibition of unwanted actions may be accompanied by various influences: by jerking the leash, spanking with a newspaper, or depriving of liberty by isolating in a separate room or in.

How to teach a puppy the command “no!”

Kids of any breed are very curious, they love to play mischief, play around, pick up stones and all kinds of garbage from the ground. Stopping unwanted actions occurs with the command “no!” or “ugh!”, which is reinforced by physical impact.

Team "Ugh!" - the first in training a puppy.

The first rule that must be observed when training is punishment immediately at the time of the offense. The kid who stole the tablecloth from the table forgets about the prank within five minutes, having started chasing the cat, so it is useless to scold him for this. If the owners come home and find a complete mess and a puppy sleeping peacefully on a pile of torn books, then they can only restore order. Scolding the baby in this situation, poking him into scraps of paper, means destroying the dog’s trust in the owner and frightening him. After several such repetitions, the dog begins to fear the arrival of its owners, hiding from them.

But if you catch a puppy at the moment of committing an offense, then you need to:

  1. Unnoticed by the baby to approach him.
  2. Sharply and firmly pronounce the command “no!”
  3. Reinforce the command with a small spanking on the withers or a slap with a newspaper, achieving the termination of the action.

After the first time, many puppies do not understand the reasons for the owner’s anger and may become offended and hide. It is important not to curry favor with the stubborn dog or feel sorry for him; after a while, you can just take your pet out for a walk or invite him to play.

In teaching the prohibition command it is important subsequence. For a misdemeanor it is always necessary, without exception. If the first time a torn rug caused a spanking, and the next time the owner was touched by the baby’s naughty face and did not punish him, then the offense will be committed again and again.


No need to repeat the command “fu!” many times. One word spoken in a harsh and stern tone is enough. The puppy should see the owner's displeasure, but excessive cruelty is inappropriate. Animals spoil things and make puddles on carpets not because of a secret intent to harm a person, but simply because they are bored or don't go out much.

The command “no!” is absorbed quite quickly, as it is repeated several times during the first few months when the puppy is growing. An achievement is considered to be the unquestioning execution of a command at the first shout, and the dog begins to understand that he is committing a prohibited act and is ready to stop the action immediately.

How to teach an adult dog the command “fu!”

It happens that a dog ends up in a family as an adult, not trained teams, not socialized. Most often, these are animals that linger in nurseries, where they are kept in an enclosure, or wanderers from a specialized shelter. In this case, you have to teach the dog everything, including the prohibiting command.

Adult dogs have developed intelligence, even if they have not undergone special training. They remember grievances well and are able to draw an analogy between the offense committed and the punishment much faster than a puppy. But one thing remains unchanged as the dog ages: the animal must be scolded. at the time of the crime.


A command spoken in a stern voice is best learned; it can be reinforced with a slap on the body or a sharp tug of the leash. Usually one or two times is enough for the pet to understand the meaning of this command. It’s interesting to watch the dog’s reaction to the ban: a questioning look immediately follows the command. The dog seems to be asking: “Is it really impossible?”

Basic principles of teaching the command “Fu!”

  1. The offense should be punished immediately; delayed punishment makes the puppy avoid communication with the owner and be afraid of him.
  2. The command is given once and only after it can you physically influence the dog. It is unacceptable to spank the dog first and then give a command.
  3. Always be consistent when punishing wrongdoing. You cannot allow what was previously prohibited.

In most cases, the command “no!” or “ugh!” given less and less as the dog ages. A two-year-old dog already knows exactly what actions should not be performed and behaves decently, and a five-year-old pet practically does not need a prohibitory command, so well have they learned the rules of life in the house.

Video. Team "Ugh!"

A dog that does not know basic commands can pose a danger not only to itself, but also to others. Even the most friendly and affectionate four-legged pets sometimes need sharp and timely intervention to stop their dangerous actions.

How to teach a dog the “fu” command quickly and easily?

You need to start training the puppy when you are still a puppy, but before three months punishment can have a negative impact on nervous system animal, therefore, acquaintance with the “fu” command should begin precisely after this age. To train, you will have to punish the puppy. Remember that light punishment now will save the dog from many dangers and troubles in the future. You can punish with a light blow of the palm of your hand on the croup or with the help of a special one with spikes. There is an opinion that you should not hit a dog with your hand. Of course, such punishment cannot be carried out with someone else’s dog, but in the owner-dog relationship everything is much more complicated. This palm only sometimes punishes, much more often it strokes, caresses, feeds and helps.

How to teach a puppy the “fu” command depends on the conditions in which he lives and the habits of the animal. For some, the beginning will be a ban on picking up all kinds of objects from the floor, for others, introducing the pet to the team because of attempts to catch up with the cat. In any case, the command must be executed clearly and instantly.

Teaching the “fu” command consists of several steps:

  1. The dog has started an action that needs to be stopped. For example, she picked up something or tried to catch up with the cat.
  2. You should command in a confident tone: “Ugh!”
  3. Punishment stage. It is important to calculate the strength here. You can only hit the croup with your palm. If a collar with spikes is used, the command is followed by a tug that is noticeable to the dog.
  4. The training is repeated until the dog clearly follows the command. But the command should be given only 2-3 times per lesson with an interval of at least 15-20 minutes.
Commands "fu" and "no"

To avoid using the "fu" command too often and leave it for the most important and emergency cases, you can teach the dog to understand the word “no”. For example, if a dog tries to enter a room that is not intended for him, or greets a guest too cordially, the “no” command is appropriate. If a dog is going to eat a dead mouse found on the ground or catch a neighbor’s cat, it must be immediately stopped by the command “fu”.

Training is an integral part of a dog's life in human society. The “fu” command for dogs is necessary, since the animal cannot always correctly assess the situation in a society created according to the laws of people.

Team "Ugh!" is rightfully considered a universal tool for controlling dog behavior. Tactics help prevent possible consequences, which often happen in the process of pet disobedience. Team training is carried out with early age, so it makes sense to consider the methodology of working with a puppy. There are also frequent cases when you have to give a command adult. Let's talk about everything in order.

Why teach your dog the “Fu!” command?

There are many unforeseen circumstances that put a dog and its owner in danger.

  1. In most cases, untrained dogs have the unpleasant habit of barking in the apartment at the slightest rustle. If the puppy is still small, the neighbors will not knock on the door with exclamations of discontent. However, in the case of a healthy individual, you may have difficulties with people living nearby. To calm a restless pet, just say “Ugh!”
  2. It is known that in big cities utility services poison yard dogs, thereby clearing the streets of rabid pets. If your four-legged friend does not know the command “Fu!”, he can pick up a treat stuffed with rat poison. The events that will develop further are obvious.
  3. Dogs are loyal and loving animals. When a pet sits alone at home all day, when the owner returns from work, he involuntarily begins to ask to be held. If we talk about large breed dogs, no owner will like this act. By saying the command “Fu!”, you will rid yourself of this kind of behavior. The same applies to animals that, during a walk, ask to be held, leaning on the owner with dirty paws.
  4. Dogs sense people and become aggressive when they see someone drunk or smoking man, as well as noisy children. You may not notice bared teeth and other manifestations of character, but the pet will attack a passing pedestrian with all its might. To protect yourself from law enforcement agencies, and your dog from being euthanized, you need to say “Ugh!” in time. in a menacing voice.

Teaching a puppy the command “Fu!”

  1. Work with puppies begins when the pets reach three months of age. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure ahead of time, just like punishing a pet for committing dirty tricks.
  2. At this stage, your main task is to maintain the puppy’s psyche at the proper level; you should not expose your pet to stress. Therefore, start by learning the “Give!” command.
  3. Let's give an example. You went for a walk with your animal, and the puppy picked up some forbidden crap from the floor. Squat down, extend your open palm forward, say “Give it!” or “Give!”
  4. If the puppy makes no attempt to place the object picked up from the ground on your hand, carefully open its mouth and take the contents from it. Give your puppy a treat in return.
  5. Gradually replace “Give!” to “Ugh!” Say the command in a stern voice, always in the same key. Thus with early childhood you teach your pet to obey.
  6. It is important to remember forever that when teaching the command “Fu!” Treats are not allowed. As a rule, prohibited actions are not encouraged; the puppy must understand this.
  7. When your pet is 4 months old, start using irritants. While walking on a leash attached to the collar, lightly tug the puppy if he shows disobedience. At the same time say “Fu!”

  1. Pet training begins on the street, using a regular leash. Choose a place where there will be food scraps or pigeons. Try to train your dog on a quiet route away from large cluster children.
  2. Dog trainers use special tactics to train their charges. Experts lay out sausages along the chosen route in advance, then go for a walk with the dog and begin the manipulations. If you wish, you can follow their advice by asking your partner to lay out the food without your pet noticing.
  3. In the process of training an adult, it is recommended to change routes frequently so that the dog does not enter the “comfort zone”. At the initial stage, the command “Fu!” is practiced without the participation of relatives (that is, other dogs) and people.
  4. After choosing a route, start training. Go for a walk with your pet at a slow pace. Take your time, the speed should be minimal. This way, both you and your pet will react to the changed situation in a timely manner.
  5. When your pet senses the sausage and heads towards it, exclaim “Ugh!” in a menacing voice, while simultaneously pulling back on the leash. Watch the force of the jerk so as not to damage the animal's neck. Don't stop mid-command. It is important that the dog slows down just for a second and then follows you.
  6. After a minute of walking, begin to stop slowly. Order your dog to sit or give a paw, and give your pet a treat. This move will relax the animal, since the dog’s body has previously experienced stress (pulling the leash). It is important to remember: for executing the command “Fu!” no refreshments are given.
  7. During one walk, you can give a maximum of 5 commands “Ugh!” Large quantity will tire the animal too much and suppress its fighting spirit. Keep the interval between orders; it should not be less than a quarter of an hour. Give commands in a stern tone, do not squeal, do not hit your pet.
  8. At first, you can’t “bark” at your ward. To get your way, use a leash. You can scream only after the command has been completely assimilated and only in those cases when the dog does something “out of the ordinary.”
  9. In the process of teaching the animal the command “Fu!” adhere to the rule that you do not slow down your pet, but flatly forbid him to perform any action.
  10. For example, you forbade your pet to sniff a bench while walking. He looked at you with the eyes of the “cat from Shrek”, you took pity and took the order back. Such manipulations are unacceptable! Continue your walk, if you really want to, allow the dog to sniff the next bench, but not the one that was banned.
  11. Learn to give the order “Ugh!” in a situation that requires the use of this particular command. If your pet pulls on the leash, say “Near!”, but in no case “Ugh!” When an animal plays with children's toys, say “Give!”
  12. Some dog owners encounter a problem when their four-legged friend does not react to tugs on the leash. In case of large breeds use a special metal collar with spikes or a microcurrent harness.
  13. Dogs of all other breeds can say “Ew!” and lightly hit the rump with the newspaper. As practice shows, tactics always work perfectly.
  14. The main thing is to follow the sequence: “Ugh!” - a jerk of the leash - a slap with a newspaper. If your pet obediently responds to your voice, there is no need to pull it with a leash, just like punishing it with a newspaper.
  15. When your pet successfully learns the command during a walk in a quiet place, complicate the training. Choose a route with the presence of other dogs, people, birds, etc. Honing the skill follows a similar pattern. When the pet responds unquestioningly to the voice, he has learned the command.
  16. Now lengthen the leash to train the animal to follow orders at a certain distance. Bring the actions to automaticity, only then begin training without a leash. The last manipulations begin again in a calm environment, after which the task gradually becomes more difficult.
  17. It is important to understand that training is easier at a short distance. The dog understands that if he makes a mistake, he will get hit on the rump or neck with a newspaper. If you have a goal - to teach your pet the command “Fu!” from a distance of more than 10 meters, you will have to try very hard.

Don’t forget to take breaks during the training process, and don’t pull the leash unless necessary. Say the command at the moment of performing prohibited actions, and not after they have been carried out. Secure the result more difficult tasks, don't hit the dog.

Video: how to teach a puppy a command

Do you never tire of being amazed at your dog’s amazing ability to find all sorts of nasty things on the ground while walking and immediately drag them into his mouth? By the way, you can find out a lot of interesting information about dog walking. In this case, only the command “Fu!”, which serves as a warning call and at the same time acts as a specific prohibition on further actions. Does your dog lunge at people? The “Fu!” command can also help here. Is your dog chewing on your slippers? And here you cannot do without such a categorical prohibition as your menacing and firm “Ugh!”

Basically, if we consider all those possible cases, in which it would be appropriate to use this command, then there are many of them. Therefore, whether you like it or not, it is necessary to teach your dog this command. Now, just how to do it right? We will tell you about this today...

The Importance of Team Fu

Is it difficult to teach a dog the Fu command?

Is it difficult to teach this command to your dog? Not at all, for this you will need patience, consistency and more patience. Well, what about the result? He won't disappoint you. After all, dealing with a well-mannered dog is much more pleasant and easier than dealing with an unbridled animal that does not react at all to your words. Therefore, let's not make life difficult for you or yours. four-legged friend, let’s proceed directly to studying our most important team...

When to start teaching your dog the Fu command

How younger age dogs - the more patience you will need to ensure that the animal once and for all learns the lesson that “Ugh!” - it means “Ugh!” However, learned from childhood The command is firmly fixed in the dog’s mind for life.

Teaching a dog the fu command

Puppy command training

So, you are dealing with a puppy . In order to wean him from unwanted actions, it is enough to switch his attention to something more interesting, not forgetting to say the command “Ugh!” However, you should not be too hasty in rewarding the puppy for switching his attention - the baby may think that you are praising him not for leaving a bad idea, but for the fact that he was doing it. In the case when it is not possible to distract the puppy’s attention - the baby is so carried away by his find during a walk, you have no choice but after the strict command “Ugh!” approach him, open his mouth and take out his find from there.

Also, during the training of this command, the use of a mechanical stimulus is allowed - in parallel with the command, which you pronounce loudly and clearly, you can also spank the puppy in the croup area.

Whatever command you say, you must know that you must say it while looking straight into the dog’s eyes. As for intonation, it should be strict, so much so that the animal understands that you are not joking or playing. Otherwise, the dog simply will not take your words seriously.

In the case when the effect of the mechanical stimulus is not observed - the dog does not unclench its jaws and is not going to give up its idea - you can spank it again, slightly increasing the force of the blow.

No one is talking about beating an animal or using physical violence against it. Here we are talking about making it clear to the dog, in a language he understands, who is in charge in your relationship and who he should obey...

After all, your command is “Ugh!” is aimed for the benefit of the animal, and knowledge of this command will save the life and health of your four-legged friend more than once in the future... Read more about how to care for the health of a puppy in this.

Not every owner is able to convey these prohibitions to their pet. Sometimes on forums you can meet owners of even adult dogs who are extremely concerned about how to teach their pet the “Fu” command.

The reason is that even such a seemingly simple command requires competent training and knowledge of the basics of training. It makes no sense to study the command a couple of times a week. The approach must be comprehensive and systematic. No specific skills are required from the owner for training. However, you need to have an understanding of the psychology of the animal. Training should be carried out specifically for each specific pet.

First of all, be consistent. In this regard, raising a dog is no different from raising a child. If you forbid an animal to do something with the command “Fu”, look at its bad behavior. Secure your requirements. Don’t be lazy, every time you are not satisfied with an animal’s behavior, use this command.

With some persistence, you can actually achieve results within a month! Don’t search the forums for secrets that will allow you to wean your dog from disobedience once and for all. The whole trick lies only in the patience and desire of the owner.

Age to start training

So, most publications on training agree on one thing: you need to start training a puppy from the age of three months. If your puppy is younger, just let him get used to you and his new family. You'll start training a little later. However, if the dog is already an adult, and the previous owner did not take care of its training, there is nothing to worry about. The “Fu” command is not the most difficult for an animal; it can be taught to a dog at any age.

Some, especially sensitive owners, argue that a dog should never be punished. As a rule, people who agree with this method of education have the most disobedient animals. It is not so easy to achieve authority in the eyes of an animal using only the carrot method as educational measures. The dog successfully ignores a threatening voice at the beginning of training.

But if you really want to convey to your dog that you are unhappy with him, spank him on the rump. Golden Rule- do not use newspaper, slippers, etc. Punish with your palm. Otherwise, the puppy will begin to take out his resentment on your things. If the dog is on a walk and it is difficult to reach it, you can use a thin twig.

Practice the command at home

If your pet is acting up in the house and you want to stop his antics, follow these rules:

  1. get the dog's attention. Get closer to her. In a clear and confident voice, command Fu!. Don’t expect your pet to throw away the item he likes; explain what exactly you expect from him.
  2. repeat the command louder and more sternly. Take the item from the dog. Praise her. Your goal is to divert the animal's attention. The dog must understand that if the owner commands “Fu,” he expects it to change its line of behavior.

You need to repeat these steps several times. This team does not need punishment at the very beginning of training. Your systematicity and stubbornness will do their job. Every time the dog switches its attention to something else after your command, reward it.

Praise your dog with your voice or petting. Team Fu should not be rewarded with food. Otherwise, the following simple chain will develop in the animal’s brain - bad behavior may be followed by a treat! Your pet will provoke you to use this command more often.

The dog doesn't stop what it's doing? Just go up and take the item she likes from her. But after that, praise. A simple connection should be formed for the dog: stopping its actions means a satisfied owner.

When bad behavior continues to repeat itself with enviable regularity, move on to punitive measures. If your puppy growls and won't give up his new toy, slap him on the rump and take the item away.

The "Fu" command is universal. It is suitable for any deviations in behavior. It can be prohibited not only from collecting garbage, but also from howling and excessive curiosity towards passers-by. The scheme of action is the same for all cases: we distract the animal first with a voice, then, if necessary, with punishment. If you managed to avoid punishment, praise your pet. The dog will appreciate it.

Don't yell at the animal. This is a waste of time for the education process. The dog simply will not be able to understand what is associated with such violent emotions.

But, if the screams are repeated regularly, sooner or later the dog will get used to them. He will begin to ignore any raising of his voice. Don’t let the education process get to this point!

Even if the dog ruined your most favorite thing, there is no point in scolding and punishing it if more than 5-10 minutes have passed since that moment. The pet simply will not see any connection between the suddenly angry owner and the broken thing. It will be a big shock for him to see the owner’s unfounded anger, in his opinion.

Punish the dog exclusively at the scene of his crime. Otherwise, you risk losing all progress in learning the command.

Practicing the “Fu” command on the street

Many owners complain that it is impossible to force a dog that is obedient at home to obey the “Fu” command on the street. This is not surprising - there are many more distractions on the street, and it is more difficult for the animal to concentrate.

Any dog ​​understands that it is much easier to avoid punishment on the street than at home. Hence his disobedience. But most often it is the owners' fault. Having not properly completed the “Fu” command at home, they are upset that the dog does not want to carry it out on the street. In this case, the following recommendations will help:

Put your pet on a leash more often. This is a temporary measure. But it will allow you to quickly get used to following commands. As soon as the dog picks up something on the ground, command “Fu!”, and then make a gentle jerk with the leash. Repeat these steps twice, then, if unsuccessful, remove the trash and punish the dog.

It is best to give the command “Fu” when the animal has just begun to show interest in the subject. Then the chances of its successful completion are much higher. Don't forget to reinforce good behavior with praise.

On a leash, does a dog obey commands, but without it does it ignore it? Even this is already very big progress. For an animal, obedience is a matter of habit. If the dog does not obey when he walks freely, put him on the leash again. And practice the command again and again.

There is no need to be discouraged if the animal seems uncontrollable on the street. The speed of learning often depends on his temperament. But a competent approach works wonders even with the most naughty dogs. If the dog did not obey the command “Fu”, but then responded to the command “Come”, do not scold him for the unfulfilled order. This makes it very easy to deprive the animal of any desire to approach you.

On the street you can do exercises to strengthen the team. Scatter pieces of your animal's favorite food over a small area. But do not use the area where you will later walk for this purpose - the dog will certainly want to pick up food after the lesson. It will also be useful to teach the “search” command.

Take your dog on a short leash. Every time the dog becomes interested in food, strictly pronounce the command. Does your dog keep sniffing food? Pull the leash and distract the animal. Be sure to praise with your voice. This exercise is very effective. It should be repeated a couple of times a week. If the dog has behavioral problems, you can train more often.

In custody

It takes some effort to teach your dog this command. But your efforts will not be in vain. By spending a little time on education, you will get an obedient and true friend, who knows exactly how to execute the “Fu” command. You will no longer have to blush for his uncontrollable behavior and worry about his health. Your walk will turn into pleasure.

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